Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Far more Americans own rifles than hunt or fish but hunters and fishermen tend to be the most heavily armed. According to Liberty News there were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin. Those numbers change all the time but they are good estimates. That would make Wisconsin's hunters the eighth largest army in the world, more men under arms than in Iran. More than France and Germany combined. These men deployed to the woods in a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was accidentally killed.


 That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan's 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home safely.  Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.

And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states.  It's millions more.  That's why all our enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed!   Food for thought, when next we consider "gun control".

So if we disregard some assumptions that hunters and many other rifle owners don't possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain... What foreign army of 2 million would want to face 10, 30, 50 million armed American citizens?  That was how we won our independence.  We were a nation of hunters who signed up for duty in Washington’s army mostly after harvest season.   The 30,000 stationed British troops did not have a good time especially with the French and Spanish supporting us with guns, ammunition, and money.  And finally the French fleet and French army joined and fought with us at Yorktown forever ending American occupation by any foreign troops.

Our American Constitution has the second bill of rights… our right to bear arms, not just to hunt but to overthrow any democratically elected government that tried to become a tyranny.   Remember that Nationalist Socialist Hitler and United Socialist Party of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez were both democratically elected and then changed their national constitutions to establish their socialist tyrannies.  Just because a murdering butcher is democratically elected does not mean a thing.  Stalin always won more than 98% of the vote.  Sadistic butcher Saddam Hussein even got more than 98% of his prison population in his last “free” unopposed election.  He was known to dissolve some enemies in vats of acid. 

In Switzerland it is not just a right but every physically able man is obliged to take military training and possess a rifle as a standing army.  Hitler and Stalin did not bother with Switzerland.  Can you imagine the humiliation a Nazi or Soviet general would face being defeated in the mountains by the tiny Swiss army?

We should be grateful that we have an army of millions of armed citizens who would protect our land and we sure don't want the government taking control of the possession of firearms.  For the sake of our American Constitution and our freedoms, we cannot ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.  That would be only the first freedom they would take away from us.

I worked with the Aeronautical Engineering Department of Beijing University on an ANN contract we gave them and had the former Aero department chairmen and other Chinese scientists as guests for diner in our house here in the USA.  The retired department chairman asked if I had any guns in the house.  I said yes and they became pleasantly excited.  The retired chairman said the Japanese had killed his family and he was saved by American missionaries.  He said that he had been in charge of designing the Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile system.  He asked to hear some of the religious music again so I put the radio on a religious music channel.  He still recognized the music and was very happy.  I played that channel for them wherever I drove them on their visit.  The Chinese people do not hate Americans.  We are fortunate that they and the Russians and especially the Germans primarily still like Americans because we once helped them.  The Russians enslaved German scientists but America had the Marshal Plan that helped even our former enemies Germany and Japan recover quickly from WWII.  
The socialists impoverished and enslaved the populations they controlled.  The truth is that the Chinese still trust America and therefore have experimented with our economic free enterprise and are succeeding.  But the world now fears cruel, incompetent and harassing, tyrannical socialists will one day take control of America and make America into the world’s greatest enemy ever!   

They may be right.  Today our friends do not understand why it is possible that the Obama administration is covertly listening to our conversations, to our reporter’s conversation’s and now even to elected EU leader’s cell phones.  These NSA criminals are listening to all Americans and continually revising their list enemies.   Tea party, patriots, hunters, and anyone else critical of American growing incompetence, Justice Department gun running, and ignorant socialist tyrants are singled out for IRS harassment.  And now the IRS is being rewarded for their harassment and put in charge of who gets permitted certain American socialized health coverage.   

Every state in the EU has their individual state educational and health programs.  Most in America were based on free enterprise.  Germany and France and Britain and Poland and every other EU state has its own educational system, its own health system and its own nation-state government just as we had in America.  We will be the first free society to have the socialized medical system that Stalin and Mao had for their unions of socialist republics.  We are becoming more socialist than the EU thanks to the Supreme Court which has turned against the defense of traditional American State and individual freedoms! 

And doesn’t it make you wonder about the political and mental state of any persons who would put the socialist’s tax collectors ultimately in charge of who gets medical care in America? 

Obama claims he did not know his Attorney General was running guns to Mexico to falsely claim the gun running was done by American gun dealers, he didn’t know his IRS was harassing non-socialist Christian Americans, he didn’t know American embassies were vulnerable on 9-11 2012, nor did he know NSA was spying on the American free press and American allies.  Obama claims he didn’t know his socialized medicine was not ready for prime time.   

That is how Obama made America the world laughing stock in the West, the world terrorist state to the East, and an incoherent clueless administration at home.  All of the gains made against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan are now unraveling under president Obama.  Now even our friends are beginning to wonder what has happened to America, the land of the free, the home of the brave.

Israel has put Obama on notice that they are prepared to neutralize Iran on their own and socialist Hollande joins Germany’s Merkle warning that the Obama run NSA is out of control. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Oct 24, 2013 Socialists don’t practice what they preach. First of all, few socialist states are any more than small socialist states like Greece, Sweden and Portugal. Margret Thatcher broke up the socialist unions and privatized the banks in Great Britain. Many other socialist states including Germany and Sweden subsidize the Catholic and Lutheran churches and have private independent bank corporations. Germany’s Bishop of Bling was in the news this week. The EU is a conglomeration, a union of states but not even close to a real United States like America. The EU has neither a political nor a banking union as we have in the United States of America. We have two major political parties across all the United States. The EU averages four different political parties in each EU state. Neither the USA nor the EU has single educational or medical systems as ignorant American socialists believe and clamor for.

The only unions of states that have had Obama’s socialist type medicine are China and the now dead USSR and dead Hitler’s Third Reich.  The USA has each state with separate educational and medical systems just as we always have had and just like the EU has today.  And if you look at what China and the now dead United Soviet Socialist Republic and Hitler’s dead national socialist Third Reich did you see they conducted massive genocide programs sometimes slaughtering but mostly starving their welfare classes and the sick and infirm.  Just like Barack Obama… Lenin, Hitler, and Mao started their socialist revolutions ostensively for their ignorant self-important thugs that took power.
Detroit poised for first white mayor since ’74 as politics shift.
More Americans than forecast filed applications for unemployment benefits last week.
It is time for President Barack Hussein Obama to fire his Secretary of Socialized Medicine… Kathleen Sebelius who has stonewalled Congress and the American people long enough.  She has even refused repeated requests for information on implementation of the health socialization law and ignored invitations to testify by Congress to explain the gross incompetence demonstrated by her department.
Oct 23, 2013  The Euro has advanced to near 1.35 times the value of the dollar on average.  Before Obama it hovered around 1.28 which now is Obama’s low range.   It hit 1.5 dollars the first year Obama was elected.  The dollar has declined 35% on average relative to the currency used in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Britain, Cyprus, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, etc.   And it is getting worse as Obama spends on the growing USA ghettoes to avoid riots in the cities such as Chicago the murder Capitol of the world.   That is why Octomom got over $200,000 last year and everyone on welfare has the latest cell phone.  Today Detroit and Chicago are called “connected communities” as if they are the models of what Obama and Emanuel think other American cities should strive to become.  Chicago Mayor Emanuel was Obama’s first advisor when they made their first enemies list of Americans to politically harass.  You may remember they went after Rush Limbaugh first.  You may also remember it drove Limbaugh to become addicted to pain killers and he spent a month in rehab and lost his sports announcing job before he recovered.
 Little did American’s know that the IRS would be turned into a Stasi, a ministry for state security.  And with health care the IRS will determine who gets a cancer treatments or a new heart transplant.  Former vice president Dick Cheney got his new heart just in time and still is a rational mind serving America.  Liberals openly criticized and questioned why he should get one.  And now Obama’s IRS will decide who lives and who dies and perhaps Octomoms will get the priority because they have so many dependants.  Chicago is the deadliest city in the world and has more killings than our troops saw in Afghanistan.  It has four times the killing rate of the larger city of New York where they stop and disarm suspicious criminals found on the streets at odd hours.
Oct 22, 2013  The US dollar advanced 1.7 percent against a basket of nine developed-market peers this year.  The dollar remains the global reserve currency, representing 62 percent of holdings at the end of the second quarter, according to the International Monetary Fund. The euro amounted to 24 percent of the total for the same period.  Take pride in this while it lasts because Obama is destroying the value of our currency with deficit spending for welfare gradually making the American welfare state the only state in the union.
Sales of existing U.S. homes fell in September for the first time in three months as higher prices and mortgage rates curbed demand in an industry that helped boost the expansion last year.  Purchases dropped 3.4 percent to a 5.29 million annual rate from a 5.48 million pace reported in August that was the reported as the strongest since Obama took office. The median price of a house climbed 11.7 percent in the period pushing affordability close to a five-year low.  However, the 5.48 million has now been dropped to 5.39 million after it accomplished a false rally last month in housing stocks.  These absurd 100% wide errors are the public indication of one of the most corrupt periods of economic reporting in the history of America.
Oct 21, 2013  It has been reported that since Muslims believe insurance is a violation of Sharia Law they will not be forced to register for Obama’s Socialized Medical Insurance and they will get Socialized Medicine free, compliments of the infidel taxpayers.
Latest report on the Obama recession:
Almost every state and large city in the USA is now on the verge of bankruptcy.
46 million on food stamps; 15% of the population.
43% of American families owe more than the own.
8.9% lower American income reported than when Obama first took office.
14.3% is what Forbes says is true unemployment if you include the people who want to work and are still looking for work but have run out of unemployment insurance so they are not recorded. 
20.4% is reported as the true unemployment if you include the people who want to work and have given up looking for a job.
It was reported that during FDR’s socialist experiment… unemployment stagnated above 25% until WWII and over 120 million people died in war and genocide.
J.P. Morgan will pay a record $13Billion fine as socialist fleece the banks to encourage more voluntary contributions for socialist politicians.
Legendary investor George Soros reportedly added a $25 million position in options for Junior Gold Miners (GDXJ).  Soros reportedly now has a $100 million position in Gold Miners (GDX). His total gold-related position reportedly totals around $240 million.
Commodities are rising because China and US banks are storing commodities.
Quantitative Easing (QE) induced inflation is $85 billion/mo = $1.02 Trillion per year.  We are on track now for hyperinflation with the FED now hooked and can no longer reduce QE.
World Economies Oct 22, 2013
Germany summoned the U.S. ambassador to the Foreign Ministry over reports Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone was monitored by U.S. spy agencies.
Foreign policy makers are reacting to another cooling of global growth, led this time by weakening in developing nations while inflation increases and job growth remains stagnant in much of the industrial world. Gold bullion rose 70 percent from December 2008 to June 2011 as the central bank pumped more than $2 trillion into the financial system.  Bernanke alone is pumping precisely $1.02Trillion just in QE each year alone.  And China, Japan,  and Europe have joined Bernanke in flooding the world with much more paper money that was printed in the growth period from 2000 to 2008.  The problem is we are not seeing a recovery because free world socialism is destroying growth and job creation and the whole world seems to be vulnerable now to Brazil and Argentina type sub-hyper inflation.
China’s biggest banks have tripled the amount of bad loans written off in the first half, cleaning up their books ahead of what may be a fresh wave of growth.
Foreign investors were net sellers of U.S. long-term portfolio assets in August as China reduced its holdings of Treasuries to a six-month low.
Mexico’s government condemned the U.S. National Security Agency’s hacking of the e-mail account of then-President Felipe Calderon in 2010, saying such actions are unacceptable and violate international law.
Revenue and earnings are benefitting from current 3% inflation that feeds into the revenue stream of corporation inventories.  Hoarding has begun and is the primary reason for the increase in China’s imports.  These are the business benefits of the earliest stage of hyperinflation and are being misinterpreted as economic recovery.  In fact all the recovery under Obama is simply from inflation and it is just now becoming visible as the earliest stage of hyperinflation.  It is the basis of the current optimism only because most investors do not remember hyperinflation.  But on Monday Squawk Box had a German on the show who knew about the German hyperinflation that precipitated their economic collapse and the rise of the National Socialist Adolf Hitler.
Consistent with nascent hyperinflation, banks, USA and EU, face an overhaul of how they calculate possible losses on securities and commodities they hold in their trading books as global regulators target discrepancies in how lenders measure the riskiness of their commodity investments.  It shows banks have begun hoarding commodities and are reducing taxes by playing games with paper trades with shadow companies.  The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision may publish draft proposals as soon as this month on capital rules for assets that banks intend to trade.  Hoarding will only increase as inflation picks up.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline.  It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing. 
 The German market is about 7% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high.   It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.
 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.  At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Oct 21
Existing Home Sales Sep 5.29M down sharply from 5.48M
As usual Obama data is manipulated but the 5.48 is what they claimed last time but they changed it to 5.39 because either they hyped it the last time or else it really dropped sharply and Obama does not want the public to know either way.
Oct 22
Nonfarm Payrolls Sep 148K down sharply from 193K  ---
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Sep 126K down sharply from 161K ---
Unemployment Rate Sep reported 7.2% actually over 14%
Hourly Earnings Sep 0.1% up again 0.2%
Average Workweek Sep 34.5 unchanged
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Aug -$8.9B Money flow is now out of the USA $31.1B---
Construction Spending Aug 0.6% flat from 0.6% +++
Natural Gas Inventories 10/12 77 bcf down from 90 bcf -
Oct 23
MBA Mortgage Index 10/19 -0.6% down sharply from 0.3% ---
Export Prices ex-ag. Sep 0.3% rose from -0.1% --- not competitive and a sign of American QE inflation kicking in.
Import Prices ex-oil Sep 0.1% up from -0.2% ---  another sign of the decline in the value of the US currency due to Bernanke QE printing presses.
FHFA Housing Price Index Aug 0.3% sharply lower from 1.0% ---
Crude Inventories 10/19 5.246M up from 3.999M  +
Oct 24
Initial Claims 10/19 350K high but down slightly 358K –
Continuing Claims 10/12 2874K 2900K up from 2859K --
Trade Balance Aug -$38.8B adverse -$39.1B --
The Markets Oct 24, 2013
Gold prices seem to have bottomed and now are advancing in New York as Federal Reserve quantitative easing and China and Japan’s stimulus programs continue to boost demand for precious metals.
Market rotation continues as QE floods America with cash creating jobless stock market bubbles and wastes human capital.
Obama has put America on the slippery slope of socialism.  America was the world leader and stayed 16yrs to 50yrs ahead of other advanced countries, as long as our patents and manufacturing secrets allowed.  Now, socialism and outsourcing manufacturing is undermining America while Asia is copying and undermining our exports.  America needs a regime change back to free enterprise to reverse the Obama process of political, social, and economic unexceptionalism.
Obama’s Socialized Medicine promises to do irreparable harm to the American economy and American health care for those who are not already on government assistance.  Not only is the sign-up for consumers not working, doctors report they have not signed up but the government tells them they are counted in unless they retire.  Doctors will be required to have computer data bases now and many don’t and don’t care because that means higher cost and a less personal office.
Housing is beginning to slump again as interest rate rise making mortgages and loans less affordable.  When a mortgage rate goes from 3% to 4% the house that could be afforded drops from a $400,000 house to a $300,000 house.  When that 3% loan goes from 3% to 4% the payment goes up 33.3%.  
And when QE interest rates go from 0.25% to 2.5% on average for the national debt the cost of Annual interest on US debt will go from $200 Billion now to $2Trillion a ten fold increase on whatever the national debt interest is at that time.  The lower the FED manipulated rate today the more disastrous the economic collapse will be.  If the treasury interest rate goes from 0.25% to 6% like in Italy that is a 24 fold increase.  If then US debt reaches $20Trillion the annual interest at 6% would be another $1.2Trillion each year in addition to the Obama spending deficit of $1.2Trillion Obama already has.  At that point the spending deficit will have accelerated to twice Obama’s current deficit rate.
Quantitative easing has artificially dropped interest rates so that Obama could dramatically increase the rate Octomoms, illegal immigrants and others register and vote multiple times for his socialism.   In Russia’s Putin used bus loads of people who used multiple identities to vote him into office all day at multiple polling places.  Such corruption is totally permitted in the US today and the individual who went undercover to show how it was done was arrested multiple times since he first showed how ACORN (a group that was accused of promoting illegal activities involving fraud, prostitution and illegal voter registration) helped prostitution get established in the Ghettos encouraging “socialist” free enterprise right after Obama was first elected.  See:
Once the FED loses control of interest rates people now predict the cost of just Obama’s existing squandered debt will drive QE to over $1Trillion per month.  This could happen before Socialized Medicine bugs are worked out and could be the excuse used to abandon Obama’s Socialized Medicine.
There is only one plan and Octomoms get it for free with no deductable cost for coverage of their itinerant boyfriends and 14 children.  If you work and contribute to the American economy and earn $100,000 per year in New York City you pay a city and state sales tax, a city state and federal income tax and you pay 40% (the deductable) of your medical costs plus a 1% penalty from your gross income if you give the collectors any hassle.
QE’s low interest rates have driven private investors out of bonds and into stocks driving the market to its new heights.  This cash flow will reverse once the FED loses control of the interest rates.  It is now likely that QE will not end until hyperinflation occurs and the world leaves the dollar and goes back to a combination of major currencies and gold.
George Soros has held his position in gold after selling only an estimated 12% of his holdings near the highs.  It is reported Bill Gross, George Mellon, and George Soros have recently begun accumulating gold investments again.
The economy and the stock market always eventually disintegrate together under socialism.  The more socialism grows the more the economy shrinks.  That is the historical repeatable fact with no exceptions to the rule thus far.
 Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes
Jim Cramer said and now the other MSNBC are saying the stock market can go higher because the Price Earnings ratio has not peaked at 20 to 25.   They are fools because the price-earnings ratio does not peak at 20 to 25 until the market collapses.  See the truth; don’t consume the Jimmy Cramer MSNBC baloney.
The stock market mavens are fiddling as Obama/Holden destroy American exceptionalism and make America into a welfare state where everyone is equal; equally impoverished spiritually and economically.
If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.
World trade started to grow as China began to replenish some iron ore stockpiles.
The VIX indicates some market concern now at 20. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends.  Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.
World market updates:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The MSNBC is now saying Obama Socialism is not the problem it is Republicans who are trying to get spending under control. Higher corporation taxes only hurt our national competiveness and job creation. Tax neutral corporation tax loophole filling would be beneficial. But it hurts consumption if we increase taxes on individuals. We need to stop the Octomom Social programs that are squandering America’s treasure and youth. Obama taxes on medical equipment will destroy that American industry and the America jobs and they will move to China. The chief beneficiary of Obama Socialism is China. The economy and the stock market always eventually disintegrate together under socialism. The more socialism grows the more the economy shrinks. That is the historical repeatable fact with no exceptions to the rule thus far. And the value of gold always shrinks in advance of an economic depression and rises with inflation. Two repeatable facts! Jim Cramer said and other fools on MSNBC are saying the stock market can go higher because the Price Earnings ratio has not peaked at 20 to 25. They are fools because the price-earnings ratio does not peak until the market collapses. It only reached 18 before the Obama collapse. But soon after that collapse that began when Obama won the election it shot up to 26. Don’t consume the Jimmy Cramer MSNBC baloney.

Fitch Ratings, one of the nation's three big rating companies obviously is in cahoots with the Obama Administration while Standard and Poors was completely honest and targeted by Obama for harassment.  Fitch did what Obama wants, it clucked about threatening default like a hen defending her eggs.  Standard and Poors said nothing this time but just may yet sue Obama’s justice department for harassing them for being too honest and diligent in the past.
Obama’s budget will bankrupt the private economy and Socialized Medicine will burry the American government .  That is what we have to look forward to.   Since the election of Obama the rate of increase in federal debt has already doubled even though Obama has cut spending by ending the American war on terror, cut spending on the American defense budget, saved money by letting the American Embassy in Libya be overrun, and has tried to cut costs by befriending the enemies of Israel.  Despite the Republican cost cutting he still doubled the Bush deficit with freebees like entitlements, cell phones, fertility treatments for Octomoms, and unjustified racially motivated reparations through the Farm Administration.  Look at the government data and see for yourself.
What would be the situation today if Obama had succeeded in getting us back to prosperity?  For one thing the interest on public debt would return to a normal 2.5% or ten times the interest rate with QE3.  The annual interest on just US debt alone would now be $2Trillion which is close to the current Obama deficit.  And higher Obama corporate taxes will only retard economic recovery.  We are headed to a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or a Democratic Socialist East Germany type bankruptcy of 1989.  It doesn’t matter how smart a East Germany was before Socialist retardation took over.  As Winston Churchill said, Socialisms only guarantees equality of poverty.  The economy and the stock market always eventually disintegrate under socialism.  The more socialism grows the more the economy shrinks.  That is the historical repeatable fact with no exceptions to the rule thus far.  East Germans are wealthy again now that the no longer are run by socialist government planners who think they know everything and harass anyone who disagrees with them.
Oct 15, 2013  Obama is experienced and knows just how to create and maintain poverty but he is clueless about creating economic growth.  Yesterday, short term treasuries actually rose in value as demand surged just the opposite of what Obama said would happen.  It turns out investors were not as afraid of an American default as they are of Obama’s resistance to fiscal responsibility.
Email in-basket Lesson # 1: US Fiscal Cliff...in layman's terms
* U.S. Tax revenue:                     $  2,170,000,000,000.00
* Fed budget:                               $  3,820,000,000,000.00
* Annual interest on US debt:     $     200,000,000,000.00
* Total new debt:                        $   1,450,000,000,000.00
* National debt:                           $ 16,271,000,000,000.00
* Recent budget cuts:                  $        38,500,000,000.00
Now let's remove 7 zeros and pretend it was Obama’s pre-Senate family budget:
* Annual income:                                                    $   217,000.00
* Money spent:                                                        $   380,200.00
* Annual interest on debt:                                       $     20,000.00
* New annual debt on the credit card:                    $   145,000.00
* New outstanding balance on the credit card:       $1,627,100.00
* Total Obama budget cuts so far:                          $          380.50
Got It ?????  Obama is spending about 40% more than America can afford.  He is going to bankrupt the country unless he is stopped!  If we stop borrowing for the deficit and fire government workers such as the 20,000 new IRS agents needed to harass Americans, and fire the thousands who have produced the Socialist Healthcare signup program that doesn’t work,  and close down Obama's massive agency he created to tap the phone calls of Americans... then the budget deficit will shrink.
All we have to pay to avoid default is the interest on the debt which is a little more than 9% of our tax revenue and to use the new treasury sales to pay off treasuries coming due. 
The real problem is that the US interest rate is currently only about 0.25% and under normal economic conditions of prosperity it would be 2.5% or ten times higher than current interest cost.  That is why Obama’s ignorance of the consequence of debt makes it impossible for Obama to get the US out of national poverty.   That is why so many people who think like Obama are impoverished.  Obama’s sole life experienced is in how to get government freebees, a quick buck, and create and maintain poverty, but he is clueless about private enterprise and creating value and economic growth.  Growth causes competition for money to invest in growth, and that causes interest rates to rise and that causes the cost of the debt burden to rise.  People who do not live within their means become impoverished and pay exorbitant interest rates because they are so irresponsible.  Obama is impoverishing America because he has the irresponsible “quick buck” mindset that always creates poverty not prosperity.
Lesson # 2:  A way to look at the Debt Ceiling:
Let's say, you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in Washington...and the White House and Congress has sewage all the way up to the ceilings.
What do you think Obama and Congress should do ......
Raise the ceilings, or cut the c**p?
Oct 15, 2013  Barons once again indicated the ARMS (TRIN) index is giving a market peaking signal.  But as we pointed out before that while it has always been reliable…  it is often premature by a few months.  The small cap stocks tend to peak first and the ARMS index is showing that.  The NASDAQ is just showing signs as well.  The DOW surprisingly shows a head and shoulders topping sell signal forming too but usually the DOW is the last refuge for security before the stock market retreats.  Our Cash Flow index indicates that the market is being moved up with very little upside cash flow as though the short sellers are broke.  Could it be that this extremely overvalued market exists because there has been an overall short squeeze that has crippled the hedge fund short sellers?  In that case we may be heading for the stratosphere as the market bubble did in 1929.  We are already at the bubble heights of the yr 2000 Dot Com bubble and the 2007 Dodd-Frank Liar Loan bubble.  So one has to ask is it better to be on the side lines now at the recent high or gamble on another euphoric surge in optimism.  The people who held on after sell signals in 2000 and in 2007 lost more than 50% but a bubble could run another 20% to 30%.  
On the other hand there could be another option.  The Obama experiment could be very costly.  It could be the end of American exceptionalism and the beginning of socialist poverty of spirit and material wealth.
Or the American people could say no to socialized medicine and vote out the socialists and we could see an enormous economic recovery.  The first opportunity to vote them out is in 2014.  In that case only a 20%-30% short term collapse of the market is likely.  This is possible because to date no one, absolutely no one has been able to sign up yet.  So far some people have gotten into the system but have not been able to sign up for anything.  It could take a year for the system to get up and running and by then we could have a new Congress that could over-ride an Obama veto. 
Without the hope of stopping the slide toward socialism the stock market is little better than a random game or betting on the horses.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s general economic index fell to 1.5, a five-month low from 6.3 in September while economists called for a reading of 7.   It means manufacturing in the New York, northern New Jersey and southern Connecticut grew at a slower pace than projected as sales and hiring cooled.  Bloomberg had predicted it would rise not decline sharply.   Ambiguity and lack of leadership regarding Fed tapering, Syria, the EU slowdown and Obama budget deficits resulted in very slow July and August months.
Some Americans under the Obama/Holder economic malaise must resort to legally selling their hair, breast milk and eggs but the sale and purchase of a kidney in the U.S. is still against the law and that makes it more profitable.  
Oct 14, 2013  Bloomberg today said Obama may join 1933 Hitler in the pantheon of deadbeats by making the U.S. the first major Western government to default since Hitler’s Nationalist Socialists defaulted 80 years ago.   Bloomberg also said a dollar downgrade would make American products more competitive at home and abroad.  But that is nonsense!  A default can be avoided by cutting government until there is a sufficient net income to pay interest and use the continued sale of treasuries to pay off the treasuries coming due.  In other words slashing spending voluntarily or involuntarily would do the job.  But promising to lay-off IRS employees makes no sense because while Obama’s socialized medicine is not ready for prime time, there are still too many enemies that Obama and Holden need to harass so they want the 20,000 IRS new hires.
Mark Bertolini said that Obama’s socialized medicine will not be usable at least until March 2014.  There is so much wrong it could take to 2016 or 2017 to fix it.  However, the competing private systems may be up in 2014 with about 14 alternatives insurance plans. 
World Economies Oct 18, 2013
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., China’s online marketplace for everything from chop suey to Boeing Dreamliners, more than doubled second-quarter earnings.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. downgraded Chinese equities to underweight.
European finance officials said Ireland and Spain will soon be weaned off aid and Greece’s mounting bills will eventually be paid.
With regard to an Obama related government default, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said. “If there is that degree of disruption, that lack of certainty, that lack of trust in the U.S. signature, it would mean massive disruption the world over,” Lagarde said in an interview on NBC. “And we would be at risk of tipping, yet again, into recession.
China, exports fell 0.3 percent in September from a year earlier, according to a report from the General Administration of Customs on Oct. 12.  That is a net decrease which means there is not 7% growth there is a 3% contraction in the economy, a recession!
Emerging-market stocks tumbled as lawmakers failed to agree on raising the U.S. debt limit. India’s rupee led a drop in developing-nation currencies as inflation accelerated.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline.  It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing. 
 The German market is about 7% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high.   It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.
 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.  At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Oct 11
Mich Sentiment Oct 75.2 down from 77.5  --
Oct 15
Empire Manufacturing Oct 1.5 down sharply from 6.3 ----
Oct 16
NAHB Housing Market Index Oct 55 down from 58 –
Oct 17
Initial Claims 10/12 358K down from  373K but still high
Continuing Claims 10/5 2859K down from 2902K +
Oct 17
Philadelphia Fed Oct 19.8 down from 22.3 --
The Markets Oct 18, 2013
As the economy continues to slow under creeping Obama socialism we can be certain Republicans and the Tea Party will be blamed. 
The economy and the stock market always eventually disintegrate together under socialism.  The more socialism grows the more the economy shrinks.  That is the historical repeatable fact with no exceptions to the rule thus far.
Since we saw the market was peaking we had three good opportunities to unload stocks.  Yet the ARMS index while confirming that we are near the secular market peaks and new highs are not probable… indicates consolidation (a 10% to 20% drop) could take a few months longer.  And we do not know if it could actually be a 50% to 60% drop and then an economic depression.
 Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent –John Maynard Keynes
Jim Cramer said and now the other fools on MSNBC are now saying the stock market can go higher because the Price Earnings ratio has not peaked at 20 to 25.   They are fools because the price-earnings ratio does not peak at 20 to 25 until the market collapses.  See the truth; don’t consume the Jimmy Cramer MSNBC baloney.  It is when the stock prices plummet that the true earnings are reported and the truth is the reported earnings plunge even faster than the market and sometimes go negative.
The stock market mavens are fiddling as Obama/Holden destroy American exceptionalism and make America into a welfare state where everyone is equal; equally impoverished spiritually and economically.
Two days to a default?  Nonsense!  There will be no default.  The continuous payroll deductions are sufficient to pay the interest on US debt and new treasury sales only have to pay off (replace) treasuries coming due.  That would hold expenses at the debt ceiling as long as the US does not pay the government workers who are furloughed.
If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.
World trade started to grow as China began to replenish some iron ore stockpiles.
The VIX indicates some market concern now at 20. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends.  Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.
World market updates:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oct 11, 2013 Jack Welsh this morning called JP Morgan another piggy bank for the administration. Their trading loss was caused by a few “bad actors” which are impossible to catch with regulators. They already have a federal regulator on the lap of every trader… how many do you need? He said the corruption in the Obama administration is caused by a few bad actors too like Holden and the IRS director. He says Holden now holds JP Morgan and BP and others for ransom. Democrat blackmail has not worked yet on GE’s Jack Welsh or Real Estate Tycoon Donald Trump.

One thing is certain, if Social Security is cut by Obama, the Democrats will have to create a new party because they will never get elected again, criminals in the IRS and other federal government agencies will go to southern labor camps, and indigents will have no free government housing or free dinners again in America for a very long time if the “Achieving Generation” that took us into outer space are not treated with respect.  The decline in the American Educational system began with 18 year old High School Graduates in 1965 when test scores first began to decline. 
One thing is certain, if Social Security is cut by Obama, the Democrats will have to create a new party because they will never get elected again, criminals in the IRS and other federal government agencies will go to southern labor camps, and indigents will have no free government housing or free dinners again in America for a very long time if the “Achieving Generation” that took us into outer space are not treated with respect.  The decline in the American Educational system began with 18 year old High School Graduates in 1965 when test scores first began to decline.  National aptitude tests have since gotten easier and easier as aptitude scores declined.  They would be 66 years old now.  The peak aptitude test age group would be 68 years old now and just entering retirement. 
Oct 10, 2013   Obama gets special treatment and will not join his own Nationalized Medical plan.  And the Senators and Congressmen get a 72% lower price than working Americans when they join.   The politicians all refuse to contribute anything towards the 47 million welfare recipients who always got free charitable treatments at hospitals but will now be able to abuse Nationalized Medicine as they already abuse disability benefits, Octomom fatherless child support, food stamps, drugs, unemployment insurance, cell phones, the underground economy, teachers, student loans, drugs and gambling.
Podesta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and a co-chairman of Obama’s 2008 presidential transition, said in an interview that Obama personally thinks the fiscal authority that the American Constitution gives to Congress alone to stop profligate spending is just blackmail and Podesta said, “He feels like he has to end it and end it forever.”  The US Constitution gives Congress the control over the budget but governments just like individuals can become hooked on credit and ultimately can go bankrupt as Cyprus did just last year.  But Obama wants the Constitution changed or at least ignored.  People have credit limits and governments have debt limits to avoid bankruptcy.  Obama is breaking the debt limits over and over again instead of controlling spending by reducing abused entitlements and other incentive payments that enable people to be lazy, hooked on drugs, and ultimately criminals with no conscience.  Obama could also cut the international welfare costs of subsidizing corrupt nations such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and many socialist countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America.
States are beginning to idle state workers and cut services because federal funding to states is drying up as a partial U.S. government shutdown extends into a 10th day.  Welfare programs however still get the priority over national security and were getting higher priority than the death benefits to the families of soldiers killed in action until yesterday when there was a national outcry that families had to pay to burry their fathers killed in action.
Oct 8, 2013   Jimmy Carter who at his time gave America the worst economy in its history gave needed economic advice today to Obama.   He said, “Obama you are destroying America’s middle class with selling tax breaks to the rich for a $Billion in campaign contributions and giving entitlements to the lazy, and to the lawyers in out-of-control litigant fraud.”  The middle class is paying the political and economic cost of Obamanomics.  Under Obama, America has become a nation of sycophants at both ends of the economic scale weigh down intellectuals and laborers in the middle.
World Economies Oct 10, 2013
China is beginning to internationalize its currency by swapping euros and yuan.
Japan’s trade surplus unexpectedly shrank to a record low for an August, underscoring drags on the economy as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tries to exit 20 years of QE caused deflation.  The surplus fell 64 percent from a year earlier as imports exceeded exports.  “There’s a low chance that the current-account balance will turn to a deficit in the coming months,” said Hiroaki Muto, a senior economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co. in Tokyo.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline.  It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.  http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=%5EN225&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&c=
 The German market is about 7% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high.   It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.
 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.  At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Oct 7
Consumer Credit Aug $13.6B rose from $10.4B -
Oct 9
MBA Mortgage Index 10/05 1.3% improved from -0.4% +
Crude Inventories 10/05 6.807M up from 5.472M  http://www.martincapital.com/index.php?page=graph&view=nonfarmprivate
The Markets Oct 11, 2013
The market recovered half its loss Thursday on the report that a compromise was in the works to end the shutdown.   The volume however was very low, which is a sign the market is near its top.   Also, it stopped at the earlier resistance level not the previous high.  
It looks like there really is no compromise but the administration may get funding for another six weeks.  Obama’s National Socialism is a disaster and most of the system users are just looking to see what it will cost and are going into sticker price shock.  At first it was for 40million people on the dole but last month they said it was for 47 million people on the dole and yesterday they said it is now for 48 million people in the dole as the Obama depression gets worse and worse.   Soon
The market Wednesday was down 6% now and these Obama debt crises are becoming as bad as the Greek's crises.  It probably will take at least a steep 25% drop in the world stock markets for Obama to wake up and to reach a compromise to delay Nationalized Medicine until the American public can review its higher costs and reduced benefits for working people.  Those on welfare pay nothing while workers pay the first 30% to 40% of their bills.  That is an equation for another disastrously expensive entitlement program for the lazy. 
Delaying the introduction of Socialized medicine is a fact and already is happening whether liberals want to admit it or not.  It is rapidly becoming a state’s rights issue as it should be.  The 47million indigents that Obama wants to cover will bankrupt the excessively liberal states that have most of them because the liberals have catered to Octomoms and their too sexy to work male friends.  The other states will refuse to fund the excessively liberal states and will take it to the Supreme Court.  Then the productive people who attracted the liberals who cater to the sycophants in the excessively liberal states will finally feel forced to move out, possibly to foreign safe-haven countries or Southern States.  Large states in the North will become as poor as Rhode Island.
If Congress agrees we can delay passage, then we can vacate the bill and eliminate the 20,000 IRS jobs Obama created to harass the critics of socialized medicine.
The 10% to 25% market drop is looming now.
If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.
World trade started to grow as China began to replenish some iron ore stockpiles.
The VIX indicates some market concern now at 20. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends.  Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.
World market updates:
 They would be 66 years old now.  The peak aptitude test age group would be 68 years old now and just entering retirement. 
Oct 10, 2013   Obama gets special treatment and will not join his own Nationalized Medical plan.  And the Senators and Congressmen get a 72% lower price than working Americans when they join.   The politicians all refuse to contribute anything towards the 47 million welfare recipients who always got free charitable treatments at hospitals but will now be able to abuse Nationalized Medicine as they already abuse disability benefits, Octomom fatherless child support, food stamps, drugs, unemployment insurance, cell phones, the underground economy, teachers, student loans, drugs and gambling.
Podesta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and a co-chairman of Obama’s 2008 presidential transition, said in an interview that Obama personally thinks the fiscal authority that the American Constitution gives to Congress alone to stop profligate spending is just blackmail and Podesta said, “He feels like he has to end it and end it forever.”  The US Constitution gives Congress the control over the budget but governments just like individuals can become hooked on credit and ultimately can go bankrupt as Cyprus did just last year.  But Obama wants the Constitution changed or at least ignored.  People have credit limits and governments have debt limits to avoid bankruptcy.  Obama is breaking the debt limits over and over again instead of controlling spending by reducing abused entitlements and other incentive payments that enable people to be lazy, hooked on drugs, and ultimately criminals with no conscience.  Obama could also cut the international welfare costs of subsidizing corrupt nations such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and many socialist countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America.
States are beginning to idle state workers and cut services because federal funding to states is drying up as a partial U.S. government shutdown extends into a 10th day.  Welfare programs however still get the priority over national security and were getting higher priority than the death benefits to the families of soldiers killed in action until yesterday when there was a national outcry that families had to pay to burry their fathers killed in action.
Oct 8, 2013   Jimmy Carter who at his time gave America the worst economy in its history gave needed economic advice today to Obama.   He said, “Obama you are destroying America’s middle class with selling tax breaks to the rich for a $Billion in campaign contributions and giving entitlements to the lazy, and to the lawyers in out-of-control litigant fraud.”  The middle class is paying the political and economic cost of Obamanomics.  Under Obama, America has become a nation of sycophants at both ends of the economic scale weigh down intellectuals and laborers in the middle.
World Economies Oct 10, 2013
China is beginning to internationalize its currency by swapping euros and yuan.
Japan’s trade surplus unexpectedly shrank to a record low for an August, underscoring drags on the economy as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tries to exit 20 years of QE caused deflation.  The surplus fell 64 percent from a year earlier as imports exceeded exports.  “There’s a low chance that the current-account balance will turn to a deficit in the coming months,” said Hiroaki Muto, a senior economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co. in Tokyo.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline.  It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.  http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=%5EN225&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&c=
 The German market is about 7% above the 2007 high which was about 7% above the 2000 high.   It failed to break out from its upper resistance level defined by 2000 and 2007.
 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.  At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Oct 7
Consumer Credit Aug $13.6B rose from $10.4B -
Oct 9
MBA Mortgage Index 10/05 1.3% improved from -0.4% +
Crude Inventories 10/05 6.807M up from 5.472M  http://www.martincapital.com/index.php?page=graph&view=nonfarmprivate
The Markets Oct 11, 2013
The market recovered half its loss Thursday on the report that a compromise was in the works to end the shutdown.   The volume however was very low, which is a sign the market is near its top.   Also, it stopped at the earlier resistance level not the previous high.  
It looks like there really is no compromise but the administration may get funding for another six weeks.  Obama’s National Socialism is a disaster and most of the system users are just looking to see what it will cost and are going into sticker price shock.  At first it was for 40million people on the dole but last month they said it was for 47 million people on the dole and yesterday they said it is now for 48 million people in the dole as the Obama depression gets worse and worse.   Soon
The market Wednesday was down 6% now and these Obama debt crises are becoming as bad as the Greek's crises.  It probably will take at least a steep 25% drop in the world stock markets for Obama to wake up and to reach a compromise to delay Nationalized Medicine until the American public can review its higher costs and reduced benefits for working people.  Those on welfare pay nothing while workers pay the first 30% to 40% of their bills.  That is an equation for another disastrously expensive entitlement program for the lazy. 
Delaying the introduction of Socialized medicine is a fact and already is happening whether liberals want to admit it or not.  It is rapidly becoming a state’s rights issue as it should be.  The 47million indigents that Obama wants to cover will bankrupt the excessively liberal states that have most of them because the liberals have catered to Octomoms and their too sexy to work male friends.  The other states will refuse to fund the excessively liberal states and will take it to the Supreme Court.  Then the productive people who attracted the liberals who cater to the sycophants in the excessively liberal states will finally feel forced to move out, possibly to foreign safe-haven countries or Southern States.  Large states in the North will become as poor as Rhode Island.
If Congress agrees we can delay passage, then we can vacate the bill and eliminate the 20,000 IRS jobs Obama created to harass the critics of socialized medicine.
The 10% to 25% market drop is looming now.
If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.
World trade started to grow as China began to replenish some iron ore stockpiles.
The VIX indicates some market concern now at 20. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends.  Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.
World market updates: