We can end the “Great Depression” Obama declared in his 2007-2008 campaign this year. That campaign speech Obama made will make one of the greatest commercials during the campaign. It will no doubt include experts saying that no one since 1929 has ever been so callous, so irresponsible and ignorant of history to say what Obama said. They should follow Obama declaring a Great Depression, with Senator Dodd from the Senate Banking Commission and Obama together, then with Dodd leaking a possible panic and a run on a California bank, followed by that California bank run and failure, and then the long lines of unemployed blacks lining up and near rioting in Chicago and Atlanta at the start of the Obama Depression when Obama gave them a government handout for housing. None of that happened until after Obama created his “Depression.” Obama will be so disgraced running on his great depression record. That is why it is likely he will drop out at the last minute and Hilary will run in 2012. Lyndon Johnson did not step down until the left wing base of protestors turned on him instead of the Vietnam War.
There will also be a “liar loan” commercial and one on crooked racist reparations to liars who claimed they were discriminated against by the Farm Agency when in fact they never owned even a 40 acre farm which was the minimum the government sometimes gave new farmers when the west was opened. Obama did not verify any of that $30 billion handout his first year. Of course Obama has given out over $2trillion already and America will be broken like Greece if Obama get re-elected.
Clad gold coin advertising shows the gold sellers know today’s gold buyers are fools. Clad gold coins are copper coins with a thin layer of gold. It does not matter how pure the gold is because when they are melted down the metal is a copper alloy with little gold in it. True gold coins are usually solid 99.9% or higher gold when melted down. The sucker clad gold coins are copper with a thin clad layer of 99.9% gold. They further deceive suckers by claiming production was shut down because some solid gold blanks were run off. That means a small number were actually minted in gold because the blanks used were gold instead of copper. Those are selling at a higher price not the price of the worthless copper clad buffalo coins. That again shows they are targeting fools who will not understand the clad coins they buy are the worthless coins and the crooks made a few solid ones to establish a price 100 times what the clad coins are worth. The people who buy this product are victims of false and deceptive advertising and the Obama administration should shut it down because it is consumer fraud but they are hoping for a campaign contribution. Attorney General Holden could do but has not, because he has had other things to do like covering up the gun running to Mexican Cartels called “Fast and Furious.” Holden has apologized for the murder of one American border guard with one of Obama’s guns but Holden and Oboma still need to apologize for the 30 thousand Mexicans they killed with “Fast and Furious.” Fast and furious also used American trained Mexican commandos who all defected to the drug cartels and caused all the mass murders that started after Obama took office. Many Americans vacationers have also been killed such as the one who ventured into Mexican waters on a jet ski and the detective who went looking for the missing skier and only his head was sent back to America.
Happy New Year! We can end the Obama declared depression by getting rid of Obama in 2012. Normally high unemployment means the president loses the election, but not this time. The unemployed are becoming Obama’s welfare electorate with $trillions that go to them with Obama’s trickle-up socialism. We must never forget that when Obama in 2008 declared that America was in a depression (to get elected). Obama did something like that which is so stupid and so irresponsible that no intelligent person anywhere in the world ever dared to do that before because fear of a depression is what FDR said undermines confidence in government, business, and banking and thereby creates a depression.
The biggest wave of takeover offers ever, occurred in 2011. It crashed and burned last year because Obama is killing the world economy with his bitter hatred of free enterprise. $37 billion in American deals collapsed in 2011, $21 billion of equity value was erased from the May highs and only one deal closed in 2011 due to fear of Obama’s dysfunctional government with the out of control Obama administration corruption, ineptness and vindictiveness. Obama-Holden has created a dysfunctional government, a corrupt Solyndra paradigm for business, a corrupt Fannie and Freddie government paradigm which the hope to re-elect with a dysfunctional Obama voting block.
Obama started 2011 with Holden’s crooked socialist agents raiding the offices of small and middle sized businesses reminding businessmen that Obama wanted $1Billion in campaign contributions for his “2011-2012Liar Campaign”.
Some honest businesses contribute to Holden-Obama just to avoid a Holden-Obama raid that takes their computers and business records, steals technology, and puts them out of business sometimes permanently.
Liar loans had pumped $billions into his political supporters pockets with more than $10 billion of tax payer money going to union supporters and only four of the hundreds of Liar Loan criminals and Wall Street criminals going to jail. So Obama and Holden spent the year investigating “suspected” crooks to scare businesses into contributing big to the Obama 2011- 2012 MSNBC “Liar Campaign.” Meanwhile American construction went nowhere due to the “Liar Loans” given to Obama’s crooked voting block and their refusal to move out. The unemployable liars continue to occupy houses!
Why is it that all the supporters of Obama are broke already after receiving another $2.2Trillion over the past three years in phony small business loans, shovel ready stimulation handouts, and phony training and education rip-offs. Training and education loans set up by Obama liar training companies had less than 5% of those trained end up with a valid truck driver’s license or a real college degree, and fewer than 1% bothered to look for a job. Most dropped out before completing the programs and the liar training crooks left town with the taxpayer saddled with more debt.
Unemployment actually exceeds 20% and more than half the unemployed are on welfare or living with a woman on welfare. With Obama giving his dysfunctional welfare constituency $1600 per month per dysfunctional child, the American school system is failing. That is because the teachers cannot handle the children of dysfunctional families with their loud abusive dysfunctional mother coming to school to scold them for chidren's bad grades or for failing them. The abusive parents have the full support of their live-in abusive boyfriends and the dysfunctional Obama-Holden government. Fewer than 50% graduate high school and it explains whom they vote for.
The lazy, ignorant and corrupt chose ignorant and corrupt candidates who funnel the taxpayer money to them directly without them having to get off their butts and steal it for themselves.
It is clear that Obama’s voting block of crooked, ignorant, abusive and lazy people continues to grow under Obama-Holden with their $700,000,000,000 (700 billion dollars) Solyndra style corruption stimulation packages. The only thing Obama-Holden are creating is deep national corruption and a world depression. Some say Obama needs a world crisis to replace free enterprise with corrupt and abusive government. He already is well on his way. Obama is a genuine Banana Republic leader looking to make America another banana republic.
World markets
German unemployment is at a 20 year low. Germans clearly have the world’s strongest work ethic. The reason they complain so much about the lazy loafers in Germany is not because there are many lazy loafers. No, the reason they have so few lazy loafers in Germany is because Germans complain so much when they discover one.
The world economy is very fragile with emerging countries having to hunker down fast or see inflation ravage their competitiveness. They cannot afford price rises because that is what has caused Americans to stop buying Chinese products. China perhaps thought the free world needs inferior products at any price. No one buys inferior products unless they have value. A half-life computer battery must sell at less that half price for people to buy it. China is at the stage Japan was just after the 1950’s when Japan realized that they needed to get a reputation for quality not junk. By 1970 Japan was building better quality cars than America. By 1985 Japan actually believed they would overtake America. That is when their hidden socialist debt sunk their boat. Japan had promised their labor force a job for life just as communists do. The problem is the communists don’t feed you so they starve you to death like N. Korea did killing 3 million people in the last 20 years by sending them out into the countryside were there is not enough food. Japan thought that would be too harsh so they retired and finally gave in and had layoffs. But it was too late. Japan is broke. They could inflate and wipe out debt but then they would still be broke because the Japanese people would stop saving their money in Japan and invest in free-enterprise economies.
It is looking more and more like the EU can survive if it ejects Greece. Even a 90% investor haircut will not help Greece because they still cannot cut government spending enough to break even. If America does not eject Obama this year, in ten years the USA will be the another Greece.
Asian markets (especially China) care failing to break out some on the second and third times at resistance levels.
Germany is showing strength: Choose 2 or 5 years
The Swiss are showing strength. Choose 2 or 5 years http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=%5ESSMI+Interactive#chart1:symbol=^ssmi;range=2y;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined
Emerging markets show strength.
American Economy
The US economy may not dip as Americans increasingly have hope that the Obama Regime will be thrown out of office so Americans can change back to an honest free enterprise system. The Obama administration’s corruption rivals that of Greece and Italy.
ISM services Index Dec 53.9 up from 52.7
Construction Spending Nov 1.2% up from 0.8%, very good
Jan 4 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Index 12/31
Jan 4 10:00 AM Factory Orders Nov -
Jan 4 2:00 PM Auto Sales Dec -
Jan 4 2:00 PM Truck Sales Dec
This Week
Jan 5 7:30 AM Challenger Job Cuts Dec
Jan 5 8:15 AM ADP Employment Change Dec
Jan 5 8:30 AM Initial Claims 12/31
Jan 5 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 12/24
Jan 5 10:00 AM ISM Services Dec
Jan 5 11:00 AM Crude Inventories 12/31
Jan 6 8:30 AM Nonfarm Payrolls Dec
Jan 6 8:30 AM Nonfarm Private Payrolls Dec
Jan 6 8:30 AM Unemployment Rate Dec
Jan 6 8:30 AM Hourly Earnings Dec
Jan 6 8:30 AM Average Workweek Dec
Market outlook January 4, 2012
We should continue to take profits as they recover near July 2011 highs. This could be a very turbulent year. American prosperity depends on getting the racist socialists out of the White House. Obama has not helped his people by giving them taxpayer money he has just put America into more debt which takes years of Obama-depression to undo. Within a year of throwing out Obama, Holden, and Obama’s Black Panther election monitors we will be booming again.
American stocks could still hit this past year’s highs by the end of January. The NYSE MACD is definitely bullish and implies we could see the bull market last until November 2012. You can also see the down side cross over occurred in May-June of 2011 in plenty of time to get out of the stock market. The upside cross over came in mid October in time to catch the last dip and the rally. But you can see that most stocks have not recovered yet.
It is reported the hedge funds are now accumulating housing stocks.
Real estate will not take off until Americans feel confident that Obama and his racist-leftist supporters will be ejected in 2012. It was the racist liar-loans to Obama’s and Holden’s minority group that brought down the American banks after several years of racist minority group appointments to the highest levels of Fannie and Freddie by the democrat-socialist. It is likely that the racist minority appointments created the liar loan corruption that disproportionately favored Obama and Holden’s race. Now Obama and Holden are suing the banks for the money the racist liars lost when the housing market collapsed all because the racist liars defaulted on the houses they purchased with liar loans and no source of income to make mortgage payments.
When it comes to jobs, Obama has to manipulate the government statistics just like all communists do to pretend things are better. Sales are up because consumers have been refinancing at lower rate and dropping their monthly expenses. That improvement can only last a couple months http://www.martincapital.com/index.php?page=graph&view=unemployment
The VIX has is approaching 20 which would indicate complacency. That means the coming exuberant rally will be a good time to take profits and raise cash.
We predict we could possibly have as much as 95% stock market recovery. But realize that as the upside potential is approached, then the downside risk exceeds the upside potential and it is time to lighten up. Also, remember January was very good last year and the market went down significantly afterwards so January is not necessarily a good predictor for the year. View 1yr. See:
Bulk shipments still at less than 20% of the bulk trade level that existed before Obama declared the USA was in a depression in one of his 2007-2008 campaign speeches. It is also slipping again.
Stock market update:
Asian Stock markets were mixed last night. China down - 1.4%, Hong Kong down – 0.8%, India down – 0.4%, S. Korea down – 0.5%, and Japan up 1.2%.
European markets are down today in a range –0.2% to -1.2% half way through their day.
American market futures are down about –0.3% in after hour trading at 8:30 AM EST. It is an unreliable predictor.
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