Monday, December 30, 2013

January 3, 2014 The reality is that every legal American always had the best essential health care of any nation even if they could not afford it. All Obama did is offer 50 million Americans free knee, hip and heart transplants, medical marijuana and a lot more they could never qualify for before. And everyone else will now be tempted to exploit the system as well. Most Americans will have to pay for theirs plus the 50 million Americans who find employment repugnant. Men will be particularly hard hit because they will be playing for face lifts, sex changes, child birth, medical prescribed hallucinogens, drug devices and all the other things working men would normally not consider buying. Californian’s already pay for the sex changes of their prisoners. So why not join the crowd? What is the benefit of being a 40/hr per week slave to the state and have to deal with the IRS when you can get everything you need by voting for the socialists and they don’t have an IRS because there are no taxes? That is why Hitler, Hussein, Stalin and all the rest got 98% of the vote. That is how they get away with murder until socialism implodes.

The Obama administration predicts the cost of American health care will be $20,000 per person by 2020.  That is a 50% increase not a savings as he promised. The administration claims the American work force of 143 million people will pay for 50 million more people on government assistance in the USA who will pay nothing and will pay for subsidies to almost everyone in Puerto Rico and other American protectorates where the natives typically average under $25000/year. Ten million illegal immigrants will get health care for free because they cannot admit they work so their employers will undercut Americans even more than before. That means American workers would see at least a 35% increase if the entire work force was insured but it will be closer to a 50% increase in healthcare because many in the work force have no health care today and many will be cut to part time workers or on unemployment because their employers cannot afford to pick up the cost of their health insurance. The costs that Americans pick up will not only be like a huge tax, it will make American products more expensive because no other nation in the world is doing this now.

January 2 This year Obama’s leftist supported socialism will rise up but then collapse on all fronts as the American economy goes into free-fall with socialized medicine adding about $5000 more taxes to the average middle class consumer. Under Obama, Americans in the middle class are no longer exempt from quadruple ++ add-on taxation. The middle class in places like New York City pay a city income tax, a city /county sales tax, a state income and state sales tax, a federal income tax… and now many will pay more than 5% more of their income in higher health insurance rates to subsidize what Obama says are 50,000,000 people who will get everything free and some will actually put nothing in and get taxpayer money in subsidies. In fact Obama has been doing it for years and that is why the identities of poor people are stolen by in-the-know-liberals who file illegally to steal the subsidies and tax rebates of indigents. This year the corruption of the Obama administration will begin to hit home and racism and class hatred will rise and the racist socialist wing could begin to emerge.
Remember the DOTCOM bubble was during the Clinton administration and topped out in March of 2000 and was in free fall before the November elections when the leftists were swept out of office. Then on 9-11-2001, the first year of George Bush… the Moslem suicide bombers struck the twin towers and the Pentagon building and put America into a lockdown and war preparation mode. Then as the American median household income began to rise again the Obama-Frank Leftist Liar Loan Fraud to subsidize a mortgage program for low-income in-eligible people with a loophole to let them buy houses at low short term interest rates and then flip the houses before the rates doubled three years later. It was Obama fraud because while they may have qualified for payments at 3% they did no qualify when the rate doubled and they did not immediately sell. That Obama-Frank fraud collapsed and brought down American banking. Household income in 2011 during Obama’s first term dropped to 1995 levels. It would be at $59,000 today but with Obama competency level what it is, the American Household Income is now stuck 13% lower at $52,000
See America’s median family income

The Obama Leftist Racist Socialists want working people to pay for free birth control and abortions for everyone to reduce the population of minorities. Abortions did not become legal in America until the racist card was pulled when the leftists did a study that showed minorities were the primary welfare recipients of abortions. Remember both Hitler and Stalin were socialists whose economic policies devastated their economies so they both exterminated everyone who did not or could not work. The poor racist leftist proletarian worker’s parties always dictate socialism. Look everywhere in the world and when people are smart they ultimately support free-enterprise and when people are cruel, greedy, or unstable they support both Nationalist Socialism (Fascism) and International Socialism (Communism). If socialism rises in America there will be a bloodbath of minorities around the world. Aristotle already had discovered that when the individual is responsible… there is compassion. When the individual delegates compassion to governing body compassion ceases to exist. Socialism delegates welfare to the government and ultimately exterminates the poor and incapacitated. That is where socialism is taking the world again as it started in Europe 100 years ago.
Income vs. tax bracket

December 30, 2013 The corrupt and dishonest Obama-Frank Mortgage Liar Loan Derivative market collapsed about the time Obama decided to run for president. It was the Frank-Obama dream to funnel world dollars into the pockets of American minorities. They even placed their friends high up in Freddie and Fannie to be sure the American government bought the liar loans so the world would invest in them. This was supposed to enable minorities who had no reliable source of income to achieve the American dream of owning a home. It was a fraud. Before the fraud 66% of Americans had a home. The crisis that Obama-Frank caused dropped American home ownership to 62%. This was overt American government corruption.
To compensate minorities even more, Obama paid minorities billions in fraudulent reparations payments administratively through the Farm Bureau bills without the consent of Congress. The reparations were paid based on the unsubstantiated claims that since there are so few minority farmers it must be due to American Farm administration discrimination against minorities. The Obama farm bills have since become welfare bills. Since Obama, there is ten times as much money going to people on welfare now though the farm bills than to small farmers. That is how dishonest politicians can now lie and pretend they support the family farmer by funding food stamps and other free-bees to corrupt supporters, friends and relatives of corrupt politicians. That is how Obama bought his last election.
That was the scam, and Obama/Holder still punishes anyone who questions the financial ability of any minority asking for a mortgage. Minorities who could not afford a regular mortgage took one that started out at a 3% rate and jumped to 6% in three years thinking they could flip their house and pay off their mortgage with a big profit. Obama and Frank thought they were so smart but in retrospect it was stupid to push their corruption in 2006 when the bubble was so big.
The following video’s are on the web, and so far Snopes has not called them a hoax. Snopes did not deny this and their own video has disappeared.
Michelle Obama slips and says Kenya is Obama’s home country?

Obama brags his approval ratings in his home country of Kenya, are still very high?

World Economies
January 3, 2014
The Bank of Finland warned that the euro area’s best-rated economy will see national debt double this decade on the current path and its debt burden will rival Italy’s.
Inflation in U.K. house prices rose at the high rate last seen at the peak in 2006
January 2, 2014 Manufacturing output in Germany expanded for a sixth consecutive month while French manufacturing contracted for a 22nd consecutive month.
December 30, 2013
With all the hype about how well the economies and markets of the world are doing only Germany and America have seen their markets recover their losses since the corrupt and dishonest Obama-Dodd-Frank Mortgage Liar Loan Derivative collapse that almost destroyed world banks.
The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or their short-term trend. It is now right at the bubble limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.

The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.

The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by destroying the Swiss confidentiality that protected people from the Hitlers. Stalins and the current socialists trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Obamcare inept management of $billions.

American Economy
January 3, 2014
GM saw quarter sales drop three times as much as they forecast they would rise. Car sales were the reason given for those phony Obama industrial production statistics they issued in November-December.
Interest rates are beginning to creep up and are now outside the control of the Fed which is now reducing Quantitative Easing before they completely lose control of inflation.
Jan 2
Initial Claims 12/28 339K up from 338K -
Continuing Claims 12/21 2833K down from 2931K
Construction Spending Nov 1.0% up from 0.9% +
I(Services)M Index Dec 57.0 down from 57.3 –
The Markets
January 3, 2014 The NYSE had its biggest down day yesterday in two months (first week Nov) on volume not seen since before Christmas. Relative to January 2 we estimate that at best high for the year will be up +15% and at some point during 2014 and the worst low will be -45%.
Jan 2, 2014 As we have said above, this year the socialist chickens will come home to roost and Obama will continue to lay his eggs. The only real hope for America is the possibility that all the socialists are thrown out of Congress in 2014.
Dec 30, 2013
The American and German stock markets are now at the year 2000 and year 2007 bubble highs and the world’s economy is much worse off than it was in 2000 and 2007. The Fed has begun to close their $1Trillion/year spigot of cash flowing into the pockets of the stock market and corporate rich and famous Obama socialism supporters. The Hindenburg Omen occurred about 5 months ago and usually occurs four to six months before a collapse when the hedge funds give up sound investments and switch from individual stocks to sectors and destroys the alpha method of buying stocks with fundamentals and shorting miss managed company stocks. It basically is when the market managers realize stocks are no longer bought on the basis of value. So this is a very risky time to be heavily invested in stocks.
World trade is down about 75% from when Obama was elected but it looks like recovery has started. Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2007 when trade was five times higher than the current year highs.

The VIX indicates continuing complacency with a slight adverse a bear market ends.
World market updates:

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