The Obama administration predicts the cost of American health care will be $20,000 per person by 2020. That is a 50% increase not a savings as he promised. The administration claims the American work force of 143 million people will pay for 50 million more people on government assistance in the USA who will pay nothing and will pay for subsidies to almost everyone in Puerto Rico and other American protectorates where the natives typically average under $25000/year. Ten million illegal immigrants will get health care for free because they cannot admit they work so their employers will undercut Americans even more than before. That means American workers would see at least a 35% increase if the entire work force was insured but it will be closer to a 50% increase in healthcare because many in the work force have no health care today and many will be cut to part time workers or on unemployment because their employers cannot afford to pick up the cost of their health insurance. The costs that Americans pick up will not only be like a huge tax, it will make American products more expensive because no other nation in the world is doing this now.
January 2 This year Obama’s leftist supported socialism will rise up but then collapse on all fronts as the American economy goes into free-fall with socialized medicine adding about $5000 more taxes to the average middle class consumer. Under Obama, Americans in the middle class are no longer exempt from quadruple ++ add-on taxation. The middle class in places like New York City pay a city income tax, a city /county sales tax, a state income and state sales tax, a federal income tax… and now many will pay more than 5% more of their income in higher health insurance rates to subsidize what Obama says are 50,000,000 people who will get everything free and some will actually put nothing in and get taxpayer money in subsidies. In fact Obama has been doing it for years and that is why the identities of poor people are stolen by in-the-know-liberals who file illegally to steal the subsidies and tax rebates of indigents. This year the corruption of the Obama administration will begin to hit home and racism and class hatred will rise and the racist socialist wing could begin to emerge.
Remember the DOTCOM bubble was during the Clinton administration and topped out in March of 2000 and was in free fall before the November elections when the leftists were swept out of office. Then on 9-11-2001, the first year of George Bush… the Moslem suicide bombers struck the twin towers and the Pentagon building and put America into a lockdown and war preparation mode. Then as the American median household income began to rise again the Obama-Frank Leftist Liar Loan Fraud to subsidize a mortgage program for low-income in-eligible people with a loophole to let them buy houses at low short term interest rates and then flip the houses before the rates doubled three years later. It was Obama fraud because while they may have qualified for payments at 3% they did no qualify when the rate doubled and they did not immediately sell. That Obama-Frank fraud collapsed and brought down American banking. Household income in 2011 during Obama’s first term dropped to 1995 levels. It would be at $59,000 today but with Obama competency level what it is, the American Household Income is now stuck 13% lower at $52,000
See America’s median family income
The Obama Leftist Racist Socialists want working people to pay for free birth control and abortions for everyone to reduce the population of minorities. Abortions did not become legal in America until the racist card was pulled when the leftists did a study that showed minorities were the primary welfare recipients of abortions. Remember both Hitler and Stalin were socialists whose economic policies devastated their economies so they both exterminated everyone who did not or could not work. The poor racist leftist proletarian worker’s parties always dictate socialism. Look everywhere in the world and when people are smart they ultimately support free-enterprise and when people are cruel, greedy, or unstable they support both Nationalist Socialism (Fascism) and International Socialism (Communism). If socialism rises in America there will be a bloodbath of minorities around the world. Aristotle already had discovered that when the individual is responsible… there is compassion. When the individual delegates compassion to governing body compassion ceases to exist. Socialism delegates welfare to the government and ultimately exterminates the poor and incapacitated. That is where socialism is taking the world again as it started in Europe 100 years ago.
Income vs. tax bracket
December 30, 2013 The corrupt and dishonest Obama-Frank Mortgage Liar Loan Derivative market collapsed about the time Obama decided to run for president. It was the Frank-Obama dream to funnel world dollars into the pockets of American minorities. They even placed their friends high up in Freddie and Fannie to be sure the American government bought the liar loans so the world would invest in them. This was supposed to enable minorities who had no reliable source of income to achieve the American dream of owning a home. It was a fraud. Before the fraud 66% of Americans had a home. The crisis that Obama-Frank caused dropped American home ownership to 62%. This was overt American government corruption.
To compensate minorities even more, Obama paid minorities billions in fraudulent reparations payments administratively through the Farm Bureau bills without the consent of Congress. The reparations were paid based on the unsubstantiated claims that since there are so few minority farmers it must be due to American Farm administration discrimination against minorities. The Obama farm bills have since become welfare bills. Since Obama, there is ten times as much money going to people on welfare now though the farm bills than to small farmers. That is how dishonest politicians can now lie and pretend they support the family farmer by funding food stamps and other free-bees to corrupt supporters, friends and relatives of corrupt politicians. That is how Obama bought his last election.
That was the scam, and Obama/Holder still punishes anyone who questions the financial ability of any minority asking for a mortgage. Minorities who could not afford a regular mortgage took one that started out at a 3% rate and jumped to 6% in three years thinking they could flip their house and pay off their mortgage with a big profit. Obama and Frank thought they were so smart but in retrospect it was stupid to push their corruption in 2006 when the bubble was so big.
The following video’s are on the web, and so far Snopes has not called them a hoax. Snopes did not deny this and their own video has disappeared.
Michelle Obama slips and says Kenya is Obama’s home country?
Obama brags his approval ratings in his home country of Kenya, are still very high?
World Economies
January 3, 2014
The Bank of Finland warned that the euro area’s best-rated economy will see national debt double this decade on the current path and its debt burden will rival Italy’s.
Inflation in U.K. house prices rose at the high rate last seen at the peak in 2006
January 2, 2014 Manufacturing output in Germany expanded for a sixth consecutive month while French manufacturing contracted for a 22nd consecutive month.
December 30, 2013
With all the hype about how well the economies and markets of the world are doing only Germany and America have seen their markets recover their losses since the corrupt and dishonest Obama-Dodd-Frank Mortgage Liar Loan Derivative collapse that almost destroyed world banks.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or their short-term trend. It is now right at the bubble limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by destroying the Swiss confidentiality that protected people from the Hitlers. Stalins and the current socialists trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Obamcare inept management of $billions.
American Economy
January 3, 2014
GM saw quarter sales drop three times as much as they forecast they would rise. Car sales were the reason given for those phony Obama industrial production statistics they issued in November-December.
Interest rates are beginning to creep up and are now outside the control of the Fed which is now reducing Quantitative Easing before they completely lose control of inflation.
Jan 2
Initial Claims 12/28 339K up from 338K -
Continuing Claims 12/21 2833K down from 2931K
Construction Spending Nov 1.0% up from 0.9% +
I(Services)M Index Dec 57.0 down from 57.3 –
The Markets
January 3, 2014 The NYSE had its biggest down day yesterday in two months (first week Nov) on volume not seen since before Christmas. Relative to January 2 we estimate that at best high for the year will be up +15% and at some point during 2014 and the worst low will be -45%.
Jan 2, 2014 As we have said above, this year the socialist chickens will come home to roost and Obama will continue to lay his eggs. The only real hope for America is the possibility that all the socialists are thrown out of Congress in 2014.
Dec 30, 2013
The American and German stock markets are now at the year 2000 and year 2007 bubble highs and the world’s economy is much worse off than it was in 2000 and 2007. The Fed has begun to close their $1Trillion/year spigot of cash flowing into the pockets of the stock market and corporate rich and famous Obama socialism supporters. The Hindenburg Omen occurred about 5 months ago and usually occurs four to six months before a collapse when the hedge funds give up sound investments and switch from individual stocks to sectors and destroys the alpha method of buying stocks with fundamentals and shorting miss managed company stocks. It basically is when the market managers realize stocks are no longer bought on the basis of value. So this is a very risky time to be heavily invested in stocks.
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2007 when trade was five times higher than the current year highs.
The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse a bear market ends.
World market updates:
Monday, December 30, 2013
January 3, 2014 The reality is that every legal American always had the best essential health care of any nation even if they could not afford it. All Obama did is offer 50 million Americans free knee, hip and heart transplants, medical marijuana and a lot more they could never qualify for before. And everyone else will now be tempted to exploit the system as well. Most Americans will have to pay for theirs plus the 50 million Americans who find employment repugnant. Men will be particularly hard hit because they will be playing for face lifts, sex changes, child birth, medical prescribed hallucinogens, drug devices and all the other things working men would normally not consider buying. Californian’s already pay for the sex changes of their prisoners. So why not join the crowd? What is the benefit of being a 40/hr per week slave to the state and have to deal with the IRS when you can get everything you need by voting for the socialists and they don’t have an IRS because there are no taxes? That is why Hitler, Hussein, Stalin and all the rest got 98% of the vote. That is how they get away with murder until socialism implodes.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
December 27, 2013 Merry Christmas and a happy New Year in spite of the anti-Christian Grinch Obama who is destroying the worlds best health care system. Technical difficulties are creating new headaches for Americans. Twelve times as many Americans have seen insurance cancelled as have signed up for insurance. Health care costs are going up an average of 50%.
