Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Oct 4, 2013 This week Obama/Holden’s socialized medicine hit the websites and was found dead on arrival. Read the first article of the WSJ Opinion Page Oct 4, 2013 and you will see that in the past Democrats used the debt ceiling limit to get higher spending Omnibus bills 60% of the time while Republicans have used the past debt ceiling to reduce wasteful spending 15% of the time. 25% of the time a split Congress used the debt ceiling for mixed purposes. We are seeing Obama’s socialism destroying America before our very eyes. Obama’s socialization works this way. If you are Octomom then everything is free for you and your 14 illegitimate children and it is paid 100% in full for each sycophant without co-payments. Your too sexy to work boyfriends live with you but leave during the day and are also covered by Medicaid.

On the other hand if you are a responsible person and chose to study and learn something useful and actually have been contributing to society all your life you have to pay for all the 40million people who didn’t want no stinkin education before Obama arrived and who Obama now believes totals about 47million people (a 20% increase) who he claims have been poorly treated by the United States by all the stinkin dead old white men who died only to give us American slavery.   You have to admit Obama has a view of America which many new Obama illegal immigrants agree with.  Today Obama has opened the flood gates to all the Octomoms and other sycophants of the world and has made it very difficult for educated and skilled immigrants to enter America. 
Obama is now being seen as an incompetent president that cannot lead and refuses to follow.
“Reagan didn't put anything off the table, if he felt it was for the good of the American people to tweak the tax system.”  Alan K. Simpson
If you earn less than $50,000 a year your health insurance will only go up 40% to 60% with Obama’s nationalized health care. 
If you make $100,000 per year your health insurance will go up 200% to 300% but you probably will just pay a penalty and become self insured.  The cost goes up because even if you are a man you are covered for birth control, pregnancy, abortions, prenatal care and childbirth.  And if you are a woman your prostate cancer is covered.  You may chose to move to a different country and renounce US citizenship since Obama is guiding the country toward increased violence, gun running, IRS harassment and tyranny by attacking our Bill of Rights.  Eric Holder has no integrity.  Obama refuses to fire, arrest and prosecute Attorney General Holder for arming the drug lords who are the driving force behind illegal immigration.  30,000 innocent Mexicans were murdered using Holder’s guns. 
If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters.    Alan K. Simpson
And by the way, you are not free to stay out of socialized medicine.  We have so-called conservative Chief Justice Roberts who said that your indentured servitude to 47 million indigents is just a form of taxation.  It is a socialist tax levied against people who work for a living and have integrity and don’t pretend they have a back injury and cannot work.  It is a tax on Americans who actually earn  money because they make valuable contributions  to society.  Under Obama’s socialism all good things must be punished because it is so unjust to be paid for what we do.  Obama says we must take from those who work and give to his indigent voting constituency according to their needs.  That is why communism only lasts about one full generation until everyone realizes the system is unworkable because everyone who has integrity and is decent and good is put in prison or their right to work or travel is rescinded so they are imprisoned as thousands like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn were.
 If the president does not agree to delay socialized medicine by at least a year to give people a chance to understand what it is,  then the resultant suspension of treasury sales will cause fixed interest investors to go elsewhere and other currencies will rise vs. the dollar and Gold will rise even faster than the other currencies.  It will mean the end of American economic exceptionalism and America’s world leadership caused by a president and Senate that could not lead would not negotiate would they follow common sense.
Oct 3, 2013    Hank Paulson today said that Quantitative Easing created a huge distortion and we need to get back to real values again.  The biggest bubble this time is the stock market bubble when the nation as a whole is growing at only 2% growth per year.  A corporation with a growth rate of 2% of value per year would already have a PE of 50 and be considered overpriced by a factor of three.  Yet the economic distortion has corporations making up the nation looking like they have reasonable PEs.
Executive employee Federal employment continues to increase under Obama even as our military establishment is reduced.  In 2011 Obama had 2,756,000 political employees in the executive branch and the entire military (which also reports to the Obama) had 1,583,000 employees.  Obama has 1.2 million more people directly supporting him than are dedicated to the security of the entire nation.  Since Obama was elected Obama hired 68,000 new political employees of which 21000 were said to be for the IRS harassing critics of the Obama administration.  The Wall Street Journal has been saying JP Morgan has been harassed ever since Jamie Dimon said in 2012 that America would benefit from an election change in the executive branch.  Currently Warren Buffet says JP Morgan is being blackmailed for $11 Billion but they have to pay it anyway.
Oct 2, 2013  Check your health care costs now because if you wait or you may regret it!  It is between two and three times more expensive than we were paying, 2X for bronze and 3X for silver.   It is the biggest rip-off of our life.  It cost over $15000 per year for silver and almost $13000 per year for bronze in New England.   Of course if you are Octomom it costs nothing. Check yours and spread the word because the cost is insane and don’t give up just because socialized medicine site is so slow and goes down.  It comes up again after a minute or two.
"Octomom" Nadya Suleiman, was raised a Muslim, and is currently under investigation for welfare fraud after investigators found she far surpassed her cap of $119,000 in welfare.   She collected more than $200,000 last year.  That is why Obama and Holden need all Americans to pay into Obama/Holden National Medicine.  Eight of Octomom’s 14 children were born thanks to free fertilization treatments paid for by California taxpayers after she already had 6 children living on welfare.  Is that extreme government idiocy or is that just the status quo for this administration which makes the rich 26% richer and the average American 6% poorer during his term. She is in the wealthiest top 10% of Americans and she got rich quick on welfare.  Octomom apparently does porn on the side for unreported additional income.
TMZ reported investigators from the Los Angeles County Department of Welfare Fraud Prevention and Investigation (WFP&I) took only eight years to check Suleman’s income and they are only questioning the last year 2012, when she supposedly grossed upward of $200,000.
The difference between other budget standoffs and this one are twofold for the stock market.  The stock market is at an all time high in valuation and the sagging economy contradicts the stock market valuation due to the QE distortion which must be phased out.    After the first economic rescue package failed they began QE1 and QE2 was equal to QE1 but then last year they went to QE3 that doubled the rescue cash flow and still Obamanomics is not just hurting America it is dragging the entire world down.  Obama anti-exceptionalism has worked and there is no one left to rescue the world since Obama’s socialism corrupted banks with liar loans and corrupted the farm bureau with phony reparations for fake documents claiming $30 Billion in discrimination by the Farm bureau when the entire USA budget wasn’t even that great when the purported Farm Bureau discrimination occurred.  Obama has been bankrupting the USA since he joined the Senate and people are seeing the affects of the Obama Octomom social welfare state he invented and their gun running to Mexican drug lords that caused a mass migration of illegal immigrant democrat voters that keep socialists like Obama in office.
Oct 1, 2013  The shutdown is about delaying Obama’s Socialized medicine until 2014 and having that election be a referendum on Obama’s Socialized Medicine.  Socialized medicine was rammed down America’s throat and then silently delayed so that it would not become an election issue in 2012.  The majority of Americans now do not want socialized medicine because they see it is what is causing America to have part-time jobs because neither American corporations nor citizens can afford it.  The job problem exists because the cost will make America uncompetitive and even the AFLCIO has criticized it because it is killing the job market because each employee now has a $12000 additional annual cost for Obama’s Socialized medicine. 
The USA has three times as many lawyers per capita as Britain and nine times as many per capita as France.  The problem in America with our medical system is lawyers are the biggest sycophants in the country and they profit from corrupt socialism.  They run the fraud system in America because it is a lucrative business.  Every powerful mafia boss has had a consigliore dedicated to protect the organization.  No one protects doctors from false claims so Americans are leaving the profession and our great system will be run soon by third world doctors.  And that is how the Obama socialized medicine will be run.
There are now more lawyers than doctors in America. 
Even Wikipedia is run by lawyers.  They do not tell you how many lawyers per capita as they claim they do.  They give the inverse (per capita per lawyer) which is people per lawyer to fool socialist people who generally are not too bright.  If they were bright they certainly would not be socialists like National Socialist Hitler, and International socialist Stalin, or the socialists running Greece and Cyprus.  They would have capitalists like we in America had most of our history until socialist Obama. 
Look at wiki-answers run by lawyers.  They say the question is, “What country in the world has most lawyers per capita?  But they know socialists are dumb so they answer the inverse question, “How many people are there per lawyer” and that make dumb people think we have no problem.
World Economies Oct 3, 2013
A default caused by Congress failing to raise the $16.7 trillion federal debt limit “has the potential to be catastrophic,” the U.S. Treasury Department said in a report today.  Uncertainty of the value of the dollar could destabilize world banking and a shift from the dollar to a basket of currencies could temporarily cause the dollar’s value to drop more than 50%.  Yet the U.S. President and the Senate still refuse to negotiate with Congress.
German unemployment unexpectedly increased again for a second month in a row this time from 6.8% to 6.9$, in a sign the recovery in Europe may be over.
Takeshi Fujimaki, a former noted investment adviser now a member of Japan’s upper house of parliament, said that a fiscal crisis in Japan is inevitable by 2020.
Japan inflation accelerated to the 2008 pre recession level.
Markets in Europe continue to waver near their 2007 highest levels as investors now worry about the lack of a positive catalysts going forward.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline.  It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.  http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=%5EN225&t=1y&l=on&z=l&q=l&c=
 The German market hit previous resistance levels and has begun to form the second shoulder of the Head and Shoulder sell signal after failing to reach its last high.  It also failed its upper resistance level reached previously in 2000 and 2007.
 The French market has continued to decline since year 2000.  At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market indicates stagnation since 2007.
  The NYSE is similar to the British and Swiss and indicates stagnation since 2007 given in excess of 15% inflation since then and no similar market advance. The NYSE index is too big to manipulate legally. It has 300 stocks just starting with the letter A.
American Economy
Sep 30
Chicago PMI Sep 55.7 improved from 53.0  +
Oct 2
MBA Mortgage Index 09/28 -0.4% sharply lower from 5.5% ----
ADP Employment Change Sep 166K down from 176K ---
ADP Employment Change Sep 166K down from 176K ---
Crude Inventories 09/28 5.472M up from 2.635M  +
Oct 3
Initial Claims 09/28 308K up from 305K --
Continuing Claims 09/21 2925K up from 2821K  --
ISM Services sector Sep 54.4 down sharply from 58.6  ---
 The USSR socialists always showed their bountiful harvest statistics as the nation began to starve.  Under Russian socialism the people pretended they have real jobs and do real work just as Obama’s Union of Socialist American States pretends the economy is booming and his supporters pretend they do productive work.
Everyone who put Obama in office is suffering. Obama policies have provided no net new jobs created since 2006 leaving the young with high unemployment.  Obama voters are now getting equality of poverty.  And Socialized Medicine will actually shrink healthcare as third world socialist doctors are not as competent.
The Markets Oct 3, 2013
Read the WSJ Opinion Page today.  We are becoming optimistic that people are trying to check Obama’s socialized medicine on line and are learning that it is far too expensive to take on 20 million new Octomoms and their 20 million “too sexy to work” boyfriends.  If Congress agrees we can delay passage and then vacate the bill and eliminate the 20,000 IRS jobs Obama created to harass the critics of socialized medicine.
Otherwise the 10% to 25% market drop looming now will vaporize beginning when Obama or the Senate agree to delay socialized medicine and fire the 20,000 IRS people hired specifically to enforce socialized medicine with politically motivated IRS harassment that is a clearly recognized form of tyranny that violates the American Constitution.
Today, Thursday we still have stocks near historic highs even though American wealth has shrunk and the USA is facing a President and Senate hostile to working Americans and fostering extravagant waste.  They refuse to negotiate with the popularly elected Hose of Representatives. 
The “popular” party catering to Octomoms and reinforced by illegal aliens driven into America by drug lords wielding the guns this Attorney General Holden gave them shows the callous hypocrisy of this administration as they seek to take away our American Constitutional right to defend ourselves from potential tyrants.
Wednesday, traders begin worrying about the October 17 debt ceiling deadline and eye disappointing data on housing and labor.  The markets went up Tuesday when Obama/Holden’s socialized medicine hit the websites and was dead on arrival.  Why is that?  Because when Americans saw what socialism costs they approved of a shutdown to delay Socialized Medicine to allow Americans to decide it they really want Obama/Holden Socialism.  Do Americans really want to pay people on welfare up to $119,000 per year to people that Obama/Holden think deserve expensive sex and drugs. 
And productive women earning $119,000 will pay $25,000 in local, state, and federal taxes and $15000 for 60% cost coverage with Obama/Holden Socialized medicine.  Octomom gets $119,000 plus free Socialized Medicine because she is on welfare while a woman earning $119,000 will get to keep less than $69000 because someone has to pay for the 99% of the children born out of wedlock to welfare moms.  That is right, while about  20% of American children are now born out of wedlock, and Afro-American children are 70%+ chance of being born out of wedlock, almost every single welfare child must to be born out of wedlock in order for the mother to be eligible for welfare.  Apparently Asian Americans have both the lowest welfare rates and wedlock birth rates.  It makes sense because dysfunctional teenage mothers fill schools with dysfunctional children who think the world owes them something.
Perhaps the investors were the first to see that Socialized medicine for all the Obama/Holden Octomoms who already get over $100,000 a year in welfare is too expensive for Americans.  But drugs and rehab cost a lot so women on welfare cannot make it on just the maximum $119,000 in welfare each year so they do porn as well.  Octomom is training her children for our new Obama/Holden socialism.  By the way, speak-up about this criminal gun running administration that harasses people who speak-up about their looting of our country.  We can all join a class-action suit and throw the Obama/Holden criminals who harass us in prison after we vote them all out in 2014. 
They need to cut the cost 66% to make it competitive with the insurance corporations offered Americans.  Our corporations worked to lower our costs.  Obama/Holden’s socialized medicine steals from taxpayers so all the Obama/Holden Octomoms can pay for her drug addictions.  70% of Obama/Holden’s “sisters” have their children out of wedlock and then go on welfare.
Government shutdown is caused by a problem of presidential mismanagement and failure to lead and a rip-off of tax payers that the House of Representatives wants to stop!   Holder/Obama style socialized medicine will exceed 10% of the income of most retired American workers and that is even with a 30% to 40% deductable the seniors will have to pay for cheapest bronze or silver plans.  
The American socialists are not too smart because they are instituting a form of socialized medicine that even Europe does not want.  Each state in America is as big as a nation in Europe and even European socialists were not stupid enough to force every national state to comply with a European Union wide system.  If Texas and Tennessee were in the EU they would not be forced into Obama’s one size fits all system of socialized medicine.  The fact that American socialist think the EU system can be adopted successfully in America shows this administration does not understand that there are only state systems in Europe not national systems of health care or education or even language.  And therefore their system is already like ours and each country is just like our individual states and decides what to do on their own.  Massachusetts has a much better system than most states in Europe.  And it is absurd to think every state in America even wants what Massachusetts has.
If you look at these next two plots it says this bull market is over because prices are about 50% higher than the historical average and the dividends are very low.
World trade started to grow as China began to replenish some iron ore stockpiles.
The VIX indicates extreme complacency with the worst about to come. The VIX would normally top out above 30 or even 70 before the bear market ends.  Investors are now as complacent as they were in 2007 at the peak.
World market updates:

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