Friday, October 31, 2014

Why we need to throw the current bunch of Leftists out of our government.

    Leftists, Nazi, Communists, ISIS, and Mideast Theocracies etc.  understand that it is only possible to oppress a nation through the use of a federal government. 

            The American Constitution was the first in the world to protect the rights of individuals, minorities, and states by limiting the power of the federal government. It was well understood from earlier democracies that in a democracy of three persons, two persons could create and pass laws to legally expropriate and redistribute the wealth or labor of any third person. Thomas Jefferson to P. Dupont in 1816; "The majority oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundation of society."  James Madison in the Federalist Papers, Feb 5, 1788 to the Massachusetts Convention, "but as a just government protects all alike, it is necessary that the sober and industrious part of the community should be defended from the rapacity and violence of the vicious and idle.  A bill of rights, therefore, ought to set forth the purposes for which the compact is made, and serves to secure the minority against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority."

            In fact under English colonial law the ruling majority had already democratically classified some minority peoples as goods to be bought, used, and sold. We pledge allegiance to a Republic because that is what the Founding Fathers intended.  The American Constitution was designed for a Republic specifically to limit federal government power. The government is divided into three branches of power, each completely unique with differing election terms, checks and balances. In the Senate, small states have the same power as populous states. These impediments to strong centralized majority power were included in the American Constitution because every pure democracy before America was short lived and often ended in a bloodbath. By 1824 Thomas Jefferson already thought the American Government was too big.  He wrote to William Ludlow, "I think myself, that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."   Thomas Jefferson was the founder the Democratic Party.   In  1816 he wrote (note in Tracy's Political Economy), “To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it."


Monday, October 27, 2014

Oct 31 The year end rally is under way a week earlier than predicted. The Dow and SandP made new highs today but it would take another 7% rise in the NYSE to compensate for the fact that daily volume on up days has been lower on average than volume on daily declines and therefore the Market Cash Flow index is 7% below its peak of 7-3-2014. The broader NYSE market also has not advanced to a new high indicating this year end rally involves a flight to safety.

While housing stocks are at record high levels housing permits and housing starts are half of what they were prior to Obama.
 And new home sales are one third of what they were prior to Obama.  That is called an Obama recovery where Obama is by far the most intelligent and open minded the leftists have to offer.
Hillary said "Don't let anybody tell you that it's corporations and businesses that create jobs,"
Oct 30 America is being stolen from Americans. Every aspect of the American political and economic system has been attacked and degraded by the Obama administration. Obama, opens his mouth and inserts his foot again. US relations with Israel have plunged to new depths as senior officials in the Obama administration decried Binyamin Netanyahu as a “chickenshit prime minister”, “coward” and a man more interested in his own political survival than peace. Who are the Obama Czars to call others names? Is it just incompetence or is it intentional to destroy America? Most of the Guantanamo terrorists he released have now joined ISIS and other terrorist groups. Leftist voting fraud is now out of control.
Massive voting fraud has been proven.  Illegal immigrants who avoided jury duty by admitting they are not American Citizens have been identified as registered to vote next week.  Cocaine has also been used for buying votes.  Obama knows there is no need for fake ID’s because there is no longer a need Democrats to vote multiple times.  Cocaine is even used to get out the Democrat vote!
Oct 29  Obama made America’s future missile program dependent on Vladimir Putin by allowing a private firm to use left over Russia’s booster rockets of a 40 year old design.  The explosion of the Russian designed and built launch vehicle yesterday destroyed not only the supplies needed for the USA manned space program but destroyed the American launch  facility and flattened the American launch island.    Fortunately no Americans were lost.  With classic incompetence, this Obama space program could at some future time leave Americans stranded in space with the entire world listening to them die with no American rescue capability.  At the same time Obama seems to be allowing Iran to develop their nuclear capability which has a range to reach Western Europe, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, Israel and other potential Iranian targets in an insane and hostile Middle East.  ISIS is controlled by the same Sunnis who supported Saddam Hussein and who hate and can easily defeat the Shiite Iranians and acquire the Iranian nuclear arsenal that is being assembled.  Vladimir Putin has been believed by some to be selling nuclear weapons to the highest bidders to offset the Obama boycott.  It is otherwise impossible to explain the number of nukes Pakistan claims they have aimed at India.
Oct 27    How will the stock market respond to the elections next week?  Will it respond to future government expectations as it did when it hit bottom the week Obama was inaugurated and then rose continually as his leftist policies failed and he lost popular support ?  Certainly government makes a difference because it is obvious that leftist wealth redistribution and government employment redistribution policies destroy economies with government and corporate corruption, group-think leftist re-education, and with increasing voting, disability, and welfare fraud.  The Obama administration and Putin are examples of that.  President Regan and China’s current growth are examples of the results of using free enterprise methods and pay for performance as motivators not corruption and personal time off.  
World Economy
Oct 30
Oct 27  Brazilian assets tumbled following leftist Dilma Rousseff’s re-election.   That will be as bad for Brazil as Obama’s re-election was for the USA.  When an incompetent administration gets re-elected it typically shows it doesn’t give a dam and shows it hubris and mean selfish demeanor.  European stocks tumbled, led by Italian, Greek, and Cyprus banks after balance-sheet debt/equity stress tests of the country banks.
American Economy
The American real estate market went into rapid retreat at the end of September as a glut of  existing homes went on the market too late to take advantage of summer .