Twitter posted its biggest-ever decline after its first downgrade.
Dec 24 Obamacare is turning out to be Solyndra on steroids. The Obama healthcare website, which Microsoft could have finished for $12 million in one year, has cost Obama three years and more than $1.4 Billion all given to Obama’s inept political friends and relatives and it still is not working correctly. The NYSE closed at 10246 yesterday only a few points short of the 10312 all time high of 10/31/2007. Obama claims more Americans are employed today and the economy is smoking. What is this socialist administration smoking? In the latest filing billionaire Buffet has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Billionaire socialist George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks. Billionaire John Paulson, who made a fortune betting on the subprime mortgage meltdown is now selling his U.S. stocks again. This administration is like one big Solyndra on steroids.
SQAWK Box said holiday sales are very low and margins are very low and the Obama consumer sales numbers were possibly car buying. They said holiday sales will be very poor and then all the temporary employees will be let go.
The administration manipulation on federal economic data is hitting new highs. They tell us we are paying down the deficit and hiring but the deficit keeps getting worse and more young people are unemployed now than in the Great Depression. Consumer spending numbers are touted at 5% according to Obama but we are not seeing it unless they include BITCOIN and the Target store hacking of charge cards. There is nothing really going on but this administration is hyping everything because it is unable to manage anything right. There is no ownership of anything they do. It is always a failure and somebody else’s fault. If they took responsibility they would at least try to do a decent job. But this administration has no shame.
One problem socialist Obama has is that he claimed he had data that said USA health costs went up unjustifiably by 113% from 2001 to 2011 and was more than twice the cost of any other national healthcare in the world. So naturally Americans believed him at first and expected the cost to drop 50%. Of course America spends a lot on healthcare because half the world comes to America because we had the best healthcare in the world before Obama. Instead Obama has increase costs 43% and has added 50 million people democrat voters who always had free hospital care in emergency rooms and Obama gave them "free" $9000 insurance policies at the expense of the 48 million American workers. So average rates for working Americans are increasing from $4000/year to $9000/year and the deductibles went from $2000 per year to $4000 per year, again for the average worker who gets no subsidies and free cell phones and other Obama toys. So while people on food stamps, with rent subsidies, and welfare can freeload, they can get the same benefits as workers, and the workers lose another $7000/yr of their income for the Obama deficit. "There is more than enough stupidity and incompetence in government to allow us to live well below the budget caps," Sen. Tom Coburn said.
World Economies
December 27, 2013
Moslem reactionary Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at a graft corruption probe that threatens his government with a popular uprising.
Dec 24,
Many Global Stocks finally Climbed to about where they were 13 years ago. Wow, what an accomplishment to get back to the DOT Com bubble Clinton left 13 years ago. For exceptionally bad socialist world leadership Obama has done modestly well for the wealthiest people in the world. But the poor people are still jobless. It was the same with socialist Franklin D Roosevelt gave the free world the first Great Depression and gave the homicidal socialist maniac Joseph Stalin all of Eastern Europe rape and pillage from 1945 to 1989.
Socialist Obama is creating the world’s second Great Depression and is still killing jobs. Socialist FDR was elected to three terms. Thank God America ended the third time after socialist Franklin D Roosevelt. Today, banks just will not loan money to expand our economy when the cost of loan defaults is not covered with Obama’s current low socialist interest rates they can make on loans. And QE3, while a boon to chronic debtors and the profligate… is a bust for world employment.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short-term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by destroying the Swiss confidentiality that protected people from the Hitlers. Stalins and the current socialists trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Obamcare inept management of $billions.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. It is now within 7 points of the 2007 high but not close when you consider the value of the dollar has declined about 15% under Obama. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate easily with 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Correcting for inflation… the recent purported 4.1% Obama growth is really 1.1%. But that is suspiciously high relative to Obama’s historical zero economic growth when you remove inflation. In fact Americans have lost 7% in real income since Obama took office and about 15% in purchasing power.
Dec 23
Personal Income Nov 0.2% up from -0.1% ++
Personal Spending Nov 0.5% up from 0.3% another manipulated statistic!
PCE Prices - Core Nov 0.1% flat 0.1% +
Michigan Sentiment - Final Dec 82.5 flat 82.5. This was falsely reported as a new high when in fact it was unchanged.
Dec 24
MBA Mortgage Index 12/21 -6.3% down again -5.5% ---
Durable Orders Nov 3.5% good improvement from -1.6% ++++
Durable Goods -ex transportation Nov 1.2% good improvement from 0.4% ++
FHFA Housing Price Index Oct 0.5% up from 0.3% ++
New Home Sales Nov 464K up from 444K on consistent uncorrected basis ++
Dec 24
New Home Sales Nov 464K up from 444K +++
Dec 26
Initial Claims 12/21 338K down from 379K --
Continuing Claims 12/14 2923K up from 2884K --
Dec 27
Natural Gas Inventories 12/21 177 bcf up from -285 bcf
Crude Inventories 12/21 -4.731M down again -2.941M --
The Markets
December 25, 2013
The NYSE just broke its previous high from 2007. That only means with all the hype Obama spreads… Americans are no better off than they were six years ago or even before the 2000 Clinton recession. George Bush never lied to the American people was hit with the Clinton recession that started March 2000, the 911Terrorist Attack, the Obama, Dodd-Frank liar-loan mortgage crisis and Bush got rid of Saddam Hussein and the Afghan Taliban and had 3% more Americans employed making 7% more money and half the current annual deficit of Obama's. Obama’s ratings are in free-fall as his lies, gun running, record poverty; record homelessness and administrative incompetence take the headlines. Now his administration is messing up the individual state insurance initiatives and people are seeing an average 50% increase in the cost of health insurance.
Dec 24
The year-end rally is in play. The funds do some buying to boost prices to make their books look better. Earlier investors did their tax loss selling. Will the rally continue? Since it is based on manipulated economic information by an administration that thinks Americans are stupid and unexceptional, this blog sees the sham of recovery coming to an end. But time will tell and we will see if the Hindenburg Omen was early but correct.
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2007 when trade was five times higher than the current year highs.
The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse a bear market ends.
World market updates:
Dec 24 Obamacare is turning out to be Solyndra on steroids. The Obama healthcare website, which Microsoft could have finished for $12 million in one year, has cost Obama three years and more than $1.4 Billion all given to Obama’s inept political friends and relatives and it still is not working correctly. The NYSE closed at 10246 yesterday only a few points short of the 10312 all time high of 10/31/2007. Obama claims more Americans are employed today and the economy is smoking. What is this socialist administration smoking? In the latest filing billionaire Buffet has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Billionaire socialist George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks. Billionaire John Paulson, who made a fortune betting on the subprime mortgage meltdown is now selling his U.S. stocks again. This administration is like one big Solyndra on steroids.
SQAWK Box said holiday sales are very low and margins are very low and the Obama consumer sales numbers were possibly car buying. They said holiday sales will be very poor and then all the temporary employees will be let go.
The administration manipulation on federal economic data is hitting new highs. They tell us we are paying down the deficit and hiring but the deficit keeps getting worse and more young people are unemployed now than in the Great Depression. Consumer spending numbers are touted at 5% according to Obama but we are not seeing it unless they include BITCOIN and the Target store hacking of charge cards. There is nothing really going on but this administration is hyping everything because it is unable to manage anything right. There is no ownership of anything they do. It is always a failure and somebody else’s fault. If they took responsibility they would at least try to do a decent job. But this administration has no shame.
One problem socialist Obama has is that he claimed he had data that said USA health costs went up unjustifiably by 113% from 2001 to 2011 and was more than twice the cost of any other national healthcare in the world. So naturally Americans believed him at first and expected the cost to drop 50%. Of course America spends a lot on healthcare because half the world comes to America because we had the best healthcare in the world before Obama. Instead Obama has increase costs 43% and has added 50 million people democrat voters who always had free hospital care in emergency rooms and Obama gave them "free" $9000 insurance policies at the expense of the 48 million American workers. So average rates for working Americans are increasing from $4000/year to $9000/year and the deductibles went from $2000 per year to $4000 per year, again for the average worker who gets no subsidies and free cell phones and other Obama toys. So while people on food stamps, with rent subsidies, and welfare can freeload, they can get the same benefits as workers, and the workers lose another $7000/yr of their income for the Obama deficit. "There is more than enough stupidity and incompetence in government to allow us to live well below the budget caps," Sen. Tom Coburn said.
