When it comes to rotten companies there are few more rotten to the core than General Electric (GE)
Protect America is the home security division of General Electric. It is supposed to detect intruders and automatically cal the police. As best I can make out from the complaints about the way GE operates, they have the homeowner themselves usually install the GE system with guidance from a technician over the phone. They do a test and Protect America says it works fine. But the check is not to the police who were supposed to be notified if there is a break-in. The homeowner tends to be very careful not to accidentally trigger a false alarm, so the homeowner does not know if it is hooked up and actually working.
Then after a few months the GE alarm box starts making loud beep noises periodically at night. So the homeowner disarms it when they are home and loses the "supposed" protection from intruders that they see advertised on TV. So the homeowner eventually calls and asks for help but the problem keeps happening again because the equipment is defective and of course GE implies the homeowner set it up wrong and the homeowner is at fault. So the homeowner asks if Protect America can send a technician but GE only has GE help in Texas and for 90 % of the customers it would cost $100 to $200 for a visit by a private contractor. Ge does not want any outsider contractors involved because GE defective products would be exposed. So the homeowners decide to only use the equipment when they leave the house for several hours.
Now the homeowner eventually returns one day and finds the alarm ringing and there is no break-in and no police. How strange he thinks that after a year he never saw the equipment function properly. Perhaps it has never worked at all…he wonders? So he sets it off deliberately and goes outside worried about how he would explain a false alarm. But the police don't show up and now he knows he has paid General Electric over a year for a service that does not work at all. General Electric obviously knows that there is a one in a million chance that someone will rob a home with a sign outside that says it has an alarm system... so GE can get away with selling defective services because chances are the homeowner will never find out.
So the homeowner calls General Electric and demands his money back and that the service be canceled. He is told he cannot get out of the contract and owes half a year yet. He is told that if he does not continue the monthly payments they will turn him over to a collection agency and ruin his credit rating for five years. He then notices over the next few days that his answering machine gets two or three strange computer calls as though Protect America is verifying that his GE service is indeed not functional. Then a GE technician finally calls and tells him to do a few things and suddenly the system actually seems to work for a while. But by now he is so pissed off he disconnects it and plugs it in outside where its continuous nightly beeping keeps the field mice, chipmunks, skunks, and other intruders away from the house. Finally he has found a good use for the GE Protect America system. He keeps the GE sign up because that is the only thing that helped protect his home for the last two years. And General Electric only charged $29 per month for the sign on the lawn. That is how GE sells defective products and makes incredible profits. That is why our government spends so much on GE waste and why much of the free world's defense system is at risk while GE profits. Check it out and Google the thousands of complaints on the web for General Electric/MSNBC/Pravda's leftist support and non-functional products and dysfunctional advice.
Just think how dangerous it is to put our lives in the hands of the GE/MSNBC/Pravda/Marxists. They hate America and everything America stands for except they apparently want our money redistributed to them. You can find the following and much more on the web.
By Bill O'Reilly
As you may know, NBC News has emerged as the most pro-Obama TV news operation in the country. Its cable news operation openly shills for the president and did so during the election. And when some CNBC financial commentators began criticizing Mr. Obama, General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt and NBC President Jeff Zucker went over to CNBC in person to deal with the situation. GE owns NBC.
Since that time, very little criticism of the president has been heard on CNBC. Perhaps it's just a coincidence.
On April 23, I reported that GE is heavily investing in green technology, and if the carbon tax is passed GE will try to get billions of dollars in contracts in the cap and trade program. Because GE is in big trouble — already receiving $139 billion in federal insurance to shore up its financial arm — it is now going full-tilt to get more federal dollars.
According to reporting by Andrew Wilkow, a Sirius radio host, GE is banking on government-ordered computerized health records. If that passes, GE's technology could be used, earning the company billions.
To make that happen, GE has appointed former Senator Tom Daschle to its health advisory board. Daschle, you may remember, was President Obama's choice as secretary of Health and Human Services until a tax scandal derailed him. But there is no question Daschle has big time connections to the Obama White House. We asked the senator for an interview. So far, he's ducking us.
So obviously there is a huge conflict of interest here. NBC News is in the tank for Obama, even as its parent company is trying to secure billions from the feds. And if you don't believe me, listen to Obama adviser Kareem Dale at foxnews.com/story/0,2933,520548,00.html
End of the FOX commentary.
GE/MSNBC/Pravda/Obama are trying to usher in a new age of corruption, incompetence, and profits via tearing down American free enterprise and expropriating the wealth to themselves the way Obama got his wife a $300,000/yr job.
General Electric sycophants and George Soros are the biggest beneficiaries of Marxism because big corrupt Marxists governments love big corporate political support and discrete personal contributions (kickbacks) for buying from them. General Electric runs the Marxist propaganda machine known as MSNBC. General Electric is rewarded with national defense related contracts by the leftists in American government. GE/MSNBC/Pravda/Obama have been:
1) Destroying the American justice system by freeing terrorists who killed Wells Fargo guards in Connecticut and ignoring criminals of Obama's race who intimidated the white poll workers on Election Day in 2008
2) Destroying justice by moving battlefield terrorists caught in action, into civilian courts and essentially giving mental throwback Nazis/Al Quaeda killers a free pass in Obama/MSNBC/liberal/socialist anti-American stacked courts.
3) Destroying military morale by subjecting straight soldiers to the sexual proselytizing harassment from the same kind of folks who harassed alter boys and got away with it for forty years.
4) Dismantling American culture, free economy, and the Founding Father's ideals.
If alive today, Jefferson, the founder of the Democratic Party would be horrified that his party is now run by socialist and marxist jackasses. Jefferson was against destroying democracy by using a majority vote to expropriate the earnings of any more skilled and industrious minority that earns more. He called that tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson to P. Dupont in 1816; "The majority oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundation of society."
James Madison in the Federalist Papers, Feb 5, 1788 to the Massachusetts Convention, "but as a just government protects all alike, it is necessary that the sober and industrious part of the community should be defended from the rapacity and violence of the vicious and idle. A bill of rights, therefore, ought to set forth the purposes for which the compact is made, and serves to secure the minority against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority."
By 1824 Thomas Jefferson already thought the American Government was too big. He wrote to William Ludlow, "I think myself, that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."
Thomas Jefferson was the founder the Democratic Party. In 1816 he wrote (note in Tracy's Political Economy), “To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it."
Thomas Jefferson to Colonel Smith, November 13, 1787: The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong (jackasses) will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they (the jackasses) remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had thirteen States independent for eleven years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half, for each State. What country before ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? (The USA lasted until 1862 when it had the Civil War rebellion.) And what country can preserve its liberties, if its (jackass) rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots (people who actually earn their living) and tyrants (jackasses). It (any interred jackass) is its natural manure. Our convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusetts: and on the spur of the moment, they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in God, this article will be rectified, (giving Americans the right and duty to have and bear arms against tyrants) before the new constitution is accepted.
Thomas Jefferson said the right to bear arms is in the "bill of rights" for the purpose of having the American people armed so that Americans can overthrow American tyrants (jackasses) that arise from time to time. Obama (a jackass) wants to create a civilian army (a personal guard) to suppress the American Army if the American Forces rise up with the American people to overthrow the Marxist jackasses and the jackass controlled corporations (like GE) that support leftists and manage their propaganda.
America can do well by not buying General Electric /MSNBC/Pravda products. America could save a lot of money by buying American… not GE/MSNBC/Pravda waste.
