Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Keep in mind that China's advance is fueled with stolen (pirated) technology.

World Outlook
China's advance is fueled with stolen (pirated) technology. Investors have to keep in mind that if China were not stealing everything that the west had not tied down then China could not sustain its current growth rate. China is beginning to act hostile and obnoxious and their hacking and spying criminality cannot be tolerated much longer. Google is the first victim of China's complete disregard for the rights of other societies as well as their own people. China's government acts like an obnoxious stingy little brat who is so spoiled the brat does not even realize how abusive it has become. China is using the "Repo 105" accounting trick to spread their deficit over multiple years to avoid triggering any accounting alarms. For instance, rather than show 2010 with a deficit that exceeds 3% they put some of the deficit on 2009 books because that is when they conceived the deficit. Likewise they don't account for some of the deficit in 2010 if they park some of it in 2011 assuming it will not all be spent in 2010. It is the same gimmick Lehman Brothers used to park debts "off book" to avoid triggering risk alarms. Repo 105 swaps were used by Greece to hide their deficit spending. These are all practices that have a basis in logic but the logic hides risk and therefore is intended to deceive the public and investors. China has slowed and possibly reversed their purchase of treasuries. That is good for America because this lunatic left Obama administration may no longer have China helping to hide Obama's irresponsible dissipation of American wealth, technology, and the worlds best healthcare.

This Week of Market Reports:

Monday, March 15
Federal Open Market Committee Meeting and reports that China is selling US debt not buying put a damper on the market.

The Federal Reserve said industrial production increased for the eighth consecutive month, edging up .1% in February, even though the figure's manufacturing component fell .2%. Separately, the Empire State Manufacturing Survey, an indicator of economic conditions in one of the most populous states, came in at a smaller-than-expected drop.

Tuesday, March 16
Housing Starts
FOMC announcements

Wednesday, March 17:
Product Price Index

Thursday, March 18:
Unemploy Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 19:
Quadruple-witching expirations.

Market Outlook March 16

Americans in the middle class are now very concerned that Obama and his lunatic leftists are now bankrupting America and redistributing great wealth to the criminals who created the mortgage derivatives and mortgage insurance scams that brought down the economy. Those Wall Street Criminals backed Obama's presidential bid and continue to do so as long as he does not close their loopholes. Never before have so many on Wall Street backed the lunatic left and they will continue to back him as long as he leaves them alone with the huge bonuses he is allowing. Many of the wealthy realize they did not earn anything and are beholding to Obama to let them keep and even continue to acquire their criminal wealth. Of course big liberals are usually big liberals because they realize they did not earn their wealth and therefore they are more willing to share it as long as they are given even more in return. But most middle class American taxpayers are still honest and make an honest living and they want to keep what they earned. However between the indigents who hate work and the criminally filthy rich who finance the lunatic left, the honest American middle class is being taxed out of existence. And if the taxpayers do not revolt and drive the Republican and Democrat leftists out of office this year they will see the middle class destroyed because they will become the minority and have very little to say as they are plundered and replaced by the export of their jobs to developing countries. America will become like the Moslem nations where the wealthy truly lunatic and fanatic princes rule and there is no middle class. Wonderful cultures where they publicly behead disobedient women, they cripple children who steal, and they shoot women in the head for not covering their face. The Obama leftists want to free the prisoners of war America captured because their American rights were ignored because they were not read their rights. The lunatic left is not medieval as some say. They are right out of the dark ages when lunatics spread their philosophies of death and hate with the sword starting around 800 AD in the Dark Ages.

We still see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections but not soon. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46% in the next few months. We have recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office. If they are voted out and Obamacare is aborted then the market could end this year with a healthy advance.

Asian markets were down over night; Shanghai up 0.5%, Hong Kong down -0.3%, India up 1.3%, Jakarta flat at 0.1%, and Japan down -0.3%.

European markets are currently up in the range from 0.3% to 0.8 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.1% to 0.3% at 8:00 AM EST.

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