Monday, November 30, 2015

Dec 4, 2015 The U.S. trade deficit widened unexpectedly in October as exports fell to a three-year low. The deficit contributed to the decline in economic growth in the fourth quarter. Exports fell 1.4 percent to the lowest level since October 2012. Exports of goods were the lowest since June 2011. Food exports were the lowest since March 2012, while exports of industrial supplies and materials were the lowest in five years. Petroleum exports hit their lowest level since December 2010. The Commerce Department concluded that the trade gap increased 3.4 percent to $43.9 billion, a sign that the worst of the drag from a stronger dollar is far from over.

Trade Balance Oct -$43.9B down from -$42.5B in October
Unemployment Rate Nov 5.0% flat lined in October
Average Workweek Nov 34.5 down from 34.6 hrs in October
Nonfarm Payrolls Nov 211K down sharply from 298K in October in spite of holiday hiring.
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Nov 197K down sharply from 304K in October
The stock market pundits puffed up the payroll reports to deceive (as usual) small investors who do not do enough research.  Read Reuter’s bullshit about a solid U.S. employment report supports a Fed December rate hike.  We favor a rate hike but not the false information from the pundits.
           Dec 2, 2015   France has determined that profiling of terrorists is necessary and France is now using emergency powers to shut down Moslem Mosques that have been nurturing Islamic terrorists.  Finally the world is beginning to realize that Islamic Terrorism is not a religion but a mental disease.  Groups that rape, or beat, or kill women, children, and members of true religions are criminally insane and will no longer be tolerated or be granted freedom to teach or to proselytize in France.  People in other western nations are now considering following the leadership of France.  Terrorist groups will not be free to lie and claim they have anything to do with God or a religion.
        As we predicted, oil prices have plummeted to new lows as the world sinks into economic recession and corporate leverage and government deficits are beginning to sink all the major economies of the world.   The new crude oil target price is $35/barrel.  This could be the Great Obama Depression that will be the way the world remembers Obama and Hilary.  America used to be a smart leader.  Now everyone knows the brains of the “Stupid Party” have fallen out of their “open mind.”  It is time for a change and for the enormous incompetent Washington establishment to be laid off instead of American workers.
          Here is how we end the illegal use of guns without affecting hunters, collectors, and patriots.  Test every gun before it can be sold and every gun already sold to determine the rifling marks on the fired bullets and create the FBI file.  Make it a crime to tamper with the rifling of any gun.  Make it a crime to possess a gun with no rifling or tampered rifling.  Only people contemplating crimes would object to this forensic identification.  Real hunters and patriots would not object.   The cost would be covered by a tax on the gun manufacturers. Next require that new gun holders be trained in gun safety and all former and new gun holders learn the new requirements and all pass a psychological test of mental competence.  The training should be done by the regional police department and be part of the person’s record.    In addition, each new licensee must be certified as competent by the person giving the course and test.   Trainers lose their certification if two former students are arrested for gun law violations.  It is the duty of the trainer to refuse to certify and to report all students trained and that they deemed competent.   It would be a crime for a trainer to willfully pass a convicted criminal or a certifiably incompetent student. 
Dec 2, 2015   None of the broad market indices have recovered from the August 24 stampede out of the stock market.  They have all failed to break out above their 200 day moving averages.  The latest rally has failed again.  Top that off with the oil glut is using up all its storage capacity and prices are dropping again because OPEC has not reduced production.  Unless OPEC reduces production or the ISIS oil fields are bombed, oil prices are heading lower.  Shutting down US shale oil production is not helping the world glut because the US consumes most of the US production.  The problem is that South America is going bankrupt and must sell their oil to eat.  OPEC must close wells or let prices drop until they shut down some production.
      Jim Crammer was still saying buy-buy-buy yesterday.  Very soon most investors will see how worthless his advice has been and will be telling him by, by.
      The Institute for Supply Management said that U.S. factory activity in November fell to the lowest level since 2009.  That gauge of manufacturing activity fell to 48.6 from 50.1 in October, slipping into contraction territory for the first time since 2012. Readings below 50 indicate contraction.  This recession will be a full Obama recession that will unwind over $18Trillion in his wasted deficit spending.  The stupid party spent the money on themselves, food stamps, free cell phones, increasing crime and fraud, and almost none of the deficit went to fixing infrastructure, creating jobs, or national security.  The stupid party has given the USA into a decaying corrupt third world government.
     The IEA Chief reiterated Forecast for Oil rising to $80 again in two years well after the recession bottoms in 2016.  NEW YORK—Oil prices will start climbing in 2017.”  Many predict a low of $30 before the stock market bottoms.  We have hit $40 already and we predict we have about four months to hit this next bottom.
           Dec 1, 2015  Trump’s Campaign Manager Accused Media of Suppressing Proof of Cheering Muslims on 9/11.  People forget that the Moslem community in NJ had a prominent religious leader who was put in jail when a group he proselytized tried to blow up a Trade Tower in 1993 with a truck loaded with explosives brought in from NJ.   People forget that Moslems abroad cheered on 911.  Anyone saying they saw a thousand Moslem’s cheering on 9/11 is guilty of hyperbolae.  But in truth is there were probably tens of thousands all around the world cheering.  Anyone who doesn’t believe that is stupid and should join the “stupid party” if they are not already a member.  ISIS alone had at least 100,000 cheering the news of the attack in Paris.  The Stupid Party does not win points minimizing the threat of Islamic terrorisms everywhere.  You don’t see any prominent Moslem leaders in the US or Europe publicly condemning the Islamic terrorism probably because they are afraid and know the threat is real to them and their families if they betray the cause.
