Monday, November 25, 2013

November 26, 2013 Experts now say that Obama’s socialized medicine has no security at all and it would take more than a year to make the system secure from massive hacking of the financial accounts of taxpayers. Many states also lack this security. But the Obama administration warns that it is discrimination and thus illegal for states and his administration not to hire released convicted felons to take down your information in person or over the phone so you may just as well do it on line. Americans now see how the Obama administration is destroying American liberties such as privacy, religious freedom, and free speech while promoting the philosophy of Karl Marx the founder of Communism. An expert on Squawk Box said it should take more than a year to get the system Obama creates made secure. Criminals and the Obama government are now busy redistributing national poverty to every working American.

Here are a few of the thoughts Marx and Obama share.
***From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Socialist redistributed income.
***Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included. Claim capitalists are engaged in a war on women.
***Democracy is the road to socialism.
***Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. Obama socialism is destroying Catholic hospitals and Universities because Catholics think babies are humans while Obama says they are also useful in lab experiments.
***Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks. Obama and his socialist appointees who do not understand free enterprise and how to get the American economy moving. FDR had the same problem and it took WWII and FDR’s death to shake off FDR’s socialist drag on the economy. But before FDR died he had just enough time to first sell out all of Eastern Europe to Stalin’s USSR international socialism. Thanks to socialist FDR the Eastern Europeans were enslaved by communist USSR from 1945 to 1990.
***Necessity is blind until it becomes conscious. Freedom is the consciousness of necessity. Karl Marx’s nonsense sounds similar to Obamaspeech and come down to this: Tell lies and lots of bullshit to keep your constituency happy and as stupid as hell.
You can read Karl Marx quotations and see who gave Obama his ideas at the following site:

Nov 25, 2013 America’s first Thanksgiving was for God blessing the Pilgrims with the brains needed to switch from Socialism to individualistic free enterprise. Socialism was the very first democratic form of government started by Europeans in America. Obama never learned much about America and hence does not know that the Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony started as a religious socialist congregation. The less able workers outvoted the hard working members of the colony so the able all had to work for everyone else. So the good workers freely share so the unmotivated could get obese because the unmotivated said they were not able to work and they were the majority. Yet in truth they were quite healthy having withstood an ocean voyage. So the hard workers had to work for the unmotivated majority. It was typical socialism.

But when you work in the fields on the crops you always get enough to eat.
"For the young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine [whine, complain] that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children, with out any recompense."
Gradually over a period of two years 50% of the Pilgrim population died of starvation and illness before the majority shook off their socialist stupidity and voted to end the socialist commune and to have private plots of land. Then everyone could keep as much of what they produced or could share, as they wanted.

When people have the right and are not forced to help the weak: then the unappreciative, demanding, unmotivated folk, and the criminal elements have no right to anything but their freedom to change and get along with others. Compassion then grows and the truly needy are treated as equals because they are motivated and they are appreciative.

Today’s American socialists are among the most stupid in the world because they are a product of a failed American educational system where the ignorant socialist college professors who control most American University faculties. That has left America with the most ignorant socialist politicians who were not taught about the American social experiments and understand nothing about our founding experiences that shaped the intelligent thinking and pragmatic ideas of the American founding fathers. If you are an intelligent university student you can say nothing about the stupidity and tyranny of any socialist person or state because the stupid socialist professors are ignorant tyrants themselves and they do not accept the American freedom to think and to disagree with them. A learned Texas professor showed how socialists have become so stupid illustrating brilliantly why socialism fails. He let students redistribute grades from the haves to the have-nots by letting them all have the average grade of the class. See why by redistributing their accomplishments they all flunked the course.

Last week the Democrats in Congress finally made the communist party straight majority vote their preferred method and abandoned the method of the former American Republic that made government by tyranny much more difficult. Hitler and Stalin are now smiling in their graves over the Democrat’s nuclear option they are using now to stack the federal courts with socialists."

World Economies Nov 26, 2013
Interest rates on China’s debt have begun to soar and will chill their economy and begin to threaten economic stability in Asia.
The EU is considering negative interest rates as socialists walk the Free Western World off the plank to hasten the rate that were achieve economic equality in worldwide poverty. That is the result of income redistribution. There is no incentive to work when we can all get fat munching chips watching sports and home movies all day. Nobody has to get fat, stay ignorant, take drugs, commit violence, or support socialism. They are all personal choices. But guess who goes to Siberia, the prison camps, and the gas chambers? It is the very people who voted for and stayed with the socialists when they took over.

European stocks retreated from a five-year high as investors weighed valuations at the highest level since 2009.

Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.

Anyone who believes the socialists will stay in power and will impose their cost of this corruption of socialized medicine on the dwindling minority of American workers and believes these socialists will not be thrown out of office in the next three years should sell gold. If this major program of corruption of the American work ethic takes place, eventually all good Americans will defect and take a permanent vacation here or abroad.

The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short-term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.

The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Nov 25
Pending Home Sales Oct -0.6% contracted less than -5.6% -
Nov 26
Building Permits Sep 974K revised sharply higher 918K +++
Building Permits Oct 1034K again sharply higher 974K +++
Case-Shiller 20-city Index Sep 13.3% even higher 12.8% +++
FHFA Housing Price Index Sep 0.3% steady in spite of higher interest rates 0.3% +++
Consumer Confidence Nov 70.4 fell 71.2 --