Oct 27
Pending Home Sales Sep 0.3% vs 0.5% expected -
Oct 28  Durable Orders Sep -1.3% vs 0.6% expected -
Durable Goods -ex transportation Sep -0.2% vs 0.7% final -
Case-Shiller 20-city Index Aug 5.6% vs 6.7% -
Consumer Confidence Oct 94.5 vs 86.0 within the scatter
Oct 29
MBA Mortgage Index 10/25 -6.6% sharply down from 11.6%  as home sales suddenly hit a brick wall and existing homes for sale rose 35%.
Oct 30
Initial Claims 10/25 287K up from 283K --
Continuing Claims 10/18 2384K up from 2351K --
GDP-Adv. Q3 3.5% down from 4.6% -
Chain Deflator-Adv. Q3 1.3% down from 2.1%
Oct 31
Personal Income Sep 0.2% down from 0.3% -
Personal Spending Sep -0.2% down sharply from 0.5% --
PCE Prices - Core Sep 0.1% flat at 0.1%
Employment Cost Index Q3 0.7% flat  at 0.7% -
Chicago PMI Oct 66.2 up from 60.5 +++
Michigan Sentiment - Final Oct 86.9 up from 86.4  Americans are very optimistic they can throw most of the leftist bums out of the Senate and House.  Then Obama will be forced to take responsibility for the cost and danger of shipping American oil by rail instead of a pipeline.  Then there will be better oversight of leftist harassment of patriotic Americans.  Then the character traits of the founding fathers such as honesty, and industry will get some respect.
The Markets
Oct 29  July 27, 2007 was our Market Cash Flow sell signal for the last economic cycle.  It gave ample time to unload stocks.  That was after our index first had a head and shoulders sell formation.  It took five months for the many market price indices to indicate that the bear market had begun.  It was not until April of 2008 that the Obama-Dodd-Frank Liar Loan derivatives markets faltered and the damage of the Fannie and Freddie usurpation of the banking mortgage system became evident.  The cause of every economic collapse is never precisely known until a massive credit crisis develops form  the cause.   While our Market Cash Flow index has showed market cash flow has turned negative,  the stock price indicators will not show the problem until one or two descending market highs.  So this is still a trading market with time for long term investors to get out of the stock market.  Is this accurate and infallible?  Absolutely not, anything is infallible!  But it provides a measure that gives one a period of time to reassess investments based on net cash flows computed from volume and price change data.  We expect head and shoulders sell stock price formation soon first for the DJI and then SandP.
Oct 27   Our Market Cash Flow Index (MCF) remains in bear territory.  The American markets plummeted below their 200 day moving averages and now the 200dma has become their upward resistance level.  We expect another retreat below the 200dma at which time we believe there will be a short term buying opportunity.  If the Republican’s re-captured the Senate and grow in the House and Governorships we expect a year end rally.  But unfortunately Obama will still be there mucking up the economy for two years and we believe it will take at least a year, possibly even two years for the damaging effects of $4 Trillion in Quantitative Easing and Obama government interference and leadership damage to work their way out.  Remember, Obama had a hand in picking leaders at GM, banks and in the environmentalist areas of transportation and energy.  We expect corrupt corporate subsidizing of leftist run companies will get attacked and shut down in the next two years if Republicans win control of the Fed Legislature.  A pro-free enterprise, anti-corruption, anti-federal political domestic spying, and an anti-IRS harassing of conservative Americans, and a new pro equal pay for equal performance government will repair the damage that has been done these past 6 years.  
Once this current correction gains momentum, corporations will clean up their accounting practices and the correction will be shown to be justified by the truth about this dismal Obama leftist economy.  The length of stock market decline will depend on how long a bath is needed to rid the economy of it odor of city, state and federal employee featherbedding and fraud.  We will need a president like President Regan who told the unionized Air Traffic Controllers (some who had salaries as big as Congressmen) to go back to work or be fired.  We have lazy leftist idiots running the Washington government administrations and Americans will hopefully find out just what is what these next two years.  Leftist  American government administrators have overthrown foreign governments and replaced them with armed terrorist governments.   Leftist American government administrators have allowed terrorists to develop nuclear weapons.  Leftist American government administrators have put international socialist  ideals ahead of the health and safety of the free-world.  Leftist American government administrators have been destroying the American Economy and have undermined America as a power for peace and prosperity in the world.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Obama-Holder lawlessness has now been unleashed on American cities. It was bad enough that 30,000 Mexicans perished due to Obama-Holder gun running that was meant to be blamed on the American gun industry in 2009. It was bad enough that the IRS was then unleashed on tax exempt American Historical Societies and Religious groups to harass and defraud them in 2012 because they support basic American principals. It was bad enough a lame duck congress passed socialized medicine on “Stupid Americans” who they say they claim they had to fool to get the bill passed. Now two deaths of “resisting criminals” by the police is the Obama excuse for new racist oriented demonstrations and looting. The death toll this year alone in Chicago today stood at 377 with four murders just on November 7 2014 alone. Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel was the first Obama White House chief of staff and what does he know or care about law or order? According to Senator Chuck Schumer, the democrat party is beginning to melt down due to the rise of the leftists, lawlessness, and the proliferation of stupid government, economic, and social programs and their program leaders.

This administration is causing social disintegration, corruption, and lawlessness which provides several trigger mechanism for collapse and economic disorder.  Electing a president who clearly always hated everything America stands for has potentially set the entire world in the direction of social meltdowns, riots, wars, and economic depressions.  The American Supreme Court needs to reign in this autocratic takeover of America.
American Economy
The American stock markets now appear to be moving beyond their all time highs.  It is difficult to predict the exact top.  We expect several declining lows and declining highs and about a 30% to 40% net decline from the top before Wall Street recognizes we are in a bear market.   But once the Bear is recognized the collapse will be much steeper and is usually only two or three months until a bottom is put in.  But it may take another two or three months to know if the bottom will hold.
