Monday, March 31, 2014

Apr 3 The stock market is extremely-extremely illiquid. The danger now is that a crash could wipe out many hedge funds that have run up stock prices because they are no longer hedging. Many stopped hedging about two years ago. This is an entirely new type of bubble we are facing now. The idea of hedging one’s bet was based on the assumption that we cannot predict the markets but we can differentiate between the stock leaders and losers in each industry. So the hedge funds computed alphas for each stock category and bought the high alpha stocks and shorted the low alpha stocks. That worked well in a normal market. But last year the bubble boosted even the stocks that were dogs, and many hedge funds did poorly because in a bubble even dogs can fly.

Therefore, starting last year the funds also threw good judgment out the window and jumped into the market with both feet.  The economy has been a dog for seven years and Europe is seeing new signs of a depression coming.  It has already hit the emerging countries.  We can no more believe Obama than we can believe Putin.  Obama and Putin keep putting out fake economic data.
The middle class conjures images of self-sufficient people with stable jobs and pleasant homes working toward prosperity.  Yet nearly five years after Obama said his Great Recession ended, more people are coming to the painful realization that they're no longer part of the middle class.  Former professionals now stock shelves at grocery stores, retirees struggle with rising costs and people working part-time jobs are desperate for full-time pay.  Since Obama was elected, the number of people who call themselves middle class has fallen by nearly 20%, according to a survey in January by the Pew Research Center, to just 44 percent of Americans.   Now forty percent identify themselves as either just lower class or lower-middle class compared with only 25 percent before Obama (BO).
Since Obama BCE has replaced BC.  BCE means before the current era.
SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. posted a 13 percent drop in attendance at its theme parks.
Mar 31    Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA)'s General Manager Kingston Chang in China has left the company as the electric carmaker gears up to enter in the world's most expensive car to produce in the worlds largest auto market for inexpensive cars.  Tesla will not be able to mass produce the cars until it can cut the cost of batteries 75% and develop a way to fix the leaks and fires, and to recycle all the toxic chemicals used in the batteries.  Tesla will be one of the investment disasters of this year’s pump and dump technological nonsense that has reached all time highs.  The Tesla cars have all the acceleration characteristics of the electric bumper cars at the Coney Island and other amusement parks.  That technology is what amusement parks are built on.  “There ain’t nuttin new about dem” as Jimmy Durante would say.  Walt Disney Co has been using the technology for years.   Amusement rides are based on the acceleration you get with electric motors.  What has made Tesla investors so dumb?  Probably they listen to the same investment advisors that made Bitcom a hit on Wall Street.
60 Minutes said yesterday, “The Stock Market is rigged by Wall Street and high speed trading that jacks up the stock price before we buy and that sells before we sell. “  They make pennies off of each of the trillions of shares sold.
California is now #1 in national poverty and taxes.  It is now 24th in education and close to last in new jobs.  It has $500 Billion in unfunded liabilities according to Squawk Box.
World Economies
April 3
China has outlined a new stimulus package after signs its economy is slowing at a faster pace.
IMF warned Wednesday that the world faces “years of slow and subpar growth”, highlighting the contrast between the stock market bubble and economic reality.
Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, KKR & Co., and TPG Capital, the firms that acquired Energy Future Holdings Corp. in the biggest-ever leveraged buyout, would have their investment all but wiped out in a reorganization plan being discussed.
Putin’s standoff with the U.S. and the European Union over Ukraine poses a threat to the weak global economy said International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde.
Mar 31
The economic hype is getting quite intense as many countries are trying to ward off the deepening Obama depression.  The previous administration had a $700 Billion stimulation package but the lack of the current administration leadership has reduced world confidence in anything this socialist American administration does.
Almost half of Ukrainians say they desire Ikea products from Sweden more than any other global brand, yet the largest home-furnishings retailer hasn’t been able to crack the market in a decade of trying. The reason: it won’t pay a Russian Oligarchs bribes.  The Ukrainians were part of the Swedish kingdom before Peter the Great conquered them.  Putin's government is almost entirely financed by bribes which are one of the hidden taxes in socialist countries.  That is the reason Obama has gotten three times the business contributions of any honest Democrat before him and beat the Republicans who help businesses to create jobs.    Obama is a socialist and expects all businessmen to be corrupt and pay the Obama oligarchy to avoid harassment by the gun running Attorney General.   Standard and Poors is the first company to stand up to this most corrupt government in American history.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy 
Mar 31
Chicago PMI Mar 55.9 down from 59.8---
Apr 1
ISM Index Mar 53.7 slow growth 53.2 -- (50=no growth at all)
Construction Spending Feb 0.1% low and flat 0.1% --
Apr 2
MBA Mortgage Index 03/29 -1.2% terrible again -3.5% ----
ADP Employment Change Mar 191K down from 178K --- needs to be at least 300
Factory Orders Feb 1.6% 1.1% improved from -0.7% + but erratic
Crude Inventories 03/29 -2.379M down 6.619M – means higher prices
The Markets
April 3
The bigger the bubble, the deeper the collapse, and the greater momentum and damage that occurs.
Mar 31 
60 Minutes said currently the market manipulation that is going on is legal because there is no law against front running with insider high speed transaction information.  
Stocks like Tesla and many 3D printing companies and drug companies are enormously overvalued.  
The Obama government data is manufactured the same way all communist countries manufacture the data.  New hiring is down around 200,000 and needs to be twice as high for a recovery.  No good businessman in his right mind trusts this socialist administration.  The markets are churning and paper profits are no longer covering commission expenses.  That is what happens when there are hardly any individual investors willing to buy above the highs of the yr2000 DOTCOM bubble and the Obama/Frank Liar Loan Bubble yr2007 and where the current markets lost steam yr2014.  Note there was 7 years between the bubbles.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster. 
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when world trade was five times higher than today.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.
World market updates:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mar 28 UBS Group Americas CEO Bob McCann says investors aren't pouring money into equities at these high prices after getting burned at these same highs during the 2008 financial crisis. A deflationary future beckons for much of Europe, China is entering a recession and Japans market still has not reached its highs of 1990 when Japan not China was the second largest economy. Will China ever see its recent highs again?

Biotech and 3D printer Co are beginning to take big hits.  They are sectors the public investors are highly invested in so the funds are bailing out first.
