Friday, September 24, 2010

Productive people are deploying their money to minimize the amount that Obama can legally steal

Socialists are economically challenged morons. They do not understand that when you make it known that you intend to steal the earnings of productive people the productive people delay their profit taking (earnings) by letting their investments run until a more intelligent economic policy is introduced. That is why $trillions of money is not flowing into the economy at this time. Productive people are deploying their money to minimize the amount that Obama can legally steal hoping the leftists socialists of both political parties are thrown out of office in November.

It is a leftist fallacy which posits that a government managed economy is better than the free market. That is because leftist socialists tend to be unrealistic at best and corrupt homicidal paranoid psychotics like international socialist Stalin and nationalist socialist Hitler at worst. Leftist lunatics now call free enterprise supporters the wacko wing and leftists protest against students who proudly chant USA, USA at football games because leftists say that 911 inspired chant offends Moslem terrorists. Iran's moron leftist Moslem president was at the UN yesterday to tell Americans that America secretly blew up the World Trade Center to help Israel. Note that all the Moslem Jihadist morons share Stalin's and Hitler's same hatred of Jews and Americans. The American leftist lunatics have always been into ridiculing and shouting down liberty loving Americans and are into name calling now. Now good Americans are getting mad as hell and finally fed up with the leftist lunatics and their dismantling of the American Economy, the weakening of American Security Forces, and their extreme corruption of their ilk as exemplified by the thieving dimwitted leftist politicians of Belle California. The leftists think your money is their money to take and to do with as they please. If they leave you a little of the money you earned… you are supposed to be grateful to them.
Today Detroit leftist Obama supporting union members were shown drinking and smoking pot on lunch break before going back to the automobile plant. Why won't the Obama unions let the leftist potheads be fired so that productive Americans can have their jobs?

World Markets:
Pressure on Sovereign bonds of the socialist countries known as the PIGS is slowly rising again as Ireland and Greece hesitate to cut government jobs. Political patronage government workers are paid with the taxes raised from private producers. They are a monkey on the back of all economies. Historically Americans kept government workers to a minimum since they tend to be inclined towards the treasury looting that the Belle California town employees engaged in. Cuba will lay off 500,000 government workers not because they want a free economy but because they have no productive people to loot any more. Socialist countries become impoverished as they run out of productive people to loot and then kill to confiscate their property as they did in the USSR and Germany in the 1930's.

Economic Calendar
The leftists say that American Free Enterprise failed after over 200 years of success and we are in a pickle and need to reconsider the hammer and the sickle. How stupid can Obama be? But now the recession has been declared over and the American people are declaring that Obama's Marxist reign will also be over soon. Obama fired two of his economic advisors thus far. They can go back to their Marxist chairmanships at Harvard and other little RED schoolhouses. Recessions are not over until unemployment returns to a normal level. The recession is unfortunately not over unless they want to say we have entered the Obama depression and the current unemployment levels are the new normal 10% Obama level.

The problem with America's educational system is all the unqualified leftist teachers and professors and their unions. America needs to fire all the socialists and other leftists in the system and be sensitive to the needs of the private sector if we are going to raise the level education in America.

NAHB Market Index remained at 13 which means the home building industry could be bottoming out. Of course Jim Cramer said it bottomed in July of 2009, and he thinks it is time to buy gold and silver now at the high point.
Housing Starts Aug rose to 598K from 546K reported last month is a sign housing has bottomed. Housing is a big employer. Still that is dangerous since there is an inventory of over a year's worth of stock.
Building Permits Aug rose to 569 from 565K which implies the housing improvement ahead is going to be slower than last month.
FOMC Rate Decision 9/21 was to keep interest rates at 0.25% allowing banks to make a good profit. The banks are however trying to confound and deceive the public to collect more fees. While they publicize low interest rates they quietly charge high points to take profits early.
Crude Inventories 09/18 increased 0.7M after declining 2.4M last week

Initial Claims 09/18 rose to 465K from 450K reported last week showing that Obama lies when he says the recession is over.
Continuing Claims 09/11 rose to 4489K from 4485K-reported last week. If Obama created or saved any jobs it was just more incompetent lazy government workers who discriminate against productive Americans as they do in the Federal Farm Bureau and in social services.
Existing Home Sales Aug rose to 4.1M from 3.8M showing that housing seems to have bottomed 14 months after GE.MESSNBC/Pravda/ said housing bottomed.
Leading Indicators Aug rose 0.3% after rising 0.1% last month which is good news. We will not know if it is the truth though until after November because socialists use economic statistics for propaganda lies and they may be trying to influence elections now to say the government worker, auto union, and teacher's union pension stimulus packages worked.

Sep 24 8:30 AM Durable Orders Aug
Sep 24 8:30 AM Durable Orders -ex Transportation Aug
Sep 24 10:00 AM New Home Sales Aug

Market Outlook Sept 24, 2010
The Wednesday NYSE decline was not good news. It indicates the upward resistance level is holding again at this time. The evidence that the intermediate bear market move may be near ending is weakening. We are again skipping the low side of 100-day moving average.

Deflation remains the world's greatest threat. Profit taking is advisable especially in commodities like silver that do not realistically have any probability of increased demand as gold has with possible European currency devaluation's. In fact copper production is rising and with it is the rise in supply of silver which is a by-product.

World Markets
Asian markets were flat last night. Shanghai was up 0.1%, Hong Kong up 0.3%, India up 0.9%, and Japan down -1%.

European markets are flat this morning in a range of about -0.2% to 0% about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up slightly, 0.2% to 0.5% this morning at 8:00 AM.

0bama, the racist, wants every person of his race to get a no-money-down house and then tax productive Americans to bail his brethren out and forgive their debts. There is a video out now of an interview with Obama's illegal alien aunt. She said God gave this land to Americans and now she wants her share.

Obama also gave $billions of taxpayer funds to American farmers of his race. It has been discovered that the family of the racist Farm Bureau employee who had been fired for discriminating against white farmers had received $20million from Obama's racist black reparation legislation. It is time to kick Obama's racist American Socialist State (ASS) out of office. Then he should be arrested and tried for his racist looting of the American treasury just like the corrupt politicians in Belle California. Remember Obama and his corrupt followers said they would put the Bush administration on trial if they got elected. But Bush was not corrupt, or guilty of the left's false charges of torture that the Obama Marxists and Al Quaeda mass murderers claimed.

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