But there will be opportunities to sell near tops and cover and buy at succeeding lows after major market moves that usually are over reactions.  This will be a volatile time, a time to be nimble or else to get on the sidelines and wait for the bottoming out.   This president is incapable of restoring confidence and could go down as one of the most inept American president in American history. 
Dec 1
ISM Service Business index Nov 58.7 down from 59.0 -
Dec 2
Construction Spending up Oct 1.1% from -0.4%  as demand declines --
Dec 3
MBA Mortgage Index 11/29 -7.3% decline further from -4.3% --
ADP Private Employment Change Nov 208K down from 233K---  About 300k is needed
Productivity-Rev. Q3 2.3% 2.2% 2.4% 2.0% -
Unit Labor Costs - Revised Q3 -1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% -
Dec 4
Challenger Job Cuts increase Nov to -20.7% from 11.9% - -
Initial Claims 11/29 297K slightly better from 313K ++
Continuing Claims 11/22 2362K increase from 2316K--
December 3 Famous Quotations     December 3, Honeywell CEO Dave Cote said about the inflated stock market that we can keep going higher if we can get “that feeling going again.”  But remember the NYSE already dropped more than 60% in the 2007-2008 declines similar to the Hover decline, but the worst decline was the FDR decline on top of the Hover decline that took the market down 90% from pre-depression levels. Here are other similar pompous optimistic quotes about the economy and the stock market. 
"We will not have any more crashes in our time."
 - John Maynard Keynes in 1927
2."I cannot help but raise a dissenting voice to statements that we are living in a fool's paradise, and that prosperity in this country must necessarily diminish and recede in the near future."  - E. H. H. Simmons, President, New York Stock Exchange, January 12, 1928
"There will be no interruption of our permanent prosperity." - Myron E. Forbes, President, Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co., January 12, 1928
3."No Congress of the United States ever assembled, on surveying the state of the Union, has met with a more pleasing prospect than that which appears at the present time. In the domestic field there is tranquility and contentment...and the highest record of years of prosperity. In the foreign field there is peace, the goodwill which comes from mutual understanding."   - Calvin Coolidge December 4, 1928
4."There may be a recession in stock prices, but not anything in the nature of a crash."  - Irving Fisher, leading U.S. economist, New York Times, Sept. 5, 1929
5."Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau. I do not feel there will be soon if ever a 50 or 60 point break from present levels, such as (bears) have predicted. I expect to see the stock market a good deal higher within a few months."  - Irving Fisher, Ph.D. in economics, Oct. 17, 1929
"This crash is not going to have much effect on business."  - Arthur Reynolds, Chairman of Continental Illinois Bank of Chicago, October 24, 1929
"There will be no repetition of the break of yesterday... I have no fear of another comparable decline."  - Arthur W. Loasby (President of the Equitable Trust Company), quoted in NYT, Friday, October 25, 1929
"We feel that fundamentally Wall Street is sound, and that for people who can afford to pay for them outright, good stocks are cheap at these prices."  - Goodbody and Company market-letter quoted in The New York Times, Friday, October 25, 1929
6."This is the time to buy stocks. This is the time to recall the words of the late J. P. Morgan... that any man who is bearish on America will go broke. Within a few days there is likely to be a bear panic rather than a bull panic. Many of the low prices as a result of this hysterical selling are not likely to be reached again in many years."  - R. W. McNeel, market analyst, as quoted in the New York Herald Tribune, October 30, 1929
"Buying of sound, seasoned issues now will not be regretted"  - E. A. Pearce market letter quoted in the New York Herald Tribune, October 30, 1929
"Some pretty intelligent people are now buying stocks... Unless we are to have a panic -- which no one seriously believes, stocks have hit bottom."  - R. W. McNeal, financial analyst in October 1929
7."The decline is in paper values, not in tangible goods and services...America is now in the eighth year of prosperity as commercially defined. The former great periods of prosperity in America averaged eleven years. On this basis we now have three more years to go before the tailspin."  - Stuart Chase (American economist and author), NY Herald Tribune, November 1, 1929
"Hysteria has now disappeared from Wall Street."  - The Times of London, November 2, 1929
"The Wall Street crash doesn't mean that there will be any general or serious business depression... For six years American business has been diverting a substantial part of its attention, its energies and its resources on the speculative game... Now that irrelevant, alien and hazardous adventure is over. Business has come home again, back to its job, providentially unscathed, sound in wind and limb, financially stronger than ever before."
 - Business Week, November 2, 1929
"...despite its severity, we believe that the slump in stock prices will prove an intermediate movement and not the precursor of a business depression such as would entail prolonged further liquidation..."  - Harvard Economic Society (HES), November 2, 1929
8."... a serious depression seems improbable; [we expect] recovery of business next spring, with further improvement in the fall."   - HES, November 10, 1929
"The end of the decline of the Stock Market will probably not be long, only a few more days at most."  - Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics at Yale University, November 14, 1929
"In most of the cities and towns of this country, this Wall Street panic will have no effect."  - Paul Block (President of the Block newspaper chain), editorial, November 15, 1929
"Financial storm definitely passed."  - Bernard Baruch, cablegram to Winston Churchill, November 15, 1929
9."I see nothing in the present situation that is either menacing or warrants pessimism... I have every confidence that there will be a revival of activity in the spring, and that during this coming year the country will make steady progress."   - Andrew W. Mellon, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury December 31, 1929
"I am convinced that through these measures we have reestablished confidence."
 - Herbert Hoover, December 1929
"[1930 will be] a splendid employment year."   - U.S. Dept. of Labor, New Year's Forecast, December 1929
10."For the immediate future, at least, the outlook (stocks) is bright."
 - Irving Fisher, Ph.D. in Economics, in early 1930
11."...there are indications that the severest phase of the recession is over..."
 - Harvard Economic Society (HES) Jan 18, 1930
12."There is nothing in the situation to be disturbed about."
 - Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, Feb 1930
13."The spring of 1930 marks the end of a period of grave concern...American business is steadily coming back to a normal level of prosperity."
 - Julius Barnes, head of Hoover's National Business Survey Conference, Mar 16, 1930
"... the outlook continues favorable..."
 - HES Mar 29, 1930
14."... the outlook is favorable..."
 - HES Apr 19, 1930
15."While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed through the worst -- and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There has been no significant bank or industrial failure. That danger, too, is safely behind us."
 - Herbert Hoover, President of the United States, May 1, 1930
" May or June the spring recovery forecast in our letters of last December and November should clearly be apparent..."
 - HES May 17, 1930
"Gentleman, you have come sixty days too late. The depression is over."
 - Herbert Hoover, responding to a delegation requesting a public works program to help speed the recovery, June 1930
16."... irregular and conflicting movements of business should soon give way to a sustained recovery..."
 - HES June 28, 1930
17."... the present depression has about spent its force..."
 - HES, Aug 30, 1930
18."We are now near the end of the declining phase of the depression."
 - HES Nov 15, 1930
19."Stabilization at [present] levels is clearly possible."
 - HES Oct 31, 1931
20."All safe deposit boxes in banks or financial institutions have been sealed... and may only be opened in the presence of an agent of the I.R.S."   - President F.D. Roosevelt, 1933  The IRS was confiscating assets.  Ownership of gold became illegal.
December 1 Update
Energy stocks fall rapidly as the price of oil plummets. Russia, Venezuela, and the Mid East will see big budget deficits. Oil companies may have difficulty with the high leveraged debt levels of their junk bonds as revenues drop. The last collapse of oil prices is reminiscent of Obama’s 2008 election several months before Fox News, Squawk Box, and others began to notice we were in a recession. Then it fell to a low of $44 per barrel. See the historical chart.
You can see from the crude Obama government oil chart that oil dropped significantly in the Clinton’s 2000 recession hitting a low of $10.87 per barrel.
Energy prices are the canary in the mine shaft that dies first and warns of the impending deep recession.  Only this could be the depression of this century.  The FDR recession on top of the earlier Hover recession was the depression of the last century which ended in WWII.  In 1920, before the recession Oil was over $3 per barrel.  During FDR’s Great depression oil fell to 67 cents a barrel.  The EU is now concerned that the world is about to enter another Great Depression.  During a depression, cash and gold are kings because credit collapses.
Remember we asserted by Oct 15 that within five months there would be clear signs we had entered another recession but it would take up to an additional five months for the recession to be known in hindsight, and be half over before most market analysts acknowledge it.
 Energy stocks fall rapidly as the price of oil plummets.  Russia, Venezuela, and the Mid East will see big budget deficits.  Oil companies may have difficulty with the high leveraged debt levels of their junk bonds as revenues drop. The last collapse of oil prices is reminiscent of Obama’s 2008 election several months before Fox News, Squawk Box, and others began to notice we were in a recession.  Then it fell to a low of $44 per barrel.  See the historical chart.
You can see from the crude Obama government oil chart that oil dropped significantly in the Clinton’s 2000 recession hitting a low of $10.87 per barrel.
Energy prices are the canary in the mine shaft that dies first and warns of the impending deep recession.  Only this could be the depression of this century.  The FDR recession on top of the earlier Hover recession was the depression of the last century which ended in WWII.  In 1920, before the recession Oil was over $3 per barrel.  During FDR’s Great depression oil fell to 67 cents a barrel.  The EU is now concerned that the world is about to enter another Great Depression.  During a depression, cash and gold are kings because credit collapses.
Liquidity crisis signs are seen in the senior citizen retirement safe-haven of bonds.
Bond Funds have now loaded up on cash fearing a coming crash and a liquidity crisis if bond holders try to get their cash out all at once.
Holiday sales slump signals an Obama economic crisis coming.
2014 US and Canadian Holliday Sales have slumped 11% so far with the next big sale coming in two weeks.  Traffic is down 5%.  Domestic sales during the holiday season weighed on the toy maker’s results because stores have cut orders.  The National Retail Federation said that Consumer spending fell to $50.9 billion down from $57.4 billion in 2013.
Federal guarantee of pensions of private and government union members said sure to go broke this time,  Unions have bought votes and have been promised by the corrupt politicians they bought, that the US Government would stand behind this union/ and political party corruption.  It is unlikely the other political party will pay for the corrupt promises.  Out going L&G pensions Chief John Pollock, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute weighed in with his opinion,
International News
The slowdown in the economy of China means their imports of coal and mineral ores have plummeted.  China’s Oversupply of housing now stands at near five years under normal times but demand is now falling and vacant complexes deteriorate in the weather.  Recycling of the first generation of products will further decrease demand by China for ore resources.
November 28 Weekend Update     Our stock market cash flow indicator still shows that the net cash left after advances and declines is in the direction of out of the market.  Even though price has continued higher, we still show peak to peak cash levels and bottom to bottom cash levels getting lower.  We still expect the rally to continue this year and for the bear market to be evident early next year.  It takes about five months for the media to know money has been flowing out and for stock prices to begin to plunge.  That means it could be February or March before MSNBC and Jim Cramer say it is time to get out.   The last cycle when the Dow and the S and P peaked was in July 2007, and the NYSE peaked in October of 2007.  We got our first bear market signal July 26, 2007 and a confirmation on September 28, 2007.  Jim Cramer said Sell on September 18 2008 almost a year later when half the bear market was over.  By then the bear market was about 50% finished.