Mar 25   Existing home sales, year over year are down 7%.  Consumer sentiment is now as high as it was in the panic selling of 2008.   Yet it is down 25% from the last market 2007 high and down 45% from the Dot-Com bubble.  Yet, both of these indicators were spun as good news to get people to buy in at the market top so others can bail out.
China may now be invited to replace Russia forever in the world economic community. Nothing much has changed in socialist Europe as Obama’s socialist policies of debt and entitlements for lethargy have stagnated the United States economy.   European economies were hurt as well by the Obama reverse racism based “liar loan scandal” that decimated the housing market in America. 
In order to boost minority ownership of American homes the Obama-Dodd-Frank legislators accused banks of redlining if they did not make their quota of loans to minorities and did not accept the word of the applicants that said they could afford the mortgages.   To make it easier for minorities, they were permitted subprime mortgages from the banks which converted to regular interest rates after three years when they expected to “flip” the house.  The Attorney General then used entrapment to snare the banks by having fully qualified minority members make applications while refusing to show adequate proof of their qualifications.  When such a minority member was refused the loan the minority member would then sue the agents and banks and show they were indeed qualified and they lied and pretended they were illegally discriminated against.  That forced realtors to accept the lies of minorities that were not qualified but who had no public record of ineligibility.  They were called Obama-Dodd-Frank liar loans because the agents had to accept the word of liars or Obama-Dodd-Frank would have had them sued.
Many of the liars were saved with Obama’s federal funds to allow liars to only have to pay pennies on the dollar to become mortgage free home owners.  That corruption was nothing compared to the horror of Obama and Holder running guns to the Mexican cartels to try to get guns unconstitutionally banned in America.  Their gun running to drug cartels cost the lives of one American border guard and the torture and murder of an estimated 35,000 innocent Mexicans.  Our elected and appointed criminals in this government need to be brought to justice. Most Americans now realize that most of the news media as well as the Obama administration are dominated by incompetent pathological liars. 
Notice that since Standard and Poors said Obama and Holder were illegally investigating and suing them because they told the truth about Obama’s terrible deficit consequences that suddenly Obama and Holder have backed off because it is such an obvious case of government corruption and thug intimidation of Americans.
World Economies
Mar 28
The collapse of Chinese developers in Shanghai foreshadows a shakeout among the nation’s almost 90,000 real estate companies as the government reins in credit and the housing market begins to collapse. 
Mar 25
Russia is out of G-8!  The world’s top industrial powers threaten further sanctions to deter dictator Putin from taking over other parts of Ukraine.  China may now be invited to replace Russia forever in the world economic community.
The world-wide recession is the aftermath of Obama liar loans.  The liar loan scandal was monitorized by Goldman Sacks and other banks that created a new derivative market and mortgage insurance market with “tranches” of American mortgage instruments of fictitious stated investment quality which were actually worthless because many were based on loans to liars.  The worthless securities were bought by retirement –funds throughout the world and brought down the Free-world’s banking system in 2008.  The USA had to help because Obama’s reverse-discrimination Liar-Loans brought down Europe as well as the USA.  Nothing much has changed since the incompetent Obama administration has done little to nothing to clear the books of its racist-based liar loans to ineligible people.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2007. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy
Mar 25 
Case-Shiller 20-city Index Jan 13.2% down from 13.4% --
FHFA Housing Price Index Jan 0.5% down from 0.8% ---
Consumer Confidence Mar 82.3 up from 78.3 +
New Home Sales Feb 440K sharply lower than 468K ---
Mar 26
MBA Mortgage Index 03/22 -3.5% sharply lower -1.2% --
Durable Goods -ex transportation Feb 0.2% down from 1.1% --
Initial Claims 03/22 311K down slightly from 320K +
Mar 27
Continuing Claims 03/15 2823K down from2876K a farce---
GDP less deflator - Third Estimate Q4  1% up from 0.8% terrible ---
GDP Deflator - Third Estimate Q4 1.6% flat 1.6%  6.4% annual rate--
Obama supporters now poll nonregistered voters because Obama supporters think the unregistered are dumber and are therefore more likely to say Obama is doing a satisfactory job.  The honest Fox polls prove the Obama supporters do in fact like to poll uninformed people who think this is still 2008.
Thanks to Obama/Holder reverse racism, no one in business trusts this administration and most of the world thinks Americans elected a bunch of idiots in 2008 and 2012.  Finally the American public is taking the blinders off. 
Will Obama and Holder have to flee the country to escape prosecution by the next administration on behalf of the harassed Americans and murdered Mexicans and others when the investigations of harassment begin in earnest? 
The Markets
Mar 28 
The markets are churning and paper profits are no longer covering commission expenses.  That is what happens when there are hardly any individual investors willing to buy above the highs of the DOTCOM bubble and the Obama/Frank Liar Loan Bubble where the markets lost steam this year.
Mar 25 
The stock markets are right where they were before the Obama Liar-Loan collapse and Obama took office.  The markets and the world economies have stagnated under the influence of Obama’s socialism and war on honkies i.e. white men.
Most Americans now realize that most of the news media as well as the Obama administration are dominated by incompetent pathological liars. 
Has any non-white or non Christian organization been audited by Lois Lerner?  Have you been harassed by the Obama administration or punched in the head lately for being a honkie? 
Have you heard Obama or Holder or anyone in their corrupt and incompetent administration tell anyone they should stop punching honkies in the head?
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster. 
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when world trade was five times higher than today.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.
World market updates:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mar 21 The outlook for Russia’s BBB credit rating, the second-lowest investment grade, was cut to negative from stable by Standard & Poor’s, which said the economy is threatened by Western sanctions over its invasion and annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region. The heightened geopolitical risk and the prospect of U.S. and EU economic sanctions following Russia’s invasion of Crimea could reduce the flow of potential investment, trigger rising capital outflows, and further weaken Russia’s already deteriorating economic performance.

While Obama is as weak as Jimmy Carter was, Jimmy was a decent man and did not sic a secret political police on Americans.  With such a weak American president Israel might now feel emboldened and decide to go in and take out Iran’s nuclear aspiring religious dictatorship and set the Iranian people free.  Obama has had the effect of emboldening and destabilizing the Islamic and communist enclaves. 
Mar 20   Russia will likely be suspended and the G8 will go back to being the G7.  If China refrains from territorial grabs, China will likely be part of the next G8 not Russia. The smart thing for Yellen to do to stimulate the economy is to start to gradually raise interest rates now, not next year.  That would cause house hunters and businessmen to rush to get invested before mortgage and business loan interest rates rise.  The bank prime interest rate should be raised a few hundredths each month but at a progressively faster rate that gets it to 4% in two years.  Then banks and businesses would see that they had better make adjustments.  People will project that they need to refinance and to buy real estate before it is too late.  That would kick-start the American economy.  Once it gets going in a year then hold the rates flat as long as possible before inflation kicks in.
Wake up America! Fast& Furious gun running, IRS harassment of patriots and tea party, NSA tapping our phones and emails, the administration’s abandonment of Benghazi, and Obamascare are true scandals.
These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current socialist government and its cultural environment.  They reward those who want to take what Americans have earned and punish people who love and protect America
 1. We are advised to NOT judge any savage Sharia law Muslims by the actions of all their lunatics rampaging the world, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money, but we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money.
 What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.
 3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII’ Pearl Harbor, but we are not stopping the payments to illegal aliens.   This is what illegals receive monthly-- $1500.00 per child, $500 for housing, Food Stamps, Free education including college and the right to vote.
Mar 19  The New York Stock Exchange market daily volume for the recent two day rally was 10% below the volume during the previous week’s decline.  It is only half the volume of the market prior to the candidacy of Obama.  The equities markets have contracted every year of his administration, not just during the market declines but also when the market rose as well.  It is as though the entire public is afraid to invest while Obama is in office and the entire market is based on quantitative easing and the inflation of market price simply because more federal cash is chasing the same stocks.  It is a very bad sign that the two day rally has occurred during a contraction in market cash flow.  It means the funds are fixing the prices and there no longer is a free market at these prices.   
Last year Obama said 40 million people in America living in poverty were unable to get any medical care.  Then they inflated the figure to 50 million neglected poor people.  Yet, so far after three years of propaganda and three months of open enrolment the total of everyone who has attempted to sign up for free socialized medicine is less than 4.5 million.  What happened to the other 45.5 to 50 million missing people Obama said are living desperately in American poverty who Obama apparently was told came out and voted for him because of socialized medicine?  Do we have a problem with too many people in American cemeteries that faithfully vote for socialist like Obama but do not get adequate American health care?  What does that say about the possibility of voter fraud and healthcare fraud if 45.5 million people who did not sign up for free healthcare were still able did get out and vote for Obama?  Shouldn’t some of the 45.5 million possible dead Obama voters be asked to prove their identity before they are allowed to vote next time?  Wouldn’t a photo ID for every American voter be a good idea? 
Socialist societies are basically slave societies with very little freedom.  This is the first time in 4000 years that most men and women in China have personally seen the benefits of free enterprise, although still few yet have and use this freedom.  China should be allowed to replace Russia in the Group of Eight (G8), the forum for the governments of a group of eight first tier and second tier industrialized countries.  Russia has fallen behind China now and has become too temperamental under Democrat Socialist Putin, to continue to work with civilized countries.
Norway, Sweden, and Denmark were the hub of the Viking culture.  The Russ were the first Russians and they were actually the Swedish people who sailed their boats up into the mountains in Europe, then dragged their boats to the other side and then sailed down the rivers to the black sea to trade.  They were blond and they mingled with the Slavic peoples of what are now Eastern Europe and the Ukraine.  The Ukraine was then part of the domain of the Swedish King.  
Modern Russia is where the Mongolian Golden Hordes of Batu Kahn settled when the barbarians were stopped in Eastern Europe and were slowly driven back.  The Mongolian traits are evident in Putin and the people of Peter the Great’s Russia.  Peter the Great of Russia defeated the Swedish army in the Ukraine and was the first to make the Ukraine part of Russia.  But later the Ukraine broke free and was part of Slovakia which extended then from what is today the Czech Republic all the way to what is today Russia.  If it were not for Stalin’s invasion the Ukraine would likely be as wealthy as France today.  Of course that would also be true of most of Eastern Europe.
Stalin invaded the Ukraine, Crimea, and a few others countries before Stalin and Hitler were at first allies and made their secret non-aggression pact to divide Eastern Europe between the USSR and Nazi Germany.  They planned to attack Poland from both sides and annihilate the Polish army in a few weeks.  But Stalin delayed his half of their combined invasion of Poland by two weeks and Hitler was furious because Hitler lost many soldiers invading from the west and Stalin just marched in unopposed from the east.  That is why Hitler then threw away their treaty and made the big mistake of opening another war front with Russia.
The Nazi and Communist governments both where socialist dictatorships with only one political party allowed to rule.  One had the Nationalist Socialist Party (NAZI) party and the other the International Socialist Communist Party.  All socialists who have any brain at all know both dictatorships were socialist countries.  The Italian fascists were a socialist dictatorship as well.  Dictatorships are tyrannies of the majority with no operable constitutional protections, just great freedoms on paper. Unfortunately, few American socialists have the brains to know or the courage to admit the Nazi, fascist, and Communist systems were cradle to grave governments that spied on and tortured and killed any who believed in human freedoms or free enterprise.   They all used slave labor and slaughtered their minorities, the disabled, and their poor.   No American with knowledge and a drop of intelligence would propose socialist redistribution of income.  Even the Red Chinese have become educated and smart enough to use free enterprise incentives to grow more in the last 20 years than they grew in the last 200 years.  That is why the Obama Administration is so disappointing with their failed and stupid banana republic socialist plans.  If Mitt Romney had won, America would be growing again without a “Big Brother” government spying on and harassing all Americans who have criticized their moronic failed policies that Hitler and Stalin and Mao demonstrated do and cannot ever work.  They last until they exhaust all their previous work ethic and wealth.
World Economies
Mar 21 Freedom from Russian domination sidelines climate concerns.  EU leaders ask the European Commission executive, to determine within three months ways to diversify energy sources away from Russia -- the main supplier of clean gas and dirty oil to Europe through Ukrainian pipelines.  Leaders of the 28-nation EU delay a decision on carbon-reduction targets at the EU meeting in Brussels.
Mar 20   The thought that a recession in China would not cause a short contraction (negative growth rate) is about as absurd as it can get.  The USA had small depressions almost every 40 years since it was founded including two before 1816.  China has a mess of bad debt and needs to take small bites now or eventually face a depression.
