Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama shames the USA again taking his international socialist anti-USA politics to the world court.

Obama shames the USA again taking his international socialist anti-USA politics to the world court.

Socialists are not as virulent as international socialists (communist idealists) are who believe in international displays of their mock justice. Obama yesterday had Hilary take the Arizona illegal alien law to the UN for review as potentially a human rights violation. Obama is also abusing his authority by persecuting Arizona law enforcement for making their male prisoners work in pink prison clothes. Obama is disgracing the USA with his sinister clown behavior. He does not have any copy of his original USA birth certificate because there is none. All he has is a modern facsimile that Hawaii issued long after his birth and college records that prove he is a felon either for claiming to be an American or for falsifying his foreign citizenship to get foreign student financial assistance to a US university. When Obama is thrown out of office he needs to be investigated and have all his "secret" documents put on Wikipedia the way the lunatic left likes to do things. If he has nothing to hide he would just make these records public and not say he "can't walk around with them pasted on his head."

Obama did not get smart yet and fire his leftist lunatic left fringe economic advisors. Yesterday Obama blamed Republicans again for his own ineffectiveness. Obama has become an economic distraction not an aid. Some would say his continuous blaming of others and never taking responsibility is just more clowning around. Obama, the sinister clown, running a government is an unsettling thought.

Several hundred thousand Americans gathered in Washington Sunday to protest the leftist Obama administration's erosions of American liberties with his redistribution of income from earners to primarily people of Obama's own race. Obama is a racist as we can see his redistribution breakdown is racist. If we elected a white man from Alabama and he gave a disproportionate portion of $trillion to white folk would not he be declared a racist?

Unfortunately people who lack a work ethic tend to live in places where they don't have to do much work for shelter or to keep from freezing in the winter. They don't like the cold where the lazy freeze to death. They only migrate to colder climates when there are liberal/progressive dominated Christian countries willing to furnish them with food and shelter and an unearned income. This is the primary reason for the immigration problems in the USA and Western Europe. You don't see them migrating to communist countries or theocratic Moslem states. Americans do not owe socialist-liberal/progressive-union-lazy-state/federal government workers, indigents, and perverts a life. They need to create a life of their own.

World Markets:
The world markets including China are continuing to take their cues from the USA. US down, Asia down. That is because the USA is the major innovator and buyer of finished products.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated leftist Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and swing in corrections as big as the reported changes themselves. Leftists are historically corrupt and manufacture useless statistics as propaganda.

Last week:
Biden was out telling people the recession is over just as another half million Americans lost their jobs! The second quarter GDP growth estimate was lowered from 2.4% to 1.6%. The original first manipulated Obama number was over 3% more than twice the original number. In addition to the GDP figures, there are GDP deflators, which measure the change in prices in total GDP and for each component. The deflator was increased to 1.9%. That implies the growth was all from price inflation. In fact there may have been a 0.1% contraction in the second quarter. GE/MSNBC/Pravda did not report the contraction because that would show that giving the $1Trillion to bail out union and government worker pensions, to provide pretend-work green jobs, and to give thousands to welfare indigents and housing grants primarily to people of Obama's race… all failed to stimulate the economy one iota.

Personal Income Jul increased 0.2% after no improvement the last month
Personal Spending Jul increased 0.4% after no change last month
PCE Prices - Core Jul prices increased 0.1% which is also good as it is not deflation.
All good news but market was down 1.4%

Aug 31 9:00 AM Case-Shiller 20-city Index Jun
Aug 31 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Aug
Aug 31 10:00 AM Consumer Confidence Aug
Aug 31 2:00 PM Minutes of FOMC Meeting 08/10 - -
This week
Sep 1 8:15 AM ADP Employment Change Aug
Sep 1 10:00 AM Construction Spending Jul
Sep 1 10:00 AM ISM Index Aug
Sep 1 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 08/28
Sep 1 2:00 PM Auto Sales Aug
Sep 1 2:00 PM Truck Sales Aug
Sep 2 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/28
Sep 2 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/21
Sep 2 8:30 AM Productivity-Rev. Q2
Sep 2 8:30 AM Unit Labor Costs Q2
Sep 2 10:00 AM Factory Orders Jul
Sep 2 10:00 AM Pending Home Sales Jul
Sep 3 8:30 AM Nonfarm Payrolls Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Nonfarm Payrolls - Private Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Unemployment Rate Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Hourly Earnings Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Average Workweek Aug
Sep 3 10:00 AM ISM Services Aug

Market Outlook Aug 31, 2010
The market declined yesterday on the lowest volume I have seen in years except for holidays. It was 30% lower than this year's already low volume. It takes very little money to move this market now. Wall Street is learning a lesson that no regulations could ever teach them. Abusing your customers by betting against them is guaranteed to drive customers away.

On the positive side, when this leftist government is thrown out in November the rally is likely to be big and fast.

World Markets
Asian markets were following the US down last night. Shanghai down -0.5%, Hong Kong down -1.7%, India down -0.3%, and Japan down -3.6%.

European markets are down in a range of about -0.9% to -1.1% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are down in the range -0.3% to -0.6% this morning at 8 Am.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which now consists of Obama, Gore, Bogoyevitch, Rangel, Waters and the other leftist crook democrat-socialists.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fed Chairman Bernanke calmed the markets

Fed Chairman Bernanke calmed the markets

The only problem is that it is the same policy Japan has had for twenty years of deflation. Deflation makes the yen worth more because Japan's prices keep falling. That makes the Yen stronger. We need to get inflation up close to 3% per year before China and others stop buying so many dollars and thus force Obama to stop spending the money of our children and grandchildren.

World Markets:
The world markets including China are now taking their cues from the USA.

Obama did not get smart yet and fire his leftist lunatic fringe economic advisors.

Toward the end of Clinton's first term he dropped Clinton-health-care and declared the age of big government had ended. With the advice of competent Morris (now a FOX News advisor), He proceeded to steal the Republican ideas of Gingrich and ushered in a period of growth and budget surpluses. Clinton did enough positives to make up for all his sex scandals. Obama on the other hand is still dangerously incompetent and frightens about 80% of the American electorate. He already has a 54% disapproval rating after a year in office, almost as bad a Bush at eight years after Obama leftist depression talk that caused the collapse of Lehman's and started the recession that Obama wanted so that he could punish the Bush Administration. Bush was accused by the lunatic left of killing Saddam Hussein and torturing Al quaeda Moslems by giving them baths and getting water up their noses. As a child, we used to hate getting dunked by older kids at public swimming pools and perhaps some day parents will shut down swimming pools with torture suits.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated leftist Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and swing in corrections as big as the reported changes themselves. Leftists are historically corrupt and manufacture useless statistics as propaganda. Before the fall of the USSR, the Soviet Union, they reported record wheat harvests and repackaged American food aid in bags that said the food was grown from the USSR. Socialists and communists control their media and create favorable lies that the Nazis called propaganda. GE/MSNBC/Pravda is now under Obama socialist/communist control as are the major unions.

Last week:
Existing Home Sales July fell 27% the most in a decade. None of Obama's lunatic left economic medicine helped create private sector jobs that are needed to pay for the tax burden the lunatic left is creating. Biden (the idiot) was out telling people the recession is over as another half million Americans lost their jobs! The second quarter GDP growth estimate was lowered from 2.4% to 1.6%. The original first manipulated Obama number was over 3% more than twice the original number. In addition to the GDP figures, there are GDP deflators, which measure the change in prices in total GDP and for each component. The deflator was increased to 1.9%. That implies the growth was all from price inflation. In fact there may have been a 0.1% contraction in the second quarter. GE/MSNBC/Pravda did not report the contraction because that would show that giving the $1Trillion to bail out union and government worker pensions, to provide pretend-work green jobs, and to give thousands to welfare indigents and housing grants primarily to people of Obama's race… all failed to stimulate the economy one iota.

Aug 30 8:30 AM Personal Income Jul
Aug 30 8:30 AM Personal Spending Jul
Aug 30 8:30 AM PCE Prices - Core Jul

This week
Aug 31 9:00 AM Case-Shiller 20-city Index Jun
Aug 31 9:45 AM Chicago PMI Aug
Aug 31 10:00 AM Consumer Confidence Aug
Aug 31 2:00 PM Minutes of FOMC Meeting 08/10 - -
Sep 1 8:15 AM ADP Employment Change Aug
Sep 1 10:00 AM Construction Spending Jul
Sep 1 10:00 AM ISM Index Aug
Sep 1 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 08/28
Sep 1 2:00 PM Auto Sales Aug
Sep 1 2:00 PM Truck Sales Aug
Sep 2 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/28
Sep 2 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/21
Sep 2 8:30 AM Productivity-Rev. Q2
Sep 2 8:30 AM Unit Labor Costs Q2
Sep 2 10:00 AM Factory Orders Jul
Sep 2 10:00 AM Pending Home Sales Jul
Sep 3 8:30 AM Nonfarm Payrolls Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Nonfarm Payrolls - Private Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Unemployment Rate Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Hourly Earnings Aug
Sep 3 8:30 AM Average Workweek Aug
Sep 3 10:00 AM ISM Services Aug

Market Outlook Aug 30, 2010
The WSJ showed that in previous deep recessions the stoke market PE was as low as 5 and the historical average is 10. How can that be? Just five years ago Wall Street was telling investors the average historical PE was 18 and even 30 was reasonable for a growing corporation. This is a form of Wall Street fraud because when they want to scare investors they use this year's earnings to compute PE and when they want investors to buy at high prices they use a ridiculous optimistic future projected earnings. The number of investing Americans dropped 60% during the wimpy bleeding heart Jimmy Carter years and did not begin to recover until the President Ronald Reagan years. This latest WSJ report appears intended to drive the price of stocks even lower. But we are in a great buying area very close to the summer low. September is usually a great month but October has a fickle record of surprises both up and down.

There has never been more pessimism about American government and financial incompetence than right now since FDR introduced socialism and created the Great Depression. FDR then used WWII to get the USA out of the failed communist style jobs corps and phased out socialist programs. He used the cost of the war effort as the reason to cut the socialist jobs programs. Many grants went to reduce rural poverty but the programs did not last more than an average of two years, as they were unsustainable. One idea was the book mobile where people rode around the countryside to farmers with library books in the trunk and back seats. It was extremely inefficient but created jobs. Rationing of gas was the good excuse for cutting that program and other recycling jobs were created for the war effort. WWII saved the USA and all the Nazi conquered countries from National Socialism.

One cannot even mention leadership with this administration because they run from it and still blame others for their own stupidity and government corruption at all levels. Obama is giving many cash grants to people of his own race but has done almost nothing to reduce the number of mortgages in default possibly because his voter base is the one that got the mortgages with fraudulent don't ask don't tell Dodd and Barney Frank corruption. If Obama's ignorance results in another 10% decline in home prices, many more Americans will lose their homes and consumer confidence will plummet causing another burst of layoffs and even more mortgage defaults. The Obama administration is the most moronic administration in the history of the western world, but about on par for Indonesia and Africa his apparent homelands.

All Obama has to do to show he is not an illegal immigrant is to make public an original American birth certificate from when he says he was born in Hawaii and make public his college records to prove he was not registered as a foreign student. Only Obama can make them public because that information is not available to the public. Why is Obama the only American president to ever conceal that information? The lunatic left used to call President Bush dumb until Al Gore's Yale records were released and showed Al Gore was dumber. Thousands of illegal immigrants visit the USA each year so that their children can be born in America. Is the problem with Obama's birth certificate that his hippie mother hated America and had renounced her US citizenship and was Indonesian or Nigerian at the time? Why doesn't he release his records and show America the truth? Then perhaps we could quickly throw him out. Sooner or later the truth will get out.

What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability. And under Obama the SEC has another brain dead democrat-socialist appointee who has no time to investigate and fix the problem. They are too busy robbing the public coffers so they can retire in a year or two and the next Obama appointee can lose the vital records. The socialist use hundreds of crooks to make their thefts untraceable.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night. Shanghai up 1.6%, Hong Kong up 0.7%, India up 0.2%, and Japan up 1.7%.

European markets are mixed in a range of about -05%% to +1% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are flat in the range -0.1% to +0.1% this morning at 8 Am.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which now consists of Obama, Gore, Bogoyevitch, Rangel, Waters and the other leftist crook democrat-socialists.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fed Chairman to talk today. Will it be his usual open mouth insert foot speech?

Fed Chairman to talk today. Will it be his usual open mouth insert foot speech?

Obama blamed Bush for the economy and then kept Bush's Fed chairman who sets the economic parameters. That either says Obama was wrong in blaming Bush, or Obama was right in blaming Bush but stupid for keeping the Fed Chairman, or Obama is stupid for both wrongly blaming Bush and then keeping the Fed Chairman and exposing his own stupidity by keeping the policy he said caused the Obama declared depression.

World Markets:
The world markets including China are now taking their cues from the USA. Will Obama get smart and fire his leftist advisors?

Toward the end of Clinton's first term he dropped Clinton-health-care and declared the age of big government had ended. He proceeded to steal the Republican ideas of Gingrich and ushered in a period of growth and budget surpluses. Clinton did enough positives to make up for his sex scandals. Obama on the other hand is still dangerously incompetent and frightens about 80% of the American electorate.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated leftist Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and swing in corrections as big as the reported changes themselves. Leftists are historically corrupt and manufacture useless statistics as propaganda.

This week:
Existing Home Sales July fell 27% the most in a decade. None of Obama's lunatic left economic medicine helped create private sector jobs that are needed to pay for the tax burden the lunatic left is creating. Obama is only making things worse. Americans (who have brains) first need jobs to have confidence they can pay the mortgage. Only brain-dead leftists offer derelicts, welfare recipients, and drug addicts no-money down mortgages.
Durable Orders Jul improved 0.3% but was ignored by investors.
Durable Goods -ex Transportation July declined 3.8% but it looks like massive Obama administration incompetence in maintaining accurate government statistics. The month to month variation in these two orders indices looks almost like they got them mixed up.
New Home Sales Jul was at 276K down from 315K but looking again like Obama's incompetent government making up the numbers as they go along.
Crude Inventories 08/21 rose to 4.1M up from 0.8M up from -3M and -2.8 and stable numbers before that. Again, can we believe anything this administration gets its hands on? Biden (the idiot) is out telling people the recession is over and yet they put out highly negative reports!

Yesterday:Aug 26 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/21473K down from 507K but still showing a deep recession level.
Aug 26 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/14 at 4456k down slightly from 4478k initially reported last week. Still shows Obama administration is doing nothing for the economy other than frighten the entire world.

Still to come
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 9:55 AM U Michigan Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook Aug 27, 2010

The most positive thing about the market right mow is the level of bearishness that usually is not like this except at market bottoms.

I have never seen more pessimism about American government and financial incompetence than right now. One cannot even mention leadership with this administration because they run from it and still blame others for their own stupidity and government corruption at all levels. Obama is giving tons of grants to people of his own race but has done almost nothing to reduce the number of mortgages in default. If his ignorance results in another 10% decline in home prices, many more Americans will lose their homes and consumer confidence will plummet causing another burst of layoffs and even more mortgage defaults. The Obama administration is the most moronic administration in the history of the western world, but about on par for Indonesia and Africa his apparent homelands.

All Obama has to do to show he is not an illegal immigrant is to make public an original American birth certificate from when he says he was born in Hawaii and make public his college records that prove he was not registered as a foreign student. Only Obama can make them public because that information is not available to the public. Why is he the only American president to conceal that information. The lunatic left used to call President Bush an idiot until Al Gore's Yale records were released and showed he was a much poorer student. Thousands of illegal immigrants visit the USA each year so that their children can be born in America. Is the problem with Obama's birth certificate that his hippie mother had renounced her US citizenship and was Indonesian or Nigerian at the time? Why doesn't he release his records and show America the truth? Then perhaps we could quickly get rid of him. Sooner or later the truth will get out.

What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability. And under Obama the SEC has another brain dead democrat-socialist appointee who has no time to investigate and fix the problem.

World Markets
Asian markets were mixed last night. Shanghai up 0.3%, Hong Kong down -0.1%, India down 1.3%, and Japan up 1%.

European markets are flat in a range of about 0% to 0.2% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up 0.2% to 0.4% this morning at 8 Am.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which now consists of Obama, Gore, Bogoyevitch and the other leftist democrat-socialists.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The only thing we have to fear is the lunatic left who prefer the European big brother socialism and environmental science of Portugal, Iceland, Greec

The only thing we have to fear is the lunatic left who prefer the European big brother socialism and environmental science of Portugal, Iceland, Greece, and Spain to American liberty.

The following senators voted against making English the official language of America:
Alaska (D-HI), Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE), Bingaman (D-NM), Boxer (D-CA), Cantwell (D-WA), Clinton (D-NY), Dayton (D-MN), Dodd (D-CT), Domenici (R-NM), Durbin (D-IL), Feingold (D-WI), Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Inouye (D-HI), Jeffords (I-VT), Kennedy (D-MA), Kerry (D-MA), Kohl (D-WI), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Leahy (D-VT), Levin (D-MI), Lieberman (D-CT), Menendez (D-NJ), Mikulski (D-MD), Murray (D-WA), Obama (D-IL), Reed (D-RI), Reid (D-NV), Salazar (D-CO), Sarbanes (D-MD), Schumer (D-NY), Stabenow (D-MI), Wyden (D-OR)

The following senators voted to give illegal aliens some of your Social Security retirement money. They are grouped by home state. If a state is not listed, there was no idiot representative from that state. Alaska : Stevens (R), Arizona : McCain (R), Arkansas : Lincoln (D) Pryor (D), California : Boxer (D) Feinstein (D), Colorado : Salazar (D), Connecticut : Dodd (D) Lieberman (D), Delaware : Biden (D) Carper (D), Florida : Martinez (R), Hawaii : Akaka (D) Inouye (D), Illinois : Durbin (D) Obama (D), Indiana: Bayh (D) Lugar (R), Iowa: Harkin (D), Kansas: Brownback (R), Louisiana: Landrieu (D), Maryland: Mikulski (D) Sarbanes (D), Massachusetts: Kennedy (D) Kerry (D), Montana: Baucus (D), Nebraska: Hagel (R), Nevada: Reid (D), New Jersey: Lautenberg (D) Menendez (D), New Mexico: Bingaman (D), New York: Clinton (D) Schumer (D), North Dakota : Dorgan (D), Ohio : DeWine (R) Voinovich(R), Oregon : Wyden (D), Pennsylvania : Specter (D), Rhode Island : Chafee (R) Reed (D), South Carolina : Graham (R), South Dakota : Johnson (D), Vermont : Jeffords (I) Leahy (D), Washington : Cantwell (D) Murray (D), West Virginia : Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting, Wisconsin : Feingold (D) Kohl (D),

World Markets:
The world continues to recover but Obama's racist National Socialism is destroying the viability of American businesses and the incentive for lazy, government, and unionized people to work. Private corporations with 50% pensions are going broke so government workers can retire at 55 with 90% to 100% pensions.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and corrections as big as the reported changes themselves.

Last week:
Obama disappointed the nation again with the report that unemployment rose 500K last month. President Bush inherited the burst Dot-com bubble recession and when he had unemployment dropping 50K per month he was ridiculed by the socialists. When he introduced tax cuts to help small business people grow employment he was ridiculed again because the socialists said he was helping "rich" people not the lazy, the unions and the federal workers who are called the "poor" people of the lunatic left.
Existing Home Sales July fell 27% the most in a decade. None of Obama's lunatic left economic medicine has helped create private sector jobs that are needed to pay for the tax burden the lunatic left is creating so Obama is only making things worse. Americans (who have brains) first need jobs to have confidence they can pay the mortgage. Only brainless leftists offer derelicts, welfare recipients, and drug addicts no-money down mortgages.

Durable Orders Jul improved 0.3%
Durable Goods -ex Transportation Jul declined 3.8% but it looks like massive Obama administration incompetence in maintaining accurate government statistics. The month to month variation in these two orders indices looks almost like they got them mixed up.

New Home Sales Jul was at 276K down from 315K but looking again like Obama's incompetent government making up the numbers as they go along.

Crude Inventories 08/21 rose to 4.1M up from 0.8M up from -3M and -2.8 and stable numbers before that. Again, can we believe anything this administration gets its hands on. Biden (the idiot) is out telling people the recession is over!

This week still to come
Aug 26 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/21
Aug 26 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/14
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 9:55 AM U Michigan Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook Aug 26, 2010

The most positive thing about the market right mow is the level of bearishness that usually is not like this except at market bottoms.

I have never seen more pessimism about American government and financial incompetence than right now. One cannot even mention leadership with this administration because they run from it and still blame others for their own stupidity and government corruption at all levels. Obama is giving tons of personal grants to people of his own race but has done almost nothing to reduce the number of mortgages in default. If his ignorance results in another 10% decline in home prices, many more Americans will lose their homes and consumer confidence will plummet causing another burst of layoffs and even more mortgage defaults. The Obama administration is the most moronic administration in the history of the western world, but about on par for Indonesia and Africa his apparent homelands.

All Obama has to do to show he is not an illegal immigrant is to make public an original American birth certificate from when he says he was born in Hawaii and make public his college records that prove he was not registered as a foreign student. Only Obama can make them public because that information is not available to the public. Why is he the only American president to conceal that information. The lunatic left used to call President Bush an idiot until Al Gore's Yale records were released and showed he was a much poorer student. Thousand of illegal immigrants visit the USA each year so that their children can be born in America. Is the problem with Obama's birth certificate that his hippie mother had renounced her US citizenship and was Indonesian or Nigerian at the time? Why doesn't he release his records and show America the truth? Then perhaps we could quickly get rid of him. Sooner or later the truth will get out.

The imperatives now are no new taxes, no new federal programs like Obamacare, and to cut state and federal do-nothing jobs and coerced government arbitrated pensions by 60%. State and federal government job cuts are needed to cut taxes and give the lazy government sleepers their own Mao cure, "No work, no pension." We need a stimulus program that is entirely for the private sector.

What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability. And under Obama the SEC has another brain dead democrat-socialist appointee who has no time to investigate and fix the problem.

Banks that now have Obama's leftist lunatic friends on their boards have not learned their lesson and continue to be stung by mortgage fraud should be liquidated. It seems incredible that some banks still give no-doc mortgages and allow criminals to collect up to $250k and walk away to Canada or Mexico. Who is on their board? Is it Barney Frank or Bogoyevitch? The WSJ reported one mortgage criminal was seeking citizenship and asylum in Canada. If he had a brain the thief would be seeking asylum in the courts of Bogoyevitch's Chicago.

World Markets
Asian markets were up slightly last night. Shanghai up 0.3%, Hong Kong down -0.1%, India up 0.3%, and Japan up 0.7%.

European markets are up in a range of about 0.4% to 0.7% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are flat near 0.1% this morning at 8 Am. Hedge funds now wish they could stop the run they started that is now destroying their customer base.

The Obama-Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd worldwide recession still has Americans losing jobs. Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd forced banks to loan to people who could not make the payments and Obama campaigned negatively and called the recession a Great Depression to scare the world into a depression and win the election. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which consists of Obama, Gore, Bogoyevitch and the other democrat-socialists.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Americans don't want to be governed by the corrupt left or the right. They are, "Mad as hell!"

Americans don't want to be governed by the corrupt left or the right. They are, "Mad as hell!"

Scott Rasmussen polled Americans and found:
Americans want to govern themselves again with Washington in a supporting, not a controlling roll. But incumbents have millions of dollars to spend to recreate their new image with white whigs and tricornered hats.

In Connecticut with a $2billion deficit the socialist democrats slipped in (over the governors veto) a $6million grant of state taxpayer money to go to subsidize leftists in the next governor's race.

Obama gave away the stimulation package primarily to unions, government workers, and people of his own race.
It is unlikely that Obama will ever give an accounting of the spending due to the extensive administration corruption that they must hide. It is likely the trails of corruption will be shredded and burned before 2012.

We are left with Obama's planned tax increase in January for everyone who works for a living

World Markets:
The world continues to recover but Obama racist National Socialism is destroying the viability of American businesses and the incentive for lazy and unionized people to work. Private corporations with 50% pensions are going broke so government workers can retire with 90% to 100% pensions.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

Last week:
Obama disappointed the nation again with the report that unemployment rose 500K last month. President Bush inherited the burst Dot-com bubble recession and when he had unemployment dropping 50K per month he was ridiculed by the socialists. When he introduced tax cuts to help small business people grow employment he was ridiculed again because the socialists said he was helping "rich" people not the lazy, the unions and the federal workers who were said to be "poor" people.

This week
Aug 24 10:00 AM Existing Home Sales Jul
Aug 25 8:30 AM Durable Orders Jul
Aug 25 8:30 AM Durable Goods -ex Transportation Jul
Aug 25 10:00 AM New Home Sales Jul
Aug 25 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 08/21
Aug 26 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/21
Aug 26 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/14
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 9:55 AM U Michigan Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook Aug 24, 2010

Banks that have not learned their lesson and continue to be stung by mortgage fraud should be liquidated. It seems incredible that some banks still give no-doc mortgages and allow criminals to collect up to $250k and walk away to Canada or Mexico. The WSJ reported one was seeking citizenship and asylum in Canada.

What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability. And under Obama the SEC has another brain dead democrat-socialist appointee who has no time to investigate and fix the problem.

Hedge fund greed is driving away small investors who don't like Wall Street betting against them.

We expect a rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then Obama socialism could be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like Obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed to cut taxes and give the lazy government sleepers their own Mao cure, "No work, no pension."

World Markets
Asian markets were down last night. Shanghai up 0.4%, Hong Kong down -1.1%, India down -0.5%, and Japan down -1.3%.

European markets are down in a range of about -0.6% to -1.1% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are down -0.6% to -0.8% this morning at 8 Am.

The Obama-Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd worldwide recession still has Americans losing jobs. Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd forced banks to loan to people who could not make the payments and Obama campaigned negatively and called the recession a Great Depression to scare the world into a depression and win the election. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which consists of Obama and the democrat-socialists.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Obama failures and corruption poison hopes of recovery unlike FDR who gave up on his socialism.

Obama failures and corruption poison hopes of recovery unlike FDR who gave up on his socialism.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which consist of Obama and the democrat-socialists. Apparently we can only end the Obama Depression by throwing them all out of office. Americans seem to know that. In Florida the pollsters say the Tea Party candidate weakens the endorsed republican's chances but still the socialists get only about 15%. So the socialists still will lose.

Harry Reed, the most powerful socialist in congress has brought the highest state unemployment figures in the nation to his state.

New Jersey needs $3billion each year just for state government pensions.

Never before have we been faced with a president advancing the causes of his coalition of racists, leftist, trial lawyers, "community activists", the lazy, the incompetent, the illegal alien voters, drug abusers, the perverts, and government workers. And they would like to become the leftist majority that democratically approves the laws to allow them to legally steal from you the way Hitler stole from the wealthiest 2% in Germany. Fascism is nationalistic socialism while communism is international socialism. They are the two flavors socialism comes in when they are not experimenting with free enterprise.

World Markets:
The world continues to recover but Obama racist National Socialism is destroying the viability of American businesses and the incentive for lazy and unionized people to work. Private corporation with 50% pensions are going broke so that government workers can retire with 90% to 100% pensions and often double dip.

German exports surged to pre-recession levels. German second quarter growth just hit 2.3% and rising.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

Last week Obama disappointed the nation again last week with the report that unemployment rose 500K last month. President Bush inherited the burst Dot-com bubble recession and when he had unemployment dropping 50K per month he was ridiculed by the socialists. When he introduced tax cuts to help small business people grow employment he was ridiculed again because the socialists said he was helping "rich" people not the lazy, the union and the federal workers who were said to be "poor" people.

This week
Aug 24 10:00 AM Existing Home Sales Jul
Aug 25 8:30 AM Durable Orders Jul
Aug 25 8:30 AM Durable Goods -ex Transportation Jul
Aug 25 10:00 AM New Home Sales Jul
Aug 25 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 08/21
Aug 26 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/21
Aug 26 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/14
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 8:30 AM GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q2
Aug 27 9:55 AM U Michigan Consumer Sentiment

Market Outlook Aug 23, 2010

Banks that continue to be stung by mortgage fraud should be liquidated. It seems incredible that some banks still give no-doc mortgages and allow criminals to collect up to $250k and walk away to Canada or Mexico. The WSJ reported one was seeking citizenship and asylum in Canada.

What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability.

Volume has been extremely low on the recent Hedge Fund declines indicating that the Hedge fund short sellers are running out of cash. That could be because people do not like Hedge funds betting against them. It sounds unethical to investors so investors took $30billion out of the market so far this year. But they made a bigger mistake and bet on deflation and bought bonds. It seems incredible but Obama thinks they will buy 100year federal bonds. They will be slaughters brutally once interest rates begin rising and inflation begins.

We expect a rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then Obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like Obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed for no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were flat last night. Shanghai down -0.1%, Hong Kong down -0.4%, India up 0.1%, and Japan down -0.7%.

European markets are up in a range of about 0.4% to 1% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up 0.4% to 0.6% this morning at 8 Am.

The Obama-Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd worldwide recession still has Americans losing jobs. Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd forced banks to loan to people who could not make the payments and Obama campaigned negatively and called the slight slowdown a Great Depression to scare the world into a depression and win the election. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, which consists of Obama and the democrat-socialists.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama the racist moslem.

Obama the racist moslem.

People clamored in Chicago last year in a money giveaway stimulation package but the news media did not show much because it was evident they were about 99% the same race as Obama claims to be. But in Atlanta this week they did show the mob getting applications for what was purported to be a housing subsidy. In fact it was another corrupt political payout to people, 99.9% of whom appeared this time to be the same race as Obama claims to be. Is it racist that the news media now shows the racism of the Obama administration? Should they just continue to go along with the administration smoke screen that this corruption of the American government has anything to do with providing housing stimulation?

Obama presents himself as a racist moslem. He is a moslem with the small "m" because he tells the world how good moslems are, while he apologizes for the behavior of Christians, and he abandons Israel to the Moslems. He is a racist because he takes money from the people who work for a living and gives out their money to people who so far are over 99% his own race. There are, we believe, still a few Asians, Hispanics, and Northern Europeans living in America who are required to work but they are losing their jobs because the private sector is going broke as Obama expands government programs to increase benefits (health and housing) only for people that happen to be 99% from his own race. One welfare Moslem woman with two children got free medical service in California at a fertilization clinic such that she delivered eight Moslem babies all of whom are on welfare. That of course was democrat-socialist liberal/progressive criminal stupidity at its height. Yes, Obama and his administration are moslem racist and just like the Nationalist Socialists around the world, all the other races pay a steep price for the wanna-be dictator's racism.

Obama destroyed GM and is destroying America by abandoning people who actually love to work and make America and the free world great. Be wants to rob people with a work ethic to use their money to buy votes from people who want to get paid for doing nothing. Obama is succeeding in destroying the American economy because private businesses are being bankrupted.

It costs businesses more than $70,000 for every employee earning $40,000 due to government taxes and fees. And stupid racist Obama thinks a $1000 tax credit is an incentive to hire new employees? Obama is destroying American jobs by robbing American workers to buy off socialist unions and others who want something for nothing. Riots in Greece and now socialist India show just how bad and powerful socialist unions become. In Greece they torched a bank and burned three employees alive.

Obama's moslem racist nationalist socialism is destroying the American economy such that the cash infusion from corporations that was beginning to let loose a bull market will still provide a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy but Obama is destroying real job growth because he is giving taxpayer money away to "his own" people and by making union bosses pension plans solvent. Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions especially with stocks a bargain now.

If Obama was born an American, why can't he simply show an original birth certificate and his college records? Is it because there is no original birth certificate on file and because he applied for and got a scholarship on the basis that he was a foreign student?

If Obama is a Christian why does he not take the Moslem nations to international court for persecuting Christians and other faiths in Moslem countries? Why does he not denounce the barbaric murder by stoning of Moslems who have no legal rights? That is why Americans know he is no Christian because Christians don't kiss the asses of Moslems.

World Markets:
The world continues to recover but Obama racist National Socialism is destroying the viability of American businesses and the incentive for lazy and unionized people to work. Private corporation 50% pensions are going broke so that government workers can retire at 90% of salary.

German exports surged to pre-recession levels. German second quarter growth just hit 2.3% and rising.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated Obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

This week
NY Fed - Empire Manufacturing Index Aug rose to 7.1 from 5.1 a 20% improvement.
Net long-term TIC Flows May rose to 44.4 from 35.4 a 30% improvement
NAHB Housing Market Index Aug declined to 13 from 14 as Obama continues to ignore the democrat-socialist corrupt and dysfunctional Fannie and Freddie government organizations that insured loans that were impossible to repay so that the private mortgage derivatives were corrupted with Barney Frank's bogus mortgages and collapsed causing the democrat-socialist crisis that which Obama then exacerbated by declaring it to be a Great Depression.
Housing Starts Jul up to 546K from 537K Capacity needs to be removed.
Building Permits Jul at 556K down from 583K. Capacity needs to be removed.
PPI Jul up to 0.2% after being down 0.5% is no longer deflationary. That’s good.
Core PPI Jul up to 0.3% from 0.1% is not deflationary. That’s good
Industrial Production Jul up 0.1% after Obama manipulated it lower (-0.1%) last month. That’s good.
Capacity Utilization Jul at 74.8% up from 74.1%, which implies some capacity, is being reduced.
Crude Inventories 08/14 increased slightly. Summer is coming to an end and USA consumption of gasoline will decrease and then heating oil consumption will increase.

Initial Claims 08/14 rose to 500k from 484K. The democrat-socialists are destroying jobs giving money away to grow their voting base.
Continuing Claims 08/07 rose to 4478k from 4452K
Leading Indicators Jul improved to 0.1% from -0.2%
Philadelphia Fed Aug reported a decline of -7.7 from the small improvement of 5.5 last month.

Market Outlook Aug 20, 2010

Never before have we been faced with a president advancing the causes of his coalition of racists, leftist, trial lawyers, "community activists", the lazy, the incompetent, the illegal alien voters, drug abusers, the perverts, and government workers. And they would like to become the leftist majority that democratically approves the laws to allow them to legally steal from you the way Hitler stole from the wealthiest 2% in Germany. Fascism is nationalistic socialism while communism is international socialism. They are the two flavors socialism comes in when they stop experimenting with free enterprise.

Bush was wrong when he cut taxes to the highest brackets especially the government workers, the corrupt union bosses, and the greedy who where selling mortgage derivative that were known to be tainted. The old Republican pigs as well as the socialist pigs need to be thrown out of office.

What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability.

Volume has been extremely low on the recent Hedge Fund declines indicating that the Hedge fund short sellers are running out of cash. That could be because people do not like Hedge funds betting against them. It sounds unethical to investors so investors took $30billion out of the market so far this year. But they made a bigger mistake and bet on deflation and bought bonds.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then Obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like Obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night. Shanghai down -1.7%, Hong Kong down -0.4%, India down -0.3%, and Japan down -2%.

European markets are down in a range of about -0.4% to -1% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are down -0.4% this morning at 9 Am.

The Obama-Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd worldwide recession still has Americans losing jobs. Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd forced banks to loan to people who could not make the payments and Obama campaigned negatively call the slight slowdown a Great Depression and scared the world into a depression. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself and the democrat-socialists.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Obama thought GM was too big to fail because he needed union support. Now he dumps them.

Obama thought GM was too big to fail because he needed union support. Now he dumps them to avoid blame for the coming failure.

Obama should not have bothered to bail out the GM union bosses. GM has distorted and lied and is losing money when you remove the accounting gimmicks and use the real costs of running the business instead of their costs less government bail-out. Obama only monitized their enormous debt burdens. The union operating cost overburden still exists. Obama now sees he is a one-term president. The filthy rich union bosses have decided to dump him as well. The American taxpayers were forced to cover the union pension plans with age 50 retirement and now Obama wants to cut GM loose before it fails so GM's failure can be blamed on someone else. But don't worry about the unions yet because their corrupt union leaders still have time to steal all the union money Obama set aside. Worry now about the uniformed investors who Obama hopes to saddle with the proposed private buy-out (IPO). We predict GM will be bankrupt before the next recession begins. It is so debt and cost laden that once interest rates rise the red ink will cover their books. GM's new green cars cost over $40K and look like carnival go-carts and circus clown cars.

Inflation looms in the future and will make short term interest rates rise and short term debtors insolvent. They will be the big losers. Bondholders will be big losers in the end and there will be bursts of money leaving bonds for stocks. Commodities will be the big gainers again. Homeowners will be the big winners as fixed long-term rates are depressed.

As predicted, the cash infusion from corporations is beginning to let loose a bull market and a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy. But that only occurs because they believe the recovery is real. Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions especially with stocks a bargain now.

World Markets:
Hedge funds may have begun buying to cover their shorts. But fund negativity is always self-defeating for the funds. All it does is discourage investors. $30billion was taken out of the market so far this year by investors who do not like the funds betting against them. For that is what it amounts to. We have had Goldman-sucks and now Hedgefund-sucks. Why should Americans invest in the market when the big hedge funds are betting against them?

German exports also surged to pre-recession levels. German second quarter growth just hit 2.3% and rising.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

This week
NY Fed - Empire Manufacturing Index Aug rose to 7.1 from 5.1 a 20% improvement.
Net long-term TIC Flows May rose to 44.4 from 35.4 a 30% improvement
NAHB Housing Market Index Aug declined to 13 from 14 as Obama continues to ignore the democrat-socialist corrupt and dysfunctional Fannie and Freddie government organizations that insured loans that were impossible to repay so that the private mortgage derivatives were corrupted with Barney Frank's bogus mortgages and collapsed causing the democrat-socialist crisis that which Obama then exacerbated by declaring it to be a Great Depression.
Housing Starts Jul up to 546K from 537K Capacity needs to be removed.
Building Permits Jul at 556K down from 583K. Capacity needs to be removed.
PPI Jul up to 0.2% after being down 0.5% is no longer deflationary. That’s good.
Core PPI Jul up to 0.3% from 0.1% is not deflationary. That’s good
Industrial Production Jul up 0.1% after Obama manipulated it lower (-0.1%) last month. That’s good.
Capacity Utilization Jul at 74.8% up from 74.1%, which implies some capacity, is being reduced.

Crude Inventories 08/14 increased slightly. Summer is coming to an end and USA consumption of gasoline will decrease and then heating oil consumption will increase.

Aug 19 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/14
Aug 19 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/07
Aug 19 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Jul
Aug 19 10:00 AM Philadelphia Fed Aug

Market Outlook Aug 19, 2010
What is technically wrong with this market is that it still needs to break again above the 20-day and 100 day moving averages. The May meltdown frightened a lot of people. It was not caused by a fat finger mistake. The automatic market system is flawed and unstable. It could happen again because like the Japanese car auto-acceleration problem, the SEC has no clue as to what actually caused the instability.

Volume has been extremely low on the recent Hedge Fund declines indicating that the Hedge fund short sellers are running out of cash. That could be because people do not like Hedge funds betting against them. It sounds unethical to investors so investors took $30billion out of the market so far this year. But they made a bigger mistake and bet on deflation and bought bonds.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night. Shanghai up 0.8%, Hong Kong up 0.3%, India up 1.1%, and Japan up 1.3%.

European markets are up in a range of about 0.1% to 0.5% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up 0.4% this morning at 8 Am.

Now both China and Germany growth indicates the Obama-Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd worldwide recession is ending. Corporations are rushing to make acquisitions with stocks at bargain prices. Investors abandoned and punished unethical funds that bet against them. Now the funds are covering shorts before the investors go elsewhere and the unethical hedge funds go broke.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Democrat-Socialist perversion continues in the headlines as perverts seek to impose their will on Americans.

Democrat-Socialist perversion continues in the headlines as perverts seek to impose their will on Americans.

NAMABLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) was one of the organizations in the 1990's fighting for children's rights so that children at 12 could make decisions independent of their terribly restrictive parents. They wanted 12 year olds to be having consenting sex but their real goal was captured in their chant, "Before eight or its too late." Yes they wanted the age for little boys and girls to be able to have consenting sex dropped eventually to eight. They would essentially be able to completely destroy the family which the leftist perverts thought was an archaic oppressive relic of the religious right.

It was the NAMABLA publicity of the notorious Boston priest pedophile that caught the attention of his 100+ boy victims and which resulted in the purge of the perverts teaching in Catholic Church seminaries. When the Catholic Church began to purge the church of perverts that had been in teaching and other positions where they could commit sex crimes, the perverts in the church also came out against the church. Most perverts in fact like their life style and by coming out they could get blackmail money and punish the Church for throwing them out of responsible positions that endangered young people. That is why the Catholic Church changed from being a 1960's leftist perverted revolutionary influence supporting Chavez and other communists in S.A. and the first Polish Pope abandoned the leftist vision of the perverts in the church. It was a hard decision because the Catholic Church was the most liberal/progressive church. Now the perverts have flocked to the Lutheran ELCA denomination (among others) where they also take great pride in their ELCA medical members who kill babies in the ninth month in last minute decisions and in their gay pastors.

Pornography with children is against the law for the time being but the web is filled with the porn of committed sexual relations with apparently consenting animals and other things. The problem with perversion is that there are no limits to the depth of depravity. It is always there but once you legalize it they put it in your face like in Nazi Germany before the "night of the long knives".

The depravity of past national and international socialist systems is well known. And the leftist perverts think Guantanamo is suddenly ok now that the democrat-socialist-pervert-union-lazy-indigent-illegals say it is. When there are no human or social values, anything comes and anything goes.

World Markets:
Hedge funds continue to spread miss-information about China to try to unsettle markets that they shorted and are losing big on. It is false for hedge funds to say they are entering a slow down. The hedge funds are selling commodities now and making an incredibly bad mistake. They will fail at their attempt to drive the markets down now. So we can take advantage of declines as a buying opportunity. When the hedge funds are forced to cover their shorts the world markets will surge. One thing is absolutely certain… shortages are on the horizon. Now is the time to prepare for the shortages that always accompany inflation.

German exports also surged to pre-recession levels. German second quarter growth just hit 2.3% and rising.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

Last Friday:
CPI Jul rose 0.3% which makes up for the -.1% last month.
Core CPI Jul was at 0.1% which is stable and growing.
Retail Sales Jul were up 0.4% after being down -0.5% and manipulate. This shows recovery.
Retail Sales ex-auto Jul also up 0.2%.
Mich Sentiment Aug rose to 69.6% from a manipulates lower 67.8% last month.
Business Inventories Jun are up 0.3% which is expected as we get closer to the holiday sales season.

NY Fed - Empire Manufacturing Index Aug rose to 7.1 from 5.1 a 20% improvement.
Net long-term TIC Flows May rose to 44.4 from 35.4 a 30% improvement
NAHB Housing Market Index Aug declined to 13 from 14 as Obama continues to ignore the democrat-socialist corrupt and dysfunctional Fannie and Freddie government organizations that insured loans that were impossible to repay so that the private mortgage derivatives were corrupted with Barney Frank's bogus mortgages and collapsed causing the democrat-socialist crisis that which Obama then exacerbated by declaring it to be a Great Depression.

Aug 17 8:30 AM Housing Starts Jul
Aug 17 8:30 AM Building Permits Jul
Aug 17 8:30 AM PPI Jul
Aug 17 8:30 AM Core PPI Jul
Aug 17 9:15 AM Industrial Production Jul
Aug 17 9:15 AM Capacity Utilization Jul

This week
Aug 18 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 08/14
Aug 19 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/14
Aug 19 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/07
Aug 19 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Jul
Aug 19 10:00 AM Philadelphia Fed Aug

Market Outlook Aug 17, 2010

Volume has been extremely low on the recent Hedge Fund declines indicating that the Hedge fund short sellers are running out of cash. The last advance barely broke the resistance level and was not a breakout. But the pullback thus far was less than 50% of the last advance. So if the decline does not break the previous low then the next advance will have a much better chance of making a breakout. If it fails that attempt then it would imply the economic recovery is faltering. We expect the market to rise and for Americans to be closer to their computers and radios thinking of investments this summer and of purging the democrat-socialist-union-lazy-indigent-perverts.

The cash infusion from corporations is beginning to let loose a bull market and a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy. But that only occurs when they believe the recovery is real. Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions. Inflation looms in the future and will make short term interest rates rise and short term debtors insolvent. They will be the big losers. Homeowners will be the big winners as long term rates are depressed. Bondholders will be big losers in the end and there will be bursts of money leaving bonds for stocks. Commodities will be the big gainers again.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night. Shanghai up 0.4%, Hong Kong up 0.2%, India no change, and Japan down 0.4%.

European markets are up sharply in a range of about 0.7% to 1.2% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up 0.5% this morning at 9 Am.

We look at China and Germany and think it shows the world market trend is up after all the disparaging double dip false criticism the hedge funds laid on China these past months. German and Chinese markets reflected the slowdown months ago as we have also. German and Chinese markets resumed growth. The slowdown was not a dip it is just a more sustainable advance. Now both China and Germany indicate the Obama-Barney Frank-Christopher Dodd recession is ending.

Monday, August 16, 2010

China is about to surpass Japan to become the second largest economy in the world.

China is about to surpass Japan to become the second largest economy in the world.

With the world now coming out of the "Obama Depression", China is about to surpass Japan. This must come with great joy after the cruel crimes that were perpetrated by the Japanese during World War II. Only the negative hedge funds are still down on China.

World Markets:
Hedge funds continue to spread miss-information about China to try to unsettle markets that they shorted and are losing big on. It is false for hedge funds to say they are entering a slow down. The hedge funds are selling commodities now and making an incredibly bad mistake. They will fail at their attempt to drive the markets down now. So take advantage of declines as a buying opportunity. When the hedge funds are forced to cover their shorts the world markets will surge. One thing is absolutely certain… shortages are on the horizon. Now is the time to prepare for the shortages that always accompany inflation.

German exports also surged in June to pre-recession levels. German second quarter growth just hit 2.3% and rising.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

Last Friday:
CPI Jul rose 0.3% which makes up for the -.1% last month.
Core CPI Jul was at 0.1% which is stable and growing.
Retail Sales Jul were up 0.4% after being down -0.5% and manipulate. This shows recovery.
Retail Sales ex-auto Jul also up 0.2%.
Mich Sentiment Aug rose to 69.6% from a manipulates lower 67.8% last month.
Business Inventories Jun are up 0.3% which is expected as we get closer to the holiday sales season.

Aug 16 8:30 AM NY Fed - Empire Manufacturing Index Aug
Aug 16 9:00 AM Net long-term TIC Flows May
Aug 16 10:00 AM NAHB Housing Market Index Aug

This week
Aug 17 8:30 AM Housing Starts Jul
Aug 17 8:30 AM Building Permits Jul
Aug 17 8:30 AM PPI Jul
Aug 17 8:30 AM Core PPI Jul
Aug 17 9:15 AM Industrial Production Jul
Aug 17 9:15 AM Capacity Utilization Jul
Aug 18 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 08/14
Aug 19 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/14
Aug 19 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 08/07
Aug 19 10:00 AM Leading Indicators Jul
Aug 19 10:00 AM Philadelphia Fed Aug

Market Outlook Aug 16, 2010

The last advance barely broke the resistance level and was not a breakout. But the pullback thus far was only about 50% of the last advance. So if the decline does not break the previous low then the next advance has a much better chance of making a breakout. If it fails that attempt then it would imply the economic recovery is faltering.

The cash infusion from corporations is beginning to let loose a bull market and a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy. But that only occurs when they believe the recovery is real. Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions. Inflation looms in the future and will make short term interest rates rise and short term debtors insolvent. They will be the big losers. Homeowners will be the big winners as long term rates are depressed. Bondholders will be big losers in the end and there will be bursts of money leaving bonds for stocks. Commodities will be the big gainers again.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night. Shanghai up 2%, Hong Kong up 0.2%, India down -0.6%, and Japan down 0.6%.

European markets are down in a range of about -1% to 0% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are slightly lower this morning at 8 Am.

We look at China and Germany and think it shows the world market trend is up after all the disparaging double dip false criticism the hedge funds laid on China these past months. German and Chinese markets reflected the slowdown months ago as we have and resumed growth. But a slowdown is not a dip it is just a more sustainable advance. And now both China and Germany indicate the Obama recession is ending.

Friday, August 13, 2010

GM, government motors, has had its fourth CEO in 18 months each taking an enormous retirement parachute

GM, government motors, has had its fourth CEO in 18 months each taking an enormous retirement parachute

GM is taking taxpayer money and calling it a profit.

GM is now run by the unions and socialists as a permanent lying socialist firm that continues to take taxpayer money and breaks all moral accounting restraints by claiming it is making a real profit. That socialist lie should be clear to anyone because $billions of taxpayer money has been spent on research, development, and retooling for cars which Americans consistently refuse to own. GM leftists obviously are not writing off those bailouts and stimulation expenses because they could not possibly show a profit yet if they had. No they are taking taxpayer money and calling it pure profit. Most Americans will not buy the GM version of the Trabat and the Yugo.

When will people with meaningful relationships with their pets, water buffalo, camels, sheep, and goats be allowed to marry them in California? Don't those loved ones deserve to inherit wealth and to have marital rights, insurance, and social security after their human lovers are deceased? For far too long Californians discriminate against these ancient established relationships which anyone can see on a visit to Mexico's Tijuana. Necrophilia and pedophilia are accepted in many of the world's most left leaning tribal areas… far more progressive than California. When will leftists seek to recognize the loving relationship Californians and others have with animals and dead things? When will socialist progressives stop stigmatizing people who have true meaningful loving committed relationships outside the narrow bigoted range of leftist acceptability? When will leftists simply make a farce of everything that is not decadent? Why leave anything out? In the mean time Obama does to stop homegrown marijuana in California what Obama does to stop illegal immigration in Arizona, and American unemployment… nothing. And then there is NAMBLA.

Everyone should know about NAMBLA. The abused in Boston came forward when they discovered that a Priest who abused them was at the charter formation meeting of NAMBLA. And why do all the perverts hate the Catholic Church today? It is because their Polish Pope routed out the leftists and perverts that infiltrated the Catholic seminaries in the 1960'3 and supported the Communist insurgents in South America during the 1980's a few years ago. Now the leftist perverts all over the world hate and attack the Catholic Church. Now the leftist perverts have infiltrated the American Episcopal and ELCA churches that have essentially replace their catechisms with the Democrat-socialist national platform.

During Obama's election campaign the asses in Congress made fun of the fact that lowering taxes stimulates productivity and economic growth and that nationalization of businesses and expansion of federal, state, and local government expenditures do the opposite. Now the asses in congress are stuck with people dislocated and delightfully unemployable. What leftist derelict in his right mind who not rather be fishing than working as a grocery stock boy? It is an enormous underclass the Obama socialists are creating which now have a majority and can vote in other congressional asses to take away the money and rights of productive Americans and give more rights to the lazy and the perverts degrading everything ennobling that America once had.

Only the private sector generates profits that pay the way of the employees and pay taxes to pay the salaries of Government workers. Personal income of Americans dropped everywhere in the USA last year with the exception of places with a high concentration of government workers. That is how socialism spreads. Government workers are part of the coalition obama is advancing. Never before have we been faced with a president advancing the causes of his coalition of leftist, trial lawyers, "community activists", the lazy, the incompetent, the illegal alien voters, drug abusers, the perverts, and government workers. And they would like to become the leftist majority that democratically approves the laws to allow them to legally steal from you the way Hitler stole from the wealthiest 2% in Germany. Fascism is nationalistic socialism while communism is international socialism. They are the two flavors socialism comes in when they stop experimenting with free enterprise.

World Markets:
China's news is still good news, but is being misinterpreted by funds to try to kill the budding economic recovery. Of course that is not possible and ultimately the market will respond positively. Hedge funds are spreading miss-information about China to try to unsettle markets that they shorted and are losing big on. WSJ reported that hedge funds already are down 6% because they shorted too late and the market is above the point they shorted. They will fail at their attempt to drive the markets down now. So take advantage of declines as a buying opportunity. When the hedge funds are forced to cover their shorts the world markets will surge.

China continues to do the right things first. China has discovered the way Goldman Sucks and others cheat and lie on their balance sheets by moving bad loans to fictitious independent entities so they do not appear on the books and deceive people. Goldmansucks advised even Greece on how they could bend the rules and deceive the EU about their runaway debt. But China sees that Goldman tactics truly suck and are the worst type of economic corruption that ultimately makes corporations into criminal organizations based on lies and deceit not ideas and productivity. Goldman Sucks sold their customers defective derivatives and then bet against their customers. That is like a Japanese car dealer selling cars that accelerate uncontrollably and then taking out life insurance on the driver. Then collect upon the driver's death. That is how Goldman Sucks made most of their money… not on selling derivatives but on buying insurance that paid them when the derivatives collapsed.

Chinese exports are surging and China needs to prevent an economic bubble. But it is false for hedge funds to say they are entering a slow down. The hedge funds are selling commodities now and making an incredibly bad mistake. One thing is absolutely certain… shortages are on the horizon. Now is the time to prepare for the shortages that always accompany inflation.

German exports also surged in Jun to pre-recession levels. German second quarter growth just hit 2.3% and rising.

Economic Calendar
We are seeing manipulated obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

Productivity-Prel Q2 down -0.9% after being up 2.8% but then corrected (manipulated) upward another 1% last month. This appears to be manipulation of the figures buried in 2% data scatter. If we used the early numbers in both months the productivity change would still be positive. Obama's pretended productivity increase of 3.9% last month was absurd and no one believed it or the market would not have gone down.

Unit Labor Costs Q2 went up 0.2% after an absurd manipulated decrease of 2% between last months initial and final figures. Last month the initial value was -1.3% corrected downward to -3.7% in the final base value used to compute the +0.2% this month. Again the manipulation is almost as bad as the data scatter.

Wholesale Inventories Jun increased 0.1% better than the unmanipulated +0.5% last month.
FOMC Rate Decision Aug 10 was kept flat at 0.25% but Bernacke did manage to instill world confidence in the administration's incompetence. Every word out of Bernanke's mouth makes the markets shudder with fright.

Trade Balance Jun deficit approached $50billion as China recovers faster than the USA… not bad yet see chart:

Crude Inventories 08/07 declined 3million indicating rising prices, which counters deflation… good
Treasury Budget Jul deficit spending dropped from $181billion to $165billion… good

Initial Claims 08/07 at 484K up slightly from the preceding week due to the extensions not going beyond 99 weeks.
Continuing Claims 07/31 fell to 4452K from the 4570K final last week. That benefit was pure Obama manipulation.

Export Prices ex-ag. Jul fell -0.2 % but would have been lower without manipulation because Obama knows unions do not like falling prices. Import Prices ex-oil Jul fell 0.3%. These are deflationary forces that have been in effect more than 20 years now and is why bond investors have done well. Deflation is good for bondholders because as rates decline the bond appreciates in price.

Aug 13 8:30 AM CPI Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Core CPI Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Retail Sales Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Retail Sales ex-auto Jul
Aug 13 9:55 AM Mich Sentiment Aug
Aug 13 10:00 AM Business Inventories Jun

Market Outlook Aug 13, 2010

The last advance barely broke the resistance level and was not a breakout. But the pullback thus far was only about 50% of the last advance. So if the decline does not break the previous low then the next advance has a much better chance of making a breakout. If it fails that attempt then it would imply the economic recovery is faltering. That is probably why the FED took action to infuse more cash into the economy.

The cash infusion from corporations is beginning to let loose a bull market and a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy. But that only occurs when they believe the recovery is real. Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions. Inflation looms in the future and will make short term interest rates rise and short term debtors insolvent. They will be the big losers. Homeowners will be the big winners as long term rates are depressed. Bondholders will be big losers in the end and there will be bursts of money leaving bonds for stocks. Commodities will be the big gainers again.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were up last night. Shanghai up 1.2%, Hong Kong down -0.2%, India up 0.5%, and Japan up 0.4%.

European markets are down in a range of about -1.1% to -0.4% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are slightly lower this morning at 8 Am.

We look at China and Germany and think it shows the world market trend is up after all the disparaging double dip false criticism the hedge funds laid on China these past months. German and Chinese markets reflected the slowdown months ago as we have and resumed growth. But a slowdown is not a dip it is just a more sustainable advance.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hedge funds succeeded again in putting the markets back in the hole and blame goes to Obama and Bernacke.

Hedge funds succeeded again in putting the markets back in the hole and blame goes to Obama and Bernacke.

Obama's summer of recovery could be correct but people now tend to believe the opposite of what he says. With Bernacke it is the fear that oozes out of his performance that makes his good news look like a startled deer looking into the headlights of a rapidly approaching Mack truck. The general incompetence of the people surrounding Obama is frightening yet all things pass. Home prices are beginning to rise now so the fiscal and monetary policy is now draining the swamp. Foreclosures are now peaking because banks not have a better chance of profiting if that take over homes in good markets, rent and then sell next spring at a profit.

Hedge Funds have unloaded to avoid the updraft of an impending short squeeze. They engender only 11% volume increase on the down side. Yes, they bet against the USA, China, and the EU and they are so obnoxious they think they can talk us into a double recession.

Hedge funds are spreading miss-information about China to try to unsettle markets that they shorted and are losing big on. WSJ reported that hedge funds already are down 6% because they shorted too late and the market is above the point they shorted. They will fail at their attempt to drive the markets down now. So take advantage of declines as a buying opportunity. When the hedge funds are forced to cover their shorts the world markets will surge.

Only the private sector generates profits that pay the way of the employees and pay taxes to pay the salaries of Government workers. Personal income of Americans dropped everywhere in the USA last year with the exception of places with a high concentration of government workers. That is how socialism spreads. Government workers are part of the coalition obama is advancing. Never before have we been faced with a president advancing the causes of his coalition of leftist, trial lawyers, "community activists", the lazy, the incompetent, the illegal alien voters, drug abusers, the perverts, and government workers. And they would like to become the leftist majority that democratically approves the laws to allow them to legally steal from you the way Hitler stole from the wealthiest 2% in Germany. Fascism is nationalistic socialism while communism is international socialism. They are the two flavors socialism comes in when they stop experimenting with free enterprise.

World Markets:
China's news is still good news, but is being misinterpreted by funds to try to kill the budding economic recovery.

China continues to do the right things first. China has discovered the way Goldman Sucks and others cheat and lie on their balance sheets by moving bad loans to fictitious independent entities so they do not appear on the books and deceive people. Goldmansucks advised even Greece on how they could bend the rules and deceive the EU about their runaway debt. But China sees that Goldman tactics truly suck and are the worst type of economic corruption that ultimately makes corporations into criminal organizations based on lies and deceit not ideas and productivity. Goldman Sucks sold their customers defective derivatives and then bet against their customers. That is like a Japanese car dealer selling cars that accelerate uncontrollably and then taking out life insurance on the driver. Then collect upon the driver's death. That is how Goldman Sucks made most of their money… not on selling derivatives but on buying insurance that paid them when the derivatives collapsed.

That is why China is forcing Chinese banks to cover off-the-book loans to 150%. That will discourage hiding bad loans and expose corrupt and incompetent Chinese bankers who wish to imitate Goldman Sucks.

Chinese exports are surging and China needs to prevent an economic bubble. But it is false for hedge funds to say they are entering a slow down. The hedge funds are selling commodities now and making an incredibly bad mistake. One thing is absolutely certain… shortages are on the horizon. Now is the time to prepare for the shortages that always accompany inflation.

German exports also surged in Jun to pre-recession levels.

Economic Calendar

Friday was great:
All great news for the economy.
Nonfarm Payrolls Jul dropped much less. -131K vs. -221K last month. This includes government jobs. Good
Nonfarm Payrolls - Private employment in Jul increased 71K vs. 31K the previous month. Great
Unemployment Rate Jul remained at 9.5%. Doomsday hedge fund shorts wanted an increase. Good it is stabilizing so it can finally go down again.
Hourly Earnings Jul rose 0.2% vs. losing 0.1% the previous month. Good indication of hiring improving and wages stabilizing.
Average Workweek Jul increased to 34.2 vs. 34.1 last month. Good sign of economic pick-up.
Consumer Credit Jun decreased -1.3B vs. -5.7 last month indicating consumer spending may have finished bottoming.

We are seeing manipulated obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

Productivity-Prel Q2 down -0.9% after being up 2.8% but then corrected (manipulated) upward another 1% last month. This appears to be manipulation of the figures buried in 2% data scatter. If we used the early numbers in both months the productivity change would still be positive. Obama's pretended productivity increase of 3.9% last month was absurd and no one believed it or the market would not have gone down.

Unit Labor Costs Q2 went up 0.2% after an absurd manipulated decrease of 2% between last months initial and final figures. Last month the initial value was -1.3% corrected downward to -3.7% in the final base value used to compute the +0.2% this month. Again the manipulation is almost as bad as the data scatter.

Wholesale Inventories Jun increased 0.1% better than the unmanipulated +0.5% last month.
FOMC Rate Decision Aug 10 was kept flat at 0.25% but Bernacke did manage to instill world confidence in the administration's incompetence. Every word out of Bernanke's mouth makes the markets shudder with fright.

Trade Balance Jun deficit approached $50billion as China recovers faster than the USA… not bad yet see chart:

Crude Inventories 08/07 declined 3million indicating rising prices, which counters deflation… good
Treasury Budget Jul deficit spending dropped from $181billion to $165billion… good

Aug 12 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/07
Aug 12 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/31
Aug 12 8:30 AM Export Prices ex-ag. Jul
Aug 12 8:30 AM Import Prices ex-oil Jul

This week:
Aug 13 8:30 AM CPI Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Core CPI Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Retail Sales Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Retail Sales ex-auto Jul
Aug 13 9:55 AM Mich Sentiment Aug
Aug 13 10:00 AM Business Inventories Jun

Market Outlook Aug 12, 2010

The bleeding hedge funds attempted unsuccessfully to panic the markets on top of an Asian overnight decline. But the markets did not see any high volume during the day. The hedge fund actually caused the most of the decline over night when no buyers were awake. Then all they had to do was make negative commentary during the day to scare buyers away. They will likely try to panic people again today. But they just cannot get the volume they need to cover their shorts and each time they try to panic the market they go deeper into a net short position. Soon, when they give up we will see hedge fund short covering.
The leftists are going to be thrown out in November. The primaries show democrat centrists defeating leftists already. But that only drives Republicans further toward the Tea Party.

The cash infusion from corporations is beginning to let loose a bull market and a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy.

Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions. Inflation looms in the future and will make short term interest rates rise and short term debtors insolvent. They will be the big losers. Homeowners will be the big winners as long term rates are depressed. Bondholders will be big losers in the end and there will be bursts of money leaving bonds for stocks. Commodities will be the big gainers again.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were down last night. Shanghai down -1.2%, Hong Kong down -0.9%, India down 0%, and Japan down -0.9%.

European markets are up in a range of about -0.2% to +0.4% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are flat this morning. We look at China and think it shows the world market trend is up after all the disparaging double dip false criticism the hedge funds laid on China these past months. China's markets reflected the slowdown months ago as we have. But a slowdown is not a dip it is just a more sustainable advance. It is time to look to the future.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hedge Funds struggle now to avoid the updraft of an impending short squeeze.

Hedge Funds struggle to avoid the updraft of an impending short squeeze. They can engender no volume on the down side anymore. China's news is still good news, but is being misinterpreted by funds to try to kill the budding economic recovery. Yes, they bet against the USA, China, and the EU and they are so obnoxious they think they can talk us into a double recession.

Hedge funds are spreading miss-information about China to try to unsettle markets that they shorted and are losing big on. WSJ reported that hedge funds already are down 6% because they shorted too late and the market is above the point they shorted. They will fail at their attempt to drive the markets down now. So take advantage of declines as a buying opportunity. When the hedge funds are forced to cover their shorts the world markets will surge.

Personal income of Americans dropped everywhere in the USA last year with the exception of places with a high concentration of government workers. That is how socialism spreads. Government workers are part of the coalition obama is advancing. Never before have we been faced with a president advancing the causes of his coalition of leftist, trial lawyers, "community activists", the lazy, the incompetent, the illegal alien voters, drug abusers, the perverts, and government workers. And they would like to become the leftist majority that democratically approves the laws to allow them to legally steal from you the way Hitler stole from the wealthiest 2% in Germany. Fascism is nationalistic socialism while communism is international socialism. They are the two flavors socialism comes in when they stop experimenting with free enterprise.

World Markets:

China continues to do the right things first. China has discovered the way Goldman Sucks and others cheat and lie on their balance sheets by moving bad loans to fictitious independent entities so they do not appear on the books and deceive people. Goldmansucks advised even Greece on how they could bend the rules and deceive the EU about their runaway debt. But China sees that Goldman tactics truly suck and are the worst type of economic corruption that ultimately makes corporations into criminal organizations based on lies and deceit not ideas and productivity. Goldman Sucks sold their customers defective derivatives and then bet against their customers. That is like a Japanese car dealer selling cars that accelerate uncontrollably and then taking out life insurance on the driver. Then collect upon the driver's death. That is how Goldman Sucks made most of their money… not on selling derivatives but on buying insurance that paid them when the derivatives collapsed.

That is why China is forcing Chinese banks to cover off-the-book loans to 150%. That will discourage hiding bad loans and expose corrupt and incompetent Chinese bankers who wish to imitate Goldman Sucks.

Chinese exports are surging and China needs to prevent an economic bubble. But it is false for hedge funds to say they are entering a slow down. The hedge funds are selling commodities now and making an incredibly bad mistake. One thing is absolutely certain… shortages are on the horizon. Now is the time to prepare for the shortages that always accompany inflation.

German exports also surged in Jun to pre-recession levels.

Economic Calendar

Friday was great:
All great news for the economy.
Nonfarm Payrolls Jul dropped much less. -131K vs. -221K last month. This includes government jobs. Good
Nonfarm Payrolls - Private employment in Jul increased 71K vs. 31K the previous month. Great
Unemployment Rate Jul remained at 9.5%. Doomsday hedge fund shorts wanted an increase. Good it is stabilizing so it can finally go down again.
Hourly Earnings Jul rose 0.2% vs. losing 0.1% the previous month. Good indication of hiring improving and wages stabilizing.
Average Workweek Jul increased to 34.2 vs. 34.1 last month. Good sign of economic pick-up.
Consumer Credit Jun decreased -1.3B vs. -5.7 last month indicating consumer spending may have finished bottoming.

We are seeing manipulated obama government statistics again with wide data scatter and correction as big as the reported changes.

Productivity-Prel Q2 down -0.9% after being up 2.8% but then corrected (manipulated) upward another 1% last month. This appears to be manipulation of the figures buried in 2% data scatter. If we used the early numbers in both months the productivity change would still be positive. Obama's pretended productivity increase of 3.9% last month was absurd and no one believed it or the market would not have gone down.

Unit Labor Costs Q2 went up 0.2% after an absurd manipulated decrease of 2% between last months initial and final figures. Last month the initial value was -1.3% corrected downward to -3.7% in the final base value used to compute the +0.2% this month. Again the manipulation is almost as bad as the data scatter.

Wholesale Inventories Jun increased 0.1% better than the unmanipulated +0.5% last month.
FOMC Rate Decision Aug 10 was kept flat at 0.25% but Bernacke did manage to instill world confidence in the administration's incompetence. Every word out of Bernanke's mouth makes the markets shudder with fright.

Aug 11 8:30 AM Trade Balance Jun
Aug 11 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 08/07
Aug 11 2:00 PM Treasury Budget Jul

This week:
Aug 12 8:30 AM Initial Claims 08/07
Aug 12 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 07/31
Aug 12 8:30 AM Export Prices ex-ag. Jul
Aug 12 8:30 AM Import Prices ex-oil Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM CPI Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Core CPI Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Retail Sales Jul
Aug 13 8:30 AM Retail Sales ex-auto Jul
Aug 13 9:55 AM Mich Sentiment Aug
Aug 13 10:00 AM Business Inventories Jun

Market Outlook Aug 11, 2010

Once again the bleeding hedge funds attempted unsuccessfully to panic the markets on top of an Asian overnight decline. But the markets recovered almost everything during the day. They will likely try it again today. But when they give up we will see hedge fund short covering that could take many stocks to new highs.

We would not buy Apple at this point as it is now valued higher than 95% of the nations in the world. It is a bit overpriced.

Bernacke told the world that the USA will use treasuries to buy bad mortgage loans. The hedge funds pretend it is something worse than using treasuries to finance $38 billion in underfunded California and NY teacher's pensions. Again this is disinformation spread ignorantly by the media at the behest of the hedge funds that are trying desperately to cover their shorts at lower prices where their losses will be lower. Investors should beware and not be duped into selling and helping the cause of the hedge funds by bailing them out.

The stock market's upward advance penetrated the 100-day moving average line and still did not retreat. False negative market analysis is being propagated today possibly from the losing hedge funds that are about to be caught in a major short squeeze that will devastate many of them as margin calls will force them to acknowledge their hidden losses. Commodities should be bought on weakness because they are the one profitable area that hedge funds must sell to raise money to unwind their losing bets in expectation of a double dip recession.

A sharp advance later yesterday occurred as predicted. You know it is a breakout when it surges and does not retreat immediately.

The leftists are going to be thrown out in November. That will cause an improving market through November.

The cash infusion from corporations is beginning to let loose a bull market and a fresh cash influx for acquisitions and expansion of the economy.

The American Markets held again and seem ready to surge and say recovery is under way. Hedge funds including Goldman Sucks have recently lost money betting against the economy and market strength.

Corporations have cash and are beginning to warm to acquisitions. Inflation looms in the future and will make short term interest rates rise and short term debtors insolvent. They will be the big losers. Homeowners will be the big winners as long term rates are depressed. Bondholders will be big losers in the end and there will be bursts of money leaving bonds for stocks. Commodities will be the big gainers again.

Corporate spending of their massive accumulated cash reserves is beginning to surge. That will come in three forms. Corporations that think they are undervalued will buy some corporate stock back. Secondly, corporations will upgrade their data processing to improve employee productivity. Thirdly, acquisitions will boost the markets and this will appear suddenly and be an upside propellant.

Fear of Obama National Socialism and corruption still has people buying treasuries and not stocks. Socialist obama and his socialist in congress are attempting to make the Federal Government bigger than the private sector. The US government already employs more people than the top 500 corporations combined.

We expect a bigger rally to follow if the corrupt socialists are voted out of office in November. Then obama socialism can be stopped in its tracks. The imperatives are no new taxes, no new federal programs like obamacare, and cut state and federal do-nothing jobs. State and federal government job cuts are needed and no new taxes.

World Markets
Asian markets were down last night. Shanghai up 0.5%, Hong Kong down -0.8%, India down -0.8%, and Japan down -2.7%.

European markets are down in a range of about -1.7% to -0.9% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are down about -1% to -1.4% this morning. We expect a partial recovery later in the day. We look at China and think it shows the world market trend is up after all the disparaging double dip false criticism the hedge funds laid on China these past months. China's markets reflected the slowdown months ago as we have. But it is time to look to the future.