If corporations were forced now to mark their assets and inventories to market, their losses would be tremendous and stock prices would collapse at the net market opening.  But now, as long as they hang on to their dogs and development losses they can pretend earnings are increasing.  But there is a trigger mechanism to start the collapse.  In 2007 we saw the cash flow had turned negative and that means the water level in the economic river was getting lower and the rocks, the triggers, were beginning to surface.  The 2007 trigger mechanism was caused by the Dodd-Frank-Obama liar loans that were supposed to help poor people own houses.  The liar loans were available but the poor people could not afford the interest rate.  So subprime mortgages were made available to the poor because housing prices were rising 6% each year so that in just a few years the poor would either become rich or Dodd-Frank-Obama thought they could just flip their house and bank the profit.  Obama was a relatively poor “community activist” without a steady job and he got a good deal from a corrupt Chicago realtor.   Dodd got a special deal from a realtor in Ireland so they were absolutely certain that the poor or corrupt could get rich quick and own a house if given the chance.  But unfortunately most poor people were not able to sell at a profit within two or three years before the subprime interest rate doubled or tripled.  Only the corrupt were guaranteed a profit.  So almost all the poor people lost everything and there are actually fewer homeowners today than before Dodd, Frank, and Obama became friends and applied their coercive and corrupt get rich quick scheme to try to help the poor.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Oct 24 Another person, Rickards, is warning that most people only hold paper IOU’s on gold, ETF’s, and stock IOUs (not the actual stocks). People have GLD (an ETF not the metal), or another ETF (a bank IOU indexed to an average of some selected stocks), or derivatives (paper certificates that monetize risky mortgages or other debt). It is quite probable that there many more paper backed promises than there are real assets. After all people who give lots of IOUs usually have to declare bankruptcy. Detroit is an example of a city that sold far more IOU debt than they ever seriously intended to pay back. And QE is a perfect example of the stupidity of Hedge Funds and other Asset Managers who are foolishly buying near worthless Obama national debt that gives virtually zero interest rate for virtually infinite probability of default.

Oct 22 
I think I now know how America’s current economic pyramid system works but it would take many pages to fully explain.  In one sentence: we now have a proxy ownership derivative pyramid system in which selling is inhibited and buying is leveraged so that sellers are punished until the system implodes.     Since there are so few who normally sell, the sellers are punished with losses and continually depleted.  You can only buy ETF’s, you cannot short them so you must either be confidently bullish on competence or confidently bullish on incompetence.  And in a market that moves in both directions, if you are a buy and hold  ETF investor the ETFs will with absolute certainty destroy you within one complete economic cycle.
When this bubble pops we will see some proxy systems like ETF’s collapse.  It could take down many hedge funds and brokers as well.  The economy appears to be tanking… but if you listen to the politicians and proxy market makers you may have acquired an impression that the American Economy has getting better.  Construction spending on commercial and rental property appears to have peaked.  Construction companies reported earnings peaking.  But look closely… it is only at the same level it was in 2004!   Imagine how stupid our government is to think we can’t find out the truth about our leftist Obama Government incompetence.  Obama continues to lie and say the Moslems are not responsible for Islamic terrorism.  And while Obama thinks Moslems in the USA should be allowed to practice Sharia law and beat their disobedient women and children, Obama says Catholic Hospitals should provide contraceptives and all American tax payers must pay for them because otherwise the Catholics are engaged in a war on women.  
And retail sales have been edging down since 2011 and are at the levels of 2008 before Obama. 
Housing permits and starts appear to be peaking at the level first seen when Clinton was president almost two decades ago.  That is horrible!
New home sales have drifted down 66% since Obama took office.  The reason for the big % gains they tell us all the time is because Obama took us down to about a third of what we had before the Democrats in Congress introduced Fannie and Freddie to facilitate their corrupt Liar Loans that were supposed to give home ownership to the poor.  Instead they tripled the number of Americans in poverty.  That is why Americans need to sweep them all out of office and sweep out all their corrupt wealthy contributors who do the work for this corrupt administration.
The Case-Shiller House Price Index has hesitated at a level still 14% below what it was when Obama was elected yet the pyramid champions say it is time to buy more.  On a national average housing prices are what they were nine years ago, three years before Obama’s inauguration to when leftist liar loans were given so “poor people” could own an Obama-Dodd-Frank home without the means to pay their mortgage.  That bankrupt leftist idea caused the longest recession since the Great Depression because crooks sold liar loan derivatives as investments.  Those same crooks contributed heavily to the leftist negative campaigns against and Gestapo-like investigations of decent Americans by the Attorney General, the IRS and other government agencies.  Every potential Republican presidential candidate is investigated by the Obama administration and smeared paid for with our taxes.
Labor productivity has dropped the most since 2008 near when we got the last major early warning bear market sell signal.
Oct 22  The quality of Yahoo stock graphics seems to have recently deteriorated, and the compare option with the DOW, SP, and Nasdaq is gone today.   Today it looks very much like it did October 2007.   Our proprietary Market Cash Flow index shows the head and shoulders sell signal is complete while the price confirmation of the second shoulder breakdown has to wait for the current price rally to end.  The current 10 year NYSE plot shows the last bull market ended around October 1, 2007 just after Obama was nominated just over seven years ago Yet most people say the economy tanked in 2008 the day after Obama was elected and hit bottom when Obama took office.  All that must be a coincidence.  The point is that the stock market became bearish in 2007 a full year before the banks went critical because the collapse in demand for stocks caused huge losses and margin calls just as is beginning now.  And in 2007, just as now, there were no cash rich bears to buy into the forced selling of the Bulls.  Again the point we are making is that the cash flow indicators have shown that the cash flow tide has just started to go out as it did in October of 2007   As the tide goes out a lot of dead fish and sea weed is left behind and the beach begins to reek with what looks like carnage.  But it took almost a year of stock carnage for the banks to begin to fail and for the credit markets to freeze up.