Russia will likely be suspended and the G8 will go back to being the G7.  If China refrains from territorial grabs, China will likely be part of the next G8 not Russia.
Mar 18 China announced that the kiwi will become the fourth currency to be convertible into yuan, joining the Australian dollar, the Japanese yen and the U.S. dollar.  China is trying to raise and stabilize the value of the yuan to allow it to import resources more cheaply not because they want more imports of finished products.  China should replace Russia in the G8.
Country Rank GDP $Billion
 World 83,193
1  United States 16,244
2  China 12,261
3  India 4,716
4  Japan 4,576
5  Germany 3,167
6  Russia 2,486
7  Brazil 2,330
8  United Kingdom 2,313
9  France 2,238
Mar 17 The Euro zone inflation drops back to recession concern and rate-cut level dropping to 0.7%.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy
Mar 17
Empire Manufacturing Mar 5.6 recovered slightly from last months decline level 4.5 +
Industrial Production Feb 0.6% recovered a bit from -0.2% ++
Capacity Utilization Feb 78.8% up from 78.5% +
NAHB Housing Market Index Mar 47 flat from 46  +
Mar 18
Housing Starts Feb 907K down from 909K --
Building Permits Feb 1018K up from 945K ++
CPI Feb 0.1% flat  at 1.2% per year 0.1% stagnation Japan style! --
Core CPI Feb 0.1% stagnation Japan style 0.1% --
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Jan $7.3B people are paying taxes now -$45.9B 
Mar 19
MBA Mortgage Index 03/15 -1.2% still declining -2.1% --
Current Account Balance Q4 -$81.1B still very bad -$94.8B --
Mar 20
FOMC Rate Decision Mar 0.25% no change 0.25% -
Initial Claims 03/15 320K worse than 315K -
Continuing Claims 03/08 2889K worse 2848K --
Existing Home Sales Feb 4.60M down from 4.62M -
Philadelphia Fed Mar 9.0 improved from -6.3 +
Leading Indicators Feb 0.5% phony they lowered last month to 0.1%  from 0.3%,  It should be flat at 0.3% not improved.  The Obama administration is transparently stupid, and it cowardly attacks and harasses good Americans.
The Markets
Mar 21 New York State has had some success stimulating new development upstate.  Also non-residential construction has had some recent growth in what 100 years ago had been the center of the world power generation development.  Nano technology is the main focus now.
Mar 20  At all past market highs the balance sheets were filled with losses which were hidden by falsely but legally quoting assets and acquisitions at cost not at true value, and by capitalizing losses and by making off balance sheet corporate entities to hide corporate debt.  Even Greece went nearly bankrupted by keeping debt off the books until they could no longer afford the interest payments on the debt.  It is easy to get away with this type of corporate fraud today because the CEO’s hope to take the golden parachute and retire before interest rates rise and the fraud they are perpetrating on the shareholders becomes obvious.   Look at the GM accident fraud they have covered up that we just discovered caused the deaths of over 100 people while Obama touted them as a success.  The reason they always seem to get away with this fraud at market peaks is because the fraud is so widespread they claim the problem is systemic not just outright fraud.  Goldman Sacks was a case in point when it was selling junk to clients and buying insurance bets against their clients.  The entire Solar array industry today will be one of the biggest black holes of fraud when its market collapses.  The crap they are selling will not last ten years.  The propane energy alternative is another rip-off and there will be a backlash coming there.  When the corrupt socialist leaning Congress is cleaned up, then we will get back to American prosperity and boot out the corrupt government officials and the corrupt businessmen that are hollowing out our industrial capacity.
Mar 18 Kudlow reported that the Obama’s employment data for the last six months was falsified.  There were 100,000 jobs lost not 900,000 jobs gained.  That was because the number of hours worked each week fell to 34.2 hrs per week.  Today MSNBC further announced the jobs went down even more than that because Obama counted two part-time jobs for one person as two jobs for two people.  Putin has been giving Oboma advice on how communists hide the fact that socialism is a job destroyer.
Mar 17
While the next correction probably will be large, the good news is that it is beginning to look like socialists in Congress may become extinct soon and socialized medicine will likely be scrapped.  If that is the case, then once again it will be good time to buy on the dip.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster. 
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s all time best world trade highs and 90% higher than today.
The volatility index is down because options traders have multiplied and they jump in when volatility is high.  Two years ago options trading profits exceeded stock profits.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.
World market updates:

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mar 17 War on women? Socialists always make the claim that people who believe in economic freedom are waging a war on women. The Russian Communists always claimed their women were freer than the women of the Western enterprise economies and made more money too. But when the Iron Curtain came down we got a good look at their high tech factories where their jet aircraft were made. The craftsmen were almost all men but the plant engineers were about half women. The women engineers were paid less than the manual workers and the men engineers were paid almost double.

The assembly line itself had wooden support structures instead of steel so they changed shape with both temperature and humidity making aircraft quality control very poor.  Their jet engines were Neanderthal quality.  They set their flight speed records by running the engines to their redline limits during those records.  So while American military engines had 10000 hours operating life left and commercial engines get 30,000 hours of life, a Russian four hour speed record would be made with an engine that landed with no engine life left at all remaining.   
The American jet engine’s hot section had single crystal blades that were cast hollow so they were internally cooled and could operate a few hundred degrees hotter than the Russians could. The Russians tried and just did not even have the capability to copy the American turbine blades or the American electronic technology even when they tried.  In the communist countries the women continually worked in factories the way American women had to work in America during WWII.  But during peace time American women have the freedom to do anything they want as long as they study and pass the requirements. 

It was Karl Marx who advised all socialists to accuse the people who believe in economic and personal freedom of waging a war on women.  He said that was very important for their communist propaganda.  

“Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”  Karl Marx

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mar 14 When you take a $trillion a year and put into stocks you get stock price inflation not economic growth. The money leaves the stock market in the volume commissions and salaries. Volume of trades went down 50% during this current bubble. That means the market makers are not making money pumping so they will soon begin dumping again. That will cause margin calls, panics, and brokerage bankruptcies. Once investors get stuck with a broke broker who wipes out its clients then panic will really take over. Let’s hope that does not happen. We have never seen trading volume fall like it has now, not since the Democrat peanut farmer President had 52 Americans being held hostage in Iran for 444 days. At the end of that bubble the trading volume was also down 50%. The evil empire socialist president will not go down in history the same as the smart and compassionate man that the nuclear engineer president was. The conservative borax clean President Reagan hopefully has a younger clone hiding behind a curtain somewhere.

It is becoming apparent that the Malaysian 777 was probably high jacked to be used for terrorism.  If that is the case the terrorists will probably act fast. 
Mar 13  This bubble is getting ready to pop just like the Dot Com bubble did in 2000 and at the height of the Obama-Frank mortgage Liar Loan derivatives bubble in 2007.   Stock salesmen were saying stocks were fairly valued and earnings were increasing then too.  That was a lie then just as it is a lie today.  At the height of the housing bubble in 2006 the realtors were saying housing is the best buy too.  Come buy a home with 10% down and a low 3% interest mortgage and flip it and sell in with a 30% profit in three years.   Make 300% profit that way.  The reason it is a lie is because bubbles are not good investments they are all hot air with the values inflated by the fools who cannot tell the difference between real growth and just revenue growth based on borrowed money bidding up the price of equities.  Every sucker can make money by borrowing when stocks and real estate prices are rising because the Fed is pumping in $1.02Trillion per year or when the banks are loaning out $40 for every $1 they have in reserves because they ignore the fact that more than half the debt they hold for reserves is worthless.  Once the bubble pops corporations right and left declare bankruptcy and the implosion propagates usually for almost a year.  In 1929 the day before the market crashed a Princeton Professor announced that the market had achieved a new permanent high plateau.  57% of Americans realize we are still in a recession but the stock market is at the highs of 2000 and 2007 and the country is still going downhill with the socialists in power.
Obamascare and too many regulations have kept the economy stagnant for four years and had we elected Mitt Romney the economy would be almost completely recovered by now.
It is beginning to look like America’s the socialists will be run out of Washington during the next two years.  They had a chance and they gave us Liar-Loans to redistribute wealth, free cell-phone entitlements, and they broke the economy.  Republican David Jolly defeated Democrat Alex Sink in a Florida special election Tuesday that largely turned on the federal health care law, with both sides using the race to audition national strategies in one of the country's few competitive swing-voting districts.  Sink had outspent Jolly by more than 3 to 1 on television advertising,
Kudlow last night at 7:35 PM said Chief Justice Roberts should be ashamed of himself for calling Obamacrap a tax not an unconstitutional mandate.  He also complained about Obama’s Soviet Style central planning telling companies what to do by executive order.  That is coming from MSNBC the liberal side of the media.
Senate Intelligence Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) accused the CIA of breaking the law by searching her committee's computers.  She knows that for sure because they had the CIA violate the US Constitution and break into the computers of NJ Governor Christy’s staff computers before the files were subpoenaed. That is what Obama and the Attorney General have been doing to harass all potential republican candidates. 
Mar 12  How many assassination attempts has Putin had?  Hitler had 42.
Was Voltaire thinking of Putin when he said these things:
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and sound their trumpets.”
'The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination.'
It seems Russia is in need of a change in leadership.
The question:
“We have to pass it, to find out what’s in it.”
 A Doctor called-in first and said: "that's the definition of a stool sample."
Then Nancy Pelosi said: “that’s Obamascare!”
Who’s right?  The correct answer is:  They both are! 
Socialism leads to equality of poverty and in Russia, China, and North Korea it led to starvation.  That is why any socialist or communist government with commissars which he calls Czars will coast an economy downhill until it hits a tree.  During the Russian Civil War, the White Army freedom fighters widely used the collective term commissars for their for the communist government ministers and political commissar in the military.  During the first Bush administration the leftist began short term appointment Czars.   Permanent White House staff was called staff.  Obama decided to call his permanent Commissars, Czars too rather than staff.   Only all of the 38 Obama appointed commissars were for permanent assignments without Senate confirmation.  For temporary assignments of a few months Eisenhower and Regan each appointed 1, and FDR appointed 11.  But Obama appointed 38 Commissars with unspecified terms without Senate approval.  And for the second time in history of America, a Democrat controlled Senate also uses a 50% majority to pass socialist legislation instead of the two thirds majority started under George Washington.  So now the Obama Senate can confirm any socialist or communist Commissars Obama wants.  But Obama does not want Americans to see his communists testifying before the Senate.  That is the only reason he calls his Commissars Czars.  We predict that when Obama retires he will write a disparaging book about America and boast about him being the first president with communist and Moslem roots.
Mar11   There is no question that salaries in some corporations are too high and are approaching levels of disparity that existed when the masses revolted and got out the guillotines.  A more humane approach would be to require each corporation compute an “Aristocracy index.”  It would be the highest corporate internal or external salary plus benefits and bonuses divided by the Median salary.  If any of the highest corporate Aristocracy exceed 50 times the median salary of the employees or employees of the foreign or domestic direct or indirect corporate suppliers. Then all the executives and directors are taxed at 90% of gross income. The intended consequence is that use of underpaid foreign labor will also reduce executive salaries, and if management is hired externally as consultants to avoid taxes, it does not matter, the highest internal or external management salary is used and lowest internal or external supply chain salary is used.  
The total USA national debt from the administration of George Washington to the end of the GW Bush administration was $6.3Trillion.  The deficit for Obama’s first term added $6.5Trillion to the US national debt.  Obama has set in motion a $19.5Trillion national debt before he leaves office.
Dr. Ben Carson speaks up for America
The White House is not concerned enough about the Ukraine crisis in Crimea to change any vacation plans.   The travel schedules of both the president and Vice President Biden were not altered. Obama went to Florida late Friday to spend the weekend in Key Largo, Fla.   Biden, meanwhile, went to the Virgin Islands.  Obama gets his vacation free because he claims he went to Florida for the weekend to visit a grade school.
World Economies
Mar 14
Russia warned that Ukraine’s government has lost control of the country.  The government of Ukraine made a big mistake by creating the government from the legislature instead of holding a free election.  Russia is not making that mistake.  However, if the Russian election in Crimea is honest it will be a close election.
Mar 12
China is beginning a major contraction.  China posted a $23 billion trade deficit. Exports fell 18.1% in February, surprising analysts as the world slides deeper into recession.
Mar 11
America can help Poland and other European countries become independent of Russia by drilling horizontally to extract oil, gasoline volatiles, and gas.
The amount of world debt has soared from $70 trillion to $100 trillion since 2007 as governments borrowed to keep their economies out of a general depression and companies took advantage of record low interest rates to borrow, leverage, and raise cash.
Spain’s state-backed development bank says the recovery in the euro region’s fourth-biggest economy is becoming speculative and the lender will shift its strategy to focus on quality now rather than quantity.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy
Mar 11
Wholesale Inventories Jan 0.6% crept up from 0.3%
JOLTS - Job Openings Jan 3.974M down from 3.990M
Mar 12
MBA Mortgage Index 03/08 -2.1% plummeted from 9.4% ---
Crude Inventories 03/08 6.18M spiked up from 1.429M due to the slowdown.---
Mar 13
Initial Claims 03/08 315K down from 323K
Continuing Claims 03/01 2855K down from 2903K
Retail Sales Feb 0.3%  -0.6% -0.4% all estimated over the last 30 days---complete fraud or government incompetence.  The consistent numbers might have been
Retail Sales Feb 0.1%  up from -0.4% good++
Retail Sales ex-auto Feb 0.3% -0.3% 0.0% all estimated over the last 30 days---complete fraud or government incompetence. The consistent numbers might have been
Retail Sales ex-auto Feb 0.0% flat 0.0%
Export Prices ex-ag. Feb 0.6% up from 0.2%--- also ridiculous increase in one month
Import Prices ex-oil Feb -0.2% down from 0.3%  --- also ridiculous decrease in one month.
Business Inventories Jan 0.4% flat 0.5%
Treasury Budget Feb -$193.5B little changed -$203.5B
Mar 14
Inventories are fat so prices are coming down.
PPI Feb -0.1% prices dropping deflationary 0.2% ---
Core PPI Feb -0.2% 0dropping reduces income 0.2%---
The Markets
Mar 14
While the next correction probably will be large, the good news is that it is beginning to look like socialists in Congress may become extinct soon and socialized medicine will likely be scrapped.  If that is the case, then once again it will be good time to buy on the dip.
Mar 13  The largest U.S.-based companies added $206 billion to their stockpiles of offshore profits last year, parking earnings in low-tax countries until Congress gives them a reason not to.  That requires that all the moron leftists and socialists be cast out of Congress by the electorate so America can go back to being the land of opportunity only for people who like to work for a living.  For 230 years America provided charity for the people who could not work.  Emperor Obama decided to destroy American charity by taking away the one dollar tax deduction for every $10 people contribute. 
I hope everyone knows just how incredibly stupid this president’s administration is to not give a dollar off taxes to each taxpayer as an incentive to get $5 back for charities and schools from the American taxpayers. 
Instead this administration has hired known tax cheats and many that give nothing to charity.
However, there needs to be a law that only allows the deduction for public charities not political organizations and private charities that are not helping the poor.
Mar 12  Our cash flow indicator shows all the money that flowed out of the market in January is back in the market now.  No new money has entered the market.  Therefore to go any higher more cash inflow is necessary.  Unless cash enters the market now this will be the first time since July 2011 that this has happened.  At that time the NYSE market collapsed and hit the lowest cash point of March 2009 again while prices only dropped 25%.  In May of 2013 the market recovered the cash that had flowed out in 2009 and 2011 and since May of 2013 about 25% more cash entered to get us to the recent new highs which are about 20% higher now for the NYSE than in May of 2011. 
We estimate that 24% of the cash in the market that flowed out from June of 2007 and October of 2008 was lost causing market volume to plummet.  And today in March of 2014 about the same amount of cash is still in the market as just before the collapse in October of 2008.  The market was down for four months before most investor took note in 2007 that the bull market was over and was down for eight months when people panicked and sold out with 25% to 60% losses.
Therefore, we estimate that American stock market will fall about 40% but no more that 50% if we enter a bear market.  To trigger the bear market from where we are today takes a 15% to 20% correction.  But a 10% decline from here would likely give us a major sell signal.  We have sold everything now but defensive stocks.
Mar 11
Bloomberg reported that the SEC’s investigation is in the early stages, and the inquiry adds to European and U.S. regulatory probes of possible manipulation in currency markets. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which regulates foreign-exchange derivatives, is also investigating possible manipulation.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster. 
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s all time best world trade highs and 90% higher than today.
The volatility index is down because options traders have multiplied and they jump in when volatility is high.  Two years ago options trading profits exceeded stock profits.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.
World market updates:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mar 7 If the Crimean Russian political transplants have the right to vote and declare themselves part of Russia then Stalin will have succeeded in his plan to control free people by transplanting Russians into free nations to enslave the free nations. The people of Georgia, Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia all feel a very real Russian threat right now. All the countries that Stalin invaded have many Russians forcefully resettled in them. Now if those Russians insurgents in Crimea have a right to secede from the Ukraine and as they already did in Georgia, then the people of Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia should have the right to evict ethnic Russians and usurp their property to stop Russia from invading free nations and splitting off and annexing the territories that Stalin invaded and occupied with Russians after 1945.

Poland has fewer Russians because Russia already drove half the Slavic populations out of Eastern Europe and into half of 1936’s German borders. The people in the half of Poland that was occupied in 1946 by the Russians were driven into the Eastern Half of Germany and the people in the Eastern half of 1936’s Germany were driven into Western Germany.  Then the 1946 Western Germany was divided again into two, and Russia took control of the Eastern half of Western Germany and America, Britain and France took control of the Western half of what remained of Western Germany.  Russia then transplanted Russians into the new Eastern Germany and all of the other independent countries they invaded.  The Germans paid Russia to take the Russians back in the early 1990’s.
All free nations in the world including America, Britain, Finland, and France should now have the right to evict and confiscate the property of all Russians that entered their free countries since Stalin rose to power unless those Russians all swear allegiance to the country they live in and renounce Putin, Stalin and Russia.
Mar 5   To trigger the next bear market from where we are today takes a 15% to 20% correction.  The largest percentage drop that was not a computer glitch was the 25% drop in one day in 1987 after the democrat socialists and communists who controlled American Congress passed a law that forbade President Regan from undermining the Sandinista communists in E Salvador.  Colonel Oliver North circumvented the socialists in Congress by convincing the Ayatollah in Iran to channel the money to the rebels who then liberated El Salvador from the Communists.  Then President Regan invaded Grenada where the Communists held American medical students hostage and liberated Grenada in one day.  Then President Regan supported rebels that drove the Cuban supported Communists out of Angola in Africa and from the jungles of Venezuela.  The socialists and communists in Congress were just fuming and tried to impeach Regan.  Then Regan met with USSR Premier Gorbachev and agreed on world nuclear disarmament and sent tons of food to feed the starving citizens of the USSR and Eastern Europe. 
The USSR then crumbled and held true democratic elections for the first time.  Only the Germans were rich enough to pay to have all the Russians move out.  The Germans built the Russians free homes in Russia to go back to.  The rest of the USSR satellites also had been forced by Stalin to settle Russians who made up 20% to 30% of their population for the last 60 years.  Those Russians are now the basis for Putin to justify invading and overthrowing the free nations just as Hitler justified invading Czechoslovakia to protect Germans who lived there for over 1000 years.  That was what started World War II.  So now we have Putin repeating what Hitler did that started the World War II.
Albert Einstein-I don’t know what weapons they will use in World War III but World War 1V will be fought with sticks and stones.
Democrat-Communist Dennis John Kucinich, a former U.S. Representative, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2004 and 2008.  Last night told O’Reilly that President Obama used the CIA to undermine the government of the Ukraine because he doesn’t want Ukrainian Nazis in power.  How stupid can he be?  Hitler killed almost as many Ukrainians as Stalin did.  The Ukrainians hate both the Nazis and the Communists.
Putin is a new Adolf Hitler.  He must be stopped.
The Treaty of Versailles, signed in July 1919. As dictated by the Treaty of Versailles, Germany's military forces were reduced to insignificance and the Rhineland was to be demilitarized.  By 1930 German Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann had negotiated the removal of the last Allied troops in the demilitarized Rhineland. Then was then undefended.  Then just four years later, Adolf Hitler seized full power in Germany, promising vengeance against the Allied nations that had forced the Treaty of Versailles on the German people. In 1935, Hitler unilaterally canceled the military clauses of the treaty and in March 1936 began remilitarizing of the Rhineland with Nazi troops.
Hitler claimed he could use force if necessary to protect ethnic Germans. 
Mar 4  Monday President Obama said he is afraid to use his recently announced new unilateral executive orders to react to Putin.  Instead Obama said he will rely on the wisdom of the Congress of the USA to show the leadership in this international crisis.   Obama blamed George Bush for Russia now invading the Ukraine because Bush did not stop the Russians from invading the Russian satellite of Georgia, during Bush’s last three months of office while the US banks were collapsing.   Obama wants to reduce American forces to they level they were in 1940 just before the Japanese sneak attack at Pearl Harbor.  Monday, Warren Buffet said that the purported global warming caused by humans has had no measurable effect whatsoever on insurance risks and premiums during his lifetime. Monday, author and analyst Harry Dent predicted that the Dow will rise 5% and then drop to 6440 this year.
Outrage: Obama appoints cop-killer’s defense lawyer to lead DOJ’s Civil Rights Division.  He didn't just defend the murderer who stood over the wounded officer and then put a bullet in his head; he championed the killer as a victim and blamed the murder of the officer on Americans.
Mar 3 Dr. Jack Wheeler -- Empty Suit Analysis
Feb 28  President Obama begins to take some action to help minorities escape poverty by re-incorporating a strong family structure.  But to do that he has to replace the leftist welfare system that penalizes poor families, driving out the fathers and encourages more “Octomoms” because physically healthy men cannot get welfare but physically healthy women can.  Welfare pays a welfare mother up to $2000 per month per child on welfare.  That is why Octomom's income places her in the top 5% of Americans in annual income.
World Economies
Mar 7   The Chinese gambling syndicate in the only Chinese territory where casinos are legal has used an American to launder money for corrupt Communist Chinese.
Mar 5   China seems to be having a recession now and is allowing their currency to drop in value to improve exports.
Mar 4 Putin has taken over all the Russia banks and nationalized them.  All the Russian assets and their currency are essentially worthless because they are as good as Putin’s word.  Putin and his rich oligarchs are robbing Russians blind and are bankrupting Russia.   If Putin continues to invade the Ukraine the free world should freeze all Russian assets vacate their embassies in Russia and expel Russian diplomats from free nations.  Presently Putin seems to realize the world now sees him as another socialist thug, a pal of Obama's.  Obama does not want to get involved; he said action is up to the Senate controlled by the socialists who use their nuclear option to pass any legislation they want.  Obama’s socialized medicine was passed by a socialist’s lame duck Congress using the nuclear option and passed without a single Republican supporting the bill which would have taken six months to read and understand.
Mar 3
Under the Obama Administration the international and nationalist socialists see America as taken “out of the picture” and terrorist atheist Marxists and terrorist Arab socialists are trying harder than ever to establish a new world order of socialist terror and serfdom in their regions.   The Ukraine is in the cross hairs of Putin and Obama.  First Stalin slaughtered millions, then Hitler slaughtered millions, and then Stalin went in and slaughtered more and brought ethnic Russians in to rule all their satellite nations behind the curtain.  Stalin made the populations of the Ukraine and Baltic nations 25% Russians to keep them tied closely to Russia.   He imported the Russian populations to maintain dictatorial power.  When West Germany re-absorbed East Germany they built all the Russians in East Germany free homes back in the Ukraine and other Russian slave states just to get rid of their Communists.
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy
Mar 3
Personal Income Jan 0.3% up from 0.0% ++
Personal Spending Jan 0.4% -0.1% down sharply 0.4% ---
PCE Prices - Core Jan 0.1% deflationary 0.1%  --
ISM Index Feb 53.2 up from 51.3 -
Construction Spending Jan 0.1% down from 1.5%---
Mar 05
MBA Mortgage Index 03/01 9.4% NA NA -8.5%
ADP Employment Change Feb 139K substantially fewer jobs down from 175K ---
America needs 400k new hires each month for a normal functioning economy.
ISM Services Feb 51.6 fell from54.0 --
Mar 6
   Challenger Job Cuts Feb -24.4% down from 47.3% ++
Initial Claims 03/01 323K down slightly 348K +
Continuing Claims 02/22 2907K down slightly 2915K +
Productivity-Rev. Q4 1.8% down from 3.2% --
Unit Labor Costs - Rev Q4 -0.1% leveled off -1.6% Good for Americans but not for the stock market.
Factory Orders Jan -0.7% continue to plummet -2.0% ---
Natural Gas Inventories 03/01 -152 bcf continue to decline -95 bcf 
Mar 7  
Nonfarm Payrolls Feb 175K increased from 129K, 29K more government workers----
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Feb 162K up from 145K we need 400K --
Unemployment Rate Feb 6.7% from 6.6% totally 100% bogus Obama statistic
Hourly Earnings Feb 0.4% up from 0.2% +
Average Workweek Feb 34.2 down from 34.4  -
Trade Balance Jan -$39.1B got worse -$38.7B -
The Markets
Mar 7   Today Greenspan repeated on TV that the Dodd Frank bill goes too far and does more harm than good and is hurting the US economy. The immense incompetence of the socialist Obama administration is beginning to show. Obama loves communism but it is an embarrassment for him that Putin is taking advantage of Obama at Obama’s expense because it shows Americans the true nature of Obama’s "extremely stupid" form of socialism.  Obama and his administration including Hillary and Pelosi are willing to enslave the majority of Americans who desire to work and be productive.  They would exploit hard working Americans to support their voting constituency of ignorant indigents who think there are better things in life to do that are more fulfilling: like painting, acting, surfing, smoking pot and snorting cocaine, with government assistance at taxpayer expense.  And Obama, Hillary and Pelosi think their socialist voting majority should have that opportunity to play, just as hard working people should have the opportunity to be government slaves since work is what they prefer to do.  That is the depth of the level of the stupidity of Obama, Hillary and Pelosi in thinking that such a communist system is sustainable.  Eventually everyone stops working and socialism collapses as it did in 1989.
Government corrupts and Obama’s socialist government corrupts absolutely.  On Mar 6 the highest ranking Obama racist in Congress waited until the Congressional committee investigating the IRS harassment of American workers since 2012 was adjourned twice and then demanded everyone come back and listen to his black racist tirade that the investigation of the IRS was a white racist investigation.  The ignorance and stupidity of the racist, Rep. Elijah Cummings, making the tirade was self evident so he was permitted to rant and rave while the committee members left.  That is the kind of tactic the Obama administration uses to silence critics of the racist Obama administration.  It is reminiscent of the time Obama called the Boston Police officers stupid for their investigation of a Harvard professor's home break-in that had been reported.  You may remember Obama apologized that time by inviting the police officer to Washington to have a beer with him. 
Shortly after the hearing this morning, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Elijah Cummings explaining how the Congressmen had intimidated her.  After the hearing was closed Rep Cummings asked and was granted the opportunity to ask a question.  He was given that opportunity but instead Rep Cummings used it for an irrational political rant using his own racist remarks to try to intimidate those seeking the investigation of IRS abuses of organizations including even historical societies and other groups that raise money to preserve national heritage.
Here were some public comments about Cummings tirade.
Leave it to a liberal loon to bring race into a non-racial debate. You have nothing else so you play the race card.
Jon Weiss > Arthur 
Someone needs to call Cummings and inform him that his "Race Card" is over limit, and has been recalled by the issuer.
Mar 5   The ADP employment changed down in Feb to 139K from last month’s initial fraudulently high reported 175K.  However to continue to distort the financial markets after the optimistic 175K report that drove the market up last month Obama’s people quietly revised last months number down to a more honest 127K but did not report that lower number so that they could fake a better report this month relative to the lousy low revised number that no one was told about last month.  That is why Obama’s Fed reporting is such a fraud from how honest American reports were before Obama came to power.  Obama gave faked good employment reports to the public each time by first reporting a fraudulently good number and then later quietly reporting the actual bad news to always try to make the next fraudulent good number look better.  These faked good economic reports that are a large part of the basis of the overpriced American financial markets and the reason the next major market correction will likely be the beginning of the next bear market.  To trigger the next bear market from where we are today takes a 15% to 20% correction.  The largest percentage drop that was not a computer glitch was the 25% drop in one day in 1987 after the socialists and communists who controlled American Congress passed a law that forbade President Regan from undermining the Sandinista communists in E Salvador. 
Mar 4  Monday Harry Dent again said on Squawk Box he predicted that the Dow could rise as much as 5% to 17000 but then will drop to 6440 all in 2014.  While the Fed has flooded the American Economy with cash it has all been wasted on driving the prices up of assets and driving up the salaries of government officials.  But it is estimated that Obama may have profited by more than $10 million while in office all while poverty and the American ghettos are growing faster than ever before.  The stock market value today is about as authentic as the value of the Bitcoin currency.  It exists only on paper while there is a demand for stocks.  There is only $1 of paper currency in circulation for about every $53 of credit.  If the credit markets were to collapse and we had to pay cash for food, most people would have no money within a week, and there would be looting and rioting.  The Obama administration is based on incompetent socialist rhetoric and the blame of everyone else.  Obama is unwilling to take responsibility for running for president and for surrounding himself with ignorant thugs who only know how to run guns, harass patriotic people, and blame others for their own stupidity.  They are a perfect example for why there are ghettos in America.  It is the ghetto mentality.
Mar 3 When emergent phenomena occur it requires an unstable, supercritical, situation and then a trigger to set off the massive change.  It takes a particle of dust to trigger a massive downpour or blizzard in a super cooled atmosphere.  The market has been manipulated now for more than two years without a single speck of destabilizing dust.  If you look at the market gyrations for the last two years it has been manipulated within bounds that are at least 30% tighter than at any time since the 1960’s.  In fact this market looks a lot like 1968 or 2000.  The market has been supercritical for close to one year now.
When stocks are topping out, the only games in town are mergers and acquisitions using overvalued stocks instead of cash.   If you know your stock is worth half as much as the overheated market offers, then you know your real costs are half of what everyone else thinks.   So you convert stocks for cash.  Mergers and Acquisitions are the last inning of a bull market and they have been going on for two years already.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster. 
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s all time best world trade highs and 90% higher than today.
The volatility index is down because options traders have multiplied and they jump in when volatility is high.  Two years ago options trading profits exceeded stock profits.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.
World market updates: