Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama administration and the admiring media all blind or asleep at the wheel?

Asian markets were mixed last night but generally positive with China up 2.4% and India up 0.9%.

European markets are fractionally mixed at this time and American futures are pointing to a potential positive day for Wall Street today. Our indicators show that the down market days continue to be on lower volume than the up market days. The market is like dynamite now, no more like unstable nitroglycerine now, ready to virtually explode upward if the gloomy, hapless administration showed the slightest signs of belief in the future of the American economy and free market capitalism.

It appears that the biggest drag on the U.S. market to date has been the disappointment that the Obama Administration did not hit the ground running as he had promised, that the stimulus plan that Obama had wanted to sign on his first day in office is still a pork plan bogged down in Congress, and that the administration still blames capitalism, Bush, Wall Street, and people (rich) making more than $60thosand a year for our tough economy instead of focusing on free market solutions, tax cuts, and economic incentives instead of handouts and welfare.

Unlike President Regan who inherited three times the current inflation rate and 1.5 times the current unemployment rate from Jimmy Carter, the Obama administration continues to be a cry baby saying they are victims, everyone else is at fault, and that the American people’s expectations are too high.

When times get tough the tough get moving but the babies just cry and that continuous crying drives most normal people to despair and the economy and financial markets to hell.

Great depressions just don’t happen. It took FDR several years to turn his recession into a depression. Communism and socialism where the world fads in the 20’s and 30’s when they were new and FDR and all the Harvard boys wanted to give socialism their best try. And so FDR started creating collectives for reforesting farms and doing many environmentally thoughtful and socially progressive things that unfortunately did not address the real problems and just sunk America into a depression. Then finally FDR went back to capitalism and used the world war to focus on the tyranny of the National Socialist Party, NAZI, in Germany and we dug our way out of our own socialist experiments with failure. We focused for the next forty years on defeating the tyranny of socialism and won the cold war.

The first signs of tyranny are their “fairness doctrines” that the socialists say level the playing fields by eliminating the free speech of anyone who opposes their socialist tyranny. And today we see the embryonic tyrants focusing their hatred of free speech on Rush Limbaugh and all the commentators who have the courage to speak up against tyranny. In our NPR Orwellian world socialists who hate free speech have already invented politically correct speech, then recently defined hate speech as defending family and moral values, and now they are defining fair speech as all speech that supports their tyranny and suppresses real free thinkers and political dissidents of socialist group-think tyranny. Hitler was a self proclaimed socialist as was Lenin and Stalin.

If we want a disaster in medicine… then we just have to believe the socialist NPR and their absolute continuous stream of nonsense saying that we are not the world leaders in medicine. They are so deluded and blinded by their own propaganda that they claim Americans are at the bottom of the list in medicine. Anyone who has lived abroad knows that Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Hussein were not nearly as good at lying about America as the NPR is. These socialists are so socially and economically ignorant and blind when it comes to reality and they could create a world wide depression if we follow them.

We need economic stimulus now not welfare handouts. Ronald Regan ran a 6% deficit for a short period of time giving the economy real private enterprise stimulus. A socialist program to flush American currency down a government make-work toilet bowl is the current socialist concept of economic stimulus. FDR tried it and it gave us the first "Great Depression."

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