Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Feb 28 President Obama begins to take some action to help minorities escape poverty by re-incorporating a strong family structure. But to do that he has to replace the leftist welfare system that penalizes poor families, driving out the fathers and encourages more “Octomoms” because physically healthy men cannot get welfare but physically healthy women can. Welfare pays a welfare mother up to $2000 per month per child on welfare. That is why Octomom's income places her in the top 5% of Americans in annual income.

 Feb 27  Obama’s economic and environmental policies are based on the edicts of the modern pot-head “stupid science” created by pothead leftist professors from the Charles Manson period when Obama and Holder grew up.  Sooner or later the new “Leftist Environmental Science” had to corrupt and begin to discredit the incompetent academia that pushed it.  Competent scientists and students of science have been shut out by the new “ignorant leftist academic elite.”   The USA is being ripped off  by the leftists who take huge salaries for a minimum of intelligent thought.   But because students now have miniature video cameras the leftists have been going back into their closets.   Recently students filmed leftist tirades that showed they did not tolerate free speech.  Recently  MIT students have shown how easy it is now to get new moronic scientific papers approved and published using a few clichés that fool leftist academia into thinking that you are a true believer in their theory that global warming is man made.  In the northern hemisphere, this winter is about to be declared the coldest winter in 25 to 100 years depending on the location.  Dr Easterbrook gives a thorough review of the fraud that ignorant and dishonest leftist academics have perpetrated.  He uses the measured data before corrupt academics, the EPA, and NASA started fraudulently altering historical data in 1991.