Oct 20   Is the housing market falling apart again?  The US housing market certainly remains sluggish, at least at the national level.   In terms of yearly comps, June 2014 is still behind June 2013, with inventory growing.  Confidence among U.S. home builders took a sharp downturn, reported CNBC's Diana Olick. Home builder sentiment in October is down five points.   While still in the positive range, builder sentiment fell 5 points (9%) to a level of 54 on the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index. Fifty is the line between positive and negative on the index. This reverses four straight months of gains.  There is now a ten months supply of unsold houses.  Houses that were vacant for five years due to bankruptcy now often take another two years to sell.  Houses in small towns put on the market in spring are often sold by winter but about 25% lower than their cost to the recent owner.  Boston however still sells well and has recovered all the Obama recession losses (but it is a lost 6 years).
Millions of homeowners are already seriously delinquent paying mortgages. “The average length of time that houses remain delinquent nationwide is 995 days,” Keith Jurow says. “The worst culprit is New York State. The average mortgage delinquency period there is four years.” 
World Economy
Oct 20  Four things to watch for in the Chinese economy.  
China’s growth for this year is now at best going to be about 4%.  Vast losses from a housing binge and widespread government corruption have yet to be settled.  An anti-corruption crackdown in China, spearheaded by President Xi Jinping, has prompted a rash of suicides amongst Party officials who will face disgrace and harsh prison work camps.
Bloomberg said,” When markets are buckling and volatility is signaling a crisis, you sell what you can, not what you want. “  That’s what happened last week on world markets, where slowing economic growth, Ebola angst, Islamic terrorist beheadings and rapes of abducted African children, and escalating hostility of ISIS and Russia caused a stock market reality check.   The market then recovered a little because Bloomberg concluded, “Loath to find out what their record holdings of corporate bonds and leveraged loans were worth as liquidity thinned and markets slid, professional traders turned to stocks and Treasuries to defuse risk.” 
American Economy
Oct 17 
Building Permits a sign of the future, Sep 1018K down 1% from the 1030K forecast.
Oct 22
MBA Mortgage Index 10/18 11.6% finally recovered to its 2013 level but closer to the 2013 level after declining this year.
CPI Sep 0.1% -up from -0.2%  due to lower oil prices dropping less
Core CPI Sep 0.1% up from 0.0%  core at about 0.1%
Oct 23
Initial Claims 10/18 283K up from 264K --
FHFA Housing Price Index Aug 0.5% up from 0.2% +
Oct 24
New Home Sales Sep 467K down from 504K-
The Markets
Oct 24   The S and P has the head and shoulder formation almost complete with the neckline descending indicating that it will likely give a sell signal soon with descending rallies.
Oct 23   The early warning sell signal is in place.  It  may drift down slowly a full year before the full rapid capitulation occurs.  One of the next signs will be in more of the  broader indices failing to set new highs as the NYSE  and our market cash flow MCF index failed this past time.  There is still the possibility that the signal could turn positive again if genuine economic growth started.  But the Obama “Great Stagnation” is still replacing full time jobs with part time jobs and turning colleges into baby sitting institutions to keep the young people from protesting the lack of real jobs.
Another market timer says only when the uptrend in New Highs-New Lows was broken, would a bear market risk become a realization. As of October 15, that trend was unambiguously broken.  The broken trend line is not a short-term concern. Indeed, such extremes in New Highs-Lows often come near short-term lows.   It can be a panic or a washout.  This time it was a panic.  But when this bear market ends there will be a capitulation.  But the concern has longer-term ramifications. In September 2001 and July 2007, this trend break preceded the two serious cyclical bear markets.  It could be a trigger mechanism but it must happen during a period of high levered risk taking as we have today.  He says that while the market is undoubtedly washed out here in the short-term and will likely form an intermediate-term low within days or weeks, the longer-term cyclical bull has now been dealt a staggering blow.  See:
Oct 22    We believe the year end rally will officially have started if we get indications of a future Republican House and Senate as we got with Bill Clinton, and if President Obama supports the welfare and tax reforms that will come like Clinton did for those introduced by Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress in 2004.  But Obama is no Clinton, and the bear market will resume early next year until the market believes a new American free enterprise supporting US President will replace Islamic sympathizing socialists in government.  But if this November election produces more of the same type of representation we have today or if  Harry Reed is still running the Senate or even if Harry  is finished but Obama still does not immediately respond like Clinton did, we expect the bear market will continue next Spring.  The stock market currently predicts Obama will be no Clinton and a clean sweep of government will be needed in 2016 to right the American economy.
Oct 20   The bear market is still in place and small rallies can be expected.  All the major stock market indices have given sell signals as of Oct 15.   Early in the business cycle and a bull market a 10% decline is a harmless correction.  But later in the cycle the volume of new buying is small and the problem is that there is no underlying support.  Initially the more optimistic holders have the ability to use margin loans and leverage to buy more.  .  Leverage boosts profit margin so it is good while the prices are rising.  But they eventually lose the ability to buy more and at the end of the bull market many investors realize it is time to take the profits and wait and look for less risky investments.  Within a year of the start of a bear market the stock prices typically have fallen 50% to 60%.  3X Bullish ETF traders typically lose 90% or more if they hold on.  So basically it becomes a mad rush to the exit.   After that period of months is when the wise investors buy good company stock at bargain prices.
Our Market Cash Flow Index (MCF) gave a head and a lower second shoulder early warning bear market sell indication last month and a trend line breakdown sell signal Oct 9.   The was no capitulation upward spike sell signal at this past market top but a downward momentum cash flow sell signal occurred on Oct 15.  Some investors confused that momentum sell signal with a capitulation buy signal which we have not had yet.  The volumes on upward and downward capitulations are typically two to three times higher than what we experienced last week.  That downside higher volume last week was confirmation that the bear is now very much alive.  We expect some upward spikes on good news especially after election day when we expect to see a light at the end of this administration tunnel.  This bear market could end before November 2016 if it becomes evident that a competent President will be elected.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Late Oct 17 Today volume dropped on a relatively small bounce indicating there was no capitulation. For a capitulation we would have expected volume to almost double. We expect a better rally on or after the November election if indications are that this incompetent clueless leftist administration is going to be given the boot by the American people. But quite frankly we believe too much damage has already been done, and secondly interest rates were low for far too long and many high risk bets have been made. Those bets on a bull market will unravel not because interest rates will go higher but because prices will decline and high leverage will wipe out speculators who have borrowed and have too much margin.

For instance Morgan Stanley and many brokerage firms have wealth advisors that have been leveraging IRA’s and other retirement money with low interest bank loans that upon collapse will wipe out the wealth of many people who profited from Quantitative Easing as well as many others who are being mislead by “Wealth Advisors” who live on the commissions.   We have covered most of our shorts (bearish ETFs) but a few goals have not been hit yet.  We expect the decline in stock prices will resume with occasional small bounces until the November election.  Then we expect a sizable rally when it will likely be good to be bullish again for more than a full month.  But the high risk bets could begin to unravel because losses will pile up.  Margin requirements could rise which means high risk wealth gimmicks will fold and negative cash flows will increase causing panic with bullish 3X ETF’s which will decline about 3X the rate of decline of the market.

Oct 17  Today the WSJ reported that demand for gold rebounded amid the global rout in equities.  The metal climbed to a one-month high and the surge in volatility reached the highest level since November 2013. The futures in New York climbed for three straight days, the longest rally in two months.  More than $960 million has been added to the value of global exchange-traded products backed by bullion this month. Federal Reserve policy makers say weaker foreign expansion posed a risk to the U.S. outlook.  Gold prices are rebounding after a slump driven by concern that U.S. borrowing costs would rise.  Russia, China, and India are the biggest buyers of gold as opposed to dollars. 

The 2007 corporate and then state and city credit market freeze was what panicked Congress to give the $700,000,000,000 stimulation package.  The markets came close to freezing up again this past week.  The cost of National debt soared to 9% for some countries with poor credit history.   Many margin leveraged hedge funds took a big hit and the funds will have to bail out to break even in this next mini rally.  This is not the real year end rally we anticipate after the November election throws the leftists out of Congress.  Yesterday in Obama’s Ebola news conference, you could see that even his far left gave him the message that his stupidity and hubris has destroyed the chances of the left winning in November.  Most don’t plan to show up and vote once, much less vote twice this time.
Falsification of American statistics is delegated to the lower levels of the Obama government so when caught the Obama administration can blame the previous administration and Republicans not his appointees, even though the leftists are the source of all the misinformation. In China they blame the individual regions.  Likewise Obama can blame the states.  It is common knowledge that virtually every human failure and deadbeat is a habitual liar who blames everyone else for their failures.
Oct 15  The stock market dropped 5% on high volume before recovering most of the price loss on 2/3 less volume.  The cash flow out is already estimated to be over $1Trillion.  Today the second shoe of our Market Cash Flow Analysis dropped as the first of several capitulations was registered.   When that happened on 9-17-2001 we had another 4 weeks of selloff and then a buy signal.   When it happened on 7-26-2007 we had another 1.7 years of selloff and then a buy signal.  When it happened on 4-27-2010 we had 3 weeks more selloff and then a buy signal.  When it happened on 8-4-2011 we had 2 more high volume drops over 3 weeks and a buy signal until today for that particular Market Cash Flow indicator.  From that we believe the short rally we predict is probably 3 to 4 weeks away.  But we think the shock is already severe enough to have triggered a bear market which will become clearer next year.  The cause will clearly be identified as leftist incompetence and political correctness. 
This administration thinks if you do not put the security of Africans ahead of Americans then you are a racist.  The level of stupidity of American lefts is laughed at around the world.  For the dunces on the left, history is a mystery.   The WSJ says Brown University and Wesleyan University “A” students are actually  “F” students when compared to other students.  Obama is a dunce with a 3rd World anti-American education and a free pass for being a leftist at Harvard.  Obama is America's first president to have his scholastic records sealed.
Oct 14  The S and P 200 day trend line was broken yesterday giving major investors a new sell signal.  Our Market Cash Flow Index gave its trend line sell signal Thursday October 9, 2014.  Based on how far the market has already fallen we estimate it could fall anywhere from 5% to 20% more before any significant rally.  If it falls a full 20% it actually has a better chance of stabilizing as it did in 2011.  However, in any event the pattern is more like the beginning of the full blown bear market that occurred just after Obama was first nominated and then resumed when he was elected.  That is hard to believe but check for yourself how it began when he was nominated at the Convention and fell rapidly when he won the election in 2008.   It was at its worst when he was sworn into office.  Perhaps there is a good reason why the stock market is known to be a good predictor of the economy.
The whole world has suffered under leftist Obama Czars.  But Obama has yet to appoint an Ebola Czar even as he has opened the American borders to Ebola and the leftists said the Ebola liar who brought it to Texas died because he was black and Americans are racist.  Liberalism is a mental delusion carried by naïve Americans.   The most ridiculous leftist belief is that women are oppressed in the Western nations.  Apparently the leftists have never travelled to the Mid East or the former Soviet Union.  How many North Korean women have they seen marching behind their dictator?  International socialism destroys free enterprise and the free democracies.  Slave states like ISIS win 100% democratic support because they actively kill or imprison everyone else.   Liberals are deluded and actually think Russia, Iran, China, and Cuba are real democracies because they hold elections.
We expect many on the left will lose this November election and there probably will be a market rally before the end of this year.  But the leftists are still actively destroying the economic and social fabric of America with corruption, lies and hate commercials against all their political rivals.  Such being the case the recession will continue to worsen and the stock market could be down another 50% six months from now.  There are many Democrats who are not leftists who would make good candidates for President but so far not one is getting any support… and now it is almost too late.
Some say Obama blames former Sec. of State Hilary Clinton for the administration’s disastrous foreign policy.   Hillary thought withdrawing support of Israel would bring peace.  To fight Assad Hilary supported Obama’s arming of Jihadists.  The Jihadists morphed into ISIS.  Now Turkey is asked to fight the jihadists they were first asked to arm.  Perhaps Obama will have to take the blame for Hilary as her Mid East policies further destroy the democratic processes everywhere she went.  Now Lybya has become a terrorist state. 
This last one hints that under Obama/Clinton, that Benghazi Libya was used for gun running to arm the Jihadists (ISIS) against Syria’s Assad.
World Economy
Oct 17  OPEC is now letting oil prices slide to see if North American oil fracking production can withstand lower prices. So far fracking has shown no signs of cracking with the U.S. government forecasting record shale output helping boost the nation’s crude supply to the highest level since 1986.
American Economy
Oct 15
Retail Sales Sep -0.3% sharply lower 0.6% ---
Retail Sales ex-auto Sep -0.2% sharply lower from 0.3% --
Core PPI Sep 0.0% deflationary drop from 0.1% --
Empire Manufacturing Oct 6.2 down sharply from 27.5 ---
Business Inventories Aug 0.2% production down from 0.4% --
Treasury Budget Sep $105.8B sharply higher from $75.1B 
Oct 16
Initial Claims 10/11 264K down from 287K
Continuing Claims 10/04 2389K increased from 2381K
Industrial Production Sep 1.0% increased from 0.4% expected
Capacity Utilization Sep 79.3% up from 78.8%
Philadelphia Fed Oct 20.7 down from 22.5 -
NAHB New housing Market Index Oct 54 down from 59 means so-so.
Crude Inventories 10/11 8.923M up from 5.015M 
Oct 17
Housing Starts Sep 1017K up from 1013K expected
Building Permits Sep 1018K down from 1030K expected--
The Markets
Oct 17  All the major stock market indices have given sell signals as of Oct 15.  Numerous Pollyanna scenarios have put forth and we do expect a real rally if the leftists are trounced in November and people like the governor of Wisconsin are re-elected.  It is essential that state and federal employees not have the right to strike because they are the greatest source of corruption and patronage.  Leftists gave public employees that right but President Regan fired all the Air Traffic Controllers when they went on strike and put American safety at risk.   The unions have a long history of corruption and crime as do entrenched politicians.   The socialists discovered that Americans not unions and corrupt politicians were the ruling class in America.  Read what the socialists said.
We need people who will vote to have term limits because the corrupt get reelected and then because they have senior ranking they run all the government Congressional committees.  Obama has spent more taxpayer money than any previous president raising money for political advertizing to lie about and smear opponents of corruption.  Socialist George Soros is Obama’s biggest fan.  We need to vote out all the socialists and institute a sane corporate tax system that actually raises revenue instead of driving corporations out of the USA.
Oct 15  In 2007 when Obama  won the Democrat nomination the bear market was already gaining momentum as it started today.  It was not until the November election in 2008 when Obama won, that the banks with their Dodd-Frank-Obama housing Liar-Loan derivatives froze up and money flow almost stopped.   And the stock market bottomed out the week Obama took office.   Hopefully the opposite will now happen.  First there will be a rally when the leftists are thrown out of both houses of Congress this November.   But Obama divisiveness, corruption, and stupidity will likely impede American attempts to reform corporate taxes and the economy will not likely recover until Americans remove all the politically correct stupid leftists from office.   If that is the scenario then the bear market will resume in January 2015 and end with the election in November of 2016.  At that time the food stamps and many forms of welfare will be cut and workers will begin again to be rewarded by the prosperity of free enterprise.
Oct 14  Our Market Cash Flow Index (MCF) gave a head and lower second shoulder sell indication last month and a trend line breakdown sell signal Oct 9.  The only other sell signals not given are high volume spikes on downward movements.   We have a very thinly traded stock market now because the velocity of money is very low.  The high should precede the first rally.  However, 
.The broadest market index is the NYSE and it had a trend breakdown and a head-and-shoulder neckline breakdown.  The NASDAQ and the S&P both have had trend line breakdowns now.
ETF’s will be an economic junk bombshell of the coming Obama world economic crisis.  Almost every ETF was started after Obama took office with URE an exception.  To see what happens to a bullish ETF that went through a bear market just plot URE to 2007 back 1938 days to when it was started.  That is what will happen in a bear market to all the investors in new bullish ETF's after Obama was elected.   In the next Obama recession Americans who continue to hold bullish ETF’s will have the same consequences as URE holders had during the last Obama recession.