It is
believed that the earth was created about 5 million years ago in a molten state
and the earth cooled for millions of years of global cooling. All the carbon in the form of coal and
petroleum was obviously once in the atmosphere as CO2. And just as obvious all the coral,
limestone, and marble that exists today in the ground was also once in the
atmosphere as CO2. In fact the human
race has put back into the atmosphere a mere spec of the carbon that the planet
earth extracts from the atmosphere each year.
The UN decided in 1991 to throw out almost all the temperature data
taken prior to WWII and thus there began the new religious faith of Global
Warming. Obama and Hilary just sacrificed the Keystone
pipeline to their irrational god.
heat pumps are far better than solar electric heating from about Maryland on
downward. Only recently have solar
electric panels even begun to produce more energy in their life of use than is
wasted in their manufacture. And the
panels that extract heat are still fraught with leaks and still do not produce
a net environmental benefit in northern states.
Teller started a petition to counter the pseudo-science-religion of global
warming. In PhD scientist signers alone,
the project includes 15-times more scientists than are seriously involved in
the United Nations IPCC process. The very large number of petition signers
demonstrates that, if there is a consensus among American scientists, it is in
opposition to the human-caused global warming hypothesis rather than in favor
of it.
the current totals of 31,487 signers, including 9,029 PhDs, are limited only by
Petition Project resources to contact scientists. Only the
Obama- Hilary “stupid party” requires party members also be members of their environmentalist religion.
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