The Markets Nov 26, 2013
Real estate stocks should be getting a great boost now. More applications for home construction were issued in October than at any time in the past five years, a sign the U.S. residential real-estate market is either gaining momentum heading into 2014 plus prices were stable in spite of mortgage rates rising.
We are entering a zone of four or more months after the Hindenburg OMEN when a stock market meltdown usually (but not always) occurs. During a free market the alpha method works great because there are good stocks to buy and bad stocks to sell in every sector. But then the MSNBC market manipulators begin pumping stocks by the whole sector and this is made worse by the sector funds where people buy the whole sector. Gradually the ability to use alpha profitably diminishes because all the stocks in a sector then tend to move together. Now short sellers begin to go in and out of the sectors exaggerating the swings as the market average advances. That leads to polarization because the stocks in some sectors hit new highs while the stocks in the shorted sectors are hitting lows. That is when the Hindenburg Omen occurs.
But as the stock market gets into the final frothy stage the MSNBC market manipulators don’t have enough stocks to pump up so they go into the stocks that the hedge funds shorted. That panics the short sellers who then have to buy back their shorted stocks to cover their shorts and that ends the Hindenburg omen because it is no longer polarized but is even frothier.
That is where we are today and very often the market can go no further. Once the market can’t squeak out any new highs the shorts come back in full force and as the market goes down their profits grow. If their stocks drop 50% they have 50% more money to use to short even more other stocks. It has nothing to do with projected earnings and the corporations now must prepare for the worst. The drop of the market due to the short selling becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and then we in our ignorance think the stock market is just a leading indicator when in most instances it causes the economic swings.

The American economy has remained stagnant since Obama took office with 2% growth of which about 1.5% has been due to inflation. GNP numbers always look better when it is politically convenient but are usually dropped again after elections and then new optimistic forecasts come out.
We have said for a long time that the Obama Administration sometimes manipulates certain economic numbers to make them look good and then revises them back closer to the truth (off camera) before the next release so they can revise the next set and lie again if things are not going well. The MSNBC/Obama/Pravda stock market commentators never look back they seem to love the phony optimism. They did it in spades before the last election and even made GGP looking like we were coming out of the Obama Depression. Congress said Tuesday that they would investigate how the Unemployment numbers plummeted just before the election and then went back up in the Christmas season when more people were hired. It makes no sense. And the FED is no use if the numbers are phony Obama numbers.

Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.  

Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes.

World market updates:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 21, 2013 MSNBC seems focussed on destroying the American liberties that made America great. Our heterogeneous tolerant population has been America’s greatest source of innovation, productivity and international directed compassion. We help people all over the world because we are populated with people from all over the world. But unfortunately socialism is President Obama’s lame brained preference to the American Constitution’s protection of our freedoms including our right to keep what were earn and our right to overthrow any government that tries to take away our freedoms. The “right to bear arms” is the second right in the bill of rights,” and it is not referring to the right to hunt or do target practice.

Many Americans now fear being harassed by the government. The IRS is acting like a secret police harassing churches, veterans, historical societies and charitable organizations. The NSA is tapping the phones of reporters and government critics and is even gathering personal information illegally to embarrass political critics and elected officials. Reporters are being recorded illegally as they talk with government employees who disclose government crime and corruption.  Just last week someone resigned from office because they apparently were caught privately looking at embarrassing things on the web that are none of Obama's business nor the NSA's.   High ranking army personnel are being let go because their personal legal however personal embarrassing indiscretions’ were made public.   General Petraeus was an obvious setup that violated his right to personal privacy.  The only real crimes are the Obama government's and others that historically have set up a secret police or Gestapo/KGB/ IRS/NSA whatever you call it ostensively for the "good of the people." And then they harass the patriots and the religious groups they belong to and let the terrorists and their religious groups kill Americans. No Obama harassment agency questioned or recorded the two Moslem terrorists who bombed Boston this year because they were off limits. Russia even reported the two Moslem terrorists’ activities abroad and our Obama security officials ignored those reports.

The Internal Revenue Service, which has been caught harassing conservative organizations with demands for personal and ideological details, such as the content of prayers, has been doing the same to veterans’ and youth groups.!F41B5092-BC94-4A5D-AE89-7AA9EE62564E

"A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference." Thomas Jefferson

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Thomas Jefferson

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." C. S. Lewis

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

"The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination." Voltaire

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it. Abraham Lincoln

Socialism was the first democratic form of government started by Europeans in America. Obama never learned and hence does not know that the Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony started as socialists who outvoted the hard working members. So the workers had to work for the lazy because the lazy and older members who said they could not work voted in the majority.  But you see, when you work in the fields on the crops you always get enough to eat.  50% of the population died of starvation before the majority voted to have private garden plots and everyone could keep as much of what they produced as they wanted. Ultimately all the European socialist countries developed underground economies that report almost no incvome. In Southern Italy and in parts of Greece they have 90% of their earnings unreported. The total EU hidden economy is estimated to be the size of Germany’s.

Socialist Eastern Germany survived its last 10 years after 1979 because they allowed people to have private farm plots outside the towns and cities. Most socialists are just plain stupid because they are lazy and do not read much so they will not survive with socialism. Almost the entire generation of stupid socialists often has to die before private enterprise becomes legal again.    Someone needs to teach Obama how to get on the Web and get smart about the fact on socialismas well as the importance of a real family for teaching children that a real education is important. The Hilary Clinton "tribal education" system only worked when we lived in the real jungle not the asphault jungle.   Perhaps the Hilary system is why the inner cities are becoming jungles.  Obama and Oprah are correct that since Obama took office some  inner city Americans are definitely becoming more racist and Obama and Ophra should tell them to knock-it-off. They should start with the following people.

In 2010, after Brown won in Massachusetts and was sworn into Congress the Democrats lost the ability to get to 60 votes needed to stop debate of the lame duck Congress so they made several modifications to Obamascare using the simple majority reconciliation process, getting around traditional order in the Senate that typically requires 60 votes. That is how they got Obamascare passed by the Lame Duck socialist Congress in 2010.

They are threatening to do it again before the 2014 Congressional Elections to pass legislation that gives illegal immigrants citizenship so the socialist will have their votes every election for the remainder of their lives. They know American’s are waking up to the war the socialists have been waging on working Americans. Pretty soon the Socialists will have enough illegals, indigents, and voter registered middle aged street gang enforcers to convert America from the world’s breadbasket to another world basket case. Then who will be left to stop the Hitlers, Stalins, and Khomeinis from taking over the world in WWIII? The Socialists want these illegal aliens on the legal voter list ASAP!

