Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign and still likes what Obama is doing should be enough cause for every American to vote out the Oba

The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign and still likes what Obama is doing should be enough cause for every American to vote out the Obama regime.

World Outlook
The Baltic Dry index measures the health of world trade. It has shown a serious decline in the last few months and that no doubt is why Jim Cramer has been ignoring it of late. It means world trade is slowing,

Personal Income did not increase in February but Spending was up 0.3%. Both were not as good as expected. Core deflation was zero. We need some inflation to stay out of a Great Depression.

The Conference Board’s confidence index rose to 52.5 from 46.4 in February but taken together looks flat and not improving at all.

On the bright side, retail sales have returned to normal and while car sales and new home sales are pathetic, that means that auto and housing stocks can still go a lot higher but retail stocks probably had their run.

Housing Price Index of 20 U.S. cities rose 0.3 percent in January after a similar gain in December. That is eight consecutive months of gains but there still is along way to go.

Markets this week
As manufacturing now begins to level off it is not a bad sign because it means we have recovered in that sector and manufacturing is beginning to approach capacity so they could begin hiring again very soon.

Wednesday, March 31:
ADP Jobs report
Chicago PM Index
Factory Orders

Thursday, April 1:
Unemployment Claims
Layoff Report
ISM Manufacturing Index
Construction Spend

Market Outlook March 30
The Wilburforce of Boston report:
The Obama debt will be relentless unless we reverse the programs of that spending fool. That is why so many Obama supporters in real life can't rub two nickels together. They are over their heads in debt and since their mama is broke and da papa hasta pimp, they need to rob da rich folk who saved and don't drive dem BMW's or hafta sell drugs and pimp for a livin. ACORN been da federal PIMP agency Obama and da lunatic fringe support. Obama done said yesterday dat da patriots been da real fringe group. Is Obama cool an all there in da head? You gotta vote for da man.

The opposing view:
But rising yields on government debt will drive up American borrowing costs making the worlds largest bond traders drool over the coming collapse. They say this month’s losses in the market for U.S. Treasuries are just the beginning. Obamacare will make America a welfare state by putting the entire nation on welfare. And all the way down George Soros will be making another fortune betting against America. That is why all Americans need to vote out the lunatic socialist left ASAP. Obama's nationalization program that can only end with a world wide Great Depression like FDR caused when he was enamored with the Russian Revolution.

The storm is almost upon us. Obama and the democrat-socialists are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in soon and attack American markets and currencies. The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign should have been enough cause for every American to vote against the Obama regime.

World Markets
Asian markets were down over night; Shanghai down -0.6%, Hong Kong down -0.6%, India down -0.4%, and Japan down -0.1%.

European markets are currently flat in the range from -0.1 to 0.2 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.2% to 0.3% at 8:00 AM EST.

We have noticed that the greatest impediment to stock market profits is a portfolio under $100,000. Beyond $100,000 the investor costs go down and diversification begins to work. Below $6000 it is almost impossible for an investor to make money other than in an index fund (at best) and that has performed close to a net zero for the last ten years (even ignoring trading commissions).

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Unless the loony Obama left is removed from office the Doomsday-Obamacare bomb explodes in 2013

Unless the loony Obama left is removed from office the Doomsday-Obamacare bomb explodes in 2013

World Outlook

Markets yesterday
Personal Income did not increase in February but Spending was up 0.3%. Both were not as good as expected. Core deflation was zero.

Markets this week
Tuesday, March 30:
Housing Price Index
Consumer Confidence

Wednesday, March 31:
ADP Jobs report
Chicago PM Index
Factory Orders

Thursday, April 1:
Unemployment Claims
Layoff Report
ISM Manufacturing Index
Construction Spend

Market Outlook March 30
Obama debt will be relentless. That is why so many Obama supporters can't rub two nickels together because they are over their heads in debt. Rising yields on government debt will drive up American borrowing costs is resonating with the world’s biggest bond traders, who say this month’s losses in the market for U.S. Treasuries are just the beginning. Obamacare will make America a welfare state by putting the entire nation on welfare.
The market sold off yesterday when long term Treasury auctions continued to be weak indicating that China and Japan are too smart to fund Obama's socialism and Obama's extravagant wasteful deficit spending. Obama's nationalization program that can only end with a world wide Great Depression like FDR caused when he was enamored with the Russian Revolution.

The storm is almost upon us. Obama and the democrat-socialists are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in soon and attack American markets and currencies. The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign should have been enough cause for every American to vote against the Obama regime.

World Markets
Asian markets were up over night; Shanghai up 0.2%, Hong Kong up 0.7%, India down -0.7%, and Japan up 1%.

European markets are currently flat in the range from -0.1 to 0.1 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.2% to 0.3% at 8:00 AM EST.

We have noticed that the greatest impediment to stock market profits is a portfolio under $100,000. Beyond $100,000 the investor costs go down and diversification begins to work. Below $6000 it is almost impossible for an investor to make money other than in an index fund (at best) and that has performed close to a net zero for the last ten years (even ignoring trading commissions).

Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama administration is destroying the American Constitution with doomsday healthcare bomb.

Obama administration is destroying the American Constitution with doomsday healthcare bomb.

Obama and Chavez each have a lot in common. Both are closet Communists, both hate and circumvent their Constitutions. But fortunately Americans seem quite a bit smarter and more informed than their left leaning Venezuela counterparts. Chavez had his Constitution changed so that he can be dictator for life. Obama invented the new cabinet position called "Czars" so he can avoid subjecting his Communists and the other stupid leftists he appoints to public scrutiny. That is right Obama bypasses congressional review. That is why he had to ask some of them to leave. He did not want it disclosed just how stupid and communist their leanings were. Idiot-leftist science is replacing real science in America at a rapid pace, as Federal stimulation research and science funds are for idiot-leftists only.

Obama's doomsday healthcare bomb is set to explode in 1013 after he and his loony Congress are re-elected. Only the free-lunch parts of the bill start before the elections so they have a better chance of re-election. The high taxes then detonate and the second Great Depression kick in with interest rates on the national debt soaring before Obama declares America is bankrupt, morally, socially, intellectually, and economically.

That is the scenario unless leftists are removed. But we must also throw out the right wing lunatics as well because they are no better. We need people who back the constitution and the accumulated thoughts of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, and Hamilton.

World Outlook

Last Week of Market Reports:
Treasury bill auctions are feeling the pressure of China's absence at auctions. That means the treasury will need to actually inflate the US currency.
Existing Home Sales fell 0.7% from a year ago. That looks like a statistical blip not a trend.

Markets last week
Durable Goods Orders rose in February for a third month, while inventories and backlogs climbed by the most in more than a year indicating the economy had perhaps finished with its first dip. New Home Sales fell to the lowest level (308,000 annually) since this statistic has been recorded. This is after the previous month was corrected downward as well from 315 to 309 adding 6000 to the current figure.
The yield on 10-year Treasuries, which determines borrowing costs for homeowners, companies and other governments around the world, climbed 0.03 percentage point to 3.88 percent after jumping 0.17 point Tuesday. The yield touched the highest level since June when it reached 4 percent. This could be the end of the FED's ability to keep interest rates low because such a spread stimulates inflation.
Unemployment Claims dropped to 442K from 456k last week.
Q4 GDP The Commerce Department said this morning that the economy grew at a rate of 5.6 percent during the last three months of the year, the government's final revision of the number. It was slightly less than the first two estimates, but still the highest rate in six years.
Amid signs that the labor market is approaching a bottom, the consumer sentiment index declined to 72.5 in March from 73.6 in February. The stock market had expected an improvement.

Markets this week
Monday, March 29:
Personal Income & Spending
Tuesday, March 30:
Housing Price Index
Consumer Confidence

Wednesday, March 31:
ADP Jobs report
Chicago PM Index
Factory Orders

Thursday, April 1:
Unemployment Claims
Layoff Report
ISM Manufacturing Index
Construction Spend

Market Outlook March 29
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s warning that rising yields on government debt will drive up American borrowing costs is resonating with the world’s biggest bond traders, who say this month’s losses in the market for U.S. Treasuries are just the beginning.
The market sold off yesterday when long term Treasury auctions continued to be weak indicating that China and Japan are too smart to fund Obama's socialism and Obama's extravagant wasteful deficit spending. Obama's nationalization program that can only end with a world wide Great Depression like FDR caused when he was enamored with the Russian Revolution.

The storm is almost upon us. We said we sold heavily into this. The NYSE price action when corrected for volume of shares traded has this current high lower than the last high and the previous low lower than the previous low. Currently the NYSE is the only one that provides accurate price and volume information. If you look carefully you will see that all the other reported volumes track the NYSE. That fraud has been going on since January of 2005. Our only major holding now is precious metals that are up over 15% from where we bought in.
If you look back you will see we were buying when people had sold off the market and we were selling near the peak. Our private sell signal corrects the market price data with volume data to make the data speak the truth. So we can already see the head and shoulder sell signal is forming even though the current markets are at slightly new highs for 2010.
Obama and the democrat-socialists are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in soon and attack American markets and currencies. The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign should have been enough cause for every American to vote against the Obama regime.

