Tuesday, January 19, 2016

1/19/2016 It is time for a short stock market bounce from the August 24 resistance level. But we think it will fizzle in about a week when the 65 day moving average looks like it went over a cliff. The WSJ showed the 200 dma today because even though it is bearish the 65 dma is about to look much worse.

     Walmart is closing 126 stores after Christians and Jews reacted to the attacks of American freedom of religion.  Hilary Clinton blamed an American Jew for the Benghazi murder of the American Ambassador.  A new movie, 13 Hours is out and the wives of the Americans murdered in Benghazi claim that at the funeral they were personally told by Hillary that it was a Jewish film that caused the attack.  Both Hilary and Obama are corrupt anti-Semitic politicians.  Now the Inspector General has announced that Hilary had the highest level of Top Secret documents on her terminal which China, Russia, and North Korea could easily identify and access.

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