Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Feb 20 Americans now want the IRS to apply the same non profit organization rules that Obama and Holder have applied to Christian churches and conservative organizations to all the socialist state and federal organizations, abortion clinics, feminist centers, Moslem organizations, union organizations, as well as to communist community organizer groups such as ACORN. The socialists and other atheist groups will have the benefit of the same FBI investigations as well as NSA investigations for past fraud and an accounting will have to explain where all worker dues and contributions went. Christian church, patriotic and private enterprise groups will no longer be singled out.

Feb 19  Household debt jumped $241 billion to $11.5 trillion in the fourth quarter, the largest increase since the third quarter of 2007 and the highest level since the Obama-Frank Mortgage Liar-Loan financial crisis, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.   The liar loan mortgages were the first Obama-Frank attempt to level the playing field so that even unemployable people could have homes like everyone else.  Obama and Frank said that was only fair.  Why should people have to work?  Last week the Obama spokesperson Carney and Nancy Pelosi said people should be liberated, not tied down to a job.
Feb 18  Loans by Chinese lenders have grown at an unprecedented rate in the past five years, with Chinese banks increasing the size of their balance sheets by an amount roughly equivalent to the size of the entire US banking industry. Chinese authorities’ attempts to clampdown on lending by mainstream banks have led to the rise of shadow financial sector that has grown to about the same volume of loans as the official banking sector.  China has been buying gold as a hedge against a burst of hyperinflation.  Borrowing by Chinese property developers has caused a surge in high-yield bond issues in the last 18 months, according to Moody’s, with more than half of the country’s corporate and project infrastructure debt now rated at ‘speculative grade’.  China in the last 10 years has run up to 25% of the total debt of the USA and half the total debt of Japan.
The debt burden on every American man, woman, and child now stands at $54,000 each.  The Social Security Trust Fund is owed $12 Trillion by the Federal government.  If Obama bankrupts America there is no Social Security money left for seniors and future retirees.  There would be a burst of hyperinflation and Obama would collect taxes on the appreciation of all corporate assets as they are sold.  When you look at a new born American you see someone who has been born with owing $54000  of socialist bondage.
World Economies
Feb 20
 Japan suffered a record trade deficit in January on the heels of a survey showing manufacturers' sentiment worsened in January,
Investors are worried about a sharp slowdown in China, concluded the survey of fund managers by Bank of America-Merrill Lynch.Global.  That fear has eclipsed the U.S. Federal Reserve's cutbacks in its bond-buying as the biggest perceived threat to the global economy.  But as is usually the case, the Chinese will dispute any problem until it is too late to react.  46% of those surveyed, pointed to a hard landing for China’s economy, and an accompanying collapse in commodity prices, as the biggest risk. That’s up from up from 37% last month and 26% in December.  World bulk trade continues at only10% of the level before Obama.
Feb 19
German stocks declined as a report showed U.S. housing starts in January slowed 20%.  The emerging socialist markets, and socialist China are in decline, socialist Japan cannot restart their economic engine while Obama socialism has been destroying the America work ethic.
Feb 18  Diageo, the world’s largest distiller, is now targeting wealthy Chinese alcoholics to boost sales of its liquor, as an anti-alcoholism drive by President Xi Jinping dries up government orders.  The Chinese government  had been the biggest consumer of Chinese alcohol before. 
The French market has continued to decline since year 2000. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
Japan’s stock market appears to have topped and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2003. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past. The Obama socialists are trying to legally confiscate everything people earn while lining the pockets of their friends with Ambassadorships and $billions in contracts for  inept management of socialized medicine.  Look for world economies to soar when the socialists are no longer running America.
American Economy
Feb 20
Initial Claims 02/15 336K flat from335K but high --
Continuing Claims 02/08 2981K up from  2953K --
CPI Jan 0.1% deflationary 0.2% -- Fed goal is 2.5% per year
Core CPI Jan 0.1% flat 0.1% -- becoming like Japan’s stagnation since 1990.
Feb 19
MBA Mortgage Index 02/15 -4.1% worsened further from -2.0% --
Housing Starts Jan 888K 925K down sharply from 1048K ---
Building Permits Jan 937K down sharply from 991K ---
PPI Jan 0.2% approaching deflation levels 0.1% --
Core PPI Jan 0.2% at FED level 0.2% or 2.4% per year.
Feb 18
New York State Manufacturing Feb 4.5 sharply lower from last month 12.5
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Dec -$45.9B US trade deficit increased 60% from-$29.3B
NAHB Housing Market Index Feb 46 an 18% drop from 56 ---
The Markets
Feb 20  India is likely this month to cut the import tax on gold, currently 10%, a senior government official said.  Prior to the import tax India had been the biggest world market for Gold.  Now China is buying more.
Feb 19  The gold rally since Dec. 31 ranked fifth among 24 commodities tracked by the Standard & Poor’s GSCI gauge, which gained 2.4 percent. The MSCI All-Country World Index of equities fell 0.5 percent this year.
When stocks are topping out, the only games in town are mergers and acquisitions using overvalued stocks instead of cash.   If you know your stock is worth half as much as the overheated market offers, then you know your real costs are half of what everyone else thinks.   Mergers and Acquisitions are the last inning of a bull market and they have been going on for two years already.
Obama has the American economy headed down a steepening path to equality of poverty.  The Quantitative Easing economic opiate is now being withdrawn and the weakest socialist economies are already crashing.  However, there are some voices from Florida, Wisconsin, and Texas who now seem to know how Americans can have greater equality of opportunity not poverty.  America is on a path now to boot the socialist out of office.  But unfortunately the economic pain is about to get worse with this socialist dictator running roughshod over Christians, charities, political opponents, critics,  gun owners, Republican Governors,  registered Republicans, patriots, outspoken anti-socialists, and even non profit historical societies.  The word is spreading quickly but quietly because people really fear this socialist administration’s abuse of power.   After all, 30,000 Mexicans died because this administration ran guns to Mexican cartels just to try to smear American gun owners by saying it was the work of “ugly capitalist gun dealers”.
World bulk trade is still an Obama socialist economic poverty redistribution disaster.  The index provides an assessment of the price of moving the major raw materials by sea. It looks at 23 shipping routes, and covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of commodities including coal, iron ore and grain. Because dry bulk primarily consists of materials that function as raw material inputs to the production of intermediate or finished goods, the index is also seen as an efficient economic indicator of future economic growth and production.  On 20 May 2008, before the socialists took control of the American economy, the index had reached its highest level since its introduction in 1985, reaching 11,793 points.  Today after Obama- wealth redistribution it stands at 1130 or 10% of what it was before Obama socialism.
Look at the last 1+ years! Use the graph or snapshot option. Unfortunately they do not show back to 2008 when trade was five times higher than the Obama administration’s all time best world trade highs and 90% higher than today.
Look at the volatility index and you see that the market could fall much faster. This is not a good moment in time for holding equities other than depressed commodities.

World market updates:

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