World Markets:
Do the French own General Electric too? France is the current poster child for showing how socialism expands chaos by expanding government cradle to the grave dependency. Even the doctors in France go on strike, but they announce the dates in the newspapers so that union slackers can better plan when to fake their illnesses. Greece became this year's socialist union poster child for violence when their rioting socialists burned a few bank employees alive. Obama is planning to run busses to bring his people to the polls on Election Day. Obama's ACORN community activist followers bring them and tell them to vote early and how to vote often. You need a bus to go from voting precinct to precinct to vote. That is why the corrupt leftists need busses. They ain't just voting locally down the street.
China has resumed growth and stabilized their housing prices and market. China raised key rates for the 1st time since 2008. That is the way America would do it if we had an American president not one who claims to be American but acts like a communist. The Chinese have been acting more like Americans lately than the American Marxist democrats.
By raising interest rates very slightly the Chinese show they understand more about free markets than the Marxist Obama administration knows. The Chinese understand that when the economy is contracting… declining rates only encourage corporations to wait for even lower rates before borrowing and expanding and hiring. That is the reason for the saying that banks cannot push on a string. Banks can lower rates but corporations and people just will not borrow until they see interest rates or commodity prices begin to rise. People want to get a home when the mortgage rates are lowest and home prices are starting to rise. Corporations what to expand when they see deflation has ended and the opportunity costs will only rise in the future.
But the leftist Obama administration is too incompetent and stupid to understand capitalism and consequently they do not understand that rising interest rates signify the bottom of the economic cycle and that it is time to begin business expansion in anticipation of recovery and higher inflation. Yes, China is now sending the signal that they are once again growing their economy… but the Obama administration just doesn't get it.
Economic Calendar
Remember the Obama Marxists like to manipulate this kind of economic data. It may have little relationship to reality and is what the Marxists Obama administration wants Americans to think.
So far this week
Net long-term TIC (Treasury International Capital Flows) Aug showed that investment in the USA declined from $63Billion to $39 billion
Industrial Production Sep declined -0.2% after slowing to 0.2% growth the previous month.
Capacity Utilization Sep remained at 78.4%
NAHB Housing Market Index Oct improved from 13 to 16,
Housing Starts Sept were relatively flat at 610,000 last month
Building Permits Sep were down sharply by 30,000 to 539K… not good.
China raised rates signaling the recession is behind them.
Oct 20 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Applications 10/15
Oct 20 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 10/16
Oct 20 2:00 PM FED's Beige Book Oct
This week
Oct 21 8:30 AM Initial Claims 10/16
Oct 21 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 10/09
Oct 21 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Sep
Oct 21 10:00 AM Philadelphia Fed Oct
Market Outlook Oct 20 2010
We hope you got out near the top. Once again GE/MSNBC/Pravda/Cramer got his listeners back into the stock market near the peak and Jim Cramer is upset the market doesn't listen to him.
Debt will fall under unrelenting pressure the moment interest rates start to rise because there is so much debt. It is like a margin call for high debt corporations like GE/MSNBC/Pravda. So GE may not be interested in an American recovery. Marxist leaning GE CEOs may be more interested in China's recovery. China's market alone stayed up last night while other markets sold off.
If the jackasses in Congress are thrown out of office in two weeks, QE2 may be so small and the American liberties may be victorious over jackass socialist regulation and tyranny and therefore the commodity prices could return to normal (the gold and commodity bubbles could collapse). That means the economy could shift from a 1970s mode to a 1990s mode and the price of gold could collapse possibly under $600/oz after adjusting for inflation. When President Reagan was in office the shift occurred, the price of gold collapsed from Jimmy highs and eventually was under $300/oz. Gold and silver are cyclic and we still have DUHHHH Obama for two more years so there will be better opportunities to get back into precious metals and commodities later.
World Markets
Asian markets were down last night. China's market was up 0.1%, Hong Kong down -0.9%, India down -0.6%, and Japan down -1.7%.
European markets are slightly higher this morning in a range of about 0.1% to +0.5% about half way through their day.
US pre-market futures were up in a range 0.3% to 0.5% at 8:00 AM EST.
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