Monday, March 15, 2010

Obama administration is destroying the American Middle Class the way Muslims do it.

The Moslems are slowly taking over the world by moving into advanced countries and going on welfare so they can lead the typical Muslim's indigent life, having lots of children and praying that the infidels be destroyed. Americans do not realize that most Muslims in the Middle East do not do any work other than their princes controlling their companies that use foreigners from advanced countries to do all their work. About 95% of the Moslems are what we would call unemployed living in a work-barter system that the west would call an underground economy. In the USA that is the way the dropouts, unemployable, and the drug addicts live without two nickels to rub together in a hand to mouth day to day existence. No one can get into the Muslim system without converting to their religion. But in California the lunatic left allowed an unmarried Muslim woman go on welfare with two children and then be artificially inseminated (at the expense off working Americans) so she could have six more children on welfare again at the expense off working Americans! The doctors who did that have still not been disciplined.

Not since FDR attacked the Supreme Court and then doubled the number of Supreme Court justices so that his political hacks on the court would accept socialism has an American president attacked the Court as Obama has. FRD wanted socialism too at first. He turned a recession into the Great Depression with his failed socialism. But in the end he came to his senses and took America to war against the Nationalist Socialists (NAZI) of Germany and by 1949 (20 years of depression) the market recovered to its pre FDR levels. Obama could cripple America and send us unto another Great Depression by passing Obamacare, allowing the flood of illegal America hating immigrants and bankrupting America. Only people who hate a country and want to overthrow it move to that country with no intention of learning the language, no intention of accepting the culture, and no intention of contributing to fund their benefits.

World Outlook

Last Week of Market Reports:
Treasury bill rates fell across the board on improving market sentiment amid more favorable macroeconomic indicators. The benchmark 91-day debt paper fetched 3.863 percent in yesterday’s auction, down 5.8 basis points from the average of 3.921 percent two weeks ago.
ICSC Store Sales up 3% year over year but we must recognize that this time last year was the final panic selloff of stocks and stores were hurting. We are 3% better this year and stocks are up 61% from a year ago.
Unemployment Claims decreased unexpectedly from last week
The U.S. trade deficit trade deficit decreased unexpectedly.
Sales at U.S. retailers unexpectedly climbed in February as Americans braved blizzards to get to the malls, signaling consumers will contribute more to economic growth.
Mich. Consumer Sentiment continued gradual fall to 72.5 from 73.6 last month. But that is much improved from the 10-pt decline in the CB Consumer Sentiment reported at the end of last month.

This Week of Market Reports:

Monday, March 15
Industrial Product.

Tuesday, March 16
Housing Starts
FOMC announcements

Wednesday, March 17:
Product Price Index

Thursday, March 18:
Unemploy Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 19:
Quadruple-witching expirations.

Market Outlook March 15

Americans in the middle class are now very concerned that Obama and his lunatic leftists are now bankrupting America and redistributing great wealth to the criminals who created the mortgage derivatives and mortgage insurance scams that brought down the economy. Those Wall Street Criminals backed Obama's presidential bid and continue to do so as long as he does not close their loopholes. Never before have so many on Wall Street backed the lunatic left and they will continue to back him as long as he leaves them alone with the huge bonuses he is allowing. Many of the wealthy realize they did not earn anything and are beholding to Obama to let them keep and even continue to acquire their criminal wealth. Of course big liberals are usually big liberals because they realize they did not earn their wealth and therefore they are more willing to share it as long as they are given even more. But most middle class American taxpayers are still honest and make an honest living and they want to keep what they earned. However between the indigents who hate work and the criminally filthy rich who finance the lunatic left, the honest American middle class is being taxed out of existence. And if the taxpayers do not revolt and drive the Republican and Democrat leftists out of office this year they will see the middle class destroyed because they will become the minority and have very little to say as they are plundered and replaced by the export of their jobs to developing countries. America will become like the Moslem nations where the wealthy princes rule and there is no middle class.

On Friday March 12, Sy Harding did an interesting comparison of our current stock market and the markets 1906-1923 and 1968-1982 and today's cyclical bear market. He surmises that even in this bear market the current advance could go on for another year.

We still see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. But the free money the Obama administration is throwing at indigents, GM, banker bonuses, unions, global warming fraud, and community activists is all money that accomplishes very little as it swirls down the proverbial toilet bowl. It must all be paid back through inflation, economic damage, and future hardships. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46% in the next few months. But we expect that will be the high point for the year and the year will end lower than it began. We have recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office.

Asian markets were down over night; Shanghai down -1.2%, Hong Kong down -0.6%, India flat -0.01%, Jakarta flat at 0.1%, and Japan flat at 0.01%.

European markets are currently narrowly down in the range from -0.1% to -0.2 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are down in a range 0% to -0.4% at 8:00 AM EST.

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