The average Russian life expectancy of 70.8 years is nearly
6 years shorter than the overall average figure for the European Union, or the United States which have state services like or
smaller than Massachusetts .
In China
they have a normal life expectation provided they can survive childhood. India ’s system can't even be called
a health care system from a Western perceptive. India ranks last in healthcare
compared to even backward OECD or BRICS countries. Obama is moving America from a state regulated
system to a collectivist system and he is lying about it or just ignorant.
Unemployment has resumed its climb as the Obama liar-loan
recession teeters on the brink of a possible Great Obama liar loan Depression. Initial jobless Claims rose 5%.
MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber Obama care’s
architect confessed that he got the Democrat lame duck Congress to pass Obama
care by playing on their abject stupidity and not calling it a tax. He is arrogant and condescending, and the
Supreme Court was smart and called it a tax and said it is a legal though
deceptive act. He said American lame
duck democrats in Congress were ignorant and could not be told it was a tax. The American people have just had an
opportunity voted the ignorant democrats out of Congress. Rep Nancy Pelosi swallowed Jonathan Gruber’s
argument hook and sinker. She has been removed from power by intelligent voters.
Pelosi Says She Doesn't Know Who Obama Care Architect
Jonathan Gruber Is ... But This Video Proves She Does
Nov 13, 2014 A
dramatic slowdown in housing and retail sales has appeared. It shows in the housing mortgage numbers and
in inventories in preparation for the Christmas season. Usually this is when store inventories should
be peaking. That is a sharp drop off and
further evidence the US
recession is worsening in step with China ’s, the Bricks, and the EU’s
declines. At the same time the FED is
talking about finally tightening after ending the disastrous QE3 that stretched
out the recession. Our cash flow index
shows cash has been flowing out of the stock market since the market cash
situation peaked in September. The NYSE,
the broadest stock market index gave a head-and-shoulder breakdown sell signal
Oct 7 and indicates the bear market decline has already penetrated the housing,
small cap, mid cap, energy and Brick stock sectors. The other sectors are still near their peaks. Once the new bear market is publicly
recognized the next decline is expected to be larger than the last one. Our cash flow index showed the last 9.5%
decline wasn’t even half what is needed for a capitulation.
A predicted FED rate hike in June 2015 would be consistent
with a decline now because the FED is afraid to act before the market acts
because if they act first they know they will be blamed for the anticipated
total 60% stock market collapse that has occurred every 7 years since FED
manipulation became pro-active instead of reactive.
World Economy
Nov 14 Now world bulk
world trade is down 90%, but most of the decline is in commodities not finished
products. China
and the USA
have become less dependent on the “Lunatic Middle East.”
The European FTSE is at the highs of 2000 and 2007 but
MSNBC/PRAVDA is still saying buy and by-by as markets are passing their 7year
Nov 13 Germany 's
inflation figure still is under control with a yearly rise of 0.8 percent in
October. France 's yearly
figure was a 0.5 annual percent rate last month while Spain 's fell at
a 0.1 percent annual rate. An FDR type
depression after the current Hoover
type recession remains the greatest fear and has caused Gold prices to stay at attractive
levels. But 1933 type German
hyperinflation could develop if people’s debt and spending increased because
most world currencies are falling in value.
The French market is only about 60% of what it was fourteen
years ago. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and
down 60% from 2000. They have had a head
and shoulders breakdown sell signal on OCT 9.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It
has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2007. Obama has
destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected
people from the Hitler’s and Stalin’s of the past. They have had a head and
shoulders breakdown sell signal on OCT 15 but returned to previous highs.
American Economy
US home building and sales Oct dropped sharply. Inventories dropped sharply indicating lower
sales expectations this XMASS season.
Nov 12
Mortgage Index 11/08 -0.9% sharply down from an already weak
number -2.6% ---
Wholesale Inventories Sep 0.3% sharply lower before the Xmas
season 0.7%---
Nov 13
Initial jobless Claims 11/08 290K up from 278K ---
Continuing Claims 11/01 up from 2348K ---
JOLTS - Job Openings Sep 4.735M down from 4.835M---
The Markets
Nov 14 The current
rally could abort any week now with an expected next decline of 10% to 25%. As we
transition into a clearly visible bear market, the length of each rally
shortens up and the length of declines increases slightly so each rally is about
half as long and less than the adjacent declines. It will take more than a year for the market
to drop 60% to get back to the December 2002 and 2008 lows. This bull market has lasted a year longer
than the last two did but it is now breaking down the same way. This time next year we could be 40% to 60%
lower. It will be a cascade of three to five NYSE corrections the first one
just completed. (see max and 6 month
Nov 13 We are still in the Obama “Liar Loan” world
recession. When the “Liar Loan” mortgage
derivatives caused the world banking system breakdown, Congress gave us the
$1Trillion cash stimulus package and the FED pumped $4.5 trillion into the USA debt market
to stop a depression that could result from the loss in the “velocity of
money.” Gold prices have fallen as a
sign that a potential worldwide Obama depression is brewing, not
inflation. To see the collapse in world
trade, use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to
2008 when the world trade index was above 8000.
Now world bulk trade is down 90% but most of the decline is in commodities
not finished products. The USA have fortunately
has become less dependent on the “Lunatic Middle East” for energy. That is due to fracking which Obama
resisted. We need more pipelines to move
the oil and gas safely.
This market has little volume or volatility and it is highly
manipulated to provide the stability to pump up market prices. This scenario is now similar to what happened
when the 1929 Hover recession turned into a 1937 FDR Great Depression. Hoover
saw just a 60% collapse as we saw so far.
FDR saw another 80% collapse after a partial Hoover recovery. When volatility picks up, past history says
the market will plunge on high volume.
This is not a good moment in time for buying holding equities long-term.
World market updates:
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