       The official Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) fell to 49.6 in November a three-year low in activity in China’s manufacturing sector.  A reading below 50 points implies a contraction in activity on a monthly basis.
        Nov 30, 2015  On Friday, the Chinese stock market fell more than 5 percent, registering its greatest one-day decline in more than three years as China reported a 4.6 percent drop in profits of industrials.   The NYSE Breadth index gauges the direction of the overall market by calculating the number of companies advancing relative to the number declining.  A trending disproportional number of declining securities as we are seeing confirms the bearish momentum.
        The US trade balance is deteriorating again due to the strength of the dollar.  Trump said that if he were president he would encourage the pulling back of overseas American investments to make America more competitive and shift corporate taxes to the European type sales tax in order to tax imports and consumption rather than American innovation and profits.

Friday, November 27, 2015

11-28-2015 The Obama Administration just announced that with only one year left in office they will begin destroying all the evidence that the administration primarily used the IRS, NSA and other national security agencies to spy on and harass FOX reporter Jim Rosen, Governor Christie, Christian non-profit corporations, and outspoken administration critics. Hidden within the indiscriminate gathering of U.S. phone metadata was the capacity to harass all critics with dirty tricks. In the mean time ISIS and other terrorists were for the most part ignored by the “stupid party” administration. Such colossal stupidity has put millions of people in this world under a reign of terror.

            In less than a year Americans can throw the corrupt “stupid party” out of office.  Perhaps some of the people in the NSA, CIA, and the Foreign Services Institute will use this precious time to preserve some of the records to eventually expose the Obama Administration and to train future government employees on how to identify and expose treacherous government activities that target political opponents and free speech.  
11-27-2015   Governor Christie wishes the FBI and CIA would come forward soon and expose the Obama-Rahm Emanuel- Eric Holder-Hilary Clinton dirty tricks violations of the American Constitution.   All the US Constitutional violators in the “stupid party” except for Obama have now left their posts.  Both Bill Baroni, the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and Bridget Anne Kelly claim they were illegally targeted and are innocent and have plead 'not guilty to the Washington Bridge traffic problems that were a dirty trick set in motion under the direction of Obama.  Governor Christy was totally innocent but was successfully smeared by the “stupid party’s” president and administration.  The FBI and CIA know exactly how the Obama administration did it. 
              Obama had NSA put full illegal surveillance on his critics, the American press, prominent Republican Governors, their staff and their families.  Numerous scandals were exposed and GOP families were broken up and careers destroyed using the super-computers of the NSA to assemble random key words from conversations to try to incriminate or just expose marital problems to the world.  The Obama criminals have now delayed the Bridgegate trial for two years because Obama does not want the truth to be told.  Obama should be prosecuted for using the FBI, IRS, the NSA, the CIA, a former chief of his staff and one of his Attorney Generals to attack Americans for just using our American right of free speech.  Thousands of Americans were persecuted illegally by the IRS based on phony allegations.  Many in the FBI and CIA were diverted from National Security issues and given illegal phony assignments and forced to focus on the Obama Administration’s political critics.  America needs the FBI, CIA, and NSA to expose the “stupid party” criminals who have now enraged most Americans to a level not seen in 230 years.
            The world abortion industry is based in a global “stupid” presumption that women are statistically of about 25% less value than men and that minorities are of about 66% less value.  The world statistics reveal that a net of more than 140 million more females have been aborted than men because the natural birth rate of males is slightly higher than females, men die younger for a number of reasons including wars, and yet abortions more than offset all the attrition factors of males by at least 140 million abortions of females.  It is also clear that abortion in the USA had the overwhelming support of racists because most states only made abortion legal after the US Government reported that the abortion rate for blacks in the US was three times higher than for whites.  That was when abortion swept the states and even swept the Supreme Court.  It is obvious that abortion is the primary way that racists, male chauvinists, and stupid socialists around the world reduce the population of women and minorities.  Abortion is championed by the “stupid party” and yet the “stupid party” claims they support women and minorities.   Intelligent women and minorities are, or should be, universally offended by those “stupid party” claims.  Most of the Eastern world voluntarily aborts women.  But most of the Western world voluntarily aborts minorities putting most of the abortion clinics in their neighborhoods.
            Yes, the “stupid Party” claims they have the interest of women and people of color as their priority.  Yes, Elizabeth Warren even claimed she was a minority Cherokee herself so that she could later get a job and claim she was a product of Harvard.  But intelligent and honest women and minorities now understand that they have been treated as stupid and have been exploited and taken for granted by the “stupid party.” Elizabeth Warren stole the identity and job of a real minority Cherokee woman.  Obama has eliminated thousands of jobs of minorities and doesn’t even care because he doesn’t even count minorities as being employable people in America.   Unemployed minorities no longer exist as a group they are just called “displaced” or “unemployable” “not seeking employment,” so they don’t count any more for Obama’s unemployment statistics.   Since they no longer count, why should the “stupid party” care that the Obama economy is still getting worse.  The stupid party uses free cell phones and food stamps to placate and write-off millions of minorities except for when it comes to getting out the vote.  But women and minorities are beginning to find that the “stupid party” has become just too stupid and too corrupt for them to support any more.  It is better to have a good economy, good jobs, and self respect than a cradle to the grave socialist state of equality of poverty under the “stupid party.”