World Economies
December 27, 2013
Moslem reactionary Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at a graft corruption probe that threatens his government with a popular uprising.
Dec 24,
Many Global Stocks finally Climbed to about where they were 13 years ago. Wow, what an accomplishment to get back to the DOT Com bubble Clinton left 13 years ago. For exceptionally bad socialist world leadership Obama has done modestly well for the wealthiest people in the world. But the poor people are still jobless. It was the same with socialist Franklin D Roosevelt gave the free world the first Great Depression and gave the homicidal socialist maniac Joseph Stalin all of Eastern Europe rape and pillage from 1945 to 1989.
Socialist Obama is creating the world’s second Great Depression and is still killing jobs. Socialist FDR was elected to three terms. Thank God America ended the third time after socialist Franklin D Roosevelt. Today, banks just will not loan money to expand our economy when the cost of loan defaults is not covered with Obama’s current low socialist interest rates they can make on loans. And QE3, while a boon to chronic debtors and the profligate… is a bust for world employment.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short-term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by destroying the Swiss confidentiality that protected people from the Hitlers. Stalins and the current socialists trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Obamcare inept management of $billions.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. It is now within 7 points of the 2007 high but not close when you consider the value of the dollar has declined about 15% under Obama. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate easily with 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Correcting for inflation… the recent purported 4.1% Obama growth is really 1.1%. But that is suspiciously high relative to Obama’s historical zero economic growth when you remove inflation. In fact Americans have lost 7% in real income since Obama took office and about 15% in purchasing power.
Dec 23
Personal Income Nov 0.2% up from -0.1% ++
Personal Spending Nov 0.5% up from 0.3% another manipulated statistic!
PCE Prices - Core Nov 0.1% flat 0.1% +
Michigan Sentiment - Final Dec 82.5 flat 82.5. This was falsely reported as a new high when in fact it was unchanged.
Dec 24
MBA Mortgage Index 12/21 -6.3% down again -5.5% ---
Durable Orders Nov 3.5% good improvement from -1.6% ++++
Durable Goods -ex transportation Nov 1.2% good improvement from 0.4% ++
FHFA Housing Price Index Oct 0.5% up from 0.3% ++
New Home Sales Nov 464K up from 444K on consistent uncorrected basis ++
Dec 24
New Home Sales Nov 464K up from 444K +++
Dec 26
Initial Claims 12/21 338K down from 379K --
Continuing Claims 12/14 2923K up from 2884K --
Dec 27
Natural Gas Inventories 12/21 177 bcf up from -285 bcf
Crude Inventories 12/21 -4.731M down again -2.941M --
The Markets
December 25, 2013
The NYSE just broke its previous high from 2007. That only means with all the hype Obama spreads… Americans are no better off than they were six years ago or even before the 2000 Clinton recession. George Bush never lied to the American people was hit with the Clinton recession that started March 2000, the 911Terrorist Attack, the Obama, Dodd-Frank liar-loan mortgage crisis and Bush got rid of Saddam Hussein and the Afghan Taliban and had 3% more Americans employed making 7% more money and half the current annual deficit of Obama's. Obama’s ratings are in free-fall as his lies, gun running, record poverty; record homelessness and administrative incompetence take the headlines. Now his administration is messing up the individual state insurance initiatives and people are seeing an average 50% increase in the cost of health insurance.
Dec 24
The year-end rally is in play. The funds do some buying to boost prices to make their books look better. Earlier investors did their tax loss selling. Will the rally continue? Since it is based on manipulated economic information by an administration that thinks Americans are stupid and unexceptional, this blog sees the sham of recovery coming to an end. But time will tell and we will see if the Hindenburg Omen was early but correct.
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2007 when trade was five times higher than the current year highs.
The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse a bear market ends.
World market updates:
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
December 20, 2013 The Obama administration made its annual false claim again that the U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in almost two years in the third quarter while business spending was stronger than previously estimated. But half the growth was inflation. Correcting for inflation the 4.1% reported Obama growth is really 1.1%. But that is much better that Obama’s normal zero growth when you remove inflation. In fact Americans have lost 7% in real income since Obama took office. Every bubble America has had emerged when the market bubble had built up so much potential energy for damage with the slightest perturbation.
It would seem we have reached that moment with QE3 gently being slowed down with several trillions of dollars of liquidity having already inflated the world and having allowed all the economies of the world to devalue the potential of their currencies without showing devaluation because their devaluations are hidden by the QE devaluation of the base currency, the dollar. That hidden world devaluation is the potential energy of the coming collapse of all currencies at once. You see the American QE3 is just the tip of the iceberg. America has kept the interest rates of all world economies low so that all the debt we and the world have taken on is potentially in default the moment the true risk is exposed and the first rapid interest rate rise creates a world panic. Suddenly all those companies that have distributed their cash as dividends or that bought back their stock will wish they hadn’t and the stock market which Icahn and others have inflated by getting companies to liquidate their reserves will collapse and with it profit margins then income and then sales as the consumer staggers with unemployment.
Hedge funds have been fraudulently manufacturing huge profits for many years simply by buying the shares of corporations they already own. Think about it, They all get together and buy up the majority of a stock so they can manipulate the prices with the extremely low volume of public trading. If you have such a Ponzi type "something for nothing" hedge fund, you get great ratings for your stock run-up and can retire as rich as Obama will with all his side deals. But for the average stockholder... your retirement income is taken by those corrupt funds and they leave you with nothing for your retirement when their thinly traded funds go bust.
Those are some of the components of our current bubble. It is the corrupted government institutions controlling huge quantities of money and liquidity in the world and essentially no public trade volume controlling equity prices. It has created an unstable situation because it has not been reflected in the pricing structures, and the risk assessments. It has distorted the markets. It sits there ready to explode because in is potential destructive inflation and over expansion risk waiting to explode.
The following site uses cartoons to show the abject stupidity of the ideas of socialism. Socialism was the first type of government employed by the barbarians the likes of Ghengus Kahn and some of its thoughts underlie all big governments and welfare systems. It is also not very well know that all of the Arab oil rich countries are socialist governments completely dependent on foreigners to run everything. Saudi Arabian workers are primarily Indian for the low-level jobs and Western European for the high level jobs. The reason for the terrorism is the ignorance of their people who are forced to memorize certain religious books and have no skills or use in life other than for suicide attacks. It is a sad socialist system where women and children are abused.
December 19 Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade apparently thought Obama gave her immunity allowing her to go on welfare to steal from the American poor.
Erskine Bowles and Judd Gregg said Thursday morning that the standard of living in the USA would continue to decline as long as Obama’s deficit continues. That we are redistributing wealth is certainly true but it is redistributed to the graveyard of the American economy. Obama administration ridiculous manipulation of economic data this time caused housing starts to spike up the month after the home building season ended. The Obama administration economic index manipulators remain clueless.
The FED reduced QE from $1 Trillion to $880 Billion a year. Inflation is caused by interest payments on debt. QE increases debt but manipulates the interest rates lower so that inflation does not occur until QE declines and interest rates on debt increase. The ten year rate already jumped 0.3% up to 2.9% the moment the tiny taper was announced. Japan has had Obama type economic stagnation since Japan started QE in 1990.
December 17 Obama’s annual deficit is now running at $1.2 Trillion per year. A federal judge ruled that Obama’s National Security Agency’s program of collecting private citizen and news reporter telephone-call data is probably illegal. The lawsuit claiming it violates the U.S. Constitution will now go forward. Obama spying on Tea Party members and bugging Mitt Romney fundraisers could have been used to harass and sabotage political opponents. Obama agents bugged Candidate Mitt Romney’s political fund raisers to get the clip where Mitt Romney is shown telling the truth that almost half of Americans now are collecting more from the government than giving to those in need. Of course Obama lied and said Romney wanted to cut the Social Security of the workers who funded their own Social Security. Obama also lied and said his opponents had a war on women when all they said is that paying contraception for a wealthy Catholic college girl is not a smart use of tax revenues. Obama has been consistently trying to divide and destroy the Christian rights to religious freedom using that young Catholic woman against the Catholic University.
"We have a bigger number of applicants than people who have paid," Aetna Chief Financial Officer Shawn Guertin said in an interview today in New York. "That’s a situation that I am a little bit worried about, that people will think they have completed the process but haven’t paid the premium yet." The sloppy disjointed process of having customers shop through the government-run marketplace first and then pay insurers separately later creates a risk the likely hood people who have chosen a plan will be covered Jan. 1but insurers may end up stuck with a disproportionate number of sicker and costlier customers with bad credit who don’t pay.
Boeing raised the dividend by 50% and authorized a new $10 billion stock buyback program late Monday.
