Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29 2016 The probable climax of the current Obama bear market has begun. The plunge into the second Obama recession is accelerating with the fear that corruption and incompetence could accelerate again under a Hilary Clinton presidency.

The very last economic growth area, home construction, appears to have topped.

Home prices have topped.
Retail sales have stagnated.
Labor costs are inflating giving the FED ammunition to raise rates.
But the greatest threat to the American Economy is now Hillary Clinton who is favored in national polls.  So Hillary Clinton joins Obama now as the greatest danger to the economy and the stock market.  If they are rebuked by the electorate then the US economy and stock market will be unleashed and growing again in December just in anticipation of change.  But right now we expect the economy and stock market will now decline faster even than it has so far this year.  The bottom will probably move out to at least Election Day in November because Clinton is beginning to scare people.  Trump appears to be a White Knight this year.  He is calling attention to the Clinton-Obama incompetence and that is frightening people who did not realize how incompetent and corrupt the administration has been.  Under an honest American Government Hilary Clinton would already be facing charges for email violations of national security.
Looking back at Democrat Lois Lerner’s IRS harassment of Conservative sympathetic organizations in 2012, it is amazing that the Obama administration has not yet been sued for their illegal NSA and IRS harassment of innocent Americans.   Back then my wife and I were told by the IRS that we owed about $14000 with all the penalties they were adding and would have to appear in a DC court within three months.  I recomputed our taxes and told the IRS that they owed us $17 (we overpaid).   They ignored us so I then went to H and R Block and they computed that the IRS actually owed us $19.  Then the IRS stopped harassing us.  Friends of ours reported similar Obama-Holder-Clinton harassment.  Apparently a storm was brewing because of Obama/Holder/Lerner deliberate unconstitutional abuse of power.
Obama and his Justice Department and IRS were corrupt and harassing my wife and I for this blog and for belonging to a Historical Society.   Other historians were also harassed.   Federal personel attended TNT rallies and took down the names and addresses of people attending that asked for information at tables they had set up.  Even friends of ours in fundamentalist church organizations were also planning to take the IRS and Obama to court.  But Obama’s persecution was still not as bad as the Clinton Administration was when Clinton started monitoring Church pastors and ordered that when pastors criticize his corrupt government they be threatened with the church loss of its tax exempt status.  Back then their administration killed the family of a Green Beret recluse at Ruby Ridge and massacred over 70 men women and children of a Mormon sect in Wako Texas.  We don’t need another Clinton in power.  Obama and the last Clinton were bad enough.
But now Obama and Hilary are even worse because they have been illegally using the NSA to tap the lines of political critics and reporters like James Rosen, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and a former West Virginia Governor.  The governors were illegally spied on, attacked, and temporarily discredited by the Clinton-Obama Administration so they would not run for President in 2012.   The two NJ State employees who were illegally framed for Bridgegate continue to this day to deny the fabricated Clinton-Obama charges and the case against then has been suspended for years.  Obviously Hilary Clinton and Obama illegally use the National Security Agency to sabotage people who expose the administration’s illegal harassment of political critics.  It was obvious they used the NSA super-computer to create the “Bridge-Gate” incident by piecing together random NSA phone and Internet records in a record two weeks time.   It is obvious from that speed that it was done that it was all illegal harassment and false federal accusations.   If there was any truth to the charges the trial would have already taken place.  But they know that a trial will expose the Hilary-Obama corruption.   American security has been compromised and NSA has helped Hilary and Obama make the world a more dangerous place.  Why didn’t they tap terrorist conversations instead and save American lives?  Why did Hilary and Obama first overtly lie and accuse an American-Jewish film maker of causing the Islamic terrorist riots and the murder of Americans in Libya. 
By illegally diverting NSA and the FBI to harass American critics Clinton and Obama have used them similar to the KGB.   Perhaps that is why the FBI has not charged Hilary Clinton yet for her home computer security violations.  Former Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama are responsible for the diversion of American National resources away from exposing corruption, and Islamic Terrorism, to their political harassment of Americans, and even to their fast and furious gun running to Mexican drug lords that resulted in the deaths of an estimated 30,000 innocent Mexicans.  Would Hillary spill the beans if she were prosecuted? 

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