Feb 26  Governor Chris Christie is on the rise again after the socialist sneak attack when Obama and Holder had his staff’s phone lines tapped by the NSA.  They illegally harassed Christie putting together random comments out of context.   But this time Governor Christie learned an important lesson and he is angry.  So angry he doesn’t show it.   He learned it does not pay to play ball with socialist demigods.  We have seen how they recently destroyed many of the top military officers in the Pentagon by first setting them up as “friends” and then getting the dirt by sending prostitutes and others to tempt them with offers while the socialists had their phone lines tapped by NSA as they watched carefully for any miss step.  And now Obama is betraying America with a military budget cut that puts the defense budget back to the low level it was at when FDR had America at its weakest point in 1940.  America was so weak then under neo-socialist FDR, that the Japanese thought they could defeat America with a sneak attack massive first strike at Pearl Harbor.  Maybe this time if Obama succeeds it will be a nuclear North Korea or Iran that will plan a first strike on America to aid the leftists declare martial law and take over.  
The governor, a second-term Republican and potential presidential candidate, urged Democrats who control the legislature to approve more cuts in the state’s pension and benefit system. A 2011 overhaul of benefits that Christie persuaded Democrats to support didn’t go far enough, the governor said, without saying what else needed to be done.
World Economies
Feb 28
Under the Obama Administration Lead from behind policy 150,000 Syrians have been killed and about 40 million Moslems are trying to flee to the west.  Iraq and Afghanistan have slowly begun to transform into enemies of America since Obama took office.  Even Israel has been offended by the complete incompetence of this leftist American administration.
Many Christian western businessmen have been to dinner with Moslem businessmen who after a few drinks give the westerners advice explaining that under Sharia law they will have the opportunity to convert.  Professing any other faith is blasphemy punishable by death.  And if a little girl is shot in the head for advocating the right for girls to have an education in Pakistan, you can be assured the shooter will never get punished.  The war on women has always been a leftist war.  The leftists support the Palestinians not Israel living in the land of Israel.  Obama is a leftist and look at the leadership of socialist nations.  Ever wonder how many leaders of the far left are women?
Feb 26 The UK is often criticized by socialists for their biting the bullet with an austerity program that worked unlike the Obama fiasco.  Trade, investment and consumer spending led the U.K. economy to a fourth straight quarter of growth at the end of the year, suggesting the austerity program to try to rebalance the books worked.
While the U.S. and the European Union have pledged $35 Billion in assistance, Russia has halted a $15 billion bailout it granted in December. Ukraine’s currency slid to a 20-year low.  When the Russians were thrown out they poisoned the first President but he survived and was disfigured by the poison.  The second president they framed and put in prison.  Then they installed a communist and he built palaces for himself and friends they way the Communist Aristocracy always does.  Communists live like kings.  You find almost no women allowed in the ruling upper levels communist parties of Russia, China, N Korea or any others.   That is the same in Moslem countries except there women have the special privilege of getting married and having children at age nine.  In Iraq they rounded up the “puppies” and shot them all. 
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy
Feb 25
Case-Shiller 20-city Index Dec 13.4% down from 13.7% -
FHFA Housing Price Index Dec 0.8% up from 0.1%
Consumer Confidence Feb 78.1 down from 80.7 -
Feb 26
MBA Mortgage Index 02/22 -8.5% sharply lower again -4.1%  ---
New Home Sales Jan 468K up from  414K not believable due to ice-age
Feb 27
Initial Claims 02/22 348K up again from 334K --
Continuing Claims 02/15 2964K up again from 2956K --
Durable Orders Jan -1.0%  down after already declining -4.2% ---
Durable Goods -ex transportation Jan 1.1% rebound not believable due to ice-age -1.3% -
Natural Gas Inventories 02/22 -95 bcf down again -250 bcf -
Feb 28
GDP - Second Estimate Q4 2.4% down again from originally a faked 3.4% -
GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q4 1.6% up from 1.3% leaving real GDP up only 2.4-1.6 = a 0.8% rate of annual growth again ----
Chicago PMI Feb 59.8 little change 59.6 
Michigan Sentiment - Final Feb 81.6 little change from 81.2 
Pending Home Sales Jan 0.1% up from -5.8% not credible given the weather conditions.
The Markets
Feb 28  On the price basis the market is close to its previous high.  But the rallies were on lower volume.  Therefore we estimate that approximately 26% of the exchanged cash in the decline and rally has been removed from the market because volume was higher during the declines than during the advances.  Note that the Fed is still doing quantitative easing but has been reducing the extent.  If they keep reducing it then within six months the process become QT or quantitative tightening which is much more difficult because that is when investors are forced to cover debts.  Today investors are still using QE to make economic bets.  Usually investors try to anticipate contractions and sell up to six months before the contraction begins.  But Yellen indicates she may reduce the rate of withdrawal further at that time to reduce the shock.  However the socialists may wish to divert attention with a crisis in the emerging markets as elections approach.
Feb 26 Now the activists are raiding corporations and the corporations are beginning to buy them off with special deals called greenmail.  This is market froth type activity.  However volatility is low because the wealthy options traders have collars on the market that tend to reduce volatility.  That will make the next big decline very big when it happens.
When stocks are topping out, the only games in town are mergers and acquisitions using overvalued stocks instead of cash.   If you know your stock is worth half as much as the overheated market offers, then you know your real costs are half of what everyone else thinks.   Mergers and Acquisitions are the last inning of a bull market and they have been going on for two years already.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster.  The index provides an assessment of the price of moving the major raw materials by sea. It looks at 23 shipping routes, and covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of commodities including coal, iron ore and grain. Because dry bulk primarily consists of materials that function as raw material inputs to the production of intermediate or finished goods, the index is also seen as an efficient economic indicator of future economic growth and production.  On 20 May 2008, before the socialists took control of the American economy, the index had reached its highest level since its introduction in 1985, reaching 11,793 points.  Today after Obama- wealth redistribution it stands at 1130 or 10% of what it was before Obama socialism.
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s all time best world trade highs and 90% higher than today.
The volatility index is down because options traders have multiplied and they jump in when volatility is high.  Two years ago options trading profits exceeded stock profits.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.
World market updates:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Feb 20 Americans now want the IRS to apply the same non profit organization rules that Obama and Holder have applied to Christian churches and conservative organizations to all the socialist state and federal organizations, abortion clinics, feminist centers, Moslem organizations, union organizations, as well as to communist community organizer groups such as ACORN. The socialists and other atheist groups will have the benefit of the same FBI investigations as well as NSA investigations for past fraud and an accounting will have to explain where all worker dues and contributions went. Christian church, patriotic and private enterprise groups will no longer be singled out.

Feb 19  Household debt jumped $241 billion to $11.5 trillion in the fourth quarter, the largest increase since the third quarter of 2007 and the highest level since the Obama-Frank Mortgage Liar-Loan financial crisis, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.   The liar loan mortgages were the first Obama-Frank attempt to level the playing field so that even unemployable people could have homes like everyone else.  Obama and Frank said that was only fair.  Why should people have to work?  Last week the Obama spokesperson Carney and Nancy Pelosi said people should be liberated, not tied down to a job.
Feb 18  Loans by Chinese lenders have grown at an unprecedented rate in the past five years, with Chinese banks increasing the size of their balance sheets by an amount roughly equivalent to the size of the entire US banking industry. Chinese authorities’ attempts to clampdown on lending by mainstream banks have led to the rise of shadow financial sector that has grown to about the same volume of loans as the official banking sector.  China has been buying gold as a hedge against a burst of hyperinflation.  Borrowing by Chinese property developers has caused a surge in high-yield bond issues in the last 18 months, according to Moody’s, with more than half of the country’s corporate and project infrastructure debt now rated at ‘speculative grade’.  China in the last 10 years has run up to 25% of the total debt of the USA and half the total debt of Japan.
The debt burden on every American man, woman, and child now stands at $54,000 each.  The Social Security Trust Fund is owed $12 Trillion by the Federal government.  If Obama bankrupts America there is no Social Security money left for seniors and future retirees.  There would be a burst of hyperinflation and Obama would collect taxes on the appreciation of all corporate assets as they are sold.  When you look at a new born American you see someone who has been born with owing $54000  of socialist bondage.
World Economies
Feb 20
 Japan suffered a record trade deficit in January on the heels of a survey showing manufacturers' sentiment worsened in January,
Investors are worried about a sharp slowdown in China, concluded the survey of fund managers by Bank of America-Merrill Lynch.Global.  That fear has eclipsed the U.S. Federal Reserve's cutbacks in its bond-buying as the biggest perceived threat to the global economy.  But as is usually the case, the Chinese will dispute any problem until it is too late to react.  46% of those surveyed, pointed to a hard landing for China’s economy, and an accompanying collapse in commodity prices, as the biggest risk. That’s up from up from 37% last month and 26% in December.  World bulk trade continues at only10% of the level before Obama.
Feb 19
German stocks declined as a report showed U.S. housing starts in January slowed 20%.  The emerging socialist markets, and socialist China are in decline, socialist Japan cannot restart their economic engine while Obama socialism has been destroying the America work ethic.
Feb 18  Diageo, the world’s largest distiller, is now targeting wealthy Chinese alcoholics to boost sales of its liquor, as an anti-alcoholism drive by President Xi Jinping dries up government orders.  The Chinese government  had been the biggest consumer of Chinese alcohol before. 
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for  inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy
Feb 20
Initial Claims 02/15 336K flat from335K but high --
Continuing Claims 02/08 2981K up from  2953K --
CPI Jan 0.1% deflationary 0.2% -- Fed goal is 2.5% per year
Core CPI Jan 0.1% flat 0.1% -- becoming like Japan’s stagnation since 1990.
Feb 19
MBA Mortgage Index 02/15 -4.1% worsened further from -2.0% --
Housing Starts Jan 888K 925K down sharply from 1048K ---
Building Permits Jan 937K down sharply from 991K ---
PPI Jan 0.2% approaching deflation levels 0.1% --
Core PPI Jan 0.2% at FED level 0.2% or 2.4% per year.
Feb 18
New York State Manufacturing Feb 4.5 sharply lower from last month 12.5
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Dec -$45.9B US trade deficit increased 60% from-$29.3B
NAHB Housing Market Index Feb 46 an 18% drop from 56 ---
The Markets
Feb 20  India is likely this month to cut the import tax on gold, currently 10%, a senior government official said.  Prior to the import tax India had been the biggest world market for Gold.  Now China is buying more.
Feb 19  The gold rally since Dec. 31 ranked fifth among 24 commodities tracked by the Standard & Poor’s GSCI gauge, which gained 2.4 percent. The MSCI All-Country World Index of equities fell 0.5 percent this year.
When stocks are topping out, the only games in town are mergers and acquisitions using overvalued stocks instead of cash.   If you know your stock is worth half as much as the overheated market offers, then you know your real costs are half of what everyone else thinks.   Mergers and Acquisitions are the last inning of a bull market and they have been going on for two years already.
Obama has the American economy headed down a steepening path to equality of poverty.  The Quantitative Easing economic opiate is now being withdrawn and the weakest socialist economies are already crashing.  However, there are some voices from Florida, Wisconsin, and Texas who now seem to know how Americans can have greater equality of opportunity not poverty.  America is on a path now to boot the socialist out of office.  But unfortunately the economic pain is about to get worse with this socialist dictator running roughshod over Christians, charities, political opponents, critics,  gun owners, Republican Governors,  registered Republicans, patriots, outspoken anti-socialists, and even non profit historical societies.  The word is spreading quickly but quietly because people really fear this socialist administration’s abuse of power.   After all, 30,000 Mexicans died because this administration ran guns to Mexican cartels just to try to smear American gun owners by saying it was the work of “ugly capitalist gun dealers”.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster.  The index provides an assessment of the price of moving the major raw materials by sea. It looks at 23 shipping routes, and covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of commodities including coal, iron ore and grain. Because dry bulk primarily consists of materials that function as raw material inputs to the production of intermediate or finished goods, the index is also seen as an efficient economic indicator of future economic growth and production.  On 20 May 2008, before the socialists took control of the American economy, the index had reached its highest level since its introduction in 1985, reaching 11,793 points.  Today after Obama- wealth redistribution it stands at 1130 or 10% of what it was before Obama socialism.
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s all time best world trade highs and 90% higher than today.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.

