Friday, January 1, 2016

1-1-2016 The current Oil crisis is only in a beginning stage. It is nonsense when the Saudis say they can afford only $15 a barrel and still break even. In Islamic nations, due to their religious schooling system, only a few get western educations and the rest are therefore so incompetent and unstable that their government hires 95% of their oil field laborers from India and hires most oil field managers and engineers mostly from the EU and USA. All the foreign managers have a government chaperone that pretends to be in charge. Most of the Islamic population is poor and self employed (unemployable by western standards). That is why there is so much poverty and the government concentrates on religion to control the minds of their populations. There, self worth and the value of all human life are devalued with the loss of human pride and self initiative because self worth is based on a religious ideology alone. Only a small percentage of citizens there are Western educated and most of them work for the government not in oil production. Whenever they lay off foreign oil industry workers the workers leave the country and retire on their savings or find other jobs because foreign workers often get anywhere from two to six times their homeland salaries. That is because in Arab countries foreign workers are segregated into high-security restricted housing complexes because there is always a risk of Islamic radical violence toward foreigners. That is what Jihad is all about. Many truly believe in “convert or die.”

            Therefore the cost of oil production as well as the burden of the Islamic national government and religious Islamic government infrastructure is fairly rigid.  Costs do not drop even when the price of oil drops.  When times are good the government saves money in investments, but when a recession hits, the Islamic States take a huge hit because the value of most investments also plummet, especially the oil related investments that are already down over 60%.   That is what is happening right now again.  The price of oil has dropped due to overproduction because the Islamic producers literally can not afford to cut production.  How can they buy modern weapons, missile defense systems, and pay for atomic bomb projects if they don’t sell the oil even at a very low price? 

             But now the entire world economy is sputtering toward a new recession.  That means many countries in the world will enter something even worse, a depression.  The Economically inelastic oil producers are especially vulnerable.  Desperate poverty is now overtaking the entire Islamic world again and they are migrating just as Europeans began migrating after the European Religious War (1617-1647) when Spanish led Catholic armies attacked northern European Protestants.  Christians then burned other Christians alive, give them the axe, and used horses to dismember some infidels.  Then we had the Christian reformation starting with Luther.  

           The entire Islamic world is about to enter their own Islamic Reformation and what needs to happen now is that Islamic martyrs must appear who will stand up to terrorists and become reformation leaders.  Some may die so that Islam can live on.  And that is also the cure for the economic depression in Islamic countries.  Islam will one day be reformed even beyond how Moslems have reformed within the USA and are now integrating into Europe.  The Arab people are very intelligent people just as others such as the Jews who live in the region.  Reformation is a reaction to the horrors of any tyranny.  The interpretation of the Bible and other religious books changed because humans and human values evolved to the point that Christians, Jews, Hindus, Moslems and all others now intermarry in most of the Western World.  The western democracies would do well to preserve and publish some of the history of the current Islamic martyrs.

            Ok, so what does this have to do with the American stock market in 2016?  Well what we are seeing today is a breakdown of Islamic nations that have fragmented many times due to tribal feuds.  But this time many Islamic people are saying enough is enough.   Revolutions are coming!   This time instead of blaming “western devils” they are seeing the ISIS Islamic devils and aristocratic type Syrian dictator devils close and up front.  It is an enormous strain on the Turkish, Saudis, Iranian, Iraqis, and other more advanced Islamic nations.   That is why oil prices will fall farther.  They have Islamic police and defense expenses, falling investment values, and falling oil income that are cataclysmic.  Their greed has overpowered their ability to control oil production.  The Islamic world is about to implode as prices continue to drop and the economic depression rapidly spreads.   That will force a reformation just as the European dictators, aristocracies, and Bishops were thrown out of power due to the European economic depressions, atrocities, and famines.

        How does that affect the Free World this year?  Well ancient China and many other nations were not initially affected by the Western Revolutions, so the USA and EU can similarly weather the toppling of Islamic dictators and Islamic family aristocracies.  But oil prices will fall farther until their Islamic world economically implodes or common sense prevails in the Islamic world ... we hope the latter!

         We hope the new intelligent Islamic leaders realize democracy, and religious freedom is everywhere essential.  Even former atheistic China has come a long way economically and culturally and so can the Islamic States when they become Free Nations.  Changes will not affect the USA or EU very much because when any nation goes bankrupt their oil production will decline and help prices rise.  A low price of oil cannot sustain Islamic governments, so the revolutions will begin to disrupt production until Western freedoms and democracy arrive in the Islamic world.   

           It could take several months for religious and economic disruptions of oil production raises oil prices above the fracking costs of about $40/barrel.  We estimate that first the price of oil could even drop to $20 per barrel.   But it has almost no chance of dropping to $15 per barrel.   

            The fact that our American government is becoming more corrupt and incompetent could cause a crisis in our government and the economy in 2016-2017.  The coming US economic recession could unfortunately develop into a depression given the current incompetent US government and leftist presidential candidates that threaten to take office.  One particularly irresponsible candidate used her personal computer for all email communication while she was the Secretary of State.   She was stupid, incompetent, and dangerous with regard to national security for sending and receiving Secret and Top Secret messages using her unsecured home computer.   The FBI said over twenty of her messages were Top Secret and hundreds more have been declared secret information.   Any honest American can be arrested for sending just one secret document.  But a corrupt “stupid party” candidate said she didn’t think anything she did was secret!    Isn’t that stupid?  Come on admit it!  She was stupid and her argument is stupid.   She makes Obama look competent in comparison.   Who would have believed this incompetent government could become even more incompetent, and more dangerous when the next American President takes office in January 2017? 

           Our American economy depends on how the current US government handles the recession and the disruptions that are getting ever more dangerous.  Every office secretary in the White House either knows what information is confidential or is smart enough to know it is to be treated as classified information until instructed otherwise.   Corrupt people in government cover up violations of national security.   General Petraeus was sacked for much less by the very same people covering up Clinton’s breach of security.  This is a job for the FBI and it is about time the FBI does something to stop the destruction of our American democracy by stupid, corrupt, and incompetent politicians.  The FBI should also look into the contributions of rich Asian, Mideast, and other foreign organizations to the Clinton self serving charities and look into the enormous payments ostensibly given for Clinton’s thirty minute speeches.  The contributions appear correlated to reciprocal American favors from the office of Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. 

          In conclusion, the American political leadership already stinks a mile away and Americans are getting fed up.  The inbred mental retardation and resulting actions of American politicians is beginning to cause our economy to decline.  There is just too much incompetence, graft, and punishing government harassment. 

         They get businesses, corporate chairmen, and Generals to plead lesser charges and then they control and fleece them as the latest form of government blackmail.  JPMorgan Chase bank is a case in point.  They ultimately got fleeced every time Holder and Obama needed another infusion of cash into a pet project yet apparently the bank never did anything illegal.  The payments were in lieu of further corrupt government demands.  

          At best we face a serious economic recession this year.  If the FBI does not do their job soon, American confidence and trust in the entire government will decline further and with it we could face a time similar to what led up to WWII.  Let us hope America never elects a president as stupid, incompetent, and morally corrupt as the leftist British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was.  But some think we already are past the point of no return.


An update on America’s Constitutionally protected rights.

           Walmart,  is the organization whose CEO recently led the NAMBLA attack on the American Constitution’s First Amendment that gave us  Freedom of Religion.   Walmart was the worst performing (earnings wise) company in the major indices in 2015.  Walmart was once the greatest and fastest growing company in America but now is run by a selfish leftist politically correct dunce who lacks an appreciation of America and the American Constitution.

            Steve Jobs made Apple the fastest growing and largest company in the world.  But its new CEO also put NAMBLA’s freedoms ahead of religious freedom.   Apple, after one year of inept management is now recognized as having the biggest dunce in the technology sector with nothing to show since the new CEO’s first product, the Big Apple Flop Watch.   You have to keep it plugged in to get charged.

             Most Americans do not discriminate against others but refuse to be forced to submit and kneel to anyone for any reason.  Religion is only one factor that shapes American laws and behavior.  Why should a Christian force a Jew or a Moslem to serve a pork diner at a wedding?  For them it could be serious religious conflict or mean even emotional damage.  So why should a politically correct Christian or NAMBLA member have the power to force a religious fundamentalist, a Jew or a Moslem out of business?   Is it so much to ask the leftist politically correct authoritarians to let a free people be left alone?  Why can’t people be left alone and not have to bow to all the demands of the easily offended politically correct dunce liberal leftist socialist personage? 

             Are the politically correct leftists so authoritarian like the socialists Hitler and Stalin were that they demand they be served by everyone?  Do the leftists think they are the new master race?  Based on their high level of unearned conceit, the arrogant politically correct leftist bullies must either be extremely ignorant or just stupid.  Some even convince themselves they are native Cherokees when they find it is the path to a professorship at Harvard.  Yes, native Americans also religiously believe the souls of their ancestors can enter anyone under the proper conditions.    So why shouldn’t Senator Elizabeth Warren be given the benefit of the doubt?  Perhaps she can be both our first woman as well as native American president.   Let’s wait for her!  Let’s draft her! 

          American education has been so dumbed down that most teachers and professors don’t know that both Hitler and Stalin were leftist, socialist, poorly educated political bullies, who believed they were superior and meant to rule with all powerful corrupt dictatorial  governments that ran people’s lives from the cradle to the grave.  You were either politically correct or they made you disappear.  They typically were democratically elected with 98% or more of the vote because people lived in fear.

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