Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Far more Americans own rifles than hunt or fish but hunters and fishermen tend to be the most heavily armed. According to Liberty News there were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin. Those numbers change all the time but they are good estimates. That would make Wisconsin's hunters the eighth largest army in the world, more men under arms than in Iran. More than France and Germany combined. These men deployed to the woods in a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was accidentally killed.


 That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan's 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home safely.  Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.

And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states.  It's millions more.  That's why all our enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed!   Food for thought, when next we consider "gun control".

So if we disregard some assumptions that hunters and many other rifle owners don't possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain... What foreign army of 2 million would want to face 10, 30, 50 million armed American citizens?  That was how we won our independence.  We were a nation of hunters who signed up for duty in Washington’s army mostly after harvest season.   The 30,000 stationed British troops did not have a good time especially with the French and Spanish supporting us with guns, ammunition, and money.  And finally the French fleet and French army joined and fought with us at Yorktown forever ending American occupation by any foreign troops.

Our American Constitution has the second bill of rights… our right to bear arms, not just to hunt but to overthrow any democratically elected government that tried to become a tyranny.   Remember that Nationalist Socialist Hitler and United Socialist Party of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez were both democratically elected and then changed their national constitutions to establish their socialist tyrannies.  Just because a murdering butcher is democratically elected does not mean a thing.  Stalin always won more than 98% of the vote.  Sadistic butcher Saddam Hussein even got more than 98% of his prison population in his last “free” unopposed election.  He was known to dissolve some enemies in vats of acid. 

In Switzerland it is not just a right but every physically able man is obliged to take military training and possess a rifle as a standing army.  Hitler and Stalin did not bother with Switzerland.  Can you imagine the humiliation a Nazi or Soviet general would face being defeated in the mountains by the tiny Swiss army?

We should be grateful that we have an army of millions of armed citizens who would protect our land and we sure don't want the government taking control of the possession of firearms.  For the sake of our American Constitution and our freedoms, we cannot ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.  That would be only the first freedom they would take away from us.

I worked with the Aeronautical Engineering Department of Beijing University on an ANN contract we gave them and had the former Aero department chairmen and other Chinese scientists as guests for diner in our house here in the USA.  The retired department chairman asked if I had any guns in the house.  I said yes and they became pleasantly excited.  The retired chairman said the Japanese had killed his family and he was saved by American missionaries.  He said that he had been in charge of designing the Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile system.  He asked to hear some of the religious music again so I put the radio on a religious music channel.  He still recognized the music and was very happy.  I played that channel for them wherever I drove them on their visit.  The Chinese people do not hate Americans.  We are fortunate that they and the Russians and especially the Germans primarily still like Americans because we once helped them.  The Russians enslaved German scientists but America had the Marshal Plan that helped even our former enemies Germany and Japan recover quickly from WWII.  
The socialists impoverished and enslaved the populations they controlled.  The truth is that the Chinese still trust America and therefore have experimented with our economic free enterprise and are succeeding.  But the world now fears cruel, incompetent and harassing, tyrannical socialists will one day take control of America and make America into the world’s greatest enemy ever!   

They may be right.  Today our friends do not understand why it is possible that the Obama administration is covertly listening to our conversations, to our reporter’s conversation’s and now even to elected EU leader’s cell phones.  These NSA criminals are listening to all Americans and continually revising their list enemies.   Tea party, patriots, hunters, and anyone else critical of American growing incompetence, Justice Department gun running, and ignorant socialist tyrants are singled out for IRS harassment.  And now the IRS is being rewarded for their harassment and put in charge of who gets permitted certain American socialized health coverage.   

Every state in the EU has their individual state educational and health programs.  Most in America were based on free enterprise.  Germany and France and Britain and Poland and every other EU state has its own educational system, its own health system and its own nation-state government just as we had in America.  We will be the first free society to have the socialized medical system that Stalin and Mao had for their unions of socialist republics.  We are becoming more socialist than the EU thanks to the Supreme Court which has turned against the defense of traditional American State and individual freedoms! 

And doesn’t it make you wonder about the political and mental state of any persons who would put the socialist’s tax collectors ultimately in charge of who gets medical care in America? 

Obama claims he did not know his Attorney General was running guns to Mexico to falsely claim the gun running was done by American gun dealers, he didn’t know his IRS was harassing non-socialist Christian Americans, he didn’t know American embassies were vulnerable on 9-11 2012, nor did he know NSA was spying on the American free press and American allies.  Obama claims he didn’t know his socialized medicine was not ready for prime time.   

That is how Obama made America the world laughing stock in the West, the world terrorist state to the East, and an incoherent clueless administration at home.  All of the gains made against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan are now unraveling under president Obama.  Now even our friends are beginning to wonder what has happened to America, the land of the free, the home of the brave.

Israel has put Obama on notice that they are prepared to neutralize Iran on their own and socialist Hollande joins Germany’s Merkle warning that the Obama run NSA is out of control. 

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