Already-insured Americans not looking for government subsidies are blaming the Affordable Care Act for rising premiums and higher deductibles on their plans. A new poll from the Associated Press shows nearly half of respondents say their policies are changing for the worse in 2014 with 69% reporting their premiums are going up and 59% their annual deductibles and copayments are increasing. Seventy-seven percent of those surveyed say they blame Lame Duck Democrats for passing the law with the Dec. 2000 Lame Duck Congress that had been voted out of office but was serving their last month after being booted out.
The poll also finds 75% of people say the rollout of the insurance marketplaces has gone poorly and that health care will remain a hot-button issue heading into the next election cycle.
World Economies
December 20, 2013
The People’s Bank of China is facing a liquidity crisis. The seven-day repurchase rate, a gauge of liquidity in the banking system, jumped 1.4% to 6.60 percent (a 22% increase in cost of capital), according to a daily fixing by the National Interbank Funding Center. That is the biggest increase since a 2.7% jump on June 20 that drove the rate to an all-time high of 10.77 percent and prompted the central bank to conduct short-term liquidity crisis operations.
Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade was arrested last week for stealing from Americans living on welfare. Russian diplomats have also been caught collecting American welfare but have yet to be strip searched. The next time the U.S. prosecutor should send them home naked because Obama apparently gives them immunity to steal from the poor.
December 17
Chancellor Angela Merkel started her third term in Germany will again press her agenda for sound fiscal policy in Europe.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
The U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in almost two years in the third quarter while business spending was stronger than previously estimated, pointing to some underlying strength that should be sustained. Half the growth was inflation. Correcting for inflation the4.1% Obama growth is really 1.1%. But that is much better that Obama’s normal zero growth when you remove inflation. In fact Americans have lost 7% in real income since Obama took office.
Dec 16
Empire Manufacturing Dec 1.0 going nowhere -2.2 -
Productivity-Rev. Q3 3.0% still good 1.9% ++
Unit Labor Costs Q3 -1.4% Obama depression -0.6% -
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Oct $35.4B good investment $25.5B++
Industrial Production Nov 1.1% unreliable primarily utility energy cost -0.1%
Capacity Utilization Nov 79.0% no change 78.1%
NAHB Housing Market Index Dec 58 up from 54 +++
Dec 17
CPI Nov 0.0% flat -0.1% -
Core CPI Nov 0.2% 0.up from 0.1% implies 2.4% inflation
Current Account Balance Q3 -$94.8B running a deficit -$98.9B Annual deficit running at $1.2 Trillion per year.
Dec 18
MBA Mortgage Index 12/14 -5.5% plummets from 1.0% ----
Housing Starts Sep 873K plummet from 891K ---
Housing Starts Oct 889K flat 873K -
Housing Starts Nov 1091K up tremendously 889K --- indicating ridiculous Obama manipulation causing starts to spike just after the building season ends.
Building Permits Nov 1007K down from 1034K -
Crude Inventories 12/14 -2.941M low -10.585M -
FOMC Rate Decision Dec 0.25% constant % 0.25%
Dec 19
Initial Claims 12/14 379K up from 368K --
Continuing Claims 12/07 2884K up from 2791K –
Existing Home Sales Nov 4.90M down from 5.12M – down 3 mo in a row---
Philadelphia Fed Dec 7.0 up from 6.5 +
Leading Indicators Nov 0.8% up too much to be real from 0.2%
Natural Gas Inventories 12/14 -285 bcf declined from -81 bcf
Dec 20 8:30 AM GDP - Third Estimate Q3 4.1% 3.7% 3.6% 3.6% -
Dec 20 8:30 AM GDP Deflator - Third Estimate Q3 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% -
More in-depth information is available from, including "live" intra-day market analysis of the U.S. stock and bond markets, technology sto
The Markets
December 20, 2013
New Jersey's unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in November as the state added nearly 17,000 jobs and 31,000 people stopped looking for work.
December 19
The stock market jumped yesterday close to its recent high which is the upside resistance level. As QE tapers interest rates will rise and the cost of debt will increase. Then the FED will have to choose either higher interest rates slowing the economy or continue QE giving America the Japanese depression disease Japan has had since 1990.
Dec 17
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option.
The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse a bear market ends.
World market updates:
Hedge funds have been fraudulently manufacturing huge profits for many years simply by buying the shares of corporations they already own. Think about it, They all get together and buy up the majority of a stock so they can manipulate the prices with the extremely low volume of public trading. If you have such a Ponzi type "something for nothing" hedge fund, you get great ratings for your stock run-up and can retire as rich as Obama will with all his side deals. But for the average stockholder... your retirement income is taken by those corrupt funds and they leave you with nothing for your retirement when their thinly traded funds go bust.
Those are some of the components of our current bubble. It is the corrupted government institutions controlling huge quantities of money and liquidity in the world and essentially no public trade volume controlling equity prices. It has created an unstable situation because it has not been reflected in the pricing structures, and the risk assessments. It has distorted the markets. It sits there ready to explode because in is potential destructive inflation and over expansion risk waiting to explode.
The following site uses cartoons to show the abject stupidity of the ideas of socialism. Socialism was the first type of government employed by the barbarians the likes of Ghengus Kahn and some of its thoughts underlie all big governments and welfare systems. It is also not very well know that all of the Arab oil rich countries are socialist governments completely dependent on foreigners to run everything. Saudi Arabian workers are primarily Indian for the low-level jobs and Western European for the high level jobs. The reason for the terrorism is the ignorance of their people who are forced to memorize certain religious books and have no skills or use in life other than for suicide attacks. It is a sad socialist system where women and children are abused.
December 19 Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade apparently thought Obama gave her immunity allowing her to go on welfare to steal from the American poor.
Erskine Bowles and Judd Gregg said Thursday morning that the standard of living in the USA would continue to decline as long as Obama’s deficit continues. That we are redistributing wealth is certainly true but it is redistributed to the graveyard of the American economy. Obama administration ridiculous manipulation of economic data this time caused housing starts to spike up the month after the home building season ended. The Obama administration economic index manipulators remain clueless.
The FED reduced QE from $1 Trillion to $880 Billion a year. Inflation is caused by interest payments on debt. QE increases debt but manipulates the interest rates lower so that inflation does not occur until QE declines and interest rates on debt increase. The ten year rate already jumped 0.3% up to 2.9% the moment the tiny taper was announced. Japan has had Obama type economic stagnation since Japan started QE in 1990.
December 17 Obama’s annual deficit is now running at $1.2 Trillion per year. A federal judge ruled that Obama’s National Security Agency’s program of collecting private citizen and news reporter telephone-call data is probably illegal. The lawsuit claiming it violates the U.S. Constitution will now go forward. Obama spying on Tea Party members and bugging Mitt Romney fundraisers could have been used to harass and sabotage political opponents. Obama agents bugged Candidate Mitt Romney’s political fund raisers to get the clip where Mitt Romney is shown telling the truth that almost half of Americans now are collecting more from the government than giving to those in need. Of course Obama lied and said Romney wanted to cut the Social Security of the workers who funded their own Social Security. Obama also lied and said his opponents had a war on women when all they said is that paying contraception for a wealthy Catholic college girl is not a smart use of tax revenues. Obama has been consistently trying to divide and destroy the Christian rights to religious freedom using that young Catholic woman against the Catholic University.
"We have a bigger number of applicants than people who have paid," Aetna Chief Financial Officer Shawn Guertin said in an interview today in New York. "That’s a situation that I am a little bit worried about, that people will think they have completed the process but haven’t paid the premium yet." The sloppy disjointed process of having customers shop through the government-run marketplace first and then pay insurers separately later creates a risk the likely hood people who have chosen a plan will be covered Jan. 1but insurers may end up stuck with a disproportionate number of sicker and costlier customers with bad credit who don’t pay.
Boeing raised the dividend by 50% and authorized a new $10 billion stock buyback program late Monday.
Already-insured Americans not looking for government subsidies are blaming the Affordable Care Act for rising premiums and higher deductibles on their plans. A new poll from the Associated Press shows nearly half of respondents say their policies are changing for the worse in 2014 with 69% reporting their premiums are going up and 59% their annual deductibles and copayments are increasing. Seventy-seven percent of those surveyed say they blame Lame Duck Democrats for passing the law with the Dec. 2000 Lame Duck Congress that had been voted out of office but was serving their last month after being booted out.
The poll also finds 75% of people say the rollout of the insurance marketplaces has gone poorly and that health care will remain a hot-button issue heading into the next election cycle.