Monday, November 23, 2015

11-25-2015 McKinsey Global Institute has predicted that new global competition for corporate profits which stands at almost 10 percent of world GDP, will shrink to less than 8 percent by 2025 thereby undoing in the next decade nearly all of the corporate gains achieved relative to the world economy during the past 30 years. That pertains to the future decade after the coming stock market panic and the “stupid part’s” deepening recession.

            MBA Mortgage Index 11/21 fell -3.2% after increasing +6.2% in October
Corporate profits in the third Quarter fell -4.7% after being flat last month and resembles 2007 just as the recession began.
            A new Federal Investigation of Wal-Mart has begun into bribery and corruption charges during their expansion into foreign countries.  $500,000 in payments alone went to Brazil.  The WSJ also reported that Walmart has already spent $700,000,000 on internal investigations of their continuing corrupt expansion practices over several years.  Wal-Mart was recently forced to remove “Made in the USA” logos from its e-commerce site after an inquiry by the Federal Trade Commission into false labeling.  The Wal-Mart CEO has allowed this embarrassing corruption to grow once again and should resign.
Manufacturers' New Orders fell to a record low of -20% at mid year and have now rallied now to -7% the previous record low.
11-24-2015    Russian Jets systematically violated Turkey’s airspace and today a Russian Jet was shot down after it bombed innocent ethnic Turkish people who live in Syria on the Turkey’s border.  The Russians are killing everyone opposed to the mass murderer Bashar al-Assad and that amounts to mass murder by Putin.  The Russian bombing of ISIS does not in anyway excuse the mass murder of all the ethnic groups opposed to proven mass murderers of Bashar al-Assad, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and Putin.
            Consumer confidence dropped from 99.1 to 90.4 and remember under George Bush it was as high as 142.
            After only one day the WSJ is unfortunately back to using the worthless 65 day moving average instead of the 200dma apparently because they are hiding the fact that the 8-year bull market cycle ended and the bear market started August 24, 2016.  But today the WSJ had excellent Opinion Articles by Bret Stephens, William McGurn, and Sohram Ahmari.
            The decline of the economy in America and Europe is not due to the aging of the population.  The decline is due to the dumbing down of university professors, the dumbing down of teachers, and consequently the dumbing down of America.
            The dumbed down people in the  “stupid party” are trying to use the same tricks again as they did when they got the great businessman Ross Perot to run as an independent so that “stupid party” candidate Bill Clinton could beat old man George Bush out of his second term in 1972.  This time they are trying to use Bush and Mario to try to divide the GOP and get the great businessman Trump to run as an independent so that “stupid party” candidate Hilary Clinton can win.   It is the same strategy as before and America will again be the loser if the aging and impotent GOP apparatus gets senile now and forgets about Ross Perot.   Remember it was Bill Clinton that gave America Ruby Ridge (a dead Special Forces family), Wako (a dead religious commune), and who sued many Christian churches that exercised free speech which the “stupid party” wanted to censor.  Hitler did the same as the Clintons did.  He did it in Germany to Lutheran ministers who criticized the NAZI treatment of Jews.  Hitler shut them up or shut them down.   Later when he knew he was defeated Hitler had Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and other critics of genocide hung from lamp posts as examples of what happened to critics of nationalist socialism.  Stalin shot all the critics of his international socialism.  Americans have had one stable government for 339 years because Americans are a well armed people protected by the American Constitution and don’t play games with our freedom.
            The polls say Trump and Mario would beat Clinton but Bush cannot.  Bush should now step aside and leave his money to the winner of the Republican primaries.  Bush should not work for Hilary Clinton and engage in dirty tricks that would let down many Americans and leave them hating the Bush family just as much as the “stupid party” already hates the Bush family.  Obama probably would fall dead last on all the polling criteria should he be put in all the polls along with the GOP and the “stupid party” candidates.   He should be included in the polls because he is a lot smarter and more honest than the other “stupid party” candidates and Americans need to know how likely things would get much worse under Hilary Clinton.
            11-23-2015   Today the WSJ finally shows index plots with 200dma not 65 day moving averages. That means the WSJ now finally wants investors to know stocks are still in a bear market as of August 24 and there has not been a reversal as Jim Cramer has been chanting of late. We were wrong about Jim Cramer because he has flip-flopped twice now and he has still not screamed “SELL SELL SELL” yet. That could happen in a few weeks as the holiday sales figures come out. The credit screws are now beginning to tighten.
            Stock market fraud is what got stock prices to today’s historically obscene eight year high levels.  Drug maker CEO’s that siphon off high salaries, obscene capital gains, and finally golden parachutes by overpaying using leveraged buyouts of other drug makers and then stealing from the American government and its citizens by jacking up the price of the drugs by 100% to 5000%; they deserve to go to jail for theft and fraud.  The stockholders inevitably lose.   This form of theft is facilitated by the Fed’s low interest rate policy that minimizes the cost of misallocated money.
            Stock buybacks are at an eight year high level and are also usually a form of fraud by CEOs for most companies that leverage their stockholders with debts ensuring losses and possibly bankruptcy later then interest rates rise.  The fraud provides no long term shareholder value and is entirely done for the purpose of the CEO salary increases and bonuses.  The stockholders inevitably lose.  Stock buybacks are now at an eight-year high.
            "We're going to take things away from you for the common good."~ Hillary Clinton  6/29/2004
            Every once in a while you see a great idea and wonder why you didn’t think of it.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 20 The DJI still has not mustered the investment cash needed to reach a previous high in the hedge fund’s favorite index of over weighted stocks. Time is now running out along with hedge fund investment cash. The WSJ has been providing bad information of late. They have recently kept showing a 65 day moving average instead of the important 200 day moving average that is used to determine bear and bull markets. The 65 day moving averages are only used for tracking the smaller movements within the current bear market. When a 65 DMA is crossed in a bear market it does not indicate a bull market is starting. It is just a small fluctuation. Using the plotting tool we provided yesterday you can see that the DJI and the NYSE were more consistent 2004-2014 than they have been this last year. The DJI is a cherry picked version of America’s economic prospects. The NYSE is too broad and honest for market manipulators to use.

            According to the Oxford Economics research, China's slowdown is already dragging down commodity prices and trade partners around the world.  China's economy now accounts for 11 percent of world GDP and around 10 percent of world trade. Its financial system is massive, with its money supply now larger than the U.S.'s and now totals over 20 percent of the world's money supply.  So imagine what happens in the first economic hard-landing that China faces.   
            Already the experts are pointing to the decline in oil tanker transport and are now predicting oil prices will drop to $30/barrel before this recession is over.  The US Fed refuses to confirm that the world has entered a recession because they must raise rates soon or they will lose interest rates as a means to stimulate the economy.  But be aware that when the FED rate goes from 0.25% to 0.5%, bank debt will have to contract 50% just or else borrowers will pay 100% more to service the same amount of debt.  Ultimately borrowers will be driven to deleverage 50% to maintain the status quo.  That means there will be tremendous stock and debt liquidation that will shock all the world markets with even a 0.25% Fed hike.   
            Lawmakers could use a must-pass government spending bill due by Dec. 11 to ensure that Syrian and Iraqi refugees must sign a pledge to support the American Constitution and obey all the federal, state, town and local laws.   Essentially Republicans say the refugees must agree to be good citizens just to enter the USA.  Some Republicans have backed defunding the entry of Syrian and Iraqi refugees.   If the EU, Syria, or American Churches, Mosques, political groups, politicians or other individuals want the immigration they should pay for it not the American public.  Put your money where your mouth is.  Pre-pay each immigrant to be vetted before they can enter.   Sponsors should be held liable for any terrorist they sponsored. Thursday’s House vote had 47 Democrats supporting the Immigration bill, making it a veto-proof majority.
           November 19  The DJI, usually the last index standing, is now getting ready to give a sell signal.  Stocks have had a case of bad breadth.  If you look at the following plot for the last 200 days you see that the DJI which has little breadth is now topping out and the rally these last three days is probably the last attempt to break out and set a new high.  If it fizzles and later breaks the Aug 25 low you will see an avalanche of selling because all the selective and easily manipulated indices will then confirm the sell signals that the broader NYSE and Russell 2000 have already given.  This is a great free plotting tool and you can plot up to a 9 portfolio stocks or indices together for comparison and making decisions.
            Six potential terrorists were detained in S. America with fake Syrian passports on there way to enter the USA through the Mexican border.  The stupid party leaders are so stupid that they are willing to destroy the Democrat Party by subjecting American citizens to ISIS attacks.   Americans will never forgive Hilary and the others supporting the settlement of ISIS age men and women in America.  There are no records other than potentially forged passports for the ISIS/Assad war refugees and therefore no intelligent vetting is even remotely possible.  But we have a “stupid party” in power and a stupid administration that intends to force unwilling states to absorb thousands of potentially dangerous immigrants.   If you watched the video’s of the immigrants streaming into Europe anyone can see that more than half are the age of the primitive/savage ISIS army head hunters.  Yet Obama continually lies and says only a few percent of the immigrants are of army age and most are women and children.  Obama threatens he will force the ISIS infiltrators on the states by using his executive orders.  This is yet another reason a great majority of Americans want to throw the entire stupid party out of power and fire all the stupid US government employed criminals that were hired to harass non-profit groups that had patriotic or religious members.
            Most IPO’s during the past year such as Alibaba were overpriced at three or four times their true value and are one of the reasons the traditional business cycle stock market collapse often overshoots to a 90% market loss from the highs.  Alibaba already has dropped about 50% from the IPO level and the market bottom is still at least a few months away.  The hot technology start-ups market is showing signs of the final collapse coming.
            The minutes of the central bank’s October meeting shows that most of the 17 Fed officials who participated in the debate expected that the economy would be ready for a rate increase by December.   It will be the first contraction in credit in almost ten years.
            Target’s growth slowed in all categories including the technology toys of the Obama dropout generation.  Cell phones and games play a significant roll in the “Stupid Party’s” support from dropouts.  Unfortunately for the stupid party the dropouts would rather play games than work for a living or register and vote.  But even so digital and online sales are now declining everywhere as the “stupid party” generation can’t find enough entry level part-time jobs.  
            We have a whole new stupid-party generation of ignorant students demonstrating on campuses calling Thomas Jefferson and other American heroes racists.   They lack the knowledge to understand slavery was everywhere since 4000BC with the Egyptian Empire as an economic system that flourished until 1830 when Britain was the first to outlaw the slave trade.  And these new stupid party recruits are too ignorant to even know that Thomas Jefferson, a slave holder, founded the Democrat Party which Obama and Hilary have morphed into the US “stupid party.”  The stupid party leader Obama claims that the USA is still a racist society and yet he was elected to the highest position in America.  What does that say?  It says the “stupid party” is by their own definition a stupid or racist group, and their target group now is the white minority who are successful.   The dropout Adolf Hitler also saw the successful Jewish minority as too successful and that was his proof of them being exploiters.  Hitler got the power to kill them and steal their wealth.  The racists in America are now the majority, they hold the White House, and they regularly attack and try to deny the free speech of the “minority Americans” who study hard, work hard, and earned everything they got. 
            November 18   The latest economic data indicates cash is becoming tight and the American economy has now peaked.   The stock market is a leading indicator of the economy and the cash flow into the stock market is a leading indicator of the market price levels.   But once the stock market peaks and begins to decline you can see that it provides feedback to the market prices and that becomes a second order accelerating instability.  That usually results in a rapid market decline that is four or five times faster than a bull market moves because layoffs escalate, mergers decline, personal income declines, sales, decline, and a host of economic factors spin down and bottom out fast.  The system essentially goes off a cliff, hits bottom in four or six months and then resumes the long term economic and business trend. 
            The market anchor men and women all blow bullish and bearish with the wind.  There is no one in the media who knows anything.  They select and pull in the so called experts each day that provide whatever bull or bear story they are selling investors that day.  If the market went up they provide canned reasons and predict it is a bull market.   If the market goes down it’s a correction but don’t worry.  They provide worthless advice because they can only explain away anything in the past yet they know nothing about causes and effects that affect the future.
            Walmart raised prices and wages so income dropped 3%.   The idiot market anchor men and women spun it as positive because the higher prices caused higher revenue.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.
            Housing Starts Oct 1060K sharply down from 1206K last month even though good warm weather helps housing.  The warm weather was also irrationally blamed for the retail sales decline.  It is cold now and nothing has picked up.
Industrial Production September and October months were both down -0.2%.
The NAHB Housing Market Index for Nov was 62.0 down from 65 in Oct.
New York Manufacturing down in Nov -10.7 after being down -11.4 last month.
Consumer Price Index Oct up 0.2%
Core CPI September and October was up 0.2% as the FED has for the goal to raise interest rates.
            The stupid party wants to settle Islamic Sharia law fundamentalists in America and does not think they should be required to pledge allegiance to our government and disavow Sharia law as incompatible with the American Constitution.  This new stupid party effort just adds to the anger Americans feel toward Hilary Obama and their stupid party.  The Clintons persecuted Christian fundamentalists, a special forces veteran at Wako, and a Wako religious group that was slandered falsely before they slaughtered the men, women, and children.
What do Moslem newscasters think of Obama?
November 17   Finally Obama has given his full list of extremists.  At first the list was given to his IRS chief Lois Lerner so she would persecute  any group or person associated with terms like hunting, target, tea party, patriot, founding fathers, Christian, fundamentalism, Republican, historical society, or other “extremist label” as defined by Obama and the “Stupid Party.”  Yesterday Obama completed his list of extremists calling the terrorist attacks in Paris yet another, “terrible and sickening setback in the fight against extremism.”   Yes Obama puts ISIS right up there with Christian Fundamentalist summer camps as ISIS type extremists.  More than 80% of Americans who are already “extremely angry” now they find themselves lumped in with ISIS as extremists by Obama and his “Stupid Party.”
         In many ways the response of the American stock market yesterday was sickening.  All other major world stock markets fell but in America the terrorist attack caused sick people to invest heavily thinking war, persecution, and terror would be good for capitalism. 
         Bjorn Lomborg points out in today’s WSJ that the UN climate change chief wants a lasting economic solution and that the conference delegation from Bolivia proposes that the lasting solution is, “We must destroy capitalism.”  Yesterday’s American stock market reaction was disgusting and shows a war mongers enthusiasm that ISIS terrorism (Obama’s extremism) will help American armaments, spying, oil, nuclear, medical, and technology industries.   Yesterday the American markets were a rising toilet boll of opportunity.  Our view of current stock market is that it will go much lower and have its final flush some time in early spring.
            November 16   On Friday morning “clueless in DC” Obama said his enemy ISIS JV team had been contained.  Democrat candidates had blamed the rise of ISIS on Climate change.   What happened?  The Democrats were pretty good in the early 1960’s under Kennedy!  But by 1969 they were so open-minded that their brains fell out and they are now terminally stupid.  Donald Trump is not trumping all the idiot candidates who pooh-pooh evidence of immigrant criminals destroying Western Civilization with both ruthless drug cartels and insane ruthless Islamic groups.  We expect the sharp selloff of the stock market will soon accelerate because the Obama government is still clueless.   The military industrial complex will likely benefit significantly.
       Wars like Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan have never been claimed a long term economic benefit but often they have been claimed the lesser of evils.  Today ISIS uses encrypted messages that we cannot break perhaps because they do it in a language we do not bother with.  Perhaps we had better crack their code quickly. 
            The world wide recession is deepening.  Quiet US Ports are evidence of a worldwide trade slowdown disaster.  Inventory/sales are peaking.
The 30% Solar Tax Credit ends in 2016 and that explains the disaster the solar industry is now anticipating.
American funds are heavily invested in China’s debt and Americans could end up paying for much of the overexpansion and completely vacant cities built in China.  This will cripple many on Wall Street and defaults escalate.
            November 15    It looks like we are seeing a repeat coming of the 30 year war (between 1618 and 1648) where Protestants fought back against Catholic Spanish armies that slaughtered protestant men, women, and children in central Europe.  2000 castles were destroyed and the Swedish King and his army came to the rescue and fought back the Spanish.   But that was not before 50% of the people in the areas affected of Europe were murdered.   The Pilgrims were disgusted with religious oppression and sailed to America and established the first permanent colony at Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620.   The Catholics reformed and no longer burn people at the stake or pull them apart on the rack.  Now it is time for the Moslems to learn the same lesson.
         This is edited from a retired RAF officer who served in the sixties and is now working and living in Germany.  It was written before the Islamic religious war started this week against the French.  Now France is bombing ISIS Moslems in retaliation.
Dear Friends,
         Europe is now in total chaos and I think that you should know about it.   The floodgates opened and, in my view, this was all pre-planned. It seems that some 8000 people per day are now entering Europe via various routes. Most of these are young males between 17 and 25. The result is chaos as you can imagine. Here in Saarland we have been overwhelmed with refugees. In Lebach, some 10 kilometers from here, a camp for 200 was set up and a further 100 added this last week. The politicians, local government and religious leaders have fallen over themselves to bring them in and cater for them.
        And so what is the result? In Ventimiglia near Monte Carlo, the refugees banded together (organized by smart phone) and over ran the market and stole or destroyed everything and ransacked the town Here in Lebach, a group entered a supermarket and took what they wanted and destroyed the rest. When the Manager confronted them, they called up their friends and smashed the place to bits. The police arrived but were overwhelmed. The supermarket is now closed.  Two supermarkets and a Kaufland store in Halle suffered the same way. More news is coming in from all over Germany of the same situations.  The media reported none of this.   Many people have demonstrated against being over run by immigrants.  In Weissenfels, families were thrown out of an eight flat apartment block and 70 refugees moved in.   Small towns of some 2000 to 3000 people are over run by some 5000 to 6000 refugees.
       Europe is in chaos and the do gooders have totally lost control of the situation. Islam has overwhelmed us.  Anyway, I thought that you should know that the situation here is pretty grim and I fail to see how it can be resolved. I can only foresee a police state.
The above could never happen in America because we have the second amendment and more armed Americans than the Chinese have in their army.  Americans would defend themselves and their property.
            Needless to say, horrible wars are not periods of good economic times.  People work much harder and live on rations.   Many corporations go under and the military industrial complex creates less than it destroys when there is war.  War may bring Putin and other dictators back into the fold of the Western democracies.   Will wars be declared?  Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Pakistan could all be forced to change one way or another with enforcement of a UN bill of human rights.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14 Several months ago we said in this blog that the BBC was actually irresponsibly encouraging the drowning of thousands of poor immigrants while many unmarried Moslem terrorists of ISIS military age were obviously using the immigrants as cover to enter and attack western countries. What decent young man who was not a creep would run to safety and leave a wife and children to terrorists even for a month? Well yesterday the creeps attacked in Europe as we predicted.

      Europe is going to face protracted economic and social problems now that they are allowing tens of thousands of well trained racist, homophobe, wife beating, prostitute stoning, Christian beheading, child raping (down to 9 years is legal), radical religious extremists settle and be free to practice Sharia law.  Apartment complexes in France are already tolerated under Sharia law and are off limits to Christians, Shiites, and Jews.   

       French President Hollande was evacuated Friday after two suicide bomb blasts near where he was in Paris.  At least 128 people were murdered by the terrorists.  The British BBC is primarily responsible for advertizing Continental and Scandinavian Europe, luring the illegal migrants, and providing them with up to date reports on the best and worst routes and the successful methods for avoiding registration and border guards.  

      Of course England has closed the Chunnel to the migrants that the BBC invited into Europe.  Obama has indicated that he actually might be stupid enough to take ten times the number of immigrants that England does.  And of course 95% of the immigrants will make wonderful productive citizens so Western Countries need only fear perhaps 5% who are terrorists who know they will go directly to heaven if they kill any American, Christian, Jew, homosexual, Shiite, or an improperly dressed woman.  And if each terrorist kills just fifteen Americans as they killed French citizens in Paris yesterday the “stupid party” will say that is no excuse to keep the rest out.   How about at least keeping out the single creeps who claim they are not terrorists, and that they only abandoned their families.

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 13 Yesterday the stock market resembled August 24 when the end of the frothy period for manipulation of revenue and profits was seen as inevitable. U.S. retail sales passed its peak in October amid a decline in automobile purchases, and a collapse of sales and profits at Macys and other top line stores. It is evidence of the second Obama recession which will be much harder for the “stupid party” to blame on George Bush. The slowdown in consumer spending is evidence that the FED is already hopelessly pushing on a string because the FED has waited too long to regain control of interest rates. Obama and the FED have for the first time set America up with the problems plaguing Ireland, Portugal, and other third-world economies. Typically this situation leads to a recession and riots in third world countries and a depression and wars in developed countries.

            The two Obama recessions are similar to 1929 Hoover recession and stock market selloff followed later by the FDR/Weimar depression (complete loss of fiscal control) that led to the rise of communism and WWII.  Obama and the FED have created a very ugly situation and all America’s allies are beginning to blame their own hard times on America.  They are saying the FED should hold off but in fact the FED has already waited too long and can do nothing to stimulate the economy because the USA has piled on more debt under the incompetent “stupid party” than all the debt America accumulated before Obama.  Under the current world conditions many national economies could be wiped out by the very rare condition of hyperinflation.  And if the internet is sabotaged or something else like that occurs, everything people have saved will disappear for some time and all nations will have to print paper money.  The “stupid party” bailouts, QE1,2,&3, and FED 0% interest have put the economies of the world in the most unstable and dangerous situation not seen since 1939. 
            The situation being created by the stupid party need not occur if Americans vote in an American administration in 2016 that is free-enterprise oriented and i.e. not socialist-evil and stupid.  
            The German and the USSR administrations in the 1930’s became socialist, i.e. they were both evil and stupid.  They harassed free-enterprise opponents like the Obama administration already is doing.   American administrations that spy on and harass reporters and other honest and productive citizens are stupid, evil, and likely national socialist or communist at heart.   That is why so many Americans hate Obama’s new socialist “stupid party.”
            Job openings in the U.S. climbed in September to the second-highest on record, but since the politically correct leftist run educational system is not producing qualified graduates the unfilled openings can only continue to increase.  The number of positions waiting to be filled increased to 5.53 million from a revised 5.38 million in August.  The September openings were second only to July’s 5.67 million, which was the highest since records began in December 2000.  Imagine that; under the “stupid party’s” incompetent administration and politically correct education we are now producing record numbers of incompetent high school and college graduates.
            Initial claims for state unemployment benefits were unchanged at a seasonally adjusted 276,000 for the week ended Nov. 7, consistent labor market strength that could encourage the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates in December as expected.
            November 12    If this last August-September bear market swing was like the first one that plunged on the November day right after Obama was elected then the next market plunge could be -50% followed by a third and final lower market bottom three months later.   Incompetence, fraud and corruption have been the hall marks of America’s current stupid party governance and it has permeated much of the stupid party’s crony capitalist system.  That is why the stock market and the American economy are now so vulnerable.
            So what if China's e-commerce company Alibaba just sold a record $14.3 billion on Singles Day!  They have done virtually nothing in the year since their IPO.   Their web sites have not improved at all.   Who puts out this Alibaba phony success nonsense?   Go on-line and see for yourself just how crude the Alibaba website still is.
            November 11  The American government, economy, and the stock market are now all permeated with corruption and all are ripe for a serious shake-up.   An American groundswell is beginning and will sweep out the corruption and fire all the DC political demigods. 
            The Obama administration has restarted its quiet illegal political harassment of critics.   He has reinstated all his harassment schemes except the earlier illegal and phony Obama IRS’s tax claims against critics and his illegal IRS denial of non-profit tax status for non-profit groups that know or speak out when a government is corrupt, incompetent, and dishonest.  Today the stupid party is again using their corrupt contacts in insurance companies to inflate, and sometimes over a few years they even double the cost of insurance for Obama critics.   Today the corrupted media and universities get special favors or government grants when they attack the free speech of critics of the administration and of socialism.  That was never seen before in America. 
            Obama appointed the incompetent GM CEO who had GM’s defective ignition switches installed and then Obama’s administration blamed the GM problem on the CEO who fixed the problem after GM was freed of incompetent Obama administration oversight. 
            Now Obama has once again corrupted the insurance industry and many critics of the Obama’s “stupid party” are again seeing increases in home insurance just like they did previously concurrent with the illegal 2012 IRS harassment.  The “stupid party” also rewards many leftist TV stations with government favors and grants for attacking opponents of socialism to try to mobilize the public opinion against the opponents of the “stupid party” and to demonstrate, riot against, and disrupt the American military and police.   Most of the leftist networks would go out of business if they had to depend on American audiences for funds.   Socialists get fee tuition and Obama government grants on college campuses for making sure free speech is only available to socialists and other dunces.   Student debts are selectively forgiven and "stupid Party" Cherokee impostors get teaching jobs at Harvard.
            General Petraeus was set up and destroyed by the Obama administration because he was successful in Iraq and Afghanistan and made critical comments about the administration that were published in a left wing rag “Rolling Stone”.   But the US FBI has apparently been told by Obama to stand down and not to expose the Top Secret breaches of telephone and email security by Hilary Clinton.  Honest Americans are aghast and now furious.
            First the founder of Bank of America, Ken Lewis, was forced by the administration to buy Countrywide and Merrill Lynch in 2009 making BOA a virtual “financial bomb.” Then Obama along with the states controlled by the “stupid party” forced Ken Lewis to resign and had an incompetent Obama supporter made the BOA CEO.   That was a secret illegal conspiracy against a famous American Banker.  So far the CEO that Obama appointed has been a disaster and the BOA stock holders cannot seem to get rid of him. 
       We timely pointed out the fact when Obama mobilized all the “stupid party” controlled states to buy BOA stock and vote their pension fund shares against BOA’s CEO Ken Lewis.  But Ken Lewis won the election anyway and refused to resign until Obama corruptly and dishonestly used his Justice Department to harass BOA until Ken Lewis gave in.  
        Here is proof of how corrupt individuals in “stupid party” states illegally supported the corrupt Obama administration exposing state employee pension funds to significant losses in the stock market.
         “In April 2009, Nappier called on Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis to resign.[27] She also called on other senior officials to resign due to the banks acquisition of Merrill Lynch and $20 billion in loses in the fourth-quarter of 2008.[28]  As Treasurer, Nappier represents the Connecticut Pension fund system and the Connecticut's Department of Treasury on Bank of America's board of shareholders, due to the state owning 3.2 million shares ($34.7 million in market value) of the bank.[29] At the annual shareholders meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, Nappier voted against keeping the established leadership, saying that "In the interest of Bank of America's future growth and success, it's time to clean house and set the financial health of the company on a sustainable path." 
            It is clear that the “stupid party” in Connecticut was willing to lose state employee pension funds and to burden Connecticut taxpayers by illegally speculating on the stock of a bank to support an incompetent “stupid party” president by punishing the bank founder and CEO Ken Lewis at the bank’s annual meeting.
            We did not know at that time that the “stupid party” in addition to corrupting state governments was also infiltrating and corrupting state regulated insurance companies with agents to raise the premiums of Obama’s critics.   Insurance companies are regulated by 50 individual state commissions some politically controlled by corrupt “stupid party” officials.  That allows the “stupid party” to maintain politically corrupt state control and keep premiums high for people who oppose the “Stupid Party.”  Obama administration widespread corruption, dishonesty, illegal eves dropping, and incompetence are why so many Americans are getting ready to throw his entire “stupid party” out. 
            Donald Trump went on SNL Tuesday and had the highest rating in many years.  But if people now start coming forward to complain about politically corrupted insurance companies being used for illegal political harassment, then the “stupid party” will get blown away.  And if honest people now come forward to tell their stories then a new elected government with new federal investigations will clean out bloated federal and state governments along with their “Stupid Party” corruption.  You can bet that this corrupt Obama administration has the FBI and the NSA working overtime taping Donald Trump’s private life as they did with General Petraeus and Governor Christie.  And you can bet many in the FBI and the NSA will come forward later to expose many corrupt stupid party state and federal politicians and private corporation agents who will then be sent to Federal Prison.
            Legal Hispanic American immigrants remember how they came to America to escape the drug cartels which Obama/Holder armed with their illegal “Fast and Furious” gun running.  30,000 Mexicans were slaughtered in Mexico with the guns that Obama and Holder secretly sent to Mexico to try to discredit American legal gun owners.  Yes, they are not only corrupt; they could also be handed over to Mexico to be tried for murder.  Now the majority of Hispanic voters want the illegal immigrant drug cartel thugs deported back to Mexico.  Most legal Hispanic-American voters now hate the “Stupid Party” corruption because Obama reminds them of what they fled coming to America.  The Supreme Court has just blocked Obama’s criminal Executive Order that would have allowed illegal immigrant drug cartel gangsters to become US citizens.
            November 10    'Okun's Law' was economist Arthur Okun’s idea, which states that when unemployment falls by 1%, GDP rises by 3%.  It proves that real unemployment has not dropped 5% because we would have seen a 15% improvement in America’s GNP.  Does anyone believe the economy has improved under Obama?  No it is worse today because GDP fell as unemployment rose.  But today our economy is almost back up to where President Bush left it.
            November 9    Wall Street analysts and money managers now say stocks are too expensive.  Corporation earnings are inflated, unsustainable, and stock buy backs make them manipulated and unpredictable.  The next leg of the 2015 bear market could start any time now.
            The WSJ says stocks aren’t going up, up, up anymore.
            Wall Street banks are now struggling to sell risky deal takeover debt to a shrinking market of gullible investors.  This is the riskiest situation since the Clinton DOTCOM bubble broke and the stock market financial and technology stocks imploded.,2781420&hl=en
            Obama brags that his “stupid party” socialist policies created a record 12 million more hamburger helper part-time jobs than the previous pro-capitalist administration.  In addition he claims he has succeeded in creating more American debt than all administrations combined from George Washington to George Bush.   That even makes the Clinton’s budget deficits look meager and bad in Obama’s eyes.  The US government debt now exceeds $18.56 trillion dollars.  But when you add in US corporate and personal debt America owes a record $65.8 trillion dollars.   Now if the FED kept the interest rate at 0.1% America would pay interest of $18.560 billion each year.  But if the interest rate jumped to 15% as it did under Jimmy Carter, America would pay interest of $2.784 trillion each year.   Then America would no longer be able to buy every school dropout a new Apple phone every year and there could be rioting and looting in the cities.  Apple stock owes a lot to Obama.  So does the school drop-out rate.  Now students disrupt school by using Apple phone applications in class.  Schools sometimes need to hire law enforcers to remove those obnoxious students using their free Obama-Apple phones.
            “As the CEO of a company that has been dealing with Obamacare for over three years, I’d like to set the record straight: The evidence that Obamacare is having a negative impact on hiring is unequivocal, abundant and consistent with common sense,” CKE Restaurants CEO Andrew Puzder. Wall Street Journal
            The OECD trimmed its global growth forecasts amid a "deeply concerning" slowdown in global trade and slower growth in emerging markets as economists urge the Chancellor to rethink cuts.  The world flirts with global recession as trade growth slows, warns the OECD.