Monday, September 14, 2009

Under Obama, Senior Citizens to pay for wealth redistribution to ACORN social activists.

Breaking news:
Obama's favorite community activist group, ACORN, will get off the hook after apparently advising 'pimps' and 'prostitutes' on how to lie to the IRS and establish an illegal immigrant child prostitution home paid for with Obama wealth redistribution from "hard working" Americans. Yes, two low level ACORN volunteers were fired but there will be no investigation of the higher levels including the Obama Administration that allowed corruption and crime to be paid for by America's senior citizens and other "real" American workers. Obama is cutting senior citizens pensions to pay for his health plan for the folks who don't happen to share the "Old American" cultural work ethic and who get phony patronage work where they are paid for doing nothing useful or constructive for society. That is correct, not all cultures believe in hard work. If they can't harvest clams digging with their feet in a nice sunny tropical country then the next best thing is to have American senior citizens give them a home and a 50 inch plasma TV to watch NFL games the rest of their life in downtown sunny LA.

Senior citizens will get an Obama pension cut after paying in for 40 to 50 years. In the 1970's under Jimmy Carter, many senior pensioners who had worked hard all their lives were caught on camera buying dog food to supplement their meals because money was diverted from Social Security to people who were on welfare getting food stamps to buy their steaks. Obama will cut soldier's medical and pension benefits too because they are not apparently voting sufficiently socialist by ACORN's standards. Many in the military now qualify for food stamps and are discriminated against because they serve their country rather than prey on it.

The phony excuse is that energy prices declined this past year so the American retired workers should take a pay cut. Folks, when energy prices went up for three years the seniors did not get the increase because it was not classified as core inflation. 

Socialism/communism/corruption is by definition poisonous to American liberty. When one person steals from another it is a crime. When two Obama supporters vote to steal the honestly gained wealth of a senior citizen it is called socialist redistribution of wealth. Under socialism a consensus is all that is needed to commit any theft. That is the socialist's definition of democracy. Even the US constitutional liberties could be retracted by a socialist majority voting to steal from hard workers to redistribute honestly gained wealth as corrupt patronage payoffs for political support of corrupt socialists. Look at all the ignorant spendthrift Socialists in Congress who started with nothing and became millionaires over night. Even Obama's wife got more than a 100% pay raise when he got in the senate and he himself became a millionaire in one Senate term. Under socialism/communism, democracy is a license to steal from workers to sustain an unbeatable block of welfare voters.

Market forces September 14

The Census Bureau has just fired Obama's ACORN community activist group from the current USA census work force due to the growing fear that ACORN would continue fraudulent registrations of dead and fictitious people to expand corrupt welfare organizations and facilitate multiple fraudulent voting of corrupt Obama supporters.

Market Outlook

A sharp market decline is now possible because many leveraged funds are fully invested, have hair-trigger stop sell orders in at about -3%. Our strategy now is to continue to take recent profits and wait for future buying opportunities.

Asian markets were down last night, China up 1.2%, Hong Kong down -1.1%, Japan down -2.3%, and India down -0.3%.

European markets are currently down in a narrow range from -0.7% to -1% this morning about half way through their day. CNN and GE/MSNBC/PRAVDA are supporters of Obama's wealth redistribution policies and are receivers of the wealth redistribution. They are the new socialist propaganda machines.

US market futures are down -0.6% at 7:30 AM EST before the opening today.

The current market's over optimism is a dangerous sign. The market PE is now higher than last year because stock prices have been recovering even as earnings have been declining all year. Our indicators say the market has topped again. Tax and spend socialists now run Congress and will likely bankrupt America for the first time in our history. Debt is unrelenting but the process of bankrupting a nation takes several years. Robert Mugabe was just another "community activist" before he became president of Zimbabwe. Under his redistribution of wealth and land he took a country that had food surpluses and made it into just another murdering starving socialist bankrupt tyranny.

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