Friday, February 13, 2015

The people in the “Stupid Party” think there is an EU national health care system that is better than what we have in America. They do not realize and are just too stupid to even understand that the EU does not have even a single educational system, much less a single national healthcare system. England, France, Germany, Greece, etc each has its own unique educational system and own unique health care system in their own unique language. Not one is as good as in America. The all have private systems to augment their State run systems. In France they have a private clinic system. Virtually all foreignors go to the local doctor, then the clinic, and then an American hospital and avoid the hospitals in Europe. The doctors in Europe are now unionized. In France they are polite and never call a strike for more than a day without announcing it a week ahead of time. And of course Western Europe has a good system second only to the USA. Europeans come to America when they have serious health problems.

Can you imagine a European healthcare or educational system where Germany, England, France, Italy, Spain and Greece had to pick and share a common language, and same school books including history and cultural education?  That is impossible except in totalitarian societies.   The Nazi and USSR did just what the “Stupid Party” is advocating and had nationalized systems.   But oddly all their sick people died mysteriously in their health systems and prisons.   The Stupid Party says that would never happen here but they brought Ebola to America and now they are allowing radical Islamists to return to America if they promise not to decapitate anyone.  Conquered peoples were forced to learn the language and cultures of their socialist dictators.  Now Obama and the “Stupid Party” dictators are pushing their socialist healthcare and “Common Core” education in every American state.  They apparently agree with Hitler and Stalin and ISIS that it gives the government maximum life and death control over the people.  Those people who resisted national or international secular or religious socialism eventually simply disappeared. 

But in America we still have 50 states which are intellectually, environmentally, educationally, medically, and politically independent laboratories competing to be the best.  And from the best of each state and from the best of the external world order, America evolves.  America has had until Obama’s “Stupid Party” the best healthcare, most objective educational systems, the least intolerance, and the greatest opportunity.  The EU will catch up to America unless they also elect a stupid president from a stupid party and start doing for the EU what Obama and his “Stupid Party” are doing for America. 
A few weeks ago we explained that the unemployment rate was going down because Obama has forced corporations to drop the work week to 30 hours so their employees can qualify for free healthcare.  For every three people dropped from 40 to 30 hours, corporations hire one more people person to fill the slack.  That is why the percent unemployment is dropping while the large population of unemployed Americans is continually growing under the rule of the “Stupid Party.”  But Obama does not understand the fact that his stupid healthcare system must cause just that.   While most paying Americans now have a bigger deductible and pay and average of 50% more for healthcare Obama still claims his socialized medicine is cheaper.  Perhaps the stupidity lays with the Obama Administration and their arrogant MIT advisor not the American people. The Staples office-supply chain is now the latest victim in a series of politically charged attacks from the White House on corporations.  The voters do not like the government idiots now running domestic and foreign policy.

AIG profit plummeted 67% in fourth quarter the fourth insurance company to report the serious last quarter slowdown where Obama’s doctored data said the USA had a 0.5% GDP improvement.   Nothing Obama says can be trusted any more.

The treasury budget deficit rate of increase Jan -17.5B got worse from -$10.3B 
Unemployment Claims 02/07 304K up from 278K previous week
Retail Sales Jan -0.8% after -0.9% in Dec when Obama said GDP growth was 5%
onsumer Sentiment Feb 93.6 down from 98.3.  It has only risen to about the low point during the Bush Administration including the 9-11 recession during his term of office.  That shows how little Americans trust anything the Obama says such as his recent claims of a 5% GDP growth rate when people know personal income is declining.

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