Monday, November 25, 2013

November 26, 2013 Experts now say that Obama’s socialized medicine has no security at all and it would take more than a year to make the system secure from massive hacking of the financial accounts of taxpayers. Many states also lack this security. But the Obama administration warns that it is discrimination and thus illegal for states and his administration not to hire released convicted felons to take down your information in person or over the phone so you may just as well do it on line. Americans now see how the Obama administration is destroying American liberties such as privacy, religious freedom, and free speech while promoting the philosophy of Karl Marx the founder of Communism. An expert on Squawk Box said it should take more than a year to get the system Obama creates made secure. Criminals and the Obama government are now busy redistributing national poverty to every working American.

Here are a few of the thoughts Marx and Obama share.
***From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Socialist redistributed income.
***Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included. Claim capitalists are engaged in a war on women.
***Democracy is the road to socialism.
***Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. Obama socialism is destroying Catholic hospitals and Universities because Catholics think babies are humans while Obama says they are also useful in lab experiments.
***Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks. Obama and his socialist appointees who do not understand free enterprise and how to get the American economy moving. FDR had the same problem and it took WWII and FDR’s death to shake off FDR’s socialist drag on the economy. But before FDR died he had just enough time to first sell out all of Eastern Europe to Stalin’s USSR international socialism. Thanks to socialist FDR the Eastern Europeans were enslaved by communist USSR from 1945 to 1990.
***Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity. Karl Marx’s nonsense sounds similar to Obamaspeech and come down to this: Tell lies and lots of bullshit to keep your constituency happy and as stupid as hell.
You can read Karl Marx quotations and see who gave Obama his ideas at the following site:

Nov 25, 2013 America’s first Thanksgiving was for God blessing the Pilgrims with the brains needed to switch from Socialism to individualistic free enterprise. Socialism was the very first democratic form of government started by Europeans in America. Obama never learned much about America and hence does not know that the Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony started as a religious socialist congregation. The less able workers outvoted the hard working members of the colony so the able all had to work for everyone else. So the good workers freely share so the unmotivated could get obese because the unmotivated said they were not able to work and they were the majority. Yet in truth they were quite healthy having withstood an ocean voyage. So the hard workers had to work for the unmotivated majority. It was typical socialism.

But when you work in the fields on the crops you always get enough to eat.
"For the young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine [whine, complain] that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children, with out any recompense."
Gradually over a period of two years 50% of the Pilgrim population died of starvation and illness before the majority shook off their socialist stupidity and voted to end the socialist commune and to have private plots of land. Then everyone could keep as much of what they produced or could share, as they wanted.

When people have the right and are not forced to help the weak: then the unappreciative, demanding, unmotivated folk, and the criminal elements have no right to anything but their freedom to change and get along with others. Compassion then grows and the truly needy are treated as equals because they are motivated and they are appreciative.

Today’s American socialists are among the most stupid in the world because they are a product of a failed American educational system where the ignorant socialist college professors who control most American University faculties. That has left America with the most ignorant socialist politicians who were not taught about the American social experiments and understand nothing about our founding experiences that shaped the intelligent thinking and pragmatic ideas of the American founding fathers. If you are an intelligent university student you can say nothing about the stupidity and tyranny of any socialist person or state because the stupid socialist professors are ignorant tyrants themselves and they do not accept the American freedom to think and to disagree with them. A learned Texas professor showed how socialists have become so stupid illustrating brilliantly why socialism fails. He let students redistribute grades from the haves to the have-nots by letting them all have the average grade of the class. See why by redistributing their accomplishments they all flunked the course.

Last week the Democrats in Congress finally made the communist party straight majority vote their preferred method and abandoned the method of the former American Republic that made government by tyranny much more difficult. Hitler and Stalin are now smiling in their graves over the Democrat’s nuclear option they are using now to stack the federal courts with socialists."

World Economies Nov 26, 2013
Interest rates on China’s debt have begun to soar and will chill their economy and begin to threaten economic stability in Asia.
The EU is considering negative interest rates as socialists walk the Free Western World off the plank to hasten the rate that were achieve economic equality in worldwide poverty. That is the result of income redistribution. There is no incentive to work when we can all get fat munching chips watching sports and home movies all day. Nobody has to get fat, stay ignorant, take drugs, commit violence, or support socialism. They are all personal choices. But guess who goes to Siberia, the prison camps, and the gas chambers? It is the very people who voted for and stayed with the socialists when they took over.

European stocks retreated from a five-year high as investors weighed valuations at the highest level since 2009.

Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.

Anyone who believes the socialists will stay in power and will impose their cost of this corruption of socialized medicine on the dwindling minority of American workers and believes these socialists will not be thrown out of office in the next three years should sell gold. If this major program of corruption of the American work ethic takes place, eventually all good Americans will defect and take a permanent vacation here or abroad.

The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short-term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.

The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Nov 25
Pending Home Sales Oct -0.6% contracted less than -5.6% -
Nov 26
Building Permits Sep 974K revised sharply higher 918K +++
Building Permits Oct 1034K again sharply higher 974K +++
Case-Shiller 20-city Index Sep 13.3% even higher 12.8% +++
FHFA Housing Price Index Sep 0.3% steady in spite of higher interest rates 0.3% +++
Consumer Confidence Nov 70.4 fell 71.2 --

The Markets Nov 26, 2013
Real estate stocks should be getting a great boost now. More applications for home construction were issued in October than at any time in the past five years, a sign the U.S. residential real-estate market is either gaining momentum heading into 2014 plus prices were stable in spite of mortgage rates rising.
We are entering a zone of four or more months after the Hindenburg OMEN when a stock market meltdown usually (but not always) occurs. During a free market the alpha method works great because there are good stocks to buy and bad stocks to sell in every sector. But then the MSNBC market manipulators begin pumping stocks by the whole sector and this is made worse by the sector funds where people buy the whole sector. Gradually the ability to use alpha profitably diminishes because all the stocks in a sector then tend to move together. Now short sellers begin to go in and out of the sectors exaggerating the swings as the market average advances. That leads to polarization because the stocks in some sectors hit new highs while the stocks in the shorted sectors are hitting lows. That is when the Hindenburg Omen occurs.
But as the stock market gets into the final frothy stage the MSNBC market manipulators don’t have enough stocks to pump up so they go into the stocks that the hedge funds shorted. That panics the short sellers who then have to buy back their shorted stocks to cover their shorts and that ends the Hindenburg omen because it is no longer polarized but is even frothier.
That is where we are today and very often the market can go no further. Once the market can’t squeak out any new highs the shorts come back in full force and as the market goes down their profits grow. If their stocks drop 50% they have 50% more money to use to short even more other stocks. It has nothing to do with projected earnings and the corporations now must prepare for the worst. The drop of the market due to the short selling becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and then we in our ignorance think the stock market is just a leading indicator when in most instances it causes the economic swings.

The American economy has remained stagnant since Obama took office with 2% growth of which about 1.5% has been due to inflation. GNP numbers always look better when it is politically convenient but are usually dropped again after elections and then new optimistic forecasts come out.
We have said for a long time that the Obama Administration sometimes manipulates certain economic numbers to make them look good and then revises them back closer to the truth (off camera) before the next release so they can revise the next set and lie again if things are not going well. The MSNBC/Obama/Pravda stock market commentators never look back they seem to love the phony optimism. They did it in spades before the last election and even made GGP looking like we were coming out of the Obama Depression. Congress said Tuesday that they would investigate how the Unemployment numbers plummeted just before the election and then went back up in the Christmas season when more people were hired. It makes no sense. And the FED is no use if the numbers are phony Obama numbers.

Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.  

Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes.

World market updates:

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