American socialists refuse to compromise and reign in spending on the Obama leftist political base. America can no longer support lazy leftists who think they have a right to get paid for their be cool don’t worry life style with taxes that are bleeding working Americans into the poor house. Obama’s leftist business advisor is the president of GE a multi $billion company that pays only 3% on income and is a major exporter of American jobs. GE runs Infotech, an Indian company, one of the ones to which GE exports American jobs. Socialists are economic pirates and parasites who steal technology and cheat and lie to avoid personal responsibility and taxes while raising taxes on honest middle class working people. Leftists control the American White House and Senate and refuse to give an inch. They are bleeding American working families dry. It is only Obama leftist executives who don’t like America that move American businesses and jobs to leftist countries. Any good communist /Moslem/socialist would do the same. Think about it, is there one American capitalist who is moving American jobs to socialist countries? No. It is only being done by ideological leftists who support Obama and do not think America is still the land of opportunity and think that socialism and big government are better than American traditional freedoms.
Hamas got an A- grade from the US Better Business Bureau in a matter of hours after applying and paying to join them. The BBB scam as shown in a 20/20 Investigation. $395 can buy an A+. over night. Some on their BBB staff get $400,000 per year in salaries for their filthy corrupt practices that slander many good businesses that refuse to pay their bribe.
They say “Start with Trust”. Who do you complain to about the BBB which is making a false claim of being trustworthy? See:
The BBB will have the lawyer sharks circling around them pretty fast. The lawyers are the lowest on the professional food chain. But we need the sharks and maggots to dead and rotting businesses.
Automakers are pushing back against an Obama administration proposal that would almost double vehicle fuel-efficiency standards. It could be done with sails on top and pedals for when Obama’s CO2 political wind isn’t blowing.
Read about how the first socialist American president, FDR, sold out the Polish people and allowed the USSR to take half of Poland “forcing” the displaced Polish people to throw out the Germans in Eastern Germany and resulted in millions of people being murdered or made refugees fleeing to the west. American hating leftists like Obama will not allow these American socialist betrayals to be taught in America. Instead Obama vilifies American liberation of oppressed peoples.
“Confronted with the enormous military might of the enemies and having no assistance from France and Britain, which were unprepared for war, Poland was forced to suffer a military defeat. The struggle ended at the beginning of October. Under the German-Soviet Treaty of September 28, 1939, dividing Poland into two partition areas, the Rivers Pisa, Narew and Bug became the borderline between the occupying powers. Poland's destiny was resolved by the three major powers without the participation of the Poles at the Yalta Conference, held February 4-11, 1945. It was decided there (FDR and Stalin) to establish a Provisional Government of National Unity, made up of members of the pro-communist government and émigré politicians. That government was to hold free elections. Stanislaw Mikolajczyk made a compromise and entered the Government of National Unity as a Deputy Prime Minister. The Government-in- Exile, led by Prime Minister Tomasz Arciszewski, opposed the dictate. In response, Britain and the United States withdrew their support and diplomatic recognition. Yet that government continued, persisting as the symbol of the struggle for sovereignty. “
Even the very best intentioned leftists such as FDR allowed socialism to replace liberty and economic freedom without even a whimper. America and Britain then withdrew their support and diplomatic recognition of the government in exile and their freedom fighters who fought against Hitler. The socialists then killed the freedom fighters and removed them from all historical photographs. The Eastern European socialists then taught their children that the communists were their freedom fighters. Poland and all of Eastern Europe then suffered for almost 50 years under the boot of the Communist USSR. And that is all fair and good according to Obama and his ideologues.
The US joint Chiefs of Staff, are ready to certify that the US armed forces are prepared to allow homosexuals to openly solicit sex and say that it won’t harm military readiness. However the officials said they weren’t authorized to discuss the decision publicly before the announcement. Senator Joseph McCarthy was the closet gay who persecuted American Communists. Herbert Hoover was the closet Gay who created the FBI. And it is said that Adolf Hitler repressed his urges and kept Eva Braun around to avoid suspicion that he too was gay. Many of the Nazis Brownshirts were the vilest persecutors and were gay. Hitler allowed gay Nazis until the “Night of the long knifes” when they were killed in their beds with their lovers so people would not suspect Hitler was one too. Hitler also had other leftist tastes. Hitler was a devout vegetarian and a liberal socialist as well as a psychopath and a mass murderer. So yes, the gays in the Danish Army did not damage their military readiness. The Danes never had any military readiness since they became socialists.
At least 30 percent of people in 12 states were obese in 2010, an increase of three states from a year earlier, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most of the obesity is actually among Obama supporters and is a symptom of people who do not like to work for a living, or just prefer welfare and no-questions asked Obama mortgages. They could care less about helping other people when they don’t even care nor have any pride in taking care of themselves. You can’t grow to weigh 500 lbs. by working.
Socialists/leftists/communists are always prepared to blame someone else for their failures. Hitler blamed the Jews, Stalin blamed the Jews, and the Moslems still blame the Jews. How could Hitler, Stalin, and Osama Bin Laden be wrong? Obama blames the richest 2% of Americans who also happen to be disproportionately represented by Jews. But once you kill everyone who is productive in society you end up with a Moslem feudal class system of princes, Ayatohlas, and unemployed slaves….or like the USSR with Communist politicians, a few celebrity workers/cosmonauts, and slaves.
World Markets:
Oil in Europe hit $120/barrel.
China ordered two of five fake Apple stores to close. Knockoffs and pirated technology are rampant in China. Stealing and plundering will never allow China to become great because as they become wealthy they will be sued in World Court for their thievery and violations of laws.
Greece’s credit rating was cut three more steps, this weekend by Moody’s Investors Service, which said the European Union’s rescue for the debt-laden nation would cause substantial losses for investors and amounts to default.
Vietnamese inflation accelerated for an 11th month in July hitting 22%/yr after the central bank continued to cut a key interest rate even as the nation faces the fastest price gains in Asia.
World markets are predicting another world wide recession beginning within six months. The 200 and 100 day moving averages have crossed saying the stock markets are about to drop to recession lows. The USA markets are also getting close to a confirmation of the recession the world is now anticipating. All have head-and shoulder sell formations as well.
Emerging markets ready to plummet. Brazil
Asian markets ready to plummet. China^SSEC
Europe’s markets ready to plummet. Swiss^SSMI
US Economic Highlights
Past Week
Initial Unemployment Claims 07/16 418K up from 405K last week
Continuing Claims 07/9 3.698K down slightly from 3727K
Leading Indicators Jun 0.3% down from 0.8% no sign of recession
Jul 26 10:00 AM Case-Shiller 20-city Index May
Jul 26 10:00 AM Consumer Confidence Jul
Jul 26 10:00 AM New Home Sales Jun
This week
Jul 27 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Purchase Index 07/23
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders Jun
Jul 27 8:30 AM Durable Orders -ex Transporation Jun
Jul 27 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 07/23
Jul 27 2:00 PM Fed's Beige Book Jul
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 8:30 AM Initial Claims 07/23
Jul 28 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/16
Jul 28 10:00 AM Pending Home Sales June
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP-Adv. Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM GDP Deflator Q2
Jul 29 8:30 AM Employment Cost Index Q2
Jul 29 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Jul
Jul 29 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment - Final
Market Outlook July 26, 2011
Layoffs and unemployment are on the rise again but Obama still blames Bush. Mortgages still being given to unqualified people as gifts from Obama for people of his ethnic heritage.
This could be the week when stock market volatility goes wild as Obama socialists refuse to stop pay-offs to government employee unions and others that are bleeding the economic life out of America. It shows American socialists are no different from Greek socialists or Russian socialists. American socialists are international socialists.
While market complacency is now a very real risk we need to think about the buying opportunities it presents. It means investors are in the ozone with high fling stock and not thinking straight and could be missing opportunities with overlooked equities. VIX dropping again says things can get bad fast with high fliers like Apple.^VIX&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&c=
Normally when the VIX peaks above 25 that would be the time to consider investing in stocks and shorting gold and silver. Gold has had its longest rising period in ninety years. We still have had no FBI investigation in how the brokers created the May 6 2010 total market collapse.
The last rally still looks like the second shoulder of a classic head-and-shoulders sell signal. If that is the case there could be a sharp sell off. Perhaps it already occurred and the prices are suspended using futures. See:^NYA&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=e50%2Ce100&a=&c=
Recovery is one of Obama’s big lies. Click on the 5yr chart and see full effect of the slowdown in world dry shipments. See:
Asian Stocks were down last night. China down -3%, Hong Kong down –0.7%, Korea down –1%, Taiwan down –0.9%, India up 0.8%, and Japan down –0.8%.
European markets are down this morning in a range of about 0.3% to 1% half way through their day.
American markets futures are flat today 0.2% to -0.5% this morning at 7:30 AM
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