Friday, October 22, 2010

Obama is a corrupt un-American anti-American Marxist

Obama is a corrupt un-American anti-American Marxist. He attacked the Chamber of Commerce entirely because they gave contributions to conservatives. Americans believe government leaders who use intimidation and prosecution to undermine democracy are corrupt, un-American and anti-American. Obama and other anti-American Marxists typically sue political opponents to have their names removed from the ballot. It often works because conservative candidates are not flooded with money before they begin to campaign, so conservatives are less likely to mount a legal defense.

The American Chamber of Commerce gives to people who they believe are good for America and the American economy and they happen to be conservatives of both parties. Obama now has four government agencies harassing the American Chamber of Commerce for that.

The socialist government-employee unions collected more than the American Chamber of Commerce and gave it entirely to Obama-Pelosi-Reed socialists and Marxists who come almost entirely from the Marxist-Reed-Pelosi-Obama party. That is what the Marxists demand that all American corporations do.

Obama-Marxist-Pelosi-Reed economics is destroying the American economy. The Marxists want a Great Depression so they can expand their voter base of non-productive vicious and idle people and collapse the American government. Then they will do what all communist revolutions have done. They will kill patriotic and productive Americans and redistribute that wealth until all patriots are dead and every remaining revolutionary is a vile, hateful, envious, violent, vicious, and idle communist. Lets hope we can throw all the Obama Marxists out of office before history records the Marxist killing fields of America. Americans will not give in to Obama communists without a fight.

James Madison in the Federalist Papers, Feb 5, 1788 wrote to the Massachusetts Convention, "but as a just government protects all alike, it is necessary that the sober and industrious part of the community should be defended from the rapacity and violence of the vicious and idle. A bill of rights, therefore, ought to set forth the purposes for which the compact is made, and serves to secure the minority against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority."

Many people who care about the idle, and possibly have family members who cannot hold jobs... know that addictions and psychological problems are the primary reasons people still cannot hold down jobs in America in normal good times. Prior to 1914 there were no laws against narcotics and other addictive vices and the problem has been with humans for more than 1000 years. The Founding Fathers were well aquatinted with the problem and the viciousness that goes with the brain damage that is done by alcohol and drugs. The British made a fortune in the 1800s developing opium plantations in India and distributing the opium to the vast market in China.

Americans never exploited the Chinese. In fact the American Christians sent many missionaries to help the Chinese and educate children in Christian orphanages. And American troops helped drive out and defeat the Japanese invaders. The Chinese in return fed and protected the American pilots that ran out of fuel over China on Japanese bombing missions. So for all of history thus far, Americans have had no direct conflict with China. That is quite remarkable and something to be proud about. It gives us hope that one day China will join us and be free and not the other way around as the vicious idle anti-American Obama wants.

Thomas Jefferson to P. Dupont in 1816 wrote; "The majority oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundation of society."

In 1824 Thomas Jefferson the founder the Democratic Party also wrote (note in Tracy's Political Economy, 1816), “To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it."

World Markets:
China has resumed growth and stabilized their housing prices and market. China raised key rates. That is the way America would do it if we had an American president not one who claims to be American but acts like a communist. The Chinese have been acting more like Americans lately than the American Marxist Obama, Pelosi, Reed democrats.

By raising interest rates very slightly the Chinese show they understand more about free markets than the Marxist Obama administration imagines they know. The Chinese understand that when the economy is contracting… declining interest rates only encourage corporations to defer expansion for even lower rates before borrowing and hiring. That is the reason for the saying that banks cannot push on a string. Banks can lower rates but corporations and people just will not borrow until they see interest rates or commodity prices begin to rise. People want to get a home when the mortgage rates are lowest and home prices are starting to rise. Corporations want to expand when they see deflation has ended and the opportunity costs will only rise in the future.

Goldman Sucks is going to pay off Warren Buffet's investment soon because the FED still has such low rates. Socialists or Marxists like George Soros now head many large international corporations. That happens more and more as socialism and Marxism take over governments, browbeat formerly free corporations like the American Chamber of Commerce, and install government appointed CEOs like they did at GM (Government Motors). GM is now the American equivalent of the 1970s East German Trabbit Motors. All corporations run by socialists and Marxists suck. Goldman Sucks, GE Sucks, GM Sucks, etc. As long as Americans elect Marxists and socialists to office, more wealth will accrue to Marxist CEOs like George Soros.

The leftist Obama administration is too incompetent and stupid to understand capitalism and consequently they do not understand that rising interest rates signify the bottom of the economic cycle and that it is time to begin business expansion in anticipation of recovery and higher inflation. Yes, China is now sending the signal that they are once again growing their economy… but the Marxist Obama administration just doesn't get it yet.

Economic Calendar
Remember the Obama Marxists like to manipulate this kind of economic data. It may have little relationship to reality and is only what the Obama administration wants Americans to think.

So far this week
Net long-term TIC (Treasury International Capital Flows) Aug showed that investment in the USA declined from $63Billion to $39 billion
Industrial Production Sep declined -0.2% after slowing to 0.2% growth the previous month.
Capacity Utilization Sep remained at 78.4%
NAHB Housing Market Index Oct improved from 13 to 16,
Housing Starts Sept were relatively flat at 610,000 last month
Building Permits Sep were down sharply by 30,000 to 539K… not good.
China raised rates signaling the recession is behind them.
MBA Mortgage Applications 10/15 down -10.5% this past month after improving 14.6% the previous month. Very bad but perhaps a side effect of Obama intervention into foreclosures and Fannie and Freddie go bankrupt covering defaults.
Crude Inventories 10/16 are very low at 0.7M and prices break $3/gal at many gas stations.
FED's Beige Book Oct says the economy is no longer decelerating but the pace of growth has remained flat in recent weeks, according to the latest Federal Reserve survey.

Yesterday statistics were loaded with Marxist revisionism.
Initial Claims 10/16 Obama revised last weeks numbers from 462K to 475K so that they could reduce this week's number from 465K to 452K. Note that this week's number would be 465K and higher than the 462K reported last week without the Marxist Obama manipulation.
Continuing Claims 10/09 are now at 4441K up from the 4399K originally reported number last week. But like a true Communist, Obama also had last week's number reported this week as 4450K so that it is now higher than this week's number. Obama and communists in general are vicious and idle corrupt frauds.
Leading Indicators Sep were up 0.3% like last month until the Marxist lowered last month's 0.3% down to 0.1% so they could show an improvement.
Philadelphia Fed Oct survey of business opinion of economic health improved 1% after being down -0.7% last month

Market Outlook Oct 22 2010
We hope you got out near the top. Volume on the decline was almost 30% higher than the recent past and close to what had once been normal exchange volume. The volume on the partial recovery the past two days declined but still was higher than the average the last three months. There is evidence that fund flows may be improving to the stock market.

Airline profit margins are once again growing but they are all heavily in debt and once inflation and interest rates rise most will be facing bankruptcy.

The American technology companies are still seeing profits by cost cutting and layoffs of employees. But their revenues have been declining for two years and now their operating margins are declining. Unless America returns to American free enterprise and individual liberty principles, another socialist FDR depression or worse could still happen.

The question is whether the market is high now on rumor but about to drop on Election Day when the socialists are thrown out? What if the socialists don't lose the Senate? That would not help the market go up either. So doesn't that mean the market has already priced in a free market victory and when it happens or if it doesn't happen the market will drop after the election? That is why we are taking profits now.

Debtors will be subjected to unrelenting pressure the moment interest rates start to rise because there is so much debt. If the jackasses in Congress are thrown out of office in two weeks, QE2 could be so small and commodity prices could return to normal (the gold and commodity bubbles would collapse). That means the economy could shift from a 1970s mode to a 1990s mode and the price of gold could collapse possibly under $600/oz after adjusting for inflation. When President Reagan was in office the shift occurred, the price of gold collapsed from Jimmy highs and eventually was under $300/oz. Gold and silver are cyclic and we still have DUHHHH Obama for two more years so there will be better opportunities to get back into precious metals and commodities later.

There is another more innocent way to view the FED's QE2. If what they are doing simply amounts to calling in high interest government debt then that makes as much sense as corporations calling in high interest corporate bonds. But it will then rob retirement accounts of longer-term interest and they will probably move into other equities. American fixed income seniors will be hurt badly. Investors will be paid with freshly printed American dollars and fixed income seniors will see higher prices. It will not flatten the interest rate curve because industry will not be able to do the same. The FED may do it in large but fewer chunks in an attempt to get inflation stable between 2% and 4%. This has never been executed successfully before by any country. But can it be stopped once it is started. What if George Soros then attacks the American Currency and China and Japan stop buying American debt. Then America might have to devalue the dollar and that would shake up the entire world and we could have a worldwide depression. Then the Marxist Obama administration could take on emergency power and perhaps that is why he wants to have a domestic army under his direct command. This is no secret, he said we needed one back in 2008 and they say it is part of the Obamacare bill which no one has read yet.

World Markets
Asian markets were flat last night. China's market was down -0.3%, Hong Kong down -0.6%, India down -0.5%, and Japan up 0.5%.

European markets are flat this morning in a range of about -0.1% to +0.1% about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures were up in a range 0.3% to 0.5% at 9:00 AM EST.

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