Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Fed’s quantitative easing is not stimulating the American economy it is simply fostering speculation in the stock markets and expanding the stock market bubble which will create instability when it explodes.

The GDP has tanked again.

Consumer sentiment is in the doldrums still.

Factory orders year to year increases have become stuck near zero %.

New home sales have finally risen to the very lowest levels of previous recessions.

Housing permits and starts have been at the lowest levels seen in thirty years.

Producer and Consumer price indices are declining again as if we were slipping into another recession on top of Obama’s 5 year recession.

Notice that all the DJI failed to set a new buy signal for 18 days in the latest rally.   Also, you can see that the stocks in a selected index become favorites (e.g. DJI) and consequently those stocks rise faster and give the false impression that the whole market advances an extra several extra percent points each year giving the false impression the overall market is doing much better than it actually is doing.  And therefore almost no investor averages as well as an index does.  Investors have the same gambler’s remorse and it has them thinking and saying they actually had the gains of the index.  It is an illusion.  But it is still the best way to save for the future.

Notice the previous advance ended when Obama was re-elected because Governor Christy undermined Former Governor Romney just as he Romney had pulled ahead by 2 points.

 And the two rallies before hardly felt a correction:

And the two rallies before those saw a 10% correction a 10% recovery and then the sharp 20% selloff in 2011

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev clamed up as soon as Obama and Holder sent someone to tell him he did not have to tell the FBI who supplied the bombers with their terrorism know-how.  By Holder reading him his rights Dzhokhar can now be prosecuted for anything Dzhokhar now discloses so he has clamed up.  But before that he was telling the FBI everything because he could not be prosecuted for the additional crimes he revealed.  The FBI already had enough evidence on him so they were willing to let him disclose his unknown terrorist contacts with no additional charges because they already had enough evidence to get him a death sentence.  But now that Obama had Dzhokhar read the Miranda Act, Dzhokhar would be crazy to tell anything more because after being read the Miranda Act, anything new that he reveals can be used against him. 

   Terrorism will not end until Moslem Jihads are declared to be world crimes against humanity just as evil as anything Hitler did.  Why doesn’t the International Court in Hague put Moslem leaders who ordered the Jihads on trial for the murders and genocide they ordered?  It is a crime against humanity for a leader to order the slaughter of innocent people.  It is far worse than a hate crime to order crimes against humanity.  In the “free world” such people are known as evil raving lunatics the likes of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot who need to be stopped permanently.  If it were true that Moslems condemn terrorism and that the terrorists are trying to hijack the Moslem religion then they should support putting the imams who invoke jihads in isolation in prisons.  So the next time a Moslem complains on a news show that it is not fair to blame all Moslems for Boston’s terror, why don’t the news media commentators suggest that the Moslem apologists of terror should then support putting the offending Moslem imams on trial in the international court.  Then all the kind and loving Moslems of the world can put their lunatics away once and for all.  Instead of lip service why don't good Moslems criticize their shameful/hateful/insane terrorism advocating imams publicly?  Do they fear death?

Chrysler Group said Monday that its net income fell 65 percent in the first quarter

World Economies

Copper fell in London, showing the biggest monthly decline since May 2012, on further signs demand has yet to revive as stockpiles of the metal increase.  Low copper production usually means lower silver supply because silver production is now primarily a by product of silver production.

Herbalife logged a profit of $1.27 a share, easily besting estimates of $1.07. Herbalife hasn’t missed EPS estimates since the fourth quarter of 2008.  The nutrition marketing company earned $118.86 million, or $1.10 a share, last quarter, compared with $108.16 million, or 88 cents a share, a year earlier.   

Guenter Schiffmann/Bloomberg. Daimler AG, the world's third-largest maker of luxury vehicles, last week cut its 2013 profit forecast after first- quarter earnings tumbled 

Germany's exporters have had a weak start to the year and will barely grow amid US competition and the German Trade Association sees recession worsening in southern EU 

In spite of the flooding of the world with US currency, the German market has hit but has still failed to break out from the 2007.  Remember since 2008 we had over 15% inflation when we include food and energy so the market is still 15 off the real high when the high is hit. The German market continues to hit resistance.

The Greek market indicates stagnation since year 2000.

The French market indicates stagnation since year 2000.

The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.  But once again look at the spike up in stock prices with Bernanke’s $85,000,000,000/month gift from America to the stock and bond markets of the world as more people enter poverty, go hungry and lose their jobs under Socialism’s equality of poverty.

  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation but the market no similar market advance.

 American Economy
The DJI failed to break out.  Now that the Big Brother and the FED is inflating the money supply the new highs don’t even Given the inflation exceeding 15% since the last high in 2008 it has a long way to go to break even in 2008 dollar value.

The DJA in 2013 is also now at a record high due to inflation. Look at the spike up this year as $85,000,000,000 flows into markets each month.  http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=%5EDJA&t=my&l=on&z=l&q=l&p=&a=&c=

 This week
The Markets April 30, 2013
It is the Administration's QE3 and sequester incompetence.. not the spending cuts that is now hurting the American economy.  The over supply of materials, oil and gas is due to the declines in the world economies and hides the underlying growth of inflation because people are not working.  Once the economic decline levels off, inflation will surge.   There is plenty of government waste that can be cut that would improve the American economy and a new law should not have been necessary to tell the administration to get smart and to cut duplication in departments and other waste.   For example if the department heads cannot figure out how to intelligently cut waste then Obama should fire the heads because they are a source of waste.   Instead Obama hired 20,000 new IRS agents to harass everyone they can.  The new Senate bill would not be necessary if the administration thought that the department heads, about which Congress knows very little, were competent enough to administer their own departmental cuts.

Bull markets once ran 3 years then 4 years but rarely 5 years.  Ours has already run 4 years so far.  Bear markets follow for 1 to 2 years.

 Look at the recent Bulls- Bears indicator.  More bulls than bears means more exuberance or topping.  http://www.martincapital.com/index.php?page=graph&view=investors_intel

Can world trade go any lower or has it flat lined?  Look at the last 5 years.  It still looks close to zero growth.

Bernanke is pushing on a string.  The FED has run out of leverage at close to 0% short term interest rates. 

The VIX behaved this way in 2006 and 2007when the bubble began to unravel but the market did not collapse until 2008.   Again look at 5 years and you see the worst is yet to come.  The VIX would normally top out above 30 before the bear market ends.

World market updates:
http://in.finance.yahoo.com/intlindi? cese=europe

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