Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Warning, the stock exchange volume was unexceptional the last two days when new high were hit. It had no energy. That indicates the institutions were selling to the small retail investors rather than buying and the retail volume was at best unexceptional. The recent relatively low volume as the market set new highs indicates the smart money is selling at this price level anticipating a pullback soon. Canadian gold mines are in a crisis and are expected to be shut down or on furlough because the price of gold is too low and the reserves are too depleted to be profitable. South African gold operations have become unstable and unprofitable with labor unrest. The supply side is for precious metals is dwindling due to high demand and inflation is almost at 2.5% now which is when QE3 will phase out and inflation and interest rates will rise like in the Jimmy Carter years when the Vietnam War debt was wiped out.


Serious issues
75% to 80% of the Treasuries are now being purchased by the fed. That the FED is buying up most of our debt means that Japan and China are no longer bankrolling our debt, the FED is. That means the world is not going to provide a cushion for the debt of the Obamadepression.  That means the USA will feel the full brunt of the Obamainflation.

Here is some advice on what to do in a hyperventilating stock market atmosphere.  Let the experts tell you by watching them.  They buy small percentages of stocks they study and think will do well.  Then over time they add more to the stocks that do well.  Therefore the holdings of stocks that do well increase to 2% to 5% and if they are small funds they may jump in and you might find them holding 10% of a stock like Google.  Lesson 1, do not believe what they quote for performance because most have fees that eat you alive and they often do not invest “smart” as you need to do.  There are free services out there that allow you to plot stocks and funds together.  Pick the funds that claim the best performance to plot together.  Plot up five years to all the years available and you will find some of the best.  I am not going to tell you which they are because then everyone will get in and destroy the funds and make them the worst again because the funds will lose their skills because the public will eventually cause excesses followed by panic sell offs. 
Next go on to your brokers web site and do research and see what their top five stock picks are in portfolio size for each fund.   Remember they build up their holdings of their best selections.  Plot them up to see which are the best from several of the best performing funds.   Note these are stocks so you will not be paying fund fees and you are buying the best stocks the funds invested in and have built up holdings.  They will tend to be more volatile which is good for small investors because you do not want to buy them until they pull back.   If you buy them on the pull-back often they will rise again as much a 10 or 15 % in a few months and if they do you may wish to sell and switch into another stock that just pulled back.  Check at least once a month to be sure the fund is not liquidating slowly.  If they are you may want to get out.  Using this method you can avoid the risk of a stock going to zero. 
But you will also see many funds that followed Apple down.  We said to get out of Apple quite vigorously late last year and we shorted Apple for a while later.  The reason Apple stayed as high as it did was because their last great innovation fell a year after a quarter when Steve Jobs had no product released so earnings looked much too good and we knew that in advance.  Now apple on the next pull back may temp us to buy in.  But the fundamentals for Apple are still grim because they have apparently lost their creative spark.

British Press on “Obama so loved the poor.” Did you ever notice that there are only two international leaders that have ever befriended Obama? One is the communist Castro and the second was the Communist Chavez who died this past week. Communism is a system for the redistribution of poverty. All of Castro's and Chavez's critics met with prison sentences, "accidents" or fled the country.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average broke out on Tuesday.   Next it confirmed the break out and completed a Dow Theory Buy signal.  Yet, still a short  correction is overdue and it still could easily be -10%.  The most probable reason for this run-up is over exuberance caused by the FED throwing $85 Billion each month into buying approximately 80% of our treasury debt and creating reserves that artificially allow the banks to have higher debt leverage than the banking regulations would normally permit.  That money could flow into many places but is headed into stocks because hedge funds are also liquidating their treasury holdings and the conservative investors are doing exactly what we said they would do; they got out of stocks at the low and are getting back in at the new highs. 

The only investment that will probably survive that collapse will be gold (and diamonds).  But probably no ETFs will survive and many mining stocks may lose their financing.  That will mean gold itself will spike up as it did at the end of Jimmy Carter’s stagflation period when it first spiked from $32/oz to over $800/oz in 1979.  Remember that in 1970 gold sold for just $32/oz.  The US dollar has lost 96% of its value since 1970 when it hit $800/oz in 1999.  The US dollar has lost 98% of its value since 1970 when it was at $1600/oz in 2012.  When the Obama-Bernanke economic national debt bomb explodes gold could easily rise to $6400/oz at which point the dollar will have lost 99.5% of its value relative to gold since 1970 when Nixon was president.