World market updates:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feb 14 Germany, the most robust economy in the world, where the workers live comfortably and strive to save 25% of their earnings, and overall they save three times what we save. They just announced that their gross domestic product expanded an honest 0.4 percent in the final three months of 2013. That is at a 1.6% real rate of annual growth. The Obama administration must include inflation in what they consider to be legitimate Bolshevik economic growth. So Obama claimed a 3.25% annual growth rate in the last quarter, twice the rate of Germany while simultaneously Obama claimed the government shutdown in the last quarter had crippled the American economy. It is surprising Obama stops there and doesn’t claim 7% growth like the Communist Chinese. World bulk trade as fallen 80% since Obama took office yet Obama and the Communist Chinese still claim their economies are humming. Obama socialist policies have America on the slide to oblivion because the only thing socialists are good at is spinning their failures as the fault of working people who they say are greedy and need to share more.

Feb 13   The administration cannot credibly say the government shutdown last October hurt the economy in the last quarter and then show statistics that claim the year end was the best in five years, unless someone high up in that government is smoking weed.  Nor can faked USA economic statistics ever create an economic turnaround.   All that Obama’s faked statistics do is destroy the credibility of his administration. 
Procter & Gamble the world’s largest consumer-products maker cut its forecasts for profit and sales growth. fell after UBS AG lowered retailer’s rating.  The slowdown is gathering momentum because Obama’s Quantitative Easing created a huge bubble allowing Emerging and other socialist governments to squander $trillions of American dollars on expanded foreign welfare the way Obama’s banana socialist government is slowly redistributing poverty throughout Puerto Rico and soon all of America.   In other words Obama has been wasting America’s wealth subsidizing welfare both here and abroad. 
The only economic system that works all the time is our American Free Enterprise system that has had a single currency for over 200 years of the United States of American.  But the socialists in American government today seem to be trying to invent a new Kenyan or Argentinean type Banana Republic of Obama.
Feb 12   Is the US Attorney General too big to jail?  Vindictive lawsuits inspired against individuals and states like Wisconsin will result in an overwhelming backlash in the coming two elections.  The American Constitution first gives the people their power and then narrowly prescribes the power of the Federal Government.  All the rest of the power is constitutionally in the hands of the states.  Government prosecutorial vindictiveness and harassment is always a crime and never a legitimate power on any level of American Government.  The Attorney General must be held responsibly for choosing not to prosecute the IRS and state politically run organizations for coordinated harassment of American citizens.  For example BOA president Kenneth Lewis was harassed with a coordinated action from most blue state treasurers, politically linked pension fund managers, as well as the Attorney General and the 74th United States Secretary of the Treasury.  When that failed, they then harassed BOA directly until Kenneth D. Lewis retired to avoid the vindictive harassment leading to the destruction of BOA. 
A thorough investigation will also reveal that individual Americans were harassed not just by the IRS but it was politically coordinated in blue states with state agencies and even some financial institutions that those states regulated such as insurance agencies.  This activity caused a groundswell beneath the radar due to fear of further Obama administration harassment. Americans are extremely angry and seething beneath the surface because vindictive governments frighten everyone, even liberals.  Eric Holder and Obama have instilled a deep sense of fear in most Americans who sense they are being actively monitored by a new vindictive national secret police.  Americans will be relieved only by ejecting all of them within two years.  Anyone who wants to be elected will have to distance themselves from this corrupt and vindictive administration.  That distancing began over a month ago and will likely accelerate.
Prosecutorial vindictiveness refers to filing a lawsuit for purposes of harassing the defendant when there is no genuine basis for the suit. If the defendant in the lawsuit wins and has evidence that the suit was filed out of harassing or vengeful motives and without any legal or factual foundation, it may be the basis of a claim for damages against the person who filed the original action. If vindictive prosecution is clearly proved against the party who brought the original suit, punitive damages may be awarded along with special and general damages against the lawyers.  Many lawyers may be disbarred.  In some cases, courts have held that an attorney who knowingly assists a client in filing a baseless lawsuit out of malice may also be liable for damages. Before bringing a suit for a vindictive prosecution, the original lawsuit must be decided in favor of the victim.  How about impeachment?
Feb 11   Puerto Rico is trying to refinance debt or negotiate with creditors to avoid making a $940 million payment, almost 10 percent of its budget, after the U.S. commonwealth was cut to junk by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service.
S&P dropped the territory to BB+, the highest speculative grade, on Feb. 4 because of limited access to capital markets as officials struggle to revive a shrinking economy. Moody’s today lowered it to Ba2, one step below S and P’s score. The moves trigger accelerated payments on debt and calls for increased collateral on swaps. Almost half may need to be arranged within 30 days, said David Hitchcock, an S&P analyst.
Adobe is used for Yahoo graphics is requiring updates that do not work on older computers.  Flash is seemingly being sabotaged with Adobe on two of our machines so we know there is a real problem out there.  The Adobe updates do not fix the problem and seem to be intrusive and try to force Google Chrome on users.  By sabotaging flash they sabotage Yahoo and other service suppliers as well.  Adobe is sabotaging HTML5 too?
World Economies
Feb 14  Gold hit six month highs and commodity prices are now rising as inflation is heating up and currencies are falling.  The American debt is rapidly approaching 110% of the Gross American National Product.  The net National Product is less than 4% of the Gross.  So with America’s current savings rate it would take America 22 years to pay down the debt Obama has laid on the shoulders of Americans in just six years.  Obama is praying that he will retire from office before things get out of control so that he can blame someone like Hilary Clinton for the collapse of the American dollar.
