Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis’s ends his eight-year tenure amidst disgusting socialist persecution led by Obama and Cuomo’s offices. Ken Lewis leaves behind a strong legacy as a free enterprise entrepreneur, increasing his bank’s deposit base to more than $1 out of every $10 of America's deposits. He is one of those written up in business cases at Harvard as a roll model for what great executives should do.
Dissident Ken Lewis who tried to resist government bullying last fall came under immediate attack by Obama socialists across the country that improperly used taxpayer and state employee funds invested in BOA to politically attack Lewis at shareholder meetings. Dissident Lewis and his team were forced to quietly toe the Treasury/FED's socialist nationalization line until Congress investigated. Then dissident Lewis told the world about how all the financial executives were forced to sign up and shut up or the socialists would illegally replace them. Yes it is true that the Treasury/FED has no right to politically replace freely elected corporate executives just because they are honest, competent, and resist socialism. But that is exactly what the Obama administration did in forcing several other executives to resign so that they could nationalize the auto industry. The attack on dissident Ken Lewis is pure Obama/Cuomo underhanded political persecution/prosecution of a great American leader.
The case against dissident Ken Lewis is entirely fabricated and is a mock trial akin to the standard set by socialists like Stalin to prosecute/persecute the best and brightest of Russia and ultimately attempt to kill all Soviet dissenters. The power and tyranny of the socialists requires these types of staged phony investigations and trials to grow in number. The people who support these types of socialist persecutions have in the past been shown to be either insane or idiots.
Obama also has killed the Raptor, the best fighter plane the world has ever seen, and he weakens America's ability to withstand socialist/communist repression abroad. The Taliban and other theocracies of terrorism are all based on socialist principles that sacrifice the individual to the state. They take pride in filming beheadings of dissidents and running trucks over the arms of child pickpockets. Their theocratic police have authority to quietly stab you in the back the way they did it to that woman bystander who we all watched dying in Iran a few weeks ago. These lunatics are the people Obama chooses as American allies instead of the Israelis!
Market forces October 2
Where is all the stock market speculation money coming from? People had lost 50% or more of their assets and have been fleeing to Treasuries. The banks are broke except for the TARP funds that are supposed to provide liquidity for municipalities and corporations… so who is diverting the Tarp funds to speculate in stocks? What new carnage will this latest stock market bubble leave behind? The Obama administrations banking risk management regulations are apparently a joke perpetuated on Americans. Nothing has changed since 1929! Obama is creating the second Great Depression before our eyes. They persecute dissident Ken Lewis as Chicago thieves run the country amuck. American industry is starved of liquidity while stock market speculators have more money than they can handle.
When the administration gets caught allowing speculation with TARP funds there likely will be another freeze up of the entire economy as the TARP plug is pulled. US stocks will plummet and the recent speculative TARP profits of the financial sector will turn into staggering losses again.
U.S. stocks fell Thursday with the employment component of the ISM manufacturing index showing still no bottom. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped 203 points, the S&P 500 fell 27 points and the NASDAQ Composite lost 64 points. It was the worst performance on the opening day of a quarter since January 2001, when the S&P 500 dropped 2.8%.
Yesterday, the weekly jobless claims report from the Labor Department showed that claims have risen from in the previous week. National manufacturing confirmed the trend Chicago report the previous day that showed the economy was still contracting.
TARP money appears to now be corrupting the financial system. Co-mingling of funds at brokerage houses that are now classified as banks may have run amuck as they did in 1929. The desire to show banking profits is creating the same kind of bubble last seen in 1929 when banks co-mingled investments.
Asian markets were down sharply last night; Hong Kong down -2.8%, Japan down -2.5%, and Taiwan down -1.8%. Several Asian markets were closed or did not report in time.
European markets are down in the range from -0.8% to -1.5% this morning about half way through their day. They were down close to 2% yesterday.
US pre-market futures are down about -0.4% at 8:30 AM EST after yesterday's steep decline.
So far it does not appear that manipulators have enough resources to stratify the current market. In a manipulated market where obviously the corrupt manipulators seek to maximize their own profits, small investors could be cut out completely. Illegal stock market manipulation, the kind that RICO racketeering law applies to… could create a split, two tier, market where certain stocks are pumped up to create absurd profits while the small investors would naturally gravitate to the undervalued stocks that the manipulators would ignore. The manipulated stocks would soar while the small investors would see very little of the gains. The manipulators would call their pumped up stocks, "the best of breed." When Jim Cramer declares his charitable trust recommendations are "best of breed" careful examination usually shows that most of his picks have better competitors. "Best of breed" is usually only in the mind of those trying to get you to buy their own portfolio selections so they can profit. We do our own homework on competitors of the companies in businesses we like.
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