November 19, 2013 We need to remember that it was a lame duck minority who lost their seats in the 2010 election that actually passed Obama’s socialized medicine. This is the first time in the history of the United States that a lame duck party has forced socialism down the throats of the majority. And they had just lost the 2010 election, but because they were still a lame duck "majority" they called Congress back into a "lame duck" session and passed socialized medicine in defiance of the American people.
The VIX indicates the current stock market run could be at the end as in 2007. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends. Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.

Also, we explained back then that the bifurcation of the market called by the Hindenburg Omen historically occurs 4 to 6 months before the actual market peak.  That indicator says the peak should be very close now.  During the bifurcation the market is still disciplined and polarized between institutional sell and buy lists.  But as the market becomes frothy discipline breaks down again.

In socialist nations such as the USSR the socialist party committee card holders constituted only1% of the citizens.  For that matter, Democrat Party Committee and Republican Party Committee card holders constitute only 1% of their own respective party.  Their parties themselves each represent less than 25% of Americans eligible to register to vote.    Zero percent (0%) of the elected Republicans voted in favor of Obama’s socialized medicine.  A single party also runs Cuba and many other “Banana Republics.”  In Iran, Syria and most banana republic socialist countries like Cuba you can get no social benefits unless you support the single party.   The candidates of the Democratic Party which constitute less than 25% of Americans of voting age of which 1% of that (less than .25% of the population) run the party.   They lost the Nov 2010 election and the lame duck Senators and lame duck socialist Congressmen forced socialist medicine through after they already lost the election but just before the lame duck congress was kicked out of Washington.  Americans had already booted out every one of the group who proposed socialized medicine and who were up for election before they passed the law. 

The purge of American Patriots has begun.  As part of Obama's war on men, hunters, and patriots starting with the history of founding fathers (WASPS!), Army personnel of all ranks are now being given the boot by the Obama Administration.  Most are justified by private personal infractions such as infidelity that no free nation would impose.  Some get the boot for fraternizing with the “terrorist” Tea Party or certain “Christian” terrorists.  The soldiers are given no quarter.  Soldiers at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Soldiers who were told they could go to college under the old GI programs are now told it is too late and all the rehabilitation programs for the wounded are being threatened as well because it would make the administration look bad if Americans realize Obama is now cutting active defense forces and establishing his “banana republic” headed by his “domestic security army” that every socialist republic must have.  So instead he is cutting all the programs that help primarily men.   Obama asks, why should men benefit just because they are healthy and risk their lives for their country?  Octomoms are more important to him because he can depend on their vote and the vote of everyone else on the receiving side of socialism. 
Republicans and Independents need not apply for socialist benefits.  The visiting Nurse Service of New York laid off 500 employees, part of fallout from scrutiny of seniors for hidden savings, affluent children or being caught not having been registered Democrat.   Tens of thousands of people are being removed from free long-term help to fee-for-service system to managed care in an effort to reduce nursing home use.  The NY Times is making many disclosures they never published before.

World Economies Nov 21, 2013
Pirates are now looting cargoes threatening African oil supplies. QE is depressing economies worldwide and weaker overseas markets such as Europe are limiting demand for world commodities including gold and fuel, keeping a lid on prices. QE devalues the dollar boosting American sales putting cannibalistic pressure on other countries to cut prices and earnings.

The EU is considering negative interest rates as socialists walk the Free Western World off the plank to hasten the rate that were achieve economic equality in worldwide poverty. That is the result of income redistribution. There is no incentive to work when we can all get fat while munching chips watching sports and home movies all day.

European stocks retreated from a five-year high as investors weighed valuations at the highest level since 2009.

Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.

Anyone who believes the socialists will stay in power and will impose their cost of this corruption of socialized medicine on the dwindling minority of American workers and believes these socialists will not be thrown out of office in the next three years should sell gold. If this major program of corruption of the American work ethic takes place, eventually all good Americans will defect and take a permanent vacation here or abroad.

The German market is the best of the foreign markets and is about 10% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007 or the short term trend. It is now right at the limits and that usually ends a trend of this length.

The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.

The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.

The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.

American Economy
Nov 18
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Sep $25.5B up from -$8.9B ++
NAHB Housing Market Index Nov 54 down from 55 –

Nov 19
Employment Cost Index Q3 0.4% flat 0.5%

Nov 20
MBA Mortgage Index 11/16 -2.3% worse yet -1.8% --
Retail Sales Oct 0.4% up from -0.1% +++
Retail Sales ex-auto Oct 0.2% down from 0.4%--
CPI Oct -0.1% deflationary 0.2% someone is manipulating numbers again
Core CPI Oct 0.1% flat 0.1% someone is manipulating numbers again
Existing Home Sales Oct 5.12M down from 5.29M ---
Business Inventories Sep 0.6% up from 0.3% -
Crude Inventories 11/16 0.375M down from 2.640M -

Nov 21
Initial Claims 11/16 323K down from 339K
Continuing Claims 11/09 2876K down from 2874K
PPI Oct -0.2% down from -0.1% - deflation
Core PPI Oct 0.2% flat 0.1%
Philadelphia Fed Nov 6.5 sharp contraction 19.8 --
Natural Gas Inventories 11/16 -45 bcf lower 20 bcf -

The Markets Nov 21, 2013
The market continues to bobble near the same highs of 2007 and before that, 2000. President Obama takes pride that the market is where it was when he decided to run for president. Employment is also at 2007 levels meaning that under Obama about 5 million graduates could not find a job. They voted for a socialist and got what they voted for, zero. We will not see free enterprise take off until a free enterprise president is elected. Only poverty grows under socialism.

We have said for a long time that the Obama Administration sometimes manipulates certain economic numbers to make them look good and then revises them back closer to the truth (off camera) before the next release so they can revise the next set and lie again if things are not going well. The MSNBC/Obama/Pravda stock market commentators never look back they seem to love the phony optimism. They did it in spades before the last election and even made GGP looking like we were coming out of the Obama Depression. Congress said Tuesday that they will investigate how the Unemployment numbers plummeted just before the election and then went back up in the Christmas season when more people were hired. It makes no sense. And the FED is no use if the numbers are phony Obama baloney.

Holiday discounts and internet sales threaten retailer profits again this holiday season, hurting anticipated fourth-quarter profitability. January looks like it could be the beginning of the selloff we have worried about since this summer. The market is up 6% but we have not yet called the peak. But as we said the market can be down 5% to 10% before it is possible to call the peak.

There was no FED interest rate increase that caused the 1929 stock market crash or the other half dozen crashes before that. Yet the market mavens say this market will rise forever unless the FED lets interest rates rise. That is how gullible people are who are buying at these prices. However there is always a rotation going on and people still profit by buying strong companies in sectors as they bottom out.

Talk on the street Tuesday was that the FED will make at least a token cut to QE to see what happens and the stocks stopped moving up.

Remember we showed that the stock market Hindenburg Omen kicks in several months after its sell signal and the market rises for a while first. The reason for the delay is the highly rationalized selection method used in the early stage of a bubble. But at the top of the bubble all reasoning is altogether abandoned and all ships rise with the tide.


Stock market volume (investor participation) has dropped continuously and is now down by 43% since Obama was elected in November 2007.

Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.  
Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes.

World market updates:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nov 15, 2013 The connection between the US stock market and reality has been broken by the flood of Fed QE money expanding the low cost credit of institutional speculators who have nothing in which to invest their cash other than stocks. So the stock market bubble just gets bigger and bigger. The question this time is, “Will hedge funds and brokers go bust when this bubble bursts leaving everyone with their life savings with brokers and funds broke.” A collapse of the market institutions would bankrupt many banks as well it funds and brokers go bust.

