Feb 27 Obama’s economic and environmental policies
are based on the edicts of the modern pot-head “stupid science” created by pothead leftist
professors from the Charles Manson period when Obama and Holder grew up. Sooner or later the new “Leftist Environmental
Science” had to corrupt and begin to discredit the incompetent academia that
pushed it. Competent scientists and
students of science have been shut out by the new “ignorant leftist academic
elite.” The USA is being ripped off by the leftists who take huge salaries for a
minimum of intelligent thought. But because
students now have miniature video cameras the leftists have been going back into
their closets. Recently students filmed leftist tirades that
showed they did not tolerate free speech.
Recently MIT students have shown how
easy it is now to get new moronic scientific papers approved and published
using a few clichés that fool leftist academia into thinking that you are a
true believer in their theory that global warming is man made. In the northern hemisphere, this winter is
about to be declared the coldest winter in 25 to 100 years depending on the
location. Dr Easterbrook gives a
thorough review of the fraud that ignorant and dishonest leftist academics have
perpetrated. He uses the measured data
before corrupt academics, the EPA, and NASA started fraudulently altering
historical data in 1991.
Feb 26 Governor Chris Christie is on the rise again after the socialist sneak attack when Obama and Holder had his staff’s phone lines tapped by the NSA. They illegally harassed Christie putting together random comments out of context. But this time Governor Christie learned an important lesson and he is angry. So angry he doesn’t show it. He learned it does not pay to play ball with socialist demigods. We have seen how they recently destroyed many of the top military officers in the Pentagon by first setting them up as “friends” and then getting the dirt by sending prostitutes and others to tempt them with offers while the socialists had their phone lines tapped by NSA as they watched carefully for any miss step. And now Obama is betraying America with a military budget cut that puts the defense budget back to the low level it was at when FDR had America at its weakest point in 1940. America was so weak then under neo-socialist FDR, that the Japanese thought they could defeat America with a sneak attack massive first strike at Pearl Harbor . Maybe this time if Obama succeeds it will be a nuclear North Korea or Iran that will plan a first strike on America to aid the leftists declare martial law and take over .
The governor, a second-term Republican and potential presidential candidate, urged Democrats who control the legislature to approve more cuts in the state’s pension and benefit system. A 2011 overhaul of benefits that Christie persuaded Democrats to support didn’t go far enough, the governor said, without saying what else needed to be done.
World Economies
Feb 28
Under the Obama Administration Lead from behind policy
150,000 Syrians have been killed and about 40 million Moslems are trying to
flee to the west. Iraq and Afghanistan
have slowly begun to transform into enemies of America since Obama took
office. Even Israel has been offended by the
complete incompetence of this leftist American administration.
Many Christian western businessmen have been to dinner with
Moslem businessmen who after a few drinks give the westerners advice explaining
that under Sharia law they will have the opportunity to convert. Professing any other faith is blasphemy
punishable by death. And if a little
girl is shot in the head for advocating the right for girls to have an education
in Pakistan ,
you can be assured the shooter will never get punished. The war on women has always been a leftist
war. The leftists support the Palestinians
not Israel living in the land of Israel .
Obama is a leftist and look at the leadership of socialist nations. Ever wonder how many leaders of the far left
are women?
Feb 26 The UK is often criticized by socialists for their
biting the bullet with an austerity program that worked unlike the Obama
fiasco. Trade, investment and consumer
spending led the U.K.
economy to a fourth straight quarter of growth at the end of the year,
suggesting the austerity program to try to rebalance the books worked.
While the U.S.
and the European Union have pledged $35 Billion in assistance, Russia
has halted a $15 billion bailout it granted in December. Ukraine ’s
currency slid to a 20-year low. When the
Russians were thrown out they poisoned the first President but he survived and
was disfigured by the poison. The second
president they framed and put in prison.
Then they installed a communist and he built palaces for himself and
friends they way the Communist Aristocracy always does. Communists live like kings. You find almost no women allowed in the
ruling upper levels communist parties of Russia ,
China , N
Korea or any others. That
is the same in Moslem countries except there women have the special privilege
of getting married and having children at age nine. In Iraq they rounded up the “puppies”
and shot them all.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.
At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60%
from 2000.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It
has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has
destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected
people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are
trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of
their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for inept
management of socialized medicine. Look
for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America .
American Economy
Feb 25
Case-Shiller 20-city Index Dec 13.4% down from 13.7% -
FHFA Housing Price Index Dec 0.8% up from 0.1%
Consumer Confidence Feb 78.1 down from 80.7 -
Feb 26
MBA Mortgage Index 02/22 -8.5% sharply lower again
-4.1% ---
New Home Sales Jan 468K up from 414K not believable due to ice-age
Feb 27
Initial Claims 02/22 348K up again from 334K --
Continuing Claims 02/15 2964K up again from 2956K --
Durable Orders Jan -1.0%
down after already declining -4.2% ---
Durable Goods -ex transportation Jan 1.1% rebound not
believable due to ice-age -1.3% -
Natural Gas Inventories 02/22 -95 bcf down again -250 bcf -
Feb 28
GDP - Second Estimate Q4 2.4% down again from originally a
faked 3.4% -
GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q4 1.6% up from 1.3% leaving
real GDP up only 2.4-1.6 = a 0.8% rate of annual growth again ----
Chicago PMI Feb 59.8 little change 59.6
Pending Home Sales Jan 0.1% up from -5.8% not credible given
the weather conditions.
The Markets
Feb 28 On the price
basis the market is close to its previous high.
But the rallies were on lower volume.
Therefore we estimate that approximately 26% of the exchanged cash in
the decline and rally has been removed from the market because volume was
higher during the declines than during the advances. Note that the Fed is still doing quantitative
easing but has been reducing the extent.
If they keep reducing it then within six months the process become QT or
quantitative tightening which is much more difficult because that is when
investors are forced to cover debts.
Today investors are still using QE to make economic bets. Usually investors try to anticipate
contractions and sell up to six months before the contraction begins. But Yellen indicates she may reduce the rate
of withdrawal further at that time to reduce the shock. However the socialists may wish to divert
attention with a crisis in the emerging markets as elections approach.
Feb 26 Now the activists are raiding corporations and the
corporations are beginning to buy them off with special deals called
greenmail. This is market froth type
activity. However volatility is low
because the wealthy options traders have collars on the market that tend to
reduce volatility. That will make the
next big decline very big when it happens.
When stocks are topping out, the only games in town are
mergers and acquisitions using overvalued stocks instead of cash. If you know your stock is worth half as much
as the overheated market offers, then you know your real costs are half of what
everyone else thinks. Mergers and
Acquisitions are the last inning of a bull market and they have been going on
for two years already.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic
poverty redistribution disaster. The
index provides an assessment of the price of moving the major raw materials by
sea. It looks at 23 shipping routes, and covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax,
and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of commodities including coal,
iron ore and grain. Because dry bulk primarily consists of materials that
function as raw material inputs to the production of intermediate or finished
goods, the index is also seen as an efficient economic indicator of future
economic growth and production. On 20
May 2008, before the socialists took control of the American economy, the index
had reached its highest level since its introduction in 1985, reaching 11,793
points. Today after Obama- wealth
redistribution it stands at 1130 or 10% of what it was before Obama socialism.
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option.
Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when trade was five times higher
than the Obama administration’s all time best world trade highs and 90% higher
than today.
The volatility index is down because options traders have
multiplied and they jump in when volatility is high. Two years ago options trading profits
exceeded stock profits.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market
could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities
other than depressed commodities.
World market updates: