US Senate Democrats and Obama would like $975 billion more in new tax revenue in their new bill. The increase is more than the total budget (without the war) was when Obama took office. Others think this number is another down payment. Obama also proposes to slow the rate of rise in welfare and entitlements by the same amount. If that is what they plan to slow the growth of the welfare state then one hates to think how much it is being increased. The Republican plan cuts spending by $6Trillion over the same period and reduces the corporate tax loopholes while reducing the maximum corporate tax from 35% (the highest in the world) to about 25% (still one of the highest) to give a net “0” change in corporate taxes. But that being said it has the effect of bringing the corporation’s foreign “stashed money” back to American circulation. The Europeans use a value added tax on products sold so corporate taxes there are much smaller. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have begun to consider the rising cost of American debt as US Treasuries interest rates rise with inflation. That is what broke the backs of Greece, Portugal, and Spain and is now just beginning to affect the USA.
Treasury rates are rising and that is why all bonds and bond
funds are at risk. When interest rates
rise… the old issued bonds lose their value and collapse. The higher interest rates draw money from the
stock market. When they get above 5% the
economy stagnates and the stock market stagnates and usually inflation gets out
of control and that is when gold rises ten to twenty times in value. With Jimmy Carter it was known as
“Stagflation” and gold prices rose faster and faster. That all takes a short
time when the government is run by socialists and the economy is destroyed by
the growth of government and the welfare state as was the case in Europe in the 1920-30’s.
That is what is happening in Greece ,
Spain etc and most of Europe now as they sink
deeper and deeper into welfare. That is
where Obama and his left wing are taking America, or at least are trying their
best to take America to the European form of socialism which later becomes
National or International Socialism in its “ultimate” form and the Hitler’s and
Stalin’s rise to power again. That is
when they have no more people at home to rob with taxes… so they conquer and
loot their neighbors. That is when
genocide is used to get rid of the “complainers.” That is when gold or diamonds become
worthless because if you had it they already killed you… you subhuman ilk which
they despise.
If Americans do not learn the history of the rise of Hitler
and Stalin we are doomed to repeat the terror and genocide of National
Socialism (Hitler) and International Socialism (Stalin). Only there will be no America to arm the free world and send an army
to free Europe . We could actually be the world’s enemy if America ceases
to be a free Republic as it has since its inception.
The Wall Street “good news” hype for the rally was
overstated. The “Super Storm” Sandy explains the record
home building and sales and the small uptick in jobs. It explains the record sales of Lowes and
Home Depot and record retail sales as NY and NJ build and furnish replacement
homes. The Fed gave $51 Billion alone and the insurance and state aid is
estimated to be three times greater. The
home building and other statistics only records the boost in new homes built to
replace the homes destroyed but nobody subtracted the houses that were
destroyed that equaled or exceeded the number being built.
Is the domestic army formed and now armed? A domestic army is unconstitutional! These are not detectives like the FBI
focused on crime and terrorists.
6billion rounds of ammunition is 2thousand rounds per American. It is
interesting that Snopes has not commented on this for over a month. It makes people think it is because Snopes do
not want to admit it is true?
Here is a Federal sales tax of 4+% hidden by Obama is his
socialized medicine.
George Soros sold his gold last year and is looking for a
low price to buy in. The market has not
responded in his favor, so his friend Obama has been called upon to send the US
CFTC to join the probe by Soro’s friends in London , a probe of potential bank gold price
fixing. George Soros is the biggest
market manipulator in the world but gives politicians enormous contributions when
they harass people and things that get in his way.
Why is quantitative easing failing to create growth and
jobs? The reason is that QE is not
growing the corporate top line because it expands credit but not the money in
circulation and because the velocity of money is still declining. You can see it with people unable to
refinance because while interest rates are low the borrower feels ripped off
with points from the many facilitators who take their points up front. And the lower the interest rate the bigger in
comparison the cost in points becomes.
Much of the money in circulation sits idle because the FED has made the
cost of money negative with the low interest rates. We cannot have growth when there is no inflation
pressure to force people to put money to work.
But that is the rub. QE is
addictive and the FED fears the withdrawal symptoms which are painful
reductions to the welfare society of dependency.
Samsung Electronics Co. is targeting the iPhone’s U.S. loyalists again with its biggest run yet,
unveiling the new Galaxy S4 at Radio City Music Hall
a few blocks from Apple Inc.’s flagship store in New York
and broadcasting the event live in Times Square . “The upcoming event in New
York has big implications because it’s Apple’s home ground,” said
Chung Chang Won, an analyst at Nomura Holdings Inc. in Seoul . “This is the first time Samsung has
launched its Galaxy S phone in the U.S. ” We warned of this when Apple was at its high
because the products rushed out the door were Steve Job’s last ideas. Since then Apple has done little or nothing
to hold market share. We anticipate
Apple will drop sharply again but will become a good buy before hitting 350.
The economist Nouriel Roubini was dubbed "Dr Doom"
when he predicted the credit crunch. He
has now agreed with us and has sounded a stark warning about the long-term
effects of relying on quantitative easing to keep crisis-hit western economies
afloat. "Over time, you get zombie
banking, zombie corporations, zombie households, which is damaging in the long
term," he said. The phrase "zombie banks" was coined in Japan , to
describe insolvent lenders propped up by cheap cash. He now agrees QE is addicting and has
withdrawal symptoms. Roubini stressed
that "QE" had been critical in fending off a new Great Depression
after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. But said "The short-term
benefits of QE outweigh the long term risks," he offered nine reasons why
such unconventional monetary policy could damage the economy in the longer
At issue is how central bankers across the globe will
eventually unwind the uncharted stimulus measures enacted to prop up global
growth since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. Debt levels have soared
for governments across much of the developed world. In Europe ,
political leaders are trying to save the region from a fiscal crisis now in its
fourth year. Rather than unwinding the debt spiral they may be setting the
stage for another round of “Great Monetary Easing” according to Morgan Stanley.
Serious issues
75% to 80% of the Treasuries sold to finance US debt are now being purchased by the FED not China or Japan . The other countries are forced to QE also to
prevent their currencies from appreciating and their economies from getting
squeezed. Recently Japan recently
increased their QE to drop the value of the Yen further than everyone else and
the world did not like it. Japan ’s
market improved but foreign investors saw nothing because in was in deflated
Yen. For the last few weeks we showed US
rates were as low as they could go and the FED was pushing on a string. Now our rates are so low that the percent
increase from 0.3% to 0.6% is a 100% increase which means a 50% loss for people
owning the treasuries bought at the lower rate.
0.3% is the effective rate of inflation in treasuries at this
moment. It slightly exceeds the general
inflation rate but is very significant because the treasury rate inflation in
previous years was negative even while real inflation was at 0.2%. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are
accounting for the rising cost of American debt as US Treasuries weaken with
World Economies
Genocide against Christians in Pakistan drives Christians to seek
a separate state from the Moslems just as the Moslems sought separation from
the Hindus.
President Hamid Karzai accused the US of colluding with the Taliban for access to
Afghan natural resources when the US pulls out.
The International Monetary Fund predicts the world’s
developed economies will grow only1.4 percent this year, half the 3% minimum
developed economies sustained in the past.
In 2003 the German economy was forecast to contract after
stalling the previous year. A reform package was announced a meant to
kick-start a country that had gone from post-World War II miracle to the sick
man of Europe .
Lauded by Merkel and her party, which supported it then in opposition,
the program spelled an end to German job security. As the program took effect, the jobless rate
declined from a postwar high of 12.1 percent in March 2005 to 6.8 percent in
December 2011, the lowest since reunification in 1990. Last month unemployment
held at 6.9 percent.
Italian bonds borrowing costs increased at an auction
Wednesday amid concern a political deadlock will derail plans to fix the
nation’s finances. The bond values fell
suddenly with two-year yields rising the most in two weeks.
Chinese stocks tumbled today in Hong
Kong after the nation’s central bank chief said he’s on “high
alert” for inflation.
Three years ago, Germany ’s largest utility spent 400
million Euros building a natural gas-fired power station. Later this month, the
company will close the plant because it’s losing so much money as Europe’s weak
economy holds back electricity demand, requirements to buy government
subsidized expensive renewable energy and the collapsing cost of carbon permits
to burn coal are undercutting gas-fired plants. The pattern is repeated throughout Europe as utilities mothball clean gas plants. The impact
is a disaster both environmental and commercial. Switching to dirty coal
increases emissions and lowers profit for clean gas plants. The disaster is a socialist fiasco as they
let politics decide on concurrent implementation of conflicting social
EU bank debt addiction said to face scrutiny to QE and high
leverage is being scrutinized by regulators.
American Economy
The fear of inflation has become apparent with the extension
of Quantitative Easing the “Quick Obama Fix” for the economies.
The productivity of U.S. workers fell in the fourth quarter
by the most in four years, Labor Department figures showed Thursday.
The stock market is beginning to re-engage with the economy
and is unstable because the FED created a balance sheet bloated approaching a
trillion dollars putting US and world stocks in the stratosphere.
The DJA in 2013 is also now at a record high. Look at the
spike up this year as $85,000,000,000 flows into markets each month.
This weeks Calendar
Obama has fudging the report numbers to make them look good again
like he did before the election and then fudging them worse again when
sequestering and the debt ceiling delays were negotiated. He is
making things look better and driving stocks sky high now so he can manipulate
the data worse again in a month or two and blame the Republicans and say the
deficit cuts of sequestering are already hurting too much and we need to tax
and spend more. That is what socialists
do. They are good at wrecking economies
and blaming and harassing their critics.
Criticize them and they audit you and harass you with nonsense that
requires you to hire accountants and lawyers to defend yourself. They love to start harassing corporations a
few months before campaigning for contributions from corporations. Obama had all of Wall Street coming to him
with handouts a full year before elections and notice all the litigation was
dropped against Goldman and others who made tens of $billions on insurance
against liar loans. Everyone who
understood the fraud bought insurance that paid off when the liar-loan
derivatives collapsed and Goldman Sacks the biggest winner from liar loan fraud
didn’t even get a slap on the wrist.
Mar 13
MBA Mortgage Index 03/09 -4.7% sharply lower filings
Retail Sales Feb 1.1% 0.2% slight increase from 0.1%
Retail Sales ex-auto Feb 1.0% down from 0.4%
Export Prices ex-ag. Feb 0.6% inflation more than 0.5%
Import Prices ex-oil Feb 0.0% import prices constant this
time from 0.2%
Business Inventories Jan 1.0% still increasing slightly 0.1%
Crude Inventories 03/09 2.624M down from 3.833M
Treasury Budget Feb -$203.5B down from -$237.7B
Mar 14 Initial Claims 03/09 332K down from 340K
Continuing Claims 03/02 3024K 3100K down from a manipulated
3113K when on a consistent basis it would be up from 3094K. What is worse is they may have falsified the
3113 by later adding 19K after the announcement when no one knows or reports it
to make this week look better.
PPI Feb 0.7% up initially from 0.2%
Core PPI Feb 0.2% flat at 0.2%
Current Account Balance Q4 -$110.4B up from -$107.5B
Mar 15
CPI Feb 0.7% jumped enormously from 0.0% at an 8.4% annual
rate due to energy. Core CPI Feb 2.4% still high down from a 3.6% annual rate when QE3 ends when it exceeds 2.5%
Empire Manufacturing Mar 9.2 down from 10.0
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Jan $25.7B down from $64.2B Foreign investment in the
Industrial Production Feb 0.7% bogus Obama number up from 0.0%
Capacity Utilization Feb 79.6% about as high as it goes without new investment 79.1%
Mich Sentiment Mar 71.8 sharply lower from 77.6 indicating Obama is no longer credible.
The Market, March 15, 2013
Jim Cramer said Tuesday that in the history the Dow has
never had a winning streak this long that was not followed by a sharp pull
back. Even Jim Cramer is now concerned
that the market has been over hyped and he should knows about hype. But it continued up another day.
Foreclosure filings rose in February, but were down 25% from
the same period in the prior year, according to data released Thursday.
The only argument that makes sense for the high and rising
stock market is the possibility that investment is shifting from debt interest
equities to stocks. The people switching
into stocks at a market high are probably the one’s who sold there stocks in
2009 near the market low and bought the low yield debt.
The VIX was like this in 2005-2006 when it looked like the
market would go up forever. Low Vix
means excessive exuberance. A 10%
equities decline is now possible and it could last about another month on
average before a breather.
World market updates:
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