Thursday, May 23, 2013

Good old Ben was supposed to get America out of the recession but instead has put the world on the verge of another economic collapse and a world depression. The Fed is buying up all the low risk securities from the commercial markets (the shadow-banking system) leaving the American economy with little credit for economic expansion thus squeezing out economic growth while flooding investment banks and the stock market with cash for acquisitions, investment cash for windmills, solar panels, and even cash for new record highs in stock market speculation. As good old Ben brought interest rates closer to zero with QE3 to cover President Obama’s deficit spending he has raised the catastrophic consequence of any interest rate increase closer to infinity for the bond or any other fixed interest markets.

But extricating himself from the Bernanke mess (ending QE3) will drain the stock market swamp of liquidity at the same time as it devalues all fixed rate bonds.  As it turns out putting the good paper on the balance sheet to support foolish deficit spending backfired because while food stamps, welfare, and silly pseudo-investments were quadrupled on the spending side the bank balance sheets were drained of low risk notes for investment in useful research and new job markets.  The WSJ says Bernanke’s QE purchases of Treasuries are leading to collateral shortages in the vital, $4-trillion repo market.
In the mean time very little has been done to unravel the mess of the liar loan mortgage crash of 2008 that reduced home ownership in America by 4% and instead of helping poor people afford homes it bankrupted many working families.
The Internal Revenue Service was auditing constituents after those constituents made critical comments about the administration. That is a violation of the US Constitution and all the principles that America is built upon.

The Attorney General's harassment, dirty tricks, and violation of other American Constitutional rights such as privacy has been undermining confidence in America’s government with simultaneous Fast and Furious gun running to impugn innocent gun owners, IRS harassment (based on names such as patriot and constitution), and wire tapping of what had been an American free press.  He and his agents need to remove themselves from office ASAP or they may drag down the administration.  He is still in contempt of Congress.
Wednesday morning the Japanese stock market was down more than 7.3%, and the German DAX is down more than 2.7%.   As we had been saying for weeks, most industrial world equities markets are near their 20 year highs (resistance levels) when you adjust for inflation.  At the same time the FED is allowing treasury interest rates to creep up.  That means we are faced with possible simultaneous corrections to the bond and stock markets.  The FED policy has destabilized the economy by making contractions of different markets coincident.  And continuation of QE will kill just as all addictive stimulants eventually kill. 
Monday MSNBC’s guest reported that QE3 has only helped the stock market increase the average wealth of the richest 7% of Americans by an average of 23% relative to when he was elected.  But the other 93% of poorer working and middle class Americans are still down an average of 4%.  The number without jobs, using food stamps or on welfare has more than doubled because the 7% unemployment figure only includes those unemployed who are still looking for work.   The only economic sector that has legs after five years under the Obama presidency is the stock market.  
President Obama intended that healthcare be managed by the IRS but recent reports indicate that the IRS discriminates against the more patriotic working and middle class who have no entitlements, no tax advisors and tend to be conservative thinking .  These are the working Americans who also make up most of our security forces (military, police, firemen). Is that the kind of agency  that should be making decisions on who gets life saving help?  And now the press was wire tapped on the Attorney Generals orders without a court order.  These are the same people who criticized President Bush for setting up the computer system to detect terrorist planning.
The progressive breakdown of the traditional stable core American family has resulted in as many as 1 in 5 children ages 3 to 17, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or a more serious mental illness.  According to the latest report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the rate of children hospitalized for mood disorders rose 80 percent from 1997 to 2010.
Tim Cook has lurched from one reputation-threatening Apple predicament like from faulty mapping software to spite Google, to the marred the release of the iPhone 5 to cooking the books to avoid paying taxes on repatriating $100Billion to the USA. To avoid paying the $35Billion in repatriation taxes Apple borrowed the $100 Billion in America to pay it out to shareholders and now will paid it back with interest to an overseas branch of the same bank.   So technically Tim can say the money never left Europe.  The bank making the loan gets to keep the profit overseas and avoid US taxes too.  
Attorney General Eric Holder in his first public acknowledgment said Wednesday that the administration drone strikes have intentionally targeted and killed four American citizens overseas since 2009.
Ford Motor Co. will halt auto production in Australia after nine decades due to the inability to compete with imports.
Fox reports that twelve months and one incredibly-rocky IPO later, it’s now clear that Mark Zuckerberg’s social network failed to even come close to its unrealistic expectations. 
Beware, there appears to be little underlying value in any of the exchange traded funds (ETF’s).  They appear to be unpredictable (uncorrelated with underlying stocks) derivative securities.  While shares of stock are shares of ownership in corporations that have intrinsic value and create wealth, many ETF’s merely are derivatives that pit buyers against sellers or sometimes novices against market manipulators.  They go up when there are more buyers than sellers and the amount of change is not anchored to underlying value, or a sector of the economy or commodities like gold.  Many on Wall Street know ETF’s could be a latest ticking derivative time bomb and novice investors who are flocking to them could eventually be hurt when that system collapses.  Even Jim Cramer still said to buy the underlying gold.
Beware also that the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that the regulators have subpoenas out for a Goldman Sachs partner that sells “so called Fixed annuities” that are high risk and not suitable for retirement applications.
It looks quite possible that this latest stock market run-up is a consequence of hedge funds cutting short positions at a loss and other funds eliminating their 10% cash position and pushing ETF’s up on low volume and triggering the fever (greed) to stop normal fund short selling that keeps the market in balance and let prices climb with no change underlying values.  Add to that all the small investors going into debt.  When the current bubble bursts they will find many of the new ETF derivatives are worthless just like the mortgage base derivatives that brought down the banks in 2008.  Consumer debt is again in record territory.
The European and Asian currency declines against the dollar hurts American sales abroad and the declining currencies mean foreign profits will decline faster when converted to dollars.  It is the reverse of the double whammy of the recent foreign profit gains that were realized this past year.
World Economies
HSBC says Europe is not even half way through this economic crisis yet.
Sweden plans to impose some of Europe’s harshest capital standards to shield taxpayers from bailouts.  The socialist government is against risk taking and has rejected bank industry pleas to adhere to more harmonized capital rules, arguing nations with large financial industries face too high a risk of losses.  No risk means no reward and European nouveau socialists sink deeper into the mire of welfare greed where socialists want everything for nothing and think they are clever enough to do it until it is too late and they killed and ate the oxen that were pulling their cart.  The world can no longer look to America for leadership.
The Polish government plans to require that shale oil producers take a state-run company as a production partner and has also proposed raising taxes to almost 80 percent of profit and let the explorers absorb all their losses. The measures, announced in October, haven’t become law yet.  Only two wells have been drilled thus far and both failed.  Socialists can do nothing right it seems.  They want to divide up and eat the elephant first before they start the elephant hunt.
Bloomberg reported that U.K.  pension funds cut their allocations to stocks as the benchmark FTSE 100 Index rallied close to the highest levels reached in 2000 and 2007.
According to Zheng Zhijie the president of China Development Bank China needs at least $8.1 trillion in new investment by 2020 to accommodate a growing population of cities and must urgently find special financing channels to support the urbanization process.
Taiwanese lenders led by Bank of Taiwan are getting margins of 1.56 percent over the London interbank offered rate on syndicated deals signed this year in Asia.  Interest rates are beginning to rise in-spite-of quantitative easing.
The German market just set a new all time high with a sharp spike in prices.  But if inflation is considered it is at its old resistance level.
The Greek market indicates stagnation since year 2000.
The French market indicates stagnation since year 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.  But once again look at the spike up in stock prices with Bernanke’s $85,000,000,000/month gift from America to the stock and bond markets of the world as more people enter poverty, go hungry and lose their jobs under world socialism’s equality of poverty.
  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance.^nya;range=my;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;
 The S&P is parabolic at old inflation adjusted resistance levels which were set in 2000 and 2007 and at this level it has not even matched inflation.  Simple mathematics says that after a 66.6% drop in value it has to go up 300% from the low to get back to breaking even.  The market (accounting for inflation) was lower in 2007 than in 2002 and is lower now in 2013 than in 2007.  And MSNBC/Pravda says we are recovering because we are at the same stock market level we had in early 2000 before the Clinton recession, the Bush election and 911.
American Economy
May 22
MBA Mortgage Index 05/18 -9.8% down sharply again from -7.3%---
Existing Home Sales Apr 4.97M tepid again 4.92M --
Bernanke Testimony said they will begin reducing QE ----
Crude Inventories 05/18 -0.338M shrinking raising pump prices -0.624M-
May 23
Initial Claims 05/18 340K down from 360K +
Continuing Claims 05/11 2912K down from 3009K+
Ben Bernanke thinks the US economy is now strong enough to begin withdrawal of the QE3. 
FHFA Housing Price Index Mar 1.3% up from 0.7% ++
New Home Sales Apr 454K up from 417K +
Natural Gas Inventories 05/18 89 bcf down from 99 bcf
May 24
Durable Orders Apr 3.3% up from -5.8%
Durable Goods -ex transportation Apr 1.3% up from -1.5%
Bulls think cautious treasury debt holders are going to still jump into the stock market when rates begin to increase.  But 2% consistent income during a world economic depression may look better to fixed income investors than another 30% stock market hair cut like they took in 2008.   After all they take no losses at all if they hold and the US government pays them when their bonds come due.
The Markets May 24, 2013
Monday MSNBC said in a poll, 20% of lower level managers and 40% of senior managers said that in the last year they have seen cooking of their corporate books.  Time to lighten up.
Lately MSNBC is using the term Frothy a lot.  When the market drops Cramer exposes frothy stocks.  The next day it goes up he pretends he never said it the day before.  No matter where the market is… the television stars have an explanation for the record highs or record lows.  Obviously if these people were right they would be very wealthy investing their own money and not working in a news room.  There are also people out there losing money long and losing money short.  The only ones making money tell others to buy after they have already invested and to sell after they have already sold short.  But the TV commentators unfortunately don’t know anything and continue to tell people to buy even when it is too late.  The market typically goes up three or four years for every down year.  So if they only guess they chose to be bullish.  But in that one bear market all the gains were lost in 2000 and 2008.
We expect some ETF’s will be blamed for the losses in the next market collapse because they are not understood by the people using them and are complicated and vulnerable derivatives not unlike the ones Goldman and others marketed to the unsuspecting in 2005-2008.  Some ETF managers are so arrogant they think their ETFs lead the market in their underlying category.   
Gold is not in a bear market but its ETF is being manipulated lower that the commodity itself.  It is only reacting to the current slowdown and the administration attempting to inflict maximum damage for the sequester by making the most juvenile choices of what government spending to cut.  That infantile administration strategy of spite is angering businessmen and their customers.  It is also a victim of the ETF manipulation where most of the money has been going recently.
Look at the recent Bulls- Bears indicator.  More bulls than bears means more exuberance or topping.   That is a bearish sign!
World trade has been dead for four years (flat lined).  Look at the last 5 years!  It still looks close to zero growth.
Bernanke is pushing on a string.  The FED has run out of leverage at close to 0% short term interest rates. 
The VIX behaved this way in 2006 and 2007when the bubble began to unravel but the market did not collapse until 2008.   Again look at 5 years and you see the worst is yet to come.  The VIX would normally top out above 30 before the bear market ends.
World market updates:

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