World Economies
December 20, 2013
The People’s Bank of China is facing a liquidity crisis. The seven-day repurchase rate, a gauge of liquidity in the banking system, jumped 1.4% to 6.60 percent (a 22% increase in cost of capital), according to a daily fixing by the National Interbank Funding Center. That is the biggest increase since a 2.7% jump on June 20 that drove the rate to an all-time high of 10.77 percent and prompted the central bank to conduct short-term liquidity crisis operations.
Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade was arrested last week for stealing from Americans living on welfare. Russian diplomats have also been caught collecting American welfare but have yet to be strip searched. The next time the U.S. prosecutor should send them home naked because Obama apparently gives them immunity to steal from the poor.
December 17
Chancellor Angela Merkel started her third term in Germany will again press her agenda for sound fiscal policy in Europe.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
The U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in almost two years in the third quarter while business spending was stronger than previously estimated, pointing to some underlying strength that should be sustained. Half the growth was inflation. Correcting for inflation the4.1% Obama growth is really 1.1%. But that is much better that Obama’s normal zero growth when you remove inflation. In fact Americans have lost 7% in real income since Obama took office.
Dec 16
Empire Manufacturing Dec 1.0 going nowhere -2.2 -
Productivity-Rev. Q3 3.0% still good 1.9% ++
Unit Labor Costs Q3 -1.4% Obama depression -0.6% -
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Oct $35.4B good investment $25.5B++
Industrial Production Nov 1.1% unreliable primarily utility energy cost -0.1%
Capacity Utilization Nov 79.0% no change 78.1%
NAHB Housing Market Index Dec 58 up from 54 +++
Dec 17
CPI Nov 0.0% flat -0.1% -
Core CPI Nov 0.2% 0.up from 0.1% implies 2.4% inflation
Current Account Balance Q3 -$94.8B running a deficit -$98.9B Annual deficit running at $1.2 Trillion per year.
Dec 18
MBA Mortgage Index 12/14 -5.5% plummets from 1.0% ----
Housing Starts Sep 873K plummet from 891K ---
Housing Starts Oct 889K flat 873K -
Housing Starts Nov 1091K up tremendously 889K --- indicating ridiculous Obama manipulation causing starts to spike just after the building season ends.
Building Permits Nov 1007K down from 1034K -
Crude Inventories 12/14 -2.941M low -10.585M -
FOMC Rate Decision Dec 0.25% constant % 0.25%
Dec 19
Initial Claims 12/14 379K up from 368K --
Continuing Claims 12/07 2884K up from 2791K –
Existing Home Sales Nov 4.90M down from 5.12M – down 3 mo in a row---
Philadelphia Fed Dec 7.0 up from 6.5 +
Leading Indicators Nov 0.8% up too much to be real from 0.2%
Natural Gas Inventories 12/14 -285 bcf declined from -81 bcf
Dec 20 8:30 AM GDP - Third Estimate Q3 4.1% 3.7% 3.6% 3.6% -
Dec 20 8:30 AM GDP Deflator - Third Estimate Q3 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% -
More in-depth information is available from, including "live" intra-day market analysis of the U.S. stock and bond markets, technology sto
The Markets
December 20, 2013
New Jersey's unemployment rate fell to 7.8 percent in November as the state added nearly 17,000 jobs and 31,000 people stopped looking for work.
December 19
The stock market jumped yesterday close to its recent high which is the upside resistance level. As QE tapers interest rates will rise and the cost of debt will increase. Then the FED will have to choose either higher interest rates slowing the economy or continue QE giving America the Japanese depression disease Japan has had since 1990.
Dec 17
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option.
The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse a bear market ends.
World market updates:
Thursday, December 12, 2013
December 13, 2013 The socialists are taking Christ out of Christmas and substituted the Pagan Roman “Sun God” celebrated the shortest day of the year. Consumer surveys show shoppers will be buying less this Christmas Season because they are not experiencing the Christmas spirit of giving. I wonder why? The socialists say that is why they have a government. They contribute virtually nothing so they are reducing all the tax write-offs for charitable giving. They say its just another way the rich avoid government taxes even though at best they give $10,000 to save $3,000 in taxes. That does not sound like Scrooge to me. Obama’s tax policy is scrooging all Americans who work for their living so he can have subsidies for his ACORN bussed in Obama voters. He saw Putin doing it so it must be ok.
It is true there was a St Nick from Persia in early December before nearly five hundred years ago Martin Luther said let’s celebrate Christ on the same day as the Pagans had celebrated the Sun God. And now the pagan socialists are taking back the holiday as if it is not bad enough Obama ruined the world’s economy and work ethic. Now they want to ruin the Christian spirit of person to person charity so the socialists in Moscow, Beijing, and Washington can be worshipped for their food stamps and subsidies for not working. Socialists created the Farm Bill to give farmers subsidies for not planting fields so prices could rise and poor people would go hungry. Then they gave poor people subsidies to buy the more expensive food so ACORN can bus them to vote early for the socialists. We allowed voting early so that our armed forces could vote and be counted but now the Idea is to get the poor to vote for Putin, Kim, and Obama before the election campaign brings up those uncomfortable things they did the last time they were elected. Face the truth, Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, Castro, and all the really, really sick people get the highest votes. The sicker the criminal socialists are, the closer their vote approaches to 100% popularity. The Roman emperor Caligula was insane and you had to love the guy insanely or he had you disemboweled.
Socialism is any government where the criminal head of state buys his votes by giving his supporters income subsidies by fining, harassing, killing and redistributing the wealth of the victims, and by confiscating the wealth of those who want freedom from tyranny. Why are Holder and Obama taking Billions from banks for cheating working Americans and investors and giving that money they grabbed from the banks to ACORN type slugs to register people to get Obama's government subsidies? We are developing a subsidized class of barbarians the way the Romans did to control Rome. Eventually the "noble savage" barbarians sacked Rome, slaughtered the politicians and ended what had become the insane and decadent socialist "Roman Empire."
December 12, 2013 There has never been more MSNBC/Pravda BS nonsense. Wednesday morning as they declared the recession was over and business was now confident despite Obama’s socialist stagnation. They expected their "Bull" would trigger a new bull market but the market turned down instead. A correction from here of more than 2.5% would test the next resistance level. If the market broke down through it, it could fall 6% more before reaching the next resistance level. If it broke through that level it would signal a bear market of unknown depth.
International Business Machines (IBM), the world’s largest provider of computing services, said the American economy continues to face economic challenges as government socialism fails to reignite confidence.
The Volker rule says banks cannot bet on investments with their own money. But the rule will still allow banks to serve as market-makers, a practice in which they buy and sell securities on behalf of their clients. They may also enter into transactions that look like proprietary trading as long as they do so to hedge their bets. But Goldman Sacks went further and even secretly bet against the derivatives they sold their clients. Shouldn’t that be a crime?
December 10, 2013 Wouldn’t it be wonderful to once again have a responsible president that writes a real line item budget for Congress to vote on? We were run that way for about 230 years but now it is a pile of line item changes to earlier budgets so that no one knows what it says so that an incompetent or bad President can do or ignore what he chooses and not get caught. The Kenyan Constitution lets their dictators enforce the laws they like and ignore the rest. But the American Constitution says the President is supposed to uphold the Constitution and enforce all the laws of the land. Ignoring our Constitutional safeguards leads to corruption and disorder.
Where did President Obama find he had the right to smear American gun owners by shipping guns to the Mexican drug cartels and blame 30,000 drug related murders on Americans? That seems illegal. One of the guns was used to kill an American border agent. How do Holder and Obama get away with it?
Rumors abound that the recent economic news was fabricated to finally allow the Fed to taper QE3 without causing a stock market reaction. But while the market could go to new highs a correction is in order.
World Economies December 13, 2013
The emerging-market stocks are headed for low and currencies skid amid concerns the U.S. Federal Reserve will reduce the QE stimulus.
Ukraine’s opposition rejected President Viktor Yanukovych’s surrender of their economy to Russia’s Putin. It is time for the EU to offer to trade with the Ukraine which has been ruled by Russia since Peter the Great.
American oil and gas production is forcing Sheiks to reduce Arab oil production OPEC crude production to the lowest level in more than two years as output dropped below the organization’s 30 million barrel-a-day goal for a third month.
British and Canadian currencies are strengthening and UK industrial production rose for a second month.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
There may be an agreement to avoid another government shutdown but it increases the deficit and continues to drive America closer to insolvency. There is talk that QE infinity may end soon. But all this talk seems to be an effort to keep the stock market from collapsing again.
Dec 10
Wholesale Inventories Oct 1.4% increased substantially 0.4% ---
JOLTS - Job Openings Oct 3.925M increased slightly 3.913M
Dec 11
MBA Mortgage Index 12/07 1.0% improved from -12.8% ++
Crude Inventories 12/07 -10.585M declined more -5.585M -
Treasury Budget Nov -$135.2B deficit narrowed from-$140.0B +
Dec 12
Initial Claims 12/07 368K shot up from 298K---
Continuing Claims 11/30 2791K shot up from 2744K---
Retail Sales Nov 0.7% up from0.6% +
Retail Sales ex-auto Nov 0.4% down from 0.5% -
Export Prices ex-ag. Nov 0.1% up from -0.5%--
Import Prices ex-oil Nov 0.0% flat 0.0%
Dec 13
PPI Nov –1 from -2
Core PPI Nov 1 down from 2
It says all the price change was from the deflation of Obama’s great depression.
The Markets Dec 13, 2013
Obama lets another deadline slip and says doctors will get reimbursed later when their patients are registered. But the doctor has to police the system and will not get paid if he discriminates against the ACORN volunteers who fill his waiting room and drive his established patients away.
The Department of Health and Human Services is giving consumers more time to register for health insurance by Jan.1.
Barron’s has recommended a gold stock as one of their top ten picks for 2014.
Since Obama was elected so many investors in the middle class have lost money that the trading volume has dropped in proportion to the rise in prices. That means that although prices increased the cash going into the market has been flat lined because the volume went down as prices rose.
Short sellers capitulated at in 2012 and as a result the market in 2013 is now frothy and money is on the sidelines waiting to short the market again.
We are still in a zone of four or more months after the Hindenburg OMEN when a stock market meltdown usually (but not always) occurs. During a free market the alpha method works great because there are good stocks to buy and bad stocks to sell in every sector. Therefore since your gain is based on the good alpha holdings less the bad shorted alpha holdings the market direction is cancels out.
But then as the market is topping the MSNBC market manipulators begin pumping stocks by the whole sector and this is made worse by the sector funds where people buy the whole sector. Gradually the ability to use alpha profitably diminishes because all the stocks in a sector then tend to move together. Then short sellers begin to go in and out of the sectors exaggerating the swings as the market average advances. That leads to polarization because the stocks in some sectors hit new highs while the stocks in the shorted sectors are hitting lows. That is when the Hindenburg Omen occurs.
But as the stock market gets into the final frothy stage the MSNBC market manipulators don’t have enough stocks to pump up so they go into the stocks that the hedge funds shorted. That panics the short sellers who then have to buy back their shorted stocks to cover their shorts and that ends the Hindenburg omen because it is no longer polarized but is even frothier.
That is where we are today and very often the market can go no further. Once the market can’t squeak out any new highs the shorts come back in full force and as the market goes down their profits grow. If their stocks drop 50% they have 50% more money to use to short even more other stocks. It has nothing to do with projected earnings and the corporations now must prepare for the worst. The drop of the market due to the short selling becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and then we in our ignorance think the stock market is just a leading indicator when in most instances it causes the economic swings.
We have said for a long time that the Obama Administration sometimes manipulates certain economic numbers to make them look good and then revises them back closer to the truth (off camera) before the next release so they can revise the next set and lie again if things are not going well. The MSNBC/Obama/Pravda stock market commentators never look back they seem to love the phony optimism. They did the manipulation in spades before the last election and even made GGP looking like we were coming out of the Obama Depression. Congress said Tuesday that they will investigate how the Unemployment numbers plummeted just before the election and then went back up in the Christmas season when more people were hired. It makes no sense. And the FED is no use if the numbers are phony Obama numbers.
Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes.
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option.
The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse trend. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before a bear market ends.
World market updates:
Socialism is any government where the criminal head of state buys his votes by giving his supporters income subsidies by fining, harassing, killing and redistributing the wealth of the victims, and by confiscating the wealth of those who want freedom from tyranny. Why are Holder and Obama taking Billions from banks for cheating working Americans and investors and giving that money they grabbed from the banks to ACORN type slugs to register people to get Obama's government subsidies? We are developing a subsidized class of barbarians the way the Romans did to control Rome. Eventually the "noble savage" barbarians sacked Rome, slaughtered the politicians and ended what had become the insane and decadent socialist "Roman Empire."
December 12, 2013 There has never been more MSNBC/Pravda BS nonsense. Wednesday morning as they declared the recession was over and business was now confident despite Obama’s socialist stagnation. They expected their "Bull" would trigger a new bull market but the market turned down instead. A correction from here of more than 2.5% would test the next resistance level. If the market broke down through it, it could fall 6% more before reaching the next resistance level. If it broke through that level it would signal a bear market of unknown depth.
International Business Machines (IBM), the world’s largest provider of computing services, said the American economy continues to face economic challenges as government socialism fails to reignite confidence.
The Volker rule says banks cannot bet on investments with their own money. But the rule will still allow banks to serve as market-makers, a practice in which they buy and sell securities on behalf of their clients. They may also enter into transactions that look like proprietary trading as long as they do so to hedge their bets. But Goldman Sacks went further and even secretly bet against the derivatives they sold their clients. Shouldn’t that be a crime?
December 10, 2013 Wouldn’t it be wonderful to once again have a responsible president that writes a real line item budget for Congress to vote on? We were run that way for about 230 years but now it is a pile of line item changes to earlier budgets so that no one knows what it says so that an incompetent or bad President can do or ignore what he chooses and not get caught. The Kenyan Constitution lets their dictators enforce the laws they like and ignore the rest. But the American Constitution says the President is supposed to uphold the Constitution and enforce all the laws of the land. Ignoring our Constitutional safeguards leads to corruption and disorder.
Where did President Obama find he had the right to smear American gun owners by shipping guns to the Mexican drug cartels and blame 30,000 drug related murders on Americans? That seems illegal. One of the guns was used to kill an American border agent. How do Holder and Obama get away with it?
Rumors abound that the recent economic news was fabricated to finally allow the Fed to taper QE3 without causing a stock market reaction. But while the market could go to new highs a correction is in order.
World Economies December 13, 2013
The emerging-market stocks are headed for low and currencies skid amid concerns the U.S. Federal Reserve will reduce the QE stimulus.
Ukraine’s opposition rejected President Viktor Yanukovych’s surrender of their economy to Russia’s Putin. It is time for the EU to offer to trade with the Ukraine which has been ruled by Russia since Peter the Great.
American oil and gas production is forcing Sheiks to reduce Arab oil production OPEC crude production to the lowest level in more than two years as output dropped below the organization’s 30 million barrel-a-day goal for a third month.
British and Canadian currencies are strengthening and UK industrial production rose for a second month.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
There may be an agreement to avoid another government shutdown but it increases the deficit and continues to drive America closer to insolvency. There is talk that QE infinity may end soon. But all this talk seems to be an effort to keep the stock market from collapsing again.
Dec 10
Wholesale Inventories Oct 1.4% increased substantially 0.4% ---
JOLTS - Job Openings Oct 3.925M increased slightly 3.913M
Dec 11
MBA Mortgage Index 12/07 1.0% improved from -12.8% ++
Crude Inventories 12/07 -10.585M declined more -5.585M -
Treasury Budget Nov -$135.2B deficit narrowed from-$140.0B +
Dec 12
Initial Claims 12/07 368K shot up from 298K---
Continuing Claims 11/30 2791K shot up from 2744K---
Retail Sales Nov 0.7% up from0.6% +
Retail Sales ex-auto Nov 0.4% down from 0.5% -
Export Prices ex-ag. Nov 0.1% up from -0.5%--
Import Prices ex-oil Nov 0.0% flat 0.0%
Dec 13
PPI Nov –1 from -2
Core PPI Nov 1 down from 2
It says all the price change was from the deflation of Obama’s great depression.
The Markets Dec 13, 2013
Obama lets another deadline slip and says doctors will get reimbursed later when their patients are registered. But the doctor has to police the system and will not get paid if he discriminates against the ACORN volunteers who fill his waiting room and drive his established patients away.
The Department of Health and Human Services is giving consumers more time to register for health insurance by Jan.1.
Barron’s has recommended a gold stock as one of their top ten picks for 2014.
Since Obama was elected so many investors in the middle class have lost money that the trading volume has dropped in proportion to the rise in prices. That means that although prices increased the cash going into the market has been flat lined because the volume went down as prices rose.
Short sellers capitulated at in 2012 and as a result the market in 2013 is now frothy and money is on the sidelines waiting to short the market again.
We are still in a zone of four or more months after the Hindenburg OMEN when a stock market meltdown usually (but not always) occurs. During a free market the alpha method works great because there are good stocks to buy and bad stocks to sell in every sector. Therefore since your gain is based on the good alpha holdings less the bad shorted alpha holdings the market direction is cancels out.
But then as the market is topping the MSNBC market manipulators begin pumping stocks by the whole sector and this is made worse by the sector funds where people buy the whole sector. Gradually the ability to use alpha profitably diminishes because all the stocks in a sector then tend to move together. Then short sellers begin to go in and out of the sectors exaggerating the swings as the market average advances. That leads to polarization because the stocks in some sectors hit new highs while the stocks in the shorted sectors are hitting lows. That is when the Hindenburg Omen occurs.
But as the stock market gets into the final frothy stage the MSNBC market manipulators don’t have enough stocks to pump up so they go into the stocks that the hedge funds shorted. That panics the short sellers who then have to buy back their shorted stocks to cover their shorts and that ends the Hindenburg omen because it is no longer polarized but is even frothier.
That is where we are today and very often the market can go no further. Once the market can’t squeak out any new highs the shorts come back in full force and as the market goes down their profits grow. If their stocks drop 50% they have 50% more money to use to short even more other stocks. It has nothing to do with projected earnings and the corporations now must prepare for the worst. The drop of the market due to the short selling becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and then we in our ignorance think the stock market is just a leading indicator when in most instances it causes the economic swings.
We have said for a long time that the Obama Administration sometimes manipulates certain economic numbers to make them look good and then revises them back closer to the truth (off camera) before the next release so they can revise the next set and lie again if things are not going well. The MSNBC/Obama/Pravda stock market commentators never look back they seem to love the phony optimism. They did the manipulation in spades before the last election and even made GGP looking like we were coming out of the Obama Depression. Congress said Tuesday that they will investigate how the Unemployment numbers plummeted just before the election and then went back up in the Christmas season when more people were hired. It makes no sense. And the FED is no use if the numbers are phony Obama numbers.
Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes.
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option.
The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse trend. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before a bear market ends.
World market updates:
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
December 6, 2013 Rates are rising again on treasuries even though the Fed still buys 1$Trillion of them a year. The Fed intends to continue to loan the banks money at sort term rates below 0.5% to continue in inflate their balance sheets. Rising rates are the beginning of inflation due to the Fed flooding the dollar. It seems that American business liked the government shutdown and has become more optimistic that Congress will get control of government spending. According to the Obama Labor Department’s monthly gauge, U.S. private employers added a total of 215,000 jobs in November. Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees added a healthy 102,000 jobs to that total.
Mortgage rates are also rising again.
Foreclosures of homes are on the rise again.
Even though mortgage rates are rising, in the early stage it helps the market because these low rates will not be seen again until the next incompetent socialist president destroys the economy again. That will not likely happen for a long time. After the incompetent President Jimmy Carter we did not see another socialist until President Husein
President Obama finally acknowledged on Thursday that he lived with his illegal immigrant Kenyan uncle for a few weeks in the 1980s, contradicting a statement more than a year ago that the Obama White House had no record of the two ever meeting. Their relationship came into question on Tuesday at the deportation hearing of his uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since ordered to leave in 1992 and yet has been issued a drivers license and is said to have voted for Obama. Shortly after his last arrest for drunken driving in Framingham he told an officer, "I think I will call the White House." Onyango Obama is another relative from the president’s paternal side to have violated immigration law. Onyango Obama’s younger sister, Zeituni Onyango, also violated a deportation order and lives in Boston on welfare in public housing. Her presence and her illegal status were suppressed by the biased socialist media until after the election. Based in part on the fact that everyone now knows about her and her increased outspoken criticism of America, a Boston immigration judge granted her asylum last year to spare Obama further embarrassment. His Uncle just got his asylum this week. There are still some Americans who think that Obama is the first illegal immigrant to become an American president. But if that were true, based on the lies and the time it has been taken to reveal Onyango and Zeituni there could be no real investigation of Barack Hussein Obama until all the socialists are thrown out of office.
December 4, 2013
The low interest rates of the Bernanke FED have done nothing for the economy for five years because when you put a nation into an economic depression with a socialist mentality… low interest rates become only an attempt to "Push on a String." Everyone said that when FDR was president too. He was also initially very popular until he began stacking the Supreme Court to circumvent the American Constitution and giving away the "wealth of our nation." American poverty is now growing by leaps and bounds because we allow the immigration of hard working people who simply do not have the skills to find jobs in our highly technological country. You cannot run the American Technological economy anymore with hunters, gatherers, and farmers.
We couldn’t even run the old American industrialized economy that way. In fact many socialist teachers think they are so smart and socially smooth that they don’t have to actually teach much less study to teach because they are just so cool. American students consequently now rank 26th in the world while our jobs rank #1 in technological skill level.
Finland ranks near the top in education and is the only euro member still to have a stable outlook with its AAA grade at Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings and pays less to borrow relative to any other nation. Credit-default swaps imply that Finland is a safer investment than the U.S. or Germany. Yet people in the euro area’s highest-rated economy are too afraid to take on more debt as Finland’s economy falters. Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen has repeatedly failed just as President Obama has with the economic opiate QE policy that keeps borrowing costs low by pumping Quantitative Easing stimulant into American dead debt to keep it from rotting. Finland is slowly becoming a mummified socialist economy just like the Obama economy. Detroit’s decay gives America an example of the stench of death of "out of control socialist unions" featherbedding the Obama government with the kind of gross incompetence demonstrated by the Obama Administration and its rollout of socialized medicine.
None of Africa, the Mid East or China was tested
World Economies December 6, 2013
Fortunately time heals all wounds. Nelson Mandela a healer of wounds died on December 4, 2013.
Inflation has started in Great Britain and interest rates will soon rise there as well. Reports this week showed Market’s factory activity index increased to 58.4 in November from 56.5 in October. Its construction gauge rose to 62.6 from 59.4. This is a sign the economy has bottomed and deflation is no longer a concern. In services, input-cost inflation hit a nine-month high while output charges rose to the most marked degree since May 2011.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
One third of the growth of the U.S. economy July-September quarter was due to a huge inventory build-up. If it sells it will be great news. But factory orders in October were down sharply after the buildup of inventory.
Dec 2
ISM Index Nov 57.3 up from 56.4 +
Construction Spending Sep -0.3% sharply lower from 0.6% Due to fake Obama numbers
Construction Spending Oct 0.8% 0.3% up from -0.3% Dec 04 Back to normal again
Dec 4
MBA Mortgage Index 11/30 -12.8% down from -0.3% --- possibly fake Obama numbers again. The real question is does this Administration fake numbers or is it just gross administration incompetence
ADP Employment Change Nov 215K up from 130K but flat 5mo average
Trade Balance Oct -$40.6B deficit flat at -$41.8B
Dec 05
Challenger Job Cuts Nov -20.6% NA NA -4.2%
Initial Claims 11/30 298K 335K 330K 321K 316K
Continuing Claims 11/23 2744K 2850K 2850K 2765K 2776K
GDP - Second Estimate Q3 3.6% 3.1% 3.0% 2.8%
GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q3 2.0% 1.8% 1.9% 1.9%
Factory Orders Oct -0.9% factory orders down sharply 1.7%
The Markets Dec 6, 2013
There are signs of recovery in the pick-up of some maintenance industries. The average automobile is now on the road 11 years and buildings are in a need of maintenance after years of neglect.
When a meltdown begins and stock prices drop the CEO says it makes no sense to fight the market. Instead he says lets get honest and mark down the value of the things that went wrong when stock prices were high. And consequently the stock market becomes the cause of the mark downs and is called a leading indicator because there are write-offs that are self fulfilling reasons for not investing. We have had a long stock market run-up and there are a lot of dead bodies hidden away at values far in excess of their zero value today. That is why the longer it takes for the bear market to come, the deeper it will fall. Remember that if you bought the NYSE in 2000 or 2007 you lost about 65% of your money by 2002 and again in 2008 and today you have doubled your money twice from the lows but you still are only a little better off than in 2000. You would have been up 400% if you got out completely at the tops and completely in at the bottoms. It is smarter to lighten up after 4yrs of stock market advances but still participate.
We are in a zone of four or more months after the Hindenburg OMEN when a stock market meltdown usually (but not always) occurs. During a free market the alpha method works great because there are good stocks to buy and bad stocks to sell in every sector. But then the MSNBC market manipulators begin pumping stocks by the whole sector and this is made worse by the sector funds where people buy the whole sector. Gradually the ability to use alpha profitably diminishes because all the stocks in a sector then tend to move together. Now short sellers begin to go in and out of the sectors exaggerating the swings as the market average advances. That leads to polarization because the stocks in some sectors hit new highs while the stocks in the shorted sectors are hitting lows. That is when the Hindenburg Omen occurs.
But as the stock market gets into the final frothy stage the MSNBC market manipulators don’t have enough stocks to pump up so they go into the stocks that the hedge funds shorted. That panics the short sellers who then have to buy back their shorted stocks to cover their shorts and that ends the Hindenburg omen because it is no longer polarized but is even frothier.
That is where we are today and very often the market can go no further. Once the market can’t squeak out any new highs the shorts come back in full force and as the market goes down their profits grow. If their stocks drop 50% they have 50% more money to use to short even more other stocks. It has nothing to do with projected earnings and the corporations now must prepare for the worst. The drop of the market due to the short selling becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and then we in our ignorance think the stock market is just a leading indicator when in most instances it causes the economic swings.
We have said for a long time that the Obama Administration sometimes manipulates certain economic numbers to make them look good and then revises them back closer to the truth (off camera) before the next release so they can revise the next set and lie again if things are not going well. The MSNBC/Obama/Pravda stock market commentators never look back they seem to love the phony optimism. They did the manipulation in spades before the last election and even made GGP looking like we were coming out of the Obama Depression. Congress said Tuesday that they will investigate how the Unemployment numbers plummeted just before the election and then went back up in the Christmas season when more people were hired. It makes no sense. And the FED is no use if the numbers are phony Obama numbers.
Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes.
World market updates:
Foreclosures of homes are on the rise again.
Even though mortgage rates are rising, in the early stage it helps the market because these low rates will not be seen again until the next incompetent socialist president destroys the economy again. That will not likely happen for a long time. After the incompetent President Jimmy Carter we did not see another socialist until President Husein
President Obama finally acknowledged on Thursday that he lived with his illegal immigrant Kenyan uncle for a few weeks in the 1980s, contradicting a statement more than a year ago that the Obama White House had no record of the two ever meeting. Their relationship came into question on Tuesday at the deportation hearing of his uncle, Onyango Obama, in Boston immigration court. His uncle had lived in the United States illegally since ordered to leave in 1992 and yet has been issued a drivers license and is said to have voted for Obama. Shortly after his last arrest for drunken driving in Framingham he told an officer, "I think I will call the White House." Onyango Obama is another relative from the president’s paternal side to have violated immigration law. Onyango Obama’s younger sister, Zeituni Onyango, also violated a deportation order and lives in Boston on welfare in public housing. Her presence and her illegal status were suppressed by the biased socialist media until after the election. Based in part on the fact that everyone now knows about her and her increased outspoken criticism of America, a Boston immigration judge granted her asylum last year to spare Obama further embarrassment. His Uncle just got his asylum this week. There are still some Americans who think that Obama is the first illegal immigrant to become an American president. But if that were true, based on the lies and the time it has been taken to reveal Onyango and Zeituni there could be no real investigation of Barack Hussein Obama until all the socialists are thrown out of office.
December 4, 2013
The low interest rates of the Bernanke FED have done nothing for the economy for five years because when you put a nation into an economic depression with a socialist mentality… low interest rates become only an attempt to "Push on a String." Everyone said that when FDR was president too. He was also initially very popular until he began stacking the Supreme Court to circumvent the American Constitution and giving away the "wealth of our nation." American poverty is now growing by leaps and bounds because we allow the immigration of hard working people who simply do not have the skills to find jobs in our highly technological country. You cannot run the American Technological economy anymore with hunters, gatherers, and farmers.
We couldn’t even run the old American industrialized economy that way. In fact many socialist teachers think they are so smart and socially smooth that they don’t have to actually teach much less study to teach because they are just so cool. American students consequently now rank 26th in the world while our jobs rank #1 in technological skill level.
Finland ranks near the top in education and is the only euro member still to have a stable outlook with its AAA grade at Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings and pays less to borrow relative to any other nation. Credit-default swaps imply that Finland is a safer investment than the U.S. or Germany. Yet people in the euro area’s highest-rated economy are too afraid to take on more debt as Finland’s economy falters. Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen has repeatedly failed just as President Obama has with the economic opiate QE policy that keeps borrowing costs low by pumping Quantitative Easing stimulant into American dead debt to keep it from rotting. Finland is slowly becoming a mummified socialist economy just like the Obama economy. Detroit’s decay gives America an example of the stench of death of "out of control socialist unions" featherbedding the Obama government with the kind of gross incompetence demonstrated by the Obama Administration and its rollout of socialized medicine.
None of Africa, the Mid East or China was tested
World Economies December 6, 2013
Fortunately time heals all wounds. Nelson Mandela a healer of wounds died on December 4, 2013.
Inflation has started in Great Britain and interest rates will soon rise there as well. Reports this week showed Market’s factory activity index increased to 58.4 in November from 56.5 in October. Its construction gauge rose to 62.6 from 59.4. This is a sign the economy has bottomed and deflation is no longer a concern. In services, input-cost inflation hit a nine-month high while output charges rose to the most marked degree since May 2011.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
One third of the growth of the U.S. economy July-September quarter was due to a huge inventory build-up. If it sells it will be great news. But factory orders in October were down sharply after the buildup of inventory.
Dec 2
ISM Index Nov 57.3 up from 56.4 +
Construction Spending Sep -0.3% sharply lower from 0.6% Due to fake Obama numbers
Construction Spending Oct 0.8% 0.3% up from -0.3% Dec 04 Back to normal again
Dec 4
MBA Mortgage Index 11/30 -12.8% down from -0.3% --- possibly fake Obama numbers again. The real question is does this Administration fake numbers or is it just gross administration incompetence
ADP Employment Change Nov 215K up from 130K but flat 5mo average
Trade Balance Oct -$40.6B deficit flat at -$41.8B
Dec 05
Challenger Job Cuts Nov -20.6% NA NA -4.2%
Initial Claims 11/30 298K 335K 330K 321K 316K
Continuing Claims 11/23 2744K 2850K 2850K 2765K 2776K
GDP - Second Estimate Q3 3.6% 3.1% 3.0% 2.8%
GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q3 2.0% 1.8% 1.9% 1.9%
Factory Orders Oct -0.9% factory orders down sharply 1.7%
The Markets Dec 6, 2013
There are signs of recovery in the pick-up of some maintenance industries. The average automobile is now on the road 11 years and buildings are in a need of maintenance after years of neglect.
When a meltdown begins and stock prices drop the CEO says it makes no sense to fight the market. Instead he says lets get honest and mark down the value of the things that went wrong when stock prices were high. And consequently the stock market becomes the cause of the mark downs and is called a leading indicator because there are write-offs that are self fulfilling reasons for not investing. We have had a long stock market run-up and there are a lot of dead bodies hidden away at values far in excess of their zero value today. That is why the longer it takes for the bear market to come, the deeper it will fall. Remember that if you bought the NYSE in 2000 or 2007 you lost about 65% of your money by 2002 and again in 2008 and today you have doubled your money twice from the lows but you still are only a little better off than in 2000. You would have been up 400% if you got out completely at the tops and completely in at the bottoms. It is smarter to lighten up after 4yrs of stock market advances but still participate.
We are in a zone of four or more months after the Hindenburg OMEN when a stock market meltdown usually (but not always) occurs. During a free market the alpha method works great because there are good stocks to buy and bad stocks to sell in every sector. But then the MSNBC market manipulators begin pumping stocks by the whole sector and this is made worse by the sector funds where people buy the whole sector. Gradually the ability to use alpha profitably diminishes because all the stocks in a sector then tend to move together. Now short sellers begin to go in and out of the sectors exaggerating the swings as the market average advances. That leads to polarization because the stocks in some sectors hit new highs while the stocks in the shorted sectors are hitting lows. That is when the Hindenburg Omen occurs.
But as the stock market gets into the final frothy stage the MSNBC market manipulators don’t have enough stocks to pump up so they go into the stocks that the hedge funds shorted. That panics the short sellers who then have to buy back their shorted stocks to cover their shorts and that ends the Hindenburg omen because it is no longer polarized but is even frothier.
That is where we are today and very often the market can go no further. Once the market can’t squeak out any new highs the shorts come back in full force and as the market goes down their profits grow. If their stocks drop 50% they have 50% more money to use to short even more other stocks. It has nothing to do with projected earnings and the corporations now must prepare for the worst. The drop of the market due to the short selling becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and then we in our ignorance think the stock market is just a leading indicator when in most instances it causes the economic swings.
We have said for a long time that the Obama Administration sometimes manipulates certain economic numbers to make them look good and then revises them back closer to the truth (off camera) before the next release so they can revise the next set and lie again if things are not going well. The MSNBC/Obama/Pravda stock market commentators never look back they seem to love the phony optimism. They did the manipulation in spades before the last election and even made GGP looking like we were coming out of the Obama Depression. Congress said Tuesday that they will investigate how the Unemployment numbers plummeted just before the election and then went back up in the Christmas season when more people were hired. It makes no sense. And the FED is no use if the numbers are phony Obama numbers.
Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes.
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