Friday, September 17, 2010

Totalitarian governments and criminal organization hate the secret ballot.

Totalitarian governments and criminal organization hate the secret ballot. They want to spy on their people. The secret ballot is the friend of freedom and liberty and is the enemy of criminals and communists who love to control unions and ultimately everyone else. Obama wants to let the Unions abolish the secret ballot.

How did the world get into the current economic problem? Was it free enterprise or George Bush like Obama says? No the problem is:
1) Leftists/socialists/communists increased the size of government bureaucracy, which employs all the lazy and incompetent people who get ahead not by what they know but by whom they know. Those incompetent bureaucrats hate free enterprise that requires service to others. They delude themselves and think they have people skills but their skills are corruption skills like the ones that got Obama's wife a six-figure job when he became a Senator.

2) Leftists/socialists/communists have created a voting constituency based on the corruption of entitlements. They say everyone is entitled to a house, an income, an education, and a brain. But unfortunately leftists are not born with brains and feel discriminated against because they are interested in free condoms, drugs, toys, games, and sex with anything that moves or vibrates. Leftists are not interested in competency in anything productive or useful for society. So they have great difficulty finding private sector jobs. That leaves only government jobs and entitlements for the voting constituency of the leftists/socialists/communists. And so this constituency has grown continuously under leftists at the expense of the freedoms and liberties inherent in American free enterprise. They believe in slavery, the enslavement of people who love to work, to create, and to produce useful things and who love to serve humanity. Ultimate they drive out people born with brains because socialists treat such productive people as lepers. That results with a "brain drain" to free countries.

3) Unfortunately America is the last leper colony for people with brains who love to be productive and to improve the lot of humanity. When America gives up freedoms, liberties, and free enterprise the world will be faced with the dark ages. It will not be stupid Obama's Great Depression it will be stupid Obama's Dark Ages.

CEO Bernie Marcus of Home Depot agrees with the Tea Party and today said we need to get rid of the stupid politicians currently in the American government. He said that today with stupid socialist regulations it would not be possible to start the Home Depot business.

World Markets:
Japan clobbered the hedge funds yesterday and leftist George Soros who were trying to start another run on the EURO. Since China was already buying the Yen, social moron Soros thought they could tip the balance. Japan won and the hedge funds and leftist lunatic George Soros lost. They would like to create a run-up on gold too but may lose big there as well.

The world does not yet have to subscribe to an "0bama Depression" like they did to the socialist FDR Great Depression 1933-1941. We just have to reverse 0bamacare and other socialist policies so that businesses are not afraid to hire or get locked into some new communist entitlement to the lazy laid-back leftists. We must repeal Obamacare ASAP.

Economic Calendar
The leftists say that American Free Enterprise just failed after over 200 years of success and we are in a pickle and need to reconsider the hammer and the sickle. How stupid of Obama not to have learned yet that America and the rest of the free world have major boom-bust cycles every 20 to 50 years (four small depressions and one Great FDR depression since 1776) with panics in between (ten panics each with a short recession). Leftists are basically unprincipled and corrupt and thus manufacture invalid statistics primarily for propaganda purposes. They don't understand economics or understand that when they fudge the number higher one month it tends to make the next month lower because it is hard to lie continuously about something like total unemployment or retail sales.

Obama's Budget Deficit for Aug was -$90.5 billion, a slightly smaller deficit than the -$103.6 billion last month.
This week
Retail Sales Aug were solid improving 0.4% as it improved manipulated last month.
Retail Sales ex-auto Aug improved 0.6% up from 0.2% manipulated last month
Business Inventories Jul increased 1% compared with manipulated 0,5% last month
NY Fed - Empire Manufacturing Survey Sep was down to 4.1 (sill positive growth) from 7.1 (better) last month.
Export Prices ex-ag. Aug were up 0.5% which is better than the disinflationary -0.2% last month.
Import Prices ex-oil Aug were up 0.3% which is better than the disinflationary -0.3% last month.
Industrial Production Aug improved 0.2% but much less than the manipulated reported 0.8% improvement last month.
Capacity Utilization Aug decreased to 74.7% last month from the downward manipulated reported 74.6% last month.
Crude Inventories 09/11 dropped 2.5M on top of the 1.9M decline last month. Prices are stable.

Initial Claims 09/11 a manipulated 450K vs. 451K reported last week and then raised 3K so they could claim a 3K lower level this week. Without the manipulation it is 453K this week and 451K last week which is not good. They claim a 3K error last week show a 3K improvement this week.

Continuing Claims 09/4 also dramatically manipulated and reported as 4485K down from altered 4569Klast week when if they left last week's number alone at 4478K there is little change. They have no basis to report last week higher and not expect the same error this week. In other words they claim a weekly error of 91K to make it look like a 7K drop in unemployment.

PPI Aug 0.4% vs. up 0.2% last month… not inflationary or deflationary.
Core PPI Aug up 0.1% vs. up 0.3% last month… not inflationary or deflationary.
Current Account Q2 worsened to -123B from -109B last month
Philadelphia Fed Sep decline decelerated to -0.7 from-7.7

Sep 17 8:30 AM CPI Aug
Sep 17 8:30 AM Core CPI Aug
Sep 17 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment Sep

Market Outlook Sept 17, 2010
The hedge funds and George Soros lost a fortune trying to manipulate the Yen by piling on with the pressure already coming from the Yuan. Japan beat the funds up badly saving the Euro.

The hedge funds and George Soros also are overweight in Gold that already had a big run. They are trying to unload now on the unwary public making Pollyanna predictions for this year when in fact the election of a conservative Congress will mean Obama spending will be halted and Gold could easily decline 30% in value. Get out of Gold ASAP and do not be a patsy for the funds that hawk gold on MSNBC/Pravda. Gold and silver are at highs and should be sold at these levels.

The stock market has hit the ceiling again. If there is no vigorous breakout very soon there will be a pullback. The stock market never has a plateau for very long. An upside breakout would require a surge of the NYSE above 7127. We are now at 7170 but we still need a surge for it to be a breakout and we need a volume pickup. Yesterday volume was still well below the 100 day moving average.

It is time to take stock market profits or snitzel, as Jim Cramer would say. Cramer is extremely bullish now and that is a bearish sign.

The moronic 0bama communists say, "The economy is in a pickle, time to reconsider the hammer and the sickle." They will smear all those who believe in America's free enterprise system, which survived 15 panics and 5 financial meltdowns since 1776. A Tea Party recovery will be slower but will avoid both hyperinflation and national insolvency. The stock market and gold can take a hit short term but there would not be another FDR type socialist Great Depression.

But the lame duck leftists will still be able to pass an extreme leftist agenda such as cap-n-trade and let unions drop the secret ballot, which is an important safeguard against totalitarian governments and criminal organization that hate the secret ballot. The market will be very volatile until the end of January and investors should have good opportunities to get out and back in over the next four months.

Obama is a flaming racist! Members of Obama's race are still able to get zero down mortgages for houses they cannot afford. Obama now wants to bail out all the people of his race who got houses with 0% down mortgages and no established credit record. That makes American's mad and they are not going to take it any more.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night following the USA. Shanghai down -0.2%, Hong Kong up 1.3%, India up 0.9%, and Japan up 1.2%.

European markets are mixed following American futures again this morning in a range of about -0.1% to +0.4% about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up slightly in the range 0.1% to 0.3% this morning at 9:00 AM.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which now consists of 0bama, Gore, Bogoyevitch, Barney, Rangel, Waters and the other corrupt moron leftist democrat-socialists who are destroying America with racist giveaways to their voting constituencies. 0bama, the racist, wants every person of his race to get a no-money-down house and then tax working Americans to bail them out and forgive their debts.

It is time to kick Obama's ASS (American Socialist State) out of office.

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