Who uses
most of the Apple applications? People
on welfare get free cell phones courtesy of Obama to use because they have
nothing to do. Immature high school students use them during
class while taking special electives instead of critical courses needed to hold
a job. Apple is marketing heavily to this
unemployable next generation, the “stupid party” generation which will eventually
be replaced entirely by machines. The
unemployable will need to be amused all their lives and engaged with games that
make them “winners” at something so they are docile and dependent on the government. That is like the Romans who kept the peace by
feeding Christians to lions to amuse their unemployables. It is
the sign of a decadent, corrupt society in collapse. The unemployable are already addicted to games,
porn, and social media, and still gush about it on Facebook. Soon
to be high school dropouts are playing the childish war and castle games.
housing will never be the same. With
“stupid party” Obama/Hillary type leadership the new concept of housing is the low
rise apartment complex popular in communist countries. The
suburbs will be areas of poverty and blight as they were in the 1920’s because
the cities will control and keep all the money. Most of today’s abandoned housing will never
sell again. Vandals are already stealing the copper and
burning them down. Under the
Obama-Clinton “stupid party” the Housing
industry will remain crushed. Their
first crushing “stupid party” blow to American housing was their government
backed liar-loans to people who were not educated enough to be capable of
disciplined budgeting.
There will
be more and more communal living and less and less family living under the
“stupid party”. Many unemployable dropouts will live with
their parents well into their 30’s and never buy a house or have a family in
their life time. They will move into a
communal tribal village setting as Hilary Clinton advocated with the African
tribal proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” That is the “stupid party” solution! Intelligent Americans know just the opposite.
Intelligent Americans know that the
shared fatherless tribal family is a root cause of world poverty. The mother and father family unit is what
separated intelligent humans from the other animals that either share partners
or let the most aggressive male take all the females. The primitive tribes and hippie communes generally
share partners. That way few feel a
strong bond and responsibility. CEO’s who support NAMBLA do not support the
traditional mother-father family unit. Stupid
people do not want responsibility and that makes societies led by a “stupid
party tribes” dependent and impoverished.
The CEO’s
of Walmart, Apple, Yelp, Salesforce, Angie's List, Eli Lilly, Gap, Levi's,
Twitter, Anthem, and Nike are such free thinkers that their brains apparently fell
out. They want to discriminate against
and boycott Christians and Jews who support Judeo-Christian family traditions.
and thus oppose child predator groups.
The Boy Scout Council is now under pressure too to ask no more questions
about Boy Scout leaders because NAMBLA says 12yr olds should have the right to
make their own moral decisions about man-boy love. Our industry and the “stupid party” are being
taken over by the immoral exploiters of the least able to defend
themselves. Americans need to clean
stocks partially recovered but on lower volume indicating cash continues to
leave the stock market. It is reported
that the bubble in private loans to start-ups is now bigger than the stock
market bubble and today the NASDAQ bubble is bigger than in 2000 when corrupt
accounting was used to fraudulently make the PE ratios look reasonable. We submit that stock valuations, especially
the drug stocks, are built upon unsound accounting practices worse than in 2000
with the current administration adding to corruption in bank lending. These problems only get exposed when their
schemes collapse, or the current Obama QE bubble bursts.
The MBA Mortgage Index 05/23 was -1.6% from -1.5% last month. Declining applications means declining
housing sales ahead.
Initial Unemployment Claims and Continuing Claims 05/16 both
rose again.
But most
significant is that the percentage of Americans employed is declining and women
are being let go in higher percentages than men under “stupid party”
mismanagement of the economy. The Obama
administration fools the public by declaring more and more Americans
unemployable so that they are not even counted.
That is right, the stupid party voting base are not even counted as
employable so that keeps the Obama unemployment rate declining. When the “stupid party” declares all
Americans unemployable they will tell us we have zero unemployment! That is just how stupid the “stupid party”
has become.
May 27 2015
How have corporations been able to meet
rising revenue and earnings projections these past two years in a stagnant Obama
economy? By cooking the books such as by
bookkeeping expenses as investments, violating accounting practices by
computing profit at the time of manufacture or shipment instead of sale, or as Greece
and others were doing in year 2000, parking debts in external accounts. It
took until 2002 to understand the stock market collapse that started in 2000 during
the Clinton
administration. It is called creative accounting. This type of corporate corruption is what we
expect will be shown to be the basis of the current inflated stock prices.
