Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jim Cramer predicts a Wall Street rally tomorrow if Martha Coakley is defeated today.

On Friday, Jim Cramer said the Obama administration was taking America to the left of Communist China more towards the old Soviet Union. He said the defeat of Martha Coakley's Senate bid in Massachusetts would help unwind all the damage to the American free enterprise economy that that Obama is inflicting.

But we think that rally will be short lived because the leftists will then strive to destroy the economy from within while they still have a chance. A sharp increase in rates would send the market down until the House of Congress is replaced… the Republicans who are secretly Democrats as well as Democrats who are secretly National Socialists or the Worker's Family Party communists.

World Outlook
The central banks of China and Taiwan tightened policy again today to drain money from the banking system, intensifying efforts in Asia to head off inflation and cool any asset bubbles. Only a week after raising bank reserve ratio requirements for the first time since June 2008, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) lifted the auction yield on one-year bills in its regular open market operation for a second week in a row, and by more than expected. Asia is becoming more capitalist and hence more successful than the leftist Obama administration.

Under Mao Communism the slogan has been, "No Work then no eat."
Under Obama-Acorn style Communism the slogan is, "No work ethic, no English, no citizenship necessary… cause you get entitlements if you keep us in power!"

Market Week Reports:
Tuesday, Jan. 19:
Housing Market Index
Citicorp report

Wednesday, Jan. 20:
New Housing Starts
Producer Price Index

Thursday, Jan. 21:
Unemployment Claims
Leading Economic Indicators

Friday, Jan. 22:
No reports

Market forces January 19, 2010
Google will withhold their latest Android technology from China in response to Chinese persecution of people who yearn for Reagan type American freedom just as most Americans do.

In the wake of the steepest drop in their tax receipts in half a century, leftist American governors and legislators are wrestling with slashing hiking taxes in order to close an estimated $21.9 billion collective budget gap. Most states have until the end of June to come up with a balanced spending plan -- since unlike the federal government, states can't run deficits. But under socialism, Obama may chose to bail all the free-spending leftist led state governments out.

Asian markets were mixed over night; Shanghai up 0.3%, Hong Kong up 1%, India down -0.9%, and Japan down 0.8%.

European markets are down with the average in a range from -0.8% to -0.9% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are flat at about -0.2% today at 8:00 AM EST.

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