Tuesday, April 28, 2015

May 1, 2015 It appears the high speed traders are always manipulating stock and ETF prices. It seems even exchange traded funds are getting into it. Investors set stop losses and then the price swings momentarily when volume is low and the investor is stopped out with a 5% or 10% loss and the market is right back up for the next trade. The high speed trader then has made a risk-less instant profit. It should be illegal and the SEC should investigate this corruption of the free market. This also is done in an advancing market where it catches investors before they can move up their target price.


Read the Wall Street spin and you will think all of the news was positive today.   Yet it was all bad news.   Not only was Manufacturing down but so are orders.  ISM Index for the manufactures index for was flat in April at 51.5

It seems to have just passed the seasonal peak as did the Services index.


Total orders are at a low point.


Construction Spending for Mar was sharply lower at -0.6% worse than the decline of -0.1% last month.

May 01 10:00 Michigan Sentiment - Final Apr 95.9 flat at 95.9 down from over 110 a few years ago.


April 30   The trend lines for the DJIA, Russell 2000, and S and P all had trend line breakdowns today.   The DJIA, and the S and P have been flat lined since March 3.   Our proprietary DJIA, and the S and P cash flow indexes have been flat lined since approximately December 9 and the NYSE since last July.  That means technicians will warn that a technical sell signal may be coming soon.  It will likely be attributed to the summer leave in May adage.  People who believe in that adage could make it come true.  That then would give Jim Cramer a reason for waiting longer until the market is down 20% or more from the top before conceding we are in a recession and sell! Sell! Sell!  Things are falling into place.  The market high for this market cycle is likely now behind us.
        The profits of the oil energy sector have now begun plunging.  As we said last November, an oil price plunged prior to every major recession or depression and was a leading indicator for all world recessions and depressions during the last 100 years.  Now the world is slipping deeper and Europe and China are seeing the recession taking hold.  Exxon posted a 46% drop in first-quarter profit.   Shell reported earnings that fell by 56% from a year ago. ConocoPhillips reported a first-quarter loss of $0.18 a share.   The snake oil salesmen like Jim Cramer like to point out that those losses are better than they expected, no just spectacular and you should buy now and lose your pants as well as your shirt.  But some on Wall Street are beginning to see the truth so they will have to be shuffled off, retired, or even fired.  Only when everyone has lost their shorts will it be safe again for Jim Crammer to again say, “They’re Nuts” they got us into a recession!   It is 50-50 he says something like that by fall and a 90% chance he acknowledges the economy has tanked by January.         
             The New York Times Company posted a $14 million net loss for the first quarter of 2015, a total revenue decrease of 1.6 percent, and a net profit loss of approximately 24%.
            Sony slashed its tiny full-year Smartphone sales forecast 14% to an infinitesimal 43 million phones.  Sony lost 126 billion yen for the year.
            Obama-Dodd-Frank liar loan mortgages are back in business.  Obama says it is OK for ineligible people get liar loans just as long as Goldman Sacks and others don’t use them to back derivatives to sell to retirees and small Norwegian fishing villages.  The Stupid Party will make sure the government bails out all the liars just as long as none of the liars are rich corporation executives.
Continuing Claims 04/18 now at 2253K up 1% even though Obama’s Stupid Party math says unemployment dropped.
Personal Income in March was flat lined.
Core prices in Mar rose 0.1%
            Republican candidates indicate they want to cut government salaries and pensions to balance state and federal budgets.  Government is a black hole that serves the public poorly but like the IRS it is highly adept at harassing citizens.
            The Employment Cost Index Q1 rose 0.7%.  Once again Obama’s Stupid Party economics don’t add up.  Obama predicts that due to his insightful leadership, the American job market shows signs of entering a new stage that will bolster households as state and city government departments fight to retain and attract workers by paying more and giving them full retirement pensions after five years.   Currently many state workers have to slave at a desk for ten years before they can retire.  And if reforms don’t happen soon Obama hints, wink -wink, more American cities will be on fire.   
            April 29  The Russell 2000 has tested and broken its trend line to the downside.  The other four indices we track are still testing theirs.
Today the bigger stock market movers seem to be conditioning investors to not flinch when volatility increases on the down side.   When they dump holdings they concentrate on certain stocks that the snake oil stock sales people focus their negative venom on.  Gradually we are conditioned not to react until it is too late.  Then they take advantage to burn the novices.  But at a critical technical point they reverse themselves and drive selected stocks in another sector up or even drive up some of the stocks novice investors sold too late and too low.  October 2014 was that type of month and the movers would like the novices to be conditioned to always expect a rebound and to stay in even when the -25% moves start. 
            Consumer Confidence in April plunged to 95.2 from 101.3 in March following the downward trend in consumer sentiment.
MBA Mortgage Index 04/25 fell (-2.3%) after previously growing at that same rate.
The GDP-Adv. Annual growth rate for the first quarter was only 0.2% down from the previous estimate of 2.2%
 The Chain Deflator-Adv. Q1 was a deflation rate of -0.1% a growing depression danger.
 Apr Pending Home Sales Mar fell to 1.1% from 3.1% claimed for March even though the weather improved substantially.
      The rate of economic growth in England during the first quarter plunged in half to 0.3% for an annual growth rate of 1.2%.  FED is investigating banks that put customer’s accounts at risk by loaning money on accounts that are already invested in stocks and bonds putting the banks in double jeopardy. 
     The fed must bite the bullet and raise the FED rate at least 0.05% and then incrementally grow the rate of increase so that the stock market collapse is not blamed on the FED.  The collapse will come because the stock market bubble must eventually burst and $Trillions of loan collateral will disappear resulting in a collapse of loan liquidity.   The fed must then put more actual dollars in circulation to prepare for credit defaults. 
      Today on page C5 the WSJ showed the DJUA back to Nov 2014 and it is close to giving a sell signal after bouncing down off the 65DMA on April 28.  Similarly they show topping of the DJTA.  This is the first time the WSJ has shown the deteriorating situation.
       Oil companies are beginning to now really feel the pinch of the slowdown.  Refineries will use the price spread to make up for declining sales but that will only make the decline worse for the producers.
     Cancer drug stocks may pay off only until their genetic engineering doesn’t accidentally causes a new mutant cancer or Ebola type disease.    They got the new idea from the Ebola virus which mutates the human cells and liquefies them.  They are using the idea to mutate and liquefy cancer cells.  But what happens if in the human body the drug mutates a normal virus, or a bacterium, or a blood cell that cause it to become cancerous or an Ebola type virus?  Money is flowing into someone’s pockets now but it will be many years and mistakes before these stocks make any money for true investors.  And when investors realize just how potentially dangerous this research is these stocks will hit a bottom.
April 28    The FED should just incrementally raise the FED rate and get it over with.  The market is going to react to it no matter what so just do it and everyone will realize the market was a bubble and the FED had nothing to do with the correction.  The market would then return close to its previous highs and the FED would then be off the hook as long as the FED waits a few months before raising the rates again.  The bubble is overblown and is dangerous until it corrects.  It is quite likely the stock market and the economy have been uncoupled for the over a year low.  Popping this US bubble is unlikely to have dire economic consequences for the USA.  However, China, Russia, and India may not be economically stable enough to face their massive waste of their economic resources during the past 10 years.  But still, the sooner the world gets through this economic cycle and begins the next the better the chance that the wasted resources do not lead to a depression.  For instance China has wasted so much on housing construction that China’s apartment builders could be out of work for five years causing a massive slowdown in expansion but opening an opportunity to become efficient and less polluting.  The burden of healthcare and sickness in China is enormous because they do not put a high enough value on human life.
     On an absolute bases the broadest indicator, the NYSE has been down since July 2014.   On a cash flow basis the DJI is flat since the end of November 2014 and the STD and Poors index is nearly flat.  On a cash flow basis the NASDAQ still has a slight upward slope.   But the Russell 2000 seems to have just peaked at its March 2014 accumulated cash flow high. 
     It appears the recovery of the Russell 2000 is responsible for the new 2000 bubble high set by the NASDAQ.  In that case the peaking of the Russell 2000 would mean that the NASDAQ cash flow has also peaked.   Historically when market cash stops its net inflow (as seems to be happening right now) the prices are near their peaks.  But it takes a few months for the classic sell signals to occur such as a descending bottom.  Therefore we hold to the our estimate that the topping of the US stock will become evident to investors before the end of summer and will be acknowledged by the stock snake oil salesmen (Jim Cramer) before winter. 
     Therefore if the FED waits too long to raise rates they will either be unfairly blamed for a stock market collapse and then conditions will likely make the rate increase impossible.  The mouse trap will snap and we will be caught in something like the Great Depression-Inflation-Hyperinflation scenario Germany and Zimbabwe have faced.   Germany then had WWII and 11% of their population was killed.   Zimbabwe slaughtered their white farmers, and still has no national currency and has to use currencies from other countries. 
     The FED knows it cannot push on a string.   To fight the next recession the FED needs an interest rate very soon that is high enough to have some leverage.

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