To be taken seriously the left really needs the power to kill their opponents. Otherwise Hitler would have remained a bar room flop and Castro would have remained a farm hand. But without the power to kill and dissolve living opponents in acid as Hussein did… the Loony leftists would end up in prisons for the criminally insane instead of as “notable socialists.”
Take the Obama automobile project for instance. Instead of letting the market decide, Obama’s main concern has been the GM unions. The $18 Billion in taxpayer money goes to essentially give the unions enough to retire and be on the dole to be a guaranteed leftist support group to carry red flags and sing socialism's praises in the future.
The leftist cars will be electric. Cars currently use gasoline and have engines to convert the chemical energy of hydrocarbons directly into mechanical energy that moved the car in one simple step. The left’s car will have electric power plants to convert hydrocarbons first to AC electricity, then transmission lines to carry the AC electric power to chargers that convert from AC electric to DC electric for car batteries, then electric motors to convert the DC electricity to mechanical work. Each energy conversion and transmission step looses 10% to 50% of the energy. So our current simple one step energy transportation process will be an inefficient Obama loony leftist four step conversion process. And leftist junk science will also need to waste energy melting tons of steel to cover our beautiful countryside with electric transmission towers which will affect neighborhoods, the environment and public health. Carbon dioxide emissions with the loony left Obama process will more than double except for the possibility that many people will no longer be able to afford to drive. The same waste of energy and increase in CO2 emissions from hydrocarbon power plants happens if they go to mass transit. Most of the CO2 emissions come from building and maintaining the enormous infrastructure that would be needed.
If the left supported nuclear energy it would provide sensible cheap clean electrical energy. But the Obama leftists are plain loony.
Americans still do not allow the left to silence much less suppress the opposition. But that power to silence, imprison and then even kill dissidents will likely be demanded by the leftists at some point as they have demanded in every socialist totalitarian state thus far.
The socialists will always find it necessary to falsify economic data. Big lies are the product of all Loony Leftists who take power. As the Soviet Union collapsed it became apparent that their recorded productivity statistics were simply fabricated and they could not even grow enough food to feed themselves. That is why the socialists starve all across Africa and Asia. It is blamed on climate change but it is actually due to the lunatic leftists who run every country where people are starving.
And of course the Loony Left invented “human caused global warming.” Every competent scientist knows we have had several glacial cycles followed by global warming cycles on earth before and they occurred with or without man. Every intelligent person can understand that fossil fuels now in the ground once came from plants and animals that lived on the surface of earth that converted the CO2 from the air into biomass deposits. Therefore every pound of hydrocarbons and even limestone deposits came originally from the air and therefore at one time CO2 was a much higher percentage of the air that earlier life breathed. We are no where near the levels of CO2 in some earlier periods of global warming. You can throw out all the loony leftist's junk science.
Market forces
We can see the prices of materials already rising but we can no longer believe the economic statistics because the Loony Left now makes them up as they go along. They will lie and say they must spend more because they spend to maintain their political power and control. A free market system spends to get the best and most efficient use of the capital investment. Ultimately this Obama Administration and the entire corrupted Congress needs to be turned out of office if America is to survive. The damage the administration is doing now will only start to be apparent in 2010 and will be accelerating rapidly.
When the world drops the $U.S dollar, our money becomes worthless and we will have hyperinflation. That crisis will be used by leftists to replace American liberty with socialist totalitarianism step by step. It is an historical fact that before Adolf Hitler, Berlin was the world center for science, engineering and culture. Socialism’s big lies and big spending reduced that nation to a bombed out shell which American capitalism revived.
Market Outlook
All market profits should have been taken by last week. All the signs are saying the stock market will decline and could hit a new low. As leftist lies become apparent it will be clear that they are poison to a free society and a free market. Uncertainty causes markets to decline in value. We can only hope that we can remove leftists from power before they destroy our country. Right now Obama says he has the right to pick and chose which companies will survive once any company comes to drink at the cash trough of the socialists. The real damage they do lies ahead.
Asian shares were down last night with Shanghai (China) down -0.9%, India down -0.7%, Japan down -2.4% and Hong Kong down -3%.
European markets are currently down in the range of -1.2% to -1.6%, mid way through their day today.
US futures indicate the American markets will start the day down again. All the American equities markets remain extremely over bought. As the markets decline further they will present select opportunities to astute investors seeking value by catching individual stocks that are down in higher value ranges.
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