On March 5, 1946, Churchill traveled with President Harry Truman to make a speech at Westminster College in the small Missouri town of Fulton (population of 7,000). Churchill gave his famous "Iron Curtain" speech to a crowd of 40,000.   In is speech, Churchill gave a phrase that opened the eyes of the people of the United States and Britain, "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent." Before this speech, the free world had been concerned with their own post-war economies and had remained grateful for the Soviet Union's support in defeating Hitler and his Nationalist Socialists. It was Churchill's speech, which he titled "The Sinews of Peace," that cleared way the free West viewed totalitarian Communist regimes.

Is the Obama administration liable for damages they inflict on Americans who have ideas that conflict with Obama’s?  Lately you hear a lot about people being fired for what they said on the internet.   What employer would harass an established employee by spying on them?  None of course, so someone who does not like them must be trying to hurt them.  And if it were the employer, the employee might have a case unless they are breaking the law or breaking an established company policy that the employer officially has in place and publicized.   Then who malevolently told employers about what those people wrote under freedom of speech or who gave the employer the location so the employer could find and read it?  Does the White House Aristocracy (WHA) go to their critic’s employers, state officials, or insurers and others to pull political strings to harass Obama critics and thus cause them financial loss or higher living costs because some Americans do not properly respect Obama?  Stalin was feared not respected… and Stalin could not even tell the difference.   Can Obama tell the difference?   In America we do not consider fear to be a form of respect.  It is a sign of oppression.  Will there be a class action suit filed against the Obama White House Aristocracy (WHA)?  Is that where Obama is headed… to impeachment?   Bob Woodward said,  “I am flooded from emails from people in the press saying this is exactly how the White House works. They're trying to control and they don't want to be challenged or crossed.”

An article, "Obama: The Affirmative Action President", is currently being circulated with a new twist on “dirty tricks.”  It is circulated with false claims that it was published as a commentary in the Washington Post and other “liberal” papers.   Clearly those claims are intended to prepare the reader to reject the article as disinformation (a complete lie) not to read it.  The writer, Matt Patterson, and he has his articles on a web site and he usually publishes as a letters to the editor.   He can not write for the liberal press because they censor for the leftists.  Only when a leftist gets censored does the press come to their aid as they are starting to do now.  But it took a lot of dirty WHA tricks to get the press to react.  The web site “American Thinker” has his full “Obama” article up on the web without the added disinformation.  Based on what he read about Bob Woodward being threatened, shortly after the White House government aristocracy denied the reports that they threatened famed Watergate journalist Bob Woodward, former Clinton aide, Lanny Davis joined Woodward to claim he was also threatened by the Obama White House.  Davis said that a "senior Obama White House official" once called his editor at the Times and said that if the paper continued to run his columns, "his reporters would lose their credentials."  What other “dirty tricks” did the Obama White House play on other people perhaps even Matt for exercising their American right to free speech? 
1)         Did the government aristocracy threaten them with something vague like they did Bob Woodward?
2)         Did government aristocracy complain to their employer and threaten the employer’s staff access to the WH or contracts if he let them work again like Lanny Davis?
3)         Did the WH order the IRS to audit them and trump up something fictitious but seemingly costly if necessary?
4)         Did they violate their privacy by contacting their service providers to harass them with higher rates or by dropping their service?
5)         What and how many other dirty tricks can be done before it gets to the point that suddenly hundreds of writers, commentators, reporters, and other Americans come forward with similar disclosures of dirty tricks, violations of privacy and Freedom on Speech, and then Congress demands a special investigator.   And then someone on the White House inside turns States Evidence and a bunch of little people, agents, advisors, service reps who collaborated with them are fired or go to jail to cover up for the big fish running the WH show who, “Were blindsided and had no idea it was going on by their treacherous underlings!”
Dirty tricks and harassment are what National and International Socialists and other tyrants do when their power overwhelms their brains and they do stupid things.

World Economies

On March 1 China imposed its toughest curbs in a year on public housing which is unlivable.   Imagine high apartment houses with apartments with no heat or running water and sometimes no internal walls.  They are essentially multi-story cave dwellings.  The Government aristocracy instead of condemning the construction will make more money on it by ordering the central bank to raise down-payment requirements and interest rates for mortgages, enforcing a property sales tax and telling local governments with the biggest price pressures to tighten limits. 

