Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The economy is in a pickle, time to reconsider the hammer and the sickle.

The economy is in a pickle, time to reconsider the hammer and the sickle.

This quote from the Sept 4, "Prairie Home Companion" ketchup song, when that liberal show humorously suggested
Obama is a communist. It also poked fun of ELCA socialist Lutherans saying they disrupt by rewarding the incompetent and they are causing turmoil at the Minnesota State Fair this year discriminating even against snooty chickens who look down their beaks at other chickens. To have Prairie Home Companion even suggest that Community-organizer-in-chief, Obama is a communist shows how prevalent that opinion is even among liberals. It got a good laugh.

People are not laughing in France today. The unions are striking and shutting down the economy because it has been suggested that full retirement benefits be moved back from 60 years to 62 years. Most union people retire at 55 in France and they want to keep earlier social security too. We had visitors from France this summer who thought the USA had no retired worker's compensation at all. That is how socialists keep the rest of Western Europe happy with their socialism. They actually have people thinking Americans have nothing when they retire. But what you discover in the countryside of socialist countries such as France is that most seniors have no teeth because it is cheaper for the government to have them pulled than to have maintenance in old age. They do indeed look much older than Americans but cutting off retired people and letting them die saves them money because people who die young cost much more to maintain while they are dying and horrible dying, not life, is what is extended. The socialists know that letting the weak die young has very little effect on the average age. Who says they are compassionate? They are materialists who try to make American free enterprise look less compassionate.

FDR turned the recession of 1929 into a double dip Great Depression by creating a US national debt that was more than 100% of the US GDP. We ended up in World War II which cost millions of lives because the socialist Nazi and communist USSR had great depressions too, only they aspired to conquer the world and redistribute the wealth of other nations to their themselves. After they robbed and murdered the wealthiest 1% of their own people they sought to rob and rule everyone else. The path of war is the path Community-organizer-in-chief, Obama, is on. It is a totalitarian war against American free enterprise and western culture and religion.

America's free enterprise has had a financial panic/depression just about every 20-50 years. The USSR, the hammer and the sickle regime, had a depression for its entire 50 years of existence and that is what the socialist-democrats want America to turn to!!! Obama and his administration is unquestionably the biggest bunch of morons on planet earth. The financial panic of 2008 was caused by mortgage derivatives that were tainted because socialist Democrat Senators Dodd and Rangle threatened to cut off banks that asked mortgage applicants for proof that they could afford the payments. The socialists harass those who are honest and wise and reward those who are dishonest and liberal/progressive (i.e. morons). Now the Obama administration is harassing the Governor and the elected sheriff of Arizona for trying to enforce the laws of the USA. The USA used to be a nation of laws. Now it is becoming a nation of venomous liberal/progressive lawyers.

People who lack a work ethic tend to live in places where they don't have to do much work for shelter or to keep from freezing in the winter. They don't like the cold where the lazy could freeze to death. They only migrate to colder climates when there are liberal/progressive dominated Christian countries willing to furnish them with food and shelter and an unearned income. When American's retire many realize that and move to warmer climates to enjoy a recreational life. This is the primary reason for the immigration problems in the USA and Western Europe. You don't see them migrating to communist countries or theocratic Moslem states. Americans do not owe socialist-liberal/progressive-union-lazy-racist state/federal government workers, indigents, and perverts a life. They need to create a life of their own.

Only by ousting the liberal/progressive democrat-socialists do we end the flow of people who come and end up on welfare or worse yet as a state or federal employee who is a racist that hates people who have a work ethic. For instance this year a racist in the Dept of Agriculture admitted she had discriminated against all white farmers but no longer discriminates against poor white farmers… just competent white farmers who seem successful. They fired her prematurely for that and then gave her a golden parachute because she said she did not discriminate against any poor farmers even if they are white. Is this Obama's definition of colorblind?

World Markets:
US manufacturing increased adding to a rebound in China manufacturing. In addition, stronger-than-expected economic growth in Australia helped fuel optimism about the global economy. The world markets continue to follow the US markets.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated leftist Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and swings in corrections as big as the reported changes themselves. Leftists are historically corrupt and manufacture useless statistics primarily for propaganda. They don't understand economics or understand that when they fudge the number higher one month it tends to make the next month lower because it is hard to lie continuously about something like total unemployment or retail sales.

Nonfarm Payrolls Aug down -54K but not as bad as July down -131. Caused by layoff of Obama census takers.
Nonfarm Payrolls - Private Aug up 67K but not quite as good as July's +71K
Unemployment Rate Aug up to a phony 9.6% from Obama's more phony 9.5% last month. Communists always report lies. There is no way so many people are losing jobs and the unemployment rate is hardly increasing.
Hourly Earnings Aug up 0.3% which is slightly better than July's 0.2% and not a sign of deflation.
Average Workweek Aug unchanged at 34.2 hours
ISM Services Aug at 51.5 a decline from July's 54.3

This week yet to come
Sep 8 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 09/04
Sep 8 2:00 PM Fed's Beige Book Sep
Sep 8 3:00 PM Consumer Credit Jul
Sep 9 8:30 AM Initial Claims 09/04
Sep 9 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/28
Sep 9 8:30 AM Trade Balance Jul
Sep 10 10:00 AM Wholesale Inventories Jul

Market Outlook Sept 7, 2010
The market rallied last week but it is time to get ready to take profits. Set sell tagets soon. The socialist community organizers are planning an exceptionally dirty campaign this fall. All those who believe in America's free enterprise system which survived many Wall Street panics since 1776 will be given the Sarah Palin treatment by the Obama communists who say, "The economy is in a pickle, time to reconsider the hammer and the sickle."

We would have been out of the recession by now if corporations were hiring and they would be hiring if tax and spend socialism had not been introduced by Community-organizer-in-chief, Obama. The Obama deficit is already almost three times what eight years of fending off Moslem terrorists has cost us in Iraq and Afghanistan. And if Obama lets Iran build the bomb and nuke America that probably will cause World War III and end the Obama depression just like WWII ender Franklin D. Roosevelt's depression.

Obama's leftist government needs to be thrown out in November for the rally to be big. If the socialists maintain even a slight majority it will be impossible to reverse the arrogant unconstitutional redistribution of wealth and obamacare because the socialists will claim they have a mandate to continue to destroy American free enterprise and liberty. The dirty propaganda the Nazi used to take control could pale in comparison to what the socialist-democrats have in store this October. FDR created the Great Depression out of the Wall Street panic of 1929. President Reagan had a Wall Street panic in October of 1987 and it was Greenspan's first test. Unfortunately Obama and Bernanke can't measure up to Reagan and Greenspan.

World Markets
Asian markets were up following the USA again last night. Shanghai up 0.1%, Hong Kong up 0.2%, India up 0.5%, and Japan down -0.8%.

European markets are down in a range of about -0.3% to -0.9% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are down in the range -0.4% to -0.6% this morning at 8:30 Am.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which now consists of Obama, Gore, Bogoyevitch, Barney, Rangel, Waters and the other crooked leftist democrat-socialists.

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