World Markets
Asian markets were up over night; Shanghai up 2.1%, Hong Kong up 1.9%, India up 0.4%, and Japan down -0.1%.

European markets are currently up in the range from 0 to 0.6 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.3% to 0.6% at 8:30 AM EST.

We have noticed that the greatest impediment to stock market profits is a portfolio under $100,000. Beyond $100,000 the investor costs go down and diversification begins to work. Below $6000 it is almost impossible for an investor to make money other than in an index fund (at best) and that has performed close to a net zero for the last ten years (even ignoring trading commissions).

Friday, March 26, 2010

Divisive and opaque, Obama administration thinks they can get away with extortion of America's productive people to pay for socialism.

Divisive and opaque, Obama administration thinks they can get away with extortion of America's productive people to pay for socialism.

Hitler and Stalin succeeded by absolute power, absolute force, and total fear. Socialists can only succeed in proportion to their violence. But socialism runs a natural course and always ends up with the socialist dictator dead and his followers on trial for war crimes against humanity. The slow method of bleeding a nation to death is the alternative and is the primary method of fallen empires such as Roman and Spainish.

But world socialist dictators make the mistake of thinking America is just another empire undergoing the decay of socialism similar to Britain. America is no empire of powerful political government diplomats who have connections that make them look superior. Americans despise other Americans who rise not by their own intellectual achievement but as ignorant sycophants with attitudes of superiority. Americans see Obama, as he is, a well spoken but ignorant leftist who does not understand American history much less the American people. Americans are also beginning to see Obama as too stupid to realize that the majority of Americans now see him to be a wanna-be banana republic dictator. Obama will not accept No, No, No from the American people because he is an ignorant, lying fool who fooled a lot of Americans into thinking he was not a Reverend Wright embodiment of the hateful loony left. Americans find hard to believe such loony left hatred could even exist in America.

How is it that America is the place most people in the world emigrate to, the place where African and Latino minorities have the greatest opportunities to succeed, and the place where one has the best doctors and medical research and development? How can it be that Americans have chosen a black president who hid the fact that he hates American free enterprise and he wants to install socialized medicine and big unions and insipid superior minded government Czars like they do in Obama's home town banana republics of Nigeria and Indonesia?

World Outlook
Obama's spiritual advisor and buddy, Chavez, just yesterday arrested the last owner of a Venezuela television network who still dared to criticize Chavez.

Socialists are fools who think businessmen and entrepreneurs will step up to the plate, believe, and volunteer to support unworkable loony left concepts like India's power from cow dung, and all the other left ideas that have been shown over and over again to be plain stupid. The real answer to America's energy needs is nuclear but the loony leftists are too stupid to figure that out. Lately the Obama leftists are concerned that long term interest rates are going up and up and are rapidly increasing the debt burden from the trillions of dollars the left is wasting on government political hack jobs and union job creation. Now new useful jobs have been created. Taking over the health care industry will put millions more incompetent people into government jobs that working people have to deal with. Working-thinking Americans know that means we will have a nightmare future health care system similar to Nigeria's and Indonesia's, the two that Obama thinks are better than what we have today. They are the only socialized health care systems Obama knows. Obama's waste of American hard-earned money is making people shout, "Kill the bill." In the mean time smart people are shunning American long-term treasuries.

The Euro continues to decline against the dollar. Since China is now linked to a basket of currencies that makes the dollar stronger against the Juan. Germany is the only nation in Europe able to exert some self-control when it comes to the big unions. Most union people in Greece on the other hand have no pride in their work. That may reflect the fact that Germany has a two track educational system that trains people well in trade skills that results in Germany having competent workers who have pride in workmanship and too much dignity to try to bankrupt their country with socialist demands for something for nothing.

This Week of Market Reports:
Treasury bill auctions are feeling the pressure of China's absence at auctions. That means the treasury will need to actually inflate the US currency.
Existing Home Sales fell 0.7% from a year ago. That looks like a statistical blip not a trend.

Durable Goods Orders rose in February for a third month, while inventories and backlogs climbed by the most in more than a year indicating the economy had perhaps finished with its first dip. New Home Sales fell to the lowest level (308,000 annually) since this statistic has been recorded. This is after the previous month was corrected downward as well from 315 to 309 adding 6000 to the current figure.

The yield on 10-year Treasuries, which determines borrowing costs for homeowners, companies and other governments around the world, climbed 0.03 percentage point to 3.88 percent after jumping 0.17 point Tuesday. The yield touched the highest level since June when it reached 4 percent. This could be the end of the FED's ability to keep interest rates low because such a spread stimulates inflation.
Unemployment Claims dropped to 442K from 456k last week.

Friday, March 26
Q4 GDP revision
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 26
The market sold off yesterday when long term Treasury auctions continued to be weak indicating that China and Japan are too smart to fund Obama's socialism and Obama's extravagant wasteful deficit spending. Obama's nationalization program that can only end with a world wide Great Depression like FDR caused when he was enamored with the Russian Revolution.

The storm is approaching. As we said we have been selling heavily into this rally which shows signs of ending soon. Our only major holding now is precious metals that are up over 15% from where we bought in. Most of the shakiest economies of the world sold their gold at the lowest prices in the last 20 years. Even small purchases by China and India now have a dramatic effect on gold and silver. We expect gold to reach $1500/oz this year.

If you look back you will see we were buying when people had sold off the market and we are selling near the peak now. Our private sell signal corrects the market price data with volume data to make the data speak the truth. So we can already see the head and shoulder sell signal is forming even though the current markets are at new highs for 2010. In fact the highs would need to be 3% higher for them to be higher after being corrected for poorer volume on advances than on declines. If the head and shoulders is confirmed we are looking at a possible two or three market legs down starting soon.

Obama and the democrat-socialists are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in soon and attack American markets and currencies. The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign should have been enough cause for every American to vote against the Obama regime.

World Markets
Asian markets were up over night; Shanghai up 1.3%, Hong Kong up 1.3%, India up 0.5%, and Japan up 1.6%.

European markets are currently down in the range from -0.2% to -0.5 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.3% to 0.4% at 8:30 AM EST.

We have noticed that the greatest impediment to stock market profits is a portfolio under $100,000. Beyond $100,000 the investor costs go down and diversification begins to work. Below $6000 it is almost impossible for an investor to make money other than in an index fund (at best) and that has performed close to a net zero for the last ten years (even ignoring trading commissions).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Obama loony leftists let big oil CEO's keep $59 Million salary in spite of communist oath of redistribution.

Ray Irani, making $59 million leads CEOs as Americans deplore Obama's blind eye towards executive thieving pay. If Marie Antoinette were around today she would be in Obama's cabinet. Obama cronies and leftist lunatics funnel wealth to their buddies in the CO2 environmental hoax using misappropriate stimulus funds. Obama record keeping of fund transfers is not up to the African standards of Moslem Nigeria's Sharia law or the South American communist banana republic of Venezuela. When does Obama plan to start setting examples by decapitating those who violate the Sharia law that says corporate pigs must die?

We expect about six weeks of market declines now as people begin to realize that Obama socialism is creating long term damage from the moral hazard of his growing welfare state. Obama likes to redistributes wealth from people who work hard to people who don't want to work (like Obama) and don't even want to learn the US language. In 1795, Congress affirmed English as the national language when it decided to continue to maintain all US laws in English and not publish them in any other languages. We need to throw the democrat socialists out and adopt the policy… no speakee English then no gettee citizenshipee or US benefittees.

The only way now to avoid a Great Depression or a permanent economic depression under socialism, is to throw the bums out and repeal the work of the Obama Administration.

World Outlook
The Euro continues to decline against the dollar. Since China is now linked to a basket of currencies that makes the dollar stronger against the Juan. Germany is the only nation in Europe able to exert some self-control when it comes to the big unions. Most union people in Greece on the other hand have no pride in their work. That may reflect the fact that Germany has a two track educational system that trains people well in trade skills that results in Germany having competent workers who have pride in workmanship and too much dignity to try to bankrupt their country with socialist demands for something for nothing.

This Week of Market Reports:
Treasury bill auctions are feeling the pressure of China's absence at auctions. That means the treasury will need to actually inflate the US currency.
Existing Home Sales fell 0.7% from a year ago. That looks like a statistical blip not a trend.

Durable Goods Orders rose in February for a third month, while inventories and backlogs climbed by the most in more than a year indicating the economy had perhaps finished with its first dip. New Home Sales fell to the lowest level (308,000 annually) since this statistic has been recorded. This is after the previous month was corrected downward as well from 315 to 309 adding 6000 to the current figure.

Thursday, March 25
Unemployment Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 26
Q4 GDP revision
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 25

We have noticed that the greatest impediment to stock market profits is a portfolio under $100,000. Beyond $100,000 the investor costs go down and diversification begins to work. Below $6000 it is almost impossible for an investor to make money other than in an index fund (at best) and that has performed close to a net zero (even ignoring trading commissions) for the last ten years.

We are in the quiet before the storm. As we said we have been selling heavily into this rally which shows signs of ending soon. Our only major holding now is precious metals that are up over 15% from where we bought in. Most of the shakiest economies of the world sold their gold at the lowest prices in the last 20 years. Even small purchases by China and India now have a dramatic effect on gold and silver. We expect gold to reach $1500/oz this year.

If you look back you will see we were buying when people had sold off the market and we are selling near the peak now. Our private sell signal corrects the market price data with volume data to make the data speak the truth. So we can already see the head and shoulder sell signal is forming even though the current markets are at new highs for 2010. In fact the highs would need to be 3% higher for them to be higher after being corrected for poorer volume on advances than on declines. If the head and shoulders is confirmed we are looking at a possible two or three market legs down starting soon.

Obama and the democrat-socialists are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in soon and attack American markets and currencies. The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign should have been enough cause for every American to vote against the Obama regime.

World Markets
Asian markets were beginning to tilt down over night; Shanghai down 0.1%, Hong Kong down -1.2%, India down -1.1%, and Japan up 0.1%.

European markets are currently up in the range from 0.5% to 0.9 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.3% to 0.5% at 8:00 AM EST.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New windfalls for politial insiders

There are some that think Obama will now flood the health care industry with stimulus funds to make it seem like socialized medicine can work. If that is true then a mini bubble with windfall profits will occur. Currently the financial sector is benefiting from a windfall return on bank taxes paid as far back as five years. Friends of politicians with inside information will make fortunes now if they acquired shares in many banks that are in bankruptcy because those banks will have $Billions in previously paid taxes distributed to the friends of the Democrat Socialists who bought stock for pennies because they knew this would happen. Of course this windfall will do nothing to help the American economy and is a moral hazard because it continues to reward the friends of the most corrupt administration in American history. Isn't socialism great where you take from the rich and put it in your own pocket? Imagine the $billions given to socialist and communists through the convoluted language of the stimulation package. How many insane revolutionaries will suddenly have taxpayer funds at their disposal? If you can't earn an honest living then just become a socialist or better yet a communist!

Wall Street worked hard to make this rally set a new high this week. But due to the low volume the high was deficient by 2.5% on a Market Cash Flow basis. That is what happens at market tops. The insiders push very hard for new highs so that most market timing strategies do not know the market id overbought. Insiders will soon begin selling knowing that the people who channel markets and stocks will buy in at the old lows and buy in 100% as the Bull market begins to break down. The bulls may even drive a technical rally off the new lows at which time the sell-off will likely resume in earnest. We say this now because now is the time to complete an orderly withdrawal from the market.

We expect the Obama-lurch towards socialism to be the start of another downward spiral that will result in a Great Depression or at best a double dip until such time as this administration can be removed. He intends to give a new 30 million-person block of people dependent on government handouts to be the critical voting mass to drive future socialism. In Russia it got so bad that they housed street people in the mansions of the wealthy. Let's hope they don't kill the wealthiest 2% as the German Nationalist Socialists and the Soviet States did. Socialists were the ones who slaughtered, enslaved and ultimately drove out the Jewish populations who initially were very active in the movements. We recommended selling into this rally and now we recommend cutting any losses and staying on the sidelines for an indefinite period of time. Bonds will soon be as poor an investment as stocks. Socialists were responsible for the "killing fields" of Cambodia. Socialists pretend they care about people until someone disagrees with them. Then they slaughter everyone who whants to achieve anything truely worthwhile, good, but not socialist. Socialists are wanna-be butchers of people.

The only way now to avoid a Great Depression or a permanent economic depression under socialism, is to throw out and repeal the work of the Obama Administration.

World Outlook
Germany is the only nation in Europe able to exert some self-control when it comes to the big unions. Most union people in Greece on the other hand have no pride in their work. That may reflect the fact that Germany has a two track educational system that trains people well in trade skills that results in Germany having competent workers who have pride in workmanship and too much dignity to try to bankrupt their country with socialist demands for something for nothing.

This Week of Market Reports:
Treasury bill auctions are feeling the pressure of China's absence at auctions. That means the treasury will need to actually inflate the US currency.

Existing Home Sales fell 0.7% from a year ago. That looks like a statistical blip not a trend.

Wednesday, March 24
Durable Goods Orders rose in February for a third month, while inventories and backlogs climbed by the most in more than a year indicating the economy had finished its first dip.
New Home Sales

Thursday, March 25
Unemployment Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 26
Q4 GDP revision
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 24

We are in the quiet before the storm.
As we said we have been selling heavily into this rally which shows signs of ending soon. If you look back you will see we were buying when people had sold off the market and we are selling near the peak now. Our private sell signal corrects the market price data with volume data to make the data speak the truth. So we can already see the head and shoulder sell signal is forming even though the current markets are at new highs (slightly). In fact the highs would need to be 2.5% higher for them to be higher when corrected for poorer volume on advances than on declines.

Obama and the democrat-socialists are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in soon and attack American markets and currencies. The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign should have been enough for every American to vote against the Obama regime.

World Markets
Asian markets were flat over night; Shanghai up 0.1%, Hong Kong up 0.1%, India up 0.2%, and Japan up 0.4%.

European markets are currently declining in the range from 0% to -0.5 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are down in a range -0.1% to -0.2% at 8:30 AM EST.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Striving to be better will be discouraged under the Obama Five-year leap.

Communists think competition, savings, and self improvements are destructive forces in society that allow some classes to rise above others. And so to discourage such inequality in America, Obama will put a new Medicare tax of 3.8% on senior's savings. In advanced countries savings is always encouraged but in the future Democratic-Socialist Republick of Amerika hard industriousness and saving are the habits of the people without connections who cannot get a government job that pays people well for spying on and reporting strange neighbors with traits of evil capitalism. Under socialism it is not what you know but who you know that counts.

Yes, all the American seniors who socialists consider foolish enough to save for their future at 1% to 3% interest rates will have the 1-to 3% (unearned) income taxed at a 3.8% rate. Under socialism savers are considered selfish and should not gain from their selfishness.

America is in a five-year leap to greater equality in poverty under the democrat socialists. The socialists redistribute wealth because the undeserving vote for the thieves (the robbing hoods). By focussing on a narrow class of rich people such as Jews who were major bankers, Hitler and Stalin redistributed the wealth and won popular mandates. But the redistribution system ultimately became an ugly stain on all socialist and communist systems. Ancient Christian and Moslem theocracies as well as today's Moslem theocracies were also socialist redistribution systems that throughout history committed genocide, inquisitions and horrible acts against civilized peoples. Christ never intended an earthly government but Mohammed did. That is why the Moslems remain and always will remain a feudal theocracy.

We expect this Obama-lurch towards nationalized health care to be the start of another downward spiral that will result in a Great Depression or at best a double dip until such time as this administration can be removed. He intends to give a new 30 million person voting block something for nothing. We recommended selling into this rally and now we recommend cutting any losses and staying on the sidelines for an indefinite period of time. Bonds will soon be as poor an investment as stocks.

World Outlook
Germany is the only nation in Europe able to exert some self-control when it comes to the big unions. Most union people in Greece on the other hand have no pride in their work. That may reflect the fact that Germany has a two track educational system that trains people well in trade skills that results in Germany having competent workers who have pride in workmanship and too much dignity to try to bankrupt their country with socialist demands for something for nothing.

Google will no longer allow Communist China to use Google to censor the Internet or spy on its people. China will probably just block Google's site.
This Week of Market Reports:

Treasury bill auctions are feeling the pressure of China's absence at auctions. That means the treasury will need to actually inflate the US currency.

Tuesday, March 23
Existing Home Sales

Wednesday, March 24
Durable Goods Orders
New Home Sales

Thursday, March 25
Unemployment Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 26
Q4 GDP revision
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 23

We are now in the quiet before the storm.
As we said we have been selling heavily into this rally which shows signs of ending soon. If you look back you will see we were buying when people had sold off the market and we are selling near the peak. Our private sell signal corrects the market price data with volume data to make the data tell the truth. So we can already see the head and shoulder sell signal is forming even though the current markets are at new highs (slightly). In fact the highs would need to be 2.6% higher for them to be higher when corrected for poorer volume on advances than on declines.

The public sell signal should occur after the next sell-off and the next rally clearly demonstrates to everyone that a bear market is in place again.
Obama and the democrat-socialists are ignoring true Americans and are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in now and attack American markets and currencies. Sadly, last weeks stock market high will likely be the high for this year because the lunatic left will still be in power even if swept out by the end of January 2010.

The fact that George Soros funded the Obama campaign should have been enough for every American to vote against the Obama regime.

World Markets
Asian markets were mixed over night; Shanghai down -0.7%, Hong Kong up 0.3%, India up 0.2%, and Japan down -0.5%.

European markets are currently up in the range from 0.1% to 0.4 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are down in a range 0% to -1% at 8:00 AM EST.

Monday, March 22, 2010

AAA rated Uncle Sam now pays more to borrow money than does Warren Buffett.

America is now headed toward greater equality of poverty under the democrat socialists.

World Outlook
Germany is the only nation in Europe able to exert some self-control when it comes to the big unions. Most union people in Greece on the other hand have no pride in their work. That may reflect the fact that Germany has a two track educational system that trains people well in trade skills that results in Germany having competent workers who have pride in workmanship and too much dignity to try to bankrupt their country with socialist demands for something for nothing.

This Week of Market Reports:

Monday, March 22
Treasury bill auctions.

Tuesday, March 23
Exist. Home Sales

Wednesday, March 24
Durable Goods Orders
New Home Sales

Thursday, March 25
Unemployment Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 26
Q4 GDP revision
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 22
As we said we have been selling heavily into the last week of this rally that we originally said had a maximum potential of about three months. This is the most probable level we expected it would reach (slightly above the previous peak) although there was an outside chance of going another 2.6% higher without issuing a new buy signal. The reason for that analysis was our market level had to be corrected for the shift towards higher volume during selling that had made the current market cash flow peak about 2.6% lower than last years' peak. Therefore a head-and-shoulders sell signal would be confirmed (on a corrected basis) as happened in late 2007 when the stock market cash flow peaked for that cycle before November.
This sell signal will be confirmed after the next sell-off and the next rally clearly demonstrate to everyone that a bear market is in place.

Obama and the democrat-socialists are ignoring true Americans and are setting the stage for short sellers of every breed to sweep in now and attack American markets and currencies. Sadly, last weeks stock market high will likely be the high for this year because the lunatic left will still be in power even if swept out by the end of January 2010.

Our Market Cash Flow index had already predicted this current high would likely be the last but it could have continued another month or two. However with Obamacare being forced on America yesterday, America is now very vulnerable to socialist parasites like George Soros who thrive on the decay of economies by betting against their currencies. George Soros funds socialists who then destabilize the nations they rule so Soros can go into and attack their markets.

The US dollar can now come under full attack. The attack will gradually raise the cost of financing American debt. Today it only cost 0.4% interest and the total cost of American debt is just over 5% of the American GDP. When treasuries have to pay 4% interest (ten times the current 0.4%) our current national debt could cost Americans over 50% of the GDP per year. The alternative to selling treasuries is to print money to inflate the money supply. That raises interest rates even faster. Inflation will destroy the bond market. As you can see America will fall from AAA to BB very rapidly and the currency could easily lose half its value at the peak of George Soros' attack. Then Obama will have the excuse he needs to levy 50% to 90% taxes on the working minority and America could transition towards 100% government jobs as is the case under Communism. Then Obama will be very happy and George Soros will be very rich.

Then Americans will know why George Soros spent so much money buying the Democrat-socialists their complete sweep into power. George Soros always said he wanted to destroy our American free enterprise system. National socialist Hitler gave Lenin free protected passage by train across Germany because Hitler knew Lenin would destroy his enemy's economy. When world parasites like Soros fund politicians it is only because they know the politicians will destroy their local economies. Parasites are not symbiotic they often kill their hosts.

With regard to Parabolic SAR, Re-Spiral, and MACD analysis, none of them has confirmed a bear market yet. Even our market cash flow analysis will require a selloff and then a failed rally to be 99% sure… but that would likely be three months too late. At this point the market cash flow analysis is usually about 90% correct and the potential downside selloff risk seems very high.

World Markets
Asian markets were down over night; Shanghai up 0.2%, Hong Kong down -2.1%, India down -1%, and Japan closed.

European markets are currently down in the range from -0.8% to -1 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are down in a range -1% to -1.1% at 8:00 AM EST.

Friday, March 19, 2010

PALM under attack

What PALM investors should do at this point is take delivery on their stock so short sellers can not borrow your stock to sell it short. Then an avalanche of calls to cover and margin calls will be launched. If the owners of PALM stock do it right they will all get out at a substantial profit because a short squeeze takes a stock to heights never seen before.

Palm's short interest has peaked as shown at the following site.

Currently Motorola could acquire PALM for less than $1Billion. PALM is near the bottom of the channel for trending. PALM has been a survivor.

Insiders and institutions are now net buyers of PALM.
Insider Purchases - Last 6 Months =2,276,920
Total Insider Shares Held =13.66M
% Net Shares Purchased by insiders =18.7%

Net Institutional Purchases - Prior Qtr to Latest Qtr = 704,614
% Change in Institutional Shares Held +0.4%

Now is the time for the owners of PALM stock to take delivery of their stock so the short sellers will be forced to give back the shares they are shorting. The only way the short sellers can return the shares is to buy the shares back at sharply higher prices. Pass the word along.

World Outlook
Brazil’s central bank may raise interest rates for the first time in 18 months as the rapid recovery of Latin America’s biggest economy has pushed inflation above its 4.5 percent target.
This Week of Market Reports:

Federal Open Market Committee Meeting and reports that both Japan and China are now selling US debt and no longer buying.

This Week of Market Reports:
The Federal Reserve said industrial production increased for the eighth consecutive month, edging up .1% in February, even though the figure's manufacturing component fell .2%. Separately, the Empire State Manufacturing Survey, an indicator of economic conditions in one of the most populous states, came in at a smaller-than-expected drop.
Housing Starts were down 5% last month allowing more foreclosed property to clear than might otherwise. FOMC announced it would continue to hold interest rates low.

Product Price Index dropped 0.6% but the core PPI increased 0.1%. It indicates that the sharp 1,4% increase last month was a statistical outlier and inflation is not serious.
Leading indicators were up only 0.1% last month after being up 0.3% the previous month The stock market is one of the leading indicators ant it is poised to fall.
Initial Unemployment Claims declined to 457,000 from 462,000.
Market Reports:

Friday, March 19:
Quadruple-witching expirations.

Market Outlook March 19
While optimists think the market can reach another new high (head) in a few months we still see it the current advance as a second shoulder about 2.7% lower that the last head. Washington news is pretty depressing with the leftist attempt to nationalize health care. However a 2.7+% rally is feasible if Obamacare is finally defeated. But that will be a false breakout if as with voodoo, Obama believes his bill can keep rising from the dead. If it fails this week he may ask his walking dead Democrat party to raise it from the dead again on Easter. Passage of Obamacare would be a disaster for American liberty and world peace and prosperity.
At this time we are taking profits and reducing holdings as we get more into cash. We still see the averages possibly rising 2.7% more in the next few months. Some stocks have run up and it is time to rotate out of them and into more promising stocks. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections but some are saying it will start before the next FOMC meeting. The market has recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office. If they are voted out and Obamacare is aborted then the market could end this year with a healthy advance.

World Markets
Asian markets were up over night; Shanghai up 0.7%, Hong Kong up 0.2%, India up 0.3%, and Japan up 0.8%.

European markets are currently up in the range from 0.4% to 0.6 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are flat in a range 0% to 0.1% at 8:30 AM EST.

PALM is ready for a short squeeze

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Obama Voodoo compassion and Obamacare

While Greek socialists are taking their country down the drain fast, Obama's Arab, Haitian, and African friends epitomize Obama's concept of equality in healthcare. Those countries solve healthcare by praying, Voodoo or by coming to America for treatment. Americans have always set up clinics in cities where doctors work for free all day helping people who cannot find specialized help in emergency rooms. Americans also use hospital ships and show compassion going around the world helping children with cleft pallets and crippling deformities. Obama's compassion is voodoo compassion based on socialist ignorance, superstition,and envy of people who are self sufficient.

Obamacare is incompatible with first world healthcare. If it is defeated this week we will see an economic recovery as the world and especially Americans breathe a sigh of relief. If Obamacare passes it is a debt burden that will likely bring on the world's second Great Depression. It adds an entitlement to 30 million indigents who do nt like the American work ethic, Anglos, or the English language. The whole world is watching and waiting to see if the last bastion of liberty, equality with justice for all will sink into the government tyranny of socialism. Deeming that OBAMACARE passes without even a vote call would certainly make any Stalinist, Nazi, or Ayatollah very happy.

World Outlook
Brazil’s central bank may raise interest rates for the first time in 18 months as the rapid recovery of Latin America’s biggest economy has pushed inflation above its 4.5 percent target.
Federal Open Market Committee Meeting and reports that China is selling US debt not buying put a damper on the market.

This Week of Market Reports:
The Federal Reserve said industrial production increased for the eighth consecutive month, edging up .1% in February, even though the figure's manufacturing component fell .2%. Separately, the Empire State Manufacturing Survey, an indicator of economic conditions in one of the most populous states, came in at a smaller-than-expected drop.
Housing Starts were down 5% last month allowing more foreclosed property to clear than might otherwise. FOMC announced it would continue to hold interest rates low.

Product Price Index dropped 0.6% but the core PPI increased 0.1%. It indicates that the sharp 1,4% increase last month was a statistical outlier and inflation is not serious.

Market Reports:
Thursday, March 18:
Unemploy Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 19:
Quadruple-witching expirations.

Market Outlook March 18
Stocks rose, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average to a 17-month high, and commodities rallied as a drop in U.S. producer prices underscored the Federal Reserve’s assessment that inflation is not a threat to low interest rates. The new high is only 0.3% higher than the past high. When we account for the fact that volume on advances has been lower than volume on declines the markets would have to rise 2.7% more to be a true breakout. That could happen if Obamacare is defeated this week. But that will be a false breakout if as with voodoo, Obama believes his bill can keep rising from the dead. If it fails this week he may ask his walking dead Democrat party to raise it from the dead again on Easter. Passage of Obamacare would be a disaster for American liberty and world peace and prosperity.

At this time we are taking profits and reducing holdings as we get more into cash. We still see the averages possibly rising 2.8% more in the next few months. Some stocks have run up and it is time to rotate out of them and into more promising stocks. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections but not soon. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46%. We have recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office. If they are voted out and Obamacare is aborted then the market could end this year with a healthy advance.

One reason some stocks such as PALM is at such a low is the short pressure that has recently reached 74.6% of outstanding stock. That seems to now be reversing and a short squeeze is possible. The stock could double but it would take about a month. Google and Apple are getting into legal difficulties. Google may soon take the place of PALM on the short lists. Palm with 74.6% of its shares already shorted is likely near its low for this year.

Palm's short interest has peaked as shown here.

A stock buy back by PALM could trigger a short squeeze. Currently Motorola could acquire PALM for less than $1Billion. This is near the bottom of the channel for trending.
PALM has been a survivor. Insiders and institutions are now net buyers of PALM.

Insider Purchases - Last 6 Months =2,276,920
Total Insider Shares Held =13.66M
% Net Shares Purchased by insiders =18.7%

Net Institutional Purchases - Prior Qtr to Latest Qtr = 704,614
% Change in Institutional Shares Held +0.4%

World Markets
Asian markets were down slightly over night; Shanghai down -0.1%, Hong Kong down -0.3%, India up 0.2%, and Japan down -1%.

European markets are currently up in the narrow range from 0.1% to 0.3 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0% to 0.3% at 8:30 AM EST.
PALM is ready for a short squeeze

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Obama is willing to see America decline and his political party ruined.

Obama sees America through his culture. America is a great elephant ready to be poached, slaughtered, and eaten by his tribal followers. That is the African culture of hunting and gathering without regard to consequences. And when his tribe is full and American free enterprise is no more, the world's last engine of technological innovation will be extinct due to the Obama tyranny of the lunatic leftists and global poverty and famine will prevail. Americans have now rejected Obama and his Democrat tribe should do likewise before it is too late and America is just another stagnant and oppressive socialist state.

World Outlook
Brazil’s central bank may raise interest rates for the first time in 18 months as the rapid recovery of Latin America’s biggest economy has pushed inflation above its 4.5 percent target.
This Week of Market Reports:

Federal Open Market Committee Meeting and reports that China is selling US debt not buying put a damper on the market.

This Week of Market Reports:
The Federal Reserve said industrial production increased for the eighth consecutive month, edging up .1% in February, even though the figure's manufacturing component fell .2%. Separately, the Empire State Manufacturing Survey, an indicator of economic conditions in one of the most populous states, came in at a smaller-than-expected drop.

Housing Starts were down 5% last month allowing more foreclosed property to clear than might otherwise.
FOMC announced it would continue to hold interest rates low.

Market Reports:
Wednesday, March 17:
Product Price Index

Thursday, March 18:
Unemploy Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 19:
Quadruple-witching expirations.

Market Outlook March 17

At this time we are taking profits and reducing holdings as we get more into cash. We still see the averages possibly rising 0.3% to 3.5% more in the next few months. Some stocks have run up and it is time to rotate into more promising stocks. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections but not soon. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46% in the next few months. We have recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office. If they are voted out and Obamacare is aborted then the market could end this year with a healthy advance.

Asian markets were up sharply over night; Shanghai up 1.9%, Hong Kong up 1.7%, India up 1.6%, Jakarta up 3.2%, and Japan up 1.2%.

European markets are currently up in the range from 0.6% to 0.8 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.3% to 0.8% at 7:30 AM EST.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Keep in mind that China's advance is fueled with stolen (pirated) technology.

World Outlook
China's advance is fueled with stolen (pirated) technology. Investors have to keep in mind that if China were not stealing everything that the west had not tied down then China could not sustain its current growth rate. China is beginning to act hostile and obnoxious and their hacking and spying criminality cannot be tolerated much longer. Google is the first victim of China's complete disregard for the rights of other societies as well as their own people. China's government acts like an obnoxious stingy little brat who is so spoiled the brat does not even realize how abusive it has become. China is using the "Repo 105" accounting trick to spread their deficit over multiple years to avoid triggering any accounting alarms. For instance, rather than show 2010 with a deficit that exceeds 3% they put some of the deficit on 2009 books because that is when they conceived the deficit. Likewise they don't account for some of the deficit in 2010 if they park some of it in 2011 assuming it will not all be spent in 2010. It is the same gimmick Lehman Brothers used to park debts "off book" to avoid triggering risk alarms. Repo 105 swaps were used by Greece to hide their deficit spending. These are all practices that have a basis in logic but the logic hides risk and therefore is intended to deceive the public and investors. China has slowed and possibly reversed their purchase of treasuries. That is good for America because this lunatic left Obama administration may no longer have China helping to hide Obama's irresponsible dissipation of American wealth, technology, and the worlds best healthcare.

This Week of Market Reports:

Monday, March 15
Federal Open Market Committee Meeting and reports that China is selling US debt not buying put a damper on the market.

The Federal Reserve said industrial production increased for the eighth consecutive month, edging up .1% in February, even though the figure's manufacturing component fell .2%. Separately, the Empire State Manufacturing Survey, an indicator of economic conditions in one of the most populous states, came in at a smaller-than-expected drop.

Tuesday, March 16
Housing Starts
FOMC announcements

Wednesday, March 17:
Product Price Index

Thursday, March 18:
Unemploy Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 19:
Quadruple-witching expirations.

Market Outlook March 16

Americans in the middle class are now very concerned that Obama and his lunatic leftists are now bankrupting America and redistributing great wealth to the criminals who created the mortgage derivatives and mortgage insurance scams that brought down the economy. Those Wall Street Criminals backed Obama's presidential bid and continue to do so as long as he does not close their loopholes. Never before have so many on Wall Street backed the lunatic left and they will continue to back him as long as he leaves them alone with the huge bonuses he is allowing. Many of the wealthy realize they did not earn anything and are beholding to Obama to let them keep and even continue to acquire their criminal wealth. Of course big liberals are usually big liberals because they realize they did not earn their wealth and therefore they are more willing to share it as long as they are given even more in return. But most middle class American taxpayers are still honest and make an honest living and they want to keep what they earned. However between the indigents who hate work and the criminally filthy rich who finance the lunatic left, the honest American middle class is being taxed out of existence. And if the taxpayers do not revolt and drive the Republican and Democrat leftists out of office this year they will see the middle class destroyed because they will become the minority and have very little to say as they are plundered and replaced by the export of their jobs to developing countries. America will become like the Moslem nations where the wealthy truly lunatic and fanatic princes rule and there is no middle class. Wonderful cultures where they publicly behead disobedient women, they cripple children who steal, and they shoot women in the head for not covering their face. The Obama leftists want to free the prisoners of war America captured because their American rights were ignored because they were not read their rights. The lunatic left is not medieval as some say. They are right out of the dark ages when lunatics spread their philosophies of death and hate with the sword starting around 800 AD in the Dark Ages.

We still see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections but not soon. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46% in the next few months. We have recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office. If they are voted out and Obamacare is aborted then the market could end this year with a healthy advance.

Asian markets were down over night; Shanghai up 0.5%, Hong Kong down -0.3%, India up 1.3%, Jakarta flat at 0.1%, and Japan down -0.3%.

European markets are currently up in the range from 0.3% to 0.8 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.1% to 0.3% at 8:00 AM EST.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Obama administration is destroying the American Middle Class the way Muslims do it.

The Moslems are slowly taking over the world by moving into advanced countries and going on welfare so they can lead the typical Muslim's indigent life, having lots of children and praying that the infidels be destroyed. Americans do not realize that most Muslims in the Middle East do not do any work other than their princes controlling their companies that use foreigners from advanced countries to do all their work. About 95% of the Moslems are what we would call unemployed living in a work-barter system that the west would call an underground economy. In the USA that is the way the dropouts, unemployable, and the drug addicts live without two nickels to rub together in a hand to mouth day to day existence. No one can get into the Muslim system without converting to their religion. But in California the lunatic left allowed an unmarried Muslim woman go on welfare with two children and then be artificially inseminated (at the expense off working Americans) so she could have six more children on welfare again at the expense off working Americans! The doctors who did that have still not been disciplined.

Not since FDR attacked the Supreme Court and then doubled the number of Supreme Court justices so that his political hacks on the court would accept socialism has an American president attacked the Court as Obama has. FRD wanted socialism too at first. He turned a recession into the Great Depression with his failed socialism. But in the end he came to his senses and took America to war against the Nationalist Socialists (NAZI) of Germany and by 1949 (20 years of depression) the market recovered to its pre FDR levels. Obama could cripple America and send us unto another Great Depression by passing Obamacare, allowing the flood of illegal America hating immigrants and bankrupting America. Only people who hate a country and want to overthrow it move to that country with no intention of learning the language, no intention of accepting the culture, and no intention of contributing to fund their benefits.

