Thursday, July 10, 2014

On average the glacial cycle runs about 100000 years. Yes, there is global warming during this 50,000 yr period and then there is global cooling the next 50000 yr period. The Washington Post article from 1922 shows the climate was hotter 92 years ago than today and the Wall Street Journal has a confession of one of the EPA climate modelers. The reason why the EPA does not know this is because in 1991 the environmentalists in the UN decided to declare all the data during the industrial revolution inaccurate because with all that well known history pollution and thousands of people in London being asphyxiated the global temperature went down. So the threw out all the data that showed just how stupid EPA scientists are and only kept the data back to the year the temperature was lowest in the last century. Temperature data in the USA actually goes back to the 1700’s and the coldest year on the North American content occurred during in the middle of the Industrial Revolution.


November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post 91+ years ago show environmentalists were predicting the same things in 1922 that they are now and nothing has change in 92 years.


The Wall Street Journal prints confession that EPA Climate Change models are not run by scientists they are run by computer modelers to give the EPA every prediction they request.  This is the confession of one of their modelers.  Every model, including those predicting climate doom, can and are corruptly tweaked to yield a desired result by the EPA’s Junk scientists. 


That is why more than 20000 intelligent scientists and engineers signed atomic physicist Edward Tellers petition.  Environmental scientists have all the competence of Tarot card readers.  Liberals hated Edward Teller for shutting down the traitors leaking the US atomic bomb secrets to the USSR and China.  Teller testified, "I feel I would prefer to see the vital interests of this country in hands that I understand better and therefore trust more." The clearance was taken away because of evidence that Oppenheimer had many associations with communists, and had lied about them.

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