Friday, July 29, 2011

The Tea Party seems serious about flushing out the government waste of supporting leftist propaganda machines and government spending on junk science

The Tea Party seems serious about flushing out the government waste of supporting leftist propaganda machines and government spending on leftist junk science. Obama had better smarten up and smell the coffee. Obama needs to compromise and seriously cut his socialist wealth redistribution plans or Atlas may just shrug him off. Finally we have a few elected officials who are not going to do nothing to stop the leftists from flushing down American liberties and our free enterprise system. Obama is looking like the cranky incompetent fool at the head of the old leftist cranky political party. We need to flush the leftists out as soon as possible.

Who are America’s most cranky people? Answer: Barrack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.

As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities. ~Voltaire
Voltaire would understand why there is Islamic terrorism today. It is what Moslems are taught to believe about infidels.

Hindu mathematicians in the ancient Indian civilization that had successfully stopped Alexander the Great’s invasion developed our current base 10 number system. The Indian numerals were then adopted by the Persian mathematicians in India and passed back to Persia and then to the nomad Arabs. Arab Moslems centuries later claimed they invented the base 10 number system we use today. Crusaders believed the Moslems and called them Arabic numerals and spread their use throughout the world through European trade, books, and technology. Most of the science, math, and art of the Moslem world originated in the East and was brought westward from China and India and took a long time to reach Europe after being discovered by Crusaders and Marco Polo. It is believed that the Pharaohs of Egypt were originally Asian conquerors not indigenous peoples. The civilization collapsed under the indigenous peoples.

The global warming scam will get bipartisan cuts of what is likely to be billions of dollars from the U.S. EPA and the Energy and Interior departments' budgets over the next 10 years if the Tea Party has a say. Only about 10,000 scientists are willing to lie and say they believe in human caused global warming so that they and their university staff can tap into the wallets of the American minority who are now know as income tax payers. More than three times as many scientists in America tell the truth. They know there is no truthful evidence or data that says humans can alter much less prevent the global warming during the second half of the ~100,000 year glaciation cycle. Edward Teller and 31,486 other scientists signed this petition below. It was drafted by Frederick Seitz, president emeritus of The Rockefeller University and a former president of the National Academy of Sciences. See:

World Markets:
Italian government bonds rose in interest rates to a ten-year high as risk of default rises. Moody is also threatening to lower the rating of Spain again.

China ordered two of their five fake Apple stores to close. China needs to shut down all “knockoff” stores selling fake replica’s of America’s technology.

World markets continue to worsen and are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating. All have head-and shoulder sell formations as well.

Emerging markets ready to plummet. Brazil

Asian markets ready to plummet. China^SSEC

Europe’s markets ready to plummet. Swiss^SSMI

Past Week
Case-Shiller 20-city housing price Index in May fell -4.51% after falling -3.96% last month
Consumer Confidence Jul rose slightly to 59.5 from 58.5 last month
New Home Sales Jun were 312K but down from 319K in May. That is unusually bad for sales.
MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/23fell -5.0% after improving +15.5% last month (bad news)
Durable Orders Jun fell -2.1% after improving 2.1% last month (bad news)
Durable Orders -ex Transporation Jun fell 0.1% -0.2% after improving 0.6% last month (bad news)
Crude Inventories 07/23 rose 2.296M after falling -3.727M last month. (Good news)
Fed's Beige Book Jul (nothing left in bag of tricks)

Initial Claims 07/23 398K down from 418K last week
Continuing Claims 07/16 3703K up from 3698K last week
Pending Home Sales June 2.4% down from 8.2% last week

Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP-Adv. Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP Deflator Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM Employment Cost Index Q2
Jul 29 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Jul
Jul 29 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment - Final

Market Outlook July 29, 2011
Free enterprise works because productive people who are no over taxed, harassed, beaten, or shot can help grow economies fast enough to get countries out of debt when free enterprise governments keep budgets down and do not destroy the work ethic with corruption or undeserved welfare for people who have children solely to collect welfare, and for people who don’t work because they think they are worth more than the market will support, etc, etc.

But Obama calls people who work hard “fat cats”. He says they don’t feel enough pain. But why is it the 51% who pay no income taxes and who mostly voted for Obama should feel no pain? Why should Obama’s wife get an executive’s salary at a hospital just because Senator Obama got a bill through Congress that gave the hospital $millions from American taxpayers. Why should American taxpayers pay the salaries of the families of elected officials? Isn’t that called corruption or is that just the Chicago political work ethic?

The problem with cranky Obama socialism is not the 4 to 8 year business cycles but the fifty-year business depression socialism leads to. It took the USSR and China more than fifty years to realize that perpetual economic depression is the socialist/communist answer to the up and down business cycle of free enterprise that flushes our inefficiency and corruption from time to time. The business cycle occurs because free enterprise advances fast and some people who do not continually learn and keep current are left behind. Lazy people want a socialist economy because the government creates jobs for them like demonstrating and waving red flags or killing people who think they are better educated or have better ideas than those who run communist “Cultural Revolutions”. Communist “Cultural revolutions” give the communist pathological thugs the opportunity to humiliate intellectuals and compassionate scientists and artists and kill country people who demonstrate. But free enterprise flushes the corruption and sycophants out every 4 to 8 years.

American socialist politicians are no different from Greek socialists or Russian socialists and they need to be ejected (flushed out) in the 2012 election.

Now is the time to go bargain shopping. Some great technology stocks are beaten down at such times as this. The collapse of prices normally rotates through the market and then the recoveries rotate in behind them. So it is recommended we do not buy any high flyers as the market drops but definitely we have a short buying period now. You can see the VIX rising close to a peak as concern over an Obama credit default increase. It usually peaks at 30 or 40 before a crisis is normally over. That could happen within the week if the Socialist democranks stop being so cranky. This opportunity could be gone in another week if the cranky leftists decide not to destroy America and instead smarten up and realize that Americans can see there is no leftist plan but default further down the road.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies as he continues to divide America. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. Now most of his supporters are quietly admitting Obama has done nothing as president to help the economy. See:

Asian Stocks were down sharply again last night. China down -0.3%, Hong Kong down 0.6%, India closed –0%, Taiwan down –1.4%, and Japan down –0.7%.

European markets are down sharply this morning in a range of about -0.2% to –1.4% half way through their day.

American markets futures are down again today in a range of about -0.3% to -0.4% this morning at 8:30 AM EST

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Langone today said cranky Obama is a nation divider, is disrespectful of his office and is now beyond help because he will not change.

Langone said cranky Obama is a nation divider, is disrespectful of his office and is now beyond help because he will not change. Democranks are cranky people who also happen to be leftist economic and social cranks.

Cranky Obama keeps saying he inherited a huge deficit from Bush. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow his BULL. The White House should propose budgets but the US Constitution gives Congress the budget responsibility and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrank Party. Furthermore, the Democranks controlled the budget process for fiscal years 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. In 2007 they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. But in FY 2009, cranky Nancy Pelosi & cranky Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until cranky Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets. And where was cranky Barrack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009.

The Democranks inherited only the FY 2007 deficit; the last of the Republican budgets needed to end the Clinton Dot.Com recession that started in 2000. That Bush deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Barrack Obama and Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and expanded the Bush deficit four-fold before Obama became president. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited most of it from himself. In a nutshell, idiot Obama is saying is he inherited a deficit most of which he and the other Democranks created.

Layoffs and unemployment are on the rise again because Obama is a hopeless socialist idiot and still blames Bush. Mortgages are still being given (no questions asked) to unqualified people as gifts from cranky Obama for people of his ethnic heritage. With Obama’s spreading of taxpayer wealth to his socialist voting block 51% now pay no federal income taxes and feel none of the pain productive Americans feel working for their living not living on government handouts. Cranky Obama and his followers don’t “feel the pain” because they prefer to collect from the government and don’t want to pay taxes themselves. Under communism nobody pays taxes because you don’t get paid for what you produce you are paid for how well you demonstrate for the government dictators. Obama’s support base is made up mostly of the derelicts and tycoons and other sycophants who know how to defraud big unmanageable government and how to avoid paying taxes. He appoints tax cheaters for advisors. The working people of America are being destroyed because that is what socialism does. The cranky cheaters, psychopaths, sycophants and dictators love socialism in all its forms because they want power to rule and inevitably they must destroy and kill the productive and thinking people in order to rule. Look at the past socialist Nazi, USSR and the Cambodian slaughterhouse governments. They all started with great promises of sharing the “stolen national wealth.” The Obama and all the former murdering leftists could never comprehend that the wealth of a nation is in all the people who use their intelligence and work hard, not in one or two percent who earn a lot and then give it all back in philanthropic trusts. Not one rich person was yet been able to take his money with him when he died.

World Markets:

Chinese bullet train suppliers, who helped build the world’s largest bullet-train network in less than a decade, could now struggle to sell equipment overseas after two locomotives collided, killing at least 39 people in China and all China’s trains are now running like snails.

China ordered two of their five fake Apple stores to close. Knockoffs and pirated technology are rampant in China. Stealing and plundering will never allow China to become great because as they become wealthy they will be sued in World Court for their thievery and violations of laws.

World markets continue to worsen and are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating. All have head-and shoulder sell formations as well.

Emerging markets ready to plummet. Brazil

Asian markets ready to plummet. China^SSEC

Europe’s markets ready to plummet. Swiss^SSMI

Past Week
Initial Unemployment Claims 07/16 418K up from 405K last week
Continuing Claims 07/9 3.698K down slightly from 3727K
Leading Indicators Jun 0.3% down from 0.8% no sign of recession
Case-Shiller 20-city housing price Index May fell -4.51% after falling -3.96% last month
Consumer Confidence Jul rose slightly to 59.5 from 58.5 last month
New Home Sales Jun were 312K but down from 319K in May. That is unusually bad for sales.

MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/23fell -5.0% after improving +15.5% last month (bad news)
Durable Orders Jun fell -2.1% after improving 2.1% last month (bad news)
Durable Orders -ex Transporation Jun fell 0.1% -0.2% after improving 0.6% last month (bad news)
Crude Inventories 07/23 rose 2.296M after falling -3.727M last month. (Good news)
Fed's Beige Book Jul (nothing left in bag of tricks)

Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/23
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 10:00 AM Pending Home Sales June
This week
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP-Adv. Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP Deflator Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM Employment Cost Index Q2
Jul 29 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Jul
Jul 29 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment - Final

Market Outlook July 28, 2011
The problem with cranky Obama socialism is not the business cycle but a fifty-year business depression. It took the USSR and China more than fifty years to realize that perpetual economic depression is the socialist/communist answer to the business cycle of free enterprise. The business cycle occurs because free enterprise advances fast and lazy people who do not continually learn and keep current are rapidly left behind. Lazy people want a socialist economy because the government creates jobs for them such as demonstrating and waving red flags or killing people, or running communist “Cultural Revolutions”. Communist “Cultural revolutions” give the communist pathological thugs the opportunity to spit on and beat the intelligent and few surviving compassionate scientists and artists. American socialist politicians are no different from Greek socialists or Russian socialists and they need to be ejected in the 2012 election.

Some great technology stocks are beaten down at such times as this. The collapse of prices normally rotates through the market and then the recoveries rotate in behind them. So it is recommended we do not buy any high flyers as the market drops but definitely we have a short buying period now. You can see the VIX rising finally. It usually is up to 30 or 40 before a crisis is normally over. That could happen within the week if the Socialist democranks stop being so cranky.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies as he continues to divide America. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. Now most of his supporters are quietly admitting Obama has done nothing as president to help the economy. See:

Asian Stocks were down sharply last night. China down -0.5%, Hong Kong up 0.1%, India down –1.2%, and Japan down –1.5%.

European markets are down sharply this morning in a range of about -0.5% to –1.5% half way through their day.

American markets futures are down again today in a range of about -0.1% to -0.3% this morning at 8:30 AM EST

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Impeach Obama. He is violating the United States Constitution. Only the American Congress, not NATO has the right to engage the USA in a war.

Impeach Obama. He is violating the United States Constitution. Only the American Congress, not NATO has the right to engage the USA in a war. Obama said NATO authorized the US involvement in Libya not Congress.

The wise feel personal responsibility for what they do while the fools know ahead of time exactly who to blame for everything they lifted, lost, wasted, or abused. Clearly Obama is the fool since he still blames Bush and Republicans for every Obama mess he created.

Obama is also clearly is a simple-minded dictator at heart. For two years he dictated to his controlled Socialist-Democrat congress that passed all his rubbish legislation without anyone even reading it. Now Obama refuses to compromise on anything important. Obama thinks a government shutdown will be just the thing to make him look as smart as Bill Clinton. Obama is just stupid enough not to realize that he would become the first and only president to damage the US credit rating. What’s wrong with America! It seems this is the country of Obama and that is why we are going into debt so fast. Obama will not cut government because his voting base of sycophants knows how to rip off big government. This next link shows what Obama thinks is the definition of an entrepreneur.

The U.S. could lose our AAA rating even with a debt deal, BlackRock’s Templeton said because Obama is so ignorant of financial matters. Obama is so ignorant he said this week that individual personal American credit ratings would go down if Obama destroys the American AAA rating. And it wasn’t just Obama it was also his ignorant staff saying that. Obama doesn’t even know that his stupidity reflects only on the American Government not the American people who are getting ready to throw all the socialist sycophants out in 2012. Currently, Jeffrey R. Immelt, GE president and Obama’s chief business advisor keeps GE’s American income taxes down to 3% while Obama keeps the business income tax rate at 35% for American companies that keep their jobs in America. General Electric Co.’s health care unit, the world’s biggest maker of medical imaging machines, is now moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing. Top managers will move to the Chinese capital and there won’t be any job cuts, said Anne LeGrand, general manager of X-ray for GE Healthcare because GE already moved all the other jobs there. The headquarters will move from Wisconsin amid a broader plan to invest about $2 billion across China, including opening six “customer innovation’’ and development centers. By moving the headquarters GE can avoid paying American taxes altogether on the business. Is Obama really so stupid or does he just hate American free enterprise?

World Markets:
Moody’s Profit Advanced 56% as soaring European debt issuance spurs ratings demand and Obama default looms.

Chinese bullet train suppliers, who helped build the world’s largest bullet-train network in less than a decade, could now struggle to sell equipment overseas after two locomotives collided, killing at least 39 people in China and all China’s trains are now running like snails.

China ordered two of their five fake Apple stores to close. Knockoffs and pirated technology are rampant in China. Stealing and plundering will never allow China to become great because as they become wealthy they will be sued in World Court for their thievery and violations of laws.

World markets continue to worsen and are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating. All have head-and shoulder sell formations as well.

Emerging markets ready to plummet. Brazil

Asian markets ready to plummet. China^SSEC

Europe’s markets ready to plummet. Swiss^SSMI

Obama job creation highlights:
 Obama health law to shrink US workforce by 800000 as it is phased in - J. Lester Feder
 Cisco Systems plans to cut 15 % or 11,500 of its staff and sell a set-top box factory.
 Hewlett-Packard plans to cut 9000 jobs.
 Micron to cut workforce by 15 % and slash flash output.
 SGI announced layoff of up to 10 % of its workforce.
 Maine company that refurbishes military vehicles may lay off nearly 50%its workers.
 Three people were struck by a car and two others were arrested after a fight broke out at a McDonald's during their National Day of Hiring

Past Week
Initial Unemployment Claims 07/16 418K up from 405K last week
Continuing Claims 07/9 3.698K down slightly from 3727K
Leading Indicators Jun 0.3% down from 0.8% no sign of recession

Case-Shiller 20-city housing price Index May fell -4.51% after falling -3.96% last month
Consumer Confidence Jul rose slightly to 59.5 from 58.5 last month
New Home Sales Jun were 312K but down from 319K in May. That is unusually bad for sales.

Jul 27 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/23
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders Jun
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders -ex Transporation Jun
Jul 27 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/23
Jul 27 2:00 PM Fed's Beige Book Jul

This week
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/23
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 10:00 AM Pending Home Sales June
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP-Adv. Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP Deflator Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM Employment Cost Index Q2
Jul 29 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Jul
Jul 29 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment - Final

Market Outlook July 27, 2011
Layoffs and unemployment are on the rise again but Obama still blames Bush. Mortgages are still being given to unqualified people as gifts from Obama for people of his ethnic heritage. With Obama’s spreading of taxpayer wealth to his socialist voting block 51% now pay no federal income taxes. Obama’s support base is made up of the derelicts and tycoons and other sycophants who know how to defraud big unmanageable government and how to avoid paying taxes. He appoints tax cheaters for advisors. The working people of America are being destroyed because that is what socialism does. The cheaters, psychopaths, sycophants and dictators love socialism in all its forms because they want power to rule and inevitably they must destroy and kill the productive and thinking people in order to rule. Look at the past Nazi, USSR and the Cambodian slaughterhouses.

“Buy stocks when blood is running on the streets,” is still good advice. Some great technologies are beaten down at such times. The collapse of prices normally rotates through the market and then the recoveries rotate in behind them. So it is recommended we do not buy any high flyers as the market bubble pops.

This could be the week when stock market volatility goes wild as Obama socialists refuse to stop pay-offs to government employee unions and other sycophants that are bleeding the economic life out of America. It shows American socialists are no different from Greek socialists or Russian socialists. American socialists are international socialists. While market complacency is now a very real risk we need to take advantage of the buying opportunities it presents. You can see the VIX beginning to rise. It usually is up to 30 or 40 before a crisis is normally over.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were down slightly last night. China up 0.8%, Hong Kong down –0.1%, India down –0.4%, and Japan down –0.5%.

European markets are down this morning in a range of about -0.1% to –1.2% half way through their day.

American markets futures are down today in a range of about -0.1% to -0.3% this morning at 8:30 AM EST

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama clearly is a simple minded dictator. For two years he dictated to his controlled congress that passed all his garbage legislation without readi

Obama clearly is a simple minded dictator at heart. For two years he dictated to his controlled congress that passed all his rubish legislation without anyone even reading it. Now Obama refuses to compromise on anything important. Obama thinks a government shutdown will be just the thing to make him look as smart as Bill Clinton. Obama is just stupid enough not to realize that he would become the first and only president to damage the US credit rating.

Obama’s “Fast, Furious, and Incompetent” Mexican operation allegedly armed the Mexican drug cartel for war on Mexican police. The Obama/Holden government is silent now on how convicted felons were used to buy the guns in the operation. A Congressional report accuses Holden/ATF's failed anti-gunrunning program of directly arming Sinaloa Cartel for the war. But Obama/Holden incompetence does not stop there. U.S. taxpayer money meant to cover transportation costs in Afghanistan reportedly has now made its way into Taliban hands through a series of truck subcontractors.

World Markets:
Chinese bullet train suppliers, who helped build the world’s largest bullet-train network in less than a decade, could now struggle to sell equipment overseas after two locomotives collided, killing at least 39 people in China and all China’s trains are now running like snails.

China ordered two of their five fake Apple stores to close. Knockoffs and pirated technology are rampant in China. Stealing and plundering will never allow China to become great because as they become wealthy they will be sued in World Court for their thievery and violations of laws.

Greece’s credit rating was cut three more steps, this weekend by Moody’s Investors Service, which said the European Union’s rescue for the debt-laden nation would cause substantial losses for investors and amounts to default. Italy and Spain debt is becoming toxic too.

World markets continue to worsen and are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating. All have head-and shoulder sell formations as well.

Emerging markets ready to plummet. Brazil

Asian markets ready to plummet. China^SSEC

Europe’s markets ready to plummet. Swiss^SSMI

Obama job creation highlights:
 Obama health law to shrink US workforce by 800000 as it is phased in - J. Lester Feder
 Cisco Systems plans to cut 15 % or 11,500 of its staff and sell a set-top box factory.
 Hewlett-Packard plans to cut 9000 jobs.
 Micron to cut workforce by 15 % and slash flash output.
 SGI announced layoff of up to 10 % of its workforce.
 Maine company that refurbishes military vehicles may lay off nearly 50%its workers.
 Three people were struck by a car and two others were arrested after a fight broke out at a McDonald's during their National Day of Hiring

Past Week
Initial Unemployment Claims 07/16 418K up from 405K last week
Continuing Claims 07/9 3.698K down slightly from 3727K
Leading Indicators Jun 0.3% down from 0.8% no sign of recession

Jul 26 10:00 AM Case-Shiller 20-city Index May
Jul 26 10:00 AM Consumer Confidence Jul
Jul 26 10:00 AM New Home Sales Jun

This week
Jul 27 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/23
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders Jun
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders -ex Transporation Jun
Jul 27 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/23
Jul 27 2:00 PM Fed's Beige Book Jul
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/23
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 10:00 AM Pending Home Sales June
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP-Adv. Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP Deflator Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM Employment Cost Index Q2
Jul 29 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Jul
Jul 29 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment - Final

Market Outlook July 26, 2011
Layoffs and unemployment are on the rise again but Obama still blames Bush. Mortgages still being given to unqualified applicants as gifts from Obama for people of his ethnic heritage. With Obama’s spreading of taxpayer wealth to his socialist sychophant voting block 51% now pay no federal income taxes. How do they share the pain?

This could be the week when stock market volatility goes wild as Obama socialists refuse to stop pay-offs to government employee unions and others that are bleeding the economic life out of America. It shows American socialists are no different from Greek socialists or Russian socialists. American socialists are international socialists.

While market complacency is now a very real risk we need to take advantage of the buying opportunities it presents.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were mixed last night. China up 0.5%, Hong Kong up 1.3%, India down –1.9%, and Japan down –0.5%.

European markets are mixed this morning in a range of about 0.2% to –0.6% half way through their day.

American markets futures are flat today in a range of about 0.1% to 0.3% this morning at 7:30 AM

Monday, July 25, 2011

Leftists control the American White House and Senate and refuse to give an inch. They are bleeding American working families dry.

American socialists refuse to compromise and reign in spending on the Obama leftist political base. America can no longer support lazy leftists who think they have a right to get paid for their be cool don’t worry life style with taxes that are bleeding working Americans into the poor house. Obama’s leftist business advisor is the president of GE a multi $billion company that pays only 3% on income and is a major exporter of American jobs. GE runs Infotech, an Indian company, one of the ones to which GE exports American jobs. Socialists are economic pirates and parasites who steal technology and cheat and lie to avoid personal responsibility and taxes while raising taxes on honest middle class working people. Leftists control the American White House and Senate and refuse to give an inch. They are bleeding American working families dry. It is only Obama leftist executives who don’t like America that move American businesses and jobs to leftist countries. Any good communist /Moslem/socialist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries? No. It is only being done by ideological leftists who support Obama and do not think America is still the land of opportunity and think that socialism and big government are better than American traditional freedoms.

Hamas got an A- grade from the US Better Business Bureau in a matter of hours after applying and paying to join them. The BBB scam as shown in a 20/20 Investigation. $395 can buy an A+. over night. Some on their BBB staff get $400,000 per year in salaries for their filthy corrupt practices that slander many good businesses that refuse to pay their bribe.

They say “Start with Trust”. Who do you complain to about the BBB which is making a false claim of being trustworthy? See:
The BBB will have the lawyer sharks circling around them pretty fast. The lawyers are the lowest on the professional food chain. But we need the sharks and maggots to dead and rotting businesses.

Automakers are pushing back against an Obama administration proposal that would almost double vehicle fuel-efficiency standards. It could be done with sails on top and pedals for when Obama’s CO2 political wind isn’t blowing.

Read about how the first socialist American president, FDR, sold out the Polish people and allowed the USSR to take half of Poland “forcing” the displaced Polish people to throw out the Germans in Eastern Germany and resulted in millions of people being murdered or made refugees fleeing to the west. American hating leftists like Obama will not allow these American socialist betrayals to be taught in America. Instead Obama vilifies American liberation of oppressed peoples.
“Confronted with the enormous military might of the enemies and having no assistance from France and Britain, which were unprepared for war, Poland was forced to suffer a military defeat. The struggle ended at the beginning of October. Under the German-Soviet Treaty of September 28, 1939, dividing Poland into two partition areas, the Rivers Pisa, Narew and Bug became the borderline between the occupying powers. Poland's destiny was resolved by the three major powers without the participation of the Poles at the Yalta Conference, held February 4-11, 1945. It was decided there (FDR and Stalin) to establish a Provisional Government of National Unity, made up of members of the pro-communist government and émigré politicians. That government was to hold free elections. Stanislaw Mikolajczyk made a compromise and entered the Government of National Unity as a Deputy Prime Minister. The Government-in- Exile, led by Prime Minister Tomasz Arciszewski, opposed the dictate. In response, Britain and the United States withdrew their support and diplomatic recognition. Yet that government continued, persisting as the symbol of the struggle for sovereignty. “

Even the very best intentioned leftists such as FDR allowed socialism to replace liberty and economic freedom without even a whimper. America and Britain then withdrew their support and diplomatic recognition of the government in exile and their freedom fighters who fought against Hitler. The socialists then killed the freedom fighters and removed them from all historical photographs. The Eastern European socialists then taught their children that the communists were their freedom fighters. Poland and all of Eastern Europe then suffered for almost 50 years under the boot of the Communist USSR. And that is all fair and good according to Obama and his ideologues.

The US joint Chiefs of Staff, are ready to certify that the US armed forces are prepared to allow homosexuals to openly solicit sex and say that it won’t harm military readiness. However the officials said they weren’t authorized to discuss the decision publicly before the announcement. Senator Joseph McCarthy was the closet gay who persecuted American Communists. Herbert Hoover was the closet Gay who created the FBI. And it is said that Adolf Hitler repressed his urges and kept Eva Braun around to avoid suspicion that he too was gay. Many of the Nazis Brownshirts were the vilest persecutors and were gay. Hitler allowed gay Nazis until the “Night of the long knifes” when they were killed in their beds with their lovers so people would not suspect Hitler was one too. Hitler also had other leftist tastes. Hitler was a devout vegetarian and a liberal socialist as well as a psychopath and a mass murderer. So yes, the gays in the Danish Army did not damage their military readiness. The Danes never had any military readiness since they became socialists.

At least 30 percent of people in 12 states were obese in 2010, an increase of three states from a year earlier, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most of the obesity is actually among Obama supporters and is a symptom of people who do not like to work for a living, or just prefer welfare and no-questions asked Obama mortgages. They could care less about helping other people when they don’t even care nor have any pride in taking care of themselves. You can’t grow to weigh 500 lbs. by working.

Socialists/leftists/communists are always prepared to blame someone else for their failures. Hitler blamed the Jews, Stalin blamed the Jews, and the Moslems still blame the Jews. How could Hitler, Stalin, and Osama Bin Laden be wrong? Obama blames the richest 2% of Americans who also happen to be disproportionately represented by Jews. But once you kill everyone who is productive in society you end up with a Moslem feudal class system of princes, Ayatohlas, and unemployed slaves….or like the USSR with Communist politicians, a few celebrity workers/cosmonauts, and slaves.

World Markets:
Oil in Europe hit $120/barrel.

China ordered two of five fake Apple stores to close. Knockoffs and pirated technology are rampant in China. Stealing and plundering will never allow China to become great because as they become wealthy they will be sued in World Court for their thievery and violations of laws.

Greece’s credit rating was cut three more steps, this weekend by Moody’s Investors Service, which said the European Union’s rescue for the debt-laden nation would cause substantial losses for investors and amounts to default.

Vietnamese inflation accelerated for an 11th month in July hitting 22%/yr after the central bank continued to cut a key interest rate even as the nation faces the fastest price gains in Asia.

World markets are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating. All have head-and shoulder sell formations as well.

Emerging markets ready to plummet. Brazil

Asian markets ready to plummet. China^SSEC

Europe’s markets ready to plummet. Swiss^SSMI

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
Initial Unemployment Claims 07/16 418K up from 405K last week
Continuing Claims 07/9 3.698K down slightly from 3727K
Leading Indicators Jun 0.3% down from 0.8% no sign of recession

Jul 26 10:00 AM Case-Shiller 20-city Index May
Jul 26 10:00 AM Consumer Confidence Jul
Jul 26 10:00 AM New Home Sales Jun

This week
Jul 27 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/23
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders Jun
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders -ex Transporation Jun
Jul 27 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/23
Jul 27 2:00 PM Fed's Beige Book Jul
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/23
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 10:00 AM Pending Home Sales June
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP-Adv. Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP Deflator Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM Employment Cost Index Q2
Jul 29 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Jul
Jul 29 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment - Final

Market Outlook July 26, 2011
Layoffs and unemployment are on the rise again but Obama still blames Bush. Mortgages still being given to unqualified people as gifts from Obama for people of his ethnic heritage.

This could be the week when stock market volatility goes wild as Obama socialists refuse to stop pay-offs to government employee unions and others that are bleeding the economic life out of America. It shows American socialists are no different from Greek socialists or Russian socialists. American socialists are international socialists.

While market complacency is now a very real risk we need to think about the buying opportunities it presents. It means investors are in the ozone with high fling stock and not thinking straight and could be missing opportunities with overlooked equities. VIX dropping again says things can get bad fast with high fliers like Apple.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

Normally when the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver. Gold has had its longest rising period in ninety years. We still have had no FBI investigation in how the brokers created the May 6 2010 total market collapse.

The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were down last night. China down -3%, Hong Kong down –0.7%, Korea down –1%, Taiwan down –0.9%, India up 0.8%, and Japan down –0.8%.

European markets are down this morning in a range of about 0.3% to 1% half way through their day.

American markets futures are flat today 0.2% to -0.5% this morning at 7:30 AM

Friday, July 22, 2011

Face the facts Obama. There is a very high correlation between being lazy, being fat, being on welfare, and being an Obama supporting leftist.

At least 30 percent of people in 12 states were obese in 2010, an increase of three states from a year earlier, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most of the obesity is actually among Obama supporters and is a symptom of people who do not like to work for a living or just prefer welfare and no-questions asked Obama mortgages. They could care less about helping other people when they don’t even care nor have any pride in taking care of themselves. Yes Obama’s wife knows about the problem but leftists blame farmers for producing food so inexpensively that tastes so good. Leftist say farmers are the blame for fertilizing the fields so Americans don’t starve as people are in Africa, and manufacturers are the blame for making food so cheap and good so even the lazy Americans who support Obama get fat. Socialists are always prepared to blame someone else for their failures. Bush never blamed Clinton for the DOT-COM recession and the collapse of corporate fraud he inherited. But Obama still refuses to take responsibility for the inept way Obama stifles the American economy with his squandering of the American treasury on big government and his “every loafer gets a free house” program.

Wake up Obama… lazy leftist get fat naturally because they take the wealth of taxpayers and expect the government to do everything for them. Face the facts Obama. There is a very high correlation between being lazy, being fat, being on welfare, and being an Obama supporting leftist.

Florida Black Congressman Rep. Allen West hit back in the email. The email's subject line said, "Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior” from Wasserman Schultz who talks like former Congressman Wiener who also was a bigmouth leftist. "Look, Debbie", "If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!." It continues, "From this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior. You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!" See:

With the heat wave today we are reminded of the London heat waves during the early industrial revolution when thousands died.

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American businesses and jobs to leftist countries. Any good communist /Moslem/socialist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries? No. It is only being done by people who do not think America is still the land of opportunity and think that socialism and big government are better than American traditional freedoms.

World Markets:
Asian economies continue to peak. China may be contracting and as many Asian companies posted lower earnings. Oil dropped from near its highest on signs of a slowdown in Chinese manufacturing and as the dollar pared losses, undermining the appeal of commodities. Food costs soar from pork to onions

World markets are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating. All have head-and shoulder sell formations as well.

Emerging markets ready to plummet. Brazil

Asian markets ready to plummet. China^SSEC

Europe’s markets ready to plummet. Swiss^SSMI

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
MBA Mortgage Index 07/09 declined another -5.1%
Mich Sentiment Jul 63.8 fell sharply from 71.5
Net Long-Term TIC Flows into the USA in May declined to $23.6B from $30.6B – not good
NAHB Housing Market Index Jul 15 rose to 14 from 13 –good
Housing Starts in Jun up to 629K from last month’s reported 560K good
Building Permits Jun up to 624K from last month’s reported 612K-good
MBA Mortgage Index 07/16 rose 15.5% reversing downtrend last month of -5.1%-
Existing Home Sales Jun 4.77M down from 4.81M not good
Crude Inventories 07/16 -3.727M more shortages from -3.124M says gas prices going up

Initial Unemployment Claims 07/16 418K up from 405K last week
Continuing Claims 07/9 3.698K down slightly from 3727K
Philadelphia Fed Jul up 3.20 from last months down -7.70
Leading Indicators Jun 0.3% down from 0.8%
FHFA Housing Price Index May 0.4% which is on top of last week’s 0.8% -good

Market Outlook July 22, 2011
Layoffs and unemployment are on the rise again but Obama still blames Bush. Mortgages still being given to unqualified people as gifts from Obama for people of his ethnic heritage.

Buying on lows of out-of-favor stocks is paying off as institutions rotate out of the high fliers. If insiders and institutions have been selling out these past six months as trading records show, and if American small investors were not the buyers then it could be foreign buying that has propped up the American stock market. That would be all the more reason for a May 6, 2010 type event. It is hard to pick good buys but some companies were best of breed and will survive just based on the value of their patents and customer base. Housing should be near the lows now.

While complacency is now a very real risk we need to think about the buying opportunities it presents. It means investors are in the ozone with high fling stock and not thinking straight and could be missing opportunities with overlooked equities. VIX dropping again says things can get bad fast with high fliers like Apple.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

Normally when the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver. Gold has had its longest rising period in ninety years. We still have had no FBI investigation in how the brokers created the May 6 2010 total market collapse.

The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were up last night. China up 0.2%, Hong Kong up 2%, India up 1.6%, and Japan up 1.2%.

European markets are up this morning in a range of about 0.3% to 1% half way through their day.

American markets futures are up today 0.2 to 0.4% this morning at 7:00 AM

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

World markets are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. Stock markets are about to drop to recession lows.

World markets are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed many places saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating.

Obama’s ‘Wet Blanket’ policies are killing American businesses and jobs said entrepreneur Wynn yesterday.
In a separate interview aired today on Bloomberg Television Wynn said, “The governmental policies in the United States of America are a damper, a wet blanket. They retard investment, they retard job formation, they retard the creation of a better life for the citizens in spite of the rhetoric of the president.”

Goldman Sucks reported profit of $1.05 billion on Tuesday, a weak showing that reflected the firm’s move to reduce risky holdings and cut back predatory trading activities. The second-quarter profit of $1.85 a share fell 26% short of analysts’ expectations of $2.27 a share. The performance of the investment bank, which has largely shed the legacy of betting against its clients during the financial meltdown, points to the new reality on Wall Street. Amid regulatory and economic uncertainty, Goldman has to struggle now to make an honest and ethical profit. Both GS employees and institutional investors were net sellers of GS stock during the last six months.

As IBM reported fantastic results, yet IBM insiders sold 52.3% of their IBM holdings in the last six months. The institutions were net sellers of IBM as well. But they told the public the stocks they are selling are a good buy??? Something is very wrong there! Why would IBM insiders sell 53% of their IBM stock so far this year?? See:

For the last six months, institutions and insiders have been selling DTV, Apple, Google, MS, Goldman, Mellon MOS, Disk and 92.3% of their exchange insider stocks taking their profits while MSNBC/Pravda/Crammer has been telling small investors to buy!buy!buy! Go do some checking on your stocks and don’t be surprised if institutions dumped 5% to 25% of their holdings in your stocks this year while getting on TV and telling you to buy and hold and not try to time your investments. Where are Obama’s regulators when the investment advisors are lying to the public and betting against their own recommendations? Isn’t that what Goldman Sucks was doing too with other banks fleecing charitable institutions, universities and even little fishing villages. Does Obama Murdock Madoff run the MSNBC/Pravda lying news empire?

We can look forward to the removal of Obama from office and hope for a reincarnation of a Ronald Reagan type President who does not hate everything America stands for. Reagan was not stupid like some presidential candidates when it comes to knowledge of what the founding fathers did and how the American free enterprise system is supposed to work.

Any Tea Party candidate who does not know about the American Revolution is indeed extremely stupid, or possibly a disguised socialist, and therefore is as dangerous as any socialist. Obama must go because he is a socialist ignoramus and a loser. A nation lead by an ignoramus loser becomes a loser. An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep…. Arab Proverb

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American businesses and jobs to leftist countries. Any good communist /Moslem/socialist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries? No. It is only being done by people who do not think America is still the land of opportunity and think that socialism and big government are better than American traditional freedoms.

World Markets:
World markets are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating.

Emerging markets ready to plummet

Asian markets ready to plummet

Europe’s markets ready to plummet

Israel is reported very near to launching pre-emptive strikes on Iran’s atomic bomb and missile facilities. Israel may have to annihilate the Iranian air force as well. The Moslem world is too busy killing one another right now to launch any ground strike against Israel.

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
MBA Mortgage Index 07/09 declined another -5.1%
Mich Sentiment Jul 63.8 fell sharply from 71.5
Net Long-Term TIC Flows into the USA in May declined to $23.6B from $30.6B – not good
NAHB Housing Market Index Jul 15 rose to 14 from 13 –good

Housing Starts Jun up to 629K from last month’s reported 560K good
Building Permits Jun up to 624K from last month’s reported 612K good

This week
Jul 20 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/16
Jul 20 10:00 AM Existing Home Sales Jun
Jul 20 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/16
Jul 21 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/16
Jul 21 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/9
Jul 21 10:00 AM Philadelphia Fed Jul
Jul 21 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Jun
Jul 21 10:00 AM FHFA Housing Price Index May

Market Outlook July 20, 2011
Yesterday there was good news on housing. Demand is increasing even if many people are under water and in default. It could be that finally banks are beginning to take some losses so that they can get from under the overburden of default losses.

We need to start thinking about buying opportunities. It could happen any day now and it could be a manipulated sell off as we had May 6, 2010. If insiders and institutions have been bailing out these past six months as trading records show, and if American small investors were not the buyers then it could be foreign buying that has propped up the American stock market. That would be all the more reason for a May 6, 2010 type event. It is hard to pick such candidates but some companies were best of breed and will survive just based on the value of their patents and customer base.

The long awaited market correction has started but the VIX possibly has become the latest indicator to be manipulated. Gamblers know how to “move the line” (change the odds) before taking their position. Then they secretly and quickly take a huge position in the opposite direction. For instance they could be selectively buying cheap futures on margin while selling stock and then quickly dump their futures and cause a panic sell off like May 6, of 2010. Then the VIX peaks quickly and investors are caught in the downdraft. While that is a real risk we need to think about the buying opportunities it presents for us before the dust clears.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

Normally when the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver. Gold has had its longest rising period in ninety years. But we now need to consider if Goldman Sucks and other large broker operations are also manipulating the VIX. We still have had no FBI investigation in how the brokers created the May 6 2010 total market collapse.

The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were up slightly last night. China down -0.1%, Hong Kong up 0.5%, India down -0.8%,
and Japan up 1.2%.

European markets are up again this morning in a range of about 0.4% to 1.5% half way through their day.

American markets are up 0.5 to 1% this morning at 7:30 AM

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

As IBM reported fantastic results, IBM insiders sold 52.3% of their IBM holdings in the last six months. Israel prepares to strike Iran.

As IBM reported fantastic results, IBM insiders sold 52.3% of their IBM holdings in the last six months. The institutions were net sellers as well. But they told the public the stocks they are selling are a good buy??? Something is very wrong there! See:

For the last six months, institutions and insiders have been selling DTV, Apple, Google, MS, Goldman, Mellon MOS, Disk and 92.3% of their exchange insider stocks taking their profits while MSNBC/Pravda/Crammer has been telling small investors to buy!buy!buy! Go do some checking on your stocks and don’t be surprised if institutions dumped 5% to 25% of their holdings in your stocks this year while getting on TV and telling you to buy and hold and not try to time your investments. Where are Obama’s regulators when the investment advisors are lying to the public and betting against their own recommendations? Isn’t that what Goldman Sucks was doing too with other banks fleecing charitable institutions, universities and even little fishing villages. Does Obama Murdock Madoff run the MSNBC/Pravda lying news empire?

QE2 did nothing fundamentally good for American corporations it just made corporation heavy debt look less bad on the balance sheet bottom line and cost the corporations higher taxes with paper profits. Most capital gains are little more than the effect of inflation, as every homeowner knows. You buy a house and it deteriorates but still the price doubles in ten years so they tax you for a 50% gain, which forces you to buy another house to push off the tax collector. Houses have had advantages but Obama thinks they are loopholes and that governments should create more inflation and tax you for the inflation. After all, Obama thinks if you have a home you must be the filthy rich.

The federal government helped fund a study that examined the effect a gay man's penis size has on his sex life. The study was among several encouraged by Obama’s appointee to the National Institutes of Health that have enraged taxpayers as examples of Obama wasting valuable tax dollars at a time when the country debt is getting out of control. This particular research resulted in a 2009 report titled, "The Association Between Penis Size and Sexual Health Among Men Who Have Sex with Men" which you can Google.

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American businesses and jobs to leftist countries. Any good communist /Moslem/socialist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries? No. It is only being done by people who do not think America is still the land of opportunity and think that socialism and big government are better than American traditional freedoms.

Any Tea Party candidate who does not know about the American Revolution is indeed extremely stupid, possibly a disguised socialist, and therefore is as dangerous as any socialist candidate.

World Markets:

Israel is reported very near to launching pre-emptive strikes on Iran’s atomic bomb and missile facilities. Israel may have to annihilate the Iranian air force as well. The Moslem world is to busy killing one another right now to launch any ground strike.

Greek unions continue to strike and to destroy the economy of Greece that depends heavily on tourism. This time the taxis were abandoned blocking all the streets they possibly could block. The socialists destroy their economies and then blame the taxpayers. Pretty soon there are no taxpayers and that is when the socialists become dictators and use force to steal and squander the remaining national wealth. To socialists wealth is all relative. They don’t think they are impoverished as long as you have less wealth than they do.

India’s government sees growth imperiled with rising Italian-Greek-like tax evasion. The Indian hidden economy has grown based on cash transactions that fall below the government radar screen.

The ZEW Center for European Economic Research in Mannheim said its highly regarded index of Germany’s investor and analyst expectations, which aims to predict developments six months in advance, fell to minus 15.1 from minus 9 in June. That’s the lowest since January 2009.

Contagion grows in Europe as the debt of the private sector rivals the government debt. In the mean time Obama is growing the US debt contagion as fast as he can to help his “ethnic people” as much as possible before he is thrown out of office.

The EU bank test was a sham and yet many European banks still failed the tests based on too much government debt and private debt all at higher risk levels.

Italian and Spanish government rates continue to rise on speculation of defaults. High debt does not begin to really bite until the interest rates double then quadruple and finally reach 20% and force complete default.

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
MBA Mortgage Index 07/09 declined another -5.1%
Continuing Claims 07/02 3727K worse than last weeks 3681K
Retail Sales ex-auto Jun stagnated at 0.0%, 0.3% worse than last week.
Business Inventories May 1.0% rose again, from a not good 0.8%
Empire Manufacturing Jul -3.76 fell again after falling -7.79 last month
Mich Sentiment Jul 63.8 fell sharply from 71.5

Net Long-Term TIC Flows into the USA in May declined to $23.6B from $30.6B – not good
NAHB Housing Market Index Jul 15 rose to 14 from 13 –good

This week
Jul 19 8:30 AM Housing Starts Jun
Jul 19 8:30 AM Building Permits Jun
Jul 20 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/16
Jul 20 10:00 AM Existing Home Sales Jun
Jul 20 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/16
Jul 21 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/16
Jul 21 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/9
Jul 21 10:00 AM Philadelphia Fed Jul
Jul 21 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Jun
Jul 21 10:00 AM FHFA Housing Price Index May

Market Outlook July 19, 2011
In addition to the uncertainty about the U.S. economy, there can only be negativity if the U.S. Government’s functionality becomes paralyzed. In Europe, the stress tests are being seen as too soft, and it’s just postponing the day of reckoning.

Sy Harding's Street Smart Report Online financial website Asset Management Research ran this headline, “Why The Rosy Forecasts For The Current Quarter Are Garbage!” See:

We need to start thinking about buying opportunities. It could happen any day now and it could be a manipulated sell off as we had May 6, 2010. Be prepared for other special acquisition opportunities as well. Barnes and Nobel was thought to be going out of business when it was made an offer. Look at it now! It is hard to pick such candidates but some companies were best of breed and will survive just based on the value of their patents and customer base.

The long awaited market correction has started but the VIX possibly has become the latest indicator to be manipulated. Gamblers know how to “move the line” (change the odds) before taking their position. Then they secretly and quickly take a huge position in the opposite direction. For instance they could be selectively buying cheap futures on margin while selling stock and then quickly dump their futures and cause a panic sell off like May 6, of 2010. Then the VIX peaks quickly and investors are caught in the downdraft. While that is a real risk we need to think about the buying opportunities it presents for us before the dust clears.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

Normally when the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver. Gold has had its longest rising period in ninety years. But we now need to consider if Goldman Sucks and other large broker operations are also manipulating the VIX. We still have had no FBI investigation in how the brokers created the May 6 2010 total market collapse. The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. If that is the case a very sharp intra-day self-off could occur again and we need to be ready this time just as the Goldman Sucks brokers were when they scooped up manipulated deals the last time. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=

We can look forward to the removal of Obama from office and hope for a reincarnation of a Ronald Reagan type President who does not hate everything America stands for. Reagan was not stupid like some presidential candidates when it comes to knowledge of what the founding fathers did and how the American free enterprise system is supposed to work. Any Tea Party candidate who does not know about the American Revolution is indeed extremely stupid, or possibly a disguised socialist, and therefore is as dangerous as any socialist. Obama must go because he is a socialist ignoramus and a loser. A nation lead by an ignoramus loser becomes a loser. An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep…. Arab Proverb

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were mixed last night. China down -0.7%, Hong Kong up 0.5%, India up 0.8%, Korea down –0.1%, Malaysia down –0.2% and Japan down –0.9%.

European markets are bouncing off a seven-month low and are up this morning in a range of about 0% to 1.4% half way through their day.

American markets are up 1% this morning at 7:00 AM

Monday, July 18, 2011

Today could be an important day to keep tabs. In America you are free to be socialists and stupid.

Today could be an important day to keep tabs on the market. In America you are free to be socialists and stupid. Obama did not know what a PE ratio was and thought the DJI was just an economic indicator and not the valuation of the top corporations of the USA. Later, without his teleprompters and ear phone advisors he thought the Marines were a corpse not a corps. He is so stupid he can not give a speech without a teleprompter telling him what to say. One former Republican VP candidate is so stupid she thinks Paul Revere rang a little bell as he rode warning of the British and another Republican woman presidential candidate said the shot heard round the world was fired in New Hampshire not Boston. Now socialist democrat Governor Brown signed a law forcing California schools to have a social studies section on gays and lesbians and what they do, and San Francisco voted to make circumcision illegal and to release all illegals caught driving stolen cars because it would be too intelligent to stop terrorism as the Israelis do using profiling. Profiling is smart. If Moslems are the one's killing people 90% of the time you search Moslems for weapons and don't feel up blond bombshells and nuns. Are the American schoolteachers that bad and are current politicians and university professors just so stupid?

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American businesses and jobs to leftist countries. Any good communist /Moslem/socialist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries? No. It is only being done by people who do not think America is still the land of opportunity and think that socialism and big government are better than American traditional freedoms.

A 50 percent likelihood that the U.S. will lose its top credit rating from Standard & Poor’s even if Congress reaches agreement on raising the debt ceiling left markets little changed. That is because Obama and the socialist democrats in Congress are no better than the socialist democrats in Greece are.

World Markets:
Contagion grows in Europe as the debt of the private sector rivals the government debt. In the mean time Obama is growing the US debt contagion as fast as he can to help his “ethnic people” as much as possible before he is thrown out of office.

Many European banks failed tests based on too much government debt and private debt is even at higher risk levels.
Italian and Spanish government rates rise on speculation of defaults.

Gold and silver back to new highs as socialist and communist politicians continue to loot their countries treasure.

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
MBA Mortgage Index 07/09 declined another -5.1%
MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/09 - delayed
Export Prices ex-ag. Jun 0.0% flat
Continuing Claims 07/02 3727K worse than last weeks 3681K
Retail Sales ex-auto Jun stagnated at 0.0%, 0.3% worse than last week.
Business Inventories May 1.0% rose again, from a not good 0.8%

CPI Jun -0.2% fell with energy prices from 0.2%
Core CPI Jun 0.3% was constant at 0.3% or 3.6% with a FED goal of only 2.5%
Empire Manufacturing Jul -3.76 fell again after falling -7.79 last month
Industrial Production Jun 0.2% up slightly from 0.1%
Capacity Utilization Jun 76.7% flat at 76.7%
Mich Sentiment Jul 63.8 fell sharply from 71.5

This week
Jul 18 9:00 AM Net Long-Term TIC Flows May
Jul 18 10:00 AM NAHB Housing Market Index Jul
Jul 19 8:30 AM Housing Starts Jun
Jul 19 8:30 AM Building Permits Jun
Jul 20 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/16
Jul 20 10:00 AM Existing Home Sales Jun
Jul 20 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/16
Jul 21 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/16
Jul 21 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/9
Jul 21 10:00 AM Philadelphia Fed Jul
Jul 21 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Jun
Jul 21 10:00 AM FHFA Housing Price Index May

Market Outlook July 18, 2011

We need to start thinking about buying opportunities. It could happen any day now and it could be a manipulated sell off as we had May 6, 2010. Be prepared for other special acquisition opportunities as well. Barnes and Nobel was thought to be going out of business when it was made an offer. Look at it now! It is hard to pick such candidates but some companies were best of breed and will survive just based on the value of their patents and customer base.

The long awaited market correction has started but the VIX possibly has become the latest indicator to be manipulated. Gamblers know how to “move the line” (change the odds) before taking their position. Then they secretly and quickly take a huge position in the opposite direction. For instance they could be selectively buying cheap futures on margin while selling stock and then quickly dump their futures and cause a panic sell off like May 6, of 2010. Then the VIX peaks quickly and investors are caught in the downdraft. While that is a real risk we need to think about the buying opportunities before the dust clears.

Normally when the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver. But we now need to consider if Goldman Sucks and other large broker operations are also manipulating the VIX. We still have had no FBI investigation in how the brokers created the May 6 2010 total market collapse. The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. If that is the case a very sharp intra-day self-off could occur again and we need to be ready this time just as the Goldman Sucks brokers were when they scooped up deals the last time. See:;range=

We can look forward to the removal of Obama from office and hope for a reincarnation of a Ronald Reagan type President who does not hate everything America stands for. He was not stupid as some presidential candidates when it comes to knowledge of what the founding fathers did and how the American free enterprise system is supposed to work. Obama must go because he is a socialist ignoramus and a loser. A nation lead by an ignoramus loser becomes a loser. An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep…. Arab Proverb

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were down last night. China down -0.1%, Hong Kong down -0.1%, India down –0.3%, Korea down –0.7%, Malaysia down –0.9% and Japan closed.

European markets are down this morning in a range of about –1.1% to –2.1% half way through their day.

American markets are down -1% this morning at 7:30 AM

Friday, July 15, 2011

First red peril Obama Khan conquers and then he steals the wealth and redistributes it to his thugs.

Both Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor said that Obama could be the first American president to lose the USA’s “Triple A” credit rating America has held since 1917. 1917 happens to also be when the world communist revolution started in the Soviet Union of Socialist States. The socialist red peril thugs then tyrannized all of Eastern Europe in 1945 and Red China in 1949. Within a decade they had stolen and spent all the wealth of the people the reds had oppressed. That is when they started the “Gulags” and various other prison systems and citizen spy systems to throw dissidents in prison. They also started the cold war as American and NATO, SEATO and our other allies began to contain the spread of the gangster leftist governments of socialism who spread the same way Genghis Kahn and Batu Kahn spread across the civilized world by murder and theft of the wealth of the people they murdered. Batu Khan in was the last of the “Yellow Peril” and the German knights in armor at Leipzig stopped him. Batu Kahn slaughtered the knights and the people but the people fought to the bitter end and Batu Khan’s army suffered so many casualties he decided to turn around and take a desk job back in China. Obama Khan is spreading the same way. First Obama Khan’s leftist red peril conquers and then he steals the wealth of the conquered and rewards his leftist red peril followers with “do nothing government jobs”, welfare, and reparations for phony charges “that his followers were oppressed peoples of the US Farm bureau”. Oppressed by the US Farm Bureau??? What a crock of Obama horse manure! The red USSR’s Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and Red China and Russia are now experimenting with capitalism and doing much better.

One presidential candidate thinks the shot heard round the world was fired in New Hampshire and another thinks Paul Revere rang a little bell as he rode warning of the British. But socialist Governor Brown signed a law forcing California schools to have a social studies section on gays and lesbians and what they do. Are the American schools that bad or is it current politicians are so stupid?

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American businesses and jobs to leftist countries. Any good communist /Moslem/socialist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries?

Obama leftist union politics is destroying USA productivity. Leftist Jeffrey Immelt finally broke and sided with Boeing against his boss, Obama, and the leftist NLRB, Obama’s agency in charge of job killing. Obama’s $86 million campaign fundraising is more than raised by all his opponents combined. It is one thing to make millions earning a living but this is an obscene payback to Obama from all the leftists, unions, and ACORN pimp services who got $Billions of taxpayer money from Obama’s stimulus funds. Obama is letting the leftists rob America blind on his watch.

World Markets:
Italian and Spanish government rates rise on speculation of defaults.

Gold and silver back to new highs as socialist and communist politicians continue to loot their countries treasure.

Ireland’s credit rating was just reduced to junk. Disney World may buy Blarney Castle as a fun house. The Greek Parthenon would make a great rock group headquarters. Goldman is ready to offer the Greek Islands as Christmas bonuses this year.

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
Jul 1 10:00 AM Construction Spending May down -0.6% from initially reported 0.4% last month
Employers in the US announced more job cuts.
Nonfarm Payrolls Jun hiring dropped to only 18K from 54K last month. We need 250K to get back to normal
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Jun fell to 57K from 83K last month indicating a 3K drop in government jobs.
Unemployment Rate Jun rose to 9.2% from 9.1% last month.
Wholesale Inventories May rose 1.8% vs. 0.8% last month which is not good
July 12 Trade Balance May deficit rose to -$50.2B from a deficit of -$43.7B last month.
FOMC Minutes Jun 22 The FED minutes indicated they would consider additional stimulus.
MBA Mortgage Index 07/09 declined another -5.1%
MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/09 - delayed
Export Prices ex-ag. Jun 0.0% flat
Import Prices ex-oil Jun -0.1% declined for first time in a long time.
Crude Inventories 07/09 -3.124M a large decline from -0.889M last week indicating shortages
Treasury Budget Jun -$43.1B deficit shrunk from -$68.4B last month.

Initial Claims 07/09 405K almost as high as last weeks 418K
Continuing Claims 07/02 3727K worse than last weeks 3681K
Retail Sales Jun edged up only 0.1% signaling a potential slowdown.
Retail Sales ex-auto Jun stagnated at 0.0%, 0.3% worse than last week.
PPI Jun -0.4% went deflationary, not good 0.2%
Core PPI Jun 0.3% core price index is ok 0.2%
Business Inventories May 1.0% rose again, not good 0.8%

This week
Jul 15 8:30 AM CPI Jun
Jul 15 8:30 AM Core CPI Jun
Jul 15 8:30 AM Empire Manufacturing Jul
Jul 15 9:15 AM Industrial Production Jun
Jul 15 9:15 AM Capacity Utilization Jun
Jul 15 9:55 AM Mich Sentiment Jul

Market Outlook July 15, 2011

Finally the long awaited market correction may have started. If the leftist unionized State and Federal government workers see 25% pay cuts to start, taxpayers will start creating real jobs again. Yes, it is the taxpayer that creates jobs as well as pays for all government services. When the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver. The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. See:

A relatively low flat VIX has meant that American stock market investors do not sense the full gravity of the $13 Trillion in deficits and the two back to back depressions it will create over the next ten years. The recent slight rise in VIX may now show the last business cycle has ended and the Obama decline has begun. We can look forward to the removal of Obama from office and hope for a reincarnation of a Ronald Reagan type President who does not hate everything America stands for. Obama is a loser and a nation lead by a loser becomes a loser. An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep…. Arab Proverb

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies just like his campaign lie that we were in a depression one year before the racist leftists destroyed American real estate and banks by requiring US banks give mortgages to people of Obama’s ethnic heritage who had no visible source of income to make the mortgage payments. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were mixed last night. China up 0.4%, Hong Kong down -0.3%, India down –0.3%, and Japan up 0.4%.

European markets are down this morning in a range of about 0% to -1% half way through their day.

American markets are flat 0% to 0.3% this morning at 7 AM

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama leftist union politics is destroying USA productivity. Leftist Jeffrey Immelt yesterday broke and sided with Boeing against his boss, Obama

Obama leftist union politics is destroying USA productivity. Leftist Jeffrey Immelt yesterday broke and sided with Boeing against his boss, Obama, and the leftist NLRB, Obama’s agency in charge of job killing. Obama’s $86 million campaign fundraising is more than raised by all his opponents combined. It is one thing to make millions earning a living but this is an obscene payback to Obama from all the leftists, unions, and ACORN pimp services who got $Billions of taxpayer money from Obama’s stimulus funds. Obama is letting the leftists rob America blind on his watch.

Moody’s Investors Service said the American government might lose the Aaa credit rating it’s held since 1917. Moody's said it sees a "rising possibility that the statutory debt limit will not be raised on a timely basis, leading to a default on U.S. Treasury debt obligations." Moody's was the first to place the United States' Aaa rating on review for a possible downgrade, which means a negative rating action is now impending. So far in the first nine months of fiscal 2011, which ends Sept. 30, the cumulative deficit is $970.52 billion. Standard & Poor said they might also downgrade their USA rating. Obama could be the first president to destroy the USA credit rating!

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American business to leftist countries. Any good communist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries?

Republicans consider forcing a broad permanent layoff of federal government workers in agencies that are considered unconstitutional (like the energy department and NPR leftist propaganda radio) because there is no constitution right for the FED to take those powers from the people and the individual states.

Brent oil is now over $119/barrel even with the world economy is going nowhere. Energy cost will continue to cause stagnation of world economies just as it did before Ronald Reagan went to supply side economics. That points out a real problem for the leftists. Not only is big government too expensive but leftist stupidity shows up in their hatred for economic development. They like high energy costs because that makes wind mills, and electric cars not look like such stupid corporate investments and they hate cars and highways anyway. They have shut down the American transportation infrastructure since the 1970’s when the Sierra Club and other environmentalists first stopped virtually every highway and railroad initiative by forcing them through already highly developed regions making land and mitigation costs prohibitive and ruining economies causing cost over-runs of 200% to 400% like Boston’s big-dig. Obama rail lines are a joke on towns and quaint villages through the centers of which the Sierra Club would have them run. Ultimately nothing gets built and all the money just gets flushed to Obama's supporters down Obama's Crapper.
World Markets:
Gold and silver back to new highs as socialists and communists loot their countries treasure.

Ireland’s credit rating was just reduced to junk. Disney World may buy Blarney Castle as a fun house. The Greek Parthenon would make a great rock group headquarters. Goldman is ready to offer the Greek Islands as Christmas bonuses this year.

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
Jul 1 10:00 AM Construction Spending May down -0.6% from initially reported 0.4% last month
Employers in the US announced more job cuts.
Nonfarm Payrolls Jun hiring dropped to only 18K from 54K last month. We need 250K to get back to normal
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Jun fell to 57K from 83K last month indicating a 3K drop in government jobs.
Unemployment Rate Jun rose to 9.2% from 9.1% last month.
Wholesale Inventories May rose 1.8% vs. 0.8% last month which is not good
July 12 Trade Balance May deficit rose to -$50.2B from a deficit of -$43.7B last month.
FOMC Minutes Jun 22 The FED minutes indicated they would consider additional stimulus.
MBA Mortgage Index 07/09 declined another -5.1%
MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/09 - delayed
Export Prices ex-ag. Jun 0.0% flat
Import Prices ex-oil Jun -0.1% declined for first time in a long time.
Crude Inventories 07/09 -3.124M a large decline from -0.889M last week indicating shortages
Treasury Budget Jun -$43.1B deficit shrunk from -$68.4B last month.

This week
Jul 14 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/09
Jul 14 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/02
Jul 14 8:30 AM Retail Sales Jun
Jul 14 8:30 AM Retail Sales ex-auto Jun
Jul 14 8:30 AM PPI Jun
Jul 14 8:30 AM Core PPI Jun
Jul 14 10:00 AM Business Inventories May
Jul 15 8:30 AM CPI Jun
Jul 15 8:30 AM Core CPI Jun
Jul 15 8:30 AM Empire Manufacturing Jul
Jul 15 9:15 AM Industrial Production Jun
Jul 15 9:15 AM Capacity Utilization Jun
Jul 15 9:55 AM Mich Sentiment Jul

Market Outlook July 14, 2011

Finally the long awaited market correction may have started. Balancing the budget will be very deflationary so the FED is likely to flood the USA with cash again. But if the State and Federal government workers see 25% pay cuts to start, taxpayers will start creating jobs again. Yes, it is the taxpayer that creates jobs as well as pays for all government services. When the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver.
The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. See:

The recent rise in VIX may show the last business cycle has ended and the Obama decline has begun. But we can look forward to the removal of Obama from office and hope for a reincarnation of a Ronald Reagan type President who does not hate everything America stands for. Obama is a loser and a nation lead by a loser becomes a loser.

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies just like his campaign lie that we were in a depression one year before the racist leftists destroyed American real estate and banks by requiring US banks give mortgages to people of Obama’s ethnic heritage who had no visible source of income to make the mortgage payments. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks were flat last night. China up 0.5%, Hong Kong up 0.1%, India up 1%, Taiwan down –0.1%, and Japan down 0.3%.

European markets are down sharply this morning in a range of about –0.8% to -1.2% half way through their day.

American markets are flat 0.1% to -0.1% this morning at 7 AM

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American business to leftist countries. Any good communist would do the same.

It is only leftist executives who don’t like America that move American business to leftist countries. Any good communist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries?

Obama business advisor, GE/Pravda Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt acknowledged that there needed to be some policy changes by the Obama administration. Since leftist executives like Immelt don’t like America, they move American business to leftist countries like any good communist would do. It you look at which companies move jobs to leftist countries you will find big contributors to Obama run and other democrat-socialists them all. Leftist corporation executives get their power from American leftist government officials who give them government contracts to reward leftists who then pay the corrupt leftist politicians off with “contributions.” GE pays off corrupt leftist politicians primarily with taxpayer money from defense contracts. If we cut off all of GE’s government contracts most layoffs would be overseas.

Republicans consider forcing a broad permanent layoff of federal government workers in agencies that are considered unconstitutional (like the energy department and NPR leftist propaganda radio) because there is no constitution right for the FED to take those powers from the individual states.

Obama said he wanted a personal “Republican Guard” to maintain his domestic security in light of American revolutionary Tea Party forces and threats from subversives like Rush Limbaugh. "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," he said Wednesday. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." See:

Brent oil is now over $117/barrel even with the world economy is going nowhere. Energy costs will continue to stagnate the world as it did before Ronald Reagan went to supply side economics. That points out a real problem for the leftists. Not only is big government too expensive but leftist stupidity shows up in their hatred for economic development. They have shut down the American transportation infrastructure since the 1970’s when the Sierra Club and other environmentalists have stopped virtually every highway and railroad initiative by forcing them through already highly developed regions making land and mitigation costs prohibitive and ruining economies causing cost over-runs of 200% to 400% like Boston’s big-dig.

World Markets:
Ireland’s credit rating was just reduced to junk.

Leftists are an even bigger problem outside of America because there they are not idealists but just corrupt and stupid. Projects in Russia now go through three hurdles of corruption. After two levels Western companies think they are almost to a final deal. But the third set of bribes that are suggested usually is enough for even the most gullible western do-gooders to realize that in leftist run countries there is no end to extortion of foreign companies. That is how you keep foreigners out. Leftists tend to be racist, stupid, and Xenophobic. Just look at the more successful leftists in Japan today, and Russia and Germany in the late 1930’s.

Monday Bloomberg reported Europe’s debt crisis and China’s efforts to curb inflation signal the 99 percent rally in the S&P 500 since March 2009 has gone too far. A report showing employers in the U.S. added 83 percent fewer jobs in June than economists projected heightened concern the economy is slowing.

Euro-zone finance ministers are still bogged down in debate, as the proposal mapped out for private-sector participation in Greece's next bailout failed.

Many analysts have warned for months that if the crisis ensnared Spain and Italy the future of the eurozone and the 12-year-old Euro currency would be threatened because there is no way the rest of Europe could bail out those two huge economies. “Spain and Italy are nearly five times the size of Greece, Portugal and Ireland and carry nearly four times the volume of debt

US Economic Highlights
Past Week
Michigan Sentiment - June down to 71.5 from 71.8 last month.
Jul 1 10:00 AM Construction Spending May down -0.6% from initially reported 0.4% last month
Employers in the US announced more job cuts.
Nonfarm Payrolls Jun hiring dropped to only 18K from 54K last month. We need 250K to get back to normal
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Jun fell to 57K from 83K last month indicating a 3K drop in government jobs.
Unemployment Rate Jun rose to 9.2% from 9.1% last month.
Wholesale Inventories May rose 1.8% vs. 0.8% last month which is not good

July 12 Trade Balance May deficit rose to -$50.2B from a deficit of -$43.7B last month.
FOMC Minutes Jun 22 The FED minutes indicated they would consider additional stimulus.

This week
Jul 13 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Index 07/09
Jul 13 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/09
Jul 13 8:30 AM Export Prices ex-ag. Jun
Jul 13 8:30 AM Import Prices ex-oil Jun
Jul 13 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/09
Jul 13 2:00 PM Treasury Budget Jun
Jul 13 2:00 PM FOMC Minutes Jun 22
Jul 13 2:00 PM Treasury Budget Jun
Jul 14 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/09
Jul 14 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/02
Jul 14 8:30 AM Retail Sales Jun
Jul 14 8:30 AM Retail Sales ex-auto Jun
Jul 14 8:30 AM PPI Jun
Jul 14 8:30 AM Core PPI Jun
Jul 14 10:00 AM Business Inventories May
Jul 15 8:30 AM CPI Jun
Jul 15 8:30 AM Core CPI Jun
Jul 15 8:30 AM Empire Manufacturing Jul
Jul 15 9:15 AM Industrial Production Jun
Jul 15 9:15 AM Capacity Utilization Jun
Jul 15 9:55 AM Mich Sentiment Jul

Market Outlook July 13, 2011

The fact that American corporations are making good profits is at the expense of the $1.5 Trillion dollar/yr deficit Obama is running. It is unsustainable. The stock market bubble remains near 2007 levels while real unemployment stands close to 20% and state and local governments have run up many $trillions in deficits that have to be paid back and are beginning to lay off. The last rally now looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. See:

The recent rise in VIX may show the decline has begun.^VIX&t=3m&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=

Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies just like his campaign lie that we were in a depression one year before the leftists destroyed American real estate and banks by requiring US banks give mortgages to people of Obama’s ethnic heritage who had no visible source of income to make the mortgage payments. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:

Asian Stocks bounced last night. China up 1.5%, Hong Kong up 1.2%, India up 1%, Taiwan down –0.1%, and Japan up 0.4%.

European markets are up this morning in a range of about –0.4% to 0.7% half way through their day.

American markets are up 0.6% to 0.8% this morning at 7 AM