So far the
Oil Cartel has not been able to keep the price of oil below the $40/barrel cost
of shale oil and therefore shale oil production will continue to grow. Once US
shale oil production costs rise about 25% the American companies will go abroad
and Eastern Europe will likely become the next
biggest supplier. As it is each
continent has a massive reserve of shale oil and Siberia and Africa
have potentially the largest supplies.
Currently ISIS is outsmarting Obama’s Junior Varsity White House Czars
about 4 to 1. The Obama strategy seems
to be to abandon the Sunnis entirely and have a nuclear armed Tehran invade and dominate the Mid East under
the Shiites.
Who can
forget Obama’s and Holder’s “fast and furious” gun running to make retired and
active gun owning American servicemen look like right wing extremists. If Mexico
decides in 2017 that they want to extradite Holder and Obama and put then on
trial in Mexico for the
deaths of approximately 29900 innocent men, women and children would America be
required by the Geneva Convention to turn them over for a genocide trial? On Monday night 9PM EST, a Moslem guest on
Fox sarcastically pointed out that ISIS extremists in America are not on the US most wanted
list. He said Obama and Holder have put “right
wing extremists” i.e. our returning veterans on FBI’s #1 watch list. That is what Clinton
did too and it resulted in innocent death of a retired Green Beret, his wife
and his child at Ruby Ridge and 76 Mormon men, women and children that Clinton defined as
“extremists” at Wako. In fact Obama recently had the FOX reporter
Rosen on the NSA wire-tap watch list too, in addition to having all American Christian
religious and Historical societies harassed by the IRS. Corruption of the US government is why we can no
longer believe any of Obama’s economic statistics. Political corruption and stupid party
infiltration of many corporations is why this stock market is about to implode. GM has had several CEOs appointed by Obama
and it is a monument to “Stupid Party” incompetence.
May 26 2015 When
corporations lose their moral compass and their focus on their core business
they may become terrible investments. Wall
Street Journal says Walmart may have been caught engaging in illegal international
fraud and bribery. Walmart which came
out against the American Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion and
the right to object on religious grounds to pedophiles and others preying on
American children, has now been accused of illegal monopolistic violations of
US and international laws. The challenge
also raises the question of Walmart’s external auditors’ responsibilities when
their client Walmart may have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.S.
antibribery law. If an outside auditor discovers a potentially illegal act, it
generally is morally expected to notify responsible authorities within the
company the accounting and legal experts said. But it should be obliged to notify the
government if the appropriate steps aren’t being taken and a company’s books
may be compromised, they said. Walmart
is also known to use other tricks and diversions to accomplish a monopoly. They often purchase a defunct store and
pretend they will turn it into a super-store.
That tactic is unwisely supported by the local town which gives Walmart
a huge tax break while it immediately suppresses competition in the region
because no one else dares open a store in that area. Then Walmart quietly discards the idea,
demolishes the old store they bought, and simply converts an existing Walmart
near by to a super store. They thereby paralyze
the development of any competition in the town where they got a huge tax break
and now have a valuable piece of property they can later sell to a
Walmart has
joined other executives that have lost their moral compass and indicate they might
boycott states that allow religious groups to abstain from supporting in any
way NAMBLA like activities because the CEO’s say that is religious
discrimination. They think NAMBLA is a
worthy American institution and children at least down to the age of 12 or 8
should be allowed to decide sex for themselves without parental consent or
having religious groups interfering. Walmart no longer believes in the freedom of
the press either and reportedly drops books they say discriminate against NAMBLA
activities. The Boy Scouts have also recently been
targeted to reduce their wise discrimination against predators. We are returning to the awful situation of
the 1990’s when the Clintons
were in office and child rape was at its peak.
following companies have lost their focus on their core businesses and their
CEOs joined together in trying to prevent churches, religious groups and others
from executing their constitutional right to freedom of religion, thought, and
press. Walmart, Apple, Yelp,
Salesforce, Angie's List, Eli Lilly, Gap, Levi's, Twitter, Anthem, and Nike.