Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Once again some stock sectors and commodities seem far overpriced.

The copper producer, Antofagasta Plc, said first half profit fell 70 percent as metal prices slumped and output slipped. The China recovery based on infrastructure building apparently is not working any better than the Obama stimulus package. But the economic news on a relative 12-month basis is very good now because twelve months ago is when the economy tanked.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s threat to shun bankers who don’t restrain pay bonuses for their failures… was met with alarm by analysts and investors in the U.S., where Citigroup Inc. and six other bailed-out companies are being grilled by the government on how they compensate incompetent top-paid executives. Why don't they also look at the worm George Soros.

Tuesday’s projection by the CBO of the accumulated US fiscal deficit over the next 10 years has gone from the $4.4 trillion it projected in March to the new $7.1 trillion figure. It is a projection assuming the White House’s tax increases, health care rationing, and death advice for those with no hope are enacted. Some White House policies include questions to returning wounded soldiers to encourage physician-assisted suicide. Economists now say that the huge liabilities the U.S. is taking on to dig its way out of crisis could ultimately undermine faith in the dollar. Claire Dissaux, managing director of global economics and strategy for Millennium Global Investments Ltd. said, "The dollar's loss of influence is a steady and long-term trend."

Health care cost cutting will include end of life euthanasia counciling for seniors and wounded soldiers to eliminate the high cost of sustaining them. Government workers at the VA’s National Center for Ethics in Health Care have produced a 52-page end-of-life planning document, “Your Life, Your Choices.” Unfortunately, under President Obama, the VA is now using “Your Life, Your Choices.” The primary author of this workbook is Dr. Robert Pearlman who in 1996 advocated for physician-assisted suicide in Vacco v. Quill before the U.S. Supreme Court and is who known for his support of Obama's health-care rationing. Your Life, Your Choices” presents end-of-life choices in a way aimed at steering users toward predetermined conclusions. For example it lists various scenarios and asks users to then decide whether their own life would be “not worth living. The circumstances listed include ones common among the elderly and disabled: living in a nursing home, being in a wheelchair and not being able to “shake the blues.” There is a section which provocatively asks, “Have you ever heard anyone say, ‘If I’m a vegetable, pull the plug’?” There also are guilt-inducing scenarios such as “I can no longer contribute to my family’s well being,” “I am a severe financial burden on my family” and that the vet’s situation “causes severe emotional burden for my family.” Oregon has already implemented such policies to reduce state costs.

The Obama administration has little respect for the people who maintain USA national security. Obama also plans to cut veteran benefits and has started a new witch hunt in the CIA like what Clinton did that lead to first the bombing of the NY Trade Center and later the over 3000 American lives being lost on 9-11.

This blog could be removed within two weeks if it continues criticisms of socialist policies. Suppression of the freedom of speech is something new to America and now you can report blogs like this and the government will "encourage" the blog masters to shut it down. Yes, there is now an official White House blog in which the Obama administration asks supporters to report back sites like this. And apparently someone reported us for anti socialism. For more information use these terms in your search.

Foreignpolicy censoring voice America August 2009

Market forces August 26

Twelve months ago the financial meltdown began. Consequently any economic statistic that is quoted on a 12-month basis will look very favorable because 12 months ago it was a disaster. So while durable goods and new home sales data out later this morning will show the recession is continuing the changes relative to 12 months ago will give stock hawkers leeway for a lot of positive spin. Oil prices and equities have had a run-up. Labor Day weekend is the last big travel day of the American summer.

Asian markets were up in the range of -1.3% for Taiwan to +1.8% for Communist China last night.

European markets are currently down -0.2 to -1.1% awaiting direction from the American markets. Bank stocks are taking a hit and technology stocks look peaked out.

US market futures are moving lower at 8AM EST to about -0.2% before the opening today.

The financial, commodity, energy, and wireless sectors of the stock market are now highly overvalued. The real growth will soon be the sectors that create jobs. The funds flowing into the banks is being scaled back because it has created gross excesses and unearned bonuses from all the money Obama is now ashamed he threw at them. Obama plans to cut $250 billion in what had been set aside for future bank aid.

The speculation that caused the run-up in copper, oil, and energy was based on the hope that China's infrastructure buildup would sustain demand. That has faded. The teenagers who just love the colors and the fun secretly texting people have supported the recent wireless boom. That has been overblown. We believe those sectors had their run but now the $trillions are starting to be directed to the American green industries.

Our strategy now is to continue to invest in stocks in sectors typically after they fall and are out of favor and to take profits that exceed 5% in a wk and 10% within a month. Profits that high and fast are not sustainable in a recession. Pelosi recently called opponents of alien and indigent entitlements "anti American." But what really is an “anti-America?” An “anti-America” is someone opposed to free enterprise, competition, and the US Constitutional guarantees of liberty and freedom of religion.

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