Feb 13  The Chinese government has been faking economic statistics longer than Obama.  Bloomberg said that three people with direct knowledge of the matter said China is setting economic sights lower than last year’s slow pace.  Last year international bulk shipments were off 80% from what it was in 2007.  The China bubble is ready to burst.  It is a disaster greater than the Russian and Asian bubble of the late 1990’s.  Fools continue to say China can start to build their domestic consumer market.  But that is what they have already done for the past five years and their domestic bubble is also now ready to burst.
Feb 12  China is now in the situation Russia was in the mid 1990’s and many Asian countries were in 1998.  The Russian and Asian stock markets imploded then, and the hidden waste and corruption was exposed.  However the incredible secrecy of the Chinese market may have allowed even greater losses to have been hidden, meaning China is a ticking time bomb until they survive a general house cleaning.
Foreign-exchange reserves are emerging as the latest battleground between developing nations trying to stem the worst rout in their currencies since 2008.  An unprecedented currency war has broken out between the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan and Belarus just two years after they formed a new trade pact.  
Nations with the smallest reserves are trying to fend off currency speculators.  While for the last year the American currency held against the price of gold, the price of gold is now rising again as inflation in the developing nations now already ranges from 6% to upwards of 10% per year.
Feb 11
According to Standard & Poor's, Chinese companies amassed an estimated $12.1 trillion of debt at the end of last year and by the end of the year is poised to exceed the US businesses debt of $12.9 trillion now the world's most indebted.
Bloomberg reported that Gold futures rose to the highest price since November as physical purchases from China and a weakening dollar spurred demand. Silver extended its longest winning streak in almost six months.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by destroying the Swiss confidentiality that protected people from the Hitlers. Stalins and the current socialists trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Obamcare inept management of $billions.
American Economy
Obamacare coverage is in a state of collapse, as the administration said it would again delay another key requirement of the health law.
Feb 11
JOLTS - Job Openings Dec 3.990M down from 4.033M --
 Wholesale Inventories Dec 0.3% down slightly 0.5% +
Feb 12
MBA Mortgage Index 02/08 -2.0% down sharply from 0.4% ---
Treasury Budget Jan -$10.4B deficit increase from $2.9B---  While Obama claims this is better than last year it is a deficit over and above the new budget that was increased last October to cover last year.  This is not the relative to last years budget but to the new higher budget and therefore this miss is serious saying we are spending much more Congress agreed to last October and Congress is rushing to pass an even bigger budget right now.  This is an example of how confused and ignorant our government has become that they seem to think they now are making reductions in the spending when they are actually spending at a greater rate than ever before.
Feb 13
Initial Claims 02/08 339K up from331K ---
Continuing Claims 02/01 2953K flat from 2964K-
Retail Sales Jan -0.4% down from 0.2%---
Retail Sales ex-auto Jan 0.0% down from 0.7%---- 
Business Inventories Dec 0.5% increased from 0.4% -
Industrial Production Jan -0.3% fell from  0.3% -- -
Capacity Utilization Jan 78.5% fell from 79.2 --
Mich Sentiment Feb 81.2 unchanged
The Markets
Feb 14  When stocks are topping out, the only game in town is mergers and acquisitions using overvalued stocks instead of cash.   If you know your stock is worth half as much as the overheated market offers, then you know your real costs are half of what everyone else thinks.   So that is when the rich used their overvalued stocks like cash.  Mergers and Acquisitions are the last inning of a bull market and they have been going on for two years already.
Feb 13  How bad will the next correction be?  Only one thing is certain about the American future and that it only gets worse when a government is headed by a banana republic socialist would-be dictator who makes his own executive orders and buys votes with welfare taken from the pockets of workers.  Obama’s hero, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela conducted so much malicious harassment of national leaders that he drove the best business leaders out of Venezuela.  
Obama has the American economy headed down a steepening path to equality of poverty.  The Quantitative Easing economic opiate is now being withdrawn and the weakest socialist economies are already crashing.  However, there are some voices from Florida, Wisconsin, and Texas who now seem to know how Americans can have greater equality of opportunity not poverty.  And America is on a path now to boot the socialist out of office.  But unfortunately the economic pain is about to get worse with this socialist dictator running roughshod over Christians, charities, political opponents, critics,  gun owners, Republican Governors,  registered Republicans, patriots, outspoken anti-socialists, and even non profit historical societies.  The word is spreading quickly but quietly because people really fear this socialist administration’s abuse of power.   After all, 30,000 Mexicans died because this administration ran guns to Mexican cartels just to try to smear American gun owners by saying it was the work of “ugly capitalist gun dealers”.
Feb 12 Ten year interest rates are rising and will likely exceed 3.5% this year.  Higher rates will make mortgages more expensive but will loosen up bank cash for mortgages.  Currently cash rich banks make most of their money borrowing short term at 0.25% and investing in short term treasury debt guaranteeing their profit for doing essentially nothing.  As rates rise bank skills will be tested and highly leveraged corporations will see the cost of operations skyrocket.  Cash rich corporations will earn interest and see higher profits.
Feb 11 The market teeters on the brink again.  We ran two scenarios.  A one day 3% drop at closing could now trigger a sell off.  Two consecutive days of 2% drops could also trigger a selloff now.  Such a sell off  might stop there for a few weeks but it would trigger soul searching and probably a minimum of another 5% downward spike should China and the Emerging markets not trigger a full blown bear market.   China has had a run-up that is very long in tooth and high by historical runs.  And Obama’s division of America and his proposal to level the playing field income between the workers and the shirkers is unsettling America.
World bulk trade is again at the Obama record low since he was elected. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2007 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s world trade highs.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.

World market updates:

TWO AMERICAS: Obama is right, there are two Americas. The America that works, and the America that doesn’t. The America that contributes, and the America that doesn’t. It’s not the haves and the have nots, it’s the dos and the don’ts. Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don’t. That’s the divide in America.

It’s not about income inequality, it’s about civic irresponsibility. It’s about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It’s about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country. That’s not invective, that’s truth, and it’s about time someone said it.


 The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when President Obama pledged the rest of his term to fighting “income inequality.” He noted that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that’s not just.


 That is the rationale of thievery. The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you. Vote Democrat. That is the philosophy that produced Detroit. It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America.


 It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal. The Democrats have not empowered their followers, they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victimhood and anger instead of ability and hope.


 The president’s premise – that you reduce income inequality by debasing the successful – seeks to deny the successful the consequences of their choices and spare the unsuccessful the consequences of their choices.


 Because, by and large, income variations in society is a result of different choices leading to different consequences. Those who choose wisely and responsibility have a far greater likelihood of success, while those who choose foolishly and irresponsibly have a far greater likelihood of failure. Success and failure usually manifest themselves in personal and family income.


 You choose to drop out of high school or to skip college - and you are apt to have a different outcome than someone who gets a diploma and pushes on with purposeful education. You have your children out of wedlock and life is apt to take one course; you have them within a marriage and life is apt to take another course. Most often in life our destination is determined by the course we take.


 My doctor, for example, makes far more than I do. There is significant income inequality between us. Our lives have had an inequality of outcome, but, our lives also have had an inequality of effort. While my doctor went to college and then devoted his young adulthood to medical school and residency, I got a job in a restaurant.


 He made a choice, I made a choice, and our choices led us to different outcomes. His outcome pays a lot better than mine.


 Does that mean he cheated and Barack Obama needs to take away his wealth? No, it means we are both free men in a free society where free choices lead to different outcomes.  It is not inequality Barack Obama intends to take away, it is freedom. The freedom to succeed, and the freedom to fail. There is no true option for success if there is no true option for failure.


 The pursuit of happiness means a whole lot less when you face the punitive hand of government if your pursuit brings you more happiness than the other guy. Even if the other guy sat on his arse and did nothing. Even if the other guy made a lifetime’s worth of asinine and shortsighted decisions. 

  Barack Obama and his party preach equality of outcome as a right, while completely ignoring inequality of effort.   The simple Law of the Harvest – as ye sow, so shall ye reap – is sometimes applied as, “The harder you work, the more you get." Obama would turn that upside down. Those who achieve are to be punished as enemies of society and those who fail are to be rewarded as wards of society.


 Entitlement will replace effort as the key to upward mobility in American society if Barack Obama gets his way. He seeks a lowest common denominator society in which the government besieges the successful and productive to foster equality through mediocrity.


 He and his party speak of two Americas, and their grip on power is based on using the votes of one to sap the productivity of the other. America is not divided by the differences in our outcomes, it is divided by the differences in our efforts. It is a false philosophy to say one man’s success comes about unavoidably as the result of another man’s victimization.


 What Obama offered was not a solution, but a separatism. He fomented division and strife, pitted one set of Americans against another for his own political benefit. That’s what socialists offer. Marxist class warfare wrapped up with a bow.


 Two Americas, unfortunately coming closer each day to proving the truth to Lincoln’s bible maxim that a house divided against itself cannot stand.



In early January 2014, Bob Lonsberry, a Rochester talk radio personality on WHAM 1180 AM, said this in response to Obama's "income inequality speech":

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Feb 07 Obama is destroying the work ethic. If you work, you lose the benefits Obama offers you only for doing nothing but voting for socialists. You are no longer tied down to a job. And you can get your dope for free in most states on the signature of any socialist pot-head doctor.

Twitter said its revenue more than doubled in the fourth quarter but that its user growth slowed, sending its shares plunging in after-hours trading.  It is becoming obvious that advertising revenue is being driven more and more by booster sites that are paid to automatically click on ads but that provide no real customers for their click service.  Social media appears to be unaccountable and complacent when it comes to fraud and bad taste. Children have committed suicide over things that were posted about them.
Some Libertarians as well as some Liberals have addiction problems and support the legalization of drugs for the reason that they don’t want to be known as criminals.  Social media is starting to be taken over by Pot-heads now that the leftists and some addicted libertarians have gotten social drugs legalized in several states.  Buckley was such a bright Conservative but it was sad to watch his mind going at the end when he supported cocaine legalization. .  Twitter is becoming the drug communication channel of choice. 
The United Nations is not anti-gay, they just want known clergy child molesters to be reported by the Vatican so justice can be done and they can be removed and rehabilitated.  Also there would be more peace of mind if people were sure that child molesters cannot become or elect Popes.  And it is sad that The Guardian and many people think the previous Pope was locked up because he intended to clean out the molesters as the UN is trying to do.
Feb 06   Obama White House Press Secretary Jay Carney claims that 2.5 million Americans leaving the workforce and going on the dole due to socialized medicine was a good thing, because “they would no longer be “trapped in a job.”  American welfare and poverty has grown more under the socialist Obama Czars than under any previous American government. The CBO is predicting Obama’s Socialized medicine will cause 2.5 million people to choose to quit work and go on some type of welfare.  Welfare has been the biggest cause of poverty in America and the cause of 70% of welfare children being fatherless so they and the mother can be eligible for more welfare.  And now Obama’s socialized medicine’s health care subsidies will induce effectively the equivalent of another 2.5 million more people to quit working to become eligible for the new entitlements.
Companies added fewer workers than projected in January, a private report based on payrolls showed.  The 175,000 increase was the smallest in five months and followed a downward revised 227,000 reported in December when the socialist propaganda machine needed to claim the economy was the “best yet for Obama”.
The United Nations has condemned the Roman Catholic Church over policies that allowed priests to rape and molest tens of thousands of children around the world. The previous Pope Benedict the XVI had said that although homosexual orientation is not sinful, “it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder".  Shortly after he also suggested that the Vatican itself had the sex abuse problem up through the prelates.  He then resigned suddenly under apparent pressure.  It was the first such resignation of a living Pope in history.  The Guardian said, “Papal resignation linked to inquiry into 'Vatican gay officials'.   In other words the child molesters are now the controlling Bishops who select the Pope.   The Pope's staff declined to confirm or deny La Repubblica claims linking 'Vatileaks' affair and discovery of 'blackmailed gay clergy'.  It seems the gay Bishops are now powerful enough to fire a Pope.  But are they powerful enough to stop the UN and the world that is disgusted with the cover-up.  The Irish kicked most of the priests out and the formerly packed cathedrals are more than half empty there since the molestation was exposed. 
The churches in America such as the ELCA that have allowed gay bishops are now emptying out of young families that have children.
Feb 05  President Obama appointed GE Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (the job czar which is supposed to help create jobs).  We told you at that time that Immelt was already the biggest job loser in the USA.  I guess the President forgot to tell him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs.  So Jeff Immelt is closing Wisconsin’s biggest employer, its 115-year-old  GE X-ray division and opening a new plant and office in China.  It has nothing though to do with Wisconsin electing a conservative Republican governor who might run for president, so Obama claims.  In addition to moving the headquarters, Jeff Immelt will invest $2 billion in China and train engineers to use US technology and create six research centers full of research staff. This is the same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year, but paid no taxes - the same Jeff Immelt that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States.  Obama is thinking ahead.  China is poor and America is rich and every Marxist wants to redistribute the wealth to other Marxists because Marxists are generally unemployable everywhere.  Jack Welch the former president of GE was actually an American not someone from Europe, Asia, or Africa and Jack built GE up.  Now Obama is giving away American jobs and technology to poor and starving socialists at home and abroad.  Obama just doesn’t understand that free enterprise could create the jobs if the socialists let it and he doesn’t have to export American jobs.
World debt stands close to $55Trillion of which $17 Trillion is the USA’s debt. The USA GDP is now 16.2 Trillion. Therefore for the first time in history, the USA has more national debt than gross national income. Still the Obama deficit is increasing at about $550 billion per year. Now the Obama voters apparently think it means the national debt is decreasing. Obama supporters don’t realize that the deficit and the debt are different. The deficit is the annual shortfall and the debt is the sum of all the shortfalls.
The Obama/Holder administration has brought potheads out of the closets all over America. Heroine addiction has already doubled under their administration.  Obama is the first American president proud to admit he smoked pot.
Google now degrades the performance of the consumer’s search results to get them to upgrade more frequently.  The sabotage their competition that way.  That cannot be legal much less ethical. What is the Obama doing Justice Department doing about it? Nothing.
World Economies
Feb 07 Ukrainian socialist opposition activist Igor Lutsenko considers himself lucky. His fellow protester, Yuri Verbitsky, froze to death, unable to move when he was physically dumped a few kilometers away from civilization in arctic weather.
Feb 06   Air India diverted a Boeing Co. 787 Dreamliner to Kuala Lumpur as a precaution after the plane developed a software fault on a flight from Melbourne. No one was injured.
Feb 05   Europe’s investment bankers had the worst January since Obama entered politics. Dwindling income from deals and trading leaves investors cutting expenses and deflating the economy.
The German market is topping out. The best of the foreign markets is about 15% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It however failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by destroying the Swiss confidentiality that protected people from the Hitlers. Stalins and the current socialists trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Obamcare inept management of $billions.
American Economy
3D Systems (DDD) slashed its fourth-quarter guidance and unveiled a disappointing outlook for fiscal 2014, as the company plans to invest heavily in new products.
The Standard andPoors has cut Puerto Rico’s credit rating to junk. Standard andPoors accused Obama/Holder of harassment when Standard and Poors would not cave to their pressure to commit fraud and cheat world investors of responsible oversight. Obama/Holder sued to try to put Standard andPoors out of business.
Hiring was surprisingly weak in January for a second straight month.   Employers added 113,000 jobs, the government said Friday, and far fewer than the average monthly gain of 201,000 in the preceding three years.  And the 350,000 gains before the Obama/Holder administration.
Feb 7
Nonfarm Payrolls Jan 113K up from 75K still dismal ---
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Jan 142K up from 89K but less than half what is needed ---
Unemployment Rate Jan 6.6% down from 6.7% ---- as more people leave the work force
Hourly Earnings Jan 0.2% up from % 0.1%
Average Workweek Jan 34.4 constant 34.4Feb 05
ISM Index Jan 51.3 incredible drop from 57.0 ----
Construction Spending Dec 0.1% an incredible drop from 0.8% because Obama had them inflate last months number by 0.7%. It is pure Obama administration tampering and incompetence.
Feb 06
Challenger Job Cuts Jan 47.3% many more planned from hiring in Dec -5.9% ----
Initial Claims 02/01 331K down slightly from 348K. This is probably manipulated because workers are usually let go after the high sales season.
Continuing Claims 01/25 2964K slightly lower 2991K
Trade Balance Dec -$38.7B up from -$34.3B -
Productivity-Prel Q4 3.2% down from 3.6% ---
Unit Labor Costs Q4 -1.6% still cutting jobs -2.0%
Feb 4
Factory Orders Dec -1.5% a 3.3% drop from last month’s 1.8% Is that possible or is it because the Obama administration falsified last months data to make the last Quarter look better?
Feb 3
MBA Mortgage Index 02/01 0.4% makes on sense that it went up from -0.2% with the terrible weather in January and the Obama claimed “boom” in the last quarter. -
ADP Employment Change Jan 175K sharply lower from 238K ----
ISM Services Jan 54.0 up from 53.8 +
AM Crude Inventories 02/01 0.440M down from 6.421M  -
The Markets
Feb 7  Why has the stagnant American economy begun to stall in just five years of socialist confusion and economic interference?  America’s economy is being systematically destroyed. America’s economic numbers are now manipulated by the socialists the same as they do in Russia, China, and Argentina.  The Obama Banana Republic is Orwellian and Big Brother is watching us.  Orwell was right in his book “1984.” He predicted the socialist would even watch us through every television and Computer monitor we see because they can turn on the cameras in them whenever they want.
The socialist would have Americans believe that they are compassionate and protect the poor people but ultimately they slaughter everyone who does not work including all disabled children and adults, including drug addicts.  Churchill had it right, the Nazi think free enterprise is a cow to be milked to death while Communists see free enterprise as a cow to be slaughtered and eaten.  Churchill used the term horse but then we must remember that people still ate horses up through WWII.  Obama and Holden accomplish two goals when they attack Standard and Poors, banks, and investment firms.  First the reduce the credibility of Free Enterprise with false charges, second they milk the free enterprise cow and use fines to transfer wealth from wealth creators to the government wealth destroyer.  Third they harass anyone that sees through their mind control.  The American media used to show how Nazis and Communists use mind control even down to the nursery level.  But the leftist media in the USA is now becoming the tool of socialist mind control.  Read George Orwell’s book
Credit growth is now slowing.  "The days of getting rich quickly are over, and the days of getting rich slowly may be as well,"
The next downside resistance level is still down about 12% from this one.
World bulk trade is again at the Obama record low since he was elected. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2007 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s world trade highs.

Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.

World market updates: