Friday, November 1, 2013

Nov 1 2013 After the disclosure of the IRS harassment of conservatives and patriots, the NSA tapping of American phone lines including those of critical members of the press, and now the bugging of the prime ministers and governments of the EU… we have to take seriously the likelihood that it was Obama who had all of Mitt Romney’s campaign events recorded and that it was Obama who taped and released to the press Romney’s comment that America is at the point where more Americans receive more from the government than they pay in taxes. That is obvious with social security but more than half the people currently on social security paid into that program before they retired. Still all the kids in school that are getting Ritalin to control their angry disruptive behavior and many with faked disabilities are also on Social Security. Most Americans now know that for a fact and have a neighbor or relative getting disability payments that they use for something like ski lift tickets or to work out in the gym… but just does not like to work for a boss. With Obama’s socialized medicine America will swing decisively into a welfare state.

Socialism is what every indolent, inept, immature, and antisocial person aspires for because they want to be children forever and have no responsibilities for their lives.  But the behavior of Obama in spying on Mitt Romney must be an impeachable offense and his spying on the German and French leaders appears so incredibly stupid and inept that it must be part of Obama’s plan to destroy our liberty, our peace keeping credibility and America’s roll in the defense of liberty in the world.  He is literally making America hated by the whole world.

A consequence of the emasculation of America and Obama’s intentional running the American economy into the ground will be a return to the economic chaos that led to the rise of National and International socialist tyrannies. 

The stock market bubble and the housing bubble are now linked and underwritten by the underwater Liar-Loans mortgages.  The FED has bundled up the worthless Liar-Loan mortgages and is using that worthless paper to finance QE3.  Remember Liar-Loans were made to allow people with no stable means of support to buy houses on credit by forcing banks to accept their word that they turned their lives around and had a reliable source of income.  Banks could not disqualify them just based on their lack of credit rating.   Even now any banks that do not issue liar loans get sued by the Attorney General.   Banks had to accept lies that the applicants had turned their lives around.  They were often people who could not hold a steady job for more than one or two years but they lied and said they had turned things around.  And so they were able to make payments for a few years until about the time Obama ran for office and the liar loans began to unwind.   

Those near worthless liar loan securities are the basis and backing for the FED QE money printing programs.  That means most of that money that has recently gone into the stock market is actually worthless and the market and our entire economy is now one big bubble. 

The FED may now even be addicted and hooked.   For a full year they have talked of going cold turkey but then they get the economic sweats and delay the unwinding of the addiction to quantitative easing.  They went from $600,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 per year.  That is happened to the Weimar Republic (German’s first free enterprise democracy).  Bernanke had a 66% increase in one year.  That is how German hyperinflation and economic collapse and National Socialism (the Nazi) began before WWII.  This time the same nations are involved and several have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world. 

Oct 31 2013  Hillary Rodham Clinton said in her 2007 campaign for president that the next step for America (presumably after socialized medicine) is for the government to ensure that everyone has the job of their choice so that we can all be artists, or surf or do whatever we want to do all our lives.  She would like to guarantee jobs in the arts and entertainment so that any American can be fulfilled in the job of their choice and those mean spirited people who chose to work all the time and be useful will have to share their wealth with the “beautiful people”.  Karl Mark wrote his “Communist Manifesto” in 1848 and H.G. Wells understood that form of socialism. The Time Machine by H. G. Wells, published in 1895 describes a society in the future where all the beautiful people are supported on the surface of the earth doing anything they like to do by what appear to be working people living in tunnels underground.  The twisted ending is that the people living in the sun who do whatever they like are raised there like ignorant cattle and became the food source for the worker socialist society beneath the surface.  He saw communism as a type of cannibalism that only survives until they consume all the wealth, hopes, dreams, ambitions and lives of the beautiful idealistic people who are oblivious to the real world of socialism. 

50% of the Pilgrims starved to death in the first two years at Plymouth Colony until they gave up on socialism and each person was permitted to have their own garden for food. 

Americans have experimented with socialist communes many times and one that has survived is the “Amish” who exist still in relative poverty to this day.  They periodically have problems with their leaders often demanding the young men allow the leaders to share their wives as well as everything else.  Once in a while the young men say no and get punished by cutting off their beards.

The East Germans were starving already for several years before they tore down the Berlin Wall.  To combat starvation the Communists allowed East Germans to have private gardens (like victory gardens during WWII) outside the town limits and could keep the food they grew there.  Today, when the hotels and guest houses are filled you can often find a coldwater garden house to stay in for the night.  

OCT 30 2013  American businesses are forced to cope with the burden of implementation of the onerous requirements of Obama’s Socialism with companies like UPS voicing more concern over the cost of complying with the new health law and with doctors leaving the profession in fear of 50 million experienced scam artists coming in off the streets with ambulance chasing lawyers to sue them and hospitals in phony mal practice suits.  Costs will rise as doctors and hospitals lawyer up in defense.  It is a new welfare program for poor Asian students flooding American medical schools to become the next generation of doctors paid for by taxpayers to be whatever they would like to be with grants to be arts and explore their potential.   

UPS will cut expenses by dropping coverage for spouses of non-union employees who are considered of no value to socialist politicians who depend on union and welfare votes, indicated that the costs of transitioning to compliant insurance will total $100 million in expenses next year.  While historically unions always have supported socialism when it started their activists eventually also were sent to the Gulag to stop their demands when there was no more wealth to redistribute to their leaders.

OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes SA, could file for bankruptcy protection as soon as today.

OCT 28 2013  America is now leaderless.  Obama has made America the world laughing stock in the West, the world terrorist state to the East, and an incoherent clueless administration at home.  Now the American media has joined the European media to put Obama in the comic section of the newspapers.  Israel puts Obama on notice they are prepared to neutralize Iran on their own and socialist Hollande joins Merkle are warning that the Obama NSA is out of control.  Obama claims he didn’t know NSA was spying on American allies or American reporters who embarrassed him, he didn’t know his IRS was harassing non-socialist Christian Americans who did not think he was too smart, he didn’t know American embassies were vulnerable on 9-11 of 2012 after he took credit for killing Osama bin Laden, nor did he know his Attorney General was running guns to Mexico to falsely claim the gun running was done by American gun dealers.  Obama claims he didn’t know his socialized medicine was not ready for prime time.  Obama claims he doesn’t know very much.  Now Americans and the world finally all believe him. A political, economic, and health quagmire has now spread across the USA.  It is time for a change… a big change!

With hyperinflation a risk, U.S. government bonds act more like equities making Treasuries a hidden risk to investors blinded by the prospect of the Federal Reserve prolonging stimulus into 2014.

The Obama administration’s health-care overhaul debacle faced mounting problems Sunday the data services hub that supplies tax information to the websites failed due to another unanticipated unknown Verizon problem at the center that hosts it. 

Oct 28, 2013   Socialists don’t practice what they preach.  First of all, few socialist states are any more than small socialist states like Greece, Sweden and Portugal.   Margret Thatcher broke up the socialist unions and privatized the banks in Great Britain. Many other socialist states including Germany and Sweden subsidize the Catholic and Lutheran churches and have private independent bank corporations.  Germany’s Bishop of Bling was in the news this week.  The EU is a conglomeration, a union of states but not even close to a real United States like America.  The EU has neither a political nor a banking union as we have in the United States of America.  We have two major political parties across all the United States.  The EU averages four different political parties in each EU state.  Neither the USA nor the EU has single educational or medical systems as ignorant American socialists believe and clamor for. 

The only unions of states that have had Obama’s socialist type medicine are China and the now dead USSR and dead Hitler’s Third Reich.  The USA has each state with separate educational and medical systems just as we always have had and just like the EU has today.  And if you look at what China and the now dead United Soviet Socialist Republic and Hitler’s dead national socialist Third Reich did you see they conducted massive genocide programs sometimes slaughtering but mostly starving their welfare classes and the sick and infirm.  Just like Barack Obama… Lenin, Hitler, and Mao started their socialist revolutions ostensively for their ignorant self-important thugs that took power and then got busy with their genocide programs killing all their impoverished, sick, and infirm citizens and stole their lands and possessions.

Detroit poised for first white mayor since ’74 as politics shift.

More Americans than forecast filed applications for unemployment benefits last week.

It is time for President Barack Hussein Obama to fire his Secretary of Socialized Medicine… Kathleen Sebelius who has stonewalled Congress and the American people long enough.  She has even refused repeated requests for information on implementation of the health socialization law and ignored invitations to testify by Congress to explain the gross incompetence demonstrated by her department.

World Economies Nov 1, 2013
AT&T hits hurdles expanding in the world because NSA uses them to illegally spy on people.

Europe is now concerned deflation is beginning and a worldwide depression could be looming if and when the Obama QE Liar-loan backed bubble bursts.  A price slowdown could turn into a negative spiral that derails the recovery in the euro region. While the 17-nation economy exited six quarters of recession it still has record unemployment and shrinking bank lending.

The Obama Treasury Department complained Thursday that in 2012, Germany’s nominal current-account surplus was larger than that of China’s.  This is the first time in history that an American administration has become jealous and has begun to look bad dropping to third place when it comes to economic smarts. 

China’s top four banks posted their biggest increase in soured loans since 2010 as a five-year credit spree left companies with high debt, excess manufacturing capacity and slower profit growth and in an economic slowdown.  Obama uses his soured liar-loans as collateral for QE.  Obama, Dodd, and Frank were advocates of America’s liar loan strategy that failed. 

In the last quarter Taiwan’s economy grew at the slowest pace in a year (1.8%) as a weak global recovery failed to aid its exports. 

In the 1970’s government treasuries sold off their gold holdings.  But in the early 1980’s when gold rose 1500% government treasuries increased their gold holdings.  Then as gold dropped 60% to $300/oz as the year 2000 approached government treasuries sold off their gold holdings again. Finally as gold hit $1800 in 2012 government treasuries were filled again with gold holdings.  Now that gold has dropped 30% government treasuries have decided to sell off their gold holdings again.  Now then is the obvious time to buy gold because governments never seem to get it right. 

The central bank of China has reduced funding of the banking system since driving the benchmark seven-day repurchase rate to 4.88 percent as China tries to head off potential hyperinflation. 

China’s second-biggest maker of solar wafers, LDK Solar Co., teeters on bankruptcy having just won agreement from note holders for a 30-day reprieve from having to pay interest that was due Aug. 28.

Euro-area jobless numbers this week lays bare with the scourge of political quagmire destroying the economy in Italy.  The EU’s unrealistic low unemployment is forecast to be 12 percent in September with Italy’s level more than double Germany’s. 

Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline.  It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.   

 The German market is about 7% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high.   It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.

 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.  At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.

The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.

  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.

American Economy
Oct 28
Industrial Production Sep 0.6% slight improvement 0.4% ++
Capacity Utilization Sep 78.3% still full 77.8%
Pending Home Sales Sep -5.6% -sharply lower at -1.6% ----

Oct 29
Retail Sales Sep -0.1% down sharply from auto decline 0.2% ---
Retail Sales ex-auto Sep 0.4% up from 0.1% +
PPI Sep -0.1% down from 0.3% --
Core PPI Sep 0.1% flat 0.0% --
Case-Shiller 20-city Index Aug 12.8% slight improvement 12.0% ++
Business Inventories Aug 0.3% still increasing 0.4% --
Consumer Confidence Oct 71.2 plummeted from 79.7 ---

Oct 30
MBA Mortgage Index 10/26 6.4% improved from -0.6% ++
ADP Employment Change Oct 130K terrible, terrible 166K----
CPI Sep 0.2% ok 0.1%
Core CPI Sep 0.1% low 0.1%

Oct 31
Initial Claims 10/26 340K down from 350K +++
Continuing Claims 10/19 2881K up from 2874K---
Chicago PMI Oct  52.0 sharply lower 55.7 ---

Nov 01
ISM Index Oct  54.5 down from 56.2 --- 

The Markets Nov 1, 2013
If the American Congress does not stop Obama’s socialized medicine America’s bankruptcy will stop it.  The QE Liar Loan backed stock market bubble finally has carried the NYSE to within striking distance of a new high.  It is not apparent yet how the QE bubble will implode but it has tied the world economies as well as the American stock exchanges to worthless liar-loan mortgage paper.  There is little fat left in the economy to cut.  It seems the crash may come due to massive bankruptcies brought about by a world wide stock market collapse.  That would also hurt precious metals.  In FDR’s great depression those who kept their jobs saw pay cuts that dropped their salaries on average by 50% and many people could not pay their debts.  Fortunately for them few people had purchased on credit.  But with an Obama depression credit markets will undoubtedly collapse as well.

The WSJ warned Wednesday that the Emerging markets are running out of steam and will bear the brunt of the coming recession as interest rates rise.

Stock market volume (investor participation) has dropped continuously by 40% since Obama was elected in November 2007.   Americans have not yet recovered what they lost since the day he won.  The hedge funds have been beaten up and averaged about 7% gain/yr even with the stock market back up about to the level before Obama won the election in 2007.  Even the NYSE is approaching the high it hit before Obama won.   Yet enormous wealth has been lost and our college graduates since Obama have become a lost generation.  The socialists are printing money at a rate of $1.02 Trillion per year and what they are doing has never worked in any country in the last 300 years.  It was last done the homicidal maniac Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and led to hyperinflation, totalitarianism, racism and the racist murder of most white citizens there.  It led to hyperinflation and the rise of homicidal maniac Adolf Hitler in Germany and World War II and the genocide of tens of millions of people there. 

But with Obama starting hyperinflation of the worlds American currency base Obama now threatens the entire world with a worldwide Great Depression starting within three years.  The trick is what can we do now to survive?  Unfortunately past experience says we had better find a small free enterprise agricultural country where we will not be slaughtered or starved.  Many people are starting to plan for that.  The better solution is to sweep this socialist government entirely out ASAP and claw back all the wealth they are stealing.  We need a re-incarnated Ronald Regan or Dwight D Eisenhower.

Quantitative easing is used to hide the cost of increasing national debt and has the effect of inflating the world money supply much as the Weimar Republic did in the 1920’s before Hitler.  America enjoyed the Roaring Twenties then and Germany is now enjoying prosperity now.  But there is always a day of reckoning that will eventually be factored in by the world markets.  The world is drifting into another whirlpool of socialist tyranny and then redistributed poverty and genocide.

Gold prices seem to have bottomed and now are advancing in New York as Federal Reserve quantitative easing and China and Japan’s stimulus programs continue to boost demand for precious metals.  It is also a good sign that socialist countries resumed selling their gold stock piles like they stupidly did before each enormous rise in gold prices. 

Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wastes human capital.  

Once the FED loses control of interest rates people now predict the cost of just Obama’s existing squandered debt will drive QE to over $1Trillion per month.  This could happen before Socialized Medicine bugs are worked out and could be the excuse used to abandon Obama’s Socialized Medicine. 

The economy and the stock market always eventually disintegrate together under socialism.  The more socialism grows the more the economy shrinks.  That is the historical repeatable fact with no exceptions to the rule thus far. 

 Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes 

If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.

World trade started to grow as China began to replenish some iron ore stockpiles.

The VIX indicates some market concern now at 20. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends.  Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.

World market updates:

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