Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 12, 2015 Today the WSJ repeated the error of CNBC missing the fact that retail sales are a one year change not a monthly change. 1.2% increase in sales from last year is dismal not fantastic as the WSJ and CNBC said. That kind of ignorant reporting is a factor in why the second Obama recession could be the Obama Depression. The Stupid Party does not fix problems it spins them and falsely reports them as successes. They are rotting out the economic and moral character of America with illegal spying on Americans and dirty IRS tricks on Christian, historical, business, and certain political groups and individuals. It is far more widespread than reported. Democrat state governments were coordinated by the Executive Branch to illegally harass and persecute political targets. Not only the IRS targeted people, but democrat state treasurers voted their state pension plan stocks to harass corporate executives (i.e. a CEO of Bank of America) that disagreed with Obama’s policies. And some state agencies harassed the same people and groups that the IRS targeted. The corruption of American democracy has been organized and quite extensive with this administration. It is our opinion that the executives of the following companies are now part of the organized political and moral corruption of the Obama administration and probably cleared their recent attack on American Religious freedom with the Obama Administration: Apple, Walmart, Yelp, Salesforce, Angie's List, Eli Lilly, Gap, Levi's, Twitter, Anthem, and Nike. Their CEO’s deceive themselves into thinking they are Gods gift to America and their stock holders need to wake up and clean up before their companies rapidly deteriorate. We would not touch their stocks at this time based on the corruption implicit in their collusion with the current corrupt manipulative administration. 30,000 Mexicans died with “Fast and Furious” which was an Obama-Holder plan to blame American hunters and veterans for the gun running deaths. Thousands of Americans were illegally harassed and audited by Obama/Holder’s IRS because they had Christian, moral, and patriotic beliefs. Now private industry CEO’s coincidentally joined in a coordinated attack on the very same people Obama-Holder targeted.

While being interviewed in February, Buffett indicated that the last asset he would want to buy is the 30-year U.S. Treasury bond. When pushed further on the issue, he then expressed his conviction about this by saying that he wouldn’t even want to own a 10-day Treasury bond (if one should exist).  Indeed the US and German Treasuries have begun to be hit indicating that Quantitative Easing is now taking its toll on perceived credit risks.  He also said dubious maneuvers are used to manufacture rising per-share earnings, particularly if these acrobatics produce mergers that generate huge fees for investment bankers.”  At one point in his March letter to shareholders, Mr. Buffett argued: “Investment bankers, being paid as they are for action, constantly urge acquirers to pay 20 percent to 50 percent premiums over market price for publicly held businesses. The bankers tell the buyer that the premium is justified for ‘control value’ and for the wonderful things that are going to happen once the acquirer’s C.E.O. takes charge.”  Those premiums were baked into the stock prices and eventually the IPO values will collapse.  Fraud and fluff now could make up more than 50% of current stock prices.  We are now seeing all the indices beginning to roll over and lose altitude.
Inventories grew again as sales did not approach production levels.
June 11, 2015  Today the ignorance displayed on CNBC about the economy hit a new low.  Retail sales were year over year up a pitiful 1.2% including autos and yet the street said it showed a strengthening recovery.  See for yourself the truth.   The market experts got it wrong.  The 1.2% was the change from one year ago not one month ago and it is horrible.  It has fallen into the region that it was in  at the beginning of the recession in 2008.  It is in extremely pessimistic territory.
Russia is now contracting at a rate of -2.5% according to the World Bank and has critically low liquidity.  Yet Russia indexed ETF’s are near record highs.  It looks like there has been extensive manipulation of American ETFs.  Worldwide liquidity is very low and money is beginning to flee countries like the USA and Germany that have stock market bubbles.  Germany has seen a recent extensive stock market pullback and the USA has now seen multiple stock market sell signals.  For the first time in seven years several analysts are joining us warning that the market has topped out.
The number of zombie housing foreclosures is suddenly increasing as banks sense that the economy and home prices have peaked and a worldwide economic crisis could be coming soon.  They want to get out at the top even if they have to take a loss because prices could be 25% lower before the economy settles.  Banks were avoiding foreclosing on the houses until the losses could be managed.  But billions of unrecognized loses may soon begin to show up on the bank’s books.   It represents up to 25% of houses for sale in many areas.
Yesterday, none of the major American indices we follow on a cash flow basis were able to rise to their lower trend line so they are all still sell signals.  On a price basis only the NASDAQ rose to the lower trend line but on no increase in volume and it did not break through.  Therefore they all remain sell signals as well.   The DJRails and DJUtilities which we also checked both gave sell signals but to give an official Dow sell signal the DJIndustrials index needs to fall below 17635.  That is 365 points or just 2%  lower.  We estimate that a stock market crash could happen as soon as this week or as late as December.   Last October, and ever since then we said our broader market cash flow index gave a sell signal.  Also the technology and growth stock indices have on a cash flow basis given recent sell signals and all the indices are starting to give sell signals on a plain vanilla price basis.  We said that could come as early as early as summer but that Jim Cramer probably would not say sell, sell, sell in a panic again until the market is down at least 20%.  That could be as late as October/November, but investors who read our blog probably will be in cash or gold.  When the panic begins sales and production will drop and energy prices will plummet in anticipation of inventory buildup.
Bond values are now beginning to collapse because the economy is taking control away from the Federal Reserve.  The economy is leveraged to the eyeballs and default risk is beginning to rise driving up long and shorter term interest rates.  A Fed rate rise will soon be nothing more than an attempt to pretend the Fed still has any control.  The FED and banks are now losing control of the economy.  They are now pushing on a string.
Obama promises to send in 450 more American soldiers to defeat the 15,000 to 30,000 ISIS savages.  How about a little more fire power Obama?  How about night time B52 saturation bombing of selected areas ISIS controls whenever we see them congregating or burning people alive?   How about targeting every ISIS controlled city with single bombs two or three times every night at random hours to deprive them of sleep?
There is perhaps 3 to 5 cents cash available for every dollar of debt.  That means if the internet goes down or there is a run on the banks there will be hungry people, riots and social breakdown.   This may be a good time to withdraw some cash.   You are getting nothing for it anyway in the banks.  If you withdraw less than $10,000 the FBI may investigate you for trying to trick them but if you take out more they may investigate you for drug dealing.  If you are a Republican you may have to go broke fighting against Obama’s corruption and harassment in court.
June 10, 2015  On page A15 of today’s WSJ Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman explained the coming financial crisis pretty much as we did on June 8.  He makes the point that the Obama regulations may make things worse by adding to the current administration confusion.  “politicians and regulators constructed an expansive and untested regulatory framework that will have unintended consequences for liquidity in our financial system.”   JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon has gone as far as to say that Wall Street is “under assault” now from regulators.   Economist Nouriel Roubini, who like us correctly predicted the 2008 financial crisis, recently made similar comments.
            Testla’s newest proposed selling features are red herrings.  Only the dolts of the world are interested in buying self driving cars that kill you accidentally when the automated driving features fail at high speed.  And when those failures occur Tesla will be sued out of existence.   Look how a defective simple ignition switch has destroyed GM.  Obama appointed the GM CEOs who hid the faults.   Europeans think the fun of driving the car is the main reason for having a car and they have built a much safer high speed mass transit for everyone who is just interested in getting from A to B.   Testla has captivated all the confused global warming worshipers who are simultaneously the mass transit haters of the world.   But if you believed in global warming and had a functioning brain you would believe in mass transit too, not a Tesla substitute.  Eventually Tesla buyers will be stigmatized and called cult followers.   Pope Francis has ordered the establishment of a special court to try bishops who mishandled cases of clerical pedophile sex abuse.   We need a similar court to head off a resurgence of NAMBLA in America.  The following companies might be considered commercialized cults with CEO cult followings that don’t understand true value;  Apple, Walmart, Yelp, Salesforce, Angie's List, Eli Lilly, Gap, Levi's, Twitter, Anthem, Nike, and the Moonies.  When CEO’s get lucky and deceive themselves into thinking they are Greek oracles and have god-like powers they also seem to attack American freedoms and the America’s Founding Fathers who gave Americans the freedom to be everything Americans are willing to work hard at to be.  At the top of the hill cult leaders lose their powers.  Nike succeeded once more in cutting out competitors from FIFA advertising.
Former Congressman Hastert is a Republican homosexual who is being harassed by the leftists because he is a Republican and for no other reason.  The FBI and the leftist press are not prosecuting the person who was blackmailing Hastert for decades.  Instead this corrupt Obama administration is persecuting Congressman Hastert because he withdrew money to pay the blackmail in withdrawal amounts of less than $10000.  Obama’s administration contends that only Drug traffickers do that to avoid detection.   Hastert was blackmailed and was not dealing drugs so naturally Hastert has pleaded he is innocent.  This Obama administration is sick, sick, sick persecuting and humiliating a blackmailed gay Congressman just because he is not a Democrat, a left wing extremist, or a member of NAMBLA.  Where are the CEO’s of Apple, Walmart, Yelp, Salesforce, Angie's List, Eli Lilly, Gap, Levi's, Twitter, Anthem, Nike when a fellow homosexual is persecuted by leftists?   Persecution is several levels worse than discrimination and the fact that the CEO’s of Apple, Walmart, Yelp, Salesforce, Angie's List, Eli Lilly, Gap, Levi's, Twitter, Anthem, and Nike have no compassion for Congressman Hastert shows the CEO’s are very shallow.  These CEO’s and the Obama administration will be seen as pretty sick puppies if they do not stop the persecution of good Americans.
June 9, 2015  JOLTS - Job Openings Apr were 5.367M up from 4.994M indicating there is a growing shortage of qualified employees to fill American jobs.  This is a new symptom of growing social media and the Apple equipped students who play games and text in class and then drop out of Community College broke having learned nothing.   Job openings hit new highs because student competence is hitting new lows.  A survey of 128 CEOs between April 22 and May 13 found that top corporate leaders expect the economy to grow at 2.5% in 2015, down from 2.8% projected growth from the first quarter of 2015.  Just 34% of CEOs now plan to hire more U.S. employees this year due to the scarcity of people with the necessary job skills and work ethic.
            Rising interest rates are beginning to cause Bond portfolio’s to drop in value.  That will give temporary strength to stocks as people leave bonds.  But it is wealth destruction.  The wealth destruction is now in both stocks and bonds.  Eventually panic will ensue and people will diversify and many more may go into cash.
            Wholesale Inventories in Apr rose 0.4% indicating sales were lower than expected again.   Tesla and Apple are probably the two most overweigh companies at this time.  Since Steve Jobs died Apple has run out of good ideas.  Tesla and GM will likely go bankrupt within two years or be bought out by new management because they are going nowhere.  Apple products have no protected technology or patent value of significance as its products are used primarily to entertain children and the under employed.   And the young people who most use Apple products tend to drop out and become unemployable.  But for $10 per month students can now stream Apple music to listen to during General Math and General Science classes.  They are the Apple “don’t want no education generation!
June 8, 2015 We are now in danger of a second Great Depression.  Reserve requirements are the amount of funds that a depository institution must hold in reserve against specified deposit liabilities. Depository institutions must hold reserves in the form of vault cash or deposits with Federal Reserve Banks.   As of this January 22, the requirement has been:
            For more than $14.5 million up to $103.6 million, 3% must be held to defend a run on the FED.  This allows money in those quantities can be loaned out 33.3 times or (1/0.03) times the actual money held.
            For more than $103.6 million, 10% must be held to defend a run on the FED.  This allows that money to be loaned out 10 times (1/0.10) the actual money held.
            At the time of the Great Depression the rate was about 5% which meant there was 20 times more money loaned out than cash to back it up.   You can see that on smaller loans of under $103.6 million we are in a more dangerous position than at the start of the FDR’s Great Depression.  On large international loans we don’t have data from the Great Depression.   Herbert Hover had a recession about as bad as Obama’s, but socialist FDR was the one that then had the 90% stock market collapse and the Great Depression that lasted 1933 to  the end of WWII in 1945.  The “stupid party” never tells the truth about how they caused the Great Depression.  If Obama sets off a second Great Depression you can be 100% sure the incompetent and corrupt “stupid party” will blame the former president George Bush or something else.  We have veritable corrupt fools running the executive branch today.  What this all means is that if you consider most of the money awash in the stock market today, if there is a run on the banks like in 1933 then for every 33.3 dollars invested by citizens, about $1 would be paid out by the banks.  Anything more would be from printing new money and would be potentially hyperinflationary.  You can bet that Jim Cramer and all the other ignorant commentators on CNBC don’t understand that only roughly 3% to at most 10% of the stock price is based on real cash and the rest (90% to 97%) is borrowed money leveraged up.  And if they don’t know… then you can also bet the Obama administration is completely clueless.   Leverage was the cause of the collapse of the fraudulent Obama-Dodd-Frank American Liar Loan mortgages, and that triggered the collapse of securitized derivatives based on the liar mortgage fraud and brought down the American economy in 2008.
            If the DJI is peaking as it appears to be, then it will set off a major DOW sell signal, the signal that made the WSJ famous.  The Dow Rails have already given a major sell signal and it would not take much of drop in the DJI to give the major Dow Theory stock market sell signal.  As we pointed out only the NASDAQ shows any strength.
June 7 CBS 60 Minutes program showed how FEMA under Obama’s “stupid party” management engaged in fraud to cheat many non-Democrat homeowners who’s houses were destroyed by the storm Sandy.  But FEMA had insurance adjusters lie and claim the damage was mostly from old age to cheat the homeowners.  Most of the fraud was in “stupid party” controlled NY not in New Jersey.   Obama’s administration apparently illegally uses the IRS, FEMA and other government bureaucracies to target and discriminate against groups that think the Obama administration is corrupt and incompetent.
            The DJI, NYSE, S & P, and Russell 2000 have all given trend line breakout sell signals Friday but the NASDAQ is still testing its lower trend line.  That is a symptom of a correction coming.
            A Reuters survey of the top 100 retailers shows that of the 98 that sell in physical retail stores, fewer than 25% accept Apple Pay and 66% said they won’t be adding Apple’s mobile anytime soon.  Only four said they might add it next year.   Apple can hardly give away their ugly clumsy watches. 
            Christians, hunters, and military veterans and their families have become disenchanted with libtard CEO’s opposing the Constitution’s Bill of Rights that give Americans the religious freedom to boycott and oppose the tenants of NAMBLA on religious grounds and even boycott such groups and companies that support church leaders that prey on children.  In fact Libtard CEO’s and others might soon demand that the church can not discriminate against or defrock pedophiles who infiltrate the church… and Libtards may even call it illegal discrimination.  That is why Christians, hunters, and military veterans and their families have become disenchanted with those Libtard CEO’s who attack the Constitutions Bill of Rights.  No one can force you to buy the stocks or products of the corrupt.  Apple, Walmart, Yelp, Salesforce, Angie's List, Eli Lilly, Gap, Levi's, Twitter, Anthem, and Nike support CEOs who want the constitutional religious rights of parents and churches restricted.   That was what it was like in both “Sodom and Gomorrah” where it was legal for pedophiles to abuse children and attack religious parents who protected their children.  It is said that Obama fears Christians, hunters, and military veterans more than ISIS.   It is another libtard reaction just like Ruby Ridge and Wako all over, only worse.
NJ Governor Christie, according to The Record newspaper of New Jersey, said referring to Hilary’s idea that immigrants, legal or not, should be allowed to vote, “My sense is that she (Hillary Clinton) just wants an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.”  The FBI still has not yet opened a public investigation into Hillary’s missing documents and all the unrecorded contributions to the Clinton charity from foreign governments and the corrupt Soccer Federation.  But that does not mean that an investigation is not going on.  The corrupt Obama administration has already used the IRS and FEMA to attack its critics.  If they also use the FBI it will be the end of the American democracy and the USA will look a little more like the banana republics of Cuba and Venezuela. 

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