German factory orders unexpectedly fell a whopping 1.9% in January from February as the sovereign debt crisis curbed demand in the euro area, the Economy Ministry in Berlin said Thursday.  Economists had forecast a 0.6 percent gain, according to Bloomberg.
The Bundesbank said the German economy contracted 0.6 percent in the final three months of 2012 but could bottom soon. 

Germany is now beginning to test 2007 highs following the US lead.  It has so far failed to break out from the 2007 high even with the world being flooded with stimulation credit.  This is a highly risky business.  The Emperor (USA) has no cloths and sooner or later someone will notice and you do not want to be the last one out the door because you could be crushed in the rush.

The Greek market indicates stagnation since year 2000.

The French market indicates stagnation since year 2000.

The British market indicates peaking in 2000 and stagnation since 2007.

 The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.  http://in.finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=%5ESSMI&t=my 

  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 but no spike up. http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=%5ENYA+Interactive#symbol=^nya;range=my;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;

 American Economy
The productivity of U.S. workers fell in the fourth quarter by the most in four years, Labor Department figures showed Thursday.
The stock market is beginning to re-engage with the economy and is unstable because the FED created a balance sheet bloated approaching a trillion dollars putting US and world stocks in the stratosphere.  The recent relatively low volume as the market set new highs indicates the smart money is selling at this price level anticipating a pullback soon.  
The DJA in 2013 is also now at a record high. Look at the spike up this year as $85,000,000,000 flows into markets each month.  http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=%5EDJA&t=my&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=&a=&c=  

This weeks Calendar
Mar 5
ISM Services Feb 56.0 56.0 55.4 55.2 -

Mar 6
MBA Mortgage Index 03/02 14.8% rose from -3.8% - good
Crude Inventories 03/02 3.833M up from 1.130M   -good
Massive distortion in the government aristocracy’s numbers this week. 
Factory Orders Jan reported down -2.0% after moving -0.5% from last months figures to this month.  Therefore it is down -2.5% on a consistent basis from last month’s report.
ADP Employment Change Feb was reported as 198K after moving 24K from this week to last week.  Therefore it is up 6K from last week and not a four month low as the socialist want you to believe.  It is actually 221K vs 192 they claimed as a record low last week too.  They socialist WHA thinks Americans are stupid.
U.S. trade deficit widened in January as demand for imported crude oil rebounded. The gap grew by 16.5 percent to $44.4 billion.  This is due to the continued absence of an intelligent American energy policy that cripples business and increases American poverty.

Mar 7
 Continuing Claims 02/23 3094K worsened from 3074K
Trade Balance Jan -$44.4B worsened from -$38.5B
Productivity-Rev. Q4 -1.9% worse again -2.0%
Unit Labor Costs -Rev Q4 4.6% worsened again from 4.5%
Natural Gas Inventories 03/02 -146 bcf meaningless number -171 bcf -
Consumer Credit Jan $16.2B getting very high again $14.6B

Mar 8
Nonfarm Payrolls Feb 236K improved from 157K
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Feb 246K improved from 166K
Unemployment Rate Feb 7.7% makes no sense down from 7.9% Unemployment not the labor pool drives the % unemployed because it has 14 times the effect.   You need about 140 new hires to offset 10 new unemployed.
Hourly Earnings Feb 0.2% flat 0.2%
Average Workweek Feb 34.5 fell, not a good sign 34.4 
Wholesale Inventories Jan - 0.2% got better from -0.1%
Obama WHA is manipulating the economic statistics again like the do in China and did in the USSR.  It will be much better when we have honest people instead of WHA deceit. 

The Market
The only argument that makes sense for the high and rising stock market is the likelihood that investment is shifting from debt interest equities to stocks.  The people switching into stocks at a market high are probably the one’s who sold there stocks in 2009 near the market low and bought the low yield debt.  They perhaps recovered 5% per year when even the NYSE more than doubled.

The VIX was worse (lower) recently than the low where it was in 2007 before the last bubble burst.  This week it began to rise, and then fell again and may now continue to rise.  Once that starts the VIX needs to go up above 30 before a bear markets normally ends and it is time to buy.  Low Vix means excessive exuberance.  A 10% equities decline is now possible and it could last about another month on average before a breather.

World market updates:

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