Nov 13, 2013  Honest Texans claim Obama and Holden are publicly falsifying all the penalties they are claiming against the banks.  It turns out they are giving tax breaks for the fines so Holden and Obama can claim they are tougher than they are.  Holden shaved 35 percent off the JPMorgan settlement cost claimed in his headlines. That, for example, turned the publicized settlement of $10 billion into a penalty of only $6.5 billion.   “It shouldn’t have hidden subsidies or sweeteners in the settlement,” said Francisco Enriquez, a tax and budget associate at the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, which says it operates as a counter to big banks. “If the DOJ is in the end going to look for a $6.5 billion price tag, then that’s what they should say.”
Emerging-market stocks fell, extending the longest rout since 2006, after China’s leaders failed to outline measures to curb state dominance of the economy and as the U.S. signaled it may trim monetary stimulus.  At the same time MSNBC said small American investors are shunning American funds and pouring into emerging-market funds now.
Nov 12, 2013 Low interest rates are rotting out the American economy from the core like an old infested tree. It may look healthy on the outside but it is filled with rot, bugs, worms and parasites. People are now saying that the policies of the Obama administration are creating a permanent American underclass where dishonesty, cheating, and unabashed lying are expected. There is no accountability and the making of false injury claims through a dishonest legal profession is ingrained as a game for survival.
Instead of cleaning up the dishonesty at Fannie and Freddie that made possible the liar-loan real estate boom, the administration is spreading the corruption everywhere. If you are a good person you are harassed because you do not go along with the corrosive dishonesty of the socialists who lie continuously.  There are few qualified people able to get mortgages today at low rates because banks make it difficult.  It is very painful to be sued by Attorney General Holden and watch the bank mortgage assets being destroyed by the occupants because the Attorney General is on their side.  Americans are bearing a higher cost now due to the high arson rate in housing in bad neighborhoods.
The media’s experts claim the FED has to take action soon to maintain credibility. The FED is currently setting America up for the worst recession/depression in the history of the world. Usually a recession occurs when interest rates rise and weak corporations go out of business causing a cascade of failures of marginal businesses. But QE is a way to suppress interest rates and we could lose much more if the weakness accumulates and gets to the point that many hollowed out industries that have become shadows of their past collapse in unison. Companies get hollowed out by laying off young expensive computer savvy staff while keeping older underpaid staff who are the experts of the old outdated systems. So while revenue declines profit soars and they take on low interest debt to pay off Carl Icahn blackmail threats and give the investors a pile of cash. Then when interest rates rise most of American private industry will risk default along with the American towns, cities, states, and national government. The longer low socialist interest rates continue the more America rots like a tree from the inside out. Greenspan is no socialist and he would never have permitted this national disaster to get so far out of control. Greenspan is philosophically an Objectivist and hates this government’s socialist policies.
The banks look healthy and can afford to pay off the Attorney General’s blackmail threats only because QE allows them to make a guaranteed profit with 0.1% borrowing cost from the FED to make 0.25+% corporate loans. Once panic shocks Obama’s socialist FED spending party, the banks will be in for another shock as corporations, towns, cities, states, and nations fail together. If we continue on Obama’s path we are going to soon see a rapid rise in socialist totalitarian governments under tyrants because just like Castro, Hitler, and Stalin; socialists create despair and disorder first so they can become freely elected tyrants to restore law and order and punish criminals. Pol Pot did not even waste bullets on the babies of intellectuals in Cambodia when he killed anyone whom had contact with "corrupt" western countries (America) and smashed the skulls of their children. He was close to unanimously elected. That is how the communist and socialist butchers all claim they are democracies. America is a Republic not a democracy but many socialists want to change our constitution to have elections won by a simple majority. But the socialist’s back up plan is to corrupt the electorate by giving them unearned entitlements by the whims of the socialist candidate. Already American workers are outnumbered as you can see below but so far American’s have not given way to socialism. When America does we will know the American life of free enterprise, liberty, honesty and faith will no longer be an alternative way to live on earth.
Ben S. Bernanke and Obama’s Yellen appointment are making America addicted and the rest of the world dependent on QE money backed by the very Obama/Dodd/Frank liar loans that wrecked the US economy in 2007-2008. Working people are getting exhausted with the work load as corporations cut people to help their bottom line profits. US Government pensions (public side) are already $4 Trillion in the hole. Many states, towns and cities were set up by liberals/ progressive socialists to go bankrupt after they left office and when the pensions and the jobs both go to zero. The joy of being a socialist-liberal-progressive is in winning elections, spending irresponsibly and paying yourself and friends well and then leaving the disaster of bankruptcy for someone else to take the blame. And unless Obama stops creating incentives for people to be corrupt, permanently stupid, and to lie and cheat to take entitlements and disability payments and let government pay off much of their mortgage debt; unless there is an incentive for working for a living, the disillusioned honest working population will give up and join the party or leave the country. Why put up with Obama’s IRS harassment of people who like to work because they until now thought working for a living was what people were expected to do?
Nov 11, 2013 Fewer than 143,568,000 people in America pay taxes for 319,900,000 people eligible to work. That means only 44.9% of Americans pay taxes that pay the net salaries of all government employees and all the recipients of welfare, socialized medicine, entitlements, disabilities, rebates, reparations, and subsidies. Government workers (the really stupid ones) claim they pay taxes too but they are too stupid to realize we pay them enough money to cover their taxes as well as their take home income. So who is calling who stupid? Think no further than of all the stupid men and women taxpayers who voted for Obama and his socialist Senators and Congressmen and would do so again.
 US population 2013 = 319.9 million people= 319,900,000 people
The total number of non-government male and female civilians employed in October 2013 was 143,568 thousand or 143,568,000 private sector people. Not all of these pay taxes for 319,900,000 people.
So who is calling who stupid? Think of all the really-really stupid current and retired taxpayers who voted for Obama and his socialist Senators and Congressmen and know now that they voted for these fools and still intend to vote again for any liberal/socialist Democrat or liberal Republican.
 Forget the unemployment rate. The employment rate -- the percentage of adult Americans who hold a job -- has barely budged under Obama.   In the end it is working and the retired American workers who voted for Obama and his policies that are most stupid of all.   And the most stupid American's are the ones who would do it again.  They are not lazy-stupid they are pure stupid-stupid.
World Economies Nov 13, 2013
Reborn fiscal responsibility in the U.K. has unemployment falling to 7.6% in a move toward further austerity to right the Brit economy and avoids the labor force destruction experienced in American under Obama’s quantitative easing and $Trillion annual deficits.  Obama appointed Yellen to maintain loose money.
 The biggest ever Chinese demonstration in US history took place across 26 American cities on Saturday to protest the "kill everyone in China" joke told and not cut from the US ABC TV show Jimmy Kimmel Live.
China vowed bigger role for free markets at the party summit. This makes good sense especially for domestic private consumption.
 The economy of Estonia the newest euro member is set to expand 1.3 percent this year, down from 3.9 percent in 2012 when it posted the European Union’s second-highest growth rate. It is headed toward Gross domestic product growth rate of 0.4 percent based on the last quarter.
 Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
Only just two months after Obama with the rest of the Group representing 20 nations pledged to "refrain from competitive devaluation, the race to take last place in global fiscal responsibility has begun anew as Central Bankers weaken their currencies to get a bigger piece of the pie. The socialist’s welfare system teaches entrepreneurial economic wealth creators that there is no profit incentive and therefore it is stupid to work in a hot risky economic kitchen when they can stay home and watch great TV serials and the sports channel or take the subsidized commuter bus to the casino. The global currency wars are heating up again as central banks are letting their wealth be devalued faster than since 1977 so foreigners will buy more and therefore combat a slowdown in trade. Pretty soon after they sell their houses they will be recommending burning their plastic furniture to heat their rented homes. No one ever suggests cutting socialist welfare when they themselves are trying to get on the dole.
 U.S. Federal Reserve said it will continue printing enough dollars to buy $1.02 trillion of federal bonds each year underwritten with defunct Obama/Frank/Dodd liar Loans because the Obama socialist economy is too weak.
Australia warned the Aussie is "uncomfortably high."
New Zealand said it is prepared to temper its dollar.
 The Czech policy makers said they were intervening in the currency market for the first time in 11 years to weaken the koruna. The Czech National Bank drove its koruna down by 4.4 percent versus the euro last Thursday.
 The European Central Bank cut its key rate last week.
 Brazil Finance Minister Guido Mantega said it’s a very real concern of these countries to keep their currencies weak but such moves threaten to spark a new round in a currency war, barely two months after the Group of 20 nations pledged to "refrain from competitive devaluation.
 However hedge funds cut bullish gold bets speculating the Federal Reserve will trim the $1.02 trillion in annual stimulus and strengthen the US dollar and drive down the price of gold. It is understandable that these funds have done very poorly buying gold high and selling gold low. The end result of debasing currencies is a rise in gold prices. The end of stimulation will primarily hurt the stock market and investments based on healthy growth in economic projections. So hedge funds continue to be losers and present an opportunity to pick up gold at recent its lows. These lows are due to the loss in real wealth as socialism brings about equality of poverty.
Anyone who believes the socialists will stay in power and will impose free socialized medicine for all future as well as the current 50million indigents at the expensive of all working Americans and believes these socialists will not be thrown out of office in the next three years should sell gold.
The German market is about 7% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high. It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.
 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Nov 13
MBA Mortgage Index 11/09 -1.8% improved from -2.8% after revision from -7.0% shows the Obama government is too incompetent to even fudge the data in a believable manner.-----
Treasury Budget Oct -$91.6B still terrible -$120.0B - ---
Initial Claims 11/09 339K up again 336K ---
Nov 14
Continuing Claims 11/02 2874K up again 2868K ---Trade Balance Sep -$41.8B worse again-$38.5----
Productivity-Prel Q3 1.9% down 2.3% --
Unit Labor Costs Q3 -0.6% down after fudging up to 0.5% after first reporting 0.0%,  If they had not falsified the data it would be down -0.1 % from no change the previous month.
Natural Gas Inventories 11/09 20 bcf down from 35 bcf - -
Crude Inventories 11/09 2.640M up 1.577M +++
Nov 15
Empire Manufacturing Nov -2.2 down sharply from1.5 ---
Export Prices ex-ag. Oct -0.4% down from 0.3% ++
Import Prices ex-oil Oct 0.0% flat from 0.2%
Industrial Production Oct -0.1% down sharply from 0.7% ----
Capacity Utilization Oct 78.1% flat 78.3%
Wholesale Inventories Sep 0.4% still increasing 0.8% ----

The Markets Nov 15, 2013
The connection between the US stock market and reality has been broken by the flood of  Fed QE money expanding the low cost credit of institutional speculators who have nothing in which to invest their cash other than stocks.  So the stock market bubble just gets bigger and bigger.  The question this time is, “When will hedge funds and brokers go bust, i.e. when will this bubble bursts leaving everyone with their life savings with brokers and funds broke.”  A collapse of the market institutions would bankrupt many banks as well it funds when brokers go bust.
A market collapse does not require an interest rate hike.  There was no FED interest rate increase that caused the 1929 stock market crash or the other half dozen crashes before that.  Yet the market mavens say this market will rise forever unless the FED lets interest rates rise.  That is how gullible people are who are buying at these prices.  However there is always a rotation going on and people still profit by buying strong companies in sectors when they bottom out.
Talk on the street Tuesday was that the FED will make at least a token cut to QE to see what happens and the stocks stopped moving up.  So today, Wednesday, the market cheer leaders got their pom-poms out and are saying the FED may never tighten.  So today they obviously want the markets to rise.  Yesterday the market mavens said the market can rise forever as long as the FED does not end QE.  Yet, in both dollars and in ounces of gold, Japan’s market has declined ever since they started QE over 20 years ago.
 Remember we showed that the stock market Hindenburg Omen kicks in several months after its sell signal and the market rises for a while first. The reason for the delay is the highly rationalized selection method used in the early stage of a bubble. But at the top of the bubble all reasoning is altogether abandoned and all ships rise with the tide.
 This time the Obama Fed numbers show the economy grew more during the government shutdown than with a functioning Obama government. Obama numbers are about as reliable as the old USSR economic numbers. How can anyone have any confidence in anything the Obama government touches? Treasuries interest rates rose the most in two months after a phony Labor Department report showed the economy added more jobs with the government shutdown, boosting speculation that the Federal Reserve may be setting people up to announce a reduction of its monthly $85 billion of bonds as soon as its Dec. 17-18 meeting. The plunge in stocks last Thursday indicates that the Obama administration leaked the Fed intentions to campaign contributors who then sold.
It is becoming clearer that the Fed’s QE may already have become a crutch that allows the world economy to hobble along. That plus legalized marijuana seems to keep the socialist students happy with the Obama administration. Who cares about studying or a job when you can live pretty comfortable with your girlfriend and her children as long as your girlfriend is on welfare? Is 'Octomom' America's Future? We are seeing the worsening effects of a socialist administration. But the stock market investors are going with the flow. You never go against the FED until the hyperinflation kicks in. And then you run.
Perhaps the fed will not announce QE tapering has begun and keep it a secret as Greenspan would have done. Then perhaps the stock market will not collapse immediately. But still the cash flow would decline. And since drugs like Opium do nothing to improve human productivity and withdrawal destroys productivity… is it not likely that while QE did nothing to improve the economy withdrawal may completely destroy it? It seems QE was just another stupid socialist economic belief in something for nothing.
 If the American Congress does not stop Obama’s socialized medicine America’s bankruptcy will stop it. The QE Liar Loan backed stock market bubble finally has carried the NYSE to within striking distance of a new high. It is not apparent yet how the QE bubble will implode but it has tied the world economies as well as the American stock exchanges to worthless liar-loan mortgage paper. There is little fat left in the economy to cut. It seems the crash may come due to massive bankruptcies brought about by a world wide stock market collapse. That would also hurt precious metals. In FDR’s great depression those who kept their jobs saw pay cuts that dropped their salaries on average by 50% and many people could not pay their debts. Fortunately for them few people had purchased on credit. But with an Obama depression credit markets will undoubtedly collapse as well.
 Stock market volume (investor participation) has dropped continuously and is now down by 40% since Obama was elected in November 2007.
Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.
 Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes
 If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.
The VIX indicates some market concern now at 20. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends. Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.
World market updates:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nov 8 2013 It is becoming clear now that Obama’s War on Men will put the last socialist nail in the ObamaMedicalCoffin for American Constitutional Liberties. Carl Schramm had an article in the WSJ yesterday on page A15 describing how ObamaMedicalCoffin rips off young men. Even an analysis of Obama administration Health and Human Services numbers notes that a 27-year-old male will pay 99% higher premiums under ObamaMedicalCoffin than he would under previously prevailing market rates. Actuarial and other research shows that the average male only sees a physician six times while between the ages of 21 and 35. In fact the cause of death and medical costs of young American men is primarily their sacrifice of their lives and health in the military services protecting the free world. Almost no American men are on welfare. Most unemployed young men work odd jobs at minimum wage levels below the IRS radar. ObamaMedicalCoffin will not cover poor men just as Obama’s welfare does not cover poor men. It promises instead to create a way to distribute legal drugs like Marijuana and pain killers to indigents.

But Octomom wannabes are encouraged by Obama social programs to have up to 14 children from multiple men so that she can legally receive close to $200,000 each year in welfare plus they can have free government medical fertility treatments to have more children until they max out all welfare.  Obama will give over 40 million more women and their illegitimate children even more welfare than Octomoms already have.  It is a myth that women and children on American welfare do not get free medical treatment already.  But this new system will open up $trillions in new medical expenses in new lawyer scams suing doctors for phony charges of malpractice.  Obama is not satisfied in his hatred of free enterprise in causing the longest economic contraction since our first socialist president FDR.  ObamaMedicalCoffin that benefits Octomoms and ambulance chasers will bankrupt the government.

Senior citizens will suffer the most because they will lose all their savings, social security will be bankrupted and they will be forced out of their home by skyrocketing property taxes.  ObamaMedicalCoffin will do nothing for the young and old warriors who get nothing because they are hard working and productive men who are discriminated against under socialism.  The main purpose of ObamaMedicalCoffin is to insure that socialists will be democratically elected the way Hitler’s party and the USSR communists were elected with 99% approval ratings until they bankrupted their countries morally and economically.


A senior administration official said that the U.S. will release new rules today requiring insurers to cover treatment for mental illness in the same manner they provide care for physical health further driving up the cost of ObamaMedicalCoffin and providing a whole new area of welfare for people who prefer the affluence that ignorance and emotional instability offer indigents under ObamaMedicalCoffin.


Carl J. Schramm is an internationally recognized leader in entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. Schramm served a decade as president of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation where under his leadership, the Kauffman Foundation grew into a global institution, becoming the largest private funder of economic research related to growth and innovation. Schramm initiated many efforts in education, spearheading the Kauffman Campus Program at 17 universities and establishing the first charter school in the United States owned by a grant-making foundation.  An entrepreneur himself, as well as economist and lawyer, Schramm founded and co-founded several successful companies in the health care, finance and information technology industries, including HCIA, Inc., Patient Choice Health Care and Greenspring Advisors. Among Schramm’s books are "Health Care and Its Costs"
Nov 7 2013   According to Thomson Reuters estimates, the U.S. economy added a paltry 125,000 jobs in October, even less than the disappointing 148,000 positions added in September. The unemployment rate is expected to have edged up to 7.3%.  The monthly average for the first nine months of 2013 was originally a dismal 178,000 jobs.  During a recovery one would expect 300,000 to 400,000 new jobs every month.  But with Obama’s socialism the young people don’t seem to even care and they still vote for his policies.  Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel claims that mandatory prison sentences popular in low crime states and searches of suspicious people with guns and knives are ineffective deterrents to crime.  Chicago has the highest crime rate in the world. 
Colorado just approved a 25 percent tax on sales of marijuana a year after legalizing the drug to raise money for schools.    New York will let as many as seven Las Vegas-style casinos open to create income and jobs.  The new leftist NYC mayor thinks searches of suspicious people with guns discriminates against criminals and will review the policy which reduced gun crimes in NYC by 80% when Mayor Rudy Giuliani‎ first introduced the program.
Obama and the Clintons hit the trail for McAuliffe in Virginia and he spent ten times as much as his Tea Party opponent Ken Cuccinelli.  Polling put McAuliffe double digits ahead the week before the election.  But Republican Ken Cuccinelli came within 2% and a recount was needed in many counties.  This is the first indication that socialism is at last beginning to lose its luster again in America.
Nov 5 2013  Recently Obama was in Sweden and praised their socialist system and poked fun of Americans who see Sweden’s socialism as bad.   Sweden did nothing to oppose National and International Socialism of Hitler and Stalin and remained neutral in WWII.  Countries such as Japan and Northern European countries have few minorities. The fewer the minorities the less oppressive socialism seems.  They become one big paternalistic family and father (the President) knows best.  But when things do not go well, heaven help you if you are not healthy or are in a minority.
Alan Keys points out that even the most free forms of socialism do not have the American presumption of innocence embodied in a Bill of Rights that Americans are presumed innocent because the Constitution guarantees we can use our guaranteed free speech and our guns to prevent a modern Hitler, or a Egyptian  Mohammed Morsi Moslem Brotherhood type totalitarian takeover and the replacement of the Constitution with Sharia law.  The army had to overthrow their socialist Egyptian dictator.  In America the socialists would not get that far and the armed forces are sworn to uphold our Constitution and few are brainwashed by socialist run colleges.
In Sweden for example if you are home schooling your children you are presumed guilty because you do not have that right, only the state has that right and their indoctrination is as pro-government control as Hitler’s and Stalin’s school systems.  Sweden is heading towards a one party bloodless dictatorship like all totalitarian systems have.  The majority loved Hitler, they loved Stalin, they loved Sadam Husein, and they loved the Imam Khomeini.  Socialism is a tyranny of the majority that outlaws even the right to disagree with them. 
“The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society." --Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816
Nov 4 2013  Investors stampede into initial public offerings in a frenzy not seen since the Obama-Dodd-Frank Liar Loan derivative financial crisis.  This is another indication of a frothy stock market top.
Fewer than 47 percent of Americans support Obama’s socialized medicine and the number is declining daily.  Americans have still not all learned that socialism is a paternalistic cradle to the grave society and because it destroys the incentive to work it rapidly gets into trouble and silently and quickly evolves and  gets rid of the sick and the unemployed first.  When socialism considers itself successful, the sick and mentally ill are institutionalized and never publicly seen again.  The poor are sent to labor camps where they either work or starve to death.  Of course their media is under complete control of the government and not only is the evil of socialism not reported they hold huge rallies to divert attention to their popular rising dictators.  Prior to WWII Hitler and especially Stalin was especially popular in the Universities.  That is why FDR became a flaming liberal and wrecked the American economy with social welfare programs and something for nothing that stagnated growth even worse than we have today.  FDR was elected for three terms and doubled the number of Supreme Court Justices with leftists so he could stuff unconstitutional socialist programs trough without resistance.  FDR’s abuse of power is why we have a two term limit on presidents.  We need a two term limit on Congress as well.
None of the many critics who called Bush… Hitler was ever fired.  That was because President Bush did not support socialism or go after the American Constitution’s bill of rights and Hitler was a socialist and hated and got rid what was the German Legislature.  Stalin also only really reported to his Socialist party too.  But if someone calls Obama a Hitler or a Stalin the leftists scream because everyone knows Hitler was a Nationalist Socialist and Stalin called himself an International Socialist and Obama is a socialist too.   Recently in Sweden he made it clear he liked socialism and did not understand why Americans do not.  Ben Stein was first criticized in 2008 interview after comparing one of Obama’s major campaign rallies to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi rallies at Nuremberg.  Ben Stein a well known commentator cites his questioning of Goldman Sachs’ liar loan derivatives activity as a second reason for his firing.    “I made a new set of antagonists by repeatedly and in detail criticizing the real power in this country, the “investment bank” Goldman Sachs, for what seemed to me questionable behavior. This elicited a mountain of favorable mail but also some complaints by well-placed persons.”
World Economies Nov 8, 2013
Standard & Poor’s cut France’s credit rating.
Shipbuilder OSX Brazil SA (OSXB3) is planning to file for bankruptcy protection Nov 8.
Angela Merkel the East German daughter of a Lutheran Pastor was a PhD Physicist and has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005.  President Obama had even had her cell phone taped presumably to help her socialist opponent weaken her coalition government.  She is having difficulty governing now.
Denmark broke away from Sweden and closer to the rest of Europe in setting a timeline for financial regulation. 
Emerging markets are running out of steam and will bear the brunt of the coming recession as interest rates rise.  Emerging-market stocks fell to a three-week low.
The Turkish lira is weakening again.
Thai shares weakened as anti-government protests strengthened.  In 1998 and in 2007 the hyper growth rate went into collapse.    Greece’s and Ukraine’s nation’s debt ratings have been cut to the junk level.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline.  It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing. 
 The German market is about 7% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high.   It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.
 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.  At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Nov 4
Factory Orders Aug -0.1% down again -2.4%  --
Factory Orders Sep 1.7% up from -0.1%  This looks like Obama Socialist manipulation.  September may be high so that they can show a drop in October because Obama refuses to take the blame for the terrible economy he has created.  
Nov 5
ISM Services Oct 55.4 up from 54.4  +++
Nov 6
Mortgage Index 11/02 -7.0% NA NA 6.4% -
Nov 7
Challenger planned corporate Job Cuts Oct -4.2%  dropped from last month 19.1% ++
Leading Indicators Sep 0.7% flat 0.7% -
AM Crude Inventories 11/02 1.577M down sharply 4.087 -
Initial Claims 11/02 336K down slightly from 340K
Continuing Claims 10/26 2868K up from 2863K
GDP-Adv. Q3 2.8% up during the shutdown 2.5% ++  This GDP is ridiculous especially given the government shutdown.  Last year at this time the Fed also gave ridiculous numbers that were revised down to about 2% growth the same as the inflation rate which really means Obama growth is nothing but inflation.
Chain Deflator-Adv. Q3 1.9% up sharply from 0.6%  --
Consumer Credit Sep $13.7B rose from $13.6B
Nov 08
Nonfarm Payrolls Oct 204K up from 148K after the government shutdown
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Oct 212K up from 126K after the government shutdown
Unemployment Rate Oct 7.3% up from 7.2% after the government shutdown
Hourly Earnings Oct 0.1% flat at 0.1% after the government shutdown
Average Workweek Oct 34.4 flat at 34.5 after the government shutdown
Personal Income Sep 0.5% up more than last time’s 0.4% after the government shutdown
Personal Spending Sep 0.2% flat 0.3% after the government shutdown
PCE Prices - Core Sep 0.1% flat at 0.1% 0 after the government shutdown
The Markets Nov 8, 2013
This time the Obama Fed numbers show the economy grew more during the government shutdown than with a functioning Obama government.  Obama numbers are about as reliable as the old USSR economic numbers.  How can anyone have any confidence in anything the Obama government touches?  Treasuries interest rates rose the most in two months after a phony Labor Department report showed the economy added more jobs with the government shutdown, boosting speculation that the Federal Reserve may be setting people up to announce a reduction of its monthly $85 billion of bonds as soon as its Dec. 17-18 meeting.  The plunge in stocks yesterday indicates that the Obama administration leaked the Fed intentions to campaign contributors yesterday.
It is becoming clearer that the Fed’s QE may already have become a crutch that allows the world economy to hobble along.  That plus legalized marijuana seems to keep the socialist students happy with the Obama administration.  Who cares about studying or a job when you can live pretty comfortable with your girlfriend and children as long as your girlfriend is on welfare.  Is 'Octomom' America's Future?  We are seeing the worsening effects of a socialist administration.  But the stock market investors are going with the flow.  You never go against the FED until the hyperinflation kicks in.  And then you run.
Perhaps the fed will not announce QE tapering has begun and keep it a secret as Greenspan would have done.  Then perhaps the stock market will not collapse immediately.  But still the cash flow would decline.  And since drugs like Opium do nothing to improve human productivity and withdrawal destroys productivity…  is it not likely that while QE did nothing to improve the economy withdrawal may completely destroy it?  It seems QE was just another stupid socialist economic belief in something for nothing.
If the American Congress does not stop Obama’s socialized medicine America’s bankruptcy will stop it.  The QE Liar Loan backed stock market bubble finally has carried the NYSE to within striking distance of a new high.  It is not apparent yet how the QE bubble will implode but it has tied the world economies as well as the American stock exchanges to worthless liar-loan mortgage paper.  There is little fat left in the economy to cut.  It seems the crash may come due to massive bankruptcies brought about by a world wide stock market collapse.  That would also hurt precious metals.  In FDR’s great depression those who kept their jobs saw pay cuts that dropped their salaries on average by 50% and many people could not pay their debts.  Fortunately for them few people had purchased on credit.  But with an Obama depression credit markets will undoubtedly collapse as well.
Stock market volume (investor participation) has dropped continuously and is now down by 40% since Obama was elected in November 2007.   
Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wasting human capital.
 Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes
If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.
The VIX indicates some market concern now at 20. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends.  Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.
World market updates: