Socialism eventually infects every branch of government. Today even churches across the nation are
being forced to stop their pot luck diners not because anyone ever got sick but
because the kitchens of their individual members have not been inspected by
government health officials and many cooks did not wear plastic gloves when
preparing the food for the church pot luck dinner. That is how invasive the government has
gotten in the northern states.
A socialist government perverts the Constitution and costs
at least four times as much as it directly taxes the citizens because it taxes
every stage of private enterprise and adds layers of regulators and inspectors
and fines. And it shuts down free enterprise businesses that complain and government agents have known to remove all their records and bankrupt them just in the process of
harassing them with unwarranted investigations.
Donald Trump University
was harassed into bankruptcy and now he is harassed because he still opposes the
socialist tyrants. Socialist government
has the manpower and police power to imprison any innocent person. And once power drunk socialists are
democratically elected as both Hitler and Stalin were democratically elected,
no one knows about the gulags, torture, gassing and genocide that go on. Finally they either are destroyed in wars or
they peacefully return to a free enterprise system and restore economic growth
as both Eastern Europe and China
are trying to do today.
The following is part of the entire Abraham Lincoln speech that
is available on the web.
"We find ourselves under the government of a system of
political institutions, conducing more essentially to the ends of civil and
religious liberty, than any of which the history of former times tells us. We
found ourselves the legal inheritors of these fundamental blessings. We toiled
not in the acquirement or establishment of them--they are a legacy bequeathed
us, by a once hardy, brave, and patriotic, but now lamented and departed race
of ancestors. Their's was the task (and nobly they performed it) to possess
themselves, and through themselves, us, of this goodly land; and to uprear upon
its hills and its valleys, a political edifice of liberty and equal rights;
'tis ours only, to transmit these, unprofaned by the foot of an invader,
undecayed by the lapse of time and untorn by usurpation, to the latest
generation that fate shall permit the world to know. This task of gratitude to
our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species
in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.
At what point then is
the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must
spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we
must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live
through all time, or die by our own hand. Abraham Lincoln
The noble ancestors Abraham Lincoln refers to are our
Founding Fathers who American socialists now refer to disparagingly as “Dead
white men” or WASPs.
These following Abraham Lincoln quotes are also available
and are why the Obama administration wants gun controls and spies on Americans
and searches old Nuns and little blond girls while giving Moslems a free
pass. The socialists are still afraid of
the American people. see brainy quotes.
Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must
be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.
We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and
the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who
pervert the Constitution.
Sept 12, 2013 Apple
hit a recent high and then plunged 8% back to where it was a month ago. But the market as a whole remains close to
the upper resistance level it hit just over three and again one month ago. This is the potential second shoulder of a stock
market head-and shoulders sell signal forming.
If there is no upward breakout soon this will be a major market sell
confirmation. It looks like Apple may be
leading the market and this week it is already 8% below the recent high that it
hit on an activist’s false rumors of a dividend payout coming soon to
If one looks at their prospectus, ETF’s and many other marketed
securities say they are backed by credit default swaps from banks. Another financial crisis could make many of
the banks fail again and make many securities worthless because they have
little or no real physical assets backing their purported value. The FED is making banks get out of the
material commodity business now because strange transfers have been occurring
without the movement of inventories. It
makes it appear as though the material stock piles are very large and valuable
while all the bank is doing is transferring assets on paper so that they can be
counted multiple times. That is fraud
similar to the policy China
has been using to exaggerate imports, exports, and growth.
As Delta stock shoots up 10% we see how the very definition
of being included in a major stock index distorts valuation. Alcoa and the others plunged 10% after they were
removed from indices. If one stock in
the DOW 30 is swapped out each year that is a 3.3% turnover per year or a 0.33%
boost in distorted value each year or 33% or one third being an untruthful
increase in value per century over and above all the other distortions
possible. The reality is that growing
companies are added and over-the-hill companies are removed all the time so the
distortion on the Dow is much larger because it only represents the fastest
growing companies. The NYSE is much
broader and more representative of the market and that is why we only use it
for our buy and sell analysis. It is now
testing its trend line again but on a cash flow basis it already indicated
people are now net sellers.
"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President
represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great
and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire
at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete
narcissistic moron.”--- Democrat socialist H.L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, which
appeared in the July 26, 1920 edition. That
was during the roaring twenties and just before FDR’s great depression.
In the 1930s when socialist, FDR set up the Social Security
System it was a US Government Pension system for workers who paid into it. But under the socialists in power today they
are saying it is now an entitlement system for anyone with anger management
disabilities (Ritalin program), obesity and other disability claims (doubled
under current socialists), and physical impairments. The current administration no longer
guarantees Social Security is for the workers who paid for the program because
25% of young workers are unemployed and another 20% of young people are having
children out of wedlock and are a growing young population on welfare. Without productive people paying into the
system there will only be enough for entitlements not retired workers. The welfare, wedlock and obesity problems now
affect well over 50% in the current president’s strongest voting block and they
are exposed to more than twice the probability of violent crime as in the
general population. NYC police had a
policy of searching suspicious street loiters for illegal guns and dropped the NYC
crime rate more than 50% but the current administration says that is illegal.
Sept 10, 2013
A possible strike against Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
would lead to an escalation in the civil war rather than put an end to it, and
Christians are concerned about them becoming a lightning rod for the Muslim
radicals at their doorstep. A
compromise, the removal of Syrian poison gas stockpiles may now be possible.
World Economies Sept 13 2013
The German market has
begun to form the second shoulder of the Head and Shoulder sell signal after
failing to reach its last high. It also
failed its upper resistance level reached previously in 2000 and 2007.
The French market has
continued to decline since year 2000. At
it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar
to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of
15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too
big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Sep 9
Consumer Credit Jul $10.4B down sharply -30% from last months
$13.8B, again Obama administration economic reporting appears incompetent at
best, manipulated at worst.
Sep 10
JOLTS - Job Openings Jul 3.689M down 10% from 3.936M ---
Sep 11
MBA Mortgage Index 09/07 -13.5% sharply lower from up 1.3%
Wholesale Inventories Jul 0.1% up from which is not good
-0.2% --
Crude Inventories 09/07 -0.219M bad again means price rises
again -1.836M -
Sep 12
Initial Claims 09/07 NG because two states did not report
Continuing Claims 08/31 NG 2871K down from 2951K is No good
because 2 states did not report
Export Prices ex-ag. Aug -0.1% down from 0.0%
Import Prices ex-oil Aug -0.2% down again from -0.4%-- bad
for exports
Sep 13
Retail Sales Aug 0.2% down from 0.4% --
Retail Sales ex-auto Aug 0.1% down from 0.6% ---
ProducerPriceIndex Aug 0.3% sharply higher 0.0% a 3.6%
annual rate ---
Consumer confidence in the U.S. fell sharply from 82.1to 76.8
the lowest level since April, indicating household spending has not picked up.
If you look at this next plot you must conclude there have
been no net new jobs created since 2006.
That means there have been seven lost years due to the mortgage
derivative mess caused by the Barney Frank Liar-Loan scandal that was meant to
increase minority home ownership. In
fact the unethical socialist liar loan system collapse reduced overall American
home ownership from 66% before liar loans to 62% after the collapse.
The Markets Sept 13, 2013
Global bond yields showed investors ignored 56 percent of
Moody’s and 50 percent of rival Standard & Poor’s rating and outlook
changes last year. But since SandP
downgraded Obama’s deficit debt it is being harassed just as the IRS was used
to harass many individual American citizens and groups last year and Donald
Trump is being harassed now by New
York State . American freedom is being attacked now from
every socialist government angle.
The stock market is testing the resistance level for the
third and last time (shoulder 1, head 2, and now second shoulder 3). If you look at these next two plots it says
this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the
historical average and the dividends are very low.
Apple plunged 8% after breaking above $500 on false rumors
of a dividend disbursement spread by the same activist who just got out of
Dell. It will be interesting to see if
the activist who spread the positive but false rumors of Apple dividends is one
of the persons who just sold their Apple sock.
Very soon the stock markets will make critical tests of
whether they confirm the developing head and shoulders in market price
average. When the stock prices give confirmation
sell orders can be expected to cascade and a 20% decline could occur in just a
day or too selloff. The WSJ continues to
shows the SandP at its critical resistance level and the DJI in a much worse
condition. If the stock market falls 20%
on top of the current decline of 9% from the top then many will be buying
stocks again with about 50% of their cash and holding off for the next
dip. Stocks that have fallen 40% or more
but which have good balance sheets would have no good reason for being sold down
so low.
World trade starts to grow as China begins to replenish iron ore
stockpiles. Look at the last 5 years! It still looks close to zero growth. But it is up again this week.
The VIX indicates extreme complacency with the worst about
to come. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear
market ends.
World market updates:
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