Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Obama’s two biggest socialist lies are that 50 million Americans had no healthcare and that America’s free enterprise healthcare is twice as expensive as any other country. First of all, the 50 million uninsured people Obama referred to got welfare, title 19, social security, and free medical treatment at city clinics and American city hospitals. Not only that, but virtually every working class American who enters a convalescent center spends every cent they saved subsidizing the title 19 residents and then of necessity the working class Americans must go on Title 19 themselves for free medical and housing support. That is Obama’s biggest lie, that poor Americans get nothing. The hospitals, clinics, and convalescent homes charge their insured and wealthy American patients two to three times more than what they get in federal title 19 payments so that the insurance companies are already paying most of the cost of uninsured welfare patients because the insurance companies pay double or triple to subsidize the poor residents who pay nothing.

The second biggest Obama lie is the fact that the Obama socialists do not even include the 50 million uninsured Americans who get free healthcare when he computes the cost.  Obama only uses the 50 million insured Americans when he computes his cost based on just the self-sufficient Americans.  To be honest about the cost of American health care you must also divide the cost by all the Americans getting insured, government title 19, or other subsidized or free hospital and convalescent health care.  Obama claimed there were 50 million uninsured Americans in addition to the 50 million working insured Americans.  Since the insured  50 million subsidize the cost of the 50 million Obama says had no health insurance the costs are divided in half.   In other words the truth is the American heathcare cost must be divided by our entire covered population not just the population paying for the total healthcare cost.  That puts the cost of American’s superior healthcare in line with the health care costs of slow and inefficient socialized medicine in western countries and far better than the care in the socialist African, Mideast, Asian and South American nations.  Of course this is the most corrupt American administration in the history of the United States of America and these are Obama’s figures so nothing this administration says can be relied on as truthful or accurate.
The third biggest Obama socialist healthcare lie is that Americans will get better care based on the Obama’s fourth lie that currently doctors do not provide preventative healthcare.   American doctors always provided preventative care if you went to them in their offices, public clinics, and public hospitals.  The fact is that more than half the doctors now plan to retire if Obama’s socialized medicine prevails and Obama plans to replace them with nurses and physician’s assistants who only have one third the training doctors get.  Obama claims the training isn’t necessary for preventative care.  How stupid can the Obama socialists be?  Lysenkoism is a term now used to describe the socialist corruption of science with manipulation and distortion of science to reach a preordained socialist conclusion as dictated by their stupid socialist ideology. Obama medical socialism is as stupid as the USSR’s Lysenkoist agricultural socialism.   USSR socialist agricultural stupid-science led to their famine, and America was humanitarian and kept shipping the USSR grain right through their collapse in 1989.  Another cost of American health care is we now send ships, airplanes, and doctors at our taxpayer expense to subsidize health care in poor countries around the world.  Obama stupid-science socialized medicine should be called Obama Crappycare.
But there is a fifth big Obama Crappycare lie that must be exposed.  Obama quickly and quietly fired Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and tapped White House budget office director Sylvia Matthews Burwell to replace her to cover up the dismal sign-up for Obama Crappycare.  Sebelius touted as a triumph that only 7 million people signed up under the unaffordable Obama Crappycare act exchanges after Obama said 50 million uninsured Americans would get Crappycare for the very first time.   Yet over five million people actually lost their insurance for good free-enterprise American care due to Obama Crappycare requirements.  The lack of sign-ups is not the fault of Obama’s crappy website.  It is just clear evidence that Obama socialists have been lying and disparaging American free enterprise healthcare, and America’s compassion for the entire world’s poor and needy from the very beginning.  Americans are even covertly supplying North Koreans with food and medicine because they are hypersensitive to the world knowing their socialism cannot afford to care for their own people.  The United States of America has compassion and does more than any nation in the world to care for the health and nourishment of all people even when we must do it in secret because radical atheist socialists and Moslem socialists do not want the world to know, America has been helping them.  People are not risking their lives to enter America illegally to get crappycare, they came for good American care.  Perhaps Obama’s Crappycare is the solution to end America’s illegal immigration.  No one in their right mind will ever come to America again with Obama Crappycare.   For the first time in American history the number of American’s giving up their citizenship is now approaching the number seeking American citizenship.

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