Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama Marxists are looting the American treasury the same way as the Mexican descendants are in Belle California.

Obama Marxists are looting the American treasury the same way as the Mexican descendants in Belle California.

Marxist Obama should be arrested and tried for looting the American treasury. Stupid Marxist Elected officials of Bell California were rounded up and arrested yesterday for voting themselves salaries in the six figures. They are for the most part stupid semi-illiterate corrupt descendants of illegal immigrants from Mexico that have been running the government of the town of Belle California.

Marxist Obama is likewise giving away free money, reparations, and no-money down housing mortgages to members of his own race. Only three such events were publicly exposed so far: Chicago housing (2009), Atlanta housing (2010), and reparations 2009-2010. As for no-money home purchases, home sellers across America are witnessing members of Obama's race still getting away with this form of Senate-Obama theft of American wealth.

The FED indicated that until about 3% inflation actually appears, the FED is more concerned that America must avoid Japanese stile deflation.

World Markets:
The Japanese are making a point of imprisoning Chinese fisherman who fish is Japanese waters. Japan is hostile to China trying to destroy the Japanese economy by pumping up the Yen and making Japanese goods unaffordable. China however is only doing what Japan did from 1960 to 1997 when they held their currency down below the dollar to take trade away from America. Japan got burned badly when they began buying up Manhattan Island and then saw their NYC real estate plummet. China will suffer too but not perhaps for another 30 years.

Chinese stocks fall out of favor, as corruption becomes more obvious. It is apparent that some Chinese companies do little more than float stock to rob and pillage from foreign investors. These stocks continually fall in value. China needs to shut them down because they could undermine foreign investments in China.

Economic Calendar
The leftists say that American Free Enterprise failed after over 200 years of success and we are in a pickle and need to reconsider the hammer and the sickle. How stupid can Obama be? But now the recession has been declared over and the American people are declaring that Obama's Marxist reign will be over soon. Obama fired two of his economic advisors thus far. They can go back to their Marxist chairmanships at Harvard and other little red schoolhouses.

NAHB Market Index Set remained at 13 which means the home building industry could be bottoming out. Of course Jim Cramer said it bottomed in July of 2009. And he thinks it is time to buy gold and silver now at a high.
Housing Starts Aug rose to 598K from 546K reported last month is a sign housing has bottomed. Housing is a big employer.
Building Permits Aug rose to 569 from 565K which implies the improvement ahead is going to be slower than last month.
FOMC Rate Decision 9/21 was to keep interest rates at 0.25% allowing banks to make a good profit. The banks are however trying to confound and deceive the public to collect more fees. While they publicize low interest rates they quietly charge high points to take their profits early.

Sep 22 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 09/18

This week
Sep 23 8:30 AM Initial Claims 09/18
Sep 23 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 09/11
Sep 23 10:00 AM Existing Home Sales Aug
Sep 23 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Aug
Sep 24 8:30 AM Durable Orders Aug
Sep 24 8:30 AM Durable Orders -ex Transportation Aug
Sep 24 10:00 AM New Home Sales Aug

Market Outlook Sept 22, 2010
The Tuesday NYSE decline was on higher than average volume. That does not support a sharp rally at this time but there is still evidence that the downward move may be near ending.

The hedge funds and George Soros are trying to unload gold and silver now on the unwary. It is time to get out of Silver/Gold and not be a patsy for the funds that hawk gold on MSNBC/Pravda. Gold and silver are at highs. It is time to take profits or snitzel, as Jim Cramer would say. Cramer is extremely bullish now and that is also a bearish sign.

World Markets
Asian markets were down last night following the USA. Shanghai closed, Hong Kong up 0.1%, India down -0.3%, and Japan down -0.4%.

European markets are down this morning in a range of about -0.6% to -1.2% about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are down, -0.3% to -0.4% this morning at 8:00 AM.

0bama, the racist, wants every person of his race to get a no-money-down house and then tax productive Americans to bail his brethren out and forgive their debts. He also gave $billions of taxpayer funds to American farmers of his race. It has been discovered that the family of the racist Farm Bureau employee who had been fired for discriminating against white farmers had received $20million from Obama's racist black reparation legislation. It is time to kick Obama's racist American Socialist State (ASS) out of office. Then he should be arrested and tried for his racist looting of the American treasury just like the corrupt politicians in Belle California. Remember Obama and his corrupt followers said they would put the Bush administration on trial if they got elected. But Bush was not corrupt, or guilty of the false charges of torture that the Obama Marxists and Al Quaeda mass murderers claimed.

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