World Outlook

Last Week of Market Reports:
Treasury bill rates fell across the board on improving market sentiment amid more favorable macroeconomic indicators. The benchmark 91-day debt paper fetched 3.863 percent in yesterday’s auction, down 5.8 basis points from the average of 3.921 percent two weeks ago.
ICSC Store Sales up 3% year over year but we must recognize that this time last year was the final panic selloff of stocks and stores were hurting. We are 3% better this year and stocks are up 61% from a year ago.
Unemployment Claims decreased unexpectedly from last week
The U.S. trade deficit trade deficit decreased unexpectedly.
Sales at U.S. retailers unexpectedly climbed in February as Americans braved blizzards to get to the malls, signaling consumers will contribute more to economic growth.
Mich. Consumer Sentiment continued gradual fall to 72.5 from 73.6 last month. But that is much improved from the 10-pt decline in the CB Consumer Sentiment reported at the end of last month.

This Week of Market Reports:

Monday, March 15
Industrial Product.

Tuesday, March 16
Housing Starts
FOMC announcements

Wednesday, March 17:
Product Price Index

Thursday, March 18:
Unemploy Claims
Consumer Price Index

Friday, March 19:
Quadruple-witching expirations.

Market Outlook March 15

Americans in the middle class are now very concerned that Obama and his lunatic leftists are now bankrupting America and redistributing great wealth to the criminals who created the mortgage derivatives and mortgage insurance scams that brought down the economy. Those Wall Street Criminals backed Obama's presidential bid and continue to do so as long as he does not close their loopholes. Never before have so many on Wall Street backed the lunatic left and they will continue to back him as long as he leaves them alone with the huge bonuses he is allowing. Many of the wealthy realize they did not earn anything and are beholding to Obama to let them keep and even continue to acquire their criminal wealth. Of course big liberals are usually big liberals because they realize they did not earn their wealth and therefore they are more willing to share it as long as they are given even more. But most middle class American taxpayers are still honest and make an honest living and they want to keep what they earned. However between the indigents who hate work and the criminally filthy rich who finance the lunatic left, the honest American middle class is being taxed out of existence. And if the taxpayers do not revolt and drive the Republican and Democrat leftists out of office this year they will see the middle class destroyed because they will become the minority and have very little to say as they are plundered and replaced by the export of their jobs to developing countries. America will become like the Moslem nations where the wealthy princes rule and there is no middle class.

On Friday March 12, Sy Harding did an interesting comparison of our current stock market and the markets 1906-1923 and 1968-1982 and today's cyclical bear market. He surmises that even in this bear market the current advance could go on for another year.

We still see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. But the free money the Obama administration is throwing at indigents, GM, banker bonuses, unions, global warming fraud, and community activists is all money that accomplishes very little as it swirls down the proverbial toilet bowl. It must all be paid back through inflation, economic damage, and future hardships. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46% in the next few months. But we expect that will be the high point for the year and the year will end lower than it began. We have recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office.

Asian markets were down over night; Shanghai down -1.2%, Hong Kong down -0.6%, India flat -0.01%, Jakarta flat at 0.1%, and Japan flat at 0.01%.

European markets are currently narrowly down in the range from -0.1% to -0.2 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are down in a range 0% to -0.4% at 8:00 AM EST.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama administration to unlock the floodgates of illegal immigration.

Today everyone on welfare and every indigent illegal foreign immigrant gets free health care at American clinics and hospital emergency rooms. That is one of the factors driving up American health costs. But today, working covered Americans do not have to pay for their hip replacements, heart pacemakers, or cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasties (nose jobs) today are funded because corrupt cosmetic surgeons classify them as necessary for good health. Under Obamacare free healthcare for illegal as well as American indigents will become a right, entitlement. They will then be entitled to the same hip replacements and nose jobs the leftists demand for themselves today. The leftists of Hollywood are currently the biggest abusers. They believe in taxes but hire tax lawyers so they can avoid taxes on themselves. Obamacare is such a great deal for people who do not have an American work ethic but instead live for the pleasures of life because they have a cultural inherited distaste for mental or physical effort. The Obama acceptance of that foreign sub-culture will combine with the Obamacare squandering of American wealth to cause a new flood of illegal immigrants such as the world has never seen before.

By corrupting the American system of liberty and free enterprise they hope to bring down America and spread socialism where the lunatics and sadistic ignoramuses of the world can excel. Remember Hitler and Stalin were two of the world's most successful socialists until the vigilance of the free world destroyed the insane Nationalist Socialists and permitted the paranoid psychotics of the Union of Socialist Republics to bankrupt themselves. At the end America was sending wheat to Russia so they would not starve. Socialist equality can only be achieved by bringing everyone down to the same level of poverty and famine.

For the first time in many years, this week the Hollywood lunatic left did not use the "Oscars" to spew their venom against America, and the American military. Americans have had it with the left that have now corrupted even science. The EPA has become recognized world wide as the job of last resort for every ignorant dropout from the field of science. The UN environmental pseudo-scientists will be investigated but hope to get other ignoramus pseudo-scientists to do the investigating.

Not since FDR attacked the Supreme Court and then doubled the number of Supreme Court justices so that his political hacks on the court would accept socialism has an American president attacked the Court as he did this week. FRD wanted socialism too at first. He turned a recession into the Great Depression with his socialism. But in the end he came to his senses and took America to war against the Nationalist Socialists (NAZI) of Germany and by 1949 (20 years) the market recovered to its pre FDR levels. Obama could cripple America and send us unto another Great Depression by passing Obamacare, allowing the flood of illegal America hating immigrants and bankrupting America. Only people who hate a country and want to overthrow it move to that country with no intention of learning the language, no intention of accepting the culture, and no intention of contributing to fund their benefits.

World Outlook
Google has the courage to pull out of China due to that socialist nation's spying on everyone including its own freedom loving dissidents.

Moslem nations vie for the honor of being the most corrupt and the most viscous and genocidal. Usually Nigerian and Bangladesh vie for this first place distinction and in the past Bangladesh topped Nigeria. But with the recent machete slaughter of 400 to more than 1000 Christians in Nigerian villages (the lower figure being the one the murders have admitted) it is apparent that Nigeria now best epitomizes the hate, deceit, suicidal tendencies, genocide, and delusions of grandeur and greatness of the Moslem world. Recently four rabid Moslems were arrested for plotting the murder a newspaper cartoonist that depicted Mohammed's head on a rabid dog. But of course it is ok for artists with Moslem/Buddhist/Hindu loony left beliefs to paint the "Holy Mother" using dog feces.

The Muslim nations continue to live in the dark ages where religious fanatics spew toxic venom and call it an education. Most Moslems are ignorant today and even the wealthy educated princes have to hire foreigners to run airlines and other enterprises because most Saudi princes bluff their way through foreign universities and so end up with the very best having the education of a French or German "college" graduate. The French "college" is post primary school or what is called high school in America.

The lunatic left loves the Moslems. The ELCA is an American radical left of the Lutheran denomination of Christianity. They have pretty much replaced the Lutheran catechism with Obama's DNC political platform. They delight in elevating practicing homosexuals to high church positions. They are so proud and gay that sometimes in their Sunday services they proudly recognize their same sex partners when they are visiting so other like-minded people can greet them afterwards. They are such rabid Jew haters that some of their leaders are not allowed into Israel any more. The also sometimes show a reluctance to perform the baptisms of the children of military personnel. That is because leftist lunatics do not like the military

Wall Street and banks now focus on fees to rob nations and individuals that already are deeply in debt.

Will we double dip or will we pull out of this recession?

Emerging market stocks rose, erasing their losses for the year. However, Devan Kaloo, who oversees $22 billion at Aberdeen Asset Management Plc said he thinks emerging-market stocks will drop as much as 15 percent this year as earnings miss estimates and global growth slows.

Metal prices gained after China said exports soared by the most in three years. However China indicated more support for American treasuries and less gold buying in the near future.

The British pound weakened as U.K. manufacturing contracted.

Mexico’s consumer prices rose 0.58% (7.1% annual inflation rate) in February

Icelandic and Greek socialist demonstrators continue protests against having to repay the $Billions in bailouts. The Germans and the French were the first to violate the EU deficit spending limits by a few percent six years ago. England has its own currency so they can ignore the limits. One solution is to take Greece and Iceland off the Euro so they can devalue and have inflation independent of the rest of Europe just like England.

Week of Market Reports:

Treasury bill rates fell across the board on improving market sentiment amid more favorable macroeconomic indicators. The benchmark 91-day debt paper fetched 3.863 percent in yesterday’s auction, down 5.8 basis points from the average of 3.921 percent two weeks ago.

ICSC Store Sales up 3% year over year but we must recognize that this time last year was the final panic selloff of stocks and stores were hurting. We are 3% better this year and stocks are up 61% from a year ago.

Unemployment Claims decreased unexpectedly from last week
The U.S. trade deficit trade deficit decreased unexpectedly.

Friday, March 12:
Sales at U.S. retailers unexpectedly climbed in February as Americans braved blizzards to get to the malls, signaling consumers will contribute more to economic growth.
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 12

We still see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. But the free money the Obama administration is throwing at indigents, GM, banker bonuses, unions, global warming fraud, and community activists is all money that accomplishes very little as it swirls down the proverbial toilet bowl. It must all be paid back through inflation, economic damage, and future hardships. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46% in the next few months. But we expect that will be the high point for the year and the year will end lower than it began. We have recovered less than half the loss of this recession. With Obamacare and Obama immigration policy America is at risk of another Great Depression beginning in about a year. The lunatic left must be voted out of office.

Asian markets were mixed over night; Shanghai down -1.2%, Hong Kong down -0.1%, India flat -0.04%, Jakarta down -0.4%, and Japan up 0.8%.

European markets are currently narrowly up in the range from 0.1% to 0.3 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up in a range 0.4% to 0.6% at 9:00 AM EST.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obama administration must reform Wall Street that is broken and is currently run by thieves but instead focuses on bankrupting the best healthcare sys

Obama administration must reform Wall Street that is broken and is currently run by thieves but instead focuses on bankrupting the best healthcare system in the world.

World Outlook
Wall Street and banks now focus on fees to rob nations and individuals who already are deeply in debt.

Will we double dip or will we pull out of this recession?

Emerging market stocks rose, erasing their losses for the year. However, Devan Kaloo, who oversees $22 billion at Aberdeen Asset Management Plc said he thinks emerging-market stocks will drop as much as 15 percent this year as earnings miss estimates and global growth slows.

Metal prices gained after China said exports soared by the most in three years. However China indicated more support for American treasuries and less gold buying in the near future.

The British pound weakened as U.K. manufacturing contracted.

Mexico’s consumer prices rose 0.58% (7.1% annual inflation rate) in February

Icelandic and Greek socialist demonstrators continue protests against having to repay the $Billions in bailouts. The Germans and the French were the first to violate the EU deficit spending limits by a few percent six years ago. England has its own currency so they can ignore the limits. One solution is to take Greece and Iceland off the Euro so they can devalue and have inflation independent of the rest of Europe just like England.

Week of Market Reports:

Treasury bill rates fell across the board on improving market sentiment amid more favorable macroeconomic indicators. The benchmark 91-day debt paper fetched 3.863 percent in yesterday’s auction, down 5.8 basis points from the average of 3.921 percent two weeks ago.

ICSC Store Sales up 3% year over year but we must recognize that this time last year was the final panic selloff of stocks and stores were hurting. We are 3% better this year and stocks are up 61% from a year ago.

Wednesday, March 10:
Wholesale trade deficit expected to widen

Thursday, March 11:
Unemployment Claims
U.S. trade deficit

Friday, March 12:
Retail sales 8:30
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 11

We still see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. But the free money the Obama administration is throwing at indigents, GM, banker bonuses, unions, global warming fraud, and community activists is all money that accomplishes very little as it swirls down the proverbial toilet bowl. It must all be paid back through inflation, economic damage, and future hardships. We expect FED tightening to be required before elections. The market cash flow is telling us the S&P advance since Obama took office may reach 46% in the next few months. But we expect that will be the high point for the year and the year will end lower than it began.

Asian markets were up narrowly over night; Shanghai up 0.1%, Hong Kong up 0.1%, India up 0.4%, Jakarta up 0.2%, and Japan up 1%.

European markets are currently narrowly up in the range from 0.1% to 0.3 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are flat at -0.1% at 6:30 AM EST.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Obama administration arrests the people trying to expose corruption rather than the people corrupting America.

ACORN Sting Videographer, James O'Keefe was arrested when he attempted to enter Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office in the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown New Orleans. He was charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony.

Rewarding the indigent with bigger welfare payments does not stimulate the economy, stupid! The reason most marginal people do not have two nickels to rub together even in good times is because most of them have permanent addictions of one form or another and a high percentage of their money goes to the criminals who feed their habits. Stimulating marginal people stimulates the drug cartels and the liquor and flesh merchants, stupid! That is why it was so easy to catch ACORN helping a sting operation set up prostitution in an inner city. That is what community activists do. But the Obama administration has instead arrested the individual who conducted that sting on the pretense that he falsified his identity in his second sting attempt. Addiction is a major cause of American poverty today and a recurrence years later in life can set the addicted back and their whole family back to zero again and even result in prison. When a person is addicted it is a life-long nightmare. Giving them money is no help. It actually makes the problem more attractive to young people when they see the addicted rewarded with welfare and unemployment payments for doing nothing but drugs. In the banana republics it is publicly acceptable to chew coca leaves all day to maintain their highs. The excuse they use is that it cures nausea and hides altitude sickness that tourists sometimes encounter on short trips to mountain peaks. They love giving tourists the leaves to chew. Obama is kicking America down the road towards becoming a banana republic.

World Outlook
Icelandic and Greek socialist demonstrators continue protests against having to repay the $Billions in bailouts. The Germans and the French were the first to violate the EU deficit spending limits by a few percent six years ago. England has its own currency so they can ignore the limits. One solution is to take Greece and Iceland off the Euro so they can devalue and have inflation independent of the rest of Europe just like England.

Week of Market Reports:

Yesterday: Treasury bill rates fell across the board on improving market sentiment amid more favorable macroeconomic indicators. The benchmark 91-day debt paper fetched 3.863 percent in yesterday’s auction, down 5.8 basis points from the average of 3.921 percent two weeks ago.

Tuesday, March 9
ICSC Store Sales

Wednesday, March 10:
Wholesale trade

Thursday, March 11:
Unemployment Claims
U.S. trade deficit

Friday, March 12:
Retail sales 8:30
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 9

The market is up for this year but still volatile. We see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. But the free money the Obama administration is throwing at indigents, GM, banker bonuses, unions, global warming fraud, and community activists is all money that accomplishes very little as it swirls down the proverbial toilet bowl. It must all be paid back through inflation, economic damage, and future hardships.

Clueless in Washington
When it was suggested that Obama stimulate the economy by lowering the capital gains tax, his party fools continued raising taxes and smugly retorted, "What capital gains?"

Reagan was twice as smart as Obama because he knew when he lowered capital gains taxes that investors would sell everything they could sell at a profit. The result was that tax collections from capital gains soared and that helped reduce deficits for two decades. Leftists are too stupid to realize that today people are holding on to investments as long as possible to avoid paying the foolhardy Obama taxes. When the leftists are thrown out of office this fall, tax collections will soar as people sell investments in equities and real estate. The stock market and the real estate markets will then surge and thus stimulate the entire country almost instantly increasing America's national wealth and thus further increasing tax collections. Once again Americans will feel wealthy and will not be afraid to pay more taxes and share their wealth as generous Americans have always done freely.

Obama's coercive leftist administration is too ignorant of the American work ethic to even have a clue or inkling as to how that happens. Obama himself and other leftists who never had an honest job or honest investment are so extremely clueless. His dishonest tax evading appointees in his treasury are also clueless as to why honest Americans are generous when they are free to work hard and accumulate wealth under liberty instead of having socialist clawing at them and passing laws to legally steal their honest gains under socialism.

Asian markets were up over night; Shanghai up 0.5%, Hong Kong up 0.1%, India down 0.3%, Jakarta up 1.2%, and Japan down 0.2%.

European markets are currently down in the range from -0.4% to -0.7 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are flat at +0.08% at 8:30 AM EST.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Obama administration is on track to set a record for corruption in every American sector.

Leftists believe in taxes but just not in paying them themselves. They tend to be scatter-brained and waste time and energy trying to nationalize and hence destroy economic sectors. They provide jobs to political hacks and people who divert corporate "PACK type" contributions to leftist endeavors as patronage. Consequently incompetence and corruption tend to be the hallmarks of leftists from Castro to Chavez to Obama.

Obama uses stimulation funds to stimulate teachers unions. Rewarding teacher unions does not stimulate the economy or improve the educational system, stupid! Rather than remove or retire poor performing teachers the leftists, many left leaning state administrations advocate four-day school weeks permanently impairing the children's education and leaving many teenagers home alone on Fridays. That type of irresponsible adult behavior toward children was considered stupid by leftists who once pretended they were for good education. But what they really wanted were strong civil servant unions in control of state administrations using biased union supporting arbitrators to pick the pockets of productive American taxpayers.

Rewarding the indigent with bigger welfare payments does not stimulate the economy, stupid! The reason most marginal people do not have two nickels to rub together even in good times is because most of them have permanent addictions of one form or another and a high percentage of their money goes to the criminals who feed their habits. Stimulating marginal people stimulates the drug cartels and the liquor and flesh merchants, stupid!

Americans are getting tired if Chinese pet foods that kill pets, Chinese building products that destroy homes, and touted efficient lighting products that have less than a third the hours of life the communists print on the labels. How about enforcing truth in advertising on imports, stupid! Stimulating communist sales to the US is stupid by exempting them from American laws is stupid, stupid!

World Outlook
Icelandic and Greek socialist demonstrators continue protests against having to repay the $Billions in bailouts. The Germans and the French were the first to violate the EU deficit spending limits by a few percent six years ago. England has its own currency so they can ignore the limits. One solution is to take Greece and Iceland off the Euro so they can devalue and have inflation independent of the rest of Europe just like England.

Week of Market Reports:

Monday, March 8
Treasury bill auction rates

Tuesday, March 9
ICSC Store Sales

Wednesday, March 10:
Wholesale trade

Thursday, March 11:
Unemployment Claims
U.S. trade deficit

Friday, March 12:
Retail sales 8:30
Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook March 8

Here is one good reason why the homebuilding industry is not growing rapidly yet. Banks and Internet loan operators continue to rip off homebuyers by instituting usury via obnoxious fixed charges for mortgages. While the interest rates may appear somewhat lower now, the up-front costs they tack on after the initial estimates are a truly fraudulent. But the banks claim they do the borrower a favor by loaning the borrower the money to pay the extra $5000 in rip-off inflated closing and maintenance fees. Crime flourishes under this Obama administration. There are at least half a dozen Internet scams offered to each potential homebuyer. Some telephone scam boiler rooms get a fee of $400 or more up front over the phone on suckers credit card before they provide the sucker a written estimate of total cost including their fees. We looked into this ourselves and that is the situation. This is the reason the tax rebate of $9000 is not working when the buyers see just how much the mortgage companies are ripping them off.

The market is up for this year. We see the averages as possibly rising 3% to 5% more in the next few months. But the free money the Obama administration is throwing at indigents, GM, banker bonuses, unions, global warming fraud, and community activists is all money that accomplishes very little as it swirls down the toilet bowl. It must all be paid back through inflation, economic damage, and future hardships.

Asian markets were up sharply over night; Shanghai up 0.7%, Hong Kong up 2%, India up 0.6%, and Japan up 2.1%.

European markets are flat in the range from -0.1% to +0.1 % this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are flat at +0.08% at 8:30 AM EST.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Obama fiddles while the economy fizzles

Obama, "it’s the economy, stupid!"--Bill Clinton

Obama uses stimulation funds to stimulate teachers unions. Rewarding unions does not stimulate the economy, stupid!

Rewarding the indigent with bigger welfare payments does not stimulate the economy, stupid!

Three GM chairmen in one year does not indicate good socialist government management of GM, stupid!

Digging a $850Billion health care debt hole does not help the economy or show savvy business acumen, stupid!

Dropping the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste facility does not help reduce US dependence on oil, stupid!

Buying US windmill farms of inferior communist China quality wastes America's money, stupid.

Americans are getting tired if Chinese pet foods that kill pets, Chinese building products that destroy homes, and touted efficient lighting products that have less than a third the hours of life the communists advertised, stupid.

Stimulating communist sales to the US is stupid, stupid.

World Outlook
Iceland socialist demonstrators protest against having to repay the $5.7Billion in British and Dutch bailout.

Communist protest Greek cutbacks in government subsidies of unions.

Week of Market Reports:
U Michigan Consumer Sentiment - Final Feb 26 level was down only 0.1% to 73.6%. That indicates the preliminary Consumer Confidence index that had been down 10.1% to 46%was probably wrong.

International Business Machines Corp., the world’s largest computer-services provider, laid off 500 workers in the U.S.

Personal income increased 0.6% in February, the second consecutive gain, while spending rose 0.3%, suggesting continued economic recovery. The Commerce Department said incomes totaled a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $4.99 trillion. The March advance followed a 1% gain reported in February that had been revised down slightly from an earlier estimate of 1.1 percent.

ISM Manufacturing Index shows manufacturing continues to expand. The expansion was slower; 56.5 compared to 58.4 for January 2010. Anything over 0.5 is expansion.

Construction sector spending is contracting at a half the December pace. January construction spending month over month was -0.6% versus -1.2% in December.

Auto sales for January exceeded expectation but are still well below 2008.

Unemployment Claims- ADP Jobs Report showed non-farm private employment decreased 20,000 from January to February 2010 on a seasonally adjusted basis. That employment decline was the smallest since employment began falling in February of 2008. If the recent trend continues, and given first-quarter GDP growth of 5.9%, private employment could rise next month for the first time in two years.

The ISM non-manufacturing index rose to 53% in February from 50.5% in January, marking the best reading since December 2007. Anything greater than 50% signifies growth of the services sector.

Productivity rose 6.9% in February after rising 6.2% in January.

Pending Home Sales- unexpectedly fell 7.6 percent in January after a revised 0.8 percent increase in December, showing the extension of a tax credit is sparking little interest. Snowstorms in February probably limited contract signings and sales.

Bookings for capital goods excluding aircraft fell 4.1 percent after a revised 3 percent gain in December that was smaller than previously estimated, figures from the Commerce Department showed today in Washington. Total factory orders increased 1.7 percent, in line with forecasts, boosted by a surge in commercial aircraft demand.

Friday, March 5:
The Labor Department said today that nonfarm payrolls fell by 36,000 compared with a revised 26,000 drop in January. The January figure was revised from an originally reported 20,000 decline. The unemployment rate however remained at 9.7% as some unemployed use up their coverage and are no longer counted.

Market Outlook March 5

Bill Clinton said, "It’s the economy stupid!"
Obama believes, "It is not your money, it is the governments money that that government lets you use. ""From each according to his ability to each according to his need." Obama showed he is a communist at heart when he befriended the Venezuelan communist Chavez. The Democrats must stop Obama's political ambitions if the Democrats are to have credibility as a future major party.

Today the WSJ reported the market is finally up for this year. We see the averages as possibly rising 4% more in the next few months.

Asian markets were up over night; Shanghai up 0.3%, Hong Kong up 1%, India up 0.1%, and Japan up 2.2%.

European markets are up in the range from 0.4% to 1.3% this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are up slightly at +0.3% at 9:00 AM EST.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hansen is a disgrace to NASA and the American Space Program. Corruption, tax evasion, chaos, and political cronyism are the signature of Greek and Ob

Hansen is a disgrace to NASA and the American Space Program. Corruption, tax evasion, chaos, and political cronyism are the signature of Greek and Obama socialism.

Amid corruption charges and investigations the New York Governor gives up his candidacy and Rep. Charles Rangel is stepping aside from his post as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Obama socialist believe in tax evasion, they hire illegal aliens as servants and they balance their guilt feelings by taking your money and giving it to their less affluent cronies that vote for them and often follow them around like a body guard. They are not that much different from the mob. In poor countries such as Afghanistan, Obama cronies could be the warlords or the Taliban that live off the chaos they produce. The difference between the warlords and the Taliban is the radicalism of their religious beliefs.

NASA once was a scientific government agency. But now since NASA's idiot James Hansen inspired the fraud that corrupted the NASA GISS temperature database it is just another leftist government agency and a traitor to science. Not only did NASA lie about the hottest days, but also anyone can see that the data range is much narrower now because low measured temperatures are either being omitted or are being fraudulently raised by NASA employees. For this unscientific and fraudulent activity NASA deserves to be dismantled now and have its assets sold off and redistributed to Obama cronies in ACORN, the Black Panthers and other socialist fascist groups that support the democrat-socialists. Hansen has made NASA a disgrace to science itself.

World Outlook
Obama, it’s the economy stupid!

Socialist Venezuela owes $12 billion for international company assets it seized.

Greeks discuss $5 Billion austerity program. Fat chance.

Abu Dhabi and Singapore face an additional $10 Billion Loss from propping up UBS and Citigroup.

Democrat-socialists ignore the economy and to work on a health care bill and a corrupt stimulation package that will be paid by our grandchildren and will redistribute our wealth from our children to the enemies of our freedom.

Week of Market Reports:
U Michigan Consumer Sentiment - Final Feb 26 level was down only 0.1% to 73.6%. That indicates the preliminary Consumer Confidence index that had been down 10.1% to 46%was probably wrong.

International Business Machines Corp., the world’s largest computer-services provider, laid off 500 workers in the U.S yesterday.

Personal income increased 0.6% in February, the second consecutive gain, while spending rose 0.3%, suggesting continued economic recovery. The Commerce Department said incomes totaled a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $4.99 trillion. The March advance followed a 1% gain reported in February that had been revised down slightly from an earlier estimate of 1.1 percent.

ISM Manufacturing Index shows manufacturing continues to expand. The expansion was slower; 56.5 compared to 58.4 for January 2010. Anything over 0.5 is expansion.

Construction sector spending is contracting at a half the December pace. January construction spending month over month was -0.6% versus -1.2% in December.

Auto sales for January exceeded expectation but are still well below 2008.

ADP Jobs Report showed non-farm private employment decreased 20,000 from January to February 2010 on a seasonally adjusted basis. That employment decline was the smallest since employment began falling in February of 2008. If the recent trend continues, and given first-quarter GDP growth of 5.9%, private employment could rise next month for the first time in two years.

The ISM non-manufacturing index rose to 53% in February from 50.5% in January, marking the best reading since December 2007. Anything greater than 50% signifies growth of the services sector.

Thursday, March 4:
Unemployment Claims
Pending Home Sales

Friday, March 5:
Labor Dept Employment Report.

Market Outlook March 4

Bill Clinton said, "It’s the economy stupid!"

Obama believes, "It is not your money, it is the governments money that that government lets you use. From each according to his ability to each according to his need."

Asian markets were down sharply over night; Shanghai down -2.4%, Hong Kong down -1.4%, India down -0.2%, and Japan down -1.1%.

European markets are flat in the range from -0.2% to 0.2% this morning about half way through their day.

Today US pre-market futures are flat again at 9:00 AM EST.

The markets are slightly above Dec 30 close and we still expect the high for this year to be about 5% to 6% higher than it is today.