Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama the racist moslem.

Obama the racist moslem.

People clamored in Chicago last year in a money giveaway stimulation package but the news media did not show much because it was evident they were about 99% the same race as Obama claims to be. But in Atlanta this week they did show the mob getting applications for what was purported to be a housing subsidy. In fact it was another corrupt political payout to people, 99.9% of whom appeared this time to be the same race as Obama claims to be. Is it racist that the news media now shows the racism of the Obama administration? Should they just continue to go along with the administration smoke screen that this corruption of the American government has anything to do with providing housing stimulation?

Obama presents himself as a racist moslem. He is a moslem with the small "m" because he tells the world how good moslems are, while he apologizes for the behavior of Christians, and he abandons Israel to the Moslems. He is a racist because he takes money from the people who work for a living and gives out their money to people who so far are over 99% his own race. There are, we believe, still a few Asians, Hispanics, and Northern Europeans living in America who are required to work but they are losing their jobs because the private sector is going broke as Obama expands government programs to increase benefits (health and housing) only for people that happen to be 99% from his own race. One welfare Moslem woman with two children got free medical service in California at a fertilization clinic such that she delivered eight Moslem babies all of whom are on welfare. That of course was democrat-socialist liberal/progressive criminal stupidity at its height. Yes, Obama and his administration are moslem racist and just like the Nationalist Socialists around the world, all the other races pay a steep price for the wanna-be dictator's racism.

Obama destroyed GM and is destroying America by abandoning people who actually love to work and make America and the free world great. Be wants to rob people with a work ethic to use their money to buy votes from people who want to get paid for doing nothing. Obama is succeeding in destroying the American economy because private businesses are being bankrupted.

It costs businesses more than $70,000 for every employee earning $40,000 due to government taxes and fees. And stupid racist Obama thinks a $1000 tax credit is an incentive to hire new employees? Obama is destroying American jobs by robbing American workers to buy off socialist unions and others who want something for nothing. Riots in Greece and now socialist India show just how bad and powerful socialist unions become. In Greece they torched a bank and burned three employees alive.

Obama's moslem racist nationalist socialism is destroying the American economy such that the cash infusion from corporations that was beginning to let loose a bull market will still provide a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy but Obama is destroying real job growth because he is giving taxpayer money away to "his own" people and by making union bosses pension plans solvent. Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions especially with stocks a bargain now.

If Obama was born an American, why can't he simply show an original birth certificate and his college records? Is it because there is no original birth certificate on file and because he applied for and got a scholarship on the basis that he was a foreign student?

If Obama is a Christian why does he not take the Moslem nations to international court for persecuting Christians and other faiths in Moslem countries? Why does he not denounce the barbaric murder by stoning of Moslems who have no legal rights? That is why Americans know he is no Christian because Christians don't kiss the asses of Moslems.

World Markets:
The world continues to recover but Obama racist National Socialism is destroying the viability of American businesses and the incentive for lazy and unionized people to work. Private corporation 50% pensions are going broke so that government workers can retire at 90% of salary.

German exports surged to pre-recession levels. German second quarter growth just hit 2.3% and rising.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

This week
NY Fed - Empire Manufacturing Index Aug rose to 7.1 from 5.1 a 20% improvement.
Net long-term TIC Flows May rose to 44.4 from 35.4 a 30% improvement
NAHB Housing Market Index Aug declined to 13 from 14 as Obama continues to ignore the democrat-socialist corrupt and dysfunctional Fannie and Freddie government organizations that insured loans that were impossible to repay so that the private mortgage derivatives were corrupted with Barney Frank's bogus mortgages and collapsed causing the democrat-socialist crisis that which Obama then exacerbated by declaring it to be a Great Depression.
Housing Starts Jul up to 546K from 537K Capacity needs to be removed.
Building Permits Jul at 556K down from 583K. Capacity needs to be removed.
PPI Jul up to 0.2% after being down 0.5% is no longer deflationary. That’s good.
Core PPI Jul up to 0.3% from 0.1% is not deflationary. That’s good
Industrial Production Jul up 0.1% after Obama manipulated it lower (-0.1%) last month. That’s good.
Capacity Utilization Jul at 74.8% up from 74.1%, which implies some capacity, is being reduced.
Crude Inventories 08/14 increased slightly. Summer is coming to an end and USA consumption of gasoline will decrease and then heating oil consumption will increase.

Initial Claims 08/14 rose to 500k from 484K. The democrat-socialists are destroying jobs giving money away to grow their voting base.
Continuing Claims 08/07 rose to 4478k from 4452K
Leading Indicators Jul improved to 0.1% from -0.2%
Philadelphia Fed Aug reported a decline of -7.7 from the small improvement of 5.5 last month.

Market Outlook Aug 20, 2010

Never before have we been faced with a president advancing the causes of his coalition of racists, leftist, trial lawyers, "community activists", the lazy, the incompetent, the illegal alien voters, drug abusers, the perverts, and government workers. And they would like to become the leftist majority that democratically approves the laws to allow them to legally steal from you the way Hitler stole from the wealthiest 2% in Germany. Fascism is nationalistic socialism while communism is international socialism. They are the two flavors socialism comes in when they stop experimenting with free enterprise.

Bush was wrong when he cut taxes to the highest brackets especially the government workers, the corrupt union bosses, and the greedy who where selling mortgage derivative that were known to be tainted. The old Republican pigs as well as the socialist pigs need to be thrown out of office.

What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability.

Volume has been extremely low on the recent Hedge Fund declines indicating that the Hedge fund short sellers are running out of cash. That could be because people do not like Hedge funds betting against them. It sounds unethical to investors so investors took $30billion out of the market so far this year. But they made a bigger mistake and bet on deflation and bought bonds.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then Obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like Obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night. Shanghai down -1.7%, Hong Kong down -0.4%, India down -0.3%, and Japan down -2%.

European markets are down in a range of about -0.4% to -1% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are down -0.4% this morning at 9 Am.

The Obama-Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd worldwide recession still has Americans losing jobs. Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd forced banks to loan to people who could not make the payments and Obama campaigned negatively call the slight slowdown a Great Depression and scared the world into a depression. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself and the democrat-socialists.

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