Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It is becoming obvious that Moslem Terrorists take cues from 0bama.

It is becoming obvious that Moslem Terrorists take cues from 0bama.

The terrorists who hate western liberties for which Americans thank the Founding Fathers... have apparently gotten the clear message from 0bama to bide their time until he withdraws the troops and then they can have their Sharia law and kill all the Christians, Buddhists, and other infidels who dare stay behind. Everything is working according to plan. Kill a few American soldiers from time to time but nothing organized until the withdrawal. 0bama can then apologize to them and shame America with his tail between his legs once again as America's Community Organizer in Chief. It is unlikely that the Moslems will have any real government until the infidels are all gone.

A socialist-democrat New York legislative aid just told us that she had a $60,000 silicon solar array installed on her little house as part of the 0bama stimulation package and the cost to her was only $10,000. As you probably know the energy consumed in manufacturing that premature technology is almost equal to the energy it produces over its immature 10-year life in frigid upstate New York before its first major overhaul. But if that is not bad enough, It will be covered with an average of 24 inches of snow all winter and since it is so far north and the angle of the sun is so low it will be less than 50% of design performance most of the time. $60,000/10yrs = $6000 cost per year or $500 per month. That is much more than the cost of an all electric house. That is an example of what 0bama's "green dream" is producing. As far as road infrastructure is concerned, they have been the targets of leftist demonstrations that have basically shut down road construction since the 1970's. 0bama road infrastructure investment is a big lie.

Did you know that 0bama is spelled with a "zero" in front not with the letter "O". He does that because real American workers provide the numbers and the democrat-socialist leftists provide all the zeros paid in taxes. So remember to spell it 0bama not Obama.

Governor Rell of the socialist state of Connecticut announced yesterday that the pensions of state workers would be limited henceforth to a maximum of $100,000 per year until the 0bama depression ends. Fortunately for the unions, fewer than half the unionized CT state workers will be affected. The unions run the democrat-socialists and see to it that all state labor arbitrators are pro-union leftists. Then when teachers and state workers demand higher benefits the arbitrator's side with the unions and the taxpayers foot the bill. In Connecticut the rich leftists all invest in the municipal bonds and high dividend stocks because municipal bonds and dividends are not taxed in CT. Also the richest leftists commute to work in New York City so they got rid of all the tolls in Connecticut even though with Eazypass that would not slow them down. That leaves the non-leftist working middle class to pay the entire state tax bill. That is why the rich are the biggest leftists in the world. They are leftists takers because there is no such thing as a leftist giver unless it is your money they are giving away. Do you think 0bama pays more in taxes than he skims off for himself and his wife? Here is Ms. 0bama's most recent letter of thanks to the little American people who keep the corrupt fat leftists in power. It comes after their fifth vacation so far this year.

Dear readers,
Now for the second time, I am not ashamed of my country. I want to thank the hard working little American people for paying $242,000 plus Airforce expenses for my recent vacation in Spain . My family, several long-time family friends, my personal staff and various guests had a wonderful time. Honestly, you just haven't lived until you have stayed in a $2,500 per night suite at a 5-Star luxury hotel. We booked 70 rooms for our friends, staff and family. Thank you also for the use of Air Force 2 and the 70 Secret Service personnel who tagged along to be sure we were safe and cared for at all times.

Air Force 2 only used 47,500 gallons of jet fuel for this trip and carbon emissions were a mere 1,031 tons of CO2. It costs only $11,500 per hour to operate Air Force 2 and each additional plane for the other members of our party-time group. These are only rough estimates, but who's counting, right? That's quite a carbon footprint as my good friend Al Gore would say, so we kindly ask you American little people to drive smaller, more fuel efficient cars and drive less too, so we can all work together to lessen our combined carbon footprint.

Unfortunately we are very tired now and busy next week and will not be able to visit NYC to pay respect to the 3000+ people who died on 9-11. But do not fret our absence because we were just there in NYC recently to celebrate "Party" Weekend. We decided to cut back on travel because we know times are hard and millions of you are struggling to put food on the table and trying to make ends meet. I do appreciate your sacrifice and do hope you find work soon. I was really exhausted after Barack took our family on our luxury vacation in Maine a few weeks ago so I sincerely can feel your pain.

M. 0bama
PS: I will write you more from Martha's Vineyard where we will spend our sixth vacation this year with more of our family and friends. I know how much you enjoy seeing your "First Family" living it up because we are so smart and photogenic. Don't you just love my big "0bama".

The average Federal employee takes home $160,000 per year. You see, under socialism and communism you have to be part of the ruling party or you don't count for anything. Workers in private companies are mere drones working to support the benevolent and all-powerful government. And people are obviously so happy under Leftist Communism and Moslem theocracies that the elected officials typically get 90% to 99% majority votes. Yes, even Hitler himself was freely elected by majority vote. And since Hitler was even smarter than 0bama he decided future elections would just be a waste of people's time after he changed the German Constitution. Chavez recently did the same in Venezuela. At college (on a foreign student grant)0bama wrote that the American Constitution needs to be changed because it is too negative when it comes to government powers.

The freed Moslem fruit cakes intend not to form democratic governments in Iraq or Afghanistan because they fear that a western type democracy legitimizes western aggression against lunatics like Sadam Hussein and the psychotic Tallibomber Imams. That was 0bama's advice to them when he met in secret. 0bama intends to withdraw and then apologize and say Americans were the aggressors and should never have set their dirty infidel feet on sacred Musselmen lands.

Whether you are out numbered by an army of terrorists or voters does not matter if the vote gives them the right to take what you have (even your life under Moslem rule). Majority rule is what Hitler, Stalin, Saddam and every insane dictator used to prove they ran democracies. Under Stalin, all the communist block put "Democratic Socialist" on the front of the names of their countries.

Democracy has no value unless the American freedoms and economic liberties of the individual are protected from the lazy and envious rulers who organize communities to rob the public coffers. Corruption is corruption whether it is Eastern of Western, Moslem or Christian, Hussein or Rangel and 0bama. Once the socialists control the US Supreme Court of the United States they will not even have to change the Constitution. They can just replace it and have a majority vote because at that point, nobody in government cares any more.

World Markets:
The world does not have to have an "0bama Depression." We just have to reverse 0bama's policies so that businesses are not afraid to hire and get locked into some communist commitment to 0bamacare and entitlements to the lazy laid-back leftists. US manufacturing continues to increase adding to a rebound in China manufacturing. In addition, stronger-than-expected economic growth in Australia helped fuel optimism about the global economy. The world markets continue to follow the US markets. All we need to do is get our free enterprise system freed up from 0bama's hammer and sickle programs.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated leftist 0bama government statistics again with wide data scatter and swings in corrections as big as the reported changes themselves. Unemployment figures are now fudged lower because elections are coming up. Then the 0bama communists will let them rise quickly after the socialists are thrown our so the leftists can say that American Free Enterprise just failed after over 200 years of success and we are in a pickle and need to reconsider the hammer and the sickle.

Leftists are historically corrupt and manufacture useless statistics primarily for propaganda. They don't understand economics or understand that when they fudge the number higher one month it tends to make the next month lower because it is hard to lie continuously about something like total unemployment or retail sales.

Nonfarm Payrolls Aug down -54K but not as bad as July down -131.
Nonfarm Payrolls - Private Aug up 67K but not quite as good as July's +71K
Unemployment Rate Aug up a phony 9.6% from 0bama's phony 9.5% last month. Communists always report lies. There is no way so many people are losing jobs and the unemployment rate is hardly increasing.
Hourly Earnings Aug up 0.3% which is slightly better than July's 0.2% and not a sign of deflation.
Average Workweek Aug unchanged at 34.2 hours
ISM Services Aug at 51.5 a decline from July's 54.3

Sep 8 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 09/04
Sep 8 2:00 PM Fed's Beige Book Sep
Sep 8 3:00 PM Consumer Credit Jul

This week yet to come
Sep 9 8:30 AM Initial Claims 09/04
Sep 9 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/28
Sep 9 8:30 AM Trade Balance Jul
Sep 10 10:00 AM Wholesale Inventories Jul

Market Outlook Sept 8, 2010
Yesterday was actually a great day for the market because the volume was so low it shows that the market makers and hedge funds now have complete responsibility for the direction of the market. It will take very little volume for the market to surge now.

The market rallied last week but it is time to get ready to take profits. The socialist community organizers are planning an exceptionally dirty campaign this fall. All those who believe in America's free enterprise system which survived since 1776 will be given the Sarah Palin treatment by the 0bama communists who say, "The economy is in a pickle, time to reconsider the hammer and the sickle."

Even when they are thrown out of office they will be able to still pass an extreme leftist agenda and leave a legal morass for the new inexperienced Congress to unravel. The market will be very volatile until the end of January and investors should have good opportunities to get out and back in over the next four months.

We would have been out of the recession by now if corporations were hiring and they would be hiring if tax and spend socialism had not been introduced by Community-organizer-in-chief, 0bama. The 0bama deficit is already almost three times what eight years of fending off Moslem terrorists has cost us in Iraq and Afghanistan. And if 0bama lets Iran build the bomb and nuke America that probably will cause World War III and end the 0bama depression just like WWII ended Franklin D. Roosevelt's depression.

0bama's leftist government needs to be thrown out in November for the rally to be big. If the socialists maintain even a slight majority it will be impossible to reverse the arrogant unconstitutional redistribution of wealth and 0bamacare because the socialists will claim they have a mandate to continue to destroy American free enterprise and liberty. The dirty propaganda the Nazi used to take control could pale in comparison to what the socialist-democrats have in store this October. FDR created the Great Depression out of the Wall Street panic of 1929. President Reagan had a Wall Street panic in October of 1987 and it was Greenspan's first test. Unfortunately 0bama and Bernanke can't measure up to Reagan and Greenspan.

World Markets
Asian markets were down following the USA again last night. Shanghai up 0.1%, Hong Kong down -1.5%, India up 0.1%, and Japan down -2.2%.

European markets are up following American futures again this morning in a range of about 0.1% to 0.6% about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up in the range 0.2% to 0.5% this morning at 9 Am.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which now consists of 0bama, Gore, Bogoyevitch, Barney, Rangel, Waters and the other